Major Internet Service Providers. What Internet is better to connect for a private house? Satellite internet for summer cottages

Latest review: Polina

contract number: 94791024

“Our house is being renovated. They changed the electrical panel, cut off the electricity in the whole house for the whole day. After turning it on, the internet was gone. "Diagnostic..."troubleshooting" on the computer gives the answer: "DNS server is not responding." The router was rebooted, there is no result. Sane people who can add 2 and 2 are able to understand that the events are interconnected, and something happened to the equipment in the house during These power outages and replacements. NetByNet employees are not capable of such. On Friday morning, I literally described the situation to technical support and asked to send a master to correct the situation. It took the company DAYS to fix what? To fix it? No matter how! To call me back and clarify, What happened there! On Saturday at 8:30 am (Separately nice! Employees are not trained to follow the elementary rules of good manners, or do they have "when you get up, then it's morning"?) I got a call from a young man who wanted to find out what happened "A day. Quick response, right? Further more. He starts telling me that everything is all right with me at Bashilovka. And this is when I live at a different address for the THIRD YEAR, and not just live at a different address, but: - I called the wizard here to install and configure the router, - I entered into a new contract (and I have it in paper form), where the new address is written in Russian in white, - last time contacting the support service, I already encountered the fact that I "live" in Bashilovka and allegedly right in front of me during telephone conversation the address has already been rewritten to a new one. After I was indignant (In the third year of service, you can somehow fix the addresses of subscribers, no? An impossible task?), The young man began, according to him, to make changes to my address again and check something at the real address. I told the master that it was necessary to leave (Here's the news! Unexpectedly, so unexpectedly!), And now I will be transferred to fill out an application. After listening to music (the Company generally provides a service for listening to music on the phone regularly - the day before I listened to a melody for 10 minutes in total, until I got tired of it.) The girl responded and began to fill out an application. "So, you have Novaya Bashilovka ..." At this point, I already roared, I confess! What are they smoking there??? What does the database look like? Addresses of subscribers manually in the log in a line are written down??? And each employee has his own handwritten copy, and not one common to all??? After another emotional trial on the topic of my address, an apotheosis happened: I was offered the arrival of a master the day after tomorrow - on Monday afternoon! If I want to work on weekdays and do not sit at home waiting for the master to appear to the people, but they can offer Wednesday after 16. Guys, are you kidding me??? Outside the 21st century. Me food is delivered in half an hour and serious medicines in a day. At a convenient time for me. Do you propose to come and try to fix the Internet 5 days after the application??? You live in the countryside, you move on foot and you have a staff of one and a half people?! This is not serious. Naturally, in half an hour I had already agreed with another provider. Tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning they will come to connect the Internet. NetByNet - net-net, bye-bye!

When choosing which Internet is better to connect to your home, the options may differ significantly - depending on the location of the housing, financial opportunities user and other factors.

The problem is most easily solved for residents of large cities, more difficult - for small ones. settlements, where there is not even their own provider, and, especially, cottage or summer cottages.

Although thanks to modern technologies and the prevalence of Internet services, the problem of each potential user with a connection to the network is completely solvable.

Since the advent of mobile and satellite communications, anyone can access the network using or a receiver, even if it is impossible to get into the house.

At the same time, if housing is located within the city, connection is sometimes available in the usual way.

Having decided on the method of connecting to the network, you must:

  1. Choose the most suitable option in terms of speed and price, if there are several of them;
  2. Contact representatives of the Internet provider and agree on the chosen option and the equipment necessary for operation;
  3. Order a connection service and purchase (or rent) of equipment.

After the network has been completed, and its work has been paid, it is necessary, and (if its presence is necessary).

And then start using the Internet, solving the tasks for which it was connected.

At the same time, users who need to log on to the network quite often should connect unlimited tariffs or at least such packages of services that provide a significant amount of traffic.

But, if the network is needed only periodically (for sending messages or, for example, using it only on weekends), it is advisable to choose options with a limit.

And even better - tariffs in which payment is withdrawn only on the day when the user enters the Internet.

Where to get the Internet if it is not? Internet outside the city// Internet in the country

If you live in a private house outside the city, then no company wants to pull the Internet to you. In this video, I talk about how we got out of this situation.

Wired Internet

The most popular option for connecting a private house to the network is wired Internet.

Although the possibility of holding it does not exist in every private house - even in the suburban area.

First of all, because the costs of creating and maintaining a network outside the home are paid by the provider.

And the less potential clients in the region, the less sense it makes to run a cable there.

At the same time, if the house can provide broadband access, the maximum speed increases to 100 Mbps and even higher.

In addition, the user can choose one of two connection options:

  1. Direct connection to a computer (PC or laptop) - suitable if there is only one computing device in the house;
  2. Using a router that can transmit data to other equipment - computers with Wi-Fi, and even.

Rice. 1 Wired network connection.

High speed and no limit, characteristic of a wired connection, allow you to watch high-quality video, hold conferences and use IP-TV.

And the only drawback of such a connection is the attachment of the network to a specific place.

So, for example, after returning home after a trip to the country, the user cannot enter the network using the same connection as one could do with wireless access.

Direct connection

The direct network option is the fastest.

Network speeds can reach 100 Mbps and even 1 Gbps (although such a connection is unlikely to be offered by companies that conduct the network to private homes).

Most often, direct connection is used by residents of low-rise housing in the city or country houses located near large settlements.

As a rule, only national scale operators offer such services.


Another way to connect to the network in a private house is digital line.

It becomes possible if you have a telephone line, which allows you to provide speeds up to 60 Mbps.

Advantages of the option - as a rule, among the tariffs of telephone providers there are packages with unlimited traffic.

And the speed is quite high for solving almost any tasks using the Internet.

The disadvantage is the small coverage area of ​​such a network - especially now, when the number of subscribers of telephone companies is gradually decreasing.

Rice. 2 ADSL modem for Internet access.

Wireless Internet

Wireless technologies allow a greater level of mobility for the network user.

So, the same tariff when using 2G, 3G or 4G modems can be used in the city, in the village, and in the country.

While the disadvantage of the option can be called instability and relatively slow data transfer:

  • 2G communication, available to owners of almost anyone, allows you to get a speed of no more than 64 kbps;
  • 3G communication increases this parameter tenfold - up to 3.6 Mbps;
  • modems and phones with a 4G connection provides almost the same capabilities as a wired network - up to 100 Mbps (sometimes up to 1 Gbps).

Rice. 4G speed testing.

However, despite the rather good maximum speed indicators, the real value is often much less.

And to use it with several devices at once, you need a router with a connection to.

Although, if communication is carried out, for example, through a smartphone or tablet, the same mobile device can also act as a router.

At the same time, satellite communications can be much more stable and relatively fast. However, this option will also be the most expensive.

And the user will be able to connect to the Internet, only being in the house where such a network is held.

But the satellite can provide coverage anywhere in the world - even where you can not use the telephone.

Satellite Internet

Satellite communication has the following characteristics:

  • constant (rather than changing during the day and depending on the number of connected subscribers) speed up to 20 Mbps;
  • coverage in any city, country or cottage village, and even in the forest;
  • high cost of use and, as a rule, the presence of a limit.

In addition, the operation of such a network requires special expensive equipment - an antenna, a receiver, a satellite modem and an additional set for transmitting information (if feedback is also required).

As a result, a satellite connection is chosen only in cases where there are no other options with a sufficiently stable connection in this area.

Rice. Satellite Internet in a private house.

Internet 3G

One of the optimal ratios of price and quality of communication is Internet 3G.

It can be connected via a modem or a smartphone supporting this technology (a tablet with a 3G module).

The cost of using the service depends on the access speed and traffic volume.

Connecting to unlimited packages can be a rather profitable option - even at a relatively high price, they are able to provide several devices on the network at once.

Although for this the 3G modem will have to be connected to a router that supports it, the cost of which is slightly higher than that of a regular router.

How to strengthen 3G Internet in the country and in the village

Do you want to increase the speed of 3G Internet?! This video will clearly show you how to do it.

GPRS/EDGE network

Internet GPRS, which can be used even by owners of relatively old mobile phones, does not provide high access speed and, moreover, stability.

However, if there is such a connection, you can enter the network outside settlements, paying a relatively small amount.

In addition, the low speed makes the traffic limit not so significant - as a rule, using such a connection, it is possible to transmit or receive no more than 100 Mbit of data per day.

Rice. GPRS network structure

4G/WiMAX communication

The option using 4G technology has become more and more popular lately.

High speed, comparable to wired networks (10–100 Mbps), even compensates for the cost of such a connection.

There is only one serious drawback, due to which communication is not yet very common in the territory of the Russian Federation - the lack of a sufficiently large coverage.

In addition, not many operators offer suitable services.

how to make 100% 4G internet

What is the best internet connection for home? A guide on how to choose the right type of connection depending on the place of residence and finances.

Features of choosing a router

You should choose a router to use the network depending on the type of its connection.

And, if, for example, a conventional router is enough for wired and satellite Internet, wireless requires the purchase of special equipment.

There are no other differences in the operation of routers.

For 3G and 4G network

Buying a 3G or 4G modem with which you can use wireless Internet provides communication to only one device.

To connect other PCs, laptops or mobile gadgets to the network, you need:

  • buying a router that works with 3G modems;

Rice. Router with 3G modem connection.

  • using the built-in capabilities of the device (laptop or PC) to “distribute” data. The same option is also suitable when using a telephone for communication.

Rice. Antenna to amplify the signal from a laptop or PC.

The first method, which requires certain costs, is still more convenient.

Indeed, with the help of a separate (and not built-in or connected to a computer) router, a signal amplification is provided at a level of 10–20 dB.

As a result, you can use the network at a distance of several tens of meters from the signal source.

For wired internet

When using a direct connection or an ADSL modem, the problem is solved by purchasing a regular router - with 4 LAN connectors for wired communication and one or more antennas for wireless.

You can amplify the signal by connecting additional antennas (each acts as an amplifier by 3-5 dBi).

Tip: The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the stronger the signal should be. So, for 100-150 sq. m and, especially two- or three-story, it is best to use a router with 3 antennas. And install the router closer to the center of the building.

If there are several residential buildings or a summer kitchen on the site, where network access is also required, you can connect another device - a repeater.

With its help, the signal will be strengthened, and the coverage area will increase by tens of square meters.

And an even more suitable method for a large area is to install an additional access point (for example, a second router).

Rice. 7 Repeater to boost the Wi-Fi signal.

Choosing the best ISP for your home and business is the key to success and prospects, so you need to approach the issue carefully. When connecting to the Internet, it is important to pay attention to the features of tariff plans, speed characteristics and type of connection, processing time for applications and troubleshooting. An additional plus of providers is an individually oriented approach to subscribers, taking into account the specialization of the business or the private interests of "home" users.

Criteria for selecting a provider at the address of Moscow

● The pricing policy of the ISP is the most important criterion that most users are guided by. Make sure that cheapness does not backfire with constant connection problems, shortcomings in service, slow Internet speed.

Most providers today offer unlimited data plans. It is worth giving preference to a company that practices a personal approach to subscribers, taking into account the place and method of connection (via radio, copper pair or fiber optics) and the financial capabilities of the user.

● Data transfer rate is a manipulative concept. For example, "cheap 1 Gbps" could mean speed "for everyone": the more connected users, the slower the Internet for each of them. Fill out an application for an Internet connection with a guaranteed speed specified in the contract for a specific client. We advise you to cooperate with serious Internet companies that are constantly developing their technological base.

The key criterion is the type of connection. The most convenient and fastest at the moment is a fiber optic cable - it guarantees a decent connection speed and ease of connection in the absence of unnecessary equipment.

● Provider's subscriber base - when connecting the Internet to an address in Moscow, first ask your neighbors which provider they use. Collect feedback from private and business users on various Internet service providers. Ask questions about the quality of communication and service, the benefits of tariff plans, the actual costs of customers for equipment, the provider's loyalty to subscribers.

● 24/7 technical support is an essential condition that good providers do not neglect. No operator can guarantee a permanent connection to the Internet, but he must ensure that problems are resolved as soon as possible. The contract should specify the terms of correction and methods of compensation for damage, as well as the time during which the provider guarantees the client access to the network.

● The professional provider offers a range of additional options. These are typically HD home television, digital telephony, business teleconferencing, anti-virus licenses, white internet and deferred payment services, various forms payments that are convenient for the client.

When choosing an Internet provider, carefully read the connection agreements, certificates and licenses of the company for the type of activity. Communicate with employees, make sure that it is pleasant to deal with them and that they competently and clearly answer all your questions (how the Internet is connected and problems are solved, what promotions can be offered to you, whether electronic document management, which facilitates collaboration, etc.).

Make an unbiased impression of the Internet providers in Moscow using the site - and fill out an application to connect the services of the selected provider for FREE!

Do you know how many popular providers exist in the telecommunications market today? There are few people who know exactly this figure. The list of Internet providers in Moscow includes more than 20 companies! And this is not the limit! How can an ordinary citizen, an ordinary consumer of Internet services, not get lost in this sea of ​​firms, companies and offices vying with each other providing Internet services?

And everything is very simple, like white day! There is a rating of providers in Moscow, which contains all the companies that supply the city with Internet and television services. The rating was compiled by highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications and the Internet. It takes into account numerous feedback from consumers of communication services and wishes for companies developing the communication space of our city. Also released directory of providers in Moscow, where absolutely all currently available offices are colorfully presented, providing first-hand information to residents of the city. Here is a complete list of Internet companies in the city with exact logos and postal addresses. Moreover, the phone numbers of the heads of provider companies are indicated for contacting grateful customers with them.

Now everyone who wants to install home Internet or digital television will not blindly or through acquaintances search for a provider they like in order to enjoy all the delights good quality connections and high Internet speeds. It is enough to open a special website address in Moscow, study the rating of the best companies and choose the really best! Then everything is very easy. You need to make a simple application. The completed application form is on the website. You can fill it out within 5 minutes. By pressing the button, we send the request to the selected provider. Specialists arrive very quickly. The equipment is also quickly installed.

In two days you will already enjoy excellent quality digital television and home internet high speed! You will be given a choice of the best packages according to your tastes and passions - news channels, new films, concerts. Moscow providers are always following the latest in telecommunications and Internet business. Everything innovative technologies instantly become reality. Any new world development is immediately taken into service. The Internet industry in Moscow is developing and improving. And finally - the most important thing! For everyone who wants to choose the best provider and order such excellent services of digital television and home Internet, we provide the address of the Internet portal of the information center: PROVY.RU! We wish everyone only pleasant views and the latest information from the first mouth!

FREE CONSULTATION: +7 (499) 110-9000

In the era of all kinds of online technologies, high-quality Internet for the home has become as indispensable as a roof or a fence. Even more: if a broken fence (as a rule) does not interfere with organizing cultural holidays with friends at the dacha, then the absence of the Internet in the house can significantly spoil the mood of all the inhabitants of this hacienda.

And in this article we will consider which Internet is better to connect for the home, and what criteria should be followed in such a difficult issue.

Which home Internet is better to connect: a choice without a choice

With the current level of technology, the question of what kind of Internet can be connected in a private house, it would seem, should not disturb the mind of technically unprepared users: choose the best tariff and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, everything is not so simple. In fact, the ability to connect to the Internet directly depends on the location of the user, and in particular on the availability of various communication networks in the area.

Under the request "connect the Internet" most users mean only laying in private house network cable. However, this formulation of the question is incorrect: first of all, you need to decide on the optimal connection method to the world information network, and only then choose which Internet provider is better to connect, its range of services, tariffs, etc.

Currently (2016) for a private house, there are three fundamentally different ways to connect to the Internet:

  • - cable connection to the world information piggy bank;
  • - "mobile" connection using 3G and 4G technologies;
  • - Satellite Internet connection in the private sector.

At the same time, it is impossible to unambiguously answer which Internet is better here: each type of connection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's dwell on each type of connection home internet in details.

Which wired internet is better to connect?

The "wired" type of Internet include:

  • - connection using a network cable (twisted pair);
  • - fiber optic connection;
  • - connection via coaxial (television) cable;
  • - telephone line connection.

However, despite the solid “range”, deciding which Internet is better to connect for a private house is quite simple here: the “best” option would be to connect using fiber or (if this technology has not “reached” you yet) via a network cable.

A twisted-pair and fiber-optic communication network is present in almost all cities of the country, and most major providers provide such a service.

- When connecting to the Internet via twisted pair, Ethernet network technology (based on TSP/IP protocols) is used. Here, to create an Internet connection, the company's specialists pull a cable from the provider's network equipment (switch) to your home.

Thus, the user receives a leased line with high quality and information transfer rate.

However, over large sections of the twisted pair, the signal weakens, respectively, the speed of the Internet connection is significantly reduced. Thus, if the switch is located more than 100 meters from your home, you need to install additional equipment (or use a different cable).

Using wired internet network cable can be:

Connect to a computer directly (when using the Internet only on this PC);

Connect to a home router for (to connect several user devices to the Internet at once).

- The problem of signal attenuation is solved by the use of optical fiber. However, not every user will have the money to connect it: not only the fiber itself is expensive, but also all the network equipment used (media converters, SFP modules, routers and switches with optical connectors).

The speed of the Internet when connected via fiber is very comfortable.

So, if a 4-core twisted-pair cable (at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the equipment) can achieve a maximum of 100 Mbps, an 8-core twisted-pair cable can achieve up to 1000 Mbps, then the Internet speed easily reaches 1000 Mbps per fiber optic cable. any distances.

However, for domestic use, 10 Mbps is enough, so organizations use the Internet over fiber more often than the general population. Indeed, in addition to the high cost of connecting to the Internet, the monthly subscription fee also increases proportionally here, which is charged even with “simple” equipment.

Concerning tariff plan, then the Internet here, as a rule, is provided unlimited, and the cost of services depends on the limited speed of the Internet connection.

Internet for giving: which one is better?

Optics and twisted pair - of course, good. But what kind of Internet is better to connect in the village, to which these communication networks have not yet “reached”? Yes, and pulling an expensive optical cable into some remote place for the sake of a dozen potential subscribers is irrational.

And here other “proven” communication technologies come to the rescue: for example, in the private sector, you can connect the Internet via a coaxial cable (cable television) and a telephone cable (here, depending on the “needs”: both a dial-up connection and a leased line) .

Such Internet can be carried out in almost any private house: a modem is installed at the subscriber, which distributes the Internet using one of the network technologies:

- via TV cable - using DOCSIS technology. On average, the reception speed can be provided here - 42/38 Mbps, for the return - 10/9 Mbps, however given speed is allocated for the entire channel, so if in the private sector several subscribers “sit” on the same cable at once, then the speed will vary depending on the load on this line.

- via telephone cable via network ADSL technologies, Dual-Up and ISDN (Dual-Up and ISDN connections were also used in the past, but these technologies are now obsolete). In theory, the speed of an ADSL connection can reach 24 Mbps, but in practice these figures are rarely achieved: the real “quality” of telephone lines affects.

However, ceteris paribus, an ADSL connection will not be the worst solution to the question of which Internet to connect in a private house. Nevertheless, a cable connection to the worldwide information network is much more stable than its wireless counterparts.

What is the best wireless Internet connection for the home?

In addition to a cable connection to the electronic web, you can also connect the Internet in a private house using wireless technologies.

The most accessible and popular here is a mobile connection to the information network using 3G and 4G technologies, provided by various mobile operators.

This is a “universal” Internet, which can be connected even in a village and a remote village: cell phones (like GPRS modems) or specialized USB modems are used here as network equipment

Advantage mobile internet in that the user is free to move within the boundaries of the broadcasting operator. However, such a connection is extremely unreliable, and the cost of traffic here is much higher than with a "classic" cable connection.

If you need to connect the Internet in the country, far from civilization, where even a cell phone is often “out of reach”, then only a satellite dish can help in this venture.

The purchase and installation cost of such equipment will not weakly “hit your pocket”, and many online applications with such home Internet will be inaccessible - the satellite connection has “problems” with signal delay: you can download large amounts of data at high speed, but Skype and online cinema will "slow down".

And this option should be decided only in the case when it is not possible to connect any better Internet for the house.


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