Essay on the topic “Internet - good or evil? Writing-reasoning “Internet - good or evil? Conclusion on the Internet, good or evil

Consider how to write an essay and write our own on the topic "Internet - good or evil"?

How to prepare an essay

By composition means written work on the chosen topic, which sets out the thoughts and knowledge of the person who writes it.

The composition consists of:

  • introduction;
  • basics;
  • conclusions.

The internet is good or bad

Most people have heard and are familiar with the internet. This word is associated with a huge invisible network that allows you to communicate, entertain and work through a computer and other modern devices.

Like most things, the internet has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, in order to determine whether this is good or evil, you need to know about them.

The positive side can be attributed - quick communication with any part of the planet, which allows you to share information and communicate with a person from any country, right from home. On the Internet, you can work and develop your business, you can study, find quickly any necessary information... If you have access to the network, you always have something to do, you will not get bored. In general, for the planet and people, the Internet provides great opportunities and prospects for development. A person can do what he loves, since he has much more opportunities and a much higher speed of obtaining a result.

The negative side of using the World Wide Web includes human weaknesses and addictions that are provoked and abound on the Internet. While some people develop, others may waste their time aimlessly or succumb. negative impact distant environment. Even exciting and game processes can consume a huge amount of time, and as a result, other areas of a person's life may sink, not develop. As a result, a person may become less social and less adapted to life.

The Internet brings people together. In no era in the development of human civilization has there been a means that would so quickly and completely unite people in cities, different countries and even on different continents. From now on, people can find out how users live on the other side of the world with a few mouse clicks. On the Internet, you can view maps, study, communicate, have fun, work. However, all the benefits that this system can only offer to its users can be considered in two aspects - positive and negative.

When the internet is good

A global network that provides users with such a variety of resources as the Internet does, of course, can be considered a great blessing. Today, with the help of the Internet, people not only search and find information of interest to them all over the world, but can also use hundreds of different ways of using the Internet in life. This is the performance of work at a distance, and educational goals, and communication, and entertainment, and science. A huge number of sites appear every day, covering human needs for information in all spheres of life. With the help of a small device - a laptop, netbook or cell phone, a person can get answers to almost all questions. From now on, there is no need to stand in line at bookstores, write letters that reach the addressee for weeks, even visit an office, school, university, if you don't want to.

So many sites, videos, pictures, texts have been created on the Internet, so many scanned literature of past centuries, secret and open documents, and many resources offer communication with such a huge number of people from anywhere in the world that the modern generation can really be considered the freest of all.

When the internet is evil

However, despite all the advantages of using the Internet, people remain people, which means that they are inherent not only good qualities... Therefore, on the Internet, along with good content a lot of disgusting things appear: sites calling for violence and cruelty, dissemination of information about intolerance or racism, incitement to crimes, violence against a person, immoral materials, disrespect towards other people is shown. Perhaps it would be more curious to know that this is not on the Internet at all than to understand that such content is there. The Internet simply reflects what is already in society, is inherent in human nature and from which people have not yet been able to get rid of.

There is another negative side of using the Internet: it contains so much attractive and interesting for a person that sometimes people forget about real life, become addicted to the Internet, spend all their free time in it. Such situations, of course, need to be monitored for yourself, friends and acquaintances. No matter how interesting people on a virtual site are, and no matter how interesting you are with other sources of information, it is important to remember that real close people are much more important, and life is more interesting and richer if it goes not only in front of a monitor screen.

In 1969, the ARPAnet computer network was created in the United States, uniting computer centers the Ministry of Defense and a number of academic organizations. This network was designed for a narrow purpose: mainly to learn how to keep in touch in the event of a nuclear attack and to help researchers share information. As this network grew, many other networks were created and developed. Even before the era personal computers the creators of ARPAnet began developing the Internetting Project. The success of this project led to the following results. First, the largest internet network in the United States was created (with a lowercase i). Second, various options for the interaction of this network with a number of other US networks were tested. This created the prerequisites for the successful integration of many networks into a single world network. This "network of networks" is now called the Internet everywhere (in Russian publications, the Russian-language spelling Internet is also widely used).

The Internet is a global computer network that unites many local, regional and corporate networks and includes tens of millions of computers. The Internet is based on more than one hundred million servers that are constantly connected to the network.

The first revolution was associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative and quantitative leap in information exchange... There was an opportunity to transfer knowledge from generation to generation. In the middle of the 16th century, the second information revolution was caused by the invention of printing, which radically changed human society, culture, and the organization of activities. The third (late 19th century) was due to the invention of electricity, which resulted in the emergence of a telegraph, telephone, radio, allowing to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.

Real-time communication without borders. Real-time communication without borders. Operational global information search. Operational global information search. Transfer of file information without using external media. Transfer of file information without using external media. Internet commerce and banking. Internet commerce and banking. Entertainment. Entertainment. The possibility of distance education. The possibility of distance education. Additional jobs. Additional jobs. Operative sociological survey systems. Operative sociological survey systems. Distributed computing. Distributed computing.

The Internet was created as a global space for storing information, however, at this point in time, it is just a dump of information that has a very low degree of structuredness, in which the solution to the problem of finding the necessary and up-to-date information is extremely difficult. The Internet was created as a global space for storing information, however, at this point in time, it is just a dump of information with a very low degree of structuredness, in which solving the problem of finding the necessary and relevant information is extremely difficult.

Replacing real communication with virtual. Replacing real communication with virtual. Deterioration of creativity Deterioration of creativity Harm to health. Harm to health. The congestion of telephone networks. The congestion of telephone networks. The spread of computer viruses. The spread of computer viruses. Dissemination of illegal information. Dissemination of illegal information. Possibility of inaccurate information. Possibility of inaccurate information. Relative insecurity of electronic money. Relative insecurity of electronic money. Electronic spam. Electronic spam. Invasion of privacy. Invasion of privacy. High cost of provider services. High cost of provider services.

Is the Internet Good or Evil? This is a very difficult question and everyone has their own opinion on this matter. I think that the Internet is first of all GOOD, since we live in a world of a huge amount of information. It is the Internet that allows us to properly store and process the information we receive. Is the Internet good or bad? This is a very difficult question and everyone has their own opinion on this matter. I think that the Internet is first of all GOOD, since we live in a world of a huge amount of information. It is the Internet that allows us to properly store and process the information we receive.

The possibilities of the Internet are endless, and they cannot be enumerated, but we will consider the most common of them. However, first you need to answer the question, what is the Internet? The Internet is global network, providing access to a large amount of information that interests a person. Like everything that exists on our Earth, the Internet has its pros and cons.

TO positive aspects include such opportunities as remote earnings on the network, communication at a distance, studying the sciences, getting useful information and much more that people want to know. And to the negative - the ubiquitous deception that hides the Internet, false information that it provides to the user; the level of education of the population is falling, which greatly affects society.

Next, let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of the Internet. The worldwide information network allows you to communicate at a distance with people whom you have not seen for a long time, for example, relatives, friends or just people from other countries who are interesting interlocutors. At the same time, the speed of receiving letters in this case surpasses any other methods that allow people to contact at a distance. If earlier people waited for mail for months, and possibly for years, now it will only take a couple of minutes. Online shopping is very popular nowadays. So, for example, it becomes possible to buy an item that is not in your country, or it is sold, but at an inflated price.

But you shouldn't forget about the disadvantages of the Internet. The fast flow of information that passes through people's heads during the day does not have time to be filtered during sleep, and therefore memory function is impaired. The sleep schedule got lost due to the Internet, if earlier people slept on average 9-10 hours, now this figure has dropped to 7-8 hours, which negatively affects the health of especially young people. Other problems are possible, such as misinformation and fraud, which are now common problems. It seems to me that they can never be completely solved, because the majority of people, no matter how regrettable it may sound, are always looking for profit at the expense of the grief of others.

I would like to add from myself that the Internet is the greatest invention, without which people are unlikely to be able to do without, since it greatly simplifies life. The Internet can hardly be called evil or good; it is something neutral. It all depends on the person, if he is able to objectively weigh the pros and cons, then everything will be all right. But do not abuse your stay in the virtual world, because you can miss what is happening around and ruin your health.

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The Internet appeared in the United States in the last century. Since then, people's lives have changed dramatically. The Internet has penetrated the home of almost every person in civilized society. Millions of people access the Internet every minute. So let's see if the Internet is good or evil.

Like most inventions of mankind, the Internet has both supporters and ill-wishers, claiming its harmful effect on human life. undoubtedly, it is worth recognizing the fact that excessive passion for the Internet is harmful to human health and psyche. This is especially true for children who lose touch with reality and completely devote themselves to virtual life. Through the Internet, various criminal and terrorist groups can lure into their networks. More recently, they came up with cryptocurrencies that cannot be traced, which allows criminals to make transactions without the possibility of their exposure.

On the other hand, with the help of the Internet, we get unhindered access to almost all libraries in the world, a huge amount of information lies in the vastness of the Internet. People began to have opportunities to work, study, meet, pay bills, make purchases, etc. without leaving home.

Personally, with the help of the Internet, I found my new hobby, met many interesting people. The Internet gives me the opportunity to do my favorite things, to solve certain problems.

Coming home in the evening, the Internet helps me to relax, I watch movies and funny videos from all over the world.

Who would not relate to the Internet, but I believe that this is the greatest achievement of mankind.


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