Cool Tamada and Competitions Interesting jokes. Funny contests. Leading about which we told you

Details solve everything. Thanks to our "Encyclopedic reports" on different topics, you will save time and you can learn about all wedding subtleties. Also in this rubric we will introduce you to the works of photographers and leaders who have their own unique style and handwriting, worthy of attention.

Point of Focus

Increasingly, you can hear such a phrase from the newlyweds: "No contests at the wedding." There is a feeling that a couple is either modestly, or presents in his head "vulgar" contests with dressing and counting money. This is where questions arise: is it worth it to categorically give up the holding of contests at your wedding, and if not, how to make a wedding dynamic, interesting and modern? Popular leading has long found a response, and it sounds like that "interactive program."

Interactive, contests, "moving" - you can call as you like. The main thing is that inside is all that is aimed at the disclosure of intellectual, creative, creative, choreographic, acting, vocal and any other abilities of expensive guests. In addition to the fact that the interactives should deliver the joy and the pleasure of all those present, before the leading the task is also worth introducing, rally, combine unfamiliar or unfamiliar to today, creating a so-called "comfort zone" for them. Today we decided to introduce our readers with those who have long and successfully replaced the pencil in a bottle for new impressions.

Roman Klechkin


Roman Klyachkin is a positive and energetic leading, decorating every event with dynamics and a lightning reaction. Actor, comedian and presenter, Roman is widely known to the public as a participant in comedy projects on TV channel TNT. "Duet beautiful" together with Ilya Sobolev - the winner of the show "Laughter without Rules" on TNT, participants in the projects "Devil League", "Comedy Club" and many others.

Today, Roman is one of the most famous and expensive showmen of Moscow. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is able to give a good mood to all those present.

Charm, intrigue, cause enthusiastic emotions, make having fun in full of everyone, "charge" newlyweds with energy of happiness and positive. Such such goals posing leading. In the arsenal of the novel a large number of interesting, exclusive, creative interactives and developments. Kleachkin's program is a bid to humor and improvisation: to merge, surprise, arrange interactives and draws - this is his work.

The novel was a serious School of Standap-speeches, so it's almost impossible to catch it or confused him, to confuse him. He always has something to say. And most often what they say will be encountered by smiles and laughter. Roman is ideal where freshness, energy and creative are required from the lead.

Modern weddings require greater involvement of the leading preparation process, especially when discussing the program. The most common mistake is the use of the same interactive for the different public. Interactive is when a leader with a couple is pre-prepared in advance. He must be with the guys or with their guests. The competition is usually not connected with a couple, and hold it exclusively for the time to "pull time".

Interactive and competition - in fact, synonymous concepts. Approximately both lead and toasta. The main difference is in the associations arising from people. When the beginning of the competition is announced, balls, carrots, graters, halves, pencils, bottles and running in bags immediately pop up. Interactive - the word modern and implies activity, in no way associated with the Soviet Union. For this modernity, as well as high-quality humor and the general positive mood in its work, the leading Yury Mikhlin is fighting.

Yuri came to the leading from KVN, was a member of the project "Comedy Battle" and the screenwriter show "Ural Pelmeni". It is exactly a rich manner who helps Mikhlin invent new funny interactives using modern gadgets.

"The ideal interactive program at a wedding is a program designed for people of all generations, where it is equally advantageous to be as a member of the interactive and remain as a viewer. The lead may unobtrusively communicate with the guests, and if the guest is responsible for him, and when the presenter asks to raise his hand - it raises, then, in general, he is already in the game, "says Yuri.

The most common mistake that leads the leading program is "not steam". The wedding for them takes place in two stages: the first - to meet with the newlyweds and charm, the second - in time to appear on the celebration. For Yuri, the most important stage is the preparation for the wedding - advance joint painstaking work with newlyweds and attention to detail. It is elementary: the presenter should know the newlyweds no worse than the guests - their dating history, key points of development of their relationship, when and how the proposal was made. This will allow you to use and support dialogs.

An interactive wedding program could consist only of copyright ideas, but still Mihlin, albeit ambitious, and experienced, believes that one head, as they say, well, and two ... For a variety, Yuri is often found and communicates with colleagues close in style And in spirit. Often, valuable ideas are borrowed from TV shows and upgrade into wedding games, especially guests are interested in the role of the participants of the show, which they are close, like the "near Moscow evenings" on the first and "improvisation" on TNT.

Another trump card in the mini-game program. They are simple and fast, close the pause where it is necessary, is carried out to laughter, and not before the winner, sometimes come up with leading on the go. It is not easy and because interesting. Any unforeseen situation is a certain challenge, it is an opportunity to show your professionalism, turning minus in a plus.

In addition to the interactives, there is still an important part of the wedding - these are traditional moments. And they simply need to be changed to keep up with the times, Yuri says. Here is a couple of secrets for beginners: iPhones help hold a vote on a boy and a girl, thanks to the VR-glasses, put on the groom, theft of the bride passes from everyone in their eyes, and this season was fashionable to catch in the style of Mannequin Challenge.

"Competition" for me is a concept that is firmly connected with the word "Tamada". We have no such. And the interactive is more like brainstorming or combining guests, much more intelligent by definition. It is thought out directly under this group of people whose event we do.

"My task as a lead is not just a holiday, but to create a world in which there will be a good mood, humor, laughter, as well as memories, mental atmosphere and truly touching moments," Vasily Sorokin writes about himself. And it seems he is confident that he says, because behind the shoulders of this impressive blond hold more than 2,000 events of the most different scale.

Vasily tries to be aware of modern technologies. At the moment, the market for entertainment applications is unlimited, and even with a smartphone you can make pleasant surprises to the event: from the installation of SDE-video before creating three-dimensional guest models. The presenter is confident that the ideal program is the case when no guest remained without attention and was able to find himself in the program.

But the word "contests" in their work Sorokin tries not to use. "Everything is simple: in the competition there is a winner and, roughly speaking, the loser, and in an interactive, a topical topic that does not require competitions are played," says the lead.

To understand what the couple and guests want, it is best to analyze their hobbies, hobbies and interests. Sometimes the answer to this question lies in the joint crew of the leading and client. Vasily is confident that any successfully said phrase, the spontaneous guest initiative will inevitably become a wedding day chief. Therefore, we hope on the technology, and you are not a root. The "Digital" prefix takes place as one of the trumps in the hands of the lead, but not the basis of his program. Technologies are not always appropriate: more importantly filling than external bonuses. And do not forget that the interactives should not be much. Golden middle - from three to five.

, head of the wedding agency. The number of interactives at the wedding depends on the concept of the event. There are celebrations where we do not use them at all: there is a dance block, or guests just communicate. It all depends on the concept. If the concept is suitable, then the optimal amount is 3-4 interactive.

The nature of the interactives is simple and long known to all the lead. But the secret ingredient, which makes the wedding truly special, is a personal content. It is him together with the guests of the holiday and future newlyweds, he thinks over and creates leading Denis Drozdov.

"The ideal interactive program is when it is interesting to all guests and leading. When you yourself kaify and do it most sincerely and involved, "confident Denis.

There are two main models from which all interactive are created: quiz and action. In the first case, you need to guess something, in the second - to perform a specific task. It is very important not easy to use these structures, but to come up with an idea and personalization that will make the wedding special and will be as close as possible and understandable to all those present. The idea for an interactive, as well as the wedding concept, may appear from one word. Children's passion or hobby, favorite song, and maybe even the work of future newlyweds. And the idea itself can be repeated, it is normal, but filling - never!

Each wedding is unique in that for the first time collects different people in one place. The task of the lead is to find what they will unite and hobble for the whole evening. Take, for example, movie and music. The topic itself is essentially not new. What to attract? Filling. Symbolic for a pair and as interesting as possible for a particular case of films. Combine the older and junior generation? Make a mix of Hollywood and Soviet cinema. In some cases, you can use the move from the opposite. Young people guess songs or films, famous for the eldest, and vice versa.

The more guests, the greater the likelihood that some of them will be ignored. But not at the competent lead. For weddings, where guests are over 50, Denis uses formats that involve and combine the maximum number of people. For example, Quiz.

Quiz (from the English Quiz) - the competition, during which the team members respond to several issues of questions. How to create commands? Easily. They will be guests who are sitting at one table. On each table lies a card, in which guests enter the answers to the questions. Time is limited, which adds excitement and cohesion at the table. After the end of the mini-game card collects a lead or assistant, and you can safely take a break, after which the results will be announced and the very erudite table will be announced. It turns out stylish, atmospheric and personally.

In the portfolio of Denis for 2017, you will find a brave and successful experiment - the wedding in the style of "Quiz". The game of 5 rounds, compiled with the newlyweds, who received the role of the chief judges of the evening. Questions about the pair, unique wedding traditions of the world, travel, movies and music, decorated in a personal presentation. In the intervals between the rounds, hookahs, a bouquet draw, male battle, cake, "Wedding Fortune" for guests. The evening passed easily, excitely and fun, introduced and combined all the guests with each other. And the idea that accidentally appeared during the discussion at the first meeting will be able to become a good tradition in this family. This is, according to Denis, a good interactive component.

Olga Kramar, Head of the Agency. And it is also very important to discuss everything with the organizer and a couple. With four different opinions, truth is much faster. When drawing up a program, you need to take into account the number of guests, artists and the overall style of the event. Optimally from 1 to 4. Sometimes we do not conduct one. The most popular this season were video products. Guests take off, take off, in advance, during the event - no matter. People like to see themselves on the screen.

Leonid believes: the ideal interactive program happens when the hall is ready to participate and communicate, and the presenter is improvised at every stage of the holiday. An important moment for a good interactive is a sound: with bad sound it is practically impossible to work interactively.

Now the interactive and competition are distinguished as concepts, but by nature it is absolutely identical tools of the lead. In the interactive, more fields for the guest of the participant and much wider the interpretation of the rules from the lead. Competition is stricter and less free in improvisation. Interactive has conditional rules - points around which everything is built on the improvisation of the lead.

Most often, during the wedding, Leonid uses only phones: the rest of the gadgets are too difficult to use in the program. However, modern technologies have already changed the world of the event: the tracks are swing during the holiday, and for many interactives it is necessary. The program is individual developments and a lot of successfully inflated borrowing. Often there are interactive on the go. Leonid tells: "For example, recently the winners of one contest, winning cars and apartments, right along the Gala dinner showed how to ride them and how to live in them. It was done by absolutely going, despite the expensive prizes. "

No matter how many interactives or contests will be at the wedding: one or two, five or more or any one. The main thing is which atmosphere at the same time creates a leading. Audience that does not want banal competitions can be invited to reconsider their attitude towards competitions in general. Leonid says: "The case is not in the competition, but in me. It's like Caesar salad: all over the world has some ingredients: salad, tomatoes and so on. But somewhere he - fingers license, and somewhere - just normal. The whole thing in the cook. Also with contests and interactive. "

, head of the wedding agency. At our weddings, we carefully work out guests and their interests, but sometimes customers themselves give the wrong information: for example, they say that people do not want dancing or interactive when people are like dancing. Plus a good lead that it can quickly navigate and properly present the necessary interactive.

Leading, about which we told you:

Kramars Wedding

Wedding agency
Profile Gorky! 6 articles

Creative family Ruslana and Olga Kramar. Their wedding agency is primarily a team of young, versatile and creative people who have a good taste, and most importantly, who love their business and sincerely worried about the result.

Yuri Mikhline

Profile Gorky! 2 Articles

Yuri is a comedic lead with a modern approach and an original show program. Semifinalist of the show Comedy Battle (TNT), the author of the show "Ural dumplings" (STS). The key to the success of its work, the presenter considers light and unobtrusive management, a tactful approach to guests, the use of fresh ideas and modern technologies in a show program, improvisation and an instant reaction to what is happening, as well as sincere love for its work.

No real holiday will cost without the presence of active toamada and a variety of contests. After all, in order to have fun, instead of ordinary gatherings, a good Tamada and contests are important.

How to choose Tamatu:

  • Tamada is the main chief of the evening, be it a wedding, corporate or anniversary. Therefore, his choice should be responsible. It is better to start choosing in advance, since many leading record, especially at the spring-summer season, is filled in over the whole year.
  • It is pre-familiar with some of the works of each lead, in order to see the style of his conversation, communication, competitions. Someone prefers the classics, and someone is not afraid to introduce innovation and creative ideas into their activities. Someone is focused on the younger generation, and someone for an older generation.
  • It is better to choose those leaders who have already seen at any event and they attracted attention. You can also consider the option of the Tamada, which the familiar recommended. If you have to choose in the blind, it is better to carefully read with previous works and conclude an agreement in which all the nuances protect the customer from deception will be provided.
  • When Tamada is chosen, it is important to discuss all the details with him. The customer can choose those contests that he likes, and may offer to make something. The presenter may ask to acquire small gifts for lottery drawrs or contests.

Paging contests

Such contests provide fun even sitting at the table. It is very convenient, does not oblige all guests to get up and move, but at the same time attracts to the participation of everyone at once.

  • Wineware lotteries are popular for all events. Newlyweds, anniversaries, birthdays they help collect small capital, and guests can get a small memorable gift. The presenter proposes to buy lottery tickets at a small price, and then plays them. A gift is attached to each ticket, which is handed to comic shape: mirror, soap, soap bubbles, handle and much more.
  • "Friendly handshakes." A popular competition, when in turns are all sitting at the table, give each other the warmth of their hands. Players are divided into two teams, if this is a wedding, then on the bride and groom. Whose table will give a handshake faster, the team and won.
  • "Quiz". Tamada prepares in advance questions, answers to which are connected with the anniversary, newlyweds or a birthday party. The fact that the question correctly answered, a memorable gift is given.
  • "What shows the guest". Each invited is invited to pull one card on which some emotion is depicted. She needs to show so believable so that other guests guessed.

  • "We will congratulate the jubilee, the birthday man, newlyweds." Each guest pulls out the card on which it is proposed to congratulate: sing a song, tell the verse, give compliments, to dance or just smile. Variations can be a huge set.

Movable contests

Everyone knows if at the festival for a long time to sit, necessarily becomes boring, so if Tamada is good contests are interesting guaranteed.

  • "We collect the jubilee, the birthday man, newlyweds in parts." Each guest is offered to go to the stand, where Watman and blindfolded are enshrined, draw the specified part of the body of the evening chapter. The result is an interesting and cheerful portrait.
  • "Learn to my wife." This cheerful competition is perfect for a wedding event. The bridegroom tie his eyes, and in the circle build girls and women. The future husband needs to be "feeling" to guess who his wife.
  • "Show a fairy tale on a new way." The popular team competition allows you to waging guests and liberate them. There are several people who are selected, corresponding to the number of heroes of the selected fairy tale. Each is a sheet with a description of his role and alleged actions and some attribute or a hero mask. It is important that the fairy tale is ridiculous, converted from a classic fairy tale. Such a competition allows you to liberate and rally even unfamiliar people.

  • "Tongue Twisters". Such a banal task, how to pronounce quick and clearly patter, turns out to be fun and funny on any holiday. It is only necessary to choose the patters of the skimming, complex and funny.
  • "Transfer the subject." This competitive competition implies division into two teams. Players need to be transferred all the necessary items, such as balls, from one to another place. But it is necessary to do it or without hands, or some legs, or any part of the body. NOTES Specifies Tamada. Who will quickly cope and will not violate the rules, he won.
  • "Battle". This contest is perfectly smoking two generations. Players divide into two teams: "Those who are up to 40" and "Those who for 40". It is proposed to dance under the specified music. Whose dance is better, more friendly and boost, the team is considered the winning. But the melody should be selected: old hits for young people, and modern music for the older generation.

Inflate me
Each of the participants give on a whole pack of chewing gum, for example, orbits. By the "Start" team, each of the participants proceeds to the chewing process. The challenge is the fastest of the rest of the soldiers all the plates and inflate the biggest ball. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws are a prize.

Crazy dancing

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one leg of one participant binds to one foot of the second participant. The presenter includes music and give the teams that you need to dance, for example, Lambad, Kankan, Chunga Chang, Hip-Hop and so on. It will be interesting to look like a couple will interact and dance with connected legs. The most eccentric and talented pair is supposed to be a prize.

Feel Poya

Competition is cheerful and interesting. Each participant closes his eyes and put on a chair of any object, for example, a nut, spoon, pencil, and so on. Each participant is sitting on a chair and tries to guess that he has at a soft place. Who more and correctly guesses items, he will receive a prize.

Do not take me to weak

In this competition, the host proposes to make one of two: spawn 500 times or:
- drink a glass of vodka (in fact, water will be in the glass);
- drink a liter of manganese (diluted cherry juice);
- eat 2 worms (actually worms will be marmalade);
- smear the face of mud (melted chocolate) and so on.
It will be interesting to whom not weakly commit "feat" and funny to observe surprised persons when the truth will be wrong. And the prizes are reeling the most brave.

Make up your word

For this contest, the lead must consider and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests of Molbert and the word is written. y Nya lead explains that guests should think carefully and pronounce a word that suits, that is, just add letters instead of points. Or, for example, you need to make a word of 5 letters, in which the letters p, s, d, a, are necessarily present. Thus, guests will raise their spirits and enter the courage. But the answers are completely simple. To the first option - the kitchen, and the second option is the West.


Participants are divided into two teams. The first team is customs, and the second is the people who go abroad. Customs will not miss them until they respond to the main question: "What will you first take with you abroad?" Travelers must call things that began on the same letter as their name.
Who will call more things, he won.

Feet can do

Each participant sits on the ass, takes a marker in his feet (between the stop) and the sheet should write a phrase, for example, I am a well done. All letters must be clearly visible. Which of the guys will faster will write phrase, he will receive a prize.

Draw a word

The host with the guests comes up with the Word and say it to one of the participants in the competition. His task to portray this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the players team guess what word is speech. The one who fits first will receive a prize.

By centimeters
For this contest, you will need a centimeter and harvested diplomas (medals), in which the calling and the title of guests will come across. The lead name calls a category, and guests that feel that they can take a prize in this category, take part, everything is solved by measurements. Then everyone can get their certificate, for example, "outstanding breasts", "Elven ears", "legs from ears", "Osin Talia", "Musical fingers", "miniature palms", "Almost twine", "Pup of Mariana Wpadina "," Smile Julia Roberts "and so on.

Show your tongue

Guys are divided into teams. On one participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant pulls out his phanta from his hat, in which some definite phrase is written, complex for pronunciation, for example, "Kuvokes with abroad" or "ships were still able to harvest" and so on. Each participant goes into the center and opening his mouth wide, pulling out his tongue completely, says to him the phrase, and his team should guess as soon as possible and literally pronounce this phrase. If you guess the team in which this member consists, she gets his score, if the opponent's team guess - she gets 2 points. The stimulus is and fun will certainly be after each show his tongue and try to say something.

On the eveningman's day in honor of the day of the day on September 22 in the Concert and Dance Hall "Baikonur" in Tyumen, young people and girls are pretty risky in terms of moral contests. They are divided into almost doggles, and the girls publicly imitate oral-genital contact.

The prize of the best participant was a certificate for a thousand rubles in the Tattoo Salon. In social networks, however, they argue that a military ID was attached to him. Someone from those present on the show took off on the video and posted in sharing. Of course, the scandal broke out.

Representatives of Tyula hurried to distance themselves from a dubious event. Elena Druzhinin Employee, Elena Druzhinin, reported that the official initiation of students took place at the University of September 14. She emphasized that the university is not going to deduct or punish students. Solve their fate will be a commission on academic ethics, but the university is preparing to appeal to law enforcement agencies.

"It is important, once mentions our university, find out who conducted it who gave permission and was an instigator in such competitions. The situation is unique for each student, and everything will be accepted by the Ethics Commission. We do not plan to make speaking solutions here, "Elena Druzhinina said.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

The press service of the university confirmed that the draconian measures should not be expected. Moreover, the party was arranged for students of all Tyumen universities, and not just Tyumu.

"We got acquainted with the video, but it is not very good quality, identifying the individuals of our students on it. If we find out who it is, we will carry out professional realms. We will not deduct anyone, "the university press service said.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

According to Vadim Shvets, the head of the KTZ "Baikonur", on September 22, the hall was rented by the "School of the organizers of Ruslan Krasikovikov". Now he does not respond to phone calls. However, it became known that the exclusive Club Party All Inclusive in Baikonur costs about 120 thousand rubles.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

The organizer of the Evening, according to rumors, was famous in Tyumen Showman Nikita Snyusevsky. However, he resolutely disruled from this dubious honor.

"I do not have any communion to organize the event. Especially, to the competition. I advertised the project, as in Tyumen among the peers I am a public person, "he said.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

Participants of the party tell that it was attended by people of different ages, not only freshmen. There were older, and shame, minors. But after 22:00, they brought the guard from the club. What time the odious contest began, however, it is not known.

Those who were present argued that the organizers of the competition did not expect that the case would go so far. The maximum for which they expected is that participants will remain in the underwear.

The video and publication of the Russian media, constructed throughout the runet, made a scandalous party in the property of universal publicity.
In social networks, Tyumens complain that they did not want such fame for their city. They are ashamed that now the Russians have to be associated with wild nravami, alkovescellis and undressing contests.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

City youth stated that such spectacles are characteristic of all clubs in Russia. Just not everywhere there is an alternatively gifted viewer, which will remove them and put in sharing. They write that they are insulting that students can deduct due to such nonsense. Video, by the way, posted a user under the Nick Sanyara_Boy17 in Instagram. Now he closed his profile.

Source photo: "VKontakte"

Naturally, those who wish to "shoot" the stratum young people who want to "shoot" were expressed, but in general, the discussion was reduced to the problem of fathers and children with the participation of people of different generations. Some reinforced modern youth in total debauchery, others have reasonably noted that it was raised by someone. Are you still disrespectful moralphali?

Source photo: "VKontakte"

"For adult participants, such contests norm, rather, not quite, but no one has undone for girls, they wanted it themselves and did it. The girls were ready to do so for the prizes, "said one of the organizers of the city party Mark Sushkov.

Apparently, its opinion is not divided into the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tyumen region, since the police have already started checking. They will find out whether minors attended the party and will find it organizers.

man shared articles

Memes appear on the Internet spaciousness is quite spontaneously. Standing one user, lay out a funny picture like someone immediately adds a witty comment to her. Successful meme spreads through the worldwide network for several hours.

Internet meme

Few people are not familiar with thousands of memes on the expanses of the World Wide Web. For those in the tank, this term is denoted by the phrase, the picture, the occupation, which formed spontaneously and quickly gained popularity. Among the most popular and famous - "Slelece", "Uporous Lis", "Dog-Susupa", "Catastrophe girl", "and Tamada good, and contests are interesting."

Where did the concept of "Mem" come from? Many consider it the neologism of recent years, formed on the Internet. However, such an assumption is rooted incorrectly.

This term is quite old and was used for the first time in 1976 by Professor Richard Dokkinz in his work "Egoistical gene":

Mem is a unit of cultural information capable of lightningly spread.

The term did not enter the active vocabulary, but surfaced in 1994, when Douglas Rothschild was used as the definition of a special type of mediavirus.

And Tamada is good, and contests are interesting

Where did this expression come from? Who and when first used it?

Three years ago, in 2015, in Public Assistant, the Middle Ages, created by historians, created by meme "and Tamada good and interesting contests", from where he quickly moved to the Picabab portal, and he had rapidly gained popularity there.

Initially, he appeared with such a picture:

The priest reading a prayer and dance of naked people around.

Inexhaustible source of irony

Literally for several months, the phrase was converted in hundreds of various pictures and video.

It is not surprising that the traditional Russian wedding with Tamada fell under the sight of the spell on the language of Internet joker. The reality is that even in the XXI century, most leading weddings still have not moved away from Soviet traditions and style.

Competitions typical for the wedding designed for a well-doded audience, usually vulgar and primitive. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of pictures with this meme are real wedding photos.

This meme is not a trap with any foreign joke and got spread exclusively in RuNet. Perhaps because of its specificity and understandable only the Russian-speaking part of the population.


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