Measure download speed. Accurate internet speed test. What you need to know about ISP

Hi all! Sometimes it is necessary to check the speed of the Internet. In this article, I'll show you a few ways!

Delay- time to download data. The lower the score, the better.

hesitation How stable is the internet connection. The lower the score, the more stable.

Unloading- the speed of downloading data from your computer.

The fewer programs will use the Internet, the more accurately your speed will be shown.

You can test speed with my plugin above or…

Check internet speed in SpeedTest— This is the most popular service on the Internet. Over time, it has proven itself and it measures the most accurately of all services. There are of course glitches, like everyone else, but in most cases it shows exactly.

Just click START and the service will automatically find the server closest to you and measure the speed.

If suddenly something does not show exactly, try to select the service manually.

2ip another service that allows you to measure the speed.

Click Test, after which the speed measurement will begin. If the measurements are not accurate, we try to choose another site.

Yandex and another most accurate test from Yandex.

Here we just click to measure the speed.

Internet speed tester

If you do not want to constantly climb services, there is a program that can measure the Internet.

It does not require installation (portable). Therefore, we select the version for the bit depth of the system and run it. We wait further, further and it is ready.

In the tray where the clock will appear a new icon. We wait with the right mouse button and click measure speed.

We are waiting for the start!

The program will show the ping, and the speed of incoming and outgoing.

Only the speed is shown not in MB (Internet connection), but in MB (download speed per second). Therefore, if you need to know the connection speed, then multiply this figure by 8. 11.3 * 8 = 90.4 MB, i.e. right, my connection is 100MB.

Learning how to measure the speed of an Internet connection correctly. With the help of what resources you can correctly check the Internet, what parameters you need to look at and how to determine whether a good result is in front of you.

I will definitely tell you about Megabit and Megabyte, they are often confused, and I will also tell you what ping (Ping) is and why it is often kicked out of online games because of it. In general, I will show in detail how to find out the speed of the Internet on a computer.


Hello everyone, today I decided to write an article that will allow you to qualitatively analyze the speed of an Internet connection. You can find a lot of materials from different sources, where one way or another it is shown where you need to go and what numbers to look at. But now you repeated all this on your computer, you saw numbers, large or small with different units of measurement.

Sit, look at them, sometimes you even rejoice, but what do these data mean? It was displayed to you, for example: Input - 10 Mbps, Outcome - 5 Mbps, Ping - 14 and what's next, it's good for you or if you don't look at it, then you say, they say these numbers are nothing to you do not speak? And in most cases, everything is exactly like that, we see the result, but we can’t analyze it, because we don’t know what each direction means.

funny conversation with a friend

In general, I decided to write an article on this topic, just yesterday. I talked with a friend, and it so happened that we started talking about the Internet. He asks me - Vanek, what is your Internet speed? Well, I said, I pay 300 rubles for 8 MB / s. Without hesitation, a friend answered, well, bullshit you have the Internet, I have 30 Mbps for only 250 rubles. The whole thing was also said with such a clever look, I could not restrain myself, I laughed when I walked away, I immediately thought - that's the topic for a new article.

Understanding users have already figured out what the catch is, and for those who haven’t caught it, we carefully read the article and absorb useful knowledge. Probably another 15 minutes I had to explain to a friend that he was a little mistaken with the choice of the Internet and the money he pays can be spent more wisely armed good internet. I won't ramble too much, let's move on.

How is internet speed measured?

In order to understand and correctly analyze the speed of Internet connections, you need to be well versed in the units of measurement with which you will actually measure your Internet in the future.

This is very important, it is necessary, well, it is necessary, it is necessary, otherwise there is simply no way. After all, when you come to the store, you tell the seller how many kg of apples you need to sell, or you yourself calculate how many kilograms of potatoes you need to buy to last at least a week for the whole family, you even tritely consider how many grams of sweets to buy so that you have enough money to pay off. Now closer to the point.

When you start wondering about the internet, you will come across two units of measurement - those will be Megabits and Megabytes. We go in order.

The MEGA prefix is ​​a millionaire prefix, you don’t need to pay attention to them Special attention, it's just an abbreviation, replacing the number 10 to the 6th power. Once again, we do not look at the prefix, we follow everything that is written further, namely, we look at BITS and BYTES. (megaBIT, mega BYTE)

A bit is the smallest unit of measure used in calculations in " computer world”, represent a bit as one unit - 1

A byte is naturally also a unit of measure, but it contains 8 bits, which means that a byte is eight times larger than a bit.

Once again, BYTE is 8 bits.

Examples. When testing Internet speed, you may be shown:

30 Mbps or 3.75 Mbps, where you have to understand that these are two identical numbers. That is, when you have taken measurements and you have shown the result in megabits, you feel free to divide it by 8 and get the real result. In our example, 30 Mbps/8= 3.75 Mb

Have not forgotten about my conversation with a friend, now you can go back and see why I did not agree with my friend, what was his mistake? Look, count, it will be useful for fixing.

In addition to units of measurement for a competent analysis of the Internet connection, you need to know that there are two types of connection. Incoming and outgoing.

It's not difficult at all, but you have to read it once just to know. Incoming information is everything that you download to your computer, watch online, listen to music, in general, everything that you browse on the Internet will be called incoming traffic.

But when your computer transmits information, let's say you play an online game and small packets of information that control actions in the game leave your computer without fail, or for example, you upload a photo to social network, all of this will be considered as outgoing traffic.


Everything we take on the Internet is incoming traffic.

Everything we send to the Internet is outgoing traffic.

Now a little tip, when analyzing, you can ignore outgoing traffic. Why? Because with a good performance of the incoming Internet connection, the outgoing one will automatically be good. They go in a complex, but you need to remember that the speed of incoming information is always higher, sometimes even twice, but this is not scary.

When measuring the speed of the Internet, you will see such pictures and this is normal:

I think we have figured out the numbers more or less and now you can easily analyze the speed of the Internet connection as accurately as possible. Although it is probably worth making a small digression to suggest what speed will be enough and for what purpose.

What kind of Internet do I need for stable work?

Here is a table that will serve as a hint to this question, and if you do not understand, then write in the comments to this article, as soon as I see it, I will immediately write the answer.

A task Internet connection speed Classification
Viewing text and graphic information 10 Mbps or 1 Mbps Slow Internet
Watch online movies, listen to music, play, chat on Skype From 20 Mbps to 40 Mbps Good multitasking.
Browsing the Internet, downloading large amounts of information, high-quality video and other high loads From 80 Mbps and above Universal for all occasions

I often hear the question, but with such an Internet, how long can I download a movie? To be honest, such questions annoy me a little, if you know how to count, then why not do it, adults and the elderly of the past generation can be forgiven, but now young people should be educated and instantly give out information of interest, so I won’t even write about this, but just in case, I will show the principle of calculation in the video, so after reading the text, do not be lazy to take a couple of minutes to watch the video.

And besides this, you should always remember that a virus can get on your computer and the speed will be reduced several times,

Where can I test the speed of the Internet?

As I said at the beginning, there are a lot of different resources that provide an opportunity, so to speak, to weigh, measure your Internet. But as practice shows, only some of them work stably and can give correct information, and not fantasize ... for me, this is the best resource for measuring the Internet. a mega popular site for determining speed, but it only works fine for me after the second scan. After the first time, it shows not real numbers, so I immediately run it a second time and get a normal, real result. the site can do a lot of useful things, I like it, but unfortunately it often deceives with Internet measurements, but it gives some useful information, who is served, which provider and where the service platform is located.

By the way, I took examples of pictures from these sites, in the video I will show each site separately, and you yourself will choose which one you like best. When you analyze the results, you may notice another interesting parameter - Ping (ping)

What is Internet Ping?

This parameter can often be heard, especially among those who like to play online games. These type of people, to be honest, are a little obsessed with pings during the game.

I even had a case 7-8 years ago when I myself enter the game, as I remember now - it was Counter-Strike. Well, I went in, I play, here I hear a lot of fuss, screams and discontent, and in every sentence they shout at him a high ping, let's kick him out. And in fact, they kicked me out of the room by a general vote, of course I was not very pleased, but there was nothing to do.

On that day, I spent several hours learning the cursed word for me at that time, ping.

But in fact, the essence of its work is very simple, I will not load your heads, but I will only say that this is also a unit of measurement that shows the speed of data transfer from your computer to the server.

Now, quite simply, you entered the game, at the moment when you perform some action for you, the character simply makes a movement. And on the technical side, in order to even just move your character from its place, the computer must send a command (package of files) to the server, and the time that these files will fly to the server, be processed there and return back will be called ping.

In fact, it turns out Ping is the speed of data exchange between the computer and the server.

What determines the ping, how can it be lowered?

Everything is quite simple here, the first and main reason is the physical distance between your computer and the game server. For example, you play in Moscow, and the server is in China, it turns out a very long distance and therefore it takes more time to transfer data packets. And at this moment we are cursing, they say the game lags.

Naturally, the speed of your Internet will affect the ping, the faster the connection, the lower the ping will be. Next, you need to understand that ping can increase if the transmission line is overloaded, that is, your provider serves not just one of your apartments, but a whole house or street, and if everyone decides to surf the Internet at the same time, then you get a little chaos.

Rational use of traffic is when you are sitting at home on the Internet via Wi-Fi, playing, and your parents are watching TV shows through the same Wi-Fi at the same time, your younger sister is sitting on a tablet in the next room and playing her games. The more people using the access point at the same time, the lower the Internet speed becomes and the ping grows accordingly.

There are three ways to lower ping:

  • change provider or tariff plan to a more powerful
  • Make some changes to the registry operating system(improvement is not significant)
  • Loading of specialized software. (we throw this method out of our heads right away and use the first two)

Have you figured out what's what? I think that all of you understood a long time ago, so I will round off. Below you can find a video to consolidate the material you read, do not be lazy, you need to watch it.

Watch the video: How to find out the speed of the Internet on your computer?

Well, what have you read? Then we go down below and write our comment on this article, otherwise how will I know if you read it at all or not? See you soon, bye friends.

If your web pages take a long time to load or YouTube videos slow down, you should first of all look at the speed of your Internet connection. How to view Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10, consider below.

Note! Certain processes can affect the accuracy of the results. It is worth turning off video, music, downloading files, etc. before testing.

Standard Windows Tools

First of all, you need to know what speed the provider provides you. For viewing, you can use standard system tools.

Advice! If there is an agreement with the provider nearby, then you can look at the speed of the Internet connection in it.

  1. On the toolbar, click PMK on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open Network and Internet Settings.
  3. Next, go to "Network and Sharing Center".
  4. By clicking on the "Ethernet" icon, see the connection speed.

Internet speed test

Now let's move on to online services that give us the opportunity to see the speed of the Internet connection in a few clicks.

Yandex Internetometer

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions take place automatically.

This service is popular all over the world, not only in Russia. It determines the maximum download speed limit quite accurately and indicates the ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service has gained popularity all over the world.


A site with a lot of possibilities. Starting from checking IP and Ports, ending with checking passwords for vulnerabilities. The most functional site of the entire Runet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but this does not prevent us from using it too.

Once finished, you will be able to view your speed, ping and location.

Stable and fast internet- this is something without which it is difficult to imagine a modern computer.

concept high speed Internet for each user is different, some need a connection with the transfer and download of data at 20 Mbps, others require at least 500 Mbps.

Checking the speed of the Internet to which the computer is connected is very simple. There are several services that allow you to do this, and we will consider their work as part of this issue.

You can watch a video on how to check the Internet speed on a computer. Or check out the article below.

How to check internet speed with Yandex service?

Yandex has many different web tools aimed at both developers and ordinary users.

One of the services that Yandex offers to use for free is "Internetometer". It allows you to determine not only the speed of the Internet for incoming and outgoing connections, but also some other network parameters.

Using Yandex Internet Meter is easy and convenient:

Unlike the Yandex service, it does not provide additional technical information, and its main task is to quickly check the speed of the Internet connection.

Note: speed test is not only a website on the Internet, but also an application for mobile devices. If you need to measure the speed of the Internet quite often, it makes sense to download the program to your smartphone or tablet.

To measure the Internet speed through the Speedtest service, you need to click on the button on the site page "Begin". You can also find a link to this service in the description of this video.

Unlike the Yandex service, Speedtest, in the process of measuring data on Internet speed, demonstrates beautiful graphics that resemble the work of a speedometer.

After measuring the network speed, the user will know not only the number of Mbps for downloading and uploading data, but also the ping data when connecting to servers in the region that can be selected before starting the test.


I think that not everyone is always satisfied with the speed of their Internet. Yes, when files load quickly, online videos load without "jerks" and delays, pages open very quickly - there is nothing to worry about. But in case of problems, the first thing that is recommended to do is to check the speed of the Internet. It is possible that you simply do not have enough high-speed connection to access the service.

How to check internet speed on windows computer

Moreover, it is important to note that despite the fact that many providers write rather high numbers when connecting: 100 Mbps, 50 Mbps - in fact, the real speed will be less (almost always the contract indicates the preposition Up to 50 Mbps, therefore don't dig into them). Here are some ways to check this, and we'll talk further.

Built-in tools

Do it fast enough. I will show you on the example of Windows 7 (in Windows 8, 10 this is done in a similar way).

Note! Whatever figure Windows shows, the real figure may differ by an order of magnitude! It shows, for example, 72.2 Mbps, and the real speed does not rise above 4 Mbps when downloading in various download programs.

Online Services

To determine exactly what the speed of your Internet connection really is, it is better to use special sites that can perform such a test (more on them later in the article).

One of the most popular tests.

As for, this is a very popular service for measuring the speed of an Internet connection (according to many independent ratings). Using them is easy. First you need to follow the link above, and then click on the "Begin Test" button.

Next, after about a minute, this online service will provide you with verification data. For example, in my case, the value was about 40 Mbps (not bad, close to the real tariff figures). True, the ping figure is somewhat embarrassing (2 ms is a very low ping, almost like in a local network).

Note! Ping is very important characteristic internet connections. If you have a high ping, you can forget about online games, as everything will slow down and you simply will not have time to press the buttons. Ping depends on many parameters: the remoteness of the server (the PC to which your computer sends packets), the load on your Internet channel, etc. If you are interested in the topic of ping, I recommend that you read this article:


Very interesting service for connection testing. What does he captivate? Probably, several things: ease of verification (press just one button), real numbers, the process goes in real time and you can clearly see how the speedometer shows the speed of downloading and uploading the file.

The results are more modest than in the previous service. Here it is also important to take into account the location of the server itself, with which the connection is being made for verification. Because in the previous service the server was Russian, but not in this one. However, this is also quite interesting information.

Many people, especially in our country, associate everything German with accuracy, quality, and reliability. Actually, their service confirms this. For testing, just follow the link above and click one button "Speed ​​test starten".

A good service, which makes it easy and simple to select a server for testing, and then start testing. With this, he captivates many users.

By the way, a great way to check the speed of the Internet, in my opinion, is various popular torrents. Take a file from the top of any tracker (which is distributed by several hundred people) and download it. True, the uTorrent program (and similar ones) show the download speed in MB / s (instead of Mbps, which all providers indicate when connecting) - but this is not scary. If you do not go into theory, then the download speed of the file is enough, for example, 3 MB / s * multiplied by ~ 8. As a result, we get approximately ~ 24 Mbps. This is the real meaning.

* - it is important to wait until the program reaches the maximum value. Usually after 1-2 minutes when downloading a file from the top rating of a popular tracker.

That's all, good luck everyone!


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