When to crop an image and how. Cropping in Photoshop. What is Screen

Cropping or Crop - one of the main tools Adobe Photoshop... Compositional instrument. After all, in fact, photography itself is cropping. But even though many of us are familiar with Photoshop for a long time, it often happens that we don't know much about Cropping. That is why we propose to study in detail the possibilities of cropping in the most popular graphic editor, and we will tell you about 10 things that every photographer or designer must know.

You can watch a video tutorial in which Martin Perhiniak talks in detail about framing in English, or read the text description in Russian.

1.Crop Guide Overlays mode

In mode Crop There are several options for overlaying the crop grid. You can see them right after you choose the tool Crop, and switch between them by pressing O... The following types of overlays are available:

- Rule of Thirds (rule of thirds)
- Grid (grid)
- Diagonal (diagonal)
- Triangle
- Golden Ratio (Golden ratio)
- Golden Spiral (Golden spiral)

All of them help to build the picture according to the composition according to its laws, and facilitate framing. You can also change the position spiralsor triangle in case Golden Spiral or Triangle is selected by pressing the key combination Shift + O.

2. Change the crop orientation

You've probably already come across the fact that it is not so easy to rotate the cropping frame you have configured in Photoshop. When you want to rotate the frame 90 degrees while maintaining the proportions, press X... This way you can easily switch between landscape and portrait orientation.

3. Hide clipped areas

In order to make it easier to understand how good the frame will look after pressing the Accept button, you can hide the cropped crop fields by pressing H... This will allow you to see the final result before you confirm the crop. In the settings there are more possibilities to adjust the crop preview: click on the crop settings icon, where you can change the intensity of the darkening of the cropped area, as well as its color.

4. Classic crop mode

In Photoshop CC, you've probably already encountered the fact that the cropping is different than in previous versions. Namely, the cropping window has become static, and the image itself needs to be moved and adjusted to the grid. For those who prefer to use the classic cropping mode, in which you need to move not the picture itself, but the frame, you can do this by pressing the key Pthat will switch you to Classic Mode... You can also do this in the crop settings menu in the settings panel.

5. UseFront Image

When working with two documents with different resolution and image sizes, you can easily crop one document to fit the other using the option Front Image... First you need to open both documents and select the one that you want to use as a reference. Next select Crop Tool, and on the pop-up in the options bar, select FrontImage or press the key I ... This will allow you to remember the size and resolution of the first document. Then you can switch to another document in which Crop Tool will already contain the size and resolution setting of the first image.

6. How can you confirm cropping

In addition to clicking on the checkmark in the settings panel, there are other options for how you can confirm the cropping you made:

- Press Enter
- Double click on the crop area
- Click on the icon to confirm on the settings panel
- Right Click\u003e Context Menu\u003e Crop
- Image Adjustment menu\u003e Crop

7. Perspective Crop Tool

If there is an object in the frame with a pronounced perspective, such as a building, then its planes may not be parallel to the frame. In this case, you can use Perspective Crop Tool... To crop, you need to mark the four corners and press Enter after the crop box is formed. The finished frame will be located frontally to you with flat planes. If you want to straighten the subject without cropping, use Auto Upright in the tab Lens Corrections in settings Camera Raw Filter.

8. Reversible cropping

The best way to preserve the "cropped" parts of the image when cropping is to uncheck the box. Delete cropped pixels in the crop settings. Another way is to create a layer Smart Objectwhich you can crop without fear of irreversible consequences even regardless of whether the checkbox was turned on Delete Cropped Pixels, or not.

9. Expanding boundaries

While most people use cropping to crop away from a photo, some use it to add something to an image by expanding its borders. To do this, you just need to drag the corners of the cropping frame outside the picture, and if you have a background layer, pixels of the same color as the background layer will be added to the picture, if not, then the expansion areas will remain transparent.

10. Straighten a photo by cropping

You can also use Crop Toolto straighten your photos. Just holding Command / Ctrl, click and drag to draw a line that indicates the horizon of the photo. You can also use any vertical straight lines to align the image.

In a few tutorials, I'll show you the simplest techniques for working with Photoshop. Preparing photos for printing, for posting on the Internet. These lessons show the most necessary steps, without which to prepare good photois simply impossible. The tools I show are in all versions of Photoshop. If your version is not the same as mine, some of the tools may be in a different place, but they are!

Lesson number 1

Attention! Always make, just in case, a copy of the photo and then "mock" it! Because the original can come in handy when you are not satisfied with the result of your experiments.

Now open a copy of the photo in Photoshop. Press the button " crop"(1) or" Crop "if you have non-Russianized Photoshop.

At the top of the property bar, set the desired width and height of the image. Since we are preparing a snapshot for posting on the Internet, in order to maintain the aspect ratio of the monitor screen, let's set, for example, a width of 1024 pixels and a height of 768 pixels.

Basically, you can choose any size here. Simply, if you want the photo to be used as desktop wallpaper, then set it to 1920x1080, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 800x600.
If the photo does not "fit" the wallpaper, or there will be several photos on the page, then they need to be made in a smaller size, otherwise site visitors may not wait for such a heavy page to load and will go to another site.

By the way, I am often asked how to make an avatar for a forum. And you do the same! Usually the maximum avatar size is 90x90. So set Width to 90 pixels, Height to 90 pixels.

After pressing the "Crop" button, the cursor changed to a "Crop" icon. Now, by clicking the left mouse button in the upper left corner of the photo, drag the cursor down and to the right. At the same time, the frame will stretch behind it. Release the button and the frame will freeze in place. But you can stretch - squeeze it by the corners, move the cursor and drag the entire frame from place to place. At the same time, it will strictly adhere to the proportion you set, so you will not be able to flatten the photo. In any case, the size you specified will be preserved!

By the way, if you are not going to observe the proportion of the size of the photo, then leave the fields "width" and "height" empty. In this case, by dragging the sides of the frame with the cursor, you can make it wide or narrow, high or low. In short, the photo will be a custom size.

As a result of experimentation, you will achieve a result when there is nothing superfluous in the frame, and the area of \u200b\u200bfuture cropping is darkened.

Now press the right mouse button while holding the cursor over the photo. A context menu will appear with the words "crop" and "cancel" Press the "crop" menu item and you have a photo of improved quality in front of you!

Note: You can now proceed to the stage of saving the photo. In the future, when you gain experience, you can do all the steps to improve the photo (next pages of the book) and only then save it.

Good day to you, dear visitors of my blog. Has it ever happened that you take pictures, and then bam ... and some alien element, such as a man, woman or child, who was running by, got into the frame, and even looked into the frame as if it should have been. I personally have had such cases more than once. I also thought: “What a scoundrel! Where did you come from here? "

It also happens that the photo turns out to be crooked and then you have to cunningly move around to make the photo straighter. But I will show you how to facilitate this process. You will learn how to crop any image in Photoshop. The "Frame" tool will help us with this.

With the help of the frame, we can:

  • Straighten Curved (Tilted) Image
  • Crop unwanted objects
  • Cut only the desired fragment from the image (ideal for avatars)
  • And much more.

So you are ready. Well then, let's see how to use this tool.

Cropping unnecessary objects

Well, let's start with trimming. In the photo you can see how some guy got into the frame from the side, although it was clearly not planned to put him here. This is where cropping will help us, i.e. frame (Pan Crop).

By the way, in this photo you can crop not only from the left side, but also from the upper left corner. To do this, hover over the upper left corner of the photo until a double diagonal arrow appears. And again, holding down the left mouse button, drag down and to the left until the unnecessary space closes with dark. This will cut off not only this eccentric, but also the top piece (if necessary).

IN general essence in which side you need to crop the object, from that side and pull. The tool is great for this kind of thing.

Photo alignment

As I said above, we can not only crop unnecessary objects, but also align the crooked photos. Let's see an example. Let's say we have a photo that is tilted.

The only drawback with this method is that a small part of the photo is cropped. Those. to achieve evenness of the photo, you need to crop a little around the edges. Something like this. But as a rule, this can be sacrificed. For example, in our case, for sure. Well, did it work out with this method? Very well.

Cut a fragment

Another good area of \u200b\u200bapplication for this tool is cutting out a section of an image. For example, I constantly use this feature to create avatars for contact, mail, forums, etc. A very useful thing.

Let's say you have a photo where there are a lot of unwanted objects and for the avatar you only want to cut out yourself.

Like this. It seems he explained everything clearly, but if you have any questions or misunderstandings, then do not hesitate and ask.

Also, if you noticed, when cropping, the photo (image) is divided into 9 parts, i.e. it is separated by 3 vertical and 3 horizontal lines. This effect is called "Rule of thirds"... This rule implies the conditional division of the image by three horizontal and three vertical lines. And it is believed that the best focus is not in the center, but at the intersection of these lines.

Many photographers and artists use these rules. So if you want to follow this rule of thirds, you can move the image so that the key object is at the intersection of the lines.

Crop with aspect ratio

Well, let's tell you about a little trick. By default, cropping is in free float. Those. it all depends on how you pull the mouse up and down and left and right. An arbitrary aspect ratio is obtained.

But you can set this ratio yourself. To do this, in frame mode, go to the tool properties. There you will see 2 cells with arrows between them. Here you can set the ratio. For example, if you write 2 in the left cell, and 1 in the right one, then the process will take place evenly and the cropping horizontally will always be twice as large as vertically.

You can also set the ratio from the list of templates. To do this, simply open the drop-down list in the properties of the Frame tool. If you choose 1: 1, then the selection will be even and square, if 16: 9, then as you understand, everything will be cropped in this ratio. I hope you get the point? I think yes.

You can learn more about the frame tool, as well as all other tools in this excellent video course... With it, any beginner can master Photoshop in 1-2 weeks, if you spend an hour a day. The lessons are just great, they look excited. In general, I highly recommend it.

Well, this is where I finish our today's lesson and really hope that you liked it. Do not forget to subscribe to update the articles of my blog, then you will be the first to know all the interesting things. See you in the next tutorials. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Cropping or Crop Is one of the main tools of Adobe Photoshop. Compositional instrument. After all, in fact, photography itself is cropping. But even though many of us are familiar with Photoshop for a long time, it often happens that we don't know much about Cropping. That is why we propose to study in detail the possibilities of cropping in the most popular graphic editor, and we will tell you about 10 things that every photographer or designer must know.

You can watch a video tutorial in which Martin Perhiniak talks in detail about framing in English, or read the text description in Russian.

1.Crop Guide Overlays mode

In mode Crop There are several options for overlaying the crop grid. You can see them right after you choose the tool Crop, and switch between them by pressing O... The following types of overlays are available:

- Rule of Thirds (rule of thirds)
- Grid (grid)
- Diagonal (diagonal)
- Triangle
- Golden Ratio ()
- Golden Spiral (Golden spiral)

All of them help to build the picture according to the composition according to its laws, and facilitate framing. You can also change the position spiralsor triangle in case Golden Spiral or Triangle is selected by pressing the key combination Shift + O.

2. Change the crop orientation

You've probably already come across the fact that it is not so easy to rotate the cropping frame you have configured in Photoshop. When you want to rotate the frame 90 degrees while maintaining the proportions, press X... This way you can easily switch between landscape and portrait orientation.

3. Hide clipped areas

In order to make it easier to understand how good the frame will look after pressing the Accept button, you can hide the cropped crop fields by pressing H... This will allow you to see the final result before you confirm the crop. In the settings there are more possibilities to adjust the crop preview: click on the crop settings icon, where you can change the intensity of the darkening of the cropped area, as well as its color.

4. Classic crop mode

In Photoshop CC, you've probably already encountered the fact that the cropping is different than in previous versions. Namely, the cropping window has become static, and the image itself needs to be moved and adjusted to the grid. For those who prefer to use the classic cropping mode, in which you need to move not the picture itself, but the frame, you can do this by pressing the key Pthat will switch you to Classic Mode... You can also do this in the crop settings menu in the settings panel.

5. UseFront Image

When working with two documents with different resolution and image sizes, you can easily crop one document to fit the other using the option Front Image... First you need to open both documents and select the one that you want to use as a reference. Next select Crop Tool, and on the pop-up in the options bar, select FrontImage or press the key I ... This will allow you to remember the size and resolution of the first document. Then you can switch to another document in which Crop Tool will already contain the size and resolution setting of the first image.

6. How can you confirm cropping

In addition to clicking on the checkmark in the settings panel, there are other options for how you can confirm the cropping you made:

- Press Enter
- Double click on the crop area
- Click on the icon to confirm on the settings panel
- Right Click\u003e Context Menu\u003e Crop
- Image Adjustment menu\u003e Crop

7. Perspective Crop Tool

If there is an object in the frame with a pronounced perspective, such as a building, then its planes may not be parallel to the frame. In this case, you can use Perspective Crop Tool... To crop, you need to mark the four corners and press Enter after the crop box is formed. The finished frame will be located frontally to you with flat planes. If you want to straighten the subject without cropping, use Auto Upright in the tab Lens Corrections in settings Camera Raw Filter.

8. Reversible cropping

The best way to preserve the "cropped" parts of the image when cropping is to uncheck the box. Delete cropped pixels in the crop settings. Another way is to create a layer Smart Objectwhich you can crop without fear of irreversible consequences even regardless of whether the checkbox was turned on Delete Cropped Pixels, or not.

9. Expanding boundaries

While most people use cropping to crop away from a photo, some use it to add something to an image by expanding its borders. To do this, you just need to drag the corners of the cropping frame outside the picture, and if you have a background layer, pixels of the same color as the background layer will be added to the picture, if not, then the expansion areas will remain transparent.

10. Straighten a photo by cropping

You can also use Crop Toolto straighten your photos. Just holding Command / Ctrl, click and drag to draw a line that indicates the horizon of the photo. You can also use any vertical straight lines to align the image.

This tool is easy to use. In newer versions of Photoshop, crop boundaries are automatically set to the edges of the image when you select Frames. The cropping area can be edited by dragging the frame using handles located at the corners and in the center of each side. As soon as you release the mouse button, the areas to be cropped will turn dark.

To move the cropping frame while creating it, press and hold the Spacebar. When it's in the right place, release the Space bar and continue drawing the frame. You can expand it by moving the mouse pointer outside the outer border. The cursor changes to a double-headed arrow. Click on the image and move the mouse pointer. The frame will unfold in the indicated direction.

After defining the cropping boundaries, press Enter. The outer edges of the picture will be removed. If you are cropping an image that has multiple layers, you can choose to have Photoshop hide the cropped sections instead of deleting them. To do this, on the Options panel, set the Clipped switch to Hide. Now you can return the cropped area using the "Image" - "Show All" command.

If you want to crop to a specific size, enter Width and Height values \u200b\u200bin the Options panel. You can also keep the aspect ratio of the original image or set specific aspect ratios.

How to straighten a photo

If the horizon in the image is obstructed, you can straighten it using the Perspective Crop tool. It is located under one button with the "Frame" and is also called using the hotkey C. To switch between tools, use the Shift + C combination.

Create a crop box around the element you want to straighten, and drag the corner handles so that they are parallel to the image lines. Hit Enter. This method works well for architectural photographs, but do not use it for cropping photographs of people or animals. The tool distorts the proportions and living things will look like in a crooked mirror.

You can use the Ruler tool to straighten your photo. It is hidden in the Eyedropper toolbox and is invoked by the I hotkey. Position the cursor at the point where the measurement should start and draw a line across the area to be aligned. On the Options panel, click the Straighten button. The photo will be straightened and cropped.

Crop principles

Unsuccessful cropping can ruin even good shot... When cropping a photo, try not to place the subject in the geometric center of the image - this technique is suitable only for images of static monumental objects. Don't leave too much space at the top of the photo - the photo will look blank. If you want to show the subject in close-up, then as a result of cropping it should occupy 70-80% of the picture.

If the photograph shows a moving subject, it should not rest against the edges of the photograph. Leave plenty of space in the direction of travel. It is better to place it on the right side of the photo. In this case, the viewer's gaze and the object seem to move towards each other. If necessary, you can unfold the image using the command "Edit" - "Transform" - "Rotate horizontally".

Photos of roads, rivers, fences will look more dynamic if you place these objects diagonally across the image. At the same time, the composition, directed from the upper right corner of the image to the lower left, looks calmer.

"Golden ratio" and "Rule of thirds"

To create a harmonious image, professional artists use the Golden Section principle. It is noticed that regardless of the aspect ratio, the four points of the composition always attract the viewer. They are located at a distance of 3/8 and 5/8 from the respective edges of the plane. The main objects should be located near these points.

The Rule of Thirds is a simplified version of the Golden Ratio. When applied, the image is visually divided into three parts horizontally and vertically. In this case, the horizon should coincide with one of the horizontal lines, and the main survey objects are located near the intersection points.

In the latest version of Photoshop CC, the Frame tool has got another handy feature. When cropping, the program automatically displays a grid that allows you to divide the image into parts. In this case, in the "Options" panel, you can choose between several types of mesh: "Rule of Thirds", "Grid", "Diagonal", "Triangle", "Golden Ratio", "Golden


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