RJ 45 double socket. Step-by-step instructions for installing a double socket. Enjoy your shopping

Despite the rapid development of wireless communications, RJ-45 sockets still remain the required elements of the structured cable system of the modern building. We propose to consider their device, species, pickup options and mounting methods. The seeming simplicity of the question can be misleading because there are certain nuances that need to pay attention.

Constructive features

Despite the variety of types of sockets under the twisted pair, their design is almost identical, with the exception of small details. For example, we give a typical external single-port device.

Fig. 1. Basic elements of the external socket RJ-45


  • A - plastic cover.
  • B basis.
  • C is a function card with a standard connector installed on it.
  • D - Convectors for connecting twisted pair.
  • E is the screed for fixing the cable.
  • F - connector under the connector.

Externally, the socket reminds the telephone standard RJ-11, the main difference is in the number of connector contacts, their eight, and not four. Accordingly, the computer socket can be used as a telephone, but not vice versa.

Different types of devices may have minor characteristic features, but in general the concept of the design remains unchanged.

Types and characteristics

The main parameters of these switching devices are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Number of ports.
  2. Category.
  3. Execution.

Briefly tell about each of them.

No longer means better.

One of the main parameters is the number of ports. As a rule, there may be from one to four. If you want to use a larger number of connections, it is easier to install a patch panel, but such a need indicates an ill-mounted wiring of the network. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a large number of patch-cords connected nearby is some inconvenience.

Fig. 2. 4-port external socket Krauler

In practice, when organizing an office or homemade LAN, one and two-two modules are mainly used.

This parameter is directly related to the cable characteristic used to install a computer network. We are talking about bandwidth, on which it depends on both the data transfer rate and the ability to use special network technologies. Below is a table that shows the relationship between the bandwidth.

Currently, when installing LAN, the cables with the category below 5e are practically not used.


This parameter depends on the method of mounting the switching device. There are two versions:

  • for external (outer) installation (such sockets are shown in Figures 1 and 2);
  • under the internal installation.

Internal two-port rose rosette in disassembled and collected form

As a rule, the choice of one or another depends on how the LAN wiring is performed. If it is external (for example, laid in boxes), external sockets are applied. In cases where hidden wiring is made, internal devices look more aesthetically.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the sockets that are installed directly on the box. Technically, such an execution can be considered both internal and external.

The performance of the LAN does not affect the technical characteristics.

Modular structures.

Speaking of performance, it is impossible not to mention modular structures. Such a solution allows you to assemble a socket under a specific combination in a standard case, for example, to install in RJ-45 and RJ-11 modules or with different categories.

Pickup RJ-45

There should be no problems with these problems, because in front of each contact group, the color marking corresponding to the T568A and T568B standards (may be marked with the lines "A" and "B", as in the figure below).

It does not matter which standard is used, the main thing is that it is the same type for LAN, otherwise the problems are guaranteed. It is believed that we have adopted "crimp" by T568B type, but it is quite a conditional statement.

If you do not know which standard uses your provider, you can install it on the pinout of the connector installed on the cable coming into the apartment.

Detailed Instructions for Connection

Let's start with the tool that you will need to seal the sockets under the twisted pair. Ideally, it is desirable to purchase a universal extractor (shown in Figure 9). It allows you to presses and cut off the wire residue with one movement. Thanks to Chinese manufacturers, such a universal tool costs about 3-4 dollars. The price of brand products can be 2-3 times more expensive.

Fig. 9. Universal extractor

This tool has a special mechanism that allows you to press the wire between two knives of the contact and crop it over (3 in Fig. 9). In addition, it is equipped with a flat screwdriver (2) and crochet (1), which allows you to remove the wire with incorrect sealing. The cost of the universal extractor is relatively small, and the benefit is quite tangible.

Universal pliers to remove insulation will be no less useful. They cost about the same as an extractor, can be seed cable Ø3.5-9 mm type UTP, STP, FTP. It is possible to adjust the depth of the cut.

It is undesirable to use a knife for removing the insulation, because in this case there is a high probability of damageing one of the veins of the twisted pair.

Having understood with the necessary tool, we turn to the algorithm for the sealing of a twisted pair into the switching device. We will proceed from the fact that the cable is already laid, the seat under the socket is prepared. Procedure Next:

  1. Using universal mites, cut the layer of external insulation from the end of the wire. It is enough to overcome 4-5 centimeters. It is necessary to act neat so as not to damage the veins. If this happens, cut the damaged area, adjust the cut depth and repeat the operation.
  2. After removing the insulation, roll out each of the steam. Please note that in their sweeping there is no need. Each contact of the site has special micro knives, cut insulation and providing reliable contact and fixing the wire.
  3. Disassemble the outlet. To do this, remove the front panel. To do this, you will need to unscrew the locking screw or sweep the special latches (depends on the constructive design). If a modular socket is used, then modules must be removed from it.
  4. Fix the cable on the module using a screed (E in Fig. 1) or another provided by the design method.
  5. Insert the wires into the clamps, while you must stick to the color marking of the selected standard. Do not try deeply drown the veins, just fix them, attaching a slight force (and Fig. 11).
  6. Using the extractor, we perform pressing (in Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. A - cable with divorced wires by wires, B - Pressing the extractor

At this stage we will make a slight digression regarding the use of submitted means for pressing. Sometimes you can find tips in which in the absence of the necessary tool for pressing, it is recommended to use a stationery knife or a thin slotted screwdriver. This approach can be applied only in the most extreme case when access to the network is urgently needed, and there is no tool at hand. But in the future such a socket must necessarily press. Otherwise, the likelihood of loss of contact of the wire with the retainer after a while.

We also note that many branded producers to each outlet are attached a simple plastic extractor, which allows you to reliably close the wire, after which it will only remain gently trimmed its excess.

  1. After pressing the module is installed in place. If the outlet is external, then its base is screwed to the prepared area, so that the tail of the cable is carried out on top, and the connector under the connector is below. When installing the inner socket, its base is installed in the prepared glass and fixed in it.
  2. We screw the front panel, after which you check the performance. You can do this using a special tester, but it is easier to connect a computer and check for the presence of a network connection. If there are problems, first of all, check the correctness of the pinout, as practice shows, in 90% of cases the reason lies in this.

When using the shielded cable, you must install the appropriate outlet, which contains the screen connection. Otherwise, it turns into a large antenna, which will not slow down to reflect on the bandwidth, and, consequently, the data transfer rates. For the same reason, you should not use STP or FTP cable if ungrounded equipment is connected to it.

LAN technology based on twisted pair requires the use of holistic lines. Twist, spikes are unacceptable, it leads to serious losses. If nevertheless an need to increase a piece of cable, special connectors should be used for this purpose.

Fig. 12. Connectors for twisted pair

These devices are a box in which a board with two RJ-45 connectors are installed (and in Fig. 12), or clamps under a twisted pair, like the outlets (in Fig. 12).

It is not recommended for living conditions to use outlets with the number of ports of more than two. A large number of patch cords in one place will lead to the fact that they will be tangled. It is better to dissemble the outlet for some distance.

Most often, the installation and connection of the Internet socket relating to low-current lines is made in the triple block:

  • Normal 220 volts
  • Internet socket
  • television

Most models, such as Schneider Electric (Unica series), Legrand, Lezard, the installation principle is almost the same and does not contain cardinal differences.

Step by step. Consider the entire cycle connecting the Internet socket.

Internet cable

Installation begins with installation in a low-current shield of the router and connecting it from a 220V power outlet.

Next, in a separate cable channel or a strobe that is not associated with the power lines, the 4-paired UTP series 5e is paired.

Such a cable provides a connection speed to 1 gigabit per second at a distance of up to 100m. Here is its technical characteristics:

There are shielded and not shielded varieties. Foil as a screen performs on networks where there is a normal grounding.

One such cable is 5E (4 pairs), you can connect only two outlets. In this case, 2 pairs will be involved separately.

Installation is carried out by a solid wire directly from the shield to the opposite. Create the cable to the mounting box and leave the necessary reserve - from 15 cm and more.

Montage online sockets

From the socket, you first remove the lining and pull out the caliper for the convenience of installation.

If the design of the socket allows, the frame on the peavern can be mounted initially. Thanks to the groove in the frame, you can easily adjust the horizontal location.

3 * 25mm screws pre-tighten the entire design. At the same time, the Pocket Electric level is checking the installation accuracy and tighten the screws finally.

Manufacturers have recently begun to perform frames made of aluminum alloy, they are certainly tightened by design, but they will not be magnetized to the level. We will have to keep it with one hand on weight.

Next, we biteate and leave the wire supply in the riser, a maximum length of 15 cm. Remove the top layer of isolation from the UTP cable.

For removal isolation, so as not to damage the veins, it is better to use a special tool - stripper. But you can do all this neatly and ordinary stationery knife.

The top layer from the cable must be cleaned for a length of no more than 2.5 cm. Cut off the thread unnecessary in this case, which goes between the veins.

A strong thread in cables with a twisted pair is often used to facilitate the opening of the shell on a long length. It is even so called - the discontinuous thread. In the telephone cables it is separated by bundles and oops.

Slightly depart separately alkali. Next, pull out the inside of the socket with contacts.

As a rule, to any brand, whether TV, the Internet socket or the usual 220 volts must go instructions.

Instructions for the Internet SCHNEIDER Electric Unica -
Instructions for Legrand -

Standards and Connection Scheme

Open the cover of the contact part and carefully study the label. Each RJ45 outlet can be connected in two ways:

  • According to the standard "A"
  • According to the standard "B"

In most cases, the second option is used - "B". To understand where what wires are connected, carefully inspect the case. It should be depicted which standard corresponds to certain contacts.

For example on Unica:

  • The protocol "B" refers to the upper color label. When connected, you will focus on these colors.
  • "A" - to the bottom color marking

If they figured out this, then with further installation there will be no difficulties. The "B" protocol corresponds to the color scheme according to EIA / TIA-568B standard. On one side of the clamp must be the following colors:

  • white orange
  • orange
  • white green
  • green

On the other side:

  • blue
  • white blue
  • white brown
  • brown

Move the wire through the lid. In this case, as mentioned above, the top layer of the UTP cable isolation should not be removed, more than 2.5 cm.

It is impossible to clean it under the very wall of the opposition, as they make with ordinary NYM or WGN cables.

Cut without insulation should be minimal length. All these oblasts are made not with simple. Their exact amount per 1 meter cable is strictly calculated and regulated.

Otherwise, if you have improper connection and stripping, you may have no speed, but also the quality of data transfer.

Next, insert all the wires into contact grooves in colors.

After that, just snap the lid. Extra segments lived, which protrude out it is necessary to cut down after closing the lid.

The socket is actually already connected. It remains to insert it into place in the caliper.

The main advantage of such online sockets is that they do not need to remove insulation with them at all and slander it before copper. Inside the socket itself already installed special knives.

When you slam the cover, the knives automatically cut through the insulation and the contact compound is formed. In the instructions such stamps often indicate that when the wire is connected, the use of special crossover crimping is prohibited.

It seems to be in the design. That is, when the lid closes, it slices the insulation itself and lays the wires to the desired depth of the connector.

Connect to the router and connotor crimping

After mounting the Internet socket itself, it remains to correctly connect the cable to the router in the communication shield.

Remove isolation from the other end of the cable by 2-3cm. The veins are flushing and insert in a certain order, according to the TIA-568B standard, or simply "b".

The location of colors is considered to be left:

  • white orange
  • orange
  • white green
  • blue
  • white blue
  • green
  • white brown
  • brown

Standard "A" is sometimes used if you need to connect one computer with another. Here one end of the cable contract according to the "B" standard, and the other by "a". In general, if both ends of the cable are compressed according to one standard (AA or BB), it is called patch cord. And if they are changed in places (AB or BA), then - Cross.

Veins again do not need to clean. Just insert them into the connector until it stops.

After that, all this is pressed by a special crimper. Some make a thin screwdriver or blade a knife, though you can easily damage the connector.

Cat5E cable and Cat6 in the RJ45 connector are crimped according to one principle. Another "plug" is not required here. Differences in cables in data transfer rates, Cat6 is more.

Internet connection check

After installing the Internet socket and connector on the other end of the cable, it is desirable to check the connection and integrity of all connections. You can make it the cheapest Chinese device.

What is his essence? There is a signal generator that submits pulses by specific codes, and receiver. The generator is connected to the router installation site, and the receiver directly into the socket itself.

After the pulse is supplied, the signals are compared. If everything is fine, the green LED light bulbs on the receiver case are alternately. If somewhere a break or short circuit, then one or more light bulbs will not burn at all.

When this happened, first of all you need to sin on bad contact in the connectors. Most often, it is there, on any dwell, isolation is not completely cut off and there will be no compound accordingly.

At the very end, the finished proven cable with the connector connects to the router.

A complete set of all the tools for cutting, compresses, Internet Cable UTP cable can be ordered to Aliexpress (Free delivery).

How to connect 4-wire telephone cable

And what if you have a 4-wire telephone cable for the Internet, and the socket under the standard 8 lived? How to connect the scheme in this case?

A simple color connection here does not help. That is, if you have a white-blue inhibit in contact with white-blue marking and in the color of the coloring, connect all other veins, there will be no signal.

This is explained by the fact that to transmit the signal to use contacts 1-2-3-6.

On the one hand, two veins start 1-2:

green \u003d. bluelived

In this case, everything should work without problems. Just remember that here the most important thing is not color, namely position. Colors are used in order to be visually easier to distinguish between the positions of the same veins at different ends of the cable.

Also keep in mind that when using 4 wires, i.e. Two pairs of twisted pair, you can reach speeds up to 100 Mbps / sec. But for a gigabit network (1Gbit / s), all 8 wires will be needed.

Errors when connecting the Internet socket

1 Incorrect connection lived according to the protocol.

You can easily confuse the order of the location of the veins on the connector and in the rosette itself. Roughly speaking to flip them over 180 degrees.

Here, everything is checked by a more careful study of the inscriptions on the housing of the socket and the colors themselves lived. Tester with generator and signal receiver Good assistant to identify such errors.

With incorrectly opening, lived, the light bulb on the tester will not light up in order from 1 to 8, but in arbitrary versions. For example, first 1, then at once 3, then 2, etc.

2 Not significant, but still the error is considered if the veins from the contact plates of the socket are not cut off after the cover is closed, and up to this point.

That is, immediately after laying them in their places in the slot. In this case, there could be accidentally falling, and inserting it back cut off will no longer succeed. We will have to re-inspire everything and pass the entire connection cycle on a new one.

And if you left the cable stock in the mounting box small, then you will come to the big headache at all.

3 Stripping external isolation on a large distance, up to the walls of the opposition, as in conventional networks 220V.

As mentioned earlier, here is the result - deterioration of the speed and quality of the signal. Moreover, you do not need twisted pairs to break up to the place of insulation, the more screwdriver. Just expand their lifting the veins on the required length to start in the slot.

According to the standard, no twisted pair is allowed on more than 13mmOtherwise, crosstalk errors will appear in the tests of frequency characteristics (Crosstalk). In practice, problems will begin when loading the network of traffic.

RJ-45 is called computer, because it usually connects to the Internet. The RJ-45 double rosette is used if you need to connect one computer to the Internet and the phone to the urban network in the same room. The same double RJ-45 is installed if the computer must be connected to the Internet and the local network, this occurs even more often in the offices than in residential apartments. Be that as it may, the double socket connection can be made independently, for this you do not need special training, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions.

First of all, you need to decide the internal or outer (invoice) connector will need. The internal is installed with an additional distributor and allows you to hide the wiring for a special partition or decorative element. This allows you to remove the wires from the eye and additionally protect the converter from possible impacts. But additional work with the wall will be required, and when transferring a computer or phone to another place, you will have to start all.

It is easier to use and make the installation of the outer or overhead socket RJ-45. It is usually used everywhere, excluding places with high humidity or dusting (in this case, contacts can oxidize or contaminate, which will lead to the obstruction of the signal). Outmeal can also be different. Double submersion can be one-sided or passing. One-way is used if one direct connection is assumed. The passage is needed where several rooms will be connected to the network.

If you do not resort to the help of a specialist, but to do the installation of RJ-45 with a grounding, you need to prepare some materials and tools in advance. It will be necessary to purchase:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • a sharp knife to clean the wires;
  • dual RJ-45 rosette;
  • the tool that can be enabled wire in the connector.

It would be nice to have a cable tester so that in the process of working the opportunity to make sure that everything goes correctly. But without it, you can do, simply checking the connection upon completion of all work: if the network does not work, then you have to return and revise the wire connection according to the scheme.

Video "Connect socket - process in detail"


If it is decided to hide a rosette into the wall, then you need to install penetper into it. To do this, you will need a perforator and a special crown. With their help in the wall, the corresponding hole is hosted, then it is cleaned of garbage and dust. After that, the peavern itself is installed and fix it with the help of alabaster.
If an overhead system is mounted, then the box should be disassembled, remove the module from it, and the suarpes are screwed to the wall (or semi).

In some cases, computer sockets are needed. If the grounding cord is not carried out separately, you need to purchase a RJ-45 socket model already with a ground (they are somewhat more expensive, but this is the security of the computer).


The difference between the computer socket from all the others is to use 8 copper wires, passing pairwise. These 4 pairs are called twisted pairs, and the installation consists in the correct connection. To begin with, the clermin must be disconnected from the main mechanism. This is done by cautious turning of the white retainer clockwise. Now through the back you need to start the cable.

Installation of passing, as well as ordinary, sockets are made according to one of two schemes: T568B or T568A. Today, network devices themselves can recognize the scheme and even adjust, if necessary, but more often it is the scheme in, in it the port work is provided by a green and orange pair of contacts. The crossing scheme is usually present on the clerk housing, here this scheme needs to connect twisted pairs. In order not to confuse anything, it is necessary to consider the color marking very carefully. The lid grooves correspond to the veins of a twisted pair of color: white-brown fit brown, white-blue - blue and so on.

It is necessary to very carefully remove the insulation (no more than 3 cm) from the cable (no more than 3 cm), the postings of multiple (not more than 1.5 cm) and clean it. Now it is time to start the veins of a twisted pair in the grooves of the cover in accordance with their color marking. If you use the LEGRAND RJ-45 roset (better with ground), the ends of the wires do not have to do. She has such a comfortable design that the wires are sufficiently deepened to the appropriate grooves, and the contact pads themselves will be fixed when the lid is lowering. The fact is that each platform is a pointed plate when the cover is lowered, the plate cuts through the insulation, it was so much so that they concern the conductive signal core lived.

Connecting one outlet took place, now the clerm must be returned to its place in the back of the outlet and close the retainer. For this, the lock is rotated counterclockwise. It would be good to check whether everything works. If there is no cable tester, there will be something, for example, a modem, connect and make sure it earned. If the modem did not turn on, you will have to check the correctness of the installation and connecting the wires according to the scheme.

Now you need to do everything the same to connect the wires to the second outlet. After making sure that both sockets work, you can close them. If both wires are correctly and conveniently located in the box, you can close the socket, completely hiding the opposition, and install the decorative frame. The outer outlet remains easy to fasten on the surface, the main thing is that the conversion was installed firmly. This will ensure the fixedness of the entire device during operation. The inner remained still hide with wallpaper, panel or special decor. The double rosette RJ-45 is installed and ready to work, the main thing, do not forget about the ground, since safety depends on it. In addition, some firms refuse to take equipment in warranty repairs, if it is operated without grounding.

Despite the rapid development of wireless communications, RJ-45 sockets still remain the required elements of the structured cable system of the modern building. We propose to consider their device, species, pickup options and mounting methods. The seeming simplicity of the question can be misleading because there are certain nuances that need to pay attention.

Constructive features

Despite the variety of types of sockets under the twisted pair, their design is almost identical, with the exception of small details. For example, we give a typical external single-port device.

Fig. 1. Basic elements of the external socket RJ-45


  • A - plastic cover.
  • B basis.
  • C is a function card with a standard connector installed on it.
  • D - Convectors for connecting twisted pair.
  • E is the screed for fixing the cable.
  • F - connector under the connector.

Externally, the socket reminds the telephone standard RJ-11, the main difference is in the number of connector contacts, their eight, and not four. Accordingly, the computer socket can be used as a telephone, but not vice versa.

Different types of devices may have minor characteristic features, but in general the concept of the design remains unchanged.

Types and characteristics

The main parameters of these switching devices are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Number of ports.
  2. Category.
  3. Execution.

Briefly tell about each of them.

No longer means better.

One of the main parameters is the number of ports. As a rule, there may be from one to four. If you want to use a larger number of connections, it is easier to install a patch panel, but such a need indicates an ill-mounted wiring of the network. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a large number of patch-cords connected nearby is some inconvenience.

Fig. 2. 4-port external socket Krauler

In practice, when organizing an office or homemade LAN, one and two-two modules are mainly used.

This parameter is directly related to the cable characteristic used to install a computer network. We are talking about bandwidth, on which it depends on both the data transfer rate and the ability to use special network technologies. Below is a table that shows the relationship between the bandwidth.

Currently, when installing LAN, the cables with the category below 5e are practically not used.


This parameter depends on the method of mounting the switching device. There are two versions:

  • for external (outer) installation (such sockets are shown in Figures 1 and 2);
  • under the internal installation.

Internal two-port rose rosette in disassembled and collected form

As a rule, the choice of one or another depends on how the LAN wiring is performed. If it is external (for example, laid in boxes), external sockets are applied. In cases where hidden wiring is made, internal devices look more aesthetically.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the sockets that are installed directly on the box. Technically, such an execution can be considered both internal and external.

The performance of the LAN does not affect the technical characteristics.

Modular structures.

Speaking of performance, it is impossible not to mention modular structures. Such a solution allows you to assemble a socket under a specific combination in a standard case, for example, to install in RJ-45 and RJ-11 modules or with different categories.

Pickup RJ-45

There should be no problems with these problems, because in front of each contact group, the color marking corresponding to the T568A and T568B standards (may be marked with the lines "A" and "B", as in the figure below).

It does not matter which standard is used, the main thing is that it is the same type for LAN, otherwise the problems are guaranteed. It is believed that we have adopted "crimp" by T568B type, but it is quite a conditional statement.

If you do not know which standard uses your provider, you can install it on the pinout of the connector installed on the cable coming into the apartment.

Detailed Instructions for Connection

Let's start with the tool that you will need to seal the sockets under the twisted pair. Ideally, it is desirable to purchase a universal extractor (shown in Figure 9). It allows you to presses and cut off the wire residue with one movement. Thanks to Chinese manufacturers, such a universal tool costs about 3-4 dollars. The price of brand products can be 2-3 times more expensive.

Fig. 9. Universal extractor

This tool has a special mechanism that allows you to press the wire between two knives of the contact and crop it over (3 in Fig. 9). In addition, it is equipped with a flat screwdriver (2) and crochet (1), which allows you to remove the wire with incorrect sealing. The cost of the universal extractor is relatively small, and the benefit is quite tangible.

Universal pliers to remove insulation will be no less useful. They cost about the same as an extractor, can be seed cable Ø3.5-9 mm type UTP, STP, FTP. It is possible to adjust the depth of the cut.

It is undesirable to use a knife for removing the insulation, because in this case there is a high probability of damageing one of the veins of the twisted pair.

Having understood with the necessary tool, we turn to the algorithm for the sealing of a twisted pair into the switching device. We will proceed from the fact that the cable is already laid, the seat under the socket is prepared. Procedure Next:

  1. Using universal mites, cut the layer of external insulation from the end of the wire. It is enough to overcome 4-5 centimeters. It is necessary to act neat so as not to damage the veins. If this happens, cut the damaged area, adjust the cut depth and repeat the operation.
  2. After removing the insulation, roll out each of the steam. Please note that in their sweeping there is no need. Each contact of the site has special micro knives, cut insulation and providing reliable contact and fixing the wire.
  3. Disassemble the outlet. To do this, remove the front panel. To do this, you will need to unscrew the locking screw or sweep the special latches (depends on the constructive design). If a modular socket is used, then modules must be removed from it.
  4. Fix the cable on the module using a screed (E in Fig. 1) or another provided by the design method.
  5. Insert the wires into the clamps, while you must stick to the color marking of the selected standard. Do not try deeply drown the veins, just fix them, attaching a slight force (and Fig. 11).
  6. Using the extractor, we perform pressing (in Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. A - cable with divorced wires by wires, B - Pressing the extractor

At this stage we will make a slight digression regarding the use of submitted means for pressing. Sometimes you can find tips in which in the absence of the necessary tool for pressing, it is recommended to use a stationery knife or a thin slotted screwdriver. This approach can be applied only in the most extreme case when access to the network is urgently needed, and there is no tool at hand. But in the future such a socket must necessarily press. Otherwise, the likelihood of loss of contact of the wire with the retainer after a while.

We also note that many branded producers to each outlet are attached a simple plastic extractor, which allows you to reliably close the wire, after which it will only remain gently trimmed its excess.

  1. After pressing the module is installed in place. If the outlet is external, then its base is screwed to the prepared area, so that the tail of the cable is carried out on top, and the connector under the connector is below. When installing the inner socket, its base is installed in the prepared glass and fixed in it.
  2. We screw the front panel, after which you check the performance. You can do this using a special tester, but it is easier to connect a computer and check for the presence of a network connection. If there are problems, first of all, check the correctness of the pinout, as practice shows, in 90% of cases the reason lies in this.

When using the shielded cable, you must install the appropriate outlet, which contains the screen connection. Otherwise, it turns into a large antenna, which will not slow down to reflect on the bandwidth, and, consequently, the data transfer rates. For the same reason, you should not use STP or FTP cable if ungrounded equipment is connected to it.

LAN technology based on twisted pair requires the use of holistic lines. Twist, spikes are unacceptable, it leads to serious losses. If nevertheless an need to increase a piece of cable, special connectors should be used for this purpose.

Fig. 12. Connectors for twisted pair

These devices are a box in which a board with two RJ-45 connectors are installed (and in Fig. 12), or clamps under a twisted pair, like the outlets (in Fig. 12).

It is not recommended for living conditions to use outlets with the number of ports of more than two. A large number of patch cords in one place will lead to the fact that they will be tangled. It is better to dissemble the outlet for some distance.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: