A dramatization of a dragonfly and an ant. Staging of I. A. Krylov's fable “Dragonfly and Ant. Preparing for the show

Marina Belichenko

Theatrical performance


(based on the fable by I. Krylov "The dragonfly and the ant)

Characters: Dragonfly, Ant, Hedgehogs, Butterflies, Snowflakes, Bees.

Scenery: Winter and summer decoration. Closer to the audience - berries, flowers, leaves, mushrooms, grass, a stump with a mirror for a Dragonfly. Multifaceted bushes: winter on the one hand, summer on the other; on the left, a multifaceted anthill; on the one hand, it is snowy, on the other, with summer grass. On the curtains the inscription: "Business is time, fun hour!"

Attributes: Leaves, twigs, shovel, cart, saw, firewood, flowers.

Purpose: Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical performance. To form the ability of children to dramatize a fairy tale, perform movements and actions in accordance with the movements of partners.

Tasks: To develop the ability to convey the mood of the characters of a fairy tale, using a variety of means of expression (intonation, facial expressions, gesture). To cultivate artistic qualities, the ability to feel free in the role, friendly relations with each other.

At the entrance to the hall there is a Playbill, programs are distributed to all spectators. Music sounds.

Butterflies (in turn)

Dear friends!

A fabulous time-desirable time!

So the long-awaited fairy tale begins!

About the dancer Dragonfly, who sang all the summer, And the reserves for the winter did not have time to make.

And about how the Ant among the thickets of the forest

Tries, works seven days a week

Everything can happen in a fairy tale. -

What lies ahead of us?

Now she's knocking!

Let's say to a fairy tale:

The butterflies are running away. An Ant comes out of the nest, performs several gymnastic exercises.


My house is under the tree

My family lives in it,

I bring there needles

Twigs and leaves i.

I'm at work every minute

From dawn to dawn

And it's not hard to find me-

Just look under your feet.

Music sounds, the Ant collects leaves, twigs and goes into the anthill. From behind the bushes, pulling up, a Dragonfly appears, blinks its eyes, sits on a mound of grass, takes a mirror from a hemp, examines its face.


I love the quiet of the forest

I fly with my eyes closed

I dance carefree

I am Streko-Dragonfly!

How beautiful! Summer! Summer!

Everything is warmed by the hot sun!

And under every leaf here

The table and the house are ready for me!

The dragonfly dances to the rhythm of the waltz. The insects join her.

Hedgehogs run out with a basket of apples.


How good summer is for us!

The earth is warm!

And the sun is hot light

It helps her in this.

Shine on us, sun, shine on

Do not go behind the clouds-

In the bright sun of the hedgehogs

The thorns grow faster.

Hedgehogs gather mushrooms.


Hey hedgehogs!

Stop working!

Let's better have fun!


How we fill the minks for the winter with good

Then we will willingly dance and sing,

After all, summer will fly by, flowers will fly around

We remember this. Don't bother us.

Music sounds. Hedgehogs run away. The dragonfly shrugs.

An ant is walking on the right with a cart and a saw.

Bees fly out, circling over flowers.


We will not quit work either in the rain or in the heat!

You can't stay without supplies in winter.

A dragonfly flies out


You are busy with business when the forest is beautiful!

Bees Winter is just around the corner, remember, Dragonfly!

Music sounds.

Butterflies are dancing. An ant appears with the firewood. The butterflies, dancing, prevent him from walking to the anthill, then run away laughing.


Oh! Ant! Drop your worries

Come out to dance with me.

Everything is now, cool-

They call to start dancing.


And I need to cook food in reserve.

Music sounds. Dance of snowflakes. They turn the bush and anthill over to the snow side.

Winter morning. Shivering from the cold, clasping its arms around itself, a dragonfly appears, wraps itself in a cloak sewn in the shape of a leaf from a tree.


Everything went with a cold winter

Need, hunger comes;

And no one sings:

But who will go to mind

Sing hungry on your stomach!

The dragonfly wanders sadly towards the ant


Good morning.

The ant nods its head back


Good morning.


Don't leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather strength

And until spring only days

Feed and warm up!


Gossip, this is strange to me:

Did you work in the summer?


Before that, my dear, was it?

In soft ants we have

Songs, playfulness every hour,

Even my head turned

AntOh, so you….


I'm without a soul

The whole summer sang.


Did you all sing? - This is the case!

So go and dance.

Music sounds. The ant holds out a shovel to the Dragonfly. All the heroes come out.


Jumping Dragonfly

Summer sang red;

I did not have time to look back, As winter rolls into my eyes.

We must prepare for the frost!

And the dancer must remember

What is bad for Dragonflies,

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Dragonfly and ant

Staged by Makhno N.I.

Scene duration: 15 minutes; number of actors: 6 people


Girlfriend dragonflies
The narrator

In the foreground on the left is a tall anthill, on the right is tall grass and flowers. Blooming meadow in the background.

The narrator

In a meadow between two fields
Under the spreading thistle
In the anthill high
There was a hard worker ant.

An Ant comes out from behind the grass, dragging a thick caterpillar, and slowly moves towards the anthill.


I pull ... and then I push ...
But what a fat woman!

Laughing dragonflies are flying over the Ant several times.


Something painfully heavy!

The ant stops to rest in the middle of the stage. Right there a Dragonfly sits down.

Dragonfly (lightly)

Leave her and all the work!

The dragonfly picks off a leaf and covers the Ant's head with it.


I see you are tired.
Here, put on from the heat!
Than mess around all day
It would be better to have fun with us!


What about work?

Dragonfly (carefree)


Ant (judgmental)

No, that won't work!
Who wants to be full in winter
He has been busy about that since spring.

The ant again takes its caterpillar and drags it into the anthill. A flock of giggling dragonflies flies by. The dragonfly flies away with them.

The narrator

Jumping Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
I didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls into your eyes.

The howl of the wind is heard. The narrator changes the summer scenery for the winter.

The narrator

Pure field has died;
There are no longer those bright days
As under each leaf of her
Both the table and the house were ready.
It's all gone: with a cold winter
Hat ́Yes, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
Dejected by angry longing,
She crawls to the Ant.

A dragonfly, wrapped in a dry leaf, slowly wanders to the anthill and knocks. Ant looks out.

Dragonfly (plaintively)

Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather strength
And until spring only days
Feed and warm up!


Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer?

Dragonfly (enthusiastically)

In soft ants we have
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So that turned my head.

Ant (judgmental)

Oh, so you ...


I'm without a soul
The whole summer sang.


Did you all sing? This case:
So go and dance!

The ant slams the door in front of the Dragonfly. The dragonfly wanders away with his head down. Snow falls. The end.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

a lesson in extracurricular activities in English with the production of the fairy tale "Little Red Hen" ...


Dramatization is one of the favorite types of work for younger students. This technique helps to maintain continuity between preschool and primary school education. Attract ...

The script for the play "Dragonfly and the Ant"

based on the fable by I.A.Krylov

Tasks: to create conditions for instilling in children a love of the artistic word, to develop speech activity, to evoke an emotional response to a work of art.

Characters: Dragonfly, ants, bees, winter, leading.


Leading: The hot, long-awaited summer has come. The sun rises high, shines brightly, warms gently. All insects love to bask in the sun, in its bright rays. Look, this is a dragonfly.


Here I am - a miracle dragonfly,

Only wings and eyes

I tremble in the air

And I shine in the sun

Oh, what a good, wonderful day! I want to play and sing.

Dance of the Dragonfly.

Dragonfly: how beautiful around, how many flowers.

A path runs through the meadow,
Dives left, right.
Wherever you look, flowers around
Yes, knee-deep grass.
Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,
Fragrant and fresh at dawn.
Beautiful, rainbow colors
Bouquets are scattered on them.
I. Surikov

Girls perform a dance of flowers to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

Boys-ants come out, work, pull branches.

Dragonfly: Look, here are the ants - my friends. Hello ants.

Ant, ant,Take pity on yourselfTake a little restGet off the path.

Ant 1:

The roof of the ant house
It's time to fix it.
I went out for a straw
Ant in the morning.
To her across the road
I got there slowly.
Looked around
I touched:
Very good!

Ant 2:

Grabbed by paws
Raz- and dragged ...
Under burdock-caps
Not easy,
But to the house
Dragging all the same.
For you -
And for him -

Ant 3:

Wow how hot it got
Even my forehead is wet!
I would give up
It's a pity:
The house is not far away!

After all, we must remember

Not just fun

Let's build a house -

And there will be a housewarming!

Ants build a house - an anthill.

Children fly in - bees, collect honey from flowers.

Bee 1.

From flower to flower
A bee is flying.
Prepares honey,
Always fun.
From dawn to dawn
In labors and worries,
To be reputed to be a slacker,
She doesn't feel like it at all.

Bee 2:

In summer, bees all day
Collecting nectar is not lazy.
They will take it later.
Into the hiveyour wonderful home.

Bee 3:

The bee has a lot of worries!
Only in the morning the sun rose
And the bee is already in labor,
Gathers juice in flowers!
He will collect two baskets,
He will take it to the hive house,
And again flies to the meadow
So all day, around the circle.
Where is there to sing like a dragonfly
It is necessary to pour honey into the honeycomb,
Put it on the shelves!

Dragonfly: I do not want to work, I will have time, I will wait.


Jumping Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
I didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls into your eyes.


White snow, fluffy
Is spinning in the air
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.

Like a light fluffA snowflake is spinning in the dance.The white dress sparkles.Why doesn't it melt?

Dance of snowflakes. Winter covers the anthill with a white sheet - snow.


So recently to our window
The sun was shining every day
And now the time has come -
The blizzard went on a spree in the field.

The dragonfly is freezing.


Everything has passed: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
Dejected by angry longing,
She crawls to the Ant.

Dragonfly goes to the anthill, knocks.

Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather strength
And until spring only days
Feed and warm up!


Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer?


Before that, my dear, was it?
In soft ants we have
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So that turned my head.

Ant: The ant is a rare hard worker,Everyone in the forest knows about itPulls branches all dayHe respects work very much!Well, and if someone is lazy -The ant is not friends with such,Everyone is obliged to work!A quitter - no one needs!


I will stop being lazy. I will babysit the kids. And I will become your assistant, Only, brother, warm you up.

An ant puts a fur coat on a dragonfly.

Ants, bees, a dragonfly come out. All together sing the song "There is always a business."

There is always a case
Sl. M. Ivensen, music. A. Alexandrova

The chicken needs to be drunk
The kitten needs to be fed
And dishes, and dishes,
And wash the dishes.

There is always a case for skilled hands,
If you take a good look around:
And the garden needs to be watered
And the doll must be sheathed
And pictures and pictures
And draw pictures.

There is always a case for skilled hands,
If you take a good look around
And the one who does not find the case,
Let him miss the whole year
And lazy and lazy,
And he will be known as a lazy person!

Purpose: To instill in children an interest in theatrical activities, to help children reveal their creative potential. Introduce a highly artistic culture.


    to acquaint with various genres in literature, including fables and their features

    To develop the ability in children to use means of expression(poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movement)

    To develop creative independence and aesthetic taste in the creation and transmission of images.

    Clarity of pronunciation

    Create a joyful emotional state

    Memorize text in volume using all aspects of memory

Narrator # 1

Jumping dragonfly summer red sang

Only this is the whole point

Every day was very busy

No urine to come to your senses

Dances, guests every hour

Day and night started dancing

(A dragonfly comes out dancing with a bouquet of flowers in its hands)

Narrator # 2: By the way, here's our dragonfly,

Still carefree fidget

Narrator # 1: Honey, how are you?


She is still unusually cheerful!

What a wonderful day

It's too lazy to work

My soul sings

Where are my friends?

Guests of the dragonfly in chorus: We're here!(run out and come out to the dragonfly)

(flies, bees, butterflies, moths)

Dragonfly: Come in, come in

Everything will be as you want

Be important guests

Dragonfly: When friends come to me,

The soul rejoices and sings

I hope a lot of fun

This evening will bring us


We will sing a song for you

To cheer everyone up

We have one concern

We hunt to sing, dance!

Dragonfly: So we will sing, dance,

Wonderful to rest

And the summer is hot

We are holding brightly!

(guests of the dragonfly sing a song to lyrics and music. V, Udartsova "What is summer» )

What is, what is summer?
it ! This is a sea of \u200b\u200blight!
This field! This is the forest!
This is a thousand wonders!


Good summer, warm summer!

"Get up, kids!"

Summer is in the blue sky .
Summer is a beach and a fast river.
These are herbs and flowers.
This is me, and this is you!


Good summer, warm summer!
How many colors are in it and how much light is there?
The sun is knocking on the windows in the morning:
"Get up, kids!"
Good summer, warm !
How many colors are in it and how much light is there?
The sun is knocking on the windows in the morning:
"Get up, kids!"

Narrator 2: But only ants

Holidays without knowing

Toil in the stream of days

Overcoming everything

(to the music of the song of O. Gazmanov"Fresh breeze" Ants, boys come out and sing an ant song)

Ant song

1. We guys are great!

We never sit without work

Bit by bit we build a solid home

To bring a million tenants there

If trouble knocks on our house

Our friendship will never be broken

We will stand up for defense all as one

Together we are strong and we will win

Chorus: Field, field, field, a strong wind flew

Winter is not terrible for us, our harvest is ripe

Soon, soon, soon the cold is coming

The ant is not a quitter, for nothing he needs

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ant # 7: We love to work

We like to work

Our friendship will help us

Cope with a difficult task

Ant # 8: How we love we work

We can't sit idle

Our motto is “that without labor

You can't catch a fish from the pond either "

(thunder sharply thunders, the wind rustles, the rain pours. It gets dark in the hall, the dragonfly and the guests grab umbrellas, huddle together and tremble)

(guests of the dragonfly sing a song under umbrellas"Autumn" sl. Semernina V., music. Arutyunov A.)

Narrator # 1: Jumping dragonfly sang summer red

I didn't have time to look back

How foliage flies into your eyes

Dead field

Well, those bright days have no more

Where under each under the sheet

Both the table and the house were ready.

Storyteller # 2 Everything went cold at times

Winter, hunger comes

The dragonfly no longer sings

Well, who will come to mind

Singing hungry on your stomach?

Narrator # 1

Angry longing dejected

She crawls towards the ant

(A dragonfly approaches ant # 1)

Dragonfly: Don't leave me, dear godfather

Let me gather strength

And until spring only days

Feed and warm

Ant # 1: Gossip, this is strange to me

Didn't you work in the summer?

Dragonfly: Until then, my dear

In soft ants we have

Songs, playfulness every hour

In general, I sang summer

Ant # 2: You sang everything, this is the case

So go dance

Dragonfly: Oh, we're tired of fluttering

Sing, walk and dance

Flies in chorus: We will be your boss

Live, wash and cook

Bees in chorus: Fry, soar, we'll learn everything

Strength not sparing his

Butterflies in chorus: You won't be bored with us

Time will fly by faster

Moths: well trust us ant

Narrator # 1: This is how our dragonfly

Has changed, has grown wiser,

I wanted a peaceful life

Narrator # 2: Our ant is surprised

He is pleased with the dragonfly

Narrator # 1: Here's the story

It happens, we know that

Surprising of course, everything that happened here

Narrator 2: But I think everyone is happy

It is necessary to congratulate the heroes

What is our fairy tale

wonderful ending

(All the heroes stand in a semicircle and sing a song"Little country" muses. I. Reznik, lyrics I. Nikolaev)

There is a small country behind the mountains, behind the forests

There are animals with kind eyes,

There the life of love is full

There the miracle lake sparkles, there is no evil and sorrow,

The firebird lives there in the palace

And gives people light.


Who will tell me, who will tell me

Where is she, where is she

Small country, small country

Where the soul is light and clear

Where there is always spring.

(Bow, they leave to the music.)

The end.

Scenario of a musical fairy tale based on the fable by I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant"
Preparatory group.

Purpose: development of the creative abilities of children through theatrical activities.

- foster interest and love for music, enrich musical
- to develop expressiveness and rhythm of movements to music;
- develop the ability to convey characteristic features of behavior
characters with the help of plastics, facial expressions, intonation;
- to activate the speech activity of preschoolers;
- evoke an emotional response from communication with a fairy tale;
- educate hard work
- to cultivate friendly relationships.

Materials and equipment:
- decorations on the theme "Autumn"
- costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale "Dragonfly and the Ant"
- attributes: autumn leaves, flowers, building material, buckets with "honey", umbrellas, autumn trees, rain bands

Music "Come Fairy Tale" sounds. Children with a teacher enter the hall and stand at their chairs.

Leading. Guys, look how many guests we have today! These are the audience who came to our show. Let's all say hello to them ...

Children greet the guests and sit on high chairs.

1 child. Our dear guests, spectators! Today we will show you a kind and cheerful
(From the chorus) a musical tale based on the fable by Ivan Andreevich Krylov
"Dragonfly and Ant". All roles are played by the children of our preparatory
groups. Action one!

The chorus comes out.
1. We are starting our performance
Dragonfly and Ant!
We invite you to a fairy tale - a fable
Everyone - both adults and children.

2. He composed it sometime
Good grandfather Krylov.
And today we guys
Let's remember this fable again.

Chorus leaves, Ant appears.

Ant. I am the Ant! Hello everyone, hello!
There is no more industrious creature in the world!
I gathered all the animals, gave everyone a job, but ...
Summer is in full swing - everyone is hunting for a walk!

Dance "Summer".

Ant. But we must remember
Not just fun.
Let's build a house
Let's arrange a housewarming!

All: Fun afterwards -
First we build a house!

The choir members put "flowers" for the bees.

4 bees fly out with buckets of "honey".

Song of the bees:

1. Clover, porridge,
Bells, chamomile.
Let's fly to the meadow, girlfriends,
Let's pick nectar in mugs.

Chorus: Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
Let's pick nectar in mugs.

2. From flower to flower - and to the hive,
Until the herbs fell asleep.
And while nature calls
There will be a lot of honey.

Chorus: Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
There will be a lot of honey.

Dance of the bees.

Dragonfly. Bees are beauties
What are you flying here for?

1 bee. We flew here all summer
We collected a lot of honey.
We will invite forest animals
We will treat them as soon as possible!

2 bee. We collect pollen
We will cook glue from it.
The beasts are building a new home
They will live in it in winter

I don't need a house in the summer.
I will build the house later.

The bees fly away.

Dance of the Dragonfly.

The dragonfly flies away, hares appear.

1 hare. We will build our own house
House with fireplace and chimney.
It will be cozy in summer
Will be in summer and winter.

2 hare. We are not afraid of any beast,
The strongest, the most evil!
Will be durable, that's for sure
House with fireplace and chimney.

Dance of Hares with stumps and hatchets.

Dragonfly. Well, why did you knock?
Are all the crows scared?

Hares. The beasts are building a new home
They will live in it in winter!

Dragonfly. You rush in vain
How warm it is in the forest, beautiful.
I don't need a house in the summer.
I will build the house later.

The chorus comes out. Whether in the garden or in the woods
The squirrel was walking.
And nuts and mushrooms
Collected in the burrow.
And nuts and mushrooms
Collected in the burrow ...

To lose Squirrel collects mushrooms in a basket.

Dragonfly: You, squirrel, with business, when there is beauty in the forest?

Squirrel: Winter is just around the corner,
Remember the dragonfly!
How to fill the mink
Good for the winter,
So with you together
Let's dance and sing!
Flies away, humming: Hee-hee, ha-ha, worries nonsense!

Exit of ants.

1Ant: Who is the strongest in the world?
1Ant: Who in the world is all brave?
Ants: Well, of course, an ant!

Dragonfly: Leave your worries,
Dance with me ants!

1Ant: But is it up to dancing now?
Hot time with us!

Ants: Ants, ants,
They love to work hard.
And the ants get lazy
Not good at all.

Knock and knock, we master
We sculpt, water.
Building a house, building a house
We paint, decorate!
The ants represent the construction site, pass the bricks along the "conveyor", lay them down, "wipe the sweat" ... The house is built. four
Ant: Finally, our home is ready!
We will live together in it!

1 child. Second action!
(from the chorus)

Music by P. Tchaikovsky from the Children's Album: "Autumn Song" is played.

The choir members change the scenery: autumn leaves, trees ...

A dragonfly comes out with a large leaf (or umbrella), goes around the circle and sits down in the middle of the scene.

1 child: Summer days flew by quickly,
(From the chorus) Yellow leaves flew to the ground ...
It rains frequently, the wind blows
It's bad weather outside, how cold it gets!

Dance of the Rain.

After the dance, the Dragonfly leaves dull, soaked ...

1 child: And today is a holiday in the forest -
(From the chorus) Housewarming at the animals!
The house is built - this is happiness!
Sing, animals, more fun!

Everyone stands up in a semicircle and sings a song:

1. We will bake a lot of buns
For your friends, girlfriends.
After all, today is a housewarming
It means a holiday and fun!

Fun, fun
We have fun in the forest! 2 p.

2. The house is finally built,
We will live in it in the winter.
And today is a housewarming
It means a holiday and fun!
Fun, fun
We have fun in the forest! 2 p.

The Dragonfly appears.

Dragonfly. Oh, how cold it is all around!
So happiness is a new home!
Hello good Ant,
Are you expecting guests today?
Have pity on me, dear godfather,
Feed and warm.

Ant. In the summer, all the beasts worked
You were just having fun
Summer sang red
I didn't want to work.
I got drunk from the heart,
Now go dance!

Dragonfly. Oh, my trouble has come!
Oh, I will die in winter!

Cries, animals surround her.

All: In the summer, all the beasts worked,
You were just having fun!

Dragonfly. Please excuse me
Let me into a new house
I will heat the stove,
I will carry water.
I understood everything, friends,
I can't live without you!

Ant. Maybe we can forgive her
And invite to the holiday ?!

All: We think to forgive her
And invite to the holiday!

Bee: We love to play, have fun,
And run and sing and dance!
But remember that you have to work,
Try again and again!

Hare: Save the Dragonfly from frost,
But the dancer must remember
That dragonflies are bad
To a careless person like her!

Ant. It's time to say goodbye to us,
And we speak from the heart.

All in chorus: First, of course, business, and then walk and dance!

Round dance "Tra-la-la": (In two concentric circles).
1. As we are in our new home,
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
We will arrange a feast on the mountain -

Chorus: We invite all the animals
Together the holiday is more fun!

2. We worked, worked,
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.
So that now everyone has fun

1 child: Our island begins from childhood,
(From the chorus) A path opens into the world of magic.
Good fairy tales live in the neighborhood
Just don't forget to look at them!

All children line up in a semicircle and sing the closing song.

Closing song.

1. All children love fairy tales,
A magical, kind world.
Good denouement
At the end - a fun feast!

2. We are our representation
We are in no hurry to finish.
And everyone for a treat
We'll invite you today.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, oh, how lovely!
A fairy tale, a fairy tale is our life.
You can believe a lot in a fairy tale
Do not rush to part with her!

All children join hands and bow.
They leave the hall to the music.


It might be helpful to read: