Leaks of confidential information: threat profile. Confidential Information Leaks: Dream Interpretation Threat Profile from A to Z

Today, Emiliana Serbatoi is a leading company in the production of tanks and systems for fuel storage, transportation and dispensing, as well as fuel management and control systems.
The high quality of Emiliana Serbatoi products, combined with professional and commercial reliability, allows us to establish trusting relationships with customers and secure our position as an absolute leader in the market.

For more than 35 years, Emiliana Serbatoi has been a leading manufacturer of equipment, instruments and systems for the storage, transportation and dispensing of petroleum products and liquids in general.
Thanks to the high quality of products, reliability and professionalism, Emiliana Serbatoi has established a trusting relationship with its customers and earned a reputation as a leader in the design and manufacture of filling systems in both European and global markets.
Thirty years of hard work, intuitions and innovations, offers and deals, trips and exhibitions have created the history of our company. This exciting activity has allowed us to achieve excellent results and strengthen our position as an international leader in the production of tanks and storage systems, fuel transportation and distribution, as well as fuel monitoring and management systems.
Our shared values ​​and principles have become the trademark of the company: work culture, commitment, quality, connection with the surrounding area and society.
Over the years, this DNA has become stronger and has successfully spread among our employees, managers and stakeholders.
We work with diligence and enthusiasm to strengthen our company and maintain our advantage, which is high quality products, process optimization, attention to the desires and needs of customers, safety and continuing education their employees. Advanced technology, innovative products, well-established sales network and technical support are our strengths.
We are determined to move forward and move towards the achievement of new goals. We will invest in Scientific research because curiosity and the ability to innovate made us who we are today. We want to enter the global market and be present on all five continents, as well as develop products that will increase the share of exports.
We are committed to providing products and services that meet market expectations and offer cost-effective and respectful environment solutions. We will always prioritize maintaining close and long-term relationships with our industrial and commercial partners and respecting our employees.
New stimulating challenges await us: globalization, changing regulations, market instability. Emiliana Serbatoi has the necessary skills to technical knowledge, a team and the right formula for success to overcome obstacles and ensure continued growth. We want to strengthen our position as a sector leader and continue to be innovative, or in other words, always one step ahead.

A dream - an obstacle that arose quite unexpectedly in front of the very face - speaks of a sudden change in personal life. Perhaps, even without wanting it, due to some serious circumstances, you still have to part with your other half.

If such an obstacle can be overcome in a dream, then after parting, the couple will soon converge again. For a woman, an obstacle in a dream speaks of a difficult choice that she will soon have to face in her personal life. She will probably have to choose between two suitors, and the decision will be given with great difficulty. If a woman overcomes an obstacle in a dream, then her choice will be correct. With such a man, she will be happy until the end of her days. If it is not possible to get around the barrier, then the man will be far from the prince on a white horse.

What if there is an obstacle in a dream?

Why dream of an obstacle? An obstacle always speaks of life's difficulties. Problems can affect either personal life or financial condition person. Therefore, warnings should be taken seriously. Seeing an obstacle on the road in a dream means facing a lack of money in real life. An obstacle can be in the form of a log lying across the road, or a dead end, or even a traffic jam.

If in a dream a person interferes and makes you stop, then most likely in reality you will have to experience the envy and intrigues of enemies. Enemies will actively put spokes in the wheels, so you will have to eliminate your well-wishers first.

Successfully overcoming obstacles in a dream means coping with all the difficulties in reality. Despite the rather difficult life trials, a person will be able to overcome them and win a complete victory over the enemy. If in a dream a person encounters obstacles of a financial nature, then soon a large monetary loss awaits him. You should definitely pay more attention to your business, otherwise very soon you can completely go bankrupt. .In this case, you should take risks and perhaps the situation will turn in a completely different direction.

What portends?

It will be useful for lovers to find out what the obstacle is dreaming of, at least one of them. Ahead, the couple expects complete harmony in the relationship. They will be together, even despite all sorts of life difficulties.

An obstacle on the road in a dream can predict financial difficulties for a person.

If such a barrier arises suddenly, then the crisis will come very quickly. Be careful, you should take drastic actions to save your business. You may even have to change the direction of your activities.

New family dream book

  • A dream about some kind of obstacle predicts temporary difficulties, overcoming which you will achieve prosperity.
  • A woman who sees herself in difficulty in front of some kind of obstacle should be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers. For lovers, this dream, on the contrary, promises complete harmony and merging of hearts.

New family dream book

  • Dream about some kind of obstacle- predicts temporary difficulties, overcoming which, you will achieve prosperity.
  • A woman who sees herself in difficulty in front of some kind of obstacle- you should be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers. For lovers, this dream, on the contrary, promises complete harmony and merging of hearts.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Obstacles on the way, roads, your companions
  • Ditch on your way - interference, irritation.
  • The ditch is deep - misfortune will happen to you.
  • But if overcome - success after misfortunes and failures.
  • Many holes in your path - worries, longing.
  • Shaft, embankment in front of you to see - difficulty.
  • To cross it is to overcome obstacles.
  • Falling on it is a waste of time.
  • Walk along the ditch with ice and jump out - the danger has passed.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • If a woman or girl dreams that she is in a difficult situation, this means that she should be wary of the intrigues of envious people who can harm her relationship with her loved one.
  • For lovers, such a dream portends a harmonious relationship and harmony.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • If a woman or girl dreams that she is in a difficult situation- this means that she should be wary of the machinations of envious people who can harm her relationship with her loved one. For lovers, such a dream portends a harmonious relationship and harmony.

Women's dream book

  • Any obstacles in a dream- portend temporary difficulties.
  • If you managed to overcome them- you are waiting for the growth of well-being.
  • For a woman to face some kind of obstacle on the way to the chosen goal- means that she is threatened by a disease or a trick by ill-wishers. For lovers- on the contrary, such a dream means a harmonious relationship.

Women's dream book

  • A dream in which they put spokes in your wheels from all sides portends a negative attitude on the part of your fiance's relatives, who will try to interfere with your union.

Loff's dream book

  • Although we rarely dream of obstacles as such, in a dream we often see insurmountable FENCES, gates that do not open, and other barriers. The typical Freudian approach is to determine what we will achieve by overcoming the barrier, and then try to draw an analogy with some kind of taboo. If someone helps you climb over an obstacle, go through it or crawl under it, then this person is your accomplice in violating something, or the very fact of overcoming an obstacle by joint efforts may be a taboo, a ban. Depending on which area the taboo belongs to - ANGRY, SEX or another forbidden concept - you need to decide on feelings in relation to what is on the other side of the fence, river, or other barrier.
  • You can experience horror at the appearance of some kind of limiter/obstacle that you cannot overcome and that sleep companions do not recommend overcoming for the simple reason that no one does it. Perhaps the main idea here is a perceived threat or inability to cope with an obstacle.
  • Maybe you think that you need to take a fresh look at the world, reevaluate yourself. Then the obstacle symbolizes exactly what prevents you from doing this. To a greater extent, this applies to those cases when, in order to cross the river, you travel a lot or walk with companions who, together with you, do not want to move to the other side. If companions help you, regardless of the kind of obstacles, it is wiser to heed their advice. Often we believe that the fence must certainly be overcome, while the fundamental point is the very fact of support from partners.
  • Although sometimes it seems that the number of obstacles decreases, the psychological efforts spent on overcoming them in life become the source of many problems that could have been avoided if we knew where to stop.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

  • Walls, fences, thickets of bushes, rain impeding movement.
  • Restrictions, conscience or other forms of restraint. Obstacles in dreams may refer to actual difficulties that the individual ostensibly hates, but in fact unconsciously provokes. However, these failures reconcile conscious goals with the unconscious view. This leads to sterility and deadlock. The type of obstacle indirectly indicates the type of frustration.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Any obstacle in your way in a dream- this is a warning about possible interference and problems awaiting in the future.
  • overcome the obstacle- a favorable sign, indicating that you have enough strength and energy to cope with a difficult situation.
  • Dream of an insurmountable obstacle- warns that you have poorly thought out certain things and could not foresee any negative aspects.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • A dream in which your enemies artificially create obstacles to your success- says that soon you will find yourself a victim of unfair treatment by the authorities.
  • Overcome various kinds of obstacles and difficulties in a dream by performing hard work - portends that in reality you will achieve your goal, opposing the vicissitudes of fate with your will, patience and perseverance.
  • If in a dream you give up and finally lose heart, unable to overcome the obstacles that prevent the implementation of your plans and the fulfillment of your dreams, in reality you will inevitably face failure in business and complicating relations with others due to your irritability.
  • Dreamed obstacles in the form of a fence, fence or barrier and barbed wire- mean that you will upset your chosen one with unworthy behavior, discrediting him in the eyes of many present at the big celebration.
  • Crawl through, crawl under or jump over obstacles- to acquisitions and all-round success.
  • Avoid obstacles- evade the fulfillment of this promise, turn back from an obstacle- hear the useless assurances of your debtor.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • Constant physical obstacles that get in your way (such as stone walls, locked doors, traffic jams, and even bad weather), as well as business obstacles (such as delays in receiving orders, failures in contracts, inability to get through on the phone) - indicate that you should withdraw into yourself for a while and reevaluate your life.
  • Sometimes obstacles- indicate that you should change your route.
  • Barriers can also indicate- that it's time for you to withdraw into yourself. Pay less attention to your outer life and live a more intense inner life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Dream about some kind of obstacle- predicts temporary difficulties, but overcoming them promises you well-being.
  • If you saw in a dream in front of you some kind of barrier- this suggests that you will be disappointed in gambling.
  • If you overcome an obstacle in a dream- this portends success in any business and in any situation.
  • Obstacles that could not be overcome- mean that health is weakened and temporary difficulties will knock you out of your usual rut.
  • For a woman to see herself in difficulty in front of some kind of obstacle on the way to the chosen goal- means that she is threatened by the machinations of ill-wishers. For lovers- on the contrary, this dream means the harmony of hearts.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

  • Let- you will be stopped by temporary difficulties, but after their elimination, wait for the successful completion of the case and making a big profit.
  • Feel in a dream some kind of obstacle to your affairs- malaise, attacks of ill-wishers.
  • If an obstacle arose in love- you expect a tender relationship, joy and mutual understanding.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

  • Although we rarely dream of obstacles as such, in a dream we often see- impenetrable fences, non-opening gates, other barriers. The typical Freudian approach is to determine what we will achieve by overcoming the barrier, and then try to draw an analogy with some kind of taboo.
  • If someone helps you climb over, walk through, or crawl under an obstacle- then this person is your accomplice in violating something, or the very fact of overcoming an obstacle by joint efforts may be a taboo, a ban. Depending on which area the taboo, anger, sex or other forbidden concept belongs to, you need to decide on feelings in relation to what is on the other side of the fence, river, or other barrier. You can experience horror at the appearance of some kind of limiter/obstacle that you cannot overcome and that sleep companions do not recommend overcoming for the simple reason that no one does it. Perhaps the main idea here is a perceived threat or inability to cope with an obstacle. Maybe you think that you need to take a fresh look at the world, reevaluate yourself. Then the obstacle symbolizes exactly what prevents you from doing this. To a greater extent, this applies to those cases when, in order to cross the river, you travel a lot or walk with companions who, together with you, do not want to move to the other side. If companions help you, regardless of the kind of obstacles, it is wiser to heed their advice. Often we believe that the fence must certainly be overcome, while the fundamental point is the very fact of support from partners. Although sometimes it seems that the number of obstacles decreases, the psychological efforts spent on overcoming them in life become the source of many problems that could have been avoided if we knew where to stop.

At the end of June, the American research center ITRC (Identity Theft Resource Center) published information about information leaks for the first half of this year. According to the ITRC, during this period there were 336 public information leaks, and the total number of victims reached 17 million people.

The frequency with which information leaks occur is growing incredibly fast: in the last three years alone, it has almost quadrupled (Figure 1). Every year, information leaks become an increasingly significant security problem, and the fight against them is the idee fixe of specialists in this field. However, to deal effectively with leaks, you first need to know how they happen and what tools are available to deal with them.

Rice. 1. The number of public information leaks,
fixed in the US
(source: ITRC, Perimetrix, 2008)

The Perimetrix report, published in the first quarter of this year, was chosen as the initial data for studying the problem. As part of the preparation of the report, Perimetrix specialists collected and analyzed information about a hundred different incidents that occurred in different parts of the globe. The resulting statistics can be trusted, since all the incidents considered took place in real organizations.

On fig. 2 shows the distribution of leaks by the main types of their causes. It is easy to see that the four main types of leaks accounted for the vast majority (84%) of incidents, with almost half of this share (40%) falling on the most popular threat - media theft. In this article, we will try to consider the specifics of each of the identified threats, as well as give recommendations on how to reduce their danger.

Rice. 2. Distribution of leaks by main types of threats
(source: Perimetrix, 2008)

Host theft (40%)

Media theft is the most common type of incident that occurs as a result of the theft or loss of various digital media of confidential information. Most of these leaks are due to the theft of laptops, but other scenarios are possible (Figure 3). “In our practice, there have been incidents caused by the theft of flash drives, backup magnetic tapes, hard drives and even obsolete floppy disks,” says Aleksey Dolya, Development Director at Perimetrix.

Rice. 3. Frequently lost storage media
(source: Perimetrix, 2008)

From a security standpoint, it doesn't matter which media is stolen. Of course, reading data from a tape is more difficult than inserting a USB flash drive into a USB port, but an attacker will most likely be able to solve this problem - if there is a desire. The damage from leakage depends little on the type of media used, but each of them needs to be protected.

Today, there are several ways to minimize the risks of such leaks. The most elementary of them - limiting the use of mobile media - is inefficient from a business point of view. In addition, it does not avoid leaks associated with theft of office equipment.

The second method involves controlling the movement of confidential information and also does not protect against “office” leaks. Full-fledged protection is provided only by the mandatory encryption of all secret information, not only on mobile media, but also in places of stationary storage. Separately, we emphasize that all other protection methods (for example, various passwords and biometrics) are ineffective without encryption.

According to Perimetrix, the majority of carriers go missing from offices rather than the homes of certain employees (Figure 4). Thus, it makes sense for organizations to strengthen the physical security of offices, while not forgetting about the encryption of information.

Rice. 4. Location of missing equipment
(source: Perimetrix, 2008)

The abundance of leaks from offices once again shows that it is necessary to encrypt not only laptops and other mobile devices, but also other stationary carriers of confidential information. Of course, stealing a laptop unnoticed is much easier than taking out a server, but such a risk is also likely.

Nearly a third (29%) of reported incidents are related to leaks in vehicles: theft from trucks, theft of cars with laptops and other similar cases. Perimetrix experts note that "transport" leaks are specific - in most cases, services for the transportation of drives are carried out by third-party organizations, which are extremely difficult to control. However, the same encryption allows you to minimize the risks of "transport" leaks.

Hacker attack (15%)

This broad group of incidents includes all leaks that occurred as a result of an external intrusion. Any attack technique can be used for an intrusion, be it the installation of malware, exploiting vulnerabilities, SQL injections, etc. The main difference between a hacker attack and all other types is that it occurs with the participation of external parties who take some kind of active action. Note that access to confidential information is not necessarily the main target of an attack. But if it was somehow obtained, then a leak has occurred.

Probably, not a single organization can fully protect itself from the hacker threat today. We consider this term in the broad sense, which means that there is no single remedy in principle.

In general, the proportion of "external" or "hacker" leaks turned out to be less than initially expected. Most companies that develop security solutions constantly say that hackers are becoming more professional and seek to gain access to information, not to format the user's hard drive. According to Perimetrix analysts, this threat is somewhat exaggerated, although it certainly exists. Perhaps the low share of hacker intrusions is partly due to the fact that the intrusions themselves have become less noticeable.

In fairness, we note that the most large-scale incidents (for example, the famous TJX leak) often occur precisely as a result of external intrusions. However, leaks of a million scale are rare and it is wrong to draw any conclusions from isolated cases.

Inside (15%)

This category includes incidents caused by the actions of employees who had legal access to confidential information. All registered insider incidents were divided into two approximately equal parts:

  • the employee did not have access to the information, but managed to bypass the security systems;
  • the insider had access to the information and took it out of the organization.

A great example of the first type of insider is former employee Societe Generale Jerome Kerviel, whose name has been making headlines for several months now. Recall that the 31-year-old trader ruined the bank for 5 billion euros by trading futures on European stock indices. It is obvious even to a person far from the banking sector that an ordinary trader could not have the right to open exchange positions in the amount of 50 billion euros, but Kerviel managed to do it.

Shortly after being released from prison
Jerome Kerviel got a job
to the LCA company, which specializes
on… information security

39 year old Dwight McPherson
worked as an agent for the Presbyterian
hospital in Brooklyn (New York).
The insider was engaged in trade in personal
information since 2006, and on his computer
50 thousand secret records were found.
For one social security number
McPherson asked for only 75 cents

However, insiders of the second type, who have legal access to confidential information, bear the greatest danger. Despite the lack of accurate data, Perimetrix analysts are convinced that most of the incidents of this kind remain outside the public eye. Moreover, such insiders are often not even known to their own employers.

Web leak (14%)

This category includes all leaks related to the publication of confidential information in public places. In most cases, this place is Global network(hence the name, web leak), but there are also similar leaks on the intranet. There are also very exotic variations on the same theme - for example, erroneous distribution of passwords for access to partners.

The vast majority of web leaks are due to human error or ignorance. Ignorance can be combated through training, but no one can completely avoid mistakes. The task of absolute protection against web leaks is very difficult - it involves the classification of all secret information and control of their placement on web servers or hosts corporate network and requires the introduction of special protection systems.

Regardless of the specific type of web leak it key feature the duration of the publication of private data in the Global or corporate network remains. Obviously, the longer this data is stored, the higher the risk of its compromise. On fig. Figure 5 shows the distribution of recorded web leaks depending on their duration.

Rice. 5. Duration of Web Leaks
(source: Perimetrix, 2008)

The results of the analysis showed that only a quarter (23%) of web leaks are discovered within a month or less. And more than half (58%) of incidents last more than a year. Given the development of search technologies, such results raise very serious concerns, since several hours are enough to compromise information on the Internet.

The huge number of leaks that last for a long time means that most companies do not regularly monitor the information stored on their web resources. Indeed, if such monitoring were carried out at least once a year, leaks would be detected faster. As a rule, web leaks pop up absolutely by accident, thanks to the attentiveness of ordinary site visitors who managed to find private information.

A typical case of a web leak

Consider a web leak that occurred in the state of Oklahoma, specifically on the site of the local department of corrections. To access confidential information, the site visitor only needed to slightly change the link, which was a standard SQL SELECT query.

http://docapp8.doc.state.ok.us/pls/portal30/url/page/sor_roster?sqlString=select distinct o.offender_id,doc_number,o.social_security_number.......

http://docapp8.doc.state.ok.us/pls/portal30/url/page/sor_roster?sqlString=select distinct o.offender_id,o.social_security_number doc_number......

Thus, in order to gain access to information, it was necessary to change only two request fields, one of which had the telling name o.social_security_number.

It should be noted that from the comments in the body of the HTML page it follows that the data has been in the public domain for at least three years. The leak was discovered completely by accident - it was noticed by The Dailly WTF journalist Alex Papadimoulis, who later wrote an article about this incident.

Paper leak (9%)

This category has managed to gain a significant share in the total volume of incidents. By definition, a paper leak is any leak that occurs as a result of the printing of confidential information on paper.

Unlike all other incidents, "paper" ones have less significant consequences for an extremely banal reason - paper theoretically cannot contain a lot of confidential information. The analytical center Perimetrix did not record a single paper leak, as a result of which more than 10 thousand people would have suffered. However, it is still necessary to control such incidents, since even a small leak can have serious material consequences.

The main way to deal with paper incidents is to control printed information - practice shows that in most cases it is enough to store confidential information in electronic form. If printing is necessary, it is required to ensure the safety of documents during transportation or forwarding. Most of the recorded incidents happened in this way: confidential papers were simply lost along the way.

The first quarter of 2008 uncovered another interesting problem related specifically to paper leaks. It was caused, oddly enough, by the mortgage crisis in the United States, which brought thousands of different organizations to the brink of ruin. It turned out that bankrupt companies often throw paper into the trash, which in more prosperous times was required for doing business. Analytical center Perimetrix recorded three incidents of this kind at once.

The main difficulty here is that no one is responsible for the leak, since the company that allowed it went bankrupt and ceased operations. How to deal with such a threat is still not very clear.

Other (7%)

The remaining 7% of leaks had a variety of and often very exotic causes. An example is the leak at HSBC Bank, which occurred due to the fact that one of the branches forgot to close for the weekend. This category includes incidents, the exact cause of which could not be determined, as well as leaks that became known after the fact, after the use of personal information for illegal purposes.

Conclusion: such different leaks

Leaks are very different. In this article, they are divided into five main groups depending on the cause. However, within one cause there can be many different aspects. Protecting against all threats at once, most likely, will not work - this task requires continuous investment in information security and great desire from the leadership.

The second conceptual complexity of protection is the lack of unified integrated systems that could provide protection for all possible leakage options. Most solutions that belong to the modern DLP class can only provide protection against insider information and certain types of web leaks, and with a rather low probability. As a result, customers have to purchase additional encryption products, which is very inconvenient, unprofitable and, frankly, unnatural.


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