Presentation of the profession Cook at the school festival. Entertainment "Funny Cook" for children of the middle and older groups and their parents. Scenario Cook's Day in college with a competitive program. Moving game "Pizza"

Scenario of the professional competition of cooks "My profession is a cook"

Location : College Laboratory

Form of : competition

The purpose of the holding: Improving professional skills, strengthening professional qualities, the ability to work in the team, upbringing love for profession, promoting culinary art.

Participants : Students 1, 2, 3 agrotechnical college courses

Jury: Shakirov Tanzil Artikvaevna - Deputy. Director for UR.

Altybekova Saul Tokhtashevna - Deputy Director for OIA

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasyevna - teacher

Evaluation : on the 5 ballroom system.

Conditions of the competition

Each group provides 2 people to participate in the competition.

Stage 1: Introductory-addicts on 5 ballroom system

(includes the appearance of the participants, the name and motto and the presentation of the teams.)

Stage 2: Professional - estimated by 5 ballroom system

(includes cutting vegetables for 1 course participants, molding potato zes for 2 course participants, preparation and supply of salads for 3 course participants)

3 Stage: Blackbox - rated by 5 ballroom system

(Includes questions on knowledge of material specials. Disciplines)

4Tap: Creative - Rated 5 ballroom system

(includes a demonstration of student creative works)

Registration: Competition name, balls, production tables, cutting boards, tools, products.)

Contest's move

Sound fanfare. The participants of the competition are published. (On the projector begins a demonstration of the presentation about college.)

Lead 1:

Good afternoon dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you at the professional competition "Culinary Fighting". The famous philosopher Hippocrat said: Our food must be a healing agent. And our medical agent should be our food.

Lead 2:

These are wise words. Nowadays, it is quite obvious that food is the strongest antibiotic, because it protects the organism from microbes. If the population of all over the world was fed, we almost did not need medicines.

Lead 1:

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of our health, beauty and this is real art.

(quiet music sounds)

Gathered once philosophers and set aside what profession

more important. One said:

The teacher is most of all. No progress will stop.

No ... Without builders, a person has no place to hide, and humanity will lose excellent buildings, "the second philosopher said.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art

distinguished by a person from animals, "the third philosopher exclaimed.

Here the student intervened in the conversation and at the same time the owner's servant at home.

Multivatted scientists, you forgot about the profession of the chef.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking - not

art. Go to pretend lunch, - the owner became angry. The student silently came out of the room.

On this day, lunch philosophers did not wait, the student disappeared. I had to preparing lunch yourself. Unfortunately, after meals, the philosophers felt bad and diverged home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house,

i noticed that friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not capable after meals

was thinking. I thought the philosopher and fired a new cook, and the former disciple sent a note with one phrase: "The cooking is not a craft, and


Soon, scientists again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. Discussion

interrupted only with a delicious lunch that prepared a student.

The cooking is not a craft, but art, - the owner said after every lunch.

On the cooctor demonstrates the movie "Song of Students"

Lead 1:

Today, our participants will show culinary art at the competition.

Lead 2:

But the winner of the competition will choose our respected jury.

I will introduce my jury today

Their eyes burn from roast fire

Competitions they will appreciate without flaw

Your points will be put carefully

Competitions to evaluate it is very difficult.

Leading : Our jury:

Sharikova Tanzil Artikvaevna

Altybekova Saul Tokhtashevna

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasyevna

(The projector demonstrates the presentation of the design of New Year's dishes)

Lead 1:

and now I will hold a draw (he spends the draw of the participants to share them for 2 teams. It suggests choosing the captain of the team)

Lead 2:

What we only do not eat in life!

We try, of course, what you need

And chefs for work Thank you

Come up with food even delicious

Pleasant and preferably helpful

So as not to do from food to us disease

Lead 1:

Be satisfied and easy

Without resorting to cavern diet

We believe in your hands gold

And in advanced technology

And to feel capable of all

Let the competition be accompanied by success!

(The projector demonstrates the "Song of the Cook".)


The time of the first stage of the competition was occurred. The commands need to come up with a name, motto and submit it to the jury and spectators. Time for this contest - 5 minutes. Evaluation - 5 points (issues signs, felt-tipsers captains of teams)

(Silent music sounds.)

Competition participants perform the first stage of the competition.)


The time of the first task has expired. Let's see what our teams prepared. (Teams act, the jury exhibit and comment on the estimates)

The projector demonstrates an estimated table with the first estimates of commands.

Leading : "The stage of our competition is called" Professional ".

(Complete Capitans are tasks.) Time to perform the task -15 minutes. Each task is estimated separately by 5 points. (1 course - cutting potatoes in a cube small and medium

2 course - molding potato zraz

3 course - preparation and supply of salad)


In the meantime, participants fulfill the task - we will spend a quiz with the audience.

1. This fruit tastes good and on the lamp it looks like a pear

2. What dish can be cooked at home, even if empty in the refrigerator? (Porridge from the ax)

3. What in Russian sayings falls from the sky absolutely free? (manna heavenly)

4. What Kazakh dish eat 5-sided fingers? (Besbarmak)

5. Starty Kazakh dishes for Beskarmak? (Astau)

6.Shoil taste taste, in summer thirst quenched .. (grapefruit)

7. What animal can combine pleasant with useful? (and Vaska listens and eating)

8. What menu offers V. Mamakovsky? (Eat pineapples, zhui zhuy)

9. Avtomasses. Will it be in paradise? (Bounty)

10. What fish likes to be dressed? (Herring under a fur coat)

12. Name the plant of the bean family, whose name was the ancient king? (king pea)

The projector demonstrates video serving tables, decoration of children's dishes.

Leading: So came up to completion of the 2 stage of our competition. We ask the jury to appreciate the work of the teams.

The jury appreciates the team, comments the estimates. On the projector, the estimates of the 2nd stage of the competition are issued on the projector.

Lead 1:

Good cook - as an artist

With a palette of fruit. Cream, rose

Creates the luxury of cakes

Connoisseur recipes Whole

Lead 2:

Without lots and spirits

Smells tasty very

Hands clean ready

Wash from morning to night

He knows how to distinguish

Third of the second

Who is he just guess

This is a cool cook

Leading : The third stage of our contest "Black Box" has come

I ask the captains to get your tasks. Time to perform the task is 5 minutes. Evaluation of 5 ballroom system.

On the projector demonstrated video "Decor of festive dishes"

Competition participants perform the third stage of the competition.


The time to fulfill the third stage of the competition has expired. I ask the jury to appreciate the work of the teams. (the jury puts estimates, comments on them, the screens are displayed for the 3rd stage of the contest)

Leading: Our today's competition is completed 4th "Creative"

The creative works of our students take part in this competition. I ask the jury to pass and evaluate work on the 5 ballroom system.

(The jury passes and evaluates work, comments on the estimates. Estimates for the 4th stage of the contest) on the screen)


And now the word is provided to the chairman of the jury Shakirova Tasil Artikvaevna. (Chairman of the jury calls the winners, comments on the competition)

(For the winners of the professional competition sounds carcass)

Scenario "Cook's Day"

Lead 1:

Man eats to live. But you can not just absorb monotonous food and products, but enjoy the taste, smell, view of the dish. Creation of culinary art masterpieces are capable of professional chefs and amateur cookies. All of them are worthy of congratulations on October 20, when the day of the chef is celebrated around the world.

Each family has their food traditions. Someone, not wanting to spend time on cooking, eating exclusively sandwiches and fast food. For some, it is important to feed home well correctly, and the recipes of lungs and useful dishes are going. And for some cooking akin to art that requires improvisation, inspiration and unique skills.

Lead 2:

In such creators, whom we used to call cooks or cooks, each dish is a masterpiece, surprising and tasteful and feed. On the day of the cook, all people relating to cooking, not only take congratulations, but also boast their culinary achievements.

Who celebrates this holiday?

Lead 1:

The man learned to cook food from the moment the fire appeared. The first culinary experiments looked like underdeveloped pieces of fish or meat. Among the tribesmen was necessarily more successful, which could prepare the extracted products "exquisite" and tasty. So the first chefs appeared who trusted the feeding of the entire tribe.

Mention of cooks as a professional who could earn his craft for food, recorded in the marks belonging to the third millennium BC, and found on. Crete. Surely, the chefs existed in more ancient civilizations. This is confirmed by written monuments in which real recipes were found.

Lead 2:

With the works of culinary, they were not just considered, the prestige of the noble housing was directly depended on their success. Traditions and recipes were carefully kept and passed only to students or heirs.

Many interesting facts belong to the era of ancient Rome. It is here that the cook uprisings are recorded, which engulfed whole cities. And at the time of the emperor August and Tiberius, cook schools open.

The Romans even appears a tenth muse. Her name was cooking. The legend connects the tenth Muse with the art of a simple cook named Kulina, who served the daughter of the Eskulap Gigai - the patronage of science and health. In the future, cooking has become a patronage to all culinary and cooks, and the art itself has acquired a similar name.

Lead 1:

So what is the holiday for the cook? So national traditions have developed that any celebration is accompanied by treats. Whether this will be a magnificent banquet, or a family feast, or a bundle or sweet table - without the participation of Culinary. And they are trying to culinary masters while everyone enjoy the taste, bring the latest most important strokes in the dish.

Probably, that's why the cook did not think about creating their own holiday for a long time. But here to organize your own association, united the culinary communities of the whole world, they were able. And when the number of people enrolled in this organization passed over 8 million, there was a thought about establishing the holiday of all culinary and cooks. Since 2004, there is a world holiday, which was named International Cook Day.

Culinary maestro and lovers of 70 countries immediately joined the celebration. It is impossible to make a mistake, which date of the cook in Russia - it is celebrated, as well as around the world on October 20. According to traditions, this holiday is not only famous and professional masters, but also ordinary self-taught, who has achieved success in the field of cooking. They are joined by gourmets, so as not to miss the chance to taste exquisite unique masterpieces.

Lead 2:

The famous philosopher Hippocrat said: Our food must be a healing agent. And our medical agent should be our food.

These are wise words. Nowadays, it is quite obvious that food is the strongest antibiotic, because it protects the organism from microbes. If the population of all over the world was fed, we almost did not need medicines.

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of our health, beauty and this is real art.

Lead 1:

There is an old parable!

There were once philosophers and hood, what profession is more important.

One said: Teacher - most of all. No progress will stop.

No ... Without builders, a person has no place to hide, and humanity will lose excellent buildings, "the second philosopher said.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes a person from animals, "the third philosopher exclaimed. Here the student intervened in the conversation and at the same time the owner's servant at home.

Multivatted scientists, you forgot about the profession of the chef. - You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not art. Go to pretend lunch, - the owner became angry.

The student silently came out of the room. On this day, lunch philosophers did not wait, the student disappeared. I had to preparing lunch yourself. Unfortunately, after meals, the philosophers felt bad and diverged home. The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not able to reflect after eating. I thought the philosopher and fired a new cook, and the former disciple sent a note with one phrase: "The cooking is not craft, but art." Soon, scientists again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only with a delicious lunch that prepared a student.

The cooking is not a craft, but art, - the owner said after every lunch.

Leading 2:

And now, let's play a little. You are always cooking in white coats, costumes, monotonously cut products, I wonder, what do you think about this moment?

1. Concurs - "Workout"

The game is called"And I have under the hood" ... The rules are simple, from the cap you pull out the note, and, pronouncing the motto of the game, read what is written on your leaves. The scene invited the most bold future chefs. Now then we will find out what you think in the process of cooking culinary dishes. In turn, take out notes from the cap with "thoughts" and spend them loudly.

Lead 1. :

So, what our respected cooks think about our workplace, we already understood, now check how they are able to cook.

2 Competition: "The best cook of the month!"

We declare a contest for the premium "The best cook of the month! " We invite the participants. The meaning of the competition is that for limited time, our participants must "go to the store", and from what is to cook a dish. There will be no time at all. Imagine what kind of vinaigrette will have them? And the one who comes up with the most witty name to his masterpiece.INasha's task, while I consider to give five products from which you will prepare your dish. But the main thing in our game is not a combination of products, but wit. The one who comes up with the most ridiculous name to her dish! Started! Once, two, three, four, five ... (then give a couple of minutes so that the participants think about, after the competition, announce the winner and thank the others for participation.) Yes, the cook is a creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real cook: a little artist, a little musician with aesthetic taste, a feeling of color, harmony.

Lead 2:

And now, let's see what guys are capable of here, now.

3 Competition: "Crazy handles."

Task to participants - Prepare a salad from products available in the "store". Each participant, approaching the table, gains the necessary "products" for the preparation of salad. We also hand out the plates (sheet of paper), knives (brushes), mayonnaise (glue). Task - in 5 minutes will make us a miracle! Invent the name of the dish and recipe. Time went.

Lead 1:

In the meantime, our participants are creating miracles, we will spend the audienceQuiz about food.

Jury, please fix who is the most erudite.

1. This fruit tastes good and on the lamp it looks like a pear.

2. What dish can be cooked at home, even if empty in the refrigerator? (Porridge from the ax)

3. What in Russian sayings falls from the sky absolutely free? (manna heavenly)

4. What Kazakh dish eat 5-sided fingers? (Beshbarmak)

5. Starticle Kazakh Tableware for Beshbarmaka? (Astau)

6. Yellow ball tastefully grieved, in the summer thirst quenched. (grapefruit)

7. What animal can combine pleasant with useful? (and Vaska listens and eating)

8. What menu offers V. Mayakovsky? (Eat pineapples, zhui zhuy)

9. Delivery, who tastes, which will be in paradise? (Bounty)

10. What fish likes to be dressed? (Herring under a fur coat)

12. Name the plant of the bean family, whose name was the ancient king? (king pea)

13. Cook on the ship? (Cook)

14.Tube transmission? (Gusto)

15. Tree-honey? (Linden)

16. Mini bubble? (Branca)

17. Mirror fish? (Carp)

18. What is submitted at the end of the lunch? (Dessert)

19. Cabbage soup? (Soup)

20. "Clothing" of boiled potatoes? (Uniform)

21. Bakchevoy plant? (Watermelon)

22. Glass vessel on a high leg for mineral water and other drinks? (Fuuder)

23. High cylindrical loaf, usually Easter? (Kulich)

24. Sugar in slices? (Refined)

25. Daily meal? (Dinner)

26. Southern juicy sweet fruit with a bone, shaggy to the touch? (Peach)

27. Name a vegetable that is grown in Russia for a long time, the name comes from the Latin head? (Cabbage)

28. Large confectionery? (Cake)

29. List of dishes in a cafe? (Menu)

30. Cracked fruit slices? (Tsukat)

31. Drink of boiled fruits? (Compote)

32. Product made of mare milk? (Kumys)

33. Total name of beets, carrots, turnips? (Root)

34. Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)

35. The earliest vegetable, root plant? (Radish)

36. Due to the disclosure of the secret, what a delicacy of the King of King Carl Austrian conjured the death penalty? (Ice cream)

37. Emperor Cake? ("Napoleon")

38. Crash, but very useful vegetable? (Onion)

39. What was called in Russia a symbol of the sun? (Pancake).

40. Semi-finished product for bread and flour confectionery products? (Dough)

41. Sheet vegetable or cold dish? (Salad)

42. Dry cookie grade? (Cracker)

43. The Russian national dish, which is defined in the dictionary as "little pies" with meat or other filling, cooked in boiling water? (Dumplings)

44. What plant is added to coffee? (Chicory)

45. What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potatoes)

46. \u200b\u200bRed burning vegetable? (Pepper)

47. What is the name of the set of dining or tea dishes? (Service)

48. Brazier for kebab? (MANGAL)

49. A trace element that is added to the cook salt? (Iodine)

50. Jelly in the cake? (Jelly)

Lead 2:

We look at the creation of "crazy handles" of our participants (the preparation of salads)

Lead 1. :

As you know, the path to the heart of a person lies through his stomach!

4 Competition "I am beautiful and moderately absorbed!"

To participate in the competition, two players are invited, guys. Under the terms of the competition, each participant takes turns on a candy from the bag from the master and puts in the mouth. Swallow candy strictly prohibited.
After each candy, the participant must tell the phrase: "I am beautiful, smart, and moderately dug man." Win the one who will be able to speak the phrase with a large number of candy in the mouth than the opponent.

Lead 2:

5 Competition "Cookbook"

This competition is intended, he is designed to prepare for the future life, as the owners in the house of our girls. To begin with, the presenter comes up with dishes. For example, Salad Olivier and Vinaigrette. Then, each participant is put cards with products drawn on them. And girls should choose which products should be in their dish. The girl who chose the products first and moreover correctly, wins.

Lead 1:

6 Competition "Real Host"

So, the presenter chooses two guys from the hall and ties them eyes. Now each of them alternately approaches saucers on which sugar, salt, barrier, rice and buckwheat are lying. Not trying to taste, but only to the touch men need to try to correctly determine what lies in front of them. The one who corrects everything corrects, for which he gets the title of "this owner."

Lead 2:

7 Contest "Tastor"

The presenter tie up to three participants of the eye and creates dishes. The dishes should be fun and incomprehensible, for example, marshmallow watered by ketchup and wrapped in a leaf of salad, and everything in this spirit. The main thing is to combine incompatible, only do not overdo it - it is necessary that the participants remain alive and healthy. Then the presenter gives to try what he created participants, and they must determine what they ate.

Lead 1:

8 Competition "Baghet"

This competition can be held at the bottom of birth. For the competition you will need two baguette baguettes. All present are divided into two teams. Baton is issued by each team. Each team forms a circle. According to the leading signal, the first participants bite the Baton and transmit it to the second without hands. Then the second participant transmits the Baton of the third, at the same time biting a piece of baton. Wins in the competition that team that faster will eat the entire Baton.

Lead 2:

While our jury defines the winners in the nominations, the Hymn of Cooks sounds performed by our students.

Word we provide our jury!

Scene from the play "We are playing in the profession"

Duration of the scene: 10 minutes; Number of actors: from 2 to 4.



And now on the scene to us
Guest will come out special
From everything I did, myself
He removes samples.
Every craft of it
Although a little elap of
Just as he can
It is unlikely who can.
Without lotions and spirits
It smells delicious very.
Hands clean ready
Wash from morning to night!
He knows how to distinguish
The third from the second.
Who he just guess
These are kids, …


Because of the scenes leaves the cook.

I hope among you
Millezhkov no,
Those who for an hour
Do not shove the cutlet.
In such a dull view
Before the Skonchania Century!
And good appetite -
Consishes a man!
I am a sorcerer at the slab
In the cap is high.
To tasty dreams
Executed for a term
To "be enough" and "a little bit"
I did not say
And without any "I do not want"
Ate yes praised!
Here today and now
Miracle will be done -
Cook for you
Brand ...


Inventory Submit here
Here is the table, but the stove.
What else?

The stove and table appear on the stage. The presenter stretches to the cook all the items in turn in the sequence in which he asks.

Grater, mixer and knives
Different size.

The presenter stretches the chef a hefty knife.

So. Well, that's all, it seems.

The knife is not in moderation.

The cook cleans the knife under the score. The presenter stretches his smaller knife. The cook inspects it.

Need to be treated!

The lead sharpens the knife and gives the cook.

And also, Lapul,
To soar and cook,
I need…

The cook pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


The presenter gives the cook to the saucepan. The cook puts it on the stove. A peasant pushing the box, with a magnificent vicious barn, appears on the scene.




Fresh food:
Meat, eggs, milk,
Vegetables and fruits!
From the village he himself brought
To give you personally!

The list was still coconut.


Sorry, but no in cash.
We have a batch for them
Eternal in the garden -
Under winter SALED more than once
So no, do not shoot!

Fall them boiling water
And keep in the greenhouse -
As on the shore
Will spike!

Without coconut my recipe
It dies simply!
But there is no coconut,
So, without coconut.

Cook opens box.

First thing i'm carrots
Finely sash.

Peasant (boastful)

ABOUT! Carrots - My love!
Variety "Klondike"! Such
You will not find anywhere ...

The cook pulls carrots for the tops and pulls the carrot stub.

What is this joke?
Prepare me from it
Dish? No, twins!
Okay, there are no carrots,
Will be without carrot!
Where is the meat for the kitlet?

A meat grinder appears on the scene. The chef looks into the box. Him meets a pork figure. Satisfied grunts and chasing is heard.

Cook (indignantly)

What is that?


So pork! First grade!
Fresh very!
Oh, you, gold and mine!
Nicely as scratching!

So much meat me
No need for the kitlet!


So cut off you
With before Ile with I want!

The cook pulls the biggest knife and carefully approaching the box. Pig popping up and with a scree run away. The cook rushes afterwards. They overturn the meat grinder, plate, table and saucepan and rudely run back and forth along the scene. Finally, the cook falls and drops the knife. Pig hiding behind the scene.

Cook (hard breathe)

I ran away, and hello!


What to take - a cattle!

Cook (with a sigh)

Okay, there are no pork,
Will without pork!

The cook and the peasant look into the box.


There is nothing to get the screen!

Cook (indignantly)

Yes your "meat"
I eaten the cleaner
All my supplies!

Because of the pig coming out and grunts loudly.

Once it does not want to know
That the product is powered by
Take it on

The peasant takes a pig and leaves. The cook brings the order on stage - puts the slab and the table to the previous place.

Cook (crushed)

Put a pig
Yes, on stage!
How now my breeding
Spectators will appreciate?

Don't gross, I have
There are flour, jam,
Sugar, oil ...

The presenter transmits the cooks to the cook.

Cook (joyful)

So, I.
I will oven ...

The cook pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


The cook pulls out a bowl and begins to put food into it.

Eggs with sugar swakes
Mixer. Ready!

The cook pulls the mixer and buzzing leads them in a bowl. Then puts the following ingredients.

Oil, soda, salt put
And prevent again.

The cook cleans the mixer.

And now the flour is black!

The presenter takes a pack and wants to fall asleep it in a bowl. Cook stops him.

Who is so hurrying something!
We ask all her
Through it ...

The cook gets sieve because of the screen and takes a pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


So she's not in lumps,
Is it necessary?

Should be flour
Light and air.
We are shaking, shaking, shaking ...
Ladno! Wonderful!
And now we mix everything
And ready ...

The cook pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


Dough roll over time
Special stick.
This stick cook
Call ...

The cook pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


The cook rides on the table, the rolling table, and then takes the glass and pretends that it cuts the circles.

I cut the mug. Well,
How does it go?

And now for five minutes
Position in ...

The cook pause, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.


The cook puts the baw in the oven and immediately pulls the real plate with the cookies.

Help, guys!

The presenter takes a plate, tries himself and distributes cookies to the audience.

Delicious cookies!

It all you from me
Not for entertainment!
Babies - those who eat - grow.
Cheeks - in! Blush!
Can be put at least powder
Books in their school satellite.
And who eats too little
That, believe me, brothers,
Do not master knowledge weight -
Can go to go.
Eat - Strong Strong
And face beautiful!

What can we say everything

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to answer.

Thank you!

The cook leaves the scene. The presenter and viewers are applauding.

Profy "Cook".

1st Host: Katya

All attention to us!
Raise your head!
Present now we will
The profession of the chef!

2nd Host: Diana

After all, everything is needed,

After all, they bake pancakes,

Cook porridge and borschy,

Cabbages, soups and soup!

And if there is a cook at home -

So, it will be what to eat!

From the water and the ax boil the porridge of the cook.

Scene-parable "Cook"

Host: Diana

High-ranking gentlemen were engaged in state affairs, and when the time was approaching the philosophers to the afternoon, they had the most important profession.

Philosopher 1: Ilya

Gentlemen, I consider the "teacher" - the most important thing. Without education, progress will stop.

Host: Diana

He stated the second philosopher.

Philosopher 2: Yura

Forgive friends, I absolutely disagree with you. Without builders, a person has no place to hide, and humanity will lose excellent buildings.

Host: Diana

Exclaimed the third philosopher

Philosopher 3: Roma

And I think, musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals.

Host: Diana

Here in the conversation interrupted the servant of the owner of the house.

Servant - cook: Rafik

Multivatted scientists, you forgot about the profession of the chef.

Host: Diana

The owner became angry.

Philosopher 1: Ilya

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not art. Go, prepare lunch.

Philosophers and cook go. Leading:

On this day, lunch philosophers did not wait.

Host: Katya

Earth is also therefore generous,
That there are cooks in the world!.
Blessed their ordinary fate,
And the hands seemingly thoughts clean.
Their profession is good in essence:
An evil person will not stand at the stove.

Host: Diana

Among the large saucepan
worth how Marshal
and he says decisively:

Cook: Rafik "It's time!." (It becomes at the table, the leading dance dance, the rest of the cooks go to the table "depict the cooking process, knock the knives, rub vegetables on the grater")


Cook at the slab creates
How on the wings he soars
All boil around him
The kitchen is a forge of him.


Every his creation -
Just a fairy tale, arrangement,
Thoughts - Creativity Flight!
Who tried it - I will understand!

Sing Chastushki (Diana, Christina, Katya)

a) if the chefs love,

You can safely live.

You at any time of the year

Will eat what to drink.

b) Give cooks products:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes ... and then

Waiting for you delicious food .-

c) cook in a white cap

With cook in hand.

Without it, like without water,

And not there, and not here ...


From everything I did, myself
He removes samples.
Every craft of it
Although a little elap of
Just as he can
It is unlikely who can.
Without lotions and spirits
It smells just awake.

Cook: Rafik

I hope among you
Millezhkov no,
Those who for an hour
Do not shove the cutlet.
In such a dull view
Before the Skonchania Century!
And good appetite -
Consishes a man!
I am a sorcerer at the slab
In the cap is high.
To tasty dreams
Executed for a term
To "be enough" and "a little bit"
I did not say
And without any "I do not want"
Ate yes praised!


Swim two or three soup plates, fry a little potato is easy. But to make it so that 100 servings of Soup, welded in a huge pan, prepare a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people are already a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people - it is already art that should be learned long and persistently.

Cook: Rafik

We have such a deliver to people with joy, and otherwise why go to the cook.


And yet, the work of the cook is always the place of fiction, fantasy, ingenuity.


Yes, the cook is creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real cook: a little artist, a little musician, a little poet. A man possesses aesthetic taste.

2 philosophers appear

Philosopher 1: Ilya

Do not judge us please, we all realized- "Cooking - not craft, and art!"

Philosopher 2: Roma

Come back, we will not be able without you. Proper nutrition is not just nutrition, but the key to our health, life and real art.

Everyone is built in one line


Good cook - as an artist

With a palette of fruit, cream, roses.

Creates the luxury of cakes

Connoisseur recipes, tastes, doses.

He is a musician - a good chef.

Song (on the motive "Kaba was not winter ...")

If I did not have you,
Professions Chef
Would find out all the people
What is hunger!
Who would collected us for lunch
On noisy change
Who prepared winere
So that we excide

Kaba did not have you
The pricks of ours
We would never eat
So wonderful porridge!
Would not weld compote
On a huge plate
Would find out all the people
What is hunger!

EVERYTHING:Say "thank you" for reduction
Let not stop the desired creation!


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