Qualities that a level 3 programmer should have. What qualities does a programmer need? We answer! A good programmer knows how to present his ideas and communicate with people


History of the profession

At the time of its inception, programming was akin to art, since the basic laws and rules had not yet been developed. It is noteworthy that the first programmer was a woman - Ada Lovelace, daughter of the wonderful poet Byron. In 1833, the English mathematician C. Babbage invented and designed the world's first model of a mechanical "analytical" machine that performed the simplest arithmetic operations. Ada Lovelace wrote several programs for this machine.

In the 40s of the last century, digital computers appeared. The idea of ​​their creation belongs to the American mathematician von Neumann. For machines of the first generation, extremely detailed programs were compiled, providing for each step, each operation of calculations. Moreover, the machine did not yet understand any language other than its own.

Later, higher-level algorithmic languages ​​(special programming languages) are created, which makes it possible to reduce the process of compiling a program to writing an algorithm in a special symbolic form in accordance with the rules of a given language. Special programs have also been created that convert algorithmic language into machine language.

There are many developments in the field of computing and programming at present, and incredible progress has already been made. There is a lively debate among scientists about the future of computerization, but the results of progress in this area will undoubtedly exceed all our expectations.

Programmer - a specialist in the field of computer technology, modernfoot software, industrial automationnyh and other processes.


Qualities that will help you be successful in this profession

(professionally important qualities):

Abilities, skills:

· high level of development of logical thinking

· flexibility and dynamism of thinking

· ability to analyze a situation (analytical ability)

· a good level of development of long-term and operational (short-term) logical memory

· memory on symbols (signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs)

· a high level of development of concentration, volume, distribution and switching of attention

· the ability to express one's thoughts competently

· developed imagination

· tactile sensitivity (finger sensitivity)

· hand stability (low tremor)

· attention to detail

· the ability to create an image from a verbal description

· advanced abstract thinking

· creative abilities

· tolerance to static physical activity

· ability to quickly navigate the environment

· mental performance

· propensity for research

· ability to predict results

· high level of development of technical abilities

· good level of development of mathematical abilities

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

· attentiveness

· accuracy

· patience

· independence

· perseverance and perseverance

· purposefulness

· a responsibility

· diligence, diligence

· propensity for intellectual activities

· ability to make decisions independently

· independence (having one's own opinion)

· self-sufficiency (focus on own forces, self confidence)

· perseverance

· the ability to engage in painstaking, monotonous work for a long time

· teamwork skills

· observation

Qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

· inattention, distraction

· impatience

· low level of logical and abstract thinking

· rigidity of thought processes

· highly developed myopia

In what areas can a programmer work?

· computing and research centers (institutes)

· enterprises and organizations of various profiles

· banking system

· educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities)

· IT companies

· departments of programmers in various commercial organizations

· governing bodies

· industrial production

· software development

· development of operating system, interface, work with networks

· work with global networks

· development of technology for solving problems of information processing, definition of a data processing scheme and algorithm, choice of a programming language for describing the compiled algorithms

· determination of information to be processed on a computer, its volume, structure, input scheme

· determination of the possibility of using ready-made programs

· adaptation of existing programs to the specifics of a particular enterprise (debugging of developed programs, determinationthe possibility of using ready-made programs, developedother organizations)

· finding and eliminating various errors that may be contained in the program

· development of instructions for working with computer programs, development and execution of technical documentation

· support of implemented programs and software tools

· participation in the creation of catalogs and file cabinets of standard programs, in the development of document forms, underharvesting machine processing, in design work to expand the scope of computer technology

Why is the profession attractive?

· high social prestige of the profession

· the possibility of realizing creative abilities

· a greater degree of freedom and independence in work

· "internationality" of the profession

"Underwater rocks":

· sedentary nature of work

· "torn" working rhythm

· the risk of reducing the level of social contacts and connections

Possible occupational diseases:

· cardiovascular

· eye

· diseases of the musculoskeletal system

· physical inactivity and other disorders caused by a sedentary lifestyle

· nervous disorders

Health contraindications:

· neuropsychiatric disorders

· color vision disorder

· severe eye disease

· movement coordination disorders

Career prospects associated with the administrative positions of a group or project manager, network administrator.

Major subjects of the school curriculum and additional education:

programming and computer science, mathematics, English,

In our country, the profession of a programmer is treated differently. Some believe that its representatives are geniuses who sit at the screens of their devices all day long and receive millions. For others, the direction seems boring and is associated with monotonous duties. In fact, programming is just for the elite. Profile training is now available to everyone. But it should be considered only if there are certain qualities, understanding the specifics of the work.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Kolokolova

Career orientator. Diploma in Children's Engagement in Education. She has more than 10 years of experience in conducting seminars, trainings and lectures with audiences of all ages.

A programmer is a person who develops computer programs and creates them on the basis of codes, special mathematical models. It can be a game, a computer OS, an algorithm for how an object works. household appliances, web or mobile application. When creating programs, a professional uses a special programming language (today there are already several of them), consisting of letters and / or special characters.

A detailed description of the profession and the list of duties of its representative depend on the specialization of the employee. Men and women of any age can build a career in this field with equal success. Having a university degree is not required, but deep knowledge in some technical disciplines is an advantage.

A programmer is not always a computer geek who does not take his hands off the keyboard. Some representatives of the profession practically do not work on a computer or spend a minimum of time behind it. Many people prefer to work on paper, and use the equipment to test developments.

The history of the programmer profession

The profession of a programmer arose long before the advent of the computer. The first device that needed programming was the loom, created in 1804. It contained a series of cards designed to form various machine patterns. A little later, the first computing analytical machine was created. And the program for her in 1841 was developed by Countess Lovelace, who became the first programmer in history. It was she who laid the foundations of the direction, invented a number of concepts that are still used today. Thanks to her developments, the first computer was created and programmed in 1941.

Important qualities

The basic characteristic of a programmer includes three qualities: perseverance, analytical mindset, logical thinking. Also, a representative of the profession will need an excellent memory, the ability to systematically approach problem solving, and work in a team. Another employee must be able to explain complex information in an accessible language, be assiduous, attentive and pedantic. Most often, programmers are forced to work in multitasking mode, so the ability to switch from one subject to another will be useful.

Programmer - a specialist engaged in the direct development of software for various kinds of computing operating systems.

Who suits

To a large extent, programming consists of monotonous actions. The direction is more suitable for introverts who do not feel the need for constant communication, who are able to do monotonous work for hours. At the same time, a representative of the profession should not be an absolutely closed person. He will have to communicate with customers, colleagues, performers. The direction is constantly evolving, so the programmer needs a thirst for knowledge and the desire to learn something new.

Varieties of the profession of a programmer

In programming, the following specializations are distinguished:

  • application programmer - develops software directly for practical application. These can be games, instant messengers, editors and accounting programs, as well as products for video surveillance, fire extinguishing systems, etc. The same employees often install universal software at the facility, adapting it to specific conditions and parameters;
  • system programmer - the most highly paid and sought-after representatives of the direction. They work with networks and databases, create OS. Their activities are based on the development of services that must manage entire systems of installations, ensuring the functioning of products;
  • web programmer - works with global networks, for example, the Internet. May be responsible for creating a database interface, a dynamic web page, or a site framework.

Also, programmers are divided into groups according to the type of language they work in (C++, PHP, etc.). Professionals are also divided according to the tasks assigned to them (creating databases, games, software, mobile applications, and others).

Profession programmer: pros and cons

The number of requests on the Internet on the topic of learning to become a programmer is growing from year to year. Competition for places in prestigious specialized universities and even specialized secondary educational institutions increases. The direction really has a lot of positive aspects, but there are also disadvantages.

Example job description Instruction example (p. 2) Instruction example (p. 3)
Instruction example (p. 4)

Benefits of being a programmer:

  • high level of income - even for ordinary employees of such a plan, the salary often exceeds the average level in the country;
  • a lot of opportunities for additional earnings - programmers often take part-time jobs in parallel with their main employment or launch their own projects;
  • demand - such employees are needed in all spheres of human life, so the demand for them is only growing so far;
  • many options for creative and professional implementation;
  • the ability to work remotely and on a flexible schedule;
  • various career growth scenarios — a professional in the field of programming can grow up to the head of a project, direction or the whole company;
  • universality that allows you to work in any country in the world;
  • no need to get higher education- among the representatives of the profession there are many self-taught people who did not graduate from universities and even courses.

For real computer lovers, the disadvantages of the direction are subjective.

  • Firstly, it is a sedentary lifestyle, which can be fought if desired.
  • Most of the specialists are under 40 years old, this is not the area to just hold a position until retirement
  • Rapidly changing trends and constant information updates. For those who enjoy learning, this will not be a problem.
  • Often such employees have to work in emergency mode, but this can be avoided. You just need to learn how to manage your time.
  • This specialty is most likely not suitable for people who feel the need for constant communication. Most of the time the programmer spends alone with the computer.

Notable members of the profession

Linus Torvalds

Finnish-American programmer, hacker

Encouraged by reading Andrew Tanenbaum's book on the Minix operating system, Linus created Linux, the core of the GNU/Linux operating system, which is currently the most common free operating system and also the most popular server OS.

Programming training

To learn to be a programmer, you can enroll in a professional college or university in one of the specialized specialties. In the first case, you will first have to complete 11 grades of school, in the second, 9 years of school education is enough. Another option is to study on your own, attending programming courses and other technical programs if necessary.

At the same time, it is important to understand that, when applying for a job, having a university diploma can be a serious advantage. Especially when it is a document of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, the Technical University of St. Petersburg, PFUR, Moscow technical university communications and informatics.

The profession of a programmer is one of the most popular and in demand technical specialties in the modern computer age.

What specialties to study

Programming is represented by three basic specializations, but there are almost two dozen directions in it. When planning to study at a university or college, you should initially decide on the specialty. In addition to the basic "Informatics and Computer Engineering”, “Fundamental informatics and Information Technology”, there are interesting and popular profiles today. For example, "Information Security", "Business Informatics", "Electronics and Nanoelectronics" and many others. Popularity in recent years is gaining "Radio engineering", "Radiophysics", "Software engineering".

Programmer's job

The working day of a specialist is not only writing codes in order to create new computer programs. Depending on the qualifications, experience and level of education, he can be engaged in testing "foreign" products, eliminating defects in them. Sometimes programmers are responsible for conducting presentations, preparing related documentation, resolving current issues, consulting stakeholders. Also, representatives of the profession implement and correct developments at enterprises, draw up instructions for users. Individual professionals are responsible for ensuring information security developments, organization of work of all participants in the process.


Experts believe that a programmer is the profession of the future. An experienced worker of this profile will easily find a job. Also, if desired, he can work for himself as a freelancer, or create or promote his own project. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such a high level of demand has become the reason for serious competition. Competitions are announced for promising places in reputable companies. Many students, already starting from 2-3 courses, are trying to find a part-time job so that they already have experience.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The level of income of a programmer depends on his professionalism, field of activity, type of employment, work experience. Today, more and more often, young people already at the training stage work in specialized companies in the part-time format, while receiving from 20-30 thousand rubles. On average, the salary of a programmer in the country is in the range of 60-100 thousand rubles, but if desired, even freelancers earn an order of magnitude more.

Salary as of 31.12.2019

40000-180000 ₽

70000-200000 ₽

Is it easy to get a job

The owner of deep knowledge in computers and programming skills will not remain without work. In particular, a person with a specialized education and experience who is able to act independently, but at the same time knows how to work in a team, will not have problems with employment. The peculiarity of the sphere is that it is practical skills that are valued here. Therefore, many newcomers at the first opportunity get settled in reputable companies in ordinary positions, and then reach a high level in a few years.

Sample resume

Career steps and prospects

In programming, there is an unspoken conditional hierarchy that plays important role in any career development scenario. At its lower level are beginners with no work experience and with a minimum set of practical skills - junior. After 1-1.5 years of active use of skills and an increase in their number, they become middle. After another 2.5-4.5 years, the programmer is assigned the status of senior. Only after that, the employee can begin a real career- to the project manager or curator, head of the IT department.


Over the past five years, the profession of a programmer has consistently been included in the ratings of demanded, highly paid and promising. To obtain it, you must unlearn at a university or vocational college. Required knowledge can be purchased independently, combining the study of theory with the development of the necessary actions in practice.

Businessmen often have to face the challenge of recruiting talented and experienced programmers on a tight budget. Silicon Valley entrepreneur John Rumpton faced this challenge personally, building a team to launch his new project over the course of several months. Despite living in the Mecca of the modern tech world, Rumpton had a hard time convincing people to leave. large companies with big salaries and leave to work on a new project. In the process of hiring employees, John deduced for himself a dozen and a half qualities that characterize a good programmer and mean that he will almost certainly suit the company.

1. Strong technical skills

A big mistake HR makes is that they hire people based on a list of requirements. Instead of looking for someone with three years of C++ programming experience and a year of Java programming experience, they look at the entire list of what they can do. But in fact, if a programmer learned the language he needed for work just a year ago, but before that he had been programming in another language for many years, then he is an ideal candidate for this position because of a good background in other areas.

Example of an interview question: "Describe your development experience in other programming languages."

2. Willingness to learn

Technology is constantly evolving and today's skills and abilities of a programmer will become obsolete within a few years. It is important to find a programmer who is interested in observing the latest trends and constantly educating himself.

Example of an interview question: “What do you do to keep your skills relevant?”.

3. Debugging skills

Creating code is only part of a programmer's job. When software does not work as expected, the programmer must quickly and efficiently get to the root of the problem. Instead of blindly spending hours making changes to the code, find a programmer who will study the code and look for the source of problems until the answer is found.

Sample interview question: "How do you deal with bugs in your code?" (+ can be given to the programmer test debugging code).

4. Ability to work in any environment

Some programmers require complete silence in order to concentrate, while others do well when there is chaos and confusion around them. An employee's personal preferences are an important part of their productivity, so it's best to have a clear understanding of your office environment to avoid problems once a person is hired.

Sample interview question: "Describe your ideal working conditions."

5. Ability to solve emerging problems

For those who have never tried to build an application from scratch, programming can be compared to solving an extremely complex mathematical equation. A good programmer will always look for ways to get the job done no matter what. Otherwise, you will hear the phrase "It's impossible" every time you propose to implement a new project.

Example of an interview question: “How would you do (propose to solve some completely impossible task applicable to your organization)?”.

6. Passion for work

Many developers tend to just do their job from nine to six, but recruiters are usually looking for people who will happily solve some interesting problem that needs to be solved for several hours in a row. Often you can find such employees if you ask them about hobbies and other interests during the interview process. Real programmers are geeks who play games in their free time, build servers, or create apps for friends. This is not the most important feature of a good programmer, but often it is thanks to it that you can find really worthy employees.

Sample interview question: What are your hobbies?

7. Stress resistance

Programming can be an extremely stressful profession. When there are tight deadlines and nothing works, it's easy to lose your mind and start going crazy. The ideal programmer can handle the most difficult stressful situation, and, most importantly, be able to continue working.

Sample interview question: “Describe a situation where you were under tremendous pressure and your application was not working. How did you do it then?"

8. Communication skills with “ordinary people”

Usually, programmers are not required to be able to communicate with clients - for the most part, they sit at a computer all day and communicate online. However, programmers interact regularly with managers, employees, and clients, so the ability to communicate well with others is a must. This is especially true if your programmers are sometimes asked to take part in customer meetings and explain how the system works.

Sample interview question: "Explain how your favorite app works in a way that the average person can understand."

9. Laziness

Larry Wall, author of The Perl Programming Languages, believes that the three main skills of a good programmer are laziness, impatience, and pride. Laziness may sound like a bad trait for any employee, but IT managers say that if you want to find The best way to do something, ask a lazy person how. Most likely, this person will find the fastest and effective method. Developers often find ways to automate processes, which saves companies time and money.

Example of an interview question: "Tell me how you save your time by automating processes."

10. Understanding business processes

If you focus only on creating software, it's very easy to lose sight of the big picture. The ideal programmer needs to understand how the business works and go beyond building applications. A business-oriented programmer can come up with ideas for new applications that will later improve the work.

Example of an interview question: "Have you ever been involved in improving the company's business processes?".

11. Ability to plan

Instead of jumping into every task in a row, the programmer should first learn as much as possible about what the final product will be. Once the analysis is complete, the programmer should be able to design the structure of the program even before entering the first line of code.

Sample interview question: “How do you get started on a new design? What do you do first?"

12. Ability to overcome failure

It is very rare for programmers to get something done on the first try. For the most part, they face difficulties in solving the tasks at the very beginning. It is important to choose a team that will see mistakes and shortcomings primarily as a challenge, and not a sign of defeat. They must be patient and able to start over even after hours of work.

Example of an interview question: "Have you ever spent hours studying code and looking for a bug?"

13. Ability to work in a team

A programmer rarely works alone, even if he is the only developer in the company. It is very important for him to be able to work with other programmers, business users, marketing and sales department.

Sample interview question: "Tell us about your teamwork experience."

14. Ready for research

A programming language is only part of the big picture. To create a program for their employees or clients, a good developer needs to know in detail how specific industries work.

Sample interview question: “Give me an example of a time when you had to delve into the details of a particular business? How did you solve this problem?

15. Meeting deadlines

Most programmers work on projects with deadlines. It is clear that managers must set reasonable deadlines for developing and debugging applications, but programmers themselves must show respect for deadlines. It is important to determine that the candidate will do everything possible to “fit in” to the deadline.

Example of an interview question: “Tell me about how you work with constant deadlines.”

Finding a good programmer is not easy, especially if your programming knowledge is limited. In such cases, you can invite someone from your team who understands this topic to participate in the interview. They will help you formulate questions that you would not be able to ask on your own.

If you have all these qualities, you can also familiarize yourself with the owners of which used most in demand employers in 2014 according to Linkedin.

Daria Gaina, head of web development at JMA SRL, told Tipler about the qualities that effective programmers should have.

We often have to challenge ourselves to find talented, experienced programmers, especially if the salary offered must match the budgets of the projects. Over the past few months, we have had to hire a large number of developers due to a significant expansion of our client base. It was a big problem because our company is not large, and it is necessary to have a special talent for persuasion in order to interest a specialist to leave an impressive company with a large salary to work in our agency.

I decided to write a short article about some of the characteristics that I think are very important to consider when hiring a good programmer, based on our experience. In addition to knowledge of the programming languages ​​necessary to perform the work, there are other specific requirements for these specialists.

I have identified 14 qualities that will help select the right applicant.

1. Good technical skills

One mistake that many managers make is hiring according to a list of approved requirements. Instead of requiring two years of work with 1C Bitrix, look at the big picture of programming experience. A programmer who has worked with other control systems for many years, but has recently started learning Bitrix, will be an ideal fit, since his many years of experience gives him an excellent basis for development.

For example, in an interview you might ask: Describe your experience with other management systems.

2. Willingness to learn

Technology is always evolving, and the skills and abilities that a programmer has today are likely to become obsolete in a few years. It is important to find a specialist who is interested in following the latest trends and who is eager to participate in any continuing education opportunities.

For example, in an interview you might ask: what have you done and are doing to keep your programming skills up to date?

3. Troubleshooting

Writing code is only part of a programmer's job. When the software does not work properly, professional specialist, as expected, quickly and efficiently should be able to fix the problem. Instead of spending hours blindly making changes, a good programmer prefers to scrutinize his code and fix possible problems until a positive result is obtained.

For example, in an interview you might ask: how do you track and fix bugs in your code?

4. Ideal working environment

Some programmers need complete silence to concentrate, while others may work in a noisy office. An employee's personal preferences are an important part of their productivity, so it's best to be clear about the situation in the office, avoiding problems when new employee already going to work.

You can ask: Describe your ideal work environment.

5. Ability to solve problems

For those who have never tried to build an application from scratch, programming is best compared to solving an extremely complex mathematical equation. A good programmer thrives on finding ways to make something work, despite all the difficulties and difficult conditions. Otherwise, you may hear the phrase "It can't be done" every time you propose an innovative new project.

A good interview question is: how would you create (you could suggest dismantling a very complex project using new technologies)?

6. Passion for work

While some programming staff may just be doing the nine to five functions, many managers are interested in finding someone who is happy to stick around when the situation calls for it. Often these employees can be singled out during the interview based on their main interests.

Good interview question: What are your hobbies?

7. Stress resistance

Programming can be an extremely stressful profession. When deadlines are “burning” and nothing seems to be working, you can get a lot of stress. The ideal programmer candidate will be able to handle the most stressful situations calmly and, most importantly, be able to continue working in such conditions.

Interview Question: Describe a time when you were under a lot of pressure and your project didn't work due to bugs in the code. What did you do in this situation?

8. Communication skills

As a rule, programmers are not required to have high customer service skills. It seems that they sit in front of the computer all day. However, programmers need to interact regularly with managers, employees, and clients, so good communication skills are essential to work with other people. This is especially true if your programmers are sometimes asked to take part in customer meetings to explain how the system works.

Interview example: Explain how your favorite application works so that a layperson can quickly understand the process.

9. Business vision

It's easy to lose sight of the big picture by focusing on building one piece of software. The ideal programmer has a business focus that allows him to go beyond the current project. A business-oriented programmer will come up with ideas for new projects that will help improve and automate work.

Example of an interview question: Have you ever had to make a proposal to improve business processes?

10. Ability to plan

Instead of immediately “plunging into” a new task, good quality for the programmer is the study of information about the desired end product. Only after this analysis, the programmer will be able to develop the project structure and start writing the program code.

Interview example: Explain your approach to a new project. What do you do first?

11. Patience for mistakes

Programmers rarely get it right on the first try. In fact, development failures are almost guaranteed. It is important to find a specialist who sees his mistakes and perceives them as an opportunity to improve his skills, and not as a sign of defeat.

Sample interview question: Have you ever spent many hours in code and come to the conclusion that you have wasted them? What did you do in this situation?

12. Teamwork skills

A programmer rarely works alone, even if he is the only developer in the company. It is important for a programmer to be able to work with designers, managers, marketing and sales specialists, as well as with other programmers.

13. Ready for research

The programming language is only part of the job. A good developer must be able to dive into a specific industry in order to develop programs that work for a specific audience and in a specific area.

Sample Interview Question: Tell us about a time you needed to learn about a specific business/industry? How did you have to conduct studies and research in such a situation?

14. Respect for deadlines

Most programmers work on projects with specific deadlines. Although it is important that managers allocate reasonable time for development. Programmers must also understand and stick to deadlines. It is very important and invaluable if the programmer is able to do everything possible to complete the work on time.

Sample question: Describe a time when you had to complete a project on a tight deadline.

To put it simply, programmers are people who use mathematical models to create various programs and algorithms.

The main task of a programmer is the development of computer programs and algorithms, the refinement and simplification of existing software.

With the current level of technology development, almost any company is interested in automating the processes that occur in the enterprise, such as:

  1. intranet work of the company,
  2. exchange of information between departments,
  3. product inventory,
  4. corporate supplies,
  5. sale of goods through Internet technologies.

It is in these matters that specialists such as programmers play the main role. They create programs and applications that take into account the specifics and focus of any enterprise, from travel company to sports facilities.

Programming began to emerge a very long time ago, and at the beginning of its journey it was very similar to art, since it did not yet have any laws, frameworks and rules.

The first programmer, oddly enough, was a woman. Her name was Ada Lawlace. It all started with the fact that in 1833 the famous British mathematician Charles Babbage designed the first so-called "analytical" machine. She performed the simplest mathematical operations. It was Ada Lawlace who, in turn, was able to write the first few programs for the new invention.

The profession received a new round of development in the early forties of the twentieth century, with the advent of the first digital electronic computers. They were created by the American mathematician von Neumann. The programs written for the first machines were extremely detailed, and they took into account every calculated operation, every logical step. The apparatus had its own unique language, apart from which the machine did not understand any other.

The further creation of special programming languages ​​made it possible to bring the industry to a new qualitative level, that is, to compose programs using algorithms, special symbolic forms that corresponded to a particular language. In the process of development, special programs were also invented that convert languages ​​from algorithmic to machine.

At the present time with constant development science and technology, there are many new developments in this area, and every day the industry is getting more and more development.

professional holiday

Programmer's Day is celebrated on different countries differently. For example, in Russia and Ukraine it is celebrated in September. AT Russian Federation it is celebrated on September 13, and in Ukraine every first Friday of the same month.

Varieties (specializations)

All representatives of this profession can be divided into three categories:

  • Application Specialists. These people make up specific programs for certain enterprises. Such developments include the accounting program 1C, or the logistics program - ABM Rinkai TMS.
  • System programmers- these are employees who are engaged in programming operating systems, interface to data distribution databases, network work.
  • WEB programmers just like the representatives of the previous category, they work in the network sphere, but on a more global scale. They create various sites, web interfaces and dynamic electronic pages and so on.

Pros and cons of being a programmer

Like all other professions, this one has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at some of them…

Pros of the specialty:

  • the opportunity to constantly develop, progress and improve;
  • high level of self-expression and self-realization;
  • in the job market;
  • the prospect of working without obtaining a diploma of higher education, only a certificate of completion of courses in a certain direction is enough;
  • a huge scope for the manifestation of creative and creative possibilities of a person.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • the complexity of data perception, since not every person can understand what the programmer understands, so very often you have to explain certain points many times;
  • sometimes you have to work in a mode of lack of time;
  • constant negatively affects health, in particular, vision and the musculoskeletal system suffer especially as a result of the so-called sedentary work;
  • very often the work is routine and monotonous;
  • also often suffers the character of the person, who becomes nervous, quick-tempered and harsh in his actions and judgments.

Requirements for the profession of a programmer

As with any job, the job seeker must meet certain requirements, which may vary, but have basic similar principles, which are something like this:

  • knowledge in the field is required modern technologies and programming languages ​​such as HTML, SQL, PHP and others;
  • in writing and compiling programs;
  • ability to write and read technical specifications;
  • the ability to decipher and adapt someone else's code;
  • to understand auxiliary programs;
  • at the technical level.

Job Responsibilities of a Programmer

The scope of a programmer's job includes many different activities. Among them are:

  • on the basis of various mathematical models and algorithms, compose and form programs for the tasks assigned accordingly;
  • test and debug an already written product;
  • to develop technology for solving problems at all stages of information processing;
  • determine which of the existing information is to be processed by computer means;
  • choose the programming language in which the program will be written in the future;
  • identify test case data that allows you to understand whether the program is suitable for its purpose;
  • launch an already debugged application and enter initial information into it based on the tasks set;
  • adjust the program based on the analyzed data;
  • determine whether it is possible to use any off-the-shelf software products;
  • draw up technical documentation, as well as instructions for working with the program;
  • realize Maintenance and maintenance of software;
  • ensure the smooth operation of computers and related equipment;
  • prepare technical means to work, as well as to monitor their serviceability and technical condition;
  • timely repair equipment;
  • to carry out timely inventory of funds.

A responsibility

Like everyone else, programmers make mistakes. However great advantage This profession is that even if there is any defect or shortcoming, all this can be identified already at the testing stages and eliminated at the stage of debugging the program, application.

Do not forget about violations of legislation related to copyright and interference with personal data, which entails criminal or administrative liability.


At the same time with official duties, it is also worth paying attention to the rights of employees of the IT department. So, what are the rights of representatives of this profession:

  • has the right to take certain actions when a situation may arise in which obstacles arise for the employee to carry out his activities;
  • make proposals to the management of the organization on measures to improve the work of the enterprise in the IT field.

Features of the profession of a programmer

The labor market is growing faster than the IT industry, which is due to the large number of experienced professionals in which the enterprise is interested.

A feature of the profession can be considered that it allows you to have a so-called free schedule, as well as not be on the staff of the company and work remotely. It is also possible to get Additional income, work from outside, which allows you to earn good money.

Professional skills and abilities

When applying for a job, a programmer must have, among which are the following:

  • knowledge of English language at the technical level;
  • psychological stability;
  • creativity of thinking;
  • high emotional balance;
  • perseverance and patience.

Personal qualities

Indispensable qualities in the work of a programmer are patience and endurance, they help him to focus on work and perform it efficiently.

Given that the field of IT technologies is developing very quickly, a representative of this profession must constantly acquire new knowledge and skills, improve in their field, in order to be able to quickly adapt to the situation that has arisen. In the absence of this factor in the arsenal of a programmer, the value and demand for such an employee can significantly decrease.

An important role is played by the objectivity of technology assessment and the possibility of their use on each specific example. That is, each new development should be applied expediently to its purpose and simplify, not complicate the work.

Programming career

There is a mass good examples to start a career as a programmer, as an example, the opportunity to join the development of a new project.

Russian specialists are considered very talented, so their projects on the market are quite expensive. Therefore, they are popular with Western investors, who often offer good money for projects. In this regard, personnel began to be valued in our country, as the importance and expediency of this profession has recently increased several times.

Where to work as a professional

IT specialists are in demand in almost all areas of society, since in modern world the importance of computerization and everything connected with it is very great. Society cannot do without the help of specialists in this industry.

Programmers are required everywhere, from a banal housing and maintenance site to a large oil corporation.

What is the salary of programmers

One of the most profitable and in demand remains the field of programming. The advantages are high wage, social package, the ability to work anywhere in the world.

Java and NET programmers have the highest level of salary, and on the contrary, the work of system administrators, specialists is paid the least. technical support and so on.


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