Which of the following persons can be called an entrepreneur? Who are entrepreneurs? Who is an entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is a person who runs his own business to make a profit. He may sell goods or provide services, but does all this at his own peril and risk, within the limits of current legislation.
It’s boring, dry and incomprehensible, but it’s a concentrated description of who an entrepreneur is. Let's try to decipher this concept in more detail and more accessible.

Who is it?

Back in 1986, on November 19, a breakthrough occurred - the USSR Law “On Individual Labor Activity” appeared, which laid the foundation for entrepreneurship in a country where everything was built on socialist stereotypes and collectivism. When they practically didn’t know how to do it all.

The entrepreneurs did not have a special name, but people called them “cooperators” because they organized cooperatives in which they carried out their activities.

To do this, it was necessary to obtain a registration certificate from the executive committee, or to issue a patent, which was issued for a period of no more than 5 years.

On April 2, 1991, a new Law “On the General Principles of Entrepreneurship of Citizens in the USSR” came into force in the USSR, where, in fact, the first abbreviations appeared, as people involved in business were called.

The most popular form of entrepreneurship turned out to be when it did not involve the creation of a legal entity, and where the most convenient conditions at that time were declared.

This is how the name PBOYUL or “Entrepreneur without the formation of a legal entity” appeared.

It is this name that has historically topped the list of business names.

It is worth noting that at that time the following forms of entrepreneurship could be applied: with the formation of a legal entity; without forming a legal entity; using hired labor; without the use of hired labor.

In 1994, in connection with the adoption of the Civil Code, Article 23 of the Code established the name of the business as PBOYUL, which began from the moment of state registration.

This is how entrepreneurs were called until 2003, when Chapter VII.1 was introduced into the Federal Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, where PBOYULs were called individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs).

Let us recall how the names of Soviet and Russian entrepreneurship evolved:

ETCindividual labor activity. This concept was first introduced in the USSR and existed from 1986 to 1991. At its core, it fully declared only the opportunity to work “for oneself.” Many did not fully understand this, but the process had begun.

PBOYUL is essentially the most difficult, long and complex term to understand, stands for “ Entrepreneur without legal entity formation" Many early entrepreneurs took on this newfangled status, becoming cooperators, producers, in general, the first Soviet and then Russian businessmen. The entrepreneurs existed under this name from 1991 to 2003. With warmth, and at the same time apprehension, I remember the time when everything was new, and the mentality that had developed in the country of the Soviets began to change in the direction of leaving the crowd in order to form an independent entrepreneurial unit.

Emergency – self employed. As strange as it may seem, this name never had an officially established status, but nevertheless, that’s what was on everyone’s lips. Few people called entrepreneurs by a long and awkward name.

IP – individual entrepreneur. Perhaps, compared with previous titles, this is the most accurate and correct, reflects the very essence, and at the same time is easy to understand. This legal term was introduced in 2003 and is still relevant today.

An individual entrepreneur was also given a clear definition from the point of view of legislation: an individual who is registered by an authorized state body to carry out business activities privately without an organizational and legal form - a legal entity.

Whatever name entrepreneurs have, the essence itself does not change, although, comparing the capabilities of a businessman from the times of the USSR or early Russia and the present one, one can easily note that at present there are certainly more opportunities. And names are an integral part of life, which we are accustomed to, living in a world of abbreviations, abbreviations and terms.

Conventionally, entrepreneurs are divided into the following categories:

  1. Forced people who started doing business due to a combination of unfavorable circumstances.
  2. Voluntary, who focus on independence and maximizing income.

It is believed that the second representatives are better able to create a sustainable enterprise with good profits. Their expectations are initially higher, and are not designed to quickly generate at least some income. The category of voluntary entrepreneurs includes:

  1. Owners of businesses with small profits who set themselves non-economic goals. They are characterized by a high level of satisfaction.
  2. Initially, optimistic people who were aiming for high profits. They maintain the initial attitude and are satisfied with lower profits than expected.
  3. Entrepreneurs who considered starting a new project as a platform for gaining new business experience. It was the pursuit of this goal that represented a significant result for them, and not the amount of income.

What does it take to become?

From a legal point of view, becoming an entrepreneur is not difficult. It will only take a week to receive a document confirming the acquisition of the status of an individual entrepreneur - the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet (), which gives the right to be called a business entity. Everything is done in three stages:

    This document was issued until December 31, 2016. From January 1, 2017, the document confirming receipt of the status of an individual entrepreneur is the Entry Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

    You can learn in more detail and thoroughly about all the stages of preparing documents, as well as completing registration actions via this link.

    This is true if we are talking about an individual entrepreneur as an organizational and legal form.

    But do not forget that an individual entrepreneur is still an individual, but no one is stopping you from registering an enterprise as a legal entity, namely:

    1. Limited liability company – LLC.
    2. Public joint stock company – PJSC.
    3. Non-public joint stock company – JSC.

    Before you decide for yourself which is better: physical or legal status, look at this comparative table, which shows the pros and cons of each form.

    The registration procedure differs from that of an individual entrepreneur, but essentially nothing complicated. For relatively reasonable money, any lawyer will take over this procedure entirely, saving the new businessman from unnecessary bureaucratic hassle.

    It is important at this stage to decide on the taxation system: general, simplified, patent (only for individual entrepreneurs - individuals), UTII or Unified Agricultural Tax.

    Please note that we talked about all taxation systems for individual entrepreneurs at .

    By default, the state inclines business entities to a common taxation system. It is more beneficial for fiscal authorities and less beneficial for entrepreneurs. When choosing a system, it is best to consult with specialists. Law firms that provide services to businesses have up-to-date information on tax optimization issues. It allows you to reduce costs and increase company profits. It is best to do this at the business planning stage.

    There is form, but is there content?

    The registration documents received do not yet ensure profit. How many proud entrepreneurs celebrated this event as something outstanding, and how many of them went to close the business entity after six months or a year? The statistics here are inexorable: almost 4 out of 5 businessmen curtail their activities in the first year.

    The reason for the sad trend is that there is form, but no content. An entrepreneur is a person whose direct boss is the need to achieve a certain goal:

    1. Earn money.
    2. To buy a house.
    3. Create financial independence.
    4. Make the world a better place.
    5. Buy a plot on the Moon.
    6. And so on.

    The initial goal can be anything. A little later, when faced with reality in business, the entrepreneur frees himself from rose-colored glasses and adjusts his original plans. It turns out that even on the Moon this area is not particularly needed, and the world will somehow become better without it.

    But the main thing has changed - he himself is responsible for everything that happens around him and with him! There is no boss you can grumble about, that he doesn’t pay you enough, forces you to work a lot, and his attitude towards people is disgusting. Now you don’t have to work at all for days, but that’s where you get the money after that.

    Registration of an enterprise imposes obligations to regularly pay:

    • taxes;
    • social contributions;
    • rental of premises - if any;
    • salaries of hired workers.

    And here you won’t be able to come to the only employee who is sitting on the phone and tell him that there is no income this month, he worked poorly, and will not receive any money. Labor legislation prohibits fining personnel in rubles, limiting penalties to reprimand or dismissal. So it’s not far from being in the field of view of employees of the State Labor Inspectorate.

    For reference: in 2016, based on the results of the activities of the State Tax Inspectorate (134.5 thousand inspections), 98 persons were brought to criminal liability, and the total amount of fines is about 4 billion rubles. The figures may not be impressive unless you consider that twice as many people were sentenced as in 2015, and the amount of fines increased by half a billion while the number of checks was reduced. This trend is worth thinking about.

    After a few months of such activity, thoughts involuntarily arise that the boss from the last place of work was not so bad, and if so much effort had been put into the last position, it would have been possible to become a top manager long ago.

    Marketing is everything to us!

    Having become an entrepreneur, you will have to learn not only (or not so much) about new terms, but about their content. “Oh, that’s what the boss meant when he talked about poor lead conversion,” - now many boring concepts take on a different meaning.

    Attracting customers is the first thing you will have to pay close attention to. You need to think about it even before collecting documents and filling out an application for business registration. This activity is called marketing. This is what an entrepreneur should pay the closest attention to.

    Establish the production of goods, ensure the provision of services - all this can be done by thousands of hired workers. Even if these goods or services are of very high quality, you still need to be able to sell them. They are not sold by themselves.

    The mistake of novice entrepreneurs is that they are overwhelmed by the production process. This is a necessary task, but it is better to delegate it to hired personnel. An effective entrepreneur invests his own efforts not in production itself, but above it - sales, negotiations, optimization. All this relates to creativity, for this it is better to hire a business development director.

    It is important to know! There is no clear and only correct algorithm, following which you can create an effective, highly profitable business. We can only talk about the probable sequence of events.

    Outsourcing and outsourcing again!

    Opening your own business requires you to do a lot and quickly. Where do you get the skills for this? The answer is to outsource.

    Don't know how to organize security? A large number of reserve officers will readily provide reliable physical protection of any enterprise. Need a website (we have a separate one about “personal website for individual entrepreneurs”) but don't understand anything about the code? Freelancer Ivanov will make and set up a high-quality website for a few thousand rubles, freelancer Petrov will create a semantic core for the same money, and freelancer Sidorov will fill it with a dozen articles.

    An entrepreneur's time is very valuable if he is setting up sewing machines, discussing wallpapering technology with builders, or discussing training programs in the fitness room with a trainer next week.

    To summarize, we can summarize: an entrepreneur is a creative person who implements ideas at his own peril and risk in order to make a profit. Do you want to lay the tiles yourself? Please, this approach is allowed. But wouldn’t it be more effective to search for new customers and negotiate with them? Have you decided to engage in sales without registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC? Well, try it. But is it necessary to take risks in violation of the law?

    Entrepreneurship provides great opportunities for personal development, especially if it is combined with something you love. Therefore, businessmen who have achieved success on their own can hardly be called limited people. The main thing is that the entrepreneur is responsible for everything that happens to him. Take this into account!

Entrepreneurship attracts many people due to the opportunity to earn money for a comfortable existence. And before they start acting, they want to look at those who are already earning money and living well. Within the framework of this article, the curtain will be lifted on the secrecy of working for yourself, and numerous examples of entrepreneurial activity will be given.

general information

First, let's define what entrepreneurship is. It should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted interpretation. But in order to have an idea of ​​the object of consideration, the article will combine several of the most popular ones. So, entrepreneurship is an activity accompanied by great risk, which is aimed at obtaining the maximum possible profit and is a manifestation of economic freedom. Let's look point by point.

Details about entrepreneurship

So, if you want to engage in such activities, you need to understand that:

1. Entrepreneurship is work whose goal is to obtain maximum profit. The efforts of both the company owner and its employees should be directed towards this. Examples of entrepreneurial activity in this case are Coca-Cola, Roshen, AVK, Pepsi, McDonald's. Each of these companies has its own corporate culture, which is aimed at prosperity.

2. Entrepreneurship is work that is carried out at your own peril and risk. Moreover, they are incredibly large and can have significant consequences. Let's turn to the experience of the countries of the so-called West. Statistics show that approximately 80% of businesses that are created die within the first year of their activity. And after 50 years, only 1-2% of companies remain “alive”. The reason for this “pestilence” is a significant underestimation of risks.

Where can you realize yourself as an entrepreneur?

Wait a little longer and we will definitely talk about examples. So where can you feel like an entrepreneur? Usually the following areas are distinguished:

1. Production.

2. Agriculture.

3. Commerce.

4. Finance.

5. Innovation activities.

Opportunities and challenges

Each of the listed areas has its own characteristics and specifics. They have only one thing in common - it is difficult to survive here. But we should not forget that people engage in entrepreneurship precisely because of the chance to provide themselves and their families with a comfortable existence. It's a worthy goal. And all types of entrepreneurial activities are suitable for her. Real life examples show that the most important thing is preparation, determination and willingness to work.


In this case, it means working on the creation of specific goods, works, or provision of services. This type of entrepreneurship is considered quite complex and at the same time costly, because for practical implementation it is necessary to have working and fixed assets, as well as employees. It is even possible to involve third parties. An important indicator of efficiency is profitability and development plan. Examples of enterprises carrying out business activities in this direction are construction, engineering companies, commercial structures of light industry, etc. Famous ones include Nike and Adidas. Less known are Elektronmash and the Kharkov Tractor Plant.


Engaged in growing food products. Since there is often no large capital, a variation such as farming is popular among entrepreneurs. Last but not least, the choice in favor of this status is made due to the absence of the need to create a legal entity and the opportunity to register as an individual entrepreneur. Highly specialized farms are quite profitable and efficient. In the last ten years, growing exotic crops has become popular. For example, mushrooms. Moreover, these can be either ordinary champignons or something more refined and elite. Examples of entrepreneurial activity in this sector prove that there is a need for mushrooms. What do people do who want to grow such unusual food? They find or build a closed, dark room, supply it with everything they need, and begin to work. Moreover, if you look at the results of their activities, you can see that they are not in poverty. Agriculture is a profitable direction, because the world's population is constantly growing, and food is becoming more and more necessary. If you want to act in this direction, you should know that the legislation distinguishes between individual and family-group farms. They have their advantages and disadvantages, and everyone makes their own choice which is better.


It is characterized by operations and buy/sell transactions, during which goods and services are traded. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this is perhaps the most common type of entrepreneurship. A large number of both small businesses and individuals take part in it. This activity requires mobility, quick adaptation to needs, because it is connected with the specific needs of the population. The entrepreneur himself is not directly involved in the production of goods, but only sells them. In this case, an example of entrepreneurial activity is the purchase of goods in the People's Republic of China with subsequent resale to the population of the Russian Federation. Moreover, it is carried out, as a rule, with a markup of 400-500%. Why is that? The fact is that when commercial entrepreneurs order certain products, their consumer is the market. That is, there is no specific person who would agree to buy the item immediately. Therefore, due to the likelihood of failure (no one will want to), loss (Russian Post did not deliver the parcel), low initial cost and speed of implementation, commercial entrepreneurs create such large markups. These are the features of entrepreneurial activity in this case. Examples from world practice generally often indicate that simple resale requires a significant increase in price. And if advertising is also carried out, then in this case its budget may exceed the cost of production in price.

Innovation activities

It is an innovative process specializing in the creation and commercial use of technical and technological innovations. This is a particularly risky activity, even against the general background of entrepreneurial activity. After all, expenses are required for scientific research, design work, and organization of pilot production. And this is without any guarantee of getting results at all. Because of this, innovation activity largely remains the province of states. If the private sector is working on something, it is more in the bosom of practical science. While few people want to develop the theory due to the impossibility of obtaining a quick and effective result that can be quickly translated into a commercial plane.

Where can you turn around?

There are three main areas in innovation activity:

1. Products. Most often it occurs in the form of a radical update of the company’s potential, which entails an increase in profits, strengthening of market positions, strengthening independence, maintaining and acquiring clientele.

2. Technology. Aimed at updating production potential, increasing labor productivity, as well as saving raw materials and resources.

3. Social innovation. They are used to mobilize personnel, expand recruitment potential, and improve the quality of the workforce.

This activity involves going through four stages: searching for an idea with its subsequent evaluation, drawing up a plan, finding the necessary resources and entrepreneurship itself. It is believed that this is the most profitable option for small businesses, since it provides high flexibility and dynamism of development.

About specific companies

Here are the various types of business activities listed. Examples have been given, but they are few. And this needs to be corrected. So let's talk about innovation. Companies that operate in this area can often boast of fame. The same Facebook, Google, Microsoft, SpiceX, Oracle are the pioneers of humanity. They create amazing and unprecedented technologies. They are expensive. But many treat them with caution. Let's look at Facebook and Google. The capitalization of these companies is approximately the same - at the end of the summer of 2017 it exceeded half a trillion dollars. Revenue is also similar - it is in the range of twenty to thirty billion dollars. On the one hand, this is an example of high-quality implementation. But if you compare it with enterprises in another field, certain doubts may creep in.

Let's take as an example their competitor in terms of capitalization - the Walmart chain of stores. With the same estimated value, it reached an annual turnover of... 268 billion dollars! Of course, the net income is not that big. But Google, which has earned a little more than $28 billion in total revenue, has a significant infrastructure, a large number of employees and various projects in which it invests. As you can see, everything is clearly ambiguous. There may be various forms of entrepreneurial activity; the examples discussed in the article give only an approximate idea of ​​the current state of affairs in the world.


Reading about other people's success stories or responding to someone's requests for examples of entrepreneurial activity is not as good as creating something worthwhile yourself. In these difficult times, when the country needs confident, organized and purposeful people, we need to work on important and significant aspects of our lives. Let's take agriculture, for example. Is the reader aware that the Russian Federation is quite active in importing food products? Yes, this may seem fantastic, but, alas, it is true. If you want to engage in entrepreneurship, then know: now is the right opportunity for this. There are many different areas that have not been explored, where there is a lot of work and opportunities to take a worthy place not only within one country, but also on the world stage. Of course, the path to success and prosperity will not be easy. But if you correctly assess your strengths, all the potential risks and work hard to achieve your goal, believe me, the reward will not be long in coming. You need to show signs of entrepreneurial activity. Let examples of success inspire us, not to give up and move forward!

People, especially independent people, have never been attracted to working as an employee. Such citizens will not sit late in the office or work double shifts at a factory. Most likely, they will start their own business and become entrepreneurs.

But who is an entrepreneur? Some citizens are often confused about this concept and cannot give a clear answer.

Entrepreneur concept

So, in modern society, the concept of “entrepreneur” has the following definition - a subject who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Something like this answer can be heard in nine out of ten cases. At the same time, many do not even think about what exactly is meant by entrepreneurial activity.

Entrepreneurial activity is a type of economic activity carried out at one’s own risk and aimed at obtaining benefits from the sale of products, provision of services or performance of work.

In other words, entrepreneurship means the implementation of activities (providing specialized advice, performing specific types of work, selling goods) in a certain area (financial, medical, socio-cultural). And all this is done for only one purpose - getting money.

Based on the above, we can give a more precise answer to the question of who an entrepreneur is. This is an entity that, at its own risk, engages in economic activity in order to make a profit from the sale of products, provision of services or performance of work.

Who is an entrepreneur?

If you read the concept without thinking about the meaning, you can mistakenly assume that any citizen who carries out any activity receives money for it is an entrepreneur. But that's not true. Carrying out economic activity is not yet a reason to call a person an entrepreneur. After all, in this case, you can also call Uncle Petya from the next door, who in his free time from work helps his friends with cargo transportation.

The essence of an entrepreneur is to:

  • manage an enterprise or organization, form initial capital;
  • use the profit received at your own discretion and make various decisions to increase or invest it;
  • bear full responsibility for the decisions made to conduct business and be prepared for further consequences.

The above lists only the main signs that are characteristic of an entrepreneur. But, for example, private entrepreneurship has its own interesting nuances.

The concept of a private entrepreneur

Such a concept as a “private entrepreneur” has long gone out of use. Today they say “individual entrepreneur” - an entity that has necessarily passed state registration to carry out certain activities without first forming a legal entity. That is, a person who has the right to do business legally, but has not registered a legal entity.

Obtain the rights of an entrepreneur in accordance with Art. 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every adult and capable citizen of the country can. Only in some cases established by law, minors have the right to register an individual entrepreneur.

It is noteworthy that a municipal employee or an employee of a state enterprise cannot register as an individual entrepreneur. Although in modern society this is more of a formality than a rule.

Who is an IP?

Many who read about who an entrepreneur is will immediately answer that such a person is engaged in entrepreneurship. This is true. But it is necessary to supplement the sentence with the fact that a person is engaged in business within the framework of the laws and norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, violation of which carries criminal or administrative liability.

It is also necessary to understand that an individual entrepreneur is not a profession or a position, but a special legal status. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be any clear obligations in this regard placed in legislative acts. But there are still some unspoken concepts about what such a person does.

Activities of an entrepreneur

The main activities of the entrepreneur are as follows:

  • registration of legal status and obtaining permission for a specific type of activity;
  • maintaining tax, accounting and other financial reporting, timely payment of taxes;
  • provision of goods, services or performance of work in accordance with the concluded agreement with suppliers, investors, clients, etc.;
  • ensuring comfortable and safe working conditions for hired workers (if any);
  • payment of wages to employees (if any).

In other words, the entrepreneur is obliged to monitor the implementation of certain tasks that are necessary to obtain further profit. How this goal will be achieved, independently or with the help of hired workers, depends on the decisions of the business entity itself.

How to become an entrepreneur?

Having figured out who an entrepreneur is and what he does, many also want to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. After all, being an entrepreneur, you can not obey anyone and work for yourself. But at the same time, some people do not even suspect what is needed for this.

And to become an individual entrepreneur, you will have to:

  • choose a suitable area for activity;
  • choose one taxation system from two existing ones (general or simplified);
  • prepare documents for state registration;
  • pay the mandatory fees and receive a receipt for payment;
  • go to the tax office at your place of residence and submit the prepared documents along with the check;
  • obtain a registration certificate.

You can do everything mentioned above yourself or with the help of lawyers. For example, many newcomers prefer to turn to experienced specialists who will sort out the formalities rather than doing it alone. This method is much more expensive, but more effective and faster.

In modern educational institutions, the concept of “entrepreneur” is given the following definition: an economic entity that organizes activities for the production of products or the provision of services. To implement this, he uses his own or borrowed funds; the main goal of such a person is to make a profit.

An entrepreneur is distinguished by the following characteristics:
- He takes part in the management of the enterprise and the formation of initial capital;
- The entrepreneur reserves the right to use and distribute the profit received, and also makes various decisions, for example, choosing the optimal development strategy;
- The entrepreneur bears financial responsibility for the results of his activities and the work of the enterprise.

These features are typical for the sphere of public entrepreneurship; private entrepreneurship has its own characteristics.

Individual entrepreneur

The concept of “private entrepreneur” is outdated; the concept of “individual entrepreneur” is now used. He is given the following definition: an individual carrying out certain activities without forming a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur undergoes state registration in the manner prescribed by law. All adults and capable citizens can carry out entrepreneurial activities; in exceptional cases, this right is granted to minors. Employees of municipal and state enterprises cannot become individual entrepreneurs.

Who is an entrepreneur

Any person who runs his own business or business for profit is an entrepreneur. He does not have to undergo state registration. Carrying out entrepreneurial activities is a sufficient reason to call a person an entrepreneur. He can run his own business (business) or help other entrepreneurs in creating their enterprises.

Any business activity is regulated by law. If a person engages in such activities, but does not have the right to do so under current legislation, he may be prosecuted.

The right to entrepreneurship is protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Almost everyone is free to freely dispose of their funds and property, as well as carry out any economic activity. Therefore, any citizen who periodically engages in the resale of goods or other entrepreneurial activities can be called an entrepreneur.

A case in point are merchants in pre-revolutionary Russia. According to the trade legislation that existed at that time, they were called entrepreneurs. A merchant is a person who carries out trade transactions on his own behalf.

The concept of “entrepreneur” does not exist in all countries. The legislation of some states provides for the use of such status as “merchant”. This is a person who makes transactions or other business activities on his own behalf. The difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman is only in the name; the essence of both concepts is the same.

We can give another, unofficial definition of the concept of “entrepreneur”: a strong-willed, independent person with original ideas and a huge “reserve” of enthusiasm. Even if you sell fruits, you can be called an entrepreneur.


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