Questions for testing compressor station drivers. Test tasks to test the knowledge of workers by profession: "Compressor" - Document. have practical experience

Compressor unit operator, 4th category

1. Classification of compressors.

Appointment. The compressor is used to compress, increase pressure and move (transport) air or gas. The compressor is the basis of the compressor unit, which, in addition to it, includes auxiliary interstage devices, a drive, gas pipelines and various systems (lubricating, cooling and regulating).

Compressors are used in the chemical, metallurgical and mining industry, energy, mechanical engineering, construction, transport and other sectors of the national economy to ensure technological process production and for ancillary purposes.

Classification. Compressors are classified according to purpose, principle of operation, final pressure, supply, method of heat removal, type of drive, type of installation.

By appointment compressors are classified depending on the type of production in which they are used (chemical, gas pumping, general purpose, etc.), as well as for their intended purpose (starting air, brake air, pumping, etc.).

By operating principle compressors are divided into volumetric and dynamic. The first include reciprocating piston compressors, rotary (vane ) with rotational movement of the displacing pistons, screw with variable pitch rotors and membrane, in which the membrane plays the role of a piston. Dynamic compressors (turbocompressors) are divided into centrifugal compressors with a gas flow directed radially from the center to the periphery, and axial compressors with a gas flow moving in the axial direction when the wheel with blades rotates.

By final pressure there are low-pressure compressors that create a gas pressure of 0.2 ... 1.0 MPa (2 ... 10 kgf / cm 2), medium -1 ... 10 MPa (10 ... 100 kgf / cm 2), high -10 ... 100 MPa (100 ... 1000 kgf / cm 2) and ultra-high pressure - over 100 MPa (1000 kgf / cm 2).

By filing compressors are divided into machines with low (up to 0.015 m: 7s), medium (0.015 ... 1.500 m 3 / s) and large (over 1.500 m 3 / s) flow, different for each type of compressor (volumetric or dynamic).

By method of heat removal compressors are divided into machines with cooling (air or water) of the compressor and the injected gas;

on drive type- for compressors with an electric motor, steam or gas turbine, internal combustion engine;

on type of installation- stationary (on a foundation or special supports) and mobile (on a chassis or frame). 2. Device and purpose of separators and filters that are part of compressor units and requirements for them.

Separators (Oil-moisture separators) are used to purify gas from oil and moisture (in turbochargers - from moisture). Separation occurs when a sharp change in the direction of the gas flow due to different density gas and the drops of oil and moisture it contains. The direction of the gas flow is changed by installing additional partitions in the cylindrical body, placing the gas inlet and outlet pipes at an angle, or making the inlet pipe in the form of a branch that changes the flow direction (Fig.

2.45. The intake (suction) of air by an air compressor should be carried out outside the compressor station at a height of at least 3 m from the ground level.

For air compressors with a capacity of up to 10 m 3 /min., having air filters on the machine, it is allowed to take air from the compressor station room.

2.46. To clean the intake air from dust, the compressor intake air duct is equipped with a filter protected from atmospheric precipitation.

The design of the filter device should provide safe and convenient access to the filter for cleaning and disassembly.

The filtering device must not be deformed or vibrate when air is drawn in by the compressor.

2.47. Filtering devices may be individual or common to several compressors. In the latter case, for each compressor, it should be possible to disconnect it (in case of repair) from the common suction pipeline.

2.48. For enterprises where high dust content of the intake air is possible, compressor units should be equipped with filters and other special equipment in accordance with the project documentation.

2.49. In compressors equipped with end coolers, moisture-oil separators should be provided on the pipelines between the cooler and the air collector. It is allowed to combine the end cooler and moisture-oil separator in one apparatus.

2.50. If it is necessary to have deeply dried air, in addition to the end coolers, the compressors are equipped with special drying units. Dehumidifiers operating according to the method of freezing moisture with the help of refrigeration units must be located in rooms isolated from the compressor unit.

Dehumidifiers operating on the method of absorbing moisture with solid sorbents and using non-toxic and non-explosive refrigerants can be located in the engine room of the compressor unit.

3. Preparation for start-up, start-up and stop of the reciprocating compressor.

Compressor preparation for start-up

To prepare the compressor for start-up, the following steps must be taken:

– make an external inspection of the equipment, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the compressor service area, that the compressor is equipped with thermometers and pressure gauges;

- check the reliability of tightening the fastening of the moving parts of the coupling halves, anchor bolts;

– check the level and quality of oil in the circulation lubrication oil tank and lubricators for lubricating cylinders and seals; the oil level should not be lower than the middle of the indicator glass; if necessary, add oil;

- check the cleanliness of the oil tank filter mesh, circulation lubrication system;

– clean the filter of the circulating lubrication unit with scrapers;

- check the closing of the shut-off valve on the bypass pipes of the oil cooler;

- check the position of the three-way valve on the circulating lubrication pipeline - the valve must connect the pressure fitting of the pump to the coarse filter;

– turn on the electric motors of the pumps for circulation lubrication and lubrication of cylinders and seals;

- check the oil supply to all points for supplying lubrication of cylinders and seals, using the cocks of the oil check valves;

- to check the opening shut-off valves at all lubrication points, oil pressure to lubricate the movement mechanism;

- using a turning mechanism, turn the compressor shaft 3–4 turns to better distribute the oil over the rubbing surfaces and check that there are no foreign objects in the compressor

– turn off the turning mechanism by placing the handle in the "off" position and turn on the turning mechanism electric motor;

- include in the operation of the instrumentation and A systems;

- open the valves on the supply and discharge of water to the compressor;

– check the water supply to the compressor cooling points using test taps;

– open the shut-off valves installed on the return water pipelines near the bypass cooler;

- check the opening of the valves on the pressure gauges;

– close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the candle, the purge valves on the purge manifold (the valves on the low-pressure nitrogen purge pipeline must be closed and plugged with passport plugs);

- open the shut-off valves on the CVSG pipelines near the bypass cooler, the shut-off valves on the discharge and intake manifolds must be closed;

– turn on the blower system for the compressor motor.

If it is necessary to purge the system of the compressor unit after any type of repair, perform the following measures:

- open the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the candle;

- remove the plugs and open the valves on the low-pressure nitrogen supply line for purge;

- close the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the intake and discharge manifolds;

- blow out the buffer tanks of the compressor intake and discharge;

– close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the candle, the purge valves on the purge manifold;

- open the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the intake and discharge manifolds;

– close the valves and install plugs on the low-pressure nitrogen supply line for purge.

The compressor is started in the following sequence:

- open the shut-off valves and the electric valve on the intake manifold;

– to displace nitrogen from the system of the compressor unit with the working medium into the atmosphere through a candle, blow through the intake and discharge manifolds, buffer capacities of the compressor discharge;

- close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the candle;

- if there is permission to start - turn on the main electric motor of the compressor; within 5 ... 10 minutes, circulate the working medium through the bypass line, check the oil supply to all points of the compressor lubrication system, the serviceability of the movement mechanism and the intake and discharge valves.

- open the shut-off valves located on the compressor discharge manifold, gradually reducing the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the bypass line of the compressor, apply the working medium for circulation through the bypass cooler, close the shut-off valves on the bypass line of the compressor;

– gradually set the required flow rate of the working medium into the system of the reactor block, gradually reducing the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the line for supplying the working medium to the bypass cooler;

– inspect the operating compressor, discharge and intake manifolds;

- after starting the compressor, make an entry in the rotation log about the start time and the technical condition of the compressor.

Compressor stop

Stopping the compressor is carried out in the following sequence:

Slowly open the shut-off valve on the compressor bypass line while simultaneously closing the shut-off valve located on the compressor discharge manifold.

Close the shut-off valve located on the intake manifold of the compressor.

Stop the compressor main motor. After the compressor is completely stopped, it is necessary to stop the blower blowing the main electric motor, the cylinder and seal lubrication unit, and the circulating lubrication unit.

Open shut-off valves, electric valve on the gas discharge line to the candle.

5...10 minutes after the compressor stops, it is necessary to stop the supply of circulating water to the compressor oil cooler. Make a record in the logbook of the time and reason for stopping the compressor. After the compressor stops, record the time and reason for the compressor stop, and its technical condition.

4. The system of planned preventive maintenance of equipment, its essence and goals.

The PPR system is a set of organizational and technical measures for the supervision, maintenance and repair of equipment carried out according to a predetermined plan and contributing to an increase in its durability with optimal operating parameters, accident prevention, an increase in the culture of operation and the level of organization of repairs.

The PPR provision provides for the following types of repair and overhaul maintenance:

overhaul maintenance



average repair


Maintenance is a set of works to monitor the technical condition of equipment, timely warning, manifestation of a malfunction, replacement of wear parts, which entails _ minor disassembly of equipment. This specifies the volume

preparatory work for current, medium, and major repairs. During the maintenance period, the equipment is switched off from technological cycle(stops). At the same time, only such equipment malfunctions are detected and immediately eliminated, in the presence of which it cannot be operated normally until the next repair. Maintenance is carried out by repair personnel under the guidance of a repair service mechanic.

5. Causes of fires during the operation of compressor units and fire prevention measures.

At oil and gas refineries, where large quantities of combustible gases and liquids are processed and stored, fire prevention measures are organically linked to the technological process itself. In factories, fires can occur as a result of various organizational and technical shortcomings, for example:

deviation from the established mode of operation of the installation (temperature, pressure) and irregular preventive inspection of equipment;

non-compliance with fire-fighting requirements when placing and arranging the equipment of the installation;

non-compliance with the fire regulations established for this installation.

All events for fire safety can be divided into two groups - the prevention (prevention) of fires and the elimination of an already existing fire.

Fire prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing fires and limiting their size.

The elimination of the causes of fires is achieved by the right choice and arrangement of technological and auxiliary equipment. Limitation of the spread of fire is carried out by: measures of design and construction order, including proper planning and placement of buildings and equipment; the use of structures and materials that meet the requirements of fire regulations; arrangement of fire zones and embankments.

Measures are provided to ensure the evacuation of people and property in case of fire. This includes: the arrangement of the required number of stairs, doors, passages both on the territory of the installations and in the premises; placement of devices in compliance with the required width of the passage or passage between them; emergency lighting device and others.

Preventive measures also include ensuring the successful extinguishing of a fire in the event of a fire.

For example, the device of roads for free access by frying machines to buildings and structures; communication with the fire brigade; providing the enterprise with a sufficient amount of the necessary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.).

Important role in ensuring fire safety is assigned to the heads of workshops, installations, foremen. Being responsible for fire safety in their area, they are obliged to develop, together with the authorities fire brigade fire safety instructions, train subordinate personnel in the measures to be taken in the event of a fire, as well as the rules for using fire extinguishing equipment.

Exam tickets are compiled according to the requirements of the professional standard as required by the qualification requirements for professions and the professional standard of education

Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated September 9, 2015 N 619n "On approval of the professional standard "Employee for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant"

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on March 17, 2016) "On approval of the professional standard "Employee for the maintenance of pumping or compressor units of the engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems)"

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 240101.02 Engineer of technological pumps and compressors"

Professional standard requirement (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02.08.2013 N 917)

PM.01Maintenance and repair of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment

have practical experience:

maintenance and repair;

performing plumbing work;

ensuring safe working conditions;

be able to:

follow the rules for the maintenance of pumps, compressors, gas dehydration equipment;

prepare equipment for repair;

repair equipment and installations;

observe the rules of fire and electrical safety;

prevent and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dehydration equipment;

exercise control over waste generated during the production of products, wastewater, emissions into the atmosphere, methods of disposal and processing;

to fulfill the requirements of labor protection, industrial and fire safety during the repair of equipment and installations;

assess the state of safety, ecology at gas dehydration units, in pumping and compressor units;

draw up technical documentation;


device and principle of operation of equipment and communications;

maintenance rules;

layout of shop pipelines and inter-shop communications;

rules and instructions for the production of hot and gas hazardous work;

rules for maintaining technical documentation;

technology for draining and pumping liquids, gas drying;

rules for preparing for repair and repair of equipment, installations;

pipelines and pipeline fittings;

ways to prevent and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dryers;

labor safety rules during repairs

PM.02Operation of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

conducting the process of transportation of liquids and gases in accordance with the established regime;

regulation of the parameters of the process of transportation of liquids and gases in the serviced area;

conducting the gas drying process; regulation of the technological mode of gas drying;

operation of electrical equipment;

ensuring the safe operation of production;

be able to:

ensure compliance with process parameters;

operate equipment for transporting liquid, gas and gas drying;

control the consumption of transported products according to instrumentation readings;

take samples for analysis; carry out bottling, packaging and transportation of products to the warehouse;

keep records of the consumption of products, operated and fuel lubricants, energy resources;

maintain reporting and technical documentation;

comply with the requirements of labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

comply with the rules of environmental safety;


the main regularities of the technology of transportation of liquid, gas;

basic laws of gas drying technology;

technological parameters of processes, rules for their measurement;

purpose, device and principle of operation of automation equipment;

schemes of pumping and compressor units, rules for their use;

diagrams of gas drying installations;

industrial ecology;

fundamentals of industrial and fire safety;

labor protection;

metrological control;

rules and methods of sampling;

possible violations of the regime, causes and remedies, warning;

maintenance of reporting and technical documentation on the operation of equipment and installations MDK.02.01. Operation of equipment for transportation of gas, liquids and gas drying OK 1


Topic 1. General requirements for compressor units and pipelines

Topic 2. System for monitoring, control and emergency automatic protection of compressor units

Topic 3. Operation of electrical equipment of thermal power plants

Topic 4. Maintenance and repair of compressor units

Regulatory and technical literature:

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 619n "On approval of the professional standard "Employee for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant"

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on March 17, 2016) "On approval of the professional standard "Employee for the maintenance of pumping or compressor units of the engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems)"

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 240101.02 Engineer of technological pumps and compressors"

PB 03-581-03 "Rules for the design and safe operation of stationary compressor units, air ducts and gas pipelines"

PB 03-582-03 "Rules for the design and safe operation of compressor units with reciprocating compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases"


Ticket number 1
1. Compressors, classification.

2. The concept of bypass lines.

3. Fuel economy of compressors working with drives.

4. Types of plumbing work and their purpose.

5. General safety requirements for the placement of compressor units in the premises.

Ticket number 2
l. Classification of reciprocating compressor units.

2. Insulation of pipelines, its purpose, types of insulation.

3. Water economy compressors. Cooling towers and pools for cooling water, their devices and principle of operation. Filters for water purification.

4. Working tool of the compressor unit operator, purpose and care of it.

5. Basic safety requirements when installing compressors.

Ticket number 3
1. The principle of operation of reciprocating compressor units.

2. The concept of corrosion of pipelines, measures to combat corrosion.

3. Steam economy of compressors. Schematic diagram of the steam supply of compressors with a turbine drive.

4. Control and measuring tool of the compressor unit operator, purpose and care of it.

5. Basic requirements for the safe operation of instrumentation and equipment.

Ticket number 4
1. Schematic diagram of the compressor.

2. Pipeline equipment, its purpose and marking.

3. Hoisting and transport devices of compressor units.

4. The concept of the technological process.

5. Basic safety requirements for cooling compressor units.

Ticket number 5
1. Theoretical compression process of a single-stage compressor.

2. Rules and locations for fittings.

3. Basic rules for the operation of a running compressor.

4. Technology of metalwork processing of details.

5. Basic safety requirements for compressor lubrication.

Ticket number 6
1. Multistage compression.

2. The device and principle of operation of taps, valves, gate valves, check and safety valves.

3. The main possible malfunctions during the start-up and operation of the compressor, their cause and remedies.

4. The main operations of the technological process of metalwork processing of parts.

5. Basic safety requirements for air intake and purification by a compressor.

Ticket number 7
1. Compressor performance. Compressor efficiency

2. The concept of fittings with electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drives.

3. The concept of diagnostics and maintainability of the compressor unit.

4. The concept of dimensional deviations and tolerances of parts

5. Basic safety requirements for moisture separators and air collectors.

Ticket number 8
1. Ways to control the performance of reciprocating compressors.

2. Testing of installed pipelines for strength and density.

3. The procedure for the appointment of maintenance and repairs of the compressor unit.

4. Types of measuring and testing instruments, device and rules of use.

5. Basic requirements of instructions for the safe maintenance of compressor units.

Ticket number 9
1. Automatic control of compressor capacity.

2. Types of drives for compressor units. Choice of drives.

3. Scheduled preventive repairs, their characteristics and timing.

4. Preparation of the compressor for the production of work.

5. List the cases that require the compressor to be stopped immediately.

Ticket number 10
1. Lubrication systems for reciprocating compressors.

2. Electric drive of compressors. Types of electric motors.

3. Methods for detecting faults and defects in machines and devices.

4. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

5. Causes of a fire in a compressor unit.

Ticket number 11

1. The use of oil for lubricating compressors, their main characteristics.

2. Internal combustion engines used to drive compressors.

3. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

4. Bending, appointment. Cold and hot bending. Calculation of the workpiece for bending.

5. Occupational diseases and their main causes. Prevention of occupational diseases.

Ticket number 12
1. Oil pumps, their device.

2. Compressor drive from steam and gas turbines.

3. Methods for washing and cleaning parts. Branding details.

4. Cutting, appointment and use of manual cutting. The angle of sharpening the working part of the chisel bottom of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

5. Medical and sanitary care for workers at the enterprise.

Before testing, the cavities, as well as the pipelines through which air enters the cylinders, must be purged.

Air compressor units (compressors) are tested under load at operating pressure. Exceeding the operating pressure during testing is not allowed. It is necessary to load the compressors in several stages, gradually increasing the pressure. The degree of pressure increase and the operating time of the compressor at this pressure are indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. During the tests, it is necessary to continuously check the pressure and temperature of the air in stages, the pressure and water supply to all places provided for by the design of the equipment of the compressor unit, check the operation of the circulation lubrication system, the temperature of the main bearings and other rubbing surfaces of the crank mechanism, the temperature in the windings of the electric motor, tightness of pipelines.

The duration of a continuous test under load of compressor units with horizontal compressors is 48 hours, with vertical compressors - 24 hours. During the test, the running-in of rubbing joints is checked:

1) in horizontal compressors:

Opening of main and connecting rod bearings for inspection and running-in of liners;

Checking the running-in of pistons by cylinders;

2) in piston, angular. V-shaped compressors:

Removal of cylinder valves for cleaning and checking the running-in of plates;

Checking the running in of pistons by cylinder.

The final control test of compressor units under load is carried out at the operating discharge pressure. The duration of the load test of compressor units with horizontal reciprocating compressors is 8 hours, with vertical and angular compressors - 8 hours.

After the end of the test, an act is drawn up.

4. For which compressor units it is allowed to take air from the premises.

For air compressors with a capacity of up to 10 m 3 /min, having air filters on the machine, it is allowed to take air from the compressor station room.

See answer ticket number 2, question. 5.

Ticket number 10

1.Compressors, their types, purpose.

Compressor - a machine for increasing pressure and moving gas. Compressor installation - a combination of a compressor, drive, apparatus, pipelines and equipment necessary to increase pressure and move gas.

Compressors are used in energy, mechanical engineering, construction, chemical, metallurgical and mining industries, ships, pneumatic transport, aviation, etc.

A variety of applications for compressors in terms of pressure, performance, compressible medium, conditions environment, in which the compressor operates has led to the creation of a wide variety of designs and types of these machines.

Air reciprocating stationary compressors for general use should be manufactured in the following types:

VU - crossheadless with a V-shaped arrangement of cylinders;

VP - crosshead with a rectangular arrangement of cylinders (types P and PB);

VM - crosshead with horizontally opposed cylinders

Compressors with a rectangular arrangement of cylinders of the VP type are manufactured with water cooling. The symbol of the compressor characterizes its main parameters. For example,

302VP-10/8 means that this is a compressor of the third modification (3) with lubrication of cylinders and seals (0), with a base piston force of 19.6 kN (2 tf), type VP - crosshead with a rectangular arrangement of cylinders. Numbers in the form of a fraction mean: numerator - compressor capacity of 10 m 3 / min, denominator - final overpressure of compression 0.8 MPa (8 kgf / cm 2).

Piston compressor type 302VP-10/8 is equipped with protective automation and has two-position flow control.

2. Schemes of pipelines of the compressor station.

In addition to air ducts, the compressor station has

pipelines necessary for the operation of the compressor unit, through which water is transported, intended for cooling cylinder jackets, as well as for cooling compressed air in auxiliary equipment (refrigerators, moisture-oil separators), as well as pipelines (oil pipelines), through which oil is transported for lubricating the equipment of the compressor unit .

3. Compressor performance.

There are volumetric productivity V - volumetric gas flow at the outlet of the compressor unit (m 3 / s, m 3 / min, m 3 / h) and M - mass productivity (kg / s, kg / s, kg / min, kg / h ) is the mass flow rate of gas at the outlet of the compressor unit. The volumetric and mass productivity are related by the relation М=Vхр, where

p - gas density at temperature and pressure at the performance measurement points.

The capacity measured at the outlet of the compressor unit is a variable value, since it depends on the temperature and pressure of the discharge gas, which in turn, due to fluctuations, for example, the temperature of the cooling water and the variable discharge pressure, are also variable. Therefore, the volumetric efficiency compressor can serve as a characteristic of the compressor only for given parameters of the measured gas (temperature, pressure).

The characteristic of the compressor unit is the performance (flow) of the compressor, measured at the outlet of the compressor unit and recalculated for suction conditions Vs. Such performance is called the actual volumetric performance, and it is a value that is practically constant under all suction conditions. gas humidity.

Volumetric productivity and actual volumetric productivity are interconnected by the ratio V sun \u003d PT sun / P sun TxV

where P sun and T sun are the pressure and temperature of the suction gas; P and T are the pressure and temperature of the gas at the outlet of the compressor unit at the measurement point.

Due to gas leakage through leaky piston rings and the 1st stage suction valve, the influence of the dead volume in which compressed gas remains and which, when expanded, reduces the suction volume, gas heating at the suction and pressure drop in the cylinder as a result of throttle losses in the suction valves, the volume given out by the cylinder gas is less than the volume of its working cavity. The ratio of actual performance

V sun to the volume described by the piston of the 1st stage per unit time V p is called the performance factor.

4. At what height is the air compressor taken from outside the room.

The intake (suction) of air by an air compressor should be carried out outside the compressor station at a height of at least 3 m from the ground level.

See answer ticket number 3, question. 5.

Ticket number 11

Cylinders. The design of the cylinders depends on the pressure, capacity, scheme and purpose of the compressor, the method of cooling and the material of the cylinders.

Gray cast iron is used as a material, since it has sufficient strength and high antifriction properties. In most cases, gray cast iron of the SCH21 brand is used. cast iron; cylinders are also forged from carbon or alloy steel.

Cylinders are made with air or water-cooled walls. Air-cooled cylinders have annular or longitudinal ribs on the outer surface. These cylinders are easy to manufacture and operate, they are used mainly in low-capacity machines.

Compressor cylinders of medium and high capacity, which, in addition to the working cavity, have a water jacket, valve boxes and channels connecting them to the suction and discharge pipes, are complex multilayer castings. The front (facing the frame) end wall of the double-acting cylinder valve box is sometimes cast at the same time with body, but it is advisable to perform it in the form of a volumetric cover.

Cylinders must be rigid. Their deformation increases the wear of the working surface of the cylinder bore, piston and piston rings and necessitates an increase in the clearance between the piston and cylinder.

Piston– a movable part of the machine, tightly covering cross section cylinder and moving in the direction of its axis. The compressors use trunk pistons, disc and differential pistons.

The purpose of the piston is to suck, compress and expel gas from the cylinder. The developed cylindrical surface of the piston consists of two parts: the upper belt with compression rings located on it and the lower belt with oil scraper rings.

The piston is connected to the connecting rod by means of a piston pin.

Trunk pistons are used in crosshead compressors, they are pivotally connected to the connecting rod using a piston pin. Aluminum pistons are used in the first stages of the compressor, and cast iron pistons are used in the second stages to balance the reciprocating moving parts.

To reduce their mass, the piston pins are made tubular with straight cylindrical or conical inner surfaces.

Disc pistons are used in crosshead type compressors. In order to balance the forces of inertia of the reciprocating moving parts, low-pressure stage pistons are often made of welded steel or cast aluminum alloys, and higher stages are made of cast iron and solid. To increase rigidity and strength disc pistons are provided with radial ribs.

Differential pistons are used when cylinders of different pressures are located in the same row, for example, a higher pressure cylinder is located on a low pressure cylinder.

Piston rings are designed to seal the gap between the surfaces of the cylinder and the piston, as well as to remove heat from the piston to the cylinder walls. To ensure the tightness of the piston, the ring, so that it is tightly pressed against the inner surface of the cylinder, is made split, and its diameter in the free state is slightly larger than the diameter of the cylinder. The working ring is pressed by the outer sealing surface against the cylinder surface by the gas pressure and the elastic forces of the ring.

Rings are usually made of rectangular section. The cut of the ring, the so-called lock, can be straight, oblique, or stepped (lapped).

Piston rings made of cast iron are most widely used. At high pressures in the cylinder, steel and bronze rings are used, combined from cast iron and bronze, cast iron with anti-friction packings in the grooves on the rings, textolite, nylon rings, chrome-plated steel and cast iron, etc.

To discharge excess oil from the cylinder wall in crossheadless compressors, oil scraper rings of various designs are used. When the piston moves towards the shaft, the sharp lower edge of the rings removes oil from the wall and drains oil into the crankcase through holes in the piston.

Stuffing box (gland seal) - a machine part that seals the gap between the movable and fixed parts of the machine (for example, between the rod and the cylinder cover). There are glands with forced sealing and self-sealing. The first are made with soft or semi-soft packing.

The material for the manufacture of soft packings is a mixture of equal parts of finely divided babbitt shavings and sawdust boiled in oil. The mixture is placed in fabric covers and pressed into round packing rings of square section. they are compact and easy to manufacture. Their disadvantage is the need for constant monitoring of the stuffing box and periodic tightening.

Semi-soft packing consists of solid metal sealing rings made of plastic anti-friction material, and steel rings laid between the sealing rings. The sealing rings are triangular in shape, the steel ones are triangular or diamond-shaped for better compression of the rod.

Valve- a gas flow control mechanism. In reciprocating compressors, various types and designs of self-acting valves are used: ring, strip, direct-flow, etc. Valves are called self-acting because they open and close automatically: they open from the pressure difference before and after the valve, and close under the action of springs (in strip and straight-flow valves, the plate itself performs the role of springs). Suction and discharge valves are installed on each compressor cylinder, the basic design of which is the same.

The annular valve consists of a seat, a socket, between which ring plates are placed, pressed against the seat by springs. To reduce the impact of the plate on the socket (when

opening the valve) a damper plate is placed. The seat and socket are assembled using a stud and nut.

Strip valves are made with self-springing plates, which are in the form of rectangular strips. In the free state, they are adjacent to the seat, but under gas pressure they bend along the arc of the recesses in the lift limiter. As soon as the pressure before and behind the plate is equalized, the plate straightens and closes the hole in the seat valves. Rectangular cuts in the guides form nests for the plates.

Strip valves consist of a set of cells arranged in one or more rows.

Direct-flow valves, as well as band valves, are self-springing. They are assembled from elements: a seat and an elastic plate adjacent to it. The seat has cells on the working surface that are separated by bridges and serve as flow channels. wedge-shaped bevel, where the plate is bent when the valve is opened. The bevel profile is close to the profile of the plate, bent by the pressure of the gas flow.

Due to the direct gas flow, the rational shape of the flow channels, the area of ​​​​the flow sections of direct-flow valves is 2-2.5 times larger than that of annular valves of the same size, which gives a 4-6-fold reduction in energy losses.

Frame, crankcase and crankcase.These are the main bearing parts of the compressor, they contain a connecting rod and crank mechanism, the forces from which they perceive.

A frame with one bearing is called bayonet, with two - forked. Frames of opposed compressors are made in the form of a box-shaped cast iron with boxes for main bearings.

The crankcases of crosshead compressors operate under pressure. The tightness of the crankcase improves with a decrease in the number of connectors, so the cylinders began to be manufactured in the same casting with the crankcase - the block crankcase.

The frame, crankcase and crankcase are cast, they must be rigid, durable and convenient for mounting the cylinders and auxiliary components of the compressor.

connecting rod The crosshead compressor connects the crankshaft to the slider (crosshead), the crosshead compressor connects directly to the piston (through the piston pin). It is forged from steel.

The crank head of the connecting rod is detachable. The bearing of the crank head is called crank.

The crank bearing has cast-iron liners filled with B-83 brand babbitt. The detachable connecting rod head is pulled together by connecting rod bolts.

Gaskets are placed in the parting plane of the crank bearing shells; by adjusting their thickness, you can change the size of the harmful space.

Bronze bushings are pressed into the upper heads of the connecting rods, to which forced lubrication is supplied.

Crankshaft (or main) One of the most critical and time-consuming parts of the compressor to manufacture. The crankshaft transmits forces from the moving parts of the compressor to the frame through the main bearings. Connecting rods are attached to the crankshaft journals. the rotational motion of the engine is converted into reciprocating motion of the pistons.

Crankshafts are forged or stamped from xka metal, then turned and ground on machine tools.

The inertial forces of the moving masses of the compressor partially balance the counterweights attached to the cheeks of the crankshaft.

Flywheel.Regulates the operation of the engine, storing energy when the piston is in the middle position and releasing it when the piston approaches the extreme positions (dead spots). Flywheels of large horizontal compressors are made as one piece with the rotor of a synchronous electric motor.

The flywheels of vertical compressors with a V-belt transmission from the engine to the compressor serve simultaneously as drive pulleys. When using V-belts in the flywheels, the corresponding grooves are machined.

Crosshead, or slider.Connects a linearly moving rod with a connecting rod that performs a complex movement.

The piston rod is attached through a steel pin to the slider. There are special nuts on the rod to regulate the harmful space.

2. Appointment of pipelines of compressor units.

See answer ticket number 10, question 2.

3. Device and purpose of heat exchangers.

Collapsible plate heat exchangers are designed for heat exchange between various liquids, as well as between liquid and steam. They are used as refrigerators, heaters, condensers in various industries.

They are designed to operate at overpressures up to 10 kgf/cm 2 (1,0 MPa) and working medium temperature from -30 to +180°.

Heat exchangers are assembled from unified prefabricated units and parts and can have a heat exchange surface from 3 to 800 m 2.

The apparatus consists of thin stamped plates with of stainless steel with a corrugated surface typed on a cantilever frame.

The frame consists of a fixed plate with fixed pressure plate rods and tie bolts.

The plates are assembled on the frame so that one is rotated 180 degrees relative to the other, with the rubber pads turned towards the pressure plate.

The void between adjacent plates is a channel for the passage of the coolant; a group of plates forming a system of channels in which the working medium moves in only one direction constitutes a package.

One or more packages sandwiched between a fixed plate and a pressure plate are called a section. At the corners of the plates there are holes that form distribution manifolds for the coolant in the assembled section. The sealing of the plates between themselves is carried out along the sealing groove with a rubber gasket.

A hot coolant moves along the slotted channels from the corresponding collectors on one side of each plate, and a cold coolant flows on the other. Heat carriers move countercurrent.

Due to the corrugated surface of the plates, the fluid flow is intensely swirling. Enhanced turbulence and a thin layer of liquid make it possible to obtain a high heat transfer coefficient with relatively low hydraulic resistance.

When various contaminants appear on the surface of the plates, the device can be easily and quickly disassembled, cleaned and put back into operation.

Intermediate and end coolers.Compressed air is cooled in refrigerators, which heats up when it is compressed in the compressor cylinders.

Shell and tube floating head refrigerator consists of a bundle of tubes expanded in tube sheets, one of which is rigidly fixed in a common body, the other, equipped with a head, is movable, floating.

Compressed air enters from the compressor into the annular space of the refrigerator, where it is cooled by water passing through the tubes.

Water and compressed air in the refrigerator move according to the countercurrent principle. A fitting is installed at the bottom of the refrigerator to purge from accumulated oil and condensate.

Refrigerator type "pipe in pipe" is used for pressures over 35 kgf / cm 2. Compressed air passes through the inner pipes; cooling water flows through the annular channel formed by the pipes, towards the compressed air.

Coolers of the PRT type have been used in compressor installations, which during their operation provide better cooling of compressed air, they are convenient for their maintenance.

4. Terms of check of safety valves at a pressure over 12 kgfs/cm 2 .

The terms for checking safety valves operating at pressures above 12 kgf / cm 2 are established by the technological regulations and operational documentation. After closing, the valves must remain tight.

See answer ticket number 1, question 5.

Ticket number 12

1. The design of the internal combustion engine used to drive the compressor.

Piston internal combustion engines have the following main components and systems:

- engine frame which perceives all dynamic forces during engine operation. It includes fixed parts: a foundation frame with frame bearings, a bed, a parallel, cylinders, cylinder covers;

- crank mechanism, which converts the reciprocating movement of the piston into the rotational movement of the crankshaft. The main parts are the piston, rod, cross member (crosshead), connecting rod and crankshaft.

- gas distribution mechanism(gas distribution organs and drive), which releases combustion products from the cylinder and inlets a fresh charge of air (in diesel engines) or a combustible mixture (in carburetor engines);

- fuel supply system designed for the preparation and supply of fuel to the engine cylinders. The system consists of tanks for storing fuel, devices for its purification and fuel equipment - pumps, injectors (diesel engines), carburetor (carburetor engines);

- ignition system providing forced ignition of the combustible mixture in the engine cylinders in carburetor internal combustion engines;

- cooling system to remove heat from engine parts. It consists of water pumps, filters, refrigerators and pipelines;

- lubrication system, which provides the supply of lubricants to rubbing parts. It includes containers and devices for storing, cleaning, cooling and supplying lubricants;

- control system designed to start, stop, change the speed of the crankshaft. The system includes special arrangements and control and measuring equipment.

ICE, depending on the main features, distinguish:

According to the method of implementing the working cycle - four-stroke and two-stroke;

According to the method of action - single action, in which the working cycle is performed only in the upper cavity of the cylinder (Fig. 7, a), double action, when the working cycle is performed alternately in two cavities of the cylinder - upper (above the piston) and lower (under the piston)

(Fig. 7, b), and two-stroke with oppositely moving pistons (essentially two single-acting engines with a common combustion chamber) (Fig. 7, c);

According to the method of filling the working cylinder - without pressurization (Fig. 8, a), when the combustible mixture or air is sucked in by a piston (four-stroke), or when the cylinder is filled with low-pressure scavenging air (two-stroke), and with pressurization (Fig. 8, b) when air is supplied to the cylinder under excess pressure p to the inflating compressor k;

According to the method of mixture formation - with internal mixture formation, i.e. air and fuel enter the engine cylinder separately and the process of formation of the working mixture occurs inside the cylinder (all diesel engines are included; and with external mixture formation, when air and fuel are pre-mixed in the carburetor, and then the working mixture enters the cylinder. This group includes carburetor and gas engines.;

According to the method of ignition of the working mixture - with self-ignition of the fuel (due to the high temperature obtained at the end of the air charge compression process) and with forced ignition, when the ignition of the working mixture occurs from an electric spark (carburetor and gas engines));

According to the method of carrying out the combustion process - with combustion at a constant volume; (all carburetor and gas engines) and at constant pressure (compressor diesel engines with air atomization of fuel), and with mixed combustion, when part of the fuel burns along the isochore, and part along the isobar (compressorless diesels);

By design - trunk, in which the lateral force from the connecting rod is perceived by the piston (Fig. 7, a); crosshead, when the piston is connected to the connecting rod through the rod and the cross member (crosshead), and the lateral forces are perceived by the sliders and transmitted to the parallels (Fig. 7 ,b);

According to the location of the cylinders - single-row, double-row, vertical, horizontal, V-shaped, W-shaped, X-shaped, star-shaped;

2. Compressor emergency stop.

See answer ticket number 5, question 4.

3.Basic safety requirements for the operation of the compressor unit.

See answer ticket number 7, question 4.

4.Measures performed before the start of work inside the vessel.

Before starting work inside a vessel connected to other operating vessels by a common pipeline, the vessel must be separated from them by plugs or disconnected. Disconnected pipelines must be plugged.

Plugs installed between flanges must be of adequate strength and have a protruding part (shank), which determines the presence of a plug.

Delivery of oil to the engine room should be carried out in special vessels for each type of oil (buckets and cans with lids, etc.).

It is not allowed to use vessels intended for transportation and storage of compressor oil for other purposes. The vessels should be kept clean and periodically cleaned of sediment.

Waste oil should be drained into a container located outside the compressor unit.

Filling oil into lubricating devices should be done through funnels with


Ticket number 13

1. Oil pumps, their device.

The Sh-40 type gear pump is designed for pumping lubricating liquids without abrasive impurities with kinematic viscosity from 0.2 to 15 cm/s at temperatures up to 80°C.

According to the principle of operation, the gear pump is positive displacement.

The pump consists of: a working mechanism, a casing with covers, a mechanical seal and a safety valve.

The working mechanism consists of two rotors: leading and driven.

The main rotor consists of a shaft on which two gears with oblique teeth are mounted with an interference fit.

One gear is left-handed and the other is right-handed. The gears are mounted so that they form one gear with a chevron tooth.

The driven rotor has the same gears on its shaft as the main rotor, but one gear is fixed rigidly, the other is loose. the rotor receives through the gear from the main rotor. The rotors are installed in special bores in the housing.

From the ends, the case is closed with back and front covers.

The seal of the drive shaft of the pump is a single mechanical seal, located in the front cover. It consists of a thrust bearing, a heel, an stuffing box spring, a ring, a thrust ring and a ring.

The safety valve protects the pump from overpressure.

When the rotors rotate, a vacuum is created on the suction side, as a result of which the liquid under the pressure of the atmosphere fills the interdental cavities and moves from the suction cavity to the discharge cavity in them.

2. Methods for washing and cleaning parts. Branding, marking during disassembly.

See answer ticket number 8, question 3.

3. Acceptance of the compressor from repair. Running-in, testing.

See answer ticket number 9, question 3

4. Occupational diseases and their main causes. Prevention of occupational diseases.

Loss of hearing and performance by the maintenance personnel of the compressor unit is an occupational disease.

5. Obligations of the compressor unit operator before starting work.

See answer ticket number 1, question 5.

Ticket number 14

1. Device and purpose of the main parts and components of the compressor.

See answer ticket number 11, question. one

2. Measures to ensure trouble-free operation of the compressor equipment.

To ensure the trouble-free, safe operation of compressor units, the proper organization of maintenance and current repairs of equipment, the most appropriate is the system of preventive maintenance (PPR). This system provides for a set of measures that ensure the operability of all units during operation (daily maintenance, inspection, lubrication, cleaning, elimination of defects), as well as their timely scheduled shutdown for maintenance in order to maintain the technical and economic indicators of the compressor unit within acceptable limits.

Based on this, a schedule for inspections and repairs is drawn up. The data on compressor repairs are entered in the compressor log and in the compressor operation register.

For each type of compressor, the frequency of inspections and repairs is indicated in the Instructions for installation and operation of the compressor by the manufacturer.

3. In what cases are pressure gauges not allowed for operation?

Manometers are not allowed to be used in cases where:

a) there is no seal or brand;

b) the term for checking the pressure gauge is overdue;

c) the pointer of the pressure gauge, when it is turned off, does not return to the zero reading of the scale by an amount exceeding half of the permissible error for this pressure gauge;

d) the glass is broken or there are other damages to the pressure gauge, which may affect the correctness of its readings.

4. Preparation and testing of knowledge of the personnel serving the vessels.

Training and testing of knowledge of the personnel serving the vessels should be carried out in educational institutions, as well as in courses specially created by organizations.

Periodic testing of the knowledge of the personnel servicing the vessels should be carried out at least once every 12 months.

Extraordinary examination of knowledge is carried out:

When moving to another organization;

In the event of a change in the instructions for the mode of operation and safe maintenance of the vessel;

At the request of the Rostekhnadzor inspector.

In case of a break in work in the specialty for more than 12 months, after testing the knowledge, the personnel must undergo an internship to restore practical skills before being admitted to independent work.

The results of testing the knowledge of the service personnel are documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission with a mark in the certificate.

The admission of personnel to independent maintenance of vessels is issued by an order for the organization or an order for the workshop.

5. Obligations of the driver of compressor units during operation.

See answer ticket number 2, question. 5.

Ticket number 15

1. Compressor station equipment.

The compressor station includes: a compressor, its drive (electric motor), auxiliary equipment (filters, intermediate and aftercoolers, moisture-oil separator, air collector), as well as pipelines necessary for supplying compressed air through them to consumers, water for cooling compressor cylinder jackets, cooling compressed air in refrigerators.

2. What is the purpose and principle of operation of a reciprocating compressor?

The compressor is designed to increase pressure and move gas.

The compressor consists of a cylinder 4, in which the piston 5 moves. With the help of a rod 6, a slider 7, a connecting rod 8 and a crank 9, the rotational movement created by the engine is converted into a reciprocating movement of the piston in the cylinder. The cylinder and piston form a working cavity in which the working process is carried out. suction valves 3 and the working cavity is filled with gas. The cylinder is filled until the piston reaches its lowest position, i.e. until the suction valves are open due to the existing pressure difference in the suction pipe and the cylinder cavity. The discharge valves remain closed.

On the part of the return stroke of the piston, the suction and discharge valves are closed, the volume of the cylinder cavity decreases, and the pressure in it increases - the gas is compressed. The pressure in the cylinder rises until it exceeds the pressure in the network. Under its action, the discharge valves and gas open from the cylinder is pushed by the piston into the discharge line. At the same time, the suction valves remain closed. The work process takes place for a full revolution of the compressor crankshaft, which corresponds to a double stroke of the piston.

The extreme positions of the piston are called dead points. With such positions of the piston, the axis of the rod, connecting rod and crank lie on one straight line. The space between the piston located at top dead center (TDC) and the cylinder cover is called

harmful (dead) space. Its value is expressed in fractions of the volume described by the piston in one stroke, and depends not only on the distance between the piston at the dead center and the cylinder cover, but also on the volume of the channels that supply and discharge gas, and on the design of the suction and delivery valves.

3. By whom and when is the operation of safety valves checked at pressures above 12 kgf / cm 2?

The driver of compressor units checks the operation of safety valves operating at pressures above 12 kgf / cm 2 within the time limits established by the technological regulations and operational documentation.

4. What pressure gauges should be used on air collectors and gas collectors?

On air collectors or gas collectors, pressure gauges with a diameter of at least 150 mm and an accuracy class of at least 2.5 should be used.

It is necessary to use pressure gauges with such a scale that at operating pressure their insole is in the middle range of the scale. A red line must be applied on the dial of the pressure gauge according to the division corresponding to the highest allowable working pressure.

Pressure gauges should be equipped with a three-way valve. At pressures above 25 kgf / cm 2, instead of a three-way valve, it is allowed to install a separate fitting with a shut-off device for connecting a second pressure gauge.

5. Duties of the driver of compressor units after work.

See answer ticket number 3, question. 5.

Ticket number 16

1. Equipment for compressor units.

See answer ticket number 15, question 1.

2. Malfunctions of compressors, causes, methods of elimination.

See answer ticket number 3, question 3

3. What should be monitored during the operation of the compressor unit?

See answer ticket number 2, question 5

4. Measures to reduce noise and vibration.

During the operation of the compressor unit, noise is generated by check valves, suction line filters, rotating parts, equipment gears, air moving through pipelines, as well as faulty and worn parts. Noises also occur during the production of vessels and pipelines.

Noise adversely affects the health of the maintenance personnel of compressor units. Working in noisy conditions, these personnel often gradually lose their hearing and performance. .

Noise and vibration can be reduced by:

Placement of compressors in a soundproof chamber;

The use of vibration-isolating bases for building structures of the compressor station building;

Application of soundproof gaskets at the junctions of the compressor with air ducts and other parts, as well as special mufflers on air ducts for purging vessels and exhausting air into the atmosphere;

Installation of metal shields at air suction filters;

Coatings of mufflers, walls and roofs in the compressor station room with sound-absorbing materials; drivers are recommended to use special helmets.

5. Obligations of the compressor unit operator before starting work.

See answer ticket number 1, question 5.

Ticket number 17

1. Auxiliary equipment of compressor units.

The equipment of each compressor unit, in addition to the compressor and its drive motor, also includes auxiliary equipment: suction filter chambers (filters), intermediate and end coolers, moisture-oil separators, an oil purge tank, pipelines and fittings.

2. Frequency of cleaning the oil pump and lubricator of the compressor unit.

The oil pump and lubricator should be cleaned at least once every one and a half months.

3. Places for installing pressure gauges on compressor units.

Pressure gauges are installed after each compression stage and on the discharge line after the compressor, as well as on air collectors or gas collectors; at a pressure at the last compression stage of 300 kgf / cm 2 and above, two pressure gauges must be installed; on the pipeline supplying oil to lubricate the movement mechanism; on the supply pipeline water for cooling compressor jackets and refrigerators.

4. The main duties of the service personnel.

1. Maintain and ensure trouble-free operation of compressors and auxiliary equipment of the compressor station and air ducts.

2. Switch and put into reserve or repair the equipment of the compressor station and air ducts.

3. Draw up troubleshooting sheets for equipment repair.

4. Participate in the repair of compressor station equipment.

5. Keep records in work logs in accordance with the requirements of the Rules.

6. Comply with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise, observe labor discipline.

7. Fulfill the established labor standards.

8. Comply with the requirements of the Rules for labor protection, safety and fire safety.

9. Take care of the property of the enterprise.

10. Immediately inform the administration of the enterprise or the immediate supervisor about the occurrence of situations that pose a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the property of the enterprise.

11. Constantly improve your vocational training through advanced training in various educational centers, self-training, etc.

5. Safety requirements for compressor lubrication.

See answer ticket number 1, question 4

Ticket number 18

1. The main indicators characterizing the operation of the compressor.

The main indicators characterizing the operation of the compressor are: compressed air temperature by compression stages; compressed air pressure by compression stages; oil pressure in the oil pipeline; presence of a cooling water flow; discharge distance and flow control.

2. What devices should be equipped with air compressors with a capacity of more than 10 m 3 /min?

Air compressors with a capacity of more than 10 m 3 /min should be equipped with end coolers and moisture-oil separators.

3.Where should safety valves be installed in compressor units?

Safety valves should be installed after each compression stage of the compressor in the cooled air or gas section. If there is one air collector for each compressor and there are no shut-off valves on the discharge pipeline, the safety valve after the compressor can only be installed on the air or gas collector.

The size and throughput of safety valves are selected so that a pressure exceeding the operating pressure by more than 0.5 kgf / cm 2 at an operating pressure of up to 3 kgf / cm 2 inclusive, by 15% at an operating pressure of 3 to 60 kgf / cm 2 and 10% at an operating pressure of over 60 kgf / cm 2.

The installation of safety valves must comply with the requirements of normative and technical documents on industrial safety.

Adjustment of safety valves should be carried out on special stands by persons admitted to independent maintenance of compressor units, with a record of the adjustment in the operational documentation.

4. Responsibility for violation of the Labor Protection Rules during the operation of compressor units.

Persons who violate the requirements of the Rules of labor protection and safety are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Disciplinary, financial, administrative and criminal liability).

5. Obligations of the driver of compressor units during operation.

See answer ticket number 2, question. 5.

Ticket number 19

1. Air ducts, pipelines, fittings.

At compressor stations, pipelines are laid to provide compressor units with air, water, and oil. Depending on the transported medium and purpose, pipelines are classified according to the scheme.

Air pipelines are pipelines designed to transport air through them. Air pipelines are divided into suction, discharge and main. - from the air collector to the consumer of compressed air. The purpose of the air ducts is the transportation of air in the compressor unit from the moment it is sucked from the atmosphere to the outlet from the air collector of the air line to the consumer.

In addition to air pipelines, the compressor station has pipelines necessary for the operation of the compressor unit, through which water is transported, intended for cooling cylinder jackets, as well as for cooling compressed air in auxiliary equipment (refrigerators, moisture-oil separators), as well as pipelines (oil pipelines) through which oil is transported to lubricate the equipment of the compressor unit.

Pipe Fittings.The fittings installed on the pipelines of the compressor station are designed to control the flow of the working medium.

According to their purpose, fittings are divided into: shut-off - gate valves, taps and valves; safety - check and safety valves; control - regulating, mixing and distributing valves, regulators; steam traps.

The design and material of the fittings used must correspond to the conditions of its operation and are determined depending on the operating pressure, temperature and nominal diameter of the pipe on which the fittings are installed. For air ducts, the pressure in which reaches 2.5 MPa

Bronze shut-off valves (valves, gate valves, cocks) are allowed on pipelines, provided that the pressure in the pipeline is not more than 1.3 MPa (13 kgf / cm 2), and its diameter does not exceed 200 mm, or not more than 0.8 MPa ( 8 kgf / cm 2) with a diameter of up to 500 mm. Of the shut-off valves, valves are the most common, which is explained by their rather high tightness, ease of control, more long term service, the possibility of wider regulation, relative safety during operation.

2. What kind of fire protection system should each compressor unit be equipped with?

Industrial premises and facilities should be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment (manual and mobile): fire extinguishers, sand boxes (if necessary), asbestos or felt blankets, etc.

To place the primary means of extinguishing a fire in industrial and other premises, special fire shields should be installed.

Single placement of fire extinguishers, taking into account their design features, is allowed in small rooms.

Only those primary fire extinguishing equipment that can be used in a given room, installation should be placed on fire shields. Fire extinguishing equipment and fire shields must be painted in the appropriate colors according to the current State Standard.

3. What kind of documentation is the compressor unit equipped with?

Each compressor unit or group of homogeneous compressor units is equipped with the following technical documentation:

Passport (form) for the compressor unit;

A piping diagram (compressed air or gas, water, oil) indicating the installation locations of valves, valves, moisture-oil separators, intermediate and end coolers, air collectors, instrumentation, as well as electrical cable diagrams, automation, etc.; diagrams are posted in a conspicuous place;

Instruction (manual) for the safe maintenance of the compressor unit;

Compressor logbook;

Journal (form) of accounting for repairs compressor unit, which should also record the results of checking the welds;

Passports-certificates of compressor oil and the results of its laboratory analysis;

Passports of all pressure vessels;

Compressor unit repair schedule;

Journal of checking the knowledge of service personnel.

4.Requirements for labor protection when performing repair work.

When repairing compressor units, repair personnel must comply with the established safety regulations for repair work.

Dismantling of compressor units should be carried out only after disconnecting the electric motor and control equipment from the power sources. On the electrical panel and on the starting device, it is necessary to hang out the poster “Do not turn on. People are working”, which is removed only with the permission of the shift supervisor after the repair of the equipment is completed and the relevant work on preparation of compressor unit equipment for start-up.

Conduct repair work on the operating equipment of the compressor unit prohibited.

When repairing compressor units, the following safety requirements must be observed:

Use serviceable locksmith and measuring tools of appropriate sizes;

Use only serviceable lifting equipment, pulling attachments and slings, strictly observe the terms of their testing;

When washing the water jackets of the cylinders with liquid caustic, rubber gloves, an oilcloth apron and goggles should be used;

Check the height of the linear dead space of the compressor with a lead wire, it is not allowed to carry out this operation by touch;

Turning the crankshaft of the assembled compressor using a turning device should be done only after removing foreign objects from the cylinder cavities, crankcase and crosshead;

Do not unscrew bolts or nuts with chisels, hammers, sledgehammers;

It is not allowed to use a percussion instrument with delaminations, knocked down strikers, split handles;

When scraping, filing and cleaning, sawdust should be removed with rags or brushes;

When working with a chisel or grinder, use protective goggles.

5. Duties of the driver of compressor units after work.

See answer ticket number 3, question. 5.

Ticket number 20

1.Operation and control of the compressor unit.

The task of monitoring the operation of the compressor unit is to ensure its trouble-free, safe, reliable and correct operation.

Supervision of the operation of the equipment and the process of obtaining compressed air is carried out using instrumentation. Control is carried out not only during the operation of the compressor unit, but when testing them in order to determine the main parameters characterizing the technical condition of the compressors.

During the operation of the compressor unit, the following parameters and characteristics are subject to control:

Temperatures of air, cooling water, oil of the circulating lubrication system, rubbing parts of the compressor and stator winding of the drive motor;

Pressures of intake and discharge air, cooling water and oil;

Compressed air, oil, cooling water and electricity costs;

Condition of the grounding network of the compressor unit;

The condition of the filters for cleaning the air sucked in from the atmosphere.

Measurements of air, water and oil temperatures must be made during the operation of the compressor unit every hour.

2. Technical inspection of the compressor unit.

When carrying out a scheduled technical inspection, they eliminate malfunctions that do not require disassembly and a long stop of the compressor unit. The list of technical inspection works includes:

Replacement of all working valves with spare ones, cleaning of removed valves from carbon deposits and dirt;

Cleaning valve boxes from soot and dirt; elimination of the causes of soot formation;

Checking the fastening of the pin and the condition of the crosshead;

Checking the fastening of the piston on the rod and the rod in the crosshead housing;

Checking the tightening of anchor bolts and other threaded connections;

Piston pump cleaning; flushing oil filter fine cleaning;

Checking the condition and cottering of connecting rod bolts and counterweight bolts, taking into account the severe consequences of accidents with accidental defects in connecting rod bolts, it is necessary to monitor their condition, using possible compressor stops for this purpose;

Checking clearances between crosshead shoes and bed parallels;

Checking the condition of support rings and gaps between pistons and cylinders for compressors without a lubrication system;

Removing and washing the filter elements of the air filter;

Changing the oil in the lubrication system of the crank mechanism and cleaning the coarse oil filter and oil line (only after the first technical inspection).

In the future, this operation is performed after 1500–3000 hours

compressor operation;

Checking the condition of the cylinder mirrors through the valve windows; in the presence of carbon deposits, scratches or scuffing, it is necessary to remove the piston, remove carbon deposits and clean the cylinder mirror; lubricate the working surface of the compressor cylinder with oil;

Checking the condition of the piston and piston rings.

Every 1200 - 1500 hours of compressor operation during inspection, the following operations are additionally performed:

Checking the condition of the bearings of the lower head of the connecting rod, adjusting the gap between the liners and the crankshaft neck of the crankshaft; risks and other defects on the crankshaft neck of the crankshaft and liners are not allowed;

Checking the condition of the bushing of the upper head of the connecting rod and the crosshead pin, checking the gap between them;

Adjusting the gap between the crosshead shoes and the frame parallels; to adjust the gap, special gaskets are used that are placed on each shoe;

Checking and adjusting linear dead spaces, which must correspond to those indicated in the form, using lead wire with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm; when checking linear space, lead wire must be laid at two diametrically opposite points;

Inspection and, if necessary, adjustment of safety valves in the working air to the opening pressure according to the passport data.

Every 4000 - 6000 hours of compressor operation, the following work must be done:

Clean the water cavities of the cylinders and intermediate and end coolers from scale.

3. What is the frequency of manual purge of moisture-oil separators, air collectors, gas collectors?

In the absence of automatic purge, manual purge of moisture-oil separators should be carried out twice per shift, unless a shorter purge period is provided for by the factory instruction; once per shift in their absence.

4. When should the compressor be stopped?

See answer ticket number 12, question 2.

5. Obligations of the compressor unit operator before starting work.

See answer ticket number 1, question 5.

Answers to social studies tickets 11kl.

Test tasks to test the knowledge of workers by profession: "Machinist of pumping units"


Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Used Books:

1. Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 06/20/97.

2. Fomochkin A.V. Industrial safety, 2004.

3. PB 08-624-03.

4. PB 09-563-03.

5. PB 09-560-03.

What is the name of the law that defines the legal, economic and social foundations ensure the safe operation of hazardous production facilities?

Federal Law "On safety in the industry of production facilities".

Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities".

Federal Law "On the Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities".

Federal Law "On labor protection of hazardous production facilities".

Define an accident.

Destruction of structures and (or) technical devices used at HIFs;

Uncontrolled explosion;

Release of hazardous substances;

All of the above is correct.

What is related to the incident?

Destruction of the structure;

Ejection of the environment;

Deviation from the process mode

Uncontrolled explosion.

What is related to the incident?

The state of protection of technical devices from accidents;

Failure of technical devices;

Destruction of technical devices;

Release of hazardous substances;

Define "industrial safety of hazardous production facilities":

The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities;

The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual from the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities;

The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents;

Conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements contained in this Federal Law, other federal laws.

What is a harmful production factor?

A production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or a decrease in working capacity

A production factor whose impact on a worker under certain conditions leads to death

Production factor, the impact of which on a worker in certain conditions leads to injury

A production factor whose impact on a worker under certain conditions leads to suffocation

What is a hazardous production factor?

A production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to a disease.

A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to his death.

A production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to injury or other sudden, sharp deterioration in health.

A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to his fall.

Can a harmful production factor become dangerous?

Not under any circumstances.

Yes, depending on the level and duration of exposure.

Yes, if it is a chemical harmful production factor.

Yes, if it is a physical harmful production factor.

What is industrial safety?

It is a system of organizational measures and technical means aimed at minimizing the likelihood of exposure to hazardous production factors and the elimination of the consequences of their manifestations.

These are the conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements contained in the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities", other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in regulatory technical documents;

These are permits, procedures and requirements contained in the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in regulatory technical documents;

The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents;

What should be the distance between the individual mechanisms?

Not less than 1 m.

Not more than 1.5 m.

Not less than 0.75 m.

Not more than 0.5 m.

At least 2 m.

How are facilities equipped if a worker needs to be lifted to a height?

Up to 1.0 m - steps, and to a height above 1.0 m - stairs with railings.

Up to 0.75 m - flooring with slats, and to a height above 0.75 m - steps.

Up to 1.0 m - steps, and to a height above 1.5 m - stairs with railings.

Up to 0.5 m - steps, and to a height above 0.75 m - stairs with railings.

Up to 0.75 m - steps, and to a height above 0.75 m - stairs with railings.

What are the requirements for marching stairs?

The slope is not less than 65 degrees, the width is not more than 60 cm.

Slope no more than 60 degrees, width 65 cm.

Slope not less than 50 degrees, width not less than 75 cm.

The slope is not more than 60 degrees, the width is not less than 65 cm. The slope is not more than 65 degrees, the width is not less than 70 cm.

What should be the distance between the rungs of tunnel-type ladders and step-ladders?

Not more than 35 cm;

Not more than 25 cm;

Not more than 30 cm;

Not more than 40 cm;

What materials are flooring for working platforms located at a height made of?

Metal sheets that exclude the possibility of slipping.

Boards with a thickness of at least 35 mm.

Low-temperature steels, excluding the possibility of corrosion cracking.

Metal plates with anti-corrosion coating or boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm.

What are the requirements for stairs?

The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 15 cm and the inward slope of 3-7 degrees.

The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 35 cm and the inward slope of 8-11 degrees.

The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 20 cm and the inward slope of 4-9 degrees.

The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 30 cm and the inward slope of 6-10 degrees.

The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 25 cm and the inward slope of 2-5 degrees.

For fire and explosion hazardous industries (oil treatment plants, tank farms, etc.), the use of wooden flooring is prohibited. In what cases is it allowed to temporarily use wooden flooring from boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm?

When performing rescue operations.

When conducting work from scaffolding during the repair of completely stopped equipment and apparatus, buildings and structures.

For emergency approach to the scene of an accident or incident.

When eliminating leaks of hazardous liquids.

For trial running and commissioning of equipment and apparatus, buildings and structures.

In which case are the moving parts of the equipment protected completely?

When the height of the mechanism is less than 1.8 m.

When the height of the mechanism is less than 1.3 m.

When the height of the mechanism is less than 2 m.

When the height of the mechanism is less than 0.8 m

What types of medical examinations (examinations) should workers employed in work with hazardous and harmful working conditions undergo to determine the suitability of these workers to perform the assigned work?

Only mandatory preliminary when applying for a job.

Periodic (under the age of 21 - annual).

The types and frequency of inspections are determined by the employer at its discretion.

Compulsory pre-employment and periodic (under the age of 21 - annual).

Arbitrary depending on the medical examination.

How often should employees undergo mandatory psychiatric examinations when performing work associated with increased danger (impact of harmful substances, adverse production factors)?

At least once every five years in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At least once a year, if desired.

The frequency is set by the employer.

The term of the internship is set by the employer, but cannot be ...

More than one week.

Less than the period of knowledge testing.

Less than two weeks.

Less than one month.

Less than one week.

What should be provided to employees of hazardous production facilities?

Certified personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralizing agents.

Posters, instructions and literature on the specialty.

Washing and neutralizing agents.

Certified personal protective equipment.

Individual first aid kit and insulating gas mask.

Personnel must be familiar with the relevant instructions and sections of the PLA. Knowledge of the emergency response plan is checked during:

Conducting initial training.

Conducting another briefing.

Conducting advanced training courses, in accordance with the plan approved by the technical manager of the hazardous production facility

Certifications in bodies of Rostekhnadzor of Russia.

Educational and training sessions with the personnel of the facility, conducted according to the schedule approved by the technical manager of the hazardous production facility.

At hazardous production facilities, security and access control must be provided to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the territory. At facilities where it is impossible to provide round-the-clock security and access control (well cluster, etc.), it is necessary to install:

Prohibitory signs for entry and entry.

Sound and light burglar alarm, notifying of unauthorized entry into the territory of a hazardous production facility by unauthorized persons.

Means of video surveillance, with a signal to the central dispatching console.

Fences with posters warning about approaching a hazardous production facility.

All funds listed.

The arrangement of perimeter security and the location of checkpoints, as well as their layout, should ensure the possibility of:

Control over the penetration of unauthorized persons into the territory of the production facility.

Operational emergency evacuation of personnel in various wind directions.

Free entry / exit to the territory of the production facility for fire engines and ambulances.

Carrying out activities in accordance with the emergency response plan approved by the technical manager of the hazardous production facility.

Implementation of all the above activities.

Harmful substances in the air.

Noise levels.


other harmful factors.

All of the above indicators.

What production facilities should be equipped with according to established standards:

Sanitary posts.

Devices (devices) for providing workers with drinking water.

Rest rooms.

Smoking areas.

All of the above.

Where should the control and protection system of fixed installations have an output:

To the control panel.

To the control point.

On the control panel and control room.

Into a common system of management, automation and control of production processes.

On the system of emergency shutdown of the technological process.

What safety requirements should technological equipment and pipelines meet:


Corrosion resistance.

Reliability taking into account operating conditions.

Strength, corrosion resistance and reliability, taking into account operating conditions.

Safety, strength, corrosion resistance and reliability, taking into account operating conditions.

The means of alarm and control of the state of the air environment must be in good condition, and their operability is checked:

At least once a month.

At least twice a month.

At least once every six months.

At least once a year.

Before every watch.

Which valves should be installed in the discharge line of a centrifugal pump?

Check valve.

Safety valve.

Stop valve.

Ball valve.

Two way valve.

Which valves should be installed in the discharge line of a displacement pump?

Check and ball valves.

Safety and ball valves.

Check and safety valves.

Shut-off and ball valves.

Two-way and safety valves.

What devices should be installed on the control panel of the pumping station?

Devices for monitoring the state of the air in the room and the state of the pumped medium.

Devices for monitoring pressure, flow, temperature of bearings of pumping units.

Devices for monitoring pressure, flow, temperature of bearings of pumping units and the state of the air in the room.

Devices for monitoring pressure, debit, temperature of bearings of pumping units and the state of the air in the room.

Devices for monitoring pressure, flow, temperature of bearings of pumping units and the state of the pumped medium.

The first action in the event of a fire in the pump room:

Turn off all electrical installations

Report to management

Report to HPV

Start steam-foam extinguishing systems

In which case it is forbidden to start up and operate centrifugal pumps

All of the above

Where should the shut-off, shut-off and safety devices installed on the discharge and suction pipelines of the pump or compressor be located?

As close as possible to the pump (compressor).

At the maximum distance from the pump (compressor).

As close as possible to the control panel.

At the maximum distance from the control panel.

Anywhere at the request of the customer.

In the event of a supply failure pump unit first of all you need:

Turn off the pumping unit;

Check the opening of the valve at the inlet;

Notify management;

Notify CITS.

In the event of a rupture of the sewage pipeline, it is necessary first of all:

Call CITS;

Notify management;

Eliminate leaks;

Call to turn off the pump.

What should be the fencing of the coupling connection of the pumping unit:




Removable and solid.

Is it allowed to put into operation devices and pipelines with frozen drainage devices:


Not allowed.

Allowed at slow start with constant monitoring.

Allowed with an open drain of the drainage device.

Allowed if the safety device is not frozen.

When moisture freezes in the pipeline, measures must be taken to:

External inspection of the pipeline section to ensure that the pipeline is not damaged.

Disconnecting the pipeline from common system.

Disconnecting the pipeline from the general system. If it is impossible to turn off the pipeline and there is a threat of an accident, it is necessary to stop the installation and take measures to heat up the ice plug.

External inspection of the pipeline section to ensure that the pipeline is not damaged. Disconnecting the pipeline from the general system. If it is impossible to turn off the pipeline and there is a threat of an accident, it is necessary to stop the installation and take measures to heat up the ice plug.

Warming up the ice cube.

What and from which end should the ice plug in the pipeline be heated up:

Steam or hot water starting at the end of the frozen section.

Steam or hot water from the beginning of the frozen section.

Steam or hot water, starting from the middle of the frozen area at the same time in different directions.

Steam or hot water, starting at both ends of the frozen area at the same time.

Any of the above methods.

What is forbidden to use to open frozen valves, valves and other locking devices:

Improvised means, the use of which increases the torque.

Hooks, crowbars and pipes.

Pneumatic drives.

Hydraulic drives.

Electric drives.

What should an object controlled from a control room have?

Fire shield and emergency water supply.

Emergency evacuation system.

Manual control.

Remote and manual control of valves.

Satellite emergency communications.

What is allowed to be done by shift technological personnel in the manner prescribed by production instructions

Prevention work emergencies, if leaks are found.

Emergency shutdowns of individual devices and automation equipment.

Repair work specified by the regulations.

Preventive maintenance of systems, according to the schedule.

Send a signal to the emergency service desk.

Oil and gas collection and treatment facilities, pumping and compressor stations should have:

Technical passports and documentation for the equipment of pumping and compressor stations.

Process flow diagram approved by the technical manager of the organization, indicating the numbers of gate valves, devices, flow directions, fully corresponding to their numbering in the design technological scheme.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for carrying out the work and technical passports for the equipment.

Plan of emergency rescue measures approved by the management of the enterprise.

All of the above.

Is it possible to operate the unit with faulty fire protection devices?

Yes, with manual fire extinguishers.

Yes, if there are manual fire extinguishing equipment and an order appointing a responsible person.

Yes, upon agreement with the territorial body of Rostekhnadzor of Russia.

Who should service the electrical equipment of the installation?

Electrical personnel with appropriate qualifications and permission to work.

Operating personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III.

Working personnel servicing the installation and having an electrical safety group of at least III.

The link of the senior operator in the presence of a foreman who has the appropriate electrical safety group.

Personnel of a specialized enterprise (contractor).

The voltage to the installation must be supplied:

Duty electrical staff at the direction of the head of the installation or the person replacing him.

The head of the installation or a person replacing him.

Duty electrician.

Working personnel servicing the installation and having an electrical safety group of at least III.

When are compressors and pumps prohibited from operating?

If the service personnel have not been instructed in safety.

In the absence of fire extinguishers.

In the absence of permission from the technical director of the organization to commission the equipment.

In the absence or faulty condition of automation, control and interlock systems specified in the manufacturer's passport and operating instructions.

In the absence of a work plan approved by the technical director of the organization

What are the requirements for standby pumps at pumping stations?

The number of standby pumps must be at least two.

Must be in constant readiness for launch.

Must be filled with neutral liquid.

Must be in a separate room.

Should be painted yellow.

What is the frequency of checking the serviceability of safety, control and shut-off valves?

Every shift with registration in a special journal.

Daily with registration of the act.

According to the schedule with entering the results in the shift log.

Weekly to report to management.

By decision of the technical manager of the enterprise.

What is allowed to be done by shift technological personnel in the manner prescribed by the production instructions?

Works to prevent emergency situations in case of leaks.

Emergency shutdowns of individual devices and automation equipment.

Repair work specified by the regulations.

Preventive maintenance of systems, according to the schedule.

Send a signal to the emergency service desk.

The pump supplying oil to the mechanical seals must be provided with:

Blocking device, which includes a backup oil pump in case of oil pressure drop.

Contact pressure gauge including low oil pressure warning.

A differential pressure transducer that sends a signal about a drop in oil pressure to the control panel.

Locking device that turns off the main device when the oil pressure drops.

A safety device that prevents the oil pressure from exceeding the value set by the manufacturer.

Which valve should be installed on the discharge pipe of a centrifugal pump? - Check and safety valves.

Check valve.

Ball and safety.


Casings of pumps pumping flammable and combustible products must:

Be made of corrosion resistant materials.

Have a drainage device.

Be grounded regardless of the grounding of electric motors located on the same frame with pumps.

Have a purge hole.

All of the above is correct.

All pumps must be equipped with:

instrumentation devices.

Oil cooling.

Drainage devices with discharge of the drained product into a closed disposal system.

Gland seals.

How should the trays of pumping stations be blocked?

Shut-off valve.

Safety fittings.

Shut-off and non-return fittings

Corrugated metal slates.

What should be indicated on pipelines located in pumping stations?

Type of working agent.

Their purpose and direction of movement of the product.

Conditional diameter.

Working or conditional pressure.

What should be indicated on electric motors located in pumping stations?

Manufacturing date.

Terms of maintenance.

Electric motor brand.

Direction of rotation of the rotor.

What parameters should be monitored during pump operation?

Discharge pressure.

The number of double moves.

pressure on the suction side.


All of the above is correct.

Pump operation with faulty pressure gauges

Allowed with the permission of the head of the facility.


Allowed in emergencies.

Allowed in an emergency.

What is not allowed when the pump is running?

Lubrication of moving parts.

Elimination of leaks in stuffing box, mechanical seals.

Elimination of leaks in pipeline connections.

All of the above is correct.

What should be done if any malfunction is found that disrupts the normal operation of the pump?

Notify management.

Shut off pipelines.

Stop, check, troubleshoot.

All of the above is correct.

What should be used to isolate the standby pump from the suction and discharge manifolds?

Gate valves.


Check valve.

Check valve and gate valve.

check valve and plug.

Is it allowed to use plugs to disconnect the standby pump from the suction and pressure manifolds?

Allowed in all cases.


Allowed under the condition of their rapid removal.

Prohibited in preparation for repair.

What should be done when the pump stops with water supplied to cool the stuffing boxes?

Leave the water supply unchanged.

The water supply must be shut off.

Increase the water supply to completely cool the glands.

Reduce water supply.

Working pressure in the line is 12 kgf/cm2. What pressure gauge should be installed?

At 1.2 MPa

At 2.5 MPa

At 40 kgf/cm2

For 100 kgf/cm2

What needs to be considered before starting repair work at workplaces?

Prepare the right tool.

Posters and warning notices on the safe conduct of these works should be posted.

Prepare your workspace.

Prepare equipment for repairs.

With whose permission can repair work be carried out at night?

With the permission of the technical manager of the enterprise.

With the permission of the person responsible for the work.

With the permission of the inspector of the territorial body of Rostekhnadzor.

With the written permission of the head of the installation.

With the written permission of the head of the repair team.

Who should perform the opening and repair of any electrical equipment and lighting?

Personnel of a specialized enterprise (contractor).

Electrical personnel only.

Operating personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III.

Operating personnel serving technical device and having an electrical safety group not lower than III.

A specialist servicing a technical device in the presence of a master who has an appropriate electrical safety group.

Where should a record of equipment repairs be made?

In the equipment passport.

in the instruction log.

In the manufacturer's manual.

In the ledger.

In the act of acceptance of works

As soon as the repair of the pump associated with its disassembly can be carried out?

On the basis of agreement with the administration of the enterprise.

After stopping, depressurizing, preparing for repair, shutting down with valves and installing plugs.

In an emergency.

In specialized shops or organizations.

How is it possible to change seals?

With the pump running.

After stopping the pump.

With stop and shutdown of the pump.

Working spark-proof tool.

In what state should the pump motor be after it has been switched off?

It must be de-energized in one place - a knife switch.

Should be set to automatic.

It must be disconnected in two places: by turning off the breaker and by removing the fuse link.

Must be de-energized at one point by removing the fuse link.

What warning labels should be posted on the motor starter button and in the switchgear?

- Unit under repair.

+ "Do not turn on - people are working."

- “Stop! High voltage".

- "Do not open - people are working."

When should warning labels be removed from the pump set?

With the permission of the person responsible for the repair.

At the end of the repair work.

In agreement with the dispatcher.

Before starting the pumping unit.

In which case, when repairing a pump, the installation of plugs is optional?

For repairs that do not require opening the pump.

If the shut-off valves are in good condition.

For short term repairs.

under all of the above conditions at the same time.

What must be done before assembling with all parts of the mechanical seal of the pump?

They should be washed in kerosene

They should be cleaned, washed in kerosene and carefully examined.

They should be cleaned and inspected.

They should be blown out and dried with air.

What should be provided in open pump rooms?

Roof to keep rain out

Walls from exposure shock wave in the event of an explosion at the plant


Floor heating to ensure that the floor surface temperature is not lower than +5 degrees Celsius

In what case is it forbidden to start up and operate centrifugal pumps?

If there is no guard on the clutch, they are connected to the electric motor

With shut-off valve closed

With liquid-filled pump casing

All of the above is correct

What should be indicated in the pumping rooms?

On pipelines, the direction of movement of flows should be indicated,

On the equipment - item numbers according to the technological scheme,

On engines - the direction of rotation of the rotor.

On the pump - the direction of rotation of the rotor.

What is meant by the term pumping station?

One pump or a group of pumps with a number less than or equal to three, which are separated from each other by a distance of not more than 3 meters.

One pump or a group of pumps with a number less than or equal to three, which are separated from each other by a distance of not more than 2 meters.

A group of pumps with a number less than or equal to three, which are separated from each other by a distance of no more than 3 meters.

One pump or a group of pumps with a number of more than or equal to three, which are separated from each other by a distance of not more than 3 meters.

What is the size of the #2 gas mask helmet?

At what height from the floor or platform is the working area - places of permanent or temporary stay of workers?

What does not apply to additional insulating means up to 1000V?

Dielectric galoshes;

Dielectric gloves;

Dielectric rubber mats;

Insulating pads.

Initial training is carried out

Once a year;

Once every 6 months;

In order to master safe working methods and techniques, deepen knowledge on safety and industrial sanitation at least every 3 months;

Before being appointed to independent work, when transferring to another position or area with a different nature of work.

Periodic (repeated) briefing is carried out

Once every 6 months;

Once a year;

Once every 3 months, and for certain working professions once every 6 months;

Once a month.

What is the purpose of on-the-job training?

For general TB questions

To familiarize yourself with the procedure for preparing the workplace, possible hazards and safe working practices

For the purpose of mass propaganda of labor protection issues

For the purpose of training to receive a rank


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