Low-quality plastic windows what to do. Poor installation of plastic windows. Procedure for action. What to do if you have low-quality plastic windows installed

Improper installation of plastic windows can lead to heat leakage, penetration of unwanted air currents into the building and accelerated destruction of window frames. The MEDIA WINDOWS portal presents 10 mistakes that installers most often make.

Many contractors are installing windows the way they did a few years ago, without the use of appropriate insulation materials and modern technologies... Install a window block, apply foam and fix the frame without additional accessories to protect against moisture, considering this to be superfluous. Installation is often done too quickly and carelessly, therefore, as a result, plastic windows are poorly attached to the wall, and the mounting foam does not protect against moisture. What mistakes should be avoided when installing plastic windows?

Wrong window size selected

Such an error is the result of an incorrect measurement of the window opening and such windows should not be installed at all: if they are too large, the insulation layer will not fit, if too small, they will look unsightly. In both cases, correct installation is impossible, and over time, blowing and moisture penetration through such plastic windows will begin.

Inadequate surface cleaning

This happens both when replacing old windows with new ones, and when installing plastic windows in new buildings. Loose pieces of uncured mortar, debris, dust or old sealant residues cause the foam to bond poorly to the substrate. Pollution absorbs moisture and water, which can thus enter the interior of the house. They can also cause blowing.

Improper installation of PVC windows in terms of thermal insulation of walls

This error will contribute to the creation of cold bridges at the junction of the wall - window frame... In a single-layer wall, the window should be located in the middle of the wall, in a three-layer wall - in the plane of thermal insulation, and in a two-layer wall - at the very edge in the immediate vicinity of the insulation or go beyond it.

Poor deposition of a plastic window in the wall

Excessive adhesion of the window frame to the casing or the slope will make it impossible to properly perform the seal in these places. If, in addition, the junction of the PVC window frame and the wall is plastered, then, after some time, cracks will appear in this place as a result of compression and stretching of the window frame due to thermal expansion of the material. Moisture will eventually begin to penetrate through the cracks formed, which will lead to dampness of the wall insulation layer.

It is also a mistake that the distance from the window to the slope is too large. This leads to excessive stress on the dowels or anchors, creating a risk of deformation and displacement of the plastic window under the influence of external loads. The maximum size of the gap between the frame and the opening should be 3-4 cm (slightly larger at the bottom if a window sill profile is installed). The correct distance between the frame and the trim is approximately 1.5 centimeters.

The drainage hole of the profile in the PVC windows is blocked

This helps to destroy the frame and reduce the tightness of plastic windows. This situation may arise when replacing old windows with new ones, if the ebb is located higher than the inner window sill. In this case, systems of additional profiles are used and the windows are matched to the already existing wide platband.

Lack of a window sill

It will interfere with the sealing of the joint between the external window sill and the window frame and can lead to the penetration of water under the window frame and wetting the wall, and subsequently even to the corrosion of the dowels. The sill strip should be slightly narrower than the frame so that an external sill can be installed under the window frame.

Insufficient fastening of the plastic window to the wall

Using too few anchors or dowels can cause changes in the position of the window due to wind pressure, sudden opening, lengthening or shortening of the frame profile due to extreme temperatures. The entire frame can deform and the plaster around the window starts to crack. Difficulty opening and closing, blowing and condensation will begin.

Settling a window without supporting wedges or placing them in inappropriate places

If the window frame is located directly on the wall or on the insulation layer, then its movements can lead to cracking of the plaster and deformation of the window structure. Moisture and cold air will enter the room through the cracks.

Insufficient filling of joints with polyurethane foam

This is the only insulating material that fills the space between the plastic window and the wall, so its absence will lead to the formation of thermal bridges. Polyurethane foam should be applied carefully so that the space between the slope and the frame is tightly filled.

Refusal to use vapor barrier tape on the inner and vapor-permeable tape on the outside

This causes a gradual deterioration of thermal insulation, the faster, the more moisture forms in the room and the worse the PVC window is protected from moisture from the outside (for example, there is no casing). Plastic windows will wear out quickly and need to be replaced. To prevent the properties of the insulating material from deteriorating over time, it is necessary to protect it from the inside with a vapor barrier material, and from the outside - with a vapor-permeable layer. It is preferable to use the appropriate tapes or films, available in a wide range on the Russian market.

Knowing the most common mistakes when installing windows can be useful, both for those who decided to install plastic windows on their own, and for those who entrusted it to a window company. In the second case, the customer has the opportunity to ensure that the new PVC windows are installed correctly. A similar approach in most cases is correct when installing wooden euro-windows or aluminum windows.

The reason for drafts, a low level of heat or sound insulation can be several reasons at once: poorly made windows, installation, claims to which appeared immediately after the installation of structures, as well as the desire of buyers to save on components. Moreover, today the last point is called less and less when explaining the unsatisfactory performance of products, since buyers, taught by collective life experience, try not to purchase economy-class models and place orders only from trusted manufacturers. As a result, low-quality windows can most often end up with a client for two reasons - as a result of a manufacturing defect or due to improper installation. This article will explain in detail what buyers need to do in these situations.

Determine the root cause

If immediately or for some time after the installation of windows in the house, problems arose with their operation, it is necessary to understand what exactly this provoked. When there are no obvious traces of defects and defects, it is recommended to use a special method of profile structures. How to do this, read on OknaTrade. If during the inspection no violations were identified, then you should scrupulously check the correctness of the installation - there is also a detailed article on this topic. For those who doubt their abilities, an independent expert can be invited - sometimes in such situations, customers immediately turn to the society for protection consumer rights, but a large part of buyers decide to act independently.
Seasonal deformations of an unreinforced profile or the absence of an inert gas in a glass unit can mainly be detected only in winter due to sudden drafts or critical heat losses. Due to the lost time, difficulties may arise when making claims, therefore many experts recommend installing windows not in the summer, but. This allows not only to quickly identify all the shortcomings, but also to save money.

What to do when the cause of window problems is identified

If the whole problem is in the installation, you can first try to amicably resolve the issue with the installers. To do this, contact your company representative or team leader and explain the problem. Responsible organizations value their reputation and prefer not to bring matters to a scandal. Practical experience shows that normal installers will arrive at the facility on time and will eliminate the problems that have arisen.

In cases where such actions are ineffective, and installers ignore the informal requests of the window customer, the claim can force unscrupulous performers to change their behavior. In this case, the complaint should be written not just in the form of a chaotic narration, but according to certain rules:

  • the claim must be made in 2 copies, one of which remains with the customer, and the second is transferred to the contractor;
  • in the complaint, first of all, it is required to indicate the exact name and address of the organization that has undertaken the execution of the order;
  • do not forget to leave your contact information - name, phone number and address;
  • Describe the essence of the problem in a concise and detailed manner, but it is not required to list all the defects - it is enough to indicate the main drawback;
  • specifically and unequivocally indicate in the claim what exactly the contractor must perform - return funds, make a discount on products or replace windows with new ones;
  • indicate the time range during which the contractor is obliged to solve the problem - usually the period is 10 working days;
  • date and sign.

Sample claim for low-quality installation of plastic windows

When transferring a claim, the contractor must attach copies of sales receipts and the contract, and it is also recommended to insure himself in case the complaint is ignored. In this case, under favorable circumstances, an important document will turn into useless paper. To prevent this from happening, it is best to send a claim by registered mail... In this case, the delivery service, if necessary, will be able to confirm the delivery of the complaint.

During the transfer of the claim, it will not be superfluous to remind you that the next stage in solving the problem is litigation. Such information has a sobering effect on contractors, since they immediately understand how far the client is ready to go in defending his consumer rights.

What to do if the claim is ignored

If, within the specified timeframe, a complaint about low-quality plastic windows is ignored, and representatives of the company either avoid contact, or in various forms refuse to eliminate the shortcomings, it is necessary to resort to help statement of claim... When filing, it must indicate:
  • the exact address of the organization whose employees provided low-quality services;
  • name of the court;
  • your own contact details;
  • Full name of the head of the organization - it is in his name that the claim is drawn up;
  • a short and clear description of the essence of the problem;
  • the results of an independent examination and an agreement with checks.

It is not so difficult to win such a case in court with all the supporting documents. Some customers are afraid of a corruption component, but this is just the case when it is easier for the defendant to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff than to get involved in dangerous and expensive adventures.

The claim is filed with the court only after the expiration of the deadline, which was set aside in the claim for the elimination of deficiencies. Before this date, the application will not be accepted and will not be considered.

What to do if the problem is in the windows themselves

If the essence of the problem is in the profile structures themselves, and not in the quality of their installation, it is recommended to act in the same way - oral appeal and writing a complaint in case of refusal to resolve the issue. At the same time, there are cases when a claim must be immediately written:
  • windows, the sample of which in the showroom of the company differs from the models delivered to the object;
  • profiles have a gray tint or yellow spots with streaks;
  • the hardware works disgustingly, and traces of corrosion are visible on the surface of the mechanisms.
Problems like this usually occur when the seller has decided. In such situations, it is better not to give time and room for maneuver, but to immediately start tough actions. The first of them is a claim sent by registered mail.

Sample claim for poor-quality installation of windows or doors

SP Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

From: Petrova Alexandra Alexandrovna,


On January 18, 2026, I signed an agreement with you No. 20 for the delivery and installation of PVC products (plastic windows).

The cost of the order is 50796 rubles.

The warranty period is 3 years.

I have fulfilled my obligations to you, paid the cost of the order in full.

During operation, I found significant defects that could not be detected by me during installation: on all installed windows, the platbands are poorly fixed, and condensation forms inside the glass unit (between the glasses).

I have repeatedly orally addressed to your employees with the requirement to eliminate the above-mentioned deficiency.

In mid-November, your employees tried to eliminate the deficiency that had appeared by replacing the rubber seals, but the defect was not eliminated.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. In the absence in the contract of conditions on the quality of the goods (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods (perform work, provide a service) suitable for the purposes for which the goods (work, service) of this kind are usually used.

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

The consumer, upon detection of defects in the work performed (service rendered), has the right, at his choice, to demand:

gratuitous elimination of shortcomings of the work performed (rendered service)

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of the service) and demand full compensation for losses, if the shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered) are not eliminated by the contractor within the period specified in the contract. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of the service) if he discovered significant shortcomings in the work performed (service provided) or other significant deviations from the terms of the contract.

Taking into account the above, guided by Article 4.29 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" I ask you to eliminate the deficiency that has arisen within 10 days from the date of receipt of this claim, namely to fix the platbands and replace the double-glazed windows with high-quality ones.

and also pay me the cost of paid legal services in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

If you refuse to voluntarily fulfill my claim, I will be forced to file a claim with the court, where I will demand not only the fulfillment of my claims, but also compensation for moral damage, payment of a forfeit and a fine to the state income in the amount of 50% of the claim price.


a copy of the receipt of payment for legal services.


It must be remembered that the claim is made in two copies (one for the company and the other for the customer. The claim can be attributed independently and asked to sign the receipt in both copies. Or you can send a registered letter to legal address performer.


Claim for the installation of plastic windows - how to write and what to demand

If you find that plastic windows have been installed poorly for you, then do not hesitate for a minute and scribble a claim against such a company. One of the most common problems is sloppy workflow. Most installers don't really give a damn that you have freshly pasted wallpaper and new laminate. They will simply do their job without bothering to keep other people's labor. To avoid this, the first step is to persistently and clearly express your requirements for keeping your apartment as it was. Do not use "please", "try" and other tenderness that ordinary men-installers absolutely do not perceive. “Guys, I warn you right away so that no one has any problems, do everything as it should be and do not spoil anything in my apartment! It doesn't matter to me how many orders you make in addition to mine today, do everything for me with high quality and without haste! " - Yes, yes, just say so, do not hesitate. You can add that if the work is of poor quality, then you will not hesitate and write a complaint. Immediately cut off any attempts of installers to free up and quickly steer to the next order. Let them do everything at a normal pace. There is, of course, another option - you can offer the installers some kind of bonus for the work, but then why did you pay money for the installation?

The second option, when there is a claim for the installation of plastic windows, is the poor-quality installation itself. Its main features are blowing, fogging of glass, ice, gaps and fragile fastening of components (for example, a window sill or slopes). To avoid such sad consequences, it is recommended to contact a company verified in your city, about which they go positive reviews customers.

So, if you nevertheless faced damage to property during the work, then immediately go to the company, complain and write a claim on the installation of plastic windows. As compensation for damage, you can demand the amount paid for the installation, or an amount of money comparable to the damage caused. In principle, any adequate company will support you in such an intention, give money and punish installers so as not to undermine your reputation.

If we are talking about poor-quality installation of the windows themselves, then the law on the protection of consumer rights rises to your defense.

The seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods (perform work, provide the service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. In the absence of conditions in the contract on the quality of the goods (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods (perform work, provide a service) suitable for the purposes for which the goods (work, service) of this kind are usually used.

(Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights")

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" upon detection of shortcomings, the consumer has the right to a) demand the gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings of the work performed (rendered service) b) refuse to fulfill the contract and demand full compensation for losses

In your claim, demand to eliminate the deficiencies and pay within seven days legal services v required size... If the disadvantage is significant, then ask for a refund. In advance, in the claim, indicate that if you refuse to satisfy the claims, you will be forced to go to court and, in addition to claims to compensate for moral damage, the payment of a penalty and a fine to state revenue in the amount of 50% of the claim price. Be persistent!

Grounds for filing a claim with a window company

A claim for plastic windows, a sample of which will help you correctly draw up a document, can be drawn up to the address of the supplier of goods and / or services in many cases. The most common defects in new window systems are:

Profile color change during the warranty period

- "weeping windows" during the cold season

Failure of fittings

Violation of the tightness of the structure.

Failure to comply with the technology for installing high-quality window structures may become the basis for filing a claim. This entails a distortion of frames and window sills, the occurrence of leaks during precipitation, the appearance of cracks on the slopes, and so on. A sample of a claim for windows will also come in handy in case of revealing defects in double-glazed windows.

Registration of claims

A standard claim for windows must contain the details of the parties to the purchase and sale agreement, a description of the fact of the transaction, identified defects (with the obligatory indication of the terms), the requirements of the injured party. The latter may relate to the exchange of goods or compensation for damage (in the form of a reduction in the value of an order, a refund of funds spent on eliminating defects, etc.).

A sample of a claim for low-quality windows also provides for the presence of applications. Copies of the purchase and sale agreement (provision of services), warranty certificate, payment order (receipt) are sent to the contractor complete with the document. Increases the chances of satisfying the requirements with the conclusion of an independent examination. The latter is paid by the applicant, but he has the right to demand compensation from the supplier of goods and services. To do this, a corresponding paragraph is added to the document.

So, you are planning to communicate with a window company on a legal basis. You no longer need to search for a document by request “sample claim PVC windows". Download the document on our website, fill it out in accordance with the recommendations of experts, send it to the service provider and achieve the restoration of violated consumer rights.

Claim (installation of plastic windows)

[Artist name]

Address: [performer's address]

Home phone: [consumer phone]

Mob. phone: [it is desirable to specify]

Between me and you (your organization), an agreement was concluded from [date] No. [contract number] for the order, sale and installation of structures - PVC windows. The obligations under the contract were fulfilled by you improperly, the quality of the work performed does not bother me, namely:

1. The structures are not airtight; during the frost period, cold air was blowing strongly along the perimeters of the windows.

2. Very poor sound insulation, street noises with closed windows are also audible as with open windows.

According to Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation On Protection of Consumer Rights, the contractor is obliged to perform work (provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. In the absence of conditions in the contract on the quality of work (service), the contractor is obliged to perform work (provide a service) that meets the usual requirements and is suitable for the purposes for which the work (service) of this kind is usually used.

According to Article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation On Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer, upon detection of defects in the work performed (service provided), has the right, at his choice, to demand:

Gratuitous elimination of shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered)

A corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered)

Making another item of the same quality free of charge or doing the work again

Reimbursement of the costs incurred by him to eliminate the shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered) on his own or by third parties.

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of the service) and demand full compensation for losses, if the shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered) are not eliminated by the contractor within the period specified in the contract. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) if he finds significant deviations from the terms of the contract. The consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the shortcomings of the work performed (service provided).

Based on the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation On Protection of Consumer Rights, I kindly ask you, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Claim, to ensure the attendance of your specialist to agree on the list of deficiencies, draw up an appropriate Act and eliminate the identified deficiencies. I also ask you to establish a warranty period for the result of the work performed to eliminate the shortcomings of 1 (one) year from the date of my acceptance of the specified work.

I draw your attention to the fact that in case of delay in the fulfillment of these requirements beyond the period established by Art. 31 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, you will be obliged in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 28 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights to pay me a penalty in the amount of 3% of the total price of the order for each day of delay.

If my claim is rejected, I will have to go to court for the protection of my consumer rights, where I will also demand full compensation for the losses caused to me and compensation for moral damage (Ground: Articles 13-15 of the Law of the Russian Federation On Consumer Rights Protection). If the court satisfies my requirements, in accordance with Art. 100 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you will be charged with the costs of paying for the services of my representative in court. In addition, for failure to comply with the voluntary procedure for satisfying the consumer's claims, the court will impose a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.

[date] [signature and decryption of signature]

What to do if you have low-quality plastic windows installed?

Were you "thrown" by the window company?

Dissatisfied with your windows?

Money can and should be returned!

Quite recently, you have realized your little dream - you have installed brand new plastic windows in your apartment. But they did not please the eye for long: something happened and the quality of the products suddenly ceased to suit you. Even a slight change in the profile color or a sudden crack, “crying windows” in winter is a reason to think about the fact that the manufacturer was simply cheating when making your order. Not to mention more serious damage - broken fittings in the first weeks of careful use, or even unexpectedly discovered cracks that exclude the tightness of the product.

Or maybe you have ordered lovely windows. in an excellent configuration, which do not cause any complaints, but did the company disappoint with the installation? From the side of the street, polyurethane foam, unprotected from external influences, protrudes. the frames were warped and cracked in places, although there was no inaccuracy on your part? All this is a reason to present a claim to the company. selling you substandard windows or installing them incorrectly. How can you "put pressure" on a company and get off with little blood if the company's management simply refuses to compensate for the damage or correct the discovered deficiencies free of charge?

We make claims

In order to receive compensation for poor quality windows. it is necessary to write an appropriate claim - about the exchange or directly, about compensation. A claim with the requirement to eliminate the shortcomings of the work performed will help those who have become the victim of unscrupulous workers. Despite the fact that the claim is an official document, the form of writing remains free. Don't forget to indicate key points: to whom, from whom, date of writing, the essence of the claim and your requirements. This is often enough.

The document must be written by hand in two identical copies: one is signed by the management of the company or store and remains in your hands to serve as a "living" confirmation that the company is considering the claim. Do not forget that in addition to the "dispatch", you need to attach a number of documents: a copy of the receipt or contract for the purchase of goods or services and a copy of the warranty card. It is also advisable to contact the consumer protection society. so that an independent examination was carried out, confirming the non-compliance of the quality of the product or service with the declared standards. A certified copy of the examination result must also be “given to the mercy” of the company.

What if the claim is refused?

It seems that the expertise also recognized the windows as ramshackle, and the work - the product of the labor of a third grader, but the company chose its own tactics. They just refuse to accept the claim! Still, it's too early to start a court: send your claim by registered mail. Valuable documents are delivered to the addressees directly into their hands, and the date of delivery of the letter is saved in the mail, which can serve as evidence of receipt of a claim if it becomes necessary to go to court. For the same purposes, you can use the site http://info.russianpost.ru/servlet/post_item, which tracks the delivery date.

Refused to fulfill the requirements

Only a resolution directly to the claim or in separate document... If this happens, you should not despair - you already have the opinion of an independent expert in your hands, with whom it will not be difficult to win a lawsuit. Once again, a consumer protection society awaits you, providing professional lawyer consulting victims of unscrupulous companies are completely free. So, you have to draw up a lawsuit. How to do it?

  1. The statement can be handwritten or typed. The plaintiff must indicate not only his full name. but also the address of registration and telephone number so that representatives of the court could contact him at any time. Also, do not forget to indicate the name of the court you are applying to - you never know, maybe you will miss this "insignificant" detail. If an organization acts as a plaintiff, indicate the location of the company instead of registration. The company must have a representative, the data and contacts of which are indicated in the claim.
  2. Since in this situation it is precisely entity, the claim must include the address of the company. If the defendant is a specific seller, installer or manager, then the claim is still sent to the name of the company's management.
  3. In the claim, it is necessary to clearly and clearly indicate the violation by the defendant of your rights, freedoms or interests (legal), as well as describe the current situation. Remember that claims need to be substantiated, so consult with a lawyer to correctly refer to laws that make the defendant “wrong”.
  4. In this case, it is often a matter of money, so be sure to include in the claim the calculation of the disputed sums of money. Moral compensation is a good thing, but for this, again, you need legal advice. It is not so easy to get millions if you have not suffered any particular damage. Although you can always refer to the fact that due to the lack of tightness of the windows, you were forced to breathe the poisonous fumes of the city. But this, again, will require additional expertise and solid evidence.
  5. Copies of the receipt, warranty card, contract (if any) and the expert opinion are attached to the application. If you have any other documents proving a violation of your rights, do not be too lazy to carry these "papers" to the copier.

Attention! In the case of the purchase of low-quality windows or if a low-quality installation of plastic windows was made, it is completely pointless to file a claim right away. The fact is that the law provides for the need to initially write a claim and only after the deadline for responding (specified in the contract) to the claim expires. If the contract does not provide for this period, then you can file a claim immediately after you have evidence of receipt of the claim by the company's management or a specific employee.

What are the chances to defend your right?

If the examination confirms the adequacy of your requirements, then the chances of successful completion of the case are indecently high. Moreover, a chance to resolve the conflict in a more or less peaceful way appears already at the time of filing a claim - the main thing is to subtly hint to the management of the window company. that "smelled fried." Do you need a lawyer? It all depends on the amount of the claim and the company with which you are going to sue. In order to estimate your own expenses, you need to consult with a lawyer.

By the way, it is quite possible to include in the claim a claim for reimbursement of the costs of the court and an independent examination by the defendant! In the case of a positive resolution of the case, you will not lose a penny, and justice will be restored! Finally, I would like to advise: contact only those companies that your friends have advised you. So the chance to run into unscrupulous producers and performers is reduced to zero.

Use of materials from the portal www.OknaInf.ru - only with the obligatory link to the authors and to the portal www.OknaInf.ru

Do you want new windows to serve you as long as possible? Remember that buying quality products is half the battle. It is equally important to establish it in accordance with all the rules and recommendations. If you do the editing carelessly, the consequences will not be long in coming. So to the question "Windows installed poorly: what to do?" the answer is to eliminate the marriage.

Errors during installation of windows

Inexperienced craftsmen and simple hackers during installation can make certain mistakes. The most common of them have been known for a long time. It:

  • incorrect sealing of the window seam;
  • significant deviations from the vertical and horizontal lines of the window blocks;
  • poor quality wall deposition;
  • blockage of the drainage hole;
  • lack of a window sill;
  • insufficient fastening;
  • poor placement of wedges;
  • lack of supporting support elements;
  • no spacers.

By the way, violations can be committed not only at the installation stage. An incorrect measurement of the window opening will lead to the manufacture of the frame of the wrong size. Real experts believe that windows that do not fit in size should not be installed at all. However, an unscrupulous company, not wanting to answer for the mistake of employees, can nevertheless quietly mount such a structure, but in the future one can not dream of any high-quality "service" of the product.

Consequences of poor-quality installation

Thinking in the spirit of: "We installed the windows poorly: what to do, how it really is - they are standing, and okay ..." - is fundamentally wrong. Better to act, as certain violations of technology can affect the operation. So, insufficient fastening of a plastic window in the opening and installation of the product not in size lead to blowing, condensation, and difficulties with opening and closing.

If the joints are filled with too little polyurethane foam, wait for heat loss. And if the foam is poorly bonded to the substrate, then water may enter the room. The absence of supporting wedges sometimes results in deformation of the structure.

How to deal with poor installation

If the windows were installed poorly, what should I do? First of all, assess the scale. In some cases, flaws can be corrected by yourself, without contacting specialists for this. For example, if the craftsmen missed a section of the frame when blowing it out with polyurethane foam, it is easier to walk independently along the joints with the balloon.

However, if you find that the frame is tilted or, for example, the installers have saved on plates, and in case of other errors that are quite serious, it is better to request their correction from the company that installed the windows, or contact other specialists.

How to avoid poor quality installation?

In order not to have such problems and not have to ask the question: "We installed the windows poorly: what to do?"

If you want to save money, you should not act as an installer yourself and develop skills by training on the window openings of your own apartment. In the event of a very likely failure, you will still have to pay for the rework and the price may be higher. It is also not recommended to trust the installation team that makes repairs at your home. Such "jack of all trades", which plumbers, tilers, and electricians, are unlikely to be able to really perform the installation of windows with high quality. Therefore, it is best to entrust the installation to the specialists of the company from which you purchase the products.

The installation of plastic windows and doors does not always lead to the results that the customer expects. Either the plastic turns yellow after a couple of months, then after installation the cracks go along the frame ... Otherwise the money has been paid, but there are still no ordered plastic structures. Lawyers of the Union of Consumers tell us what to do in cases when problems arise with PVC windows and balcony doors. Roskontrol.

1. The first thing to do is to determine the type of problem, - advise the lawyers.

The most common problems associated with buying and installing PVC windows and doors are of two types:

· Violation of deadlines

1.You have made an advance payment, and the contractor delays the production and delivery of the PVC windows and doors you ordered.

2. The contractor disrupted the agreed terms for the installation of plastic structures.

Important! If the problem is related to the deadlines, then the complaint should be written to the one who violated the deadlines.

· Defects in goods or faults in installation

1. The ordered goods (windows and doors) were delivered on time, but it turned out that they were defective.

2. Installation work was carried out as scheduled, but it was carried out poorly.

3. During the operation of windows and doors, their hidden manufacturing defects were revealed.

Important! If the problem is related to defects, in the first case, make a claim to the seller. In the second - to the performer. In the third case, when the defect manifests itself over time, it is not always immediately clear who is to blame. Either the marriage is production, or it is your fault and you misused the product. Either the defects of unscrupulous installers gave their fruits.

In the latter case, it is better to conduct an independent examination to make sure that the seller or the contractor is guilty. And in addition to assess the exact extent of the damage.

2. Conduct an examination

In the event that there is a manufacturing defect in the product, or there are installation defects, but the manufacturer / contractor refuses to take responsibility and eliminate the defects, conduct an independent examination that will confirm the non-compliance of the quality of the product or service with the declared standards.

· Having found out with the help of experts who is really responsible for this or that problem that has arisen, contact the responsible person with a claim.

· If the defect is of a manufacturing nature, contact the seller.

· If this is an installation defect - then to the company that was engaged in the installation of plastic structures in your apartment or office.

Important. Defects are not always broken fittings, not sealed gaps between the wall and the window block, or cracks in the plastic. Poor quality materials used in the manufacture of plastic windows and doors can become a source of hazardous toxic substances such as phenol or formaldehyde. If their content exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), this is also a reason for making a claim to the seller with the requirement to eliminate the deficiencies and compensate for moral damage.

3. Write a claim

· Write a claim addressed to the management of the company with which you entered into a sales contract or a contract for the manufacture / installation of windows.

· Indicate in the claim to whom and from whom it is, put the date of writing, indicate the essence of your claim and your requirements.

· Make a claim in 2 copies. Leave one of them, signed by the management of the selling company (executor).

· Does the company refuse to accept the claim? Send it by mail, by registered mail. The document will be delivered to the addressee directly into the hands. Postal employees will be able to confirm the date of delivery of the letter of claim (this will be required in legal proceedings).

· Attach evidence to the claim - copies of receipts, warranty coupons, a copy of the contract for the purchase of goods or services (a certified copy of the expert opinion, if any).

· In case of refusal or leaving the claim unanswered within 10 days - contact the supervisory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor), file a claim in court.

Be careful when concluding a contract

Often, customers do not read the sales contract or the contract of work inattentively. Then, if there are claims to the quality and installation of products, corresponding problems arise. To avoid them, the contract must stipulate:

· Subject of the contract. (What exactly do you buy. Is it buying a finished product or making windows and doors according to your size).

· The cost of the order, the amount of the advance payment, the procedure and timing of payments. (If the terms are not specified, there will be difficulties in calculating the forfeit).

· The exact dates of the beginning and end (execution) of the contract. It is good if intermediate dates for the completion of individual stages of work are indicated.

· What services are included in the price. Usually this is a free trial service and delivery. finished products at your address. If there are no such items, get ready to pay extra for them in the future.

·Guarantee period. If it is not there, refuse the work or goods of this company.

Attention! Most often, one contract is concluded for three types of work at once: for the manufacture, supply and installation of plastic windows. This contract is a mixed sales contract and a domestic contract. If the company installs its products itself, this is normal, since all possible claims will be presented to one addressee.


· The seller and the executor may be different. If the seller does not install himself, but recommends for implementation installation works subcontractor, with the latter should draw up a separate contract for the work. Such an agreement must contain the name and location (legal address) of the contractor's organization; type and terms of service provision, its price; warranty periods; consumer payment mark Money; a sketch of the products signed by the parties indicating the sizes; position and signature of the person who accepted the order, and also the signature of the buyer.

· If you are not satisfied with any clause of the agreement, ask for changes. Do employees of the company assure you that no changes can be made to the contract? Lie. This cannot be done only if the contract is public.

· Keep one of the copies of the agreement drawn up in writing and signed by both parties at least until the end of the warranty period. Also keep all attached documents, incl. commodity and cashier's checks.

In addition, at the stage of concluding a contract, ask the seller (manufacturer, etc.) to show documents confirming the safety of materials used in the manufacture of window structures (declarations of conformity (for windows), hygiene certificates).

Your rights in the event of a delay in delivery or installation

Faced with such a problem as violation of the deadlines for the execution of work under the contract for the manufacture and installation of plastic windows? The seller or the contractor is obliged to pay a penalty for each day of delay.

Delayed delivery of plastic structures from the manufacturer / seller to the buyer:

· According to clause З of Art. 23.1 of the Consumer Protection Law, in case of violation of the term for the transfer of prepaid goods established by the sales contract, the seller pays the buyer a penalty - 0.5% from the amount of the prepayment of the goods for each day of delay.

The penalty is collected from the day when, under the contract of sale, the transfer of the goods to the consumer should have been carried out, until the day of the actual transfer of the goods to the consumer or until the day the consumer's demand for the return of the amount previously paid by him is satisfied.

· However, do not think that the longer the seller does not give you your order, the greater the amount of the forfeit you will receive. According to the law, the amount of the forfeit cannot exceed the amount of the advance payment for the goods.

If the goods are delivered on time, but the installation time is violated, the penalty is calculated differently:

· According to Part 5 of Art. 28 of the Consumer Protection Law, in case of violation of the established deadlines for the performance of work, violation of the new deadlines for the performance of work assigned by the consumer the contractor is obliged to pay the consumer for each day of delay a penalty in the amount of 3% the price of the work. For every day, starting from the day when, according to the contract, the work should have been performed until the day the work was actually performed, including by a court decision

The amount of the forfeit collected by the consumer may not exceed the total cost of performing the work.

If defects are found

· Obvious manufacturing defects are already visible during delivery. For example, the measurer made incorrect measurements and the windows do not match the openings. Or the hardware does not work properly, there are cracks in the glass unit, etc. When accepting the window, make sure that there are no visible imperfections on it, check that the window or balcony door can be closed and opened without effort. If you see shortcomings, indicate them in the acceptance certificate.

· Hidden defects appear after installation. It takes time to appreciate the consumer qualities of windows and doors, the quality of installation for hidden defects. Only over time can the color of the profile change, or cracks can appear, which exclude the tightness of the window block.

Important! Windows are usually installed in the summer. And most of the hidden defects appear in winter, when it becomes clear that the window blocks do not meet their purpose as protection from the cold, and not just from noise and dust.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law, having discovered the shortcomings of the work performed (the service provided), you have the right to demand that these shortcomings be eliminated immediately and absolutely free of charge.

· You can demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.

· Also, if you eliminated the deficiencies yourself or by involving third parties, you can demand compensation for the costs incurred by you to eliminate the deficiencies.

· If the shortcomings are significant, feel free to demand the termination of the contract and the return of the funds paid under the contract.

Did the contractor try to fix something after your comments? Be sure to ask him for documentary evidence of the elimination of deficiencies.

If defects are found in the installation / assembly of metal-plastic structures, then according to Art. 29 and 30 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, in addition to the above, you can set a reasonable period that you are willing to give the contractor to eliminate the shortcomings, for example, 7-14 days.

If the defect is not corrected within the time period you have set, then the contractor is due a penalty in the amount of 3% for each day of delay.

Important! Having found any shortcomings, send a claim to the contractor, indicating your requirements for the gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings in the work and the deadline for such elimination.

If there is no elimination of the deficiencies, file a claim in court.

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