Social planning. Social significance of the activities of non-profit organizations 4 social orientation and planning efficiency brief

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State Agrarian University"
Institute of Management

Department of Management
personnel and psychology

Course work
in the discipline "Sociology of Management"
on the topic of:
"Methods of social planning"

Completed by: student
5 courses "UP" 51 groups
Gaskarova M.B.
Checked by: teacher,
Ph.D. Alimbaeva B.B.


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of social planning methodology.......5

      The essence of social planning………………………………………... .5
      Methods of social planning……………………………………….…. .8
Chapter 2. Analysis of social planning methods MUSON “Perevolotsk CCSON”………………………………………………………………………………………….15
2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of MUSON “Perevolotsk CCSON”……………………………………………………………………………………… …….………15
2.2 Program-target planning of social development MUSON “Perevolotsk CCSON”……………………………………………………..…. ..23
Conclusion……………………………………………………… ……..………….….27
List of sources and literature used……………………………..30

Relevance The chosen topic is determined by the need to identify, prioritize and solve social problems, since social planning is necessary in every organization for the effective functioning of social processes.
Analysis of various periods of development of our country allows us to conclude that social problems have always existed and the current stage is no exception. Unemployment, unstable moral behavior, the consequences of social and economic reforms are just some of the negative aspects of the social environment. Our state solves current problems of the social sphere at all levels of management, but the leading role belongs to enterprises, since it is here that the most important living conditions for members of society, their social status and working conditions are formed. The solution to these problems is to carry out social planning of the organization. The effectiveness of this event and the achievement of set goals depends on the correct choice of one or another method of social planning. Currently, in theory and practice there are a large number of methods aimed at achieving a specific goal. These methods have their own tools. Taking advantage of this, a specialist in the field of social planning chooses the appropriate method depending on the characteristics of his organization and the tasks assigned to him.
In Russian sociology, Leningrad researchers made a great contribution to the development of problems of social planning: V.M. Elmeev, D.A. Kerimov, B.Ya. Lyashenko, A.S. Pashkov, V.R. Polozov.
Object The research is a municipal institution of social services for the population “Perevolotsk Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population”.
Subject The course work is a study of the methods of social planning of the institution.
Purpose This course work is to consider the methodology for determining social planning, identifying areas of application of the most effective methods.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:
1. Reveal the essence and content of social planning methods.

    To analyze the state of social planning in MUSON "Perevolotsk CCSON"
    Apply program-target planning of social development MUSON "Perevolotsky CCSON"
In the process of writing this course work, the textbooks were used: Kataeva V., Bukhalkova M.I., Reshetnikova A.V., as well as the journal “Problems of Forecasting”, “Russian Economic Journal”.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of social planning methods

1.1The essence of social planning
Social planning is a scientifically based determination of goals, indicators, tasks for the development of social processes and the main means of their implementation. Each state, caring about the prospects of its population, constantly plans and implements all kinds of social development programs.
Social planning is a form of regulation of social processes in society related to the life of the population. The main task of social planning is to optimize the processes of economic and social development and increase socio-economic efficiency.
The object of social planning is social relations at all levels, including:
- social differentiation;
- social structure;
- quality and standard of living of the population, quality and level of consumption;
- provision of housing, its comfort;
- provision of the population with the most important types of goods and services;
- development of education, healthcare, culture;
- determination of the volume of these services provided to the population on a paid and free basis.
The idea of ​​planning is, by its origin, a socialist idea. It was expressed in the most complete form by representatives of utopian socialism - A. Saint-Simon, C. Fourier, and R. Owen even tried to implement it in life. By the end of the 19th century, the need for planning increasingly became part of the practice of solving economic problems. Planning was considered mainly within the framework of large production entities - trusts, concerns, firms. The term social planning itself was first used in F. Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” which was developed as a way out of the severe crisis for the United States in the early 30s of the 20th century. Subsequently, in American sociology, this concept was analyzed in close connection with the forms and methods of implementing social policy, in particular with ensuring social protection of the population.
The most striking example of social planning in Soviet Russia is the program to eliminate illiteracy, when a set of measures made it possible, in a short historical period, to mobilize all forces to solve this problem of long-term significance. In Russian sociology in the 60–70s, Leningrad researchers made a great contribution to the development of social planning problems: V.M. Elmeev, D.A. Kerimov, B.Ya. Lyashenko, A.S. Pashkov, V.R. Polozov. In the 80s, interest in this issue decreased, and in the 90s it practically disappeared, largely because the rejection of the ideas of socialism led to the abandonment of the ideas of planning in general and social planning in particular.
There are three levels of social planning:

    national level;
    regional level;
    enterprise level.
    Social planning at the national level
Legislative authorities, exercising their functions, adopt a number of laws regulating social planning: for example, the Federal Law “On Minimum State Social Standards” of June 11, 2003, “National Standard of the Russian Federation Social Services for the Population. Main types of social services", GOST R 52143-2003.
Based on current legislation, through social planning, federal social development programs are being developed. At the national level, forms of social planning are selected, a number of tasks are formulated, the implementation of which is delegated to various state and public institutions.
    Social planning at the regional level
Planning social programs in the regions also includes determining the content of changes. Key elements of this process include: the creation of an initiative planning committee, the election of a local coordinator or organizer; choosing an organizational structure that can ensure public participation. As well as searching, selecting and attracting members for the organizational structure that will implement programs in the region; defining the goals and objectives of the program, assigning roles and responsibilities, and providing training. Social planning at the regional level is that territorial bodies have the opportunity to independently choose a method for determining a social problem.
3. Social planning in enterprises
Planning for the social development of work collectives constitutes the third level of social planning. Different types of production teams require different methods when planning their development. The experience of social planning suggests that at the enterprise level it is most effective to use plans that are based on the principles:
1. The abilities and capabilities of each employee, influencing the development of production and self-improvement, must be taken into account first of all.
2. The effectiveness of social planning directly depends on the conditions created at the enterprise or organization for workers, individual advantages that they can receive in the distribution of material and intangible benefits. All resources and efforts made by the state should be combined to improve the standard of living of workers and the resources available to a particular region. An equally important factor in the implementation of this principle is the improvement of material and moral incentives. In recent years, many proposals have been made and a number of experiments have been conducted to increase people's interest in the final results of their work.
3. The processes of human interaction with a production organization, city or region should not occur spontaneously, accidentally, spontaneously, but should be an expression of conscious activity
The labor law system of the Russian Federation helps develop these principles and conduct social planning at the enterprise.

1.2 Methods of social planning
Social planning is an activity that requires the availability of techniques and methods used to calculate planned indicators and the plan as a whole. This is expressed in social planning methods.
A method is a systematic way of achieving a theoretical or practical result, solving a problem or obtaining new information based on certain regulatory principles of cognition and activity, awareness of the specifics of the subject area being studied and the laws of functioning of its objects. It outlines the path to achieving the goal and includes standard and unambiguous rules that ensure the reliability and validity of the knowledge gained.
Let us highlight generally applicable methods of social planning that allow planning at various levels:

    social experiment;
    balance method;
    program-target planning;
    methods of mathematical modeling;
    normative method;
    complex method.
1.Social experiment
A social experiment is a method of studying social phenomena and processes, carried out by observing changes in a social object under the influence of factors that control and direct its development. A social experiment involves:
- making changes to existing relationships;
- monitoring the impact of changes on the activities and behavior of individuals and social groups;
- analysis and assessment of the results of this influence.
The implementation of a social experiment presupposes a change in the current situation in which a certain community of people (work collective) acts as a controlled subsystem and a certain subordination of the activities of this community to the goals of the experiment itself. A social experiment is a method used in management that allows one to obtain information about quantitative and qualitative changes in the performance indicators of a managed social object as a result of the influence on it of new factors introduced or modified by the experimenter and controlled by him. A classic example of the successful implementation of a social experiment in order to improve management efficiency is the famous research conducted under the leadership of the famous American sociologist E. Mayo in 1924-1932. at the Hawthorne Works near Chicago.
    Balance sheet method
Using the balance method, the principle of balance and proportionality is implemented. Its essence lies in linking the needs of the country, region, organization in various types of products, material, labor and financial resources with the capabilities of production and sources of resources. The balance method involves the development of balances, which are a system of indicators in which one part, characterizing resources by source of income, is equal to the other, showing the use in all areas of their consumption. Currently, the role of balances developed at the macro level is increasing: the balance of payments, the balance of state income and expenditure, the balance of monetary income and expenditure of the population, the consolidated balance of labor resources, the balance of supply and demand. The results of balance sheet calculations serve as the basis for the formation of structural, social, fiscal and monetary policies, as well as employment and foreign economic activity policies. Balance sheets are also used to identify imbalances in the current period, reveal unused reserves and justify new proportions. The system of balances used in planning includes: material, labor and financial.
    Program-target planning
In the world practice of management and marketing, program-target planning has been used in organizations since the early 60s and during this time has managed to establish itself as the most reliable planning method. Program-target planning is one of the types of planning, which is based on the orientation of activities towards achieving set goals. The key concept of program-target planning is the program. A program is a set of measures to implement strategies. Setting goals with the program-target planning method is the formation of a “tree of goals”. Then, in accordance with it, a system of measures to implement the goals is determined, called a targeted comprehensive program. To implement it, a special control system is built that delivers program tasks to specific performers and controls their implementation. The organizational structure of this system is determined, therefore, by the “tree of goals”, the composition of performers and the content of the program.
Let's consider its main stages:
1. Formation of a general structural diagram of the system and its main characteristics (composition stage).
2. Development of the composition of divisions and the main connections between them (structuring stage).
3. Development of quantitative characteristics of the management apparatus, establishing the order of its activities (regulation stage).
At this stage, the system of goals and objectives of the organization, its type and legal status, degree of independence, boundaries of activity, and composition of functions are determined. At the second and third stages, more detailed system parameters are established.
The theory of planning and building management systems to solve new problems should be based on an analysis of the practice of creating and functioning of existing systems. The main difficulty is to identify, among the many isolated facts and observations of various specialists, some key provisions and patterns that are common to the planning and construction of all management systems. Among them are the following:
1. Formation of a management system is a multi-stage process.
2. A necessary condition for starting planning and then creating the system under consideration is the presence of a certain social need that requires a solution.
3. Solving newly emerging problems does not necessarily require the creation of new management systems. Many problems can be successfully solved within existing systems. Usually, for this purpose, a special set of measures (program) is developed and regulations or orders are prepared obliging the relevant systems to perform the new functions assigned to them.
4. To select a method for solving problems, a preliminary study of them is carried out. Solving a complex problem usually begins with building a “tree of goals” that need to be achieved by organizing and carrying out a certain set of activities. The program-target planning method looks quite attractive, since it allows you to significantly influence the situation under study. However, it has a number of significant disadvantages:
1. Methodological incompleteness. To date, no clear, established definitions have been created for a wide range of conceptual provisions for the development and implementation of comprehensive programs.

2. Program-target planning is used mainly to improve existing management systems, and not to solve new problems.
3. “Forgetfulness” of control systems. This refers to the situation when, at some stage of their development, control systems begin to lose touch with the problems for which they were created.
4. Methods of mathematical modeling
Mathematical modeling in sociology is the use of mathematical language and apparatus for the description and subsequent analysis of the basic properties of social phenomena and processes. Mathematical modeling makes it possible to replace the direct analysis of real phenomena with an analysis of the properties and characteristics of mathematical objects. A mathematical model of a social object is a certain set of formal relationships between model indicators, divided into parameters and variables. Model parameters usually reflect external conditions and weakly changing characteristics. The model variables reflect the characteristics fundamental to this study; analysis of changes in their values ​​represents the main goal of modeling. Planning of economic and social processes using models includes the development of a model, its experimental analysis, comparison of the results of forecast calculations based on the model with actual data on the state of an object or process, adjustment and refinement of the model.
The use of mathematical modeling in sociology practically began at the end of the 19th century. and especially intensified in the mid-twentieth century, which was facilitated by the emergence of electronic computing technology and the widespread dissemination of sociological research. Currently, it is difficult to give an unambiguous classification of mathematical models used in sociological research.

    5. Normative method
The normative method is a method of regulating the activities of production and non-production units with the help of norms and standards that reflect social requirements for costs and results of activities, their distribution and use. Orients work teams to achieve planned targets with the least expenditure of labor, material and financial resources. The unity of the process of social reproduction, all its sides and elements provides an objective possibility of forming a unified system of interrelated norms and standards. Its main principles:
- common methodological approach to the formation of norms and standards, regardless of management levels and planning horizons;
- progressiveness of norms and standards, their systematic updating in accordance with changes in the production process and non-production sphere on the basis of scientific and technological progress and other factors;
- comparability of norms and standards formed at various levels of management.
At enterprises, the regulatory framework is updated annually based on the influence of such factors as increasing the technical level of production, improving the organization of production and labor, improving product quality, and changing its composition and volume. In the current system of norms and... standards they are grouped as follows:
- standards for the efficiency of social production; norms and standards for labor costs and wages;
- norms and standards for consumption and reserves of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy; norms and standards for the use of production capacities and norms for the duration of development of the design capacities of newly commissioned enterprises and facilities;
- standards for capital investments and capital construction;

Norms and standards for equipment needs and supplies, as well as its use; financial norms and regulations;
- norms of cash costs for production;
- socio-economic norms and standards;
- norms and standards for environmental protection.

    Complex method
The integrated method is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors: material, financial and labor resources, performers, deadlines. Its use requires compliance with the following requirements:
- determination of the pace and proportions of development of the social process;
- statistical and dynamic models and development of the main indicators of the plan.
To summarize, it should be noted that social planning is a set of goals and indicators for the development of social processes. It is an important element not only at the state and regional levels, but also at the enterprise level. This chapter presents generally accepted methods of social planning. Each method differs in its focus, scope, and tools. This variety of methods allows for a wide choice. It should be noted that each method, along with positive aspects, also has negative ones that must be taken into account when choosing.

Chapter 2. Analysis of social planning methods MUSON “Perevolotsk CCSON

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of MUSON “Perevolotsk CCSON”
The municipal social service institution of the social protection system of the population "Perevolotsk Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population" (hereinafter referred to as the center) is created in order to provide families and individual citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations with assistance in the implementation of legal rights and interests, assistance in improving their social and financial situation, as well as psychological status. Abbreviated name: MUSON “Perevolotsky KTsSON”. The center is a legal entity, has in operational management property reflected on its independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in bank institutions, as well as seals, stamps and forms with its name.
The center's property is the municipal property of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region and belongs to the center with the right of operational management. The founder of the center is the municipal formation of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region, represented by the head of the administration of the municipal formation of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region. In its activities, the center is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development of the Orenburg Region, the Russian Federation, the Charter of the municipal formation of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region, others regulatory legal acts and this Charter.
Legal address: Orenburg region, Perevolotsky district, Perevolotsky village, st. Leninskaya, 86
The center's activities are carried out in the following functional areas:
- solving general issues of supporting citizens;
- social support for family, women and children;
- social support for elderly citizens and disabled people.
The activities of the center are aimed at carrying out social, recreational, pedagogical, preventive and other activities, in connection with which the center carries out:
- monitoring the social and demographic situation, the level of socio-economic well-being of citizens in the service territory;
- accounting for citizens in need of social support, determining the forms of assistance they need and the frequency (permanently, temporarily, on a one-time basis) of its provision;
- provision of social, socio-pedagogical, legal, psychological, medical, household, trade, advisory and other services to citizens;
- participation in the work to prevent the neglect of minors and protect their rights;
- involvement of state, municipal and non-state bodies, organizations and institutions (health care, education, migration service, employment service, etc.), as well as public and religious organizations and associations (veterans, disabled people, committees of the Red Cross Society, associations of large, single-parent families and so on) to resolve issues of providing social support to the population and coordinating their activities in this direction;




The functional orientation of planning the long-term development of a specific socio-economic system in its substantive basis should, in our opinion, include not only the desire to achieve economic and social results established on a predictive basis through the implementation of a set of resource-supported measures of an economic, financial, innovative, marketing, structural-organizational nature, but also to neutralize, level out the significant influences of negative factors of the external and internal environments, to achieve the intended goal based on the principles of planning and proportional development to the extent that they are observed, which is possible within the framework of the interaction of the planning function with other elements in the management system of the socio-economic development of an enterprise or industry and the national economy as a whole.

Proportional and planned development of a socio-economic system developing on the basis of the implementation of an indicative (recommendatory, oriented) plan is possible in the conditions of a combination of current, long-term and strategic planning, their systemic interaction at various levels of management of the development of socio-economic systems (enterprise, industry, complex, national economy). At the same time, planning under conditions of significant influence of factors of an unstable external environment in an uncertain time should be given a coordinating role in the coordinated implementation of comprehensive measures and actions within the framework of a specific socio-economic system to achieve the greatest effectiveness and efficiency of production and provision of services.

At the same time, achieving that proportionality in the development of the socio-economic system, which is possible in the context of significant changes in the external environment, can be expressed not only in ensuring appropriate growth rates in the volume of products, provision of services, and cost reduction, which allows maintaining the level of competitiveness necessary for professional market participants, occupied (priority, leading) place in the market, but also in the organization of mutually agreed upon activities of all structural components of the national economy, industry, and divisions of the enterprise. At the same time, mutual agreement and rationalization of existing relations should be regulated by both governing bodies and the market.

Planning with its functional focus should be focused on solving such problems of proportionality of development as

determination and regulation of the appropriate level and nature of subordination, priority of investment, production of certain types of products, provision of services, performance of work, preference and priority for the development of individual structural components, resource potentials of socio-economic systems.

The need for innovative and investment development of economic entities, structural components of the production and social sphere of the national economy, determining the levels of their competitiveness, efficiency of resource use, quality of services, complication and development of production relationships between structural components, enterprises of the national economy, in the context of the transition to a developed market in a significant to a large extent depends on: the effectiveness and significance of the planning and calculation justifications for achieving the greatest economic and social results, the minimum costs spent on the consumption of labor, financial, information resources, fixed assets, material elements of working capital; increasing the degree of systematicity of the processes of production of products, provision of services, performance of work in accordance with the target orientation of development in the medium- and long-term period of time.

Increasing the role of planning in the activities of the structural components of the national economy and enterprises largely depends on the degree of compliance with the indicators and responsibility of managers in the process of implementing plans drawn up for the current and long-term (medium-, long-term) periods of time for achieving planned economic and social results, levels efficiency and use of resources, on the degree of rationalization of mechanisms for stimulating labor, organization of production, and the process of providing services.

Along with this, the dominant role of the planning function in the management system of structural components of service sector enterprises is that the drawing up and implementation of plans are designed to ensure the proportional, balanced development of business entities, structural components of the service sector, as well as the equilibrium state of demand and supply emerging in the market services, works, products of various sectoral components of the social sphere. At the same time, ensuring the appropriate systematic development of structural components, business entities in the service sector, in our opinion, also largely depends on the diversity and rational combination of methods of planning and use of labor and material and technical resources, on the planning and calculation justification of the determined values ​​of economic and social results, efficiency activities of enterprises, industry components of the service sector.

Compliance with the functional orientation of long-term planning of business entities in the service sector in conditions of significant negative influence of factors of an unstable external environment is possible on the basis of not only the established volumes of consumption of all types of resources, the necessary

necessary to ensure the process of providing services to consumers, manufacturing products, but also determining and observing the minimum size (norms) of resource consumption per provision of one individual or complex service, unit of manufactured products, which are an important factor influencing the increase in the efficiency of use of all types of resources. Otherwise, the generated indicative plan with the requirements to comply with the principles of proportionality, orderliness and balance of the current functioning and long-term development of enterprises, structural components of the service sector is deprived of its functional focus, target orientation towards achieving established (necessary) economic and social results in a transitive (transition) economy , influence of negative environmental factors. At the same time, the cost of achieving planned results and volumes of consumed resources can be prohibitively high.

The functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components and enterprises in the service sector to maintain balance, orderliness and proportionality of development in the long-term period of time can be sufficiently ensured on the basis of such use of labor, material, technical and other resources, in which, over a period of time, time periods (years), an increase in the ratio of economic results to costs is achieved, which contributes not only to the intensification and increase in the overall efficiency of production and provision of services, but also to an increase in the level of competitiveness of organizational and legal structures of the service sector. In turn, achieving high planned and estimated performance in the service sector, in our opinion, is possible if the standard consumption of labor and material and technical resources is observed, which has a positive impact on both increasing economic results and reducing the rate of cost growth.

The planned and calculated functional orientation of the structural components and enterprises of the service sector, therefore, should, on the basis of the necessary resource supply, ensure such an economic result (the value of services provided, production of products, profit), the growth dynamics of which outstrip the rate of increase in the total costs of consuming all types of resources. In this regard, the position of a number of academic economists who believe that proportionality, orderliness and balance in the process of providing services, producing products in the social sphere, and the effectiveness of activities are possible mainly on the basis of extensive growth in the volume of fixed and working capital and their better use is not sufficiently reasoned.

However, it seems to us that the legitimacy of raising the problem of increasing the average annual volume of fixed assets, material elements of working capital and the efficiency of their use does not exclude, but most likely requires intensification of the process of providing services, production of products in the social sphere, its structural components, at enterprises.

At the same time, it should be noted that the functional orientation of planning in the management system of socio-economic systems can take into account at a certain stage of development (for example, at the stage of renewal, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets) a significant increase in the volume of resource potentials. But as production efficiency increases, the growth rate of fixed and working capital can reach those optimal volumes at which the cost results of current activities and future development of structural components and business entities in the service sector in terms of growth rates and absolute values ​​over time will outstrip the rate of increase in cost volumes resource potentials.

At the same time, in the functional orientation of planning, one should take into account the fact that an increase in the general level of efficiency in the use of all types of available resources in the long-term period of time does not yet serve as evidence of a rational relationship between results and costs in the current conditions of the negative influence of environmental factors, since the optimality of these ratios is very conditional based on compliance with established norms and standards for the consumption of all types of available resources, their compliance with the organizational, economic, innovative, technical capabilities of business entities in the service sector to save labor, material and technical resources with a planned increase in the growth rate of the cost volumes of services and manufactured products.

The normative functional orientation of planning in the management system for the long-term development of structural components, social enterprises, in accordance with our ideas, reflects, to a certain extent, the balance level of compliance of the planned cost volume of the provision of services and manufactured products with the available resource potentials, formed by the subject of management.

In addition, the balance sheet, regulatory compliance of economic results and resource provision in the long-term period is determined based on the existing need for the provision of services, production of products in the markets for services and goods, and the need to bring supply and demand into equilibrium. At the same time, for the functional orientation of planning to achieve the greatest economic results and, on a regulatory basis, the lowest costs in the long-term period, an important basis for planning and calculation justifications is the actual cost volume of services provided, production of goods in the social sphere, planned increases to which as realistically achievable values ​​are possible in perspective period based on compliance with norms and standards for resource consumption, differentiated as the technical, innovative and organizational-economic levels of resource potentials, economic entities as a whole and the structural components of the service sector change.

The proportional, balanced and systematic functional orientation of planning, as we see it, should be subordinated to the orientation towards achieving such economic results, the regulatory regulation of which would correspond to the desire of economic entities, structural components of the service sector, to effectively use resources.

A logical and verbal presentation of the functional orientation of planning current activities and long-term development of enterprises, structural components of the service sector provides an opportunity for multi-level management bodies in the social sphere to increase the degree of objectivity and significance of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the levels of efficiency of resource consumption and economic results established on a predictive basis.

The functional orientation of planning towards achieving established economic, social and other results, in our opinion, can also be ensured by increasing the level of their objectivity. The main tool for planning and calculation justifications for achieving economic results in the long-term period and the efficiency of the resources used in the service sector is socio-economic forecasting, according to which the existing trends in the development of an economic entity or, in general, the structural component of the service sector are transferred from the retrospective (past) period to future.

Forecast estimates obtained by economic and mathematical methods, the level of their adequacy of actual values ​​with forecast (planned) values ​​are confirmed, as a rule, by the statistical parameters of the significance of the created forecast model (equation), the practical use of which in the formed plan for the long-term development of an economic entity or the structural component of the service sector is that the predicted values ​​of economic results or operational efficiency, after agreement with the resource provision for the long-term period, are accepted as planned or, after some adjustments to the forecast estimates, a decision is made to approve them as guidelines for achieving economic results, the efficiency of using resources, the numerical values ​​of which are in the range of economically acceptable quantities

In this regard, it should be noted that forecast estimates of economic and other results of the long-term development of business entities, structural components of the service sector in their accuracy and objectivity correspond to the established trends of retrospective changes, actual or comparable prices, and the selected time interval within which the forecast was carried out. The accuracy of forecast estimates of economic results and the efficiency of use of all types of enterprise resources, the structural component of the social sphere, also depends on the ratio of the number of members of the dynamic series and forecast estimates over time.

In our opinion, the functional orientation of planning the development of socio-economic systems in the service sector should correspond to the accuracy of forecast estimates of their economic results and the efficiency of resource consumption for the medium term (2-3 years), since forecast errors in the long term (5-6 years) increase significantly in the absence of statistical proportionality of the members of the time series and forecast estimates. In the event that the composition of the members of the dynamic series is with the number of forecast estimates in a ratio of 2:1 with a high statistical significance of the forecast equation, then such a forecast can serve as a basis for increasing the objectivity of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the necessary economic results, levels of efficiency in the development of structural components of the sphere services in the future.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the objectivity of the functional orientation of planning to achieve the set goal, economic results and levels of efficiency in the use of resource potentials depends on a set of various factors that directly or indirectly affect the accuracy of planned assessments of the economic and social development of business entities and the structural components of the service sector. Such factors, for example, along with the above, are changes in: the external and internal environment associated with significant fluctuations in the services market; legal regulations; levels of competitiveness of professional participants in the market of services and goods of social enterprises; distribution channels for services, products, logistics; degree of product diversification, volume of borrowed funds to finance an investment project, issue of shares, bonds.

Therefore, the adequacy of the estimated economic indicators established in the current (one year) or long-term (2-5 years) plans for the socio-economic development of the structural component, service enterprises based on forecast estimates, cannot be fully observed without taking into account and rationalizing the interaction of the current, long-term and strategic plans, in their functional focus, focused not only on taking into account possible and significant influences of factors, but also on their leveling, neutralization and localization in the event of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environment.

The functional orientation and role of planning in the management system of industrial components and service enterprises largely depends on interaction with such functions of managing socio-economic systems as organization, regulation, control and accounting. Each of the functions, having an individual orientation towards achieving specific economic, social and other results in the management system of the structural components of the service sector of the national economy, at the same time, in interaction with other management functions, is aimed in systemic unity at achieving the main goal - ensuring eco-

nomic growth and increasing the efficiency of production, provision of services in current activities and the long-term development of the structural components of the service sector.

For example, the functional orientation of organizing the process of providing services and producing products at a service enterprise is associated with the rationalization of the interaction of personnel with fixed and working capital - the material and technical components of the activities of an economic entity. At the same time, the interaction of all types of resource potential of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector based on the measures taken within the framework of the function of organizing the production of products and the provision of services should ensure the achievement of planned economic and other indicators in the long-term period.

At the same time, it should be noted that the implemented set of economic, social, marketing and innovative measures as part of the planning function determines the reality of achieving economic results only in interaction with other management functions.

In this regard, it is advisable to separate the goals of the management system of a service enterprise and directly the goals of the economic entity itself, which is a socio-economic system. The main target orientation of the socio-economic system, in our opinion, can be expressed by such a criterion definition as maximizing economic results and minimizing the costs of consuming all types of resources in the process of providing consumers with individual or complex services and production. At the same time, the main economic results as output characteristics of this system can be expressed in cost or in kind form.

In a rationalized system for managing the current activities and future development of enterprises and structural components of the service sector, the output parameters are increases in controllability and economic results due to the rationalization of the interaction of the elements of this system. The purpose of the functioning of this management system is to increase the level of controllability of the socio-economic system, its compliance with the target orientation towards achieving those economic results that correspond to the criterion orientation of this system (for example, achieving the optimal cost volume of providing services to consumers, selling products that correspond to the standard consumption of resources).

However, the role of the planning function in the management system of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector, in our opinion, is to ensure balance, proportionality and orderliness of socio-economic development through the implementation of a set of innovative, technical, economic, social, marketing, financial and other measures aimed at achieving those rates of economic growth and efficient use of resources that preserve or

expand the occupied (usual for mass professional participants or priority, leading) place in a certain market segment by an economic entity, increase its level of competitiveness, the products it produces, and the services it provides.

Therefore, the functional orientation and role of planning in the system for managing the development of the structural components of the service sector, in our opinion, can be identified with the achievement by the socio-economic system of those economic results that are established in the current and long-term plans on a resource-supported, balanced and predictive basis.

The implementation of the functional orientation of planning, its focus and increased significance in the conditions of the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors on the structural components of the service sector should be facilitated by the clarification and classification of certain industry components of the service sector into corresponding groups integrated by the nature of the provision of services.

In the economic literature there is no unity with the definition of the concepts of the social sphere, the service sector, and the service sector. In our opinion, these are synonymous concepts, despite some statistical and semantic differences from each other. For example, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat) divides statistical data on the development of the national economy and relates it to the production and social spheres, highlighting various structural components and complexes in them, called industries. At the same time, Goskomstat considers the following to be the main structural components (branches) of the social sphere: transport (freight and passenger); connection; wholesale, retail trade and catering; information and computing services; housing and communal services, non-productive types of consumer services; healthcare; physical education and social welfare; education; culture and art; science and scientific services; finance, credit, insurance, pensions; control.

However, the list of sectors of the social sphere of the State Statistics Committee does not include such structural components as tourist and excursion, sanatorium and resort complexes, and hotel complexes. Therefore, in our opinion, identifying the concepts of the social sphere and the service sector, in order to increase the level of functional orientation of planning as part of the management system of the structural components (industries) of the service sector, bringing them together on a synonymous basis, it is necessary to clarify the industry affiliation of certain structural components, several detail general groups of industries and provide a unified grouping of complexes and industries.

In general, the service sector (social sphere) includes such sectoral (complex) components as: passenger transport; telecommunication complex; trade and purchasing complex; catering;

hotel, sanatorium-resort, tourist and excursion complexes; sports and fitness complex; scientific and innovation complex; financial and credit complex; housing and communal complex; non-production household services; cultural and leisure complex; information and computing services; healthcare; education.

Each of the structural components of the service sector, in turn, must be detailed by relevant sub-sectors in order to assign each of them to the classification industry groups of the service sector. So, for example, the structural component of the service sector (social sphere) includes such sub-industry groups as education: preschool, general, basic general, secondary (full) general; primary, secondary vocational, higher vocational; postgraduate professional; additional.

The cultural and leisure complex of the service sector (social sphere) should include all types of cinema, theater, library, circus, zoo, music, variety and entertainment, and museum services. Clarification of the sub-industry composition is also necessary in the financial and credit complex, which is one of the main objects and complexes of market infrastructure, including banking, insurance, trust services, pensions, and services provided by commodity, stock and currency exchanges.

As for the concept of “service sector,” the author joins the opinion of those economists who classify these types of services as sub-industry types of consumer services for the population. At the same time, the separation of housing, communal, and household services of a non-productive nature in the service sector indicates the integrated orientation of this industry, which includes a wide range of household services provided to citizens, for example, in such business entities as hairdressers, post offices, bathhouses, water pools, solariums, repair shops for shoes, clothing, electronics, and household appliances.

This complex type of service sector industry can be called the service sector (maintenance), but it cannot be identified with the service sector in its substantive essence and comprehensive focus of the services provided, since it is its integrated structural component.

At the same time, despite our proposed identification and synonymy of the use of the concepts social sphere and service sector, for the purpose of clarifying the functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components (industries) and service enterprises, the sectoral dimension and social purpose of the social sphere, in our opinion, should consider somewhat more broadly the content of the service sector.

A broader interpretation of the social sphere of the national economy in comparison with the service sector is due to the fact that in the social sphere not only

all types of services are provided to individuals within the framework of the national economy, but also work is performed, products are produced that are vital for the protection of public order, social security, and the protection of the economic interests of citizens abroad and in their own country. Some of the specified works, services, types of products in the social sphere can be classified as industry and sub-industry components of the service sector (for example, management services of a federal, regional and municipal nature).

At the same time, other types of work, services and non-industry products that are characteristic of the life support of society (environmental protection, social security activities, implementation of a set of measures for economic, social and other security), in our opinion, can be attributed to the social sphere . But since these types of services and work are not considered grouped according to a specific industry, we can synonymize the provision of statistically accounted volumes of services, equal in proportionality between the social sphere and the service sector.


1. Indicative planning: theory and ways of improvement / Petrov A.N., Demidova L.G., Klimov S.M. and others. St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2000.

2. Mozgolina L.V. Resource potential of the service sector: Preprint. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor", 2004.

3. Social status and standard of living of the Russian population. 2003. Stat. Sat. / Goskomstat of Russia. M., 2003.

YALUNER ELENA VASILIEVNA - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Service and Economics.

Planning- this is a management function that includes the following set of works: analysis of situations and environmental factors; forecasting, evaluating and optimizing alternative options for achieving goals formulated at the strategic marketing stage; developing a plan; implementation of the plan. Content plans can be issue-based, comprehensive, or local; strategic, tactical (usually annual) or operational.

The most difficult direction of economic development is development based on increased innovation activity, characterized by great uncertainty.

Accordingly, planning for these conditions will be the most complex, and planning tasks will be the most difficult to implement. Here are the main tasks planning the activities of the production system (company):

  1. choosing the optimal strategy for the company: for the future based on forecasts of alternative strategic marketing options;
  2. ensuring the sustainability of the functioning and development of the company;
  3. formation of an optimal portfolio of innovations in terms of nomenclature and assortment using scientific approaches;
  4. structuring the goals of innovation activity;
  5. comprehensive support for the implementation of plans;
  6. formation of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures to ensure the implementation of plans;
  7. coordination of the implementation of plans according to tasks, performers, resources, deadlines, place and quality of work;
  8. stimulating the implementation of plans.

Basic principles planning consist of:

  • continuity of strategic and tactical plans;
  • social orientation of the plan;
  • ranking planning objects according to their importance;
  • adequacy of planned indicators;
  • consistency of the plan with the parameters of the external environment of the management system;
  • plan variation;
  • balance of the plan (subject to provision of reserves for the most important indicators);
  • economic feasibility of the plan;
  • automation of the planning system;
  • providing feedback to the planning system.

Let us briefly consider the content of the listed planning principles. Continuity strategic and current plans stipulate that the composition of current plans or sections of a business plan should repeat the main sections of the company's strategy. The number of planned indicators in the sections of the business plan should be greater than in the sections of the company's strategy. The shorter the planning horizon, the greater the number of planned indicators. The indicators of the business plan should not contradict the approved indicators of the company's strategy; they can only be more stringent and beneficial to the company at the current moment.

Social orientation The plan provides (along with technical and economic problems) for solving problems of ensuring compliance with international requirements for environmental friendliness, safety and ergonomics of manufactured goods and the functioning of the company, as well as indicators of social development of the team in accordance with the requirements of the international standard SA 8000.

Ranking of objects planning according to their importance must be carried out for the rational distribution of available resources. For example, if manufactured goods have approximately the same level of competitiveness, then it is first necessary to direct resources to increase the competitiveness of the product that has the largest share (by sales value) in the company's program. With different levels of competitiveness of goods, resource allocation priorities are determined according to the methodology outlined in the author’s textbook “Strategic Management”.

Adequacy planned indicators of reality is ensured, firstly, by an increase in the number of factors taken into account when forecasting alternative planned indicators, and secondly, by a decrease in the approximation error or an increase in the accuracy of forecasts.

Consistency plan with the parameters of the external environment of the management system is established by analyzing the dynamics of environmental factors and studying the influence of these factors on the planned indicators.

Variation plan is associated with the development of at least three alternative options for achieving the same goal and the selection of the optimal option that ensures the achievement of the planned goal at the lowest cost.

Balance The plan is ensured by the continuity of the balance of indicators along the hierarchy, for example, the functional model of the object, the cost model (when conducting a functional cost analysis), the balance of receipt and distribution of resources, etc. At the same time, it is planned to create a reserve for the most important indicators.

Economic feasibility plan is one of the most important principles of planning. The final choice of option for planned indicators should be made only after conducting a system analysis, forecasting, optimization and economic justification of alternative options. This planning principle is discussed in detail in the author’s textbook “Management Decisions”.

Automation of the planning system is one of the planning methods that requires the use of modern information technologies and computer technology, ensuring coding of information based on its classification, unity and consistency of information across the stages of the life cycle of a planning object in accordance with the principles of CALS information technology, prompt processing, reliable storage and transfer of information.

The principle of planning - providing feedback to the planning system - implies the ability for the plan executor (the output of the planning system) to submit proposals for changes (adjustments) to the plan to its developer.

It is very difficult to apply all the principles discussed. Only large companies with qualified personnel, modern information technologies and the necessary resources can do this. Therefore, the number of principles applied is determined by the complexity and quantity of goods produced and services provided, the image and stability of the company. Let us note that in conditions of fierce competition, the following trends in planning are observed: reducing the duration of development of plans, increasing their validity and quality, the use of modern information technologies (for example, CALS), and relying on the results of strategic marketing.

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in the discipline "Sociology of Management"

on the topic “Social planning in the enterprise”



1.1 The essence of social planning in an enterprise


2.1 General characteristics of ORtrans LLC




Social planning implies timely identification of problems in the development of the social structure, assessment of the main indicators of its condition, collection of information, determination of the actual state of affairs, establishment of priorities for solving social problems, i.e. determining the goals and objectives of the plan, developing a draft plan, as well as identifying resources for its implementation. Social planning is necessary in every organization for the effective functioning of social processes.

The relevance of implementing social planning at enterprises at the present stage is associated with a number of reasons. Firstly, this is due to competition and the emergence of enterprises with foreign capital on the market, where the owners offer their Russian employees social programs that are more attractive in comparison with domestic enterprises - competitors. Among Russian enterprises there is an emerging awareness that it is possible to compete in the labor market not only in terms of wages, but also in terms of the volume and content of social packages. There is an incentive for enterprise management to introduce modern systems to increase employee motivation.

Secondly, the problem of planning social programs at Russian enterprises arises in connection with the problems of attracting qualified personnel and rejuvenating work teams. In this regard, the creation of an attractive social package is associated not only with mechanisms for attracting young workers, but also with mechanisms for the painless release of previous personnel into retirement.

The object of the study is social processes and social relations in the workforce of ORtrans LLC. The subject of the study is the features of social planning at an enterprise.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the features and development of social planning at the enterprise, study the social structure of workers, develop a social development plan for ORtrans LLC and consider areas for improvement.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

Study the theoretical aspects of social planning;

Study the essence of social planning in an enterprise;

Study the theoretical aspects of the workforce;

Assess the level of social development of the ORtrans LLC team;

Develop a social development plan for ORtrans LLC;

The main objectives of social planning are the development of a comprehensive system for the development of each member of the team in the spirit of communist consciousness, the creation of conditions for the elimination of hard, physical labor, the improvement of professional qualifications, general educational and cultural levels, and the growth of material well-being.

The paper presents the following research methods: method of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison and generalization, method of classification, systematic approach to the object of study.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, paragraphs, a conclusion, and a list of references.

In the process of writing this course work, the following textbooks were used: Citizens V.D., Bukhalkov M.I., Veselova N.G., Vorozheikin I.E., Kutyrev B.P.


1.1 The essence of social planning in an enterprise

The first mention of the term “social planning” is attributed to the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when he carried out reforms in connection with overcoming the consequences of the crisis of the 30s. .

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of the theory and practice of planning social processes were first tested in the first years of Soviet power, in the late 20s. and the first five-year plan, which contains a special section “Socio-economic problems”, as well as measures to solve them and various social programs (elimination of illiteracy and homelessness in the country, etc.).

In Russian sociology in the 60-70s, Leningrad researchers made a great contribution to the development of problems of social planning: V.M. Elmeev, D.A. Kerimov, B.Ya. Lyashenko, A.S. Pashkov, V.R. Polozov. Their searches in their works were supported by N.A. Aitov, Yu.E. Volkov, V.I. Gerchikov, N.I. Lapin, P.P. Luzan, Yu.L. Neimer, L.A. Oleskevich, Zh.T. Toshchenko, S.F. Frolov et al.

The literature review revealed the following essential characteristics of social planning:

1) orientation of planning towards goals arising from objective trends in the organization of people’s lives and providing for the satisfaction of current and future needs of people, their coordination with each other and measures to enhance the creative activity of the person himself and the social institutions of society.;

2) the use, within the framework of social planning, of performance indicators for achieving the set goal (timing, volumes, levels, rates, proportions, degree of achievement of the planned milestones)

3) social planning involves the development and research of means of achieving set development goals in the form of benefits (restrictions) or creating conditions for the rational and optimal development of the planned social process;

4) social planning is a continuous process of cognitive and transformative activity.

An essential point in social planning is taking into account the interests of social groups, including the workforce.

Based on the essential characteristics, we can say that social planning is a scientifically based determination of goals, indicators and tasks for the development of social processes and the main means of their implementation in the interests of society, social institutions or enterprises.

In the interests of society, long-term plans are being developed to solve the most significant social problems that determine its viability and sustainability.

In the interests of social institutions at the regional level, social planning is aimed at solving social problems of the republic, region (territory), and other regional formation in terms of equalizing the levels of social development in a territorial context; regulation of migration flows; rational use of labor resources; development of national relations; distribution and consumption of cultural values.

In the interests of enterprises (work collectives), social planning involves the implementation of the awakening of a person to creative work, providing conditions for his working and everyday life. At this level, it is envisaged to solve problems of improving working conditions and content; vocational training; prestige of areas of employment; structures of working and free time; satisfaction of material and spiritual needs; participation in political and public life.

Forms of social planning at all levels include:

Targeted (direct) planning - development and justification of a system of tasks to achieve a certain level of development of social groups. This concerns rational relationships in the development of social processes, reflecting their real state, trends of change, the level of use of science and technology, and people's needs;

Social (indirect) planning. When planning social processes and phenomena with the help of indirect economic and social levers, the elements of the implementation mechanism are the specific conditions, capabilities and needs of the object itself, as well as its elements (components).

The duality of planning allows us to consider the methods of its implementation as ways of: a) implementing programs and tasks (planning as an activity); b) their development (planning as a science).

General planning methods are characterized by what objective laws of social development the possible ways of achieving goals and objectives are based on, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms they are embodied.

The leading planning method is the balance method (or a method of ensuring connections between the needs of a social group and its capabilities when resources are limited).

The requirements of the normative method in social planning are the basis for compiling indicators (standards) of social development at various levels of social organization of society and ensure its scientific character.

The essence of the analytical method in social planning is to divide the social process into its component parts and determine the directions for implementing the intended program of action.

The essence of the method of options (variant approximations) is to determine several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information possible.

The program-targeted (comprehensive) method in social planning is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors (material, financial, economic and social), with the definition of performers and deadlines.

The problem-target method involves solving priority problems of social development through appropriate programs and development plans.

To assess the compliance of the actual situation with scientifically based requirements in social planning, social indicators are used - quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state, trends and directions of social development:

a) general, when it is necessary to establish the level of development (lag, advance, compliance) of the process being studied in a particular society and take measures for the appropriate impact;

b) regulatory, when it is necessary to determine the compliance of the process under study with scientifically based requirements.

Experts say that social management is effective when several groups of indicators are used:

· indicators that take into account the experience of planning social development in the form of quantitative characteristics and therefore allow themselves to be projected for the future;

· indicators on the qualitative characteristics of individual social processes and phenomena;

· indicators assessing the effectiveness of measures taken after the end of the planning period.

Let us note that the development, justification and application of social indicators are aimed at making scientifically based management decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of social planning and its effectiveness in solving both general and specific problems of social development.

Scientifically based quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the optimal state of the social process (or one of its sides), obtained on the basis of taking into account objective laws and opportunities for social development, are called social standards. They are aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual; have a specific historical character, i.e. reflect the possibilities and needs of social development at a given stage and, accordingly, may change in the future.

In areas of social development where the definition of standards is difficult, it is legitimate to introduce into planning practice the concept of a social reference point, by which it is necessary to understand the most possible rational value for the development of social processes, based on the established indicators of the development of similar phenomena

Based on the foregoing, we will draw brief conclusions.

Social planning at an enterprise is a scientifically based determination of goals, indicators, tasks (timing, pace, proportions) for the development of the social environment of the organization and the main means of implementing social processes in the interests of the workforce.

The social environment of an organization is a set of factors that determine the quality of working life of employees: the social infrastructure of the organization, that is, a set of facilities designed to provide life support for the organization’s employees and members of their families, to satisfy social, cultural and intellectual needs; working conditions and labor protection; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; material remuneration of labor and family budgets; non-working time and use of leisure time.

Social planning is carried out in direct or indirect form using scientifically based methods, based on quantitative (social standards) and qualitative (social guidelines) characteristics.

Let us note that in modern conditions, methods related to the existence of market relations are extremely important, when it is necessary to foresee the social consequences of decisions made and the ability to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformation. For this purpose, social development plans or social programs are developed.

1.2 Work collective: essence, functions

social planning work team

In all economic systems, the main productive force is people, the personnel of organizations. With his labor he creates material and spiritual values. The higher the human capital and the potential for its development, the better it works for the benefit of its enterprise. Employees of the enterprise, closely connected with each other in the process of work, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations, the social and labor sphere becomes the main life activity of both individual workers and individual professional groups, and entire production teams. The combination of personal and production motives for workers’ activities is one of the most important tasks of both social planning and production management in general.

A psychologically developed team is considered to be a small group in which a differentiated system of various business and personal relationships has developed, built on a high moral basis. Such relationships can be called collectivist. To be called a team, a small group must meet very high requirements:

· successfully cope with the tasks assigned to her (be effective in relation to her main activities);

· have high morals, good human relations;

· create for each of its members the opportunity for personal development;

· be capable of creativity, that is, as a group, giving people more than the sum of the same number of individuals working individually.

The group goes through several stages on its way to becoming a team:

1) mutual orientation - this stage consists of self-presentation, observation of each other, attempts to understand for themselves the important properties of partners. This stage is the low performance of the group. Activities that shorten this phase are organizing a meeting outlining the purpose of the group and the functions of its members;

2) emotional upsurge - determined by the advantage of contacts enlivened by the novelty of the situation;

3) decline in psychological contact - occurs because people begin joint activities, in which not only advantages, but also disadvantages are revealed. Some mutual dissatisfaction is formed;

4) increase in psychological contact.

So, a collective is a community of people whose life activity is based on the value-orientation unity of its members, and the main value orientations are socially significant.

The work collective is the main unit of society, which unites all employees of an enterprise, institution, organization to achieve a certain specific goal of their joint labor activity.

All work collectives have common properties:

· the presence of a common goal, unity of interests of members of the work collective;

· organizational design within the framework of a social institution;

· socio-political significance of the activity;

· relations of comradely cooperation and mutual assistance;

· socio-psychological community and mutual assistance;

· controllability;

· the presence of a clearly defined structure of interactions and a certain range of responsibilities, rights and tasks.

The classification of work collectives can be based on several criteria, according to which they can be subdivided as follows:

a) by type of ownership (state, private, etc.);

b) by area of ​​activity (production and non-production);

c) by duration of existence (temporary and permanent)

d) by stage of development (forming, stable, decaying);

e) by subordination (main, primary, secondary).

Work collectives are called upon to perform the following typical functions:

1. The function of production management is carried out through various formal bodies of collective management, public organizations, special elected and appointed bodies, and the direct participation of workers in management.

2. Target - production, economic: production of certain products, ensuring economic efficiency of activities, etc.

3. Educational - carried out by methods of socio-psychological influence and through governing bodies.

4. The function of stimulating effective labor behavior and responsible attitude towards professional duties.

5. The function of team development is the formation of skills and abilities of collective work, improvement of operating methods.

6. Innovation and selection support function.

From the content side, a work collective is defined as a community in which interpersonal relationships are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities. With this understanding of the work collective, its structure always (to varying degrees) contains three main elements: a leadership group, a core, and a peripheral part.

The leadership group is represented by members of the work collective who are functionally entrusted with the function of leadership, or by a member of the team who, due to their personal qualities, enjoys authority among the majority of its other members.

The core consists of those members of the work collective who have already established themselves in the team, identified with it, that is, they are bearers of collective consciousness, norms and values.

The peripheral part of the structure of the work collective is formed by those members who have either recently joined the system of collective relations and have not yet been identified with it, or are present in the collective only functionally. It is this part of the team that is primarily the object of “manipulation” by the leader.

There are several directions of social development of the team (Fig. 1

1.3 Planning for social development at the enterprise

Social processes in an enterprise must be managed; these goals are served by social planning or planning for the social development of work collectives.

However, it should be noted that the socio-economic instability in society, characteristic of Russia in the 90s, and the struggle of enterprises for survival in a new market environment pushed the issues of planning social development at enterprises into the background. However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance. Strengthening stabilization processes in the country will inevitably put the problems of managing social development among the priorities. This is evidenced by the experience of economically developed countries of the world. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing the management of social development at enterprises.

Social planning is a system of methods and means of systematic management of the development of the work collective as a social community, the targeted regulation of social processes and the development of social relations at the collective level.

Social planning at an enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive sociological study of the workforce, the purpose of which may be to study the social structure of workers, identify its weak links and areas for improvement. The issues to be studied are the attitude of people to work, the factors of attractiveness and unattractiveness of work in the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions.

Particular attention must be paid to studying the degree of content of work, its conditions and level of payment, staff turnover, labor discipline, and value orientations in the team.

The sociological study ends with the development of scientifically based recommendations for changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for various areas of work in the enterprise team. Such recommendations and proposals become the basis for social planning for the current period (year) and the future (3-5 years or more).

A social development plan is a set of scientifically based measures, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most effective functioning of the team. At the center of them is not manufactured products, but man as a producer and consumer, as a socially active person.

In planning the social development of work collectives, the definition of the goals and objectives of the plans being developed is of particular theoretical and practical importance. The direction of theoretical developments and the effectiveness of social planning in practice depend on how clearly the goal and objectives of achieving the goal are formulated. For their correct formation, it is important to take into account the relationship between the social and economic development of the team.

The relationship between social and economic development is manifested in the fact that the achievement of social goals is based on economic growth: the team can set only those social tasks for the solution of which the material base has been created.

Economic development depends on the effective use of social factors, the reorientation of production towards the consumer, the success of overcoming chronic immunity to scientific and technical progress - on the full and comprehensive use of human capabilities.

Work collectives are called upon to produce material goods, but this is not an end in itself, but a means of creating favorable conditions for workers to work, study, rest, develop and make the best use of their abilities. Consequently, the goal of planning the social development of work collectives is to maximize the use of opportunities and conditions for the comprehensive development of the social activity of the individual.

Achieving this goal will be facilitated by solving the following two groups of tasks:

· maximum satisfaction of the reasonable needs of team members, increasing the content of work, creating favorable conditions for work, study and rest, which is the result of the implementation of technological, technical and organizational measures;

· nurturing the personality of a team member, developing his proactive attitude towards work, improving relationships in the team.

When developing a plan for the social development of a production team, it is important not only to determine clear parameters: indicators and timing of each event, pace and proportions, but also to provide restrictions on undesirable trends and stimulate socially progressive ones. For this purpose, a whole system of levers and incentives is used (prestige of the profession and place of work, traditions of the enterprise, etc.).

The most important principles of social development are complexity (planning of diverse social phenomena and processes in their unity) and democratic centralism (the combination of centralized management with local solutions to the problems of social development of the collective on a broad democratic basis).

Indicators of social development of labor collectives are determined mainly by the collectives themselves, based on the availability of opportunities in the interests of development and increasing the efficiency of their activities.

At present, such principles as the principle of scientific validity and objectivity, the principle of specificity have not lost their relevance.

The social development plan for the workforce is of a directive nature, and after approval it becomes mandatory for execution. On the basis of it, the activities of the team are organized to solve planned social problems.

The development of a team social development plan includes four stages.

At the first - preparatory stage, a decision is made to develop a plan for social development, working groups are formed, contracts are concluded with organizations involved in the development of the plan, the structure of the plan is clarified, work schedules are drawn up, a program and research methods are determined based on specific production conditions; forms of working documentation are developed, the content of the work is determined and functions are distributed between performers (creative teams), instructions and information are provided to the team.

At the second - analytical stage, the degree of implementation of the previous social development plan is determined, the social structure, working, living and rest conditions, wage levels, etc. are studied. The collected materials are compared with regulatory data, achievements of advanced experience in science and technology, which contributes to the scientific substantiation of the plan. Primary social information is collected and specific sociological research is conducted. The results of this stage (identified general trends, patterns) are documented in an analytical note.

At the third - development stage, activities, proposals and recommendations are designed, indicators of the social development of the team are determined, which must be specific and realistically feasible. An initial version (draft) of the plan is drawn up in sections, and the economic and social effectiveness of the proposed activities is determined. These activities are coordinated with functional services and transferred to the working group, which forms a consolidated draft plan. The latter is agreed upon with the main specialists of the enterprise and the head of the enterprise.

At the fourth, control stage, a system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan is developed, which includes the accounting, control and reporting system that has developed at the enterprise.

In terms of social development, it is advisable to highlight the following sections and areas of work:

Improving the social structure of the team. This section pays special attention to reducing the share or completely eliminating heavy and unhealthy work, reducing the share of low-skilled labor, increasing the educational and qualification levels of workers, and changing (if necessary) the gender and age structure of the team. The work of women, adolescents, and the elderly is examined separately, indicating those structural changes that are advisable to carry out among these categories of workers.

Social factors of production development and increasing its economic efficiency. Activities related to the technical re-equipment of production and the introduction of new equipment and technology are planned here. Among such measures one can name the design of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labor, reducing its monotony. The saturation of production with high-performance equipment aggravates the problem of releasing workers and ensuring employment of enterprise personnel. It is advisable to use various forms of employment: part-time work, flexible working hours, home work for women and pensioners, etc. It is important that the plan reflects the issues of overcoming inflation and increasing real wages for workers. In conditions of growing technical equipment of an enterprise, on-the-job training should be supported in every possible way. Measures must also be taken to encourage rationalization and invention.

Improving working and living conditions for workers. The plan must specifically highlight areas and departments with unfavorable working conditions, for which it is necessary to provide measures to improve the working environment, to replace equipment that is a source of increased harmfulness and danger, or to reliably isolate such equipment. Measures are also provided for compliance with sanitary and technical standards, labor safety standards, for the organization at the enterprise of well-equipped change houses, food intake points, washing of work clothes, shoe repair, for the delivery of food and industrial goods orders to workers through desks, etc. The issues of providing workers are especially highlighted housing, preschool institutions, recreational facilities, etc.

Instilling labor discipline, developing labor activity and creative initiative. The measures in this section of the plan are developed on the basis of an analysis of the value orientations of workers and should be aimed at stimulating high labor and production discipline, at developing various forms of involving workers in improving production.

In parallel with the plan for the social development of the team, many enterprises developed so-called social passports of enterprises. It is advisable to use this experience today.

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise’s staff, its functions, working conditions, provision of housing for workers, preschool institutions, and social infrastructure units at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and other issues. Data from the social passport is used to develop a social development plan.

In addition to social development plans, specialized social programs can be developed, such as “Health”, “Women’s Labor”, “Youth”, “Housing”, etc.

Planning for the social development of work collectives ensures an increase in social efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.


2.1 General characteristics of ORtrans LLC

ORtrans LLC was created on October 16, 2000 in accordance with Russian legislation. Its founders were individuals.

This limited liability company is located at the address: Orenburg, 460021, st. Piketnaya, 73 a

According to the Charter, the Company carries out transportation of goods by motor transport, transportation of passengers, and transportation of oversized cargo.

To achieve the goals of its activities, ORtrans LLC has built a linear-functional management system with block differentiation of functional units, when units of a functional-linear type are introduced (deputy managers for a set of functions) and differentiation of functional units is carried out according to these blocks. The peculiarity of such an organizational management structure is the differentiation of connections of linear and functional subordination, which makes the system adaptive to environmental changes, flexible in using the potential of professionalism and in the temporary organization of its functioning.

According to the financial statements as of January 5, 2010, the average number of employees of ORtrans LLC was 274 people, the volume of trade turnover in 2009 was 104,242 thousand rubles, the average annual cost of fixed assets was 40,011.5 thousand rubles. Based on the data provided, ORtrans LLC is a medium-sized entrepreneurial company.

The analysis of the economic activities of the company under study is carried out on the basis of indicators of the annual accounting (financial) statements for 2008-2009.

We begin the analysis with an analysis of the enterprise's workforce in 2007-2009. (Table 1)

Table 1 Composition and structure of the enterprise’s employees by category ORtrans LLC

Average annual number, people

Changes in the structure in 2009 by 2007 (+,-)

Workers engaged in primary production

permanent workers


of which: managers


Service workers

permanent workers


of which: managers


So, in the structure of the enterprise’s employees by category of ORtrans LLC, during the period under study, the share of employees employed in the main production increased by 1.20% due to the opening of an international cargo transportation route. The share of workers employed in service services decreased accordingly by 1.20%, despite the fact that in absolute terms the share of permanent workers increased by 5 people, and employees - by 3.

In order to give a more complete economic description of the organization’s activities, we will analyze the composition and structure of fixed assets of ORtrans LLC (Table 2).

Table 2 Composition and structure of fixed assets of ORtrans LLC

Types of fixed assets

Amount at the end of the year, thousand rubles

Structure %

Changes in structure

Machinery and equipment


Industrial and household equipment

Other types of fixed assets

Land plots and environmental management facilities

In the structure of fixed assets, machinery and equipment have a predominant share - more than 50% throughout the entire period, but it tends to decrease, so in 2007 their share was 66.96%, then in 2009 - 52.29% , which is 14.67% lower. Also, land plots and environmental management facilities have a high share and their share is increasing, so in 2007 they occupied 22.43% in the structure of fixed assets, then in 2009 - already 44.19%, which is 21.76% higher. For other groups, the share in the structure is insignificant (less than three percent) and, moreover, tends to decrease.

2.2 Assessment of the state of social development of the ORtrans LLC team

Social development of a team is a multidimensional concept that includes a number of indicators characterizing the conditions, nature and content of work; team structure; incentives to work; satisfaction of social, physical and spiritual needs of workers, moral and psychological climate in the team, social activity, etc. In our opinion, for a complete and reliable assessment of the level of social development of the team, it is necessary to determine indicators that would make it possible to unambiguously assess the level of social development of the enterprise team.

An analysis of existing research in this direction, carried out by E. N. Pshenichnaya, made it possible to identify more than sixty indicators for assessing the level of social development of the enterprise team. Such a wide variety of indicators leads to significant difficulties in assessing the social development of the enterprise team. Therefore, based on the research of E. N. Pshenichnaya, we systematized these indicators and identified seven groups based on homogeneity: 1) conditions, nature and content of labor; 2) team structure; 3) incentives to work; 4) satisfaction of social and everyday needs; 5) satisfaction of physical and spiritual needs; 6) moral and psychological climate in the team; 7) social activity. At the same time, we took into account the nature of the influence of each of them on the level of social development of the enterprise team. Indicators that stimulate the social development of the enterprise team, and indicators that inhibit this process, include the indicators presented in Table 3.

Table 3

System of indicators of social development of the team


stimulating the social development of the enterprise team

inhibiting social

team development

Indicators characterizing

character and


1.1.Provision of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment

1.2.Passing medical examinations and examinations of employees, especially those workers who are responsible for traffic safety

1.1.Frequency of accidents



1.3. Share of workers employed

1.3. The amount of payments, benefits and compensation for unfavorable working conditions relative to the average wage per employee

1.4. Degree of compliance of sanitary and hygienic working conditions with the required standards

1.5. Proportion of workers working in comfortable conditions of air, temperature and other environments

1.6. Share of employees working on a flexible work schedule

1.7. The share of workers participating in production


1.8. Share of workers combining professions

in hard and hazardous work

2. Indicators characterizing



2.1. Skill level (average level of workers)

2.2. Qualification level of management and employees

2.3. Frame stability level

2.4. Share of workers with secondary education

2.2. Share of employees with higher education

2.6. The share of employees who have undergone professional training


2.7. Composition of employees by age

2.1.Staff turnover rate

3. Indicators characterizing

labor incentives

3.1.The amount of bonuses relative to the average salary,

per one employee of the enterprise

3.2. Proportion of workers who received material remuneration for their work

3.3. Proportion of workers who received moral remuneration for their work

3.4. Share of pensioners who received one-time assistance upon retirement

3.5. Proportion of employees involved in management


3.6. Excess rate of real wages per employee

enterprises above nominal

3.7. Pension supplement coefficient for pensioners who work


social and domestic

workers' needs

4.1. Provision of living space for enterprise employees

4.2. Provision of transportation to the place of work by specially designated buses

4.3. Availability ratio of vouchers

4.4. Power supply ratio

4.5. Utility compensation ratio

4.6. Compensation coefficient for increasing the cost of living

4.1. Specific gravity

time spent by employees traveling to and from work in the total duration of work



and spiritual

workers' needs

5.1. Proportion of workers participating in sports competitions

5.2. The share of employees using library services

funds in the total number of personnel

5.3. Proportion of workers visiting cultural institutions at least once a month

5.4. Proportion of employees visiting cultural institutions at least once every six months

5.5. Providing the team with sports sections

5.6. Provision of amateur art clubs for enterprise employees

5.1. Disease frequency

5.2. Incidence rate

5.3. Proportion of smoking employees in the total number of personnel

6. Moral



6.1. Degree of satisfaction with relationships in the team

6.2. Degree of satisfaction with relationships with management

6.5. Share of conflict situations overcome

6.6. Level of moral and psychological climate in the team

6.1. Level of complaints received from employees

6.2. Absenteeism rate (absenteeism rate)

6.3. Coefficient

absenteeism intensity

6.4. Coefficient

7.Social activity


7.1. Share of employees, members of creative and amateur groups

7.2. The share of workers participating in public

7.3. Degree of awareness about the affairs of the team

7.4. The share of innovators and inventors among

employees of the enterprise

As a method of obtaining information, we chose a combined source of information:

Documented and calculated (use of calculations of special coefficients and the specific weight of certain indicators): the necessary information is taken from the relevant standard forms for recording statistical data, accounting reports, personnel documentation, standards;

Survey and descriptive (qualitative information about the level of social development of the company): the necessary information was obtained using a questionnaire specially developed by us during the study. This questionnaire allows, through a survey of managers and employees of ORtrans LLC, to identify their attitude to the state of social problems in the team and to calculate the share of certain categories of employees. In order to determine the level of social development of Ortrans LLC, we will begin with an assessment of the personnel of ORtrans LLC, dividing them by gender and age according to the records of the personnel department (Table 4).

Table 4 Demographic structure of the ORtrans LLC team


in % of total

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

45 years and above

in % of the total

Sociological research confirms that a same-sex team is less effective than a different-sex team: in the organization under study, only 10.64% are women - accountants, economists and dispatchers, the rest are men. At the same time, the largest share belongs to young professionals (6.38%) and women of pre-retirement age (3.83%), which negatively affects the socio-psychological climate of the team.

The combination of age groups is also of great importance. The predominance of older people (39.15%) is characterized by high labor discipline, but at the same time, elements of conservatism increase when introducing innovations, the level of lost working time increases due to increased illness among workers, the threat of retirement arises, etc. The predominance of young people is also distinguished by specific manifestations (19.57%) - a faster reaction to innovations, but at the same time, due to their youth, such employees easily respond to changes in the environment and are looking for ways to realize their career ambitions, and also do not have sufficient professional experience.

At ORtrans LLC, the number of male employees with a working productive age of 35-45 years and 25-35 years is 29.79% and 11.49%, respectively. Such employees are valuable because they have not only academic knowledge, but professional experience and practical knowledge. At the same time, they require increased financial motivation due to family and personal circumstances. An analysis of the demographic structure of the ORtrans LLC team showed that during its formation, “psychological mistakes” were made, which lead to conflict situations in the team, disunity of interests of its members, which in turn leads to the loss of: the ability to coordinate actions; initiative and independence of group members; desire for cooperation, etc. This conclusion is confirmed by the answers from the questionnaire. So, to the question “Are you satisfied with the relationships in the team”, 75% of employees answered “No”, to the question “Are you satisfied with the relationship with management” - 64% of employees. To the question “Do you consider the level of moral and psychological climate in the team to be high?” 72% of employees responded negatively. At the same time, the highest percentage of dissatisfaction was found among employees. The factor of education is of no small importance for analyzing the social development of a team. The general indicator of educational level is the share of the total number of personnel of those who have higher and secondary vocational education.

This indicator is also interesting for groups - managers, specialists, workers. The content of the activities of employees of these categories should be taken into account. For example, in science a high educational level is required. The less meaningful the sphere of work (for example, a loader, a cleaner), the more preferable is the low level of education of workers. Employees with a high educational status also have a higher level of aspirations, and this leads to dissatisfaction and decreased motivation when they are engaged in work that is meaningless from an intellectual point of view. An analysis of the structure of the ORtrans LLC team, depending on the educational level according to the records of the HR department, is presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Structure of the ORtrans LLC team depending on educational level



in % of total

in % of the total


in % of the total

Incomplete higher

in % of the total

to general it

The analysis showed that among the employees, a large share is occupied by employees with higher education - 62.13% and with secondary specialized education - 25.53%. The number of employees with incomplete higher education is slightly less - 11.06%. The smallest share belongs to employees with secondary education - 1.28%. At the same time, 7.66% of 10.64% of women have higher education and 1.28% have incomplete higher education; Among men, 54.47 out of 89.36% have higher education, and 9.79% have incomplete higher education.

For professional activities, higher education is the most preferable, but here it is necessary to keep in mind that a person with a higher education has higher life aspirations, a desire for career growth in accordance with his education, high ambitions, etc. It is more difficult to motivate such people to do non-intellectual work. The specifics of the activities of ORtrans LLC allow the use of specialists with secondary specialized education, both in the main and in servicing production, which the management of ORtrans LLC did not take advantage of. In my opinion, the predominance of employees with higher education negatively affects the social development of the team, since dissatisfaction with professional ambitions leads to dissatisfaction with one’s activities and social tension, which, accordingly, is a prerequisite for increased staff turnover.

An analysis of the survey results confirmed our conclusions: for example, people with higher and incomplete higher education (69%) when asked, marked almost all working conditions in the workplace with a “minus” sign; those with secondary specialized education - only 1% marked all conditions with a “minus” sign ", and 2% - one or two factors.

Also, it was employees with higher education who rated the severity of their work at the third and fourth levels, and the workload as inflated and excessively high, while employees with secondary and secondary specialized education were inclined to believe that their work was categorized as mainly to the first and second groups, the workload is normal. We also note that among the respondents who rated relationships in the team and with management as unsatisfactory, the proportion of employees with higher education is higher. To assess the social development of a team, one of the most important criteria is personnel turnover, which assesses the quality of all aspects of working with personnel. Personnel turnover refers to the dismissal of employees at their own request, that is, this does not include dismissals due to staff reductions, due to retirement or conscription into the Armed Forces. Table 6 presents an analysis of staff turnover according to HR department records for 2007-2009.

Table 6

Personnel turnover of ORtrans LLC for the period 2007-2009.

Resigned employees

in % of total

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

45 years and above

in % of the total

secondary vocational

incomplete higher

secondary vocational

incomplete higher

For the period 2007-2009. 46 years old left ORtrans LLC at his own request...

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First level planning is planning for the social development of work collectives. By the mid-80s. There were approximately 100 methods for drawing up such plans in the country. With all their diversity, the main requirements that determined the logic and structure of the plan were associated with the leading goal setting - encouraging a person to creative work, ensuring maximum favorable conditions for his working life.

The accumulated experience shows that at this level the most effective plans were those based on the following principles .

First of these can be expressed by the following formula: what and to what extent an employee is able to do for the successful development of production and how he himself will change under the influence of scientific, technical and social progress.

Second is that the effectiveness of social development plans depends on the conditions that a collective can create for a person, the specific benefits that he can receive in the process of distributing material and spiritual benefits. The essence of the problem is to ensure the unity of the efforts made by the state to improve the standard of living of workers and the opportunities available to a specific production or region. The most important aspect of the implementation of this principle is the improvement of material and moral incentives. In recent years, many proposals have been made and a number of experiments have been conducted to increase people's interest in the final results of work.

Third principle is that the processes of human interaction with a production organization, city or region (and, consequently, with the whole society) do not proceed spontaneously, but are directed by his conscious activity, his participation in managing the affairs of society.

On regional level social planning is a special form of targeted regulation of social processes at the level of the republic, region (krai), economic region and other administrative units. To solve the problems of effective functioning of the entire social organism, equalizing the levels of social development in a territorial context and especially regulating migration flows, rational use of labor resources, developing national relations, distribution and consumption of cultural values ​​is of great importance.

As experience has shown, the main goal for regional social planning is the creation of favorable conditions for work and everyday life.

When analyzing the features of planning for economic regions, it is necessary to keep in mind that each of the social processes - the development of nations, increasing the standard of living of peoples, population migration, improving the education system - requires finding something that characterizes its essence and specificity in a given region. In addition, when studying the social process, it is clarified what distinguishes it from similar processes in other regions of the country. One of the main conditions is the optimal combination of sectoral and regional planning in the interests of the effective functioning of society.

Features of regional planning by economic region is also compliance with the principle of consistency, determined by a set of indicators. In addition, the problems facing a republic or region do not always coincide in their relevance with the national ones.

Conditions and content of work, professional and qualification training of workers, the prestige of spheres of employment, the structure of working and free time, the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs - these general and specific social processes are objects of social planning at another level - the level of individual spheres of social life associated with professional division of labor. Their planned development, be it a miner's or a teacher's work, is the key to ensuring rational interaction between man and society.


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