Lot Online is an electronic platform. Electronic trading platform of the Russian Auction House (RAD) Rad auction house electronic platform

The beginning of the new year 2017 was marked by yet another change in the field of electronic trading, although this time the news for procurement participants turned out to be pleasant. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016, number 2933-r, a new platform was added to the five existing Federal trading platforms - the Russian Auction House (www.auction-house.ru).

Thus, the law now defines 6 platforms for conducting electronic trading in accordance with 44-FZ. We hope that this innovation will allow more suppliers to participate in public procurement, and a new tool in the form of a trading platform called “Russian Auction House” will make it possible to do this more conveniently.

What is the Russian Auction House?

The trading platform Russian Auction House (abbreviated RAD) was founded in 2009, one of the founders is Sberbank. Since 2010, RAD has been the official seller of Federal property of the Russian Federation, which definitely contributed to obtaining the status of the Federal trading platform.

RAD specializes in Russian property and other tangible assets. Now, the list of sites selected for the State. The order looks like this:

  1. Sberbank-AST (sberbank-ast.ru);
  2. Unified electronic trading platform (roseltorg.ru);
  3. Electronic Trading System (zakazrf.ru);
  4. ETP "MICEX-IT" (etp-micex.ru);
  5. RTS-Tender (rts-tender.ru);
  6. Russian Auction House (lot-online.ru).

The site of the Russian Auction House itself is located at: http://lot-online.ru. Main categories of the trading platform: Privatization, State corporations, Pledges, Bankruptcy, Private objects, Procurement.

What electronic signature is needed for RAD?

Since the trading platform of the Russian Auction House has received Federal status and is on the same rank with such giants as Sberbank-Ast and EETP (Roseltorg), the electronic signature intended for working on Federal platforms is now also suitable for trading on the RAD platform.

The general scheme of work on this trading platform looks the same as on other Federal platforms. You need to obtain an electronic digital signature, then go through the Accreditation procedure, select the auction you are interested in and submit an application to participate in the auction.

We can produce for you an Electronic signature for working on the trading platform "Russian Auction House" for 5400 rubles.

The kit includes:

  • Production of an Electronic Signature certificate for work on Federal trading platforms;
  • CryptoPro license for a period of 1 year;
  • Protected medium - Token.

Lot-online positions itself as an all-Russian universal electronic platform for the sale of public and private property and the purchase of goods, works and services. And although it became federal only at the end of 2016, Lot-online has existed and been operating successfully since 2010. Please note that sometimes the ETP is mistakenly called the Russian Auction House - the electronic platform is correctly called the Russian Auction House.

Platform history

On December 31, 2016, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the sixth electronic trading platform for government procurement under 44-FZ appeared. The operator is OJSC Russian Auction House (RAD), one of the founders of which is Sberbank of Russia. Thus, Sberbank, in addition to the largest platform Sberbank-AST, has another one called Lot-online.

On May 29, 2017, RAD was registered in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement.

The auction trading house (trading platform - lot-online.ru) is one of the ETPs that have passed a commission at the Ministry of Economic Development and are certified to conduct auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.

The software uses digital signature, which guarantees the safety and legality of trading.

Registration of buyers in the auction is free.

About areas of activity

  1. Procurement. RAD provides the opportunity to purchase goods, works and services to companies that are subject to regulation by 223-FZ and 44-FZ, as well as any commercial organizations that use electronic procurement to optimize their activities. The organizer chooses procurement methods and their various modifications, can carry out procedures with and without pre-qualification, single-lot and multi-lot procedures.
  2. Commercial bidding. Automated procedures for the sale of non-core assets, guaranteeing the attraction of the maximum number of participants.
  3. Pledges. This is an all-Russian database of non-core and problem assets of banks, insurance and leasing companies, as well as other owners who have the relevant property. Allows you to quickly find buyers and sell property as openly and efficiently as possible without the involvement of third parties. “All pledges” is the authorized operator of the Register of sold property of debtors of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.
  4. Bankruptcy.RAD occupies a leading position in the market among ETP operators for bankruptcy and has the maximum number of self-regulatory organizations of arbitration managers as partners.
  5. Privatization. An effective tool for the sale of state and municipal property. The only platform in the Russian Federation that provides privatization in electronic form since 2011.

In addition to the Russian Auction House platform (electronic platform -

In 2017, tenders were held at the ETP RAD in relation to 28.5 thousand objects for an amount exceeding 260 billion rubles.

Areas of activity of the electronic platform:

A high-tech tool for the purpose of selling the property of debtors (bankrupts), ensuring compliance with the interests of creditors, the debtor and society. Since 2010, the Lot-online electronic platform has been accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts). Lot-online occupies a leading position in the market among bankruptcy platform operators and has the maximum number of self-regulatory organizations of insolvency practitioners as partners. The operator's liability is insured.

The electronic platform provides the opportunity to purchase goods, works and services to companies that are regulated by Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities,” as well as any commercial organizations that use electronic procurement to optimize their activities.
Lot-online is a high-tech and easy-to-use hardware and software complex. The organizer chooses procurement methods and their various modifications, can carry out procedures with and without pre-qualification, single-lot and multi-lot procedures.

This is an all-Russian database of non-core and problem assets of banks, insurance and leasing companies, as well as other owners who have the relevant property. The platform allows you to quickly find buyers and sell property as openly and efficiently as possible without the involvement of third parties.
The “All Pledges” platform is the authorized operator of the Register of Realizable Property of Debtors of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. The trust of the leading bank of the Russian Federation indicates the high efficiency and quality of the services offered.

1. ETP RAD Russian auction house electronic trading platform lot-online.ru

In August 2009, by decree of the Russian government, it was established Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House" (RAD)− an electronic trading platform (ETP) for conducting both classical and electronic trading, which has become the sixth in the Russian Federation that is allowed to engage in public procurement in Russia. At the same time, the Russian Auction House ETP also deals with the sale of private property in the Russian Federation. The founders of the new ETP were:

    the largest commercial bank in Russia - PJSC Sberbank;

    the Russian Jeweler company is a partner and expert in antiques;

    The Russian Guild of Managers and Developers is a conglomerate of 350 of the largest developers and investment companies in the Russian market.

On May 29, 2017, the RAD received registration in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. The safety and legality of trading is guaranteed by the use of ETP software. Today, the Auction Trading House (TP – lot-online.ru) is among those who have passed a commission at the Ministry of Economic Development and are certified to conduct auctions for the sale of property of enterprises that have undergone bankruptcy.

2. Areas of activity of ETP “Russian Trade Auction House”

Before entering the ETP market electronic trading platform RAD (“Russian Auction House”) none of the previously existing five federal platforms was engaged in trading in the field of private property. And only with the advent of the “new” trade electronic signature did this area of ​​trading begin to develop at the federal level. The RAD platform, in fact, became the first auction platform for the sale of private property throughout Russia. Thus, the Russian Auction House on its site is engaged in:

    sale of mortgaged property of private owners;

    sale of property of bankrupt enterprises;

    sale of assets of state corporations;

    sale of art objects;

    sale of jewelry and antiques.

This joint project has been implemented by Sberbank of Russia and the St. Petersburg Property Fund. The company is an open joint stock company with an authorized capital of twenty million rubles.

Considering that Sberbank had previously created the electronic trading platform “Sberbank-AST”, which is the leader among electronic trading platforms in the country, has large commercial customers and more than eight thousand suppliers are registered, the St. Petersburg Property Fund is the leader in the Russian Federation in terms of sales of state property at auctions, thereby proving its worth to the largest Russian creditor. Based on the above, it can be argued that the ETP “Russian Auction House” and “Sberbank-AST” successfully complement each other’s functions, conducting a wide variety of auctions in any nominated form.

In addition, RAD cooperates both directly with the bank and with its management company, since Sberbank has an equally popular division - the Sberbank-Capital company. This division specializes in managing assets received from borrowers.

The primary task of the Russian Auction House at the current stage is the sale of a wide variety of property that has become pledged under loans issued by the Russian Sberbank. And there is no doubt that such a decision was made by Sberbank in order to maximally optimize work with various property of various debtors. During the auction, the RAD sells the property that was pledged out of court.

3. What else does the Russian Auction House ETP offer?

In addition to other trading activities, the company is ready to offer cooperation in related areas of interaction. Among these there are many proposals that are quite in demand today, which do not raise doubts about the professionalism and quality of the types of activities provided:

    valuation of lots;

    consulting service (marketing research, presentation of an advertising company, etc.);

    hall rental services (holding events of any format with high technical equipment in a room for up to 150 people).

It is difficult to doubt that advertising services will be provided competently, with high potential, aimed at subsequent sales at auction at the highest possible price. The company offers all of the above services not only at classic auctions, but also on the electronic trading platform lot-online.ru, which brings the highest possible results. The Russian Auction House has an invaluable wealth of experience and a wide geography of procurement. An impeccable reputation and numerous grateful customer reviews have become the hallmark of this trading platform. And professionalism in the expert field of valuation of real estate purchase and sale, in assessing the investment attractiveness of objects or businesses, in the effectiveness of financial investments has multiplied the authority of this trading platform many times over.

Do you want to get accredited at ETP "RAD"

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

4. Partnership as a guarantee of the effectiveness of the ETP “Russian Auction House”

Since childhood, we have learned the essence of the proverb: “Tell me who your friend is - I’ll tell you who you are,” so it would be absolutely appropriate to talk about RAD partners as guarantors of the efficiency of the ETP and the quality of the services provided. Undoubtedly, serious organizations that value their authority will not cooperate with insignificant trading platforms that do not have the label of success and reliability attached to them. The Russian Auction House is recommended for cooperation by the following largest partners:

    PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

    The government of Moscow;

    PJSC "Bin Bank";

    Defense Department;

    PJSC Russian Networks;


    PJSC Russian Railways

    PJSC Gazprom.

And this is not a complete list of those who had the opportunity to trade on the RAD platform. The Russian Auction House company is deservedly recognized as one of the largest companies in Russia in the field of real estate transactions.

5. What does the official website of the ETP “Russian Auction House” offer?

Becoming a customer or bidder on the RAD site is completely easy. By taking advantage of the offers on the official website of this trading platform, you will easily master the necessary terms of cooperation. Among the services offered to users you will find:

    accreditation services (5 days and 1 hour);

    turnkey tender organization services.

This is only a small part of the main offers that you can familiarize yourself with on the site, and by clicking on the “learn more” line, you will receive comprehensive information on all the issues that interest you. Here you will also be offered training on tenders and other aspects of trading on the ETP.

In the “Knowledge Base” you can also familiarize yourself with:

    instructions for participating in the auction;

    instructions for participation in the competition;

    official website of government procurement;

    conditions for obtaining accreditation;

    with the rules for winning the tender, etc. and so on.

“Russian Auction House” is the 6th federal platform of the RAD, which will cooperate with you and demonstrate all the advantages of the ETP (electronic trading platform) RAD (“Russian Auction House”).

6. Video instructions for the electronic platform of the Russian Trade Auction House

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!


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