"White", "gray", "black. Survivors: what will happen in the new year in the labor market

2017 turned out to be difficult for the labor market. This year, 70% of job seekers admitted that they are experiencing problems with employment, the time it takes to find a job has increased to an average of 6 months, employers reluctantly contacted candidates with no experience.

Nevertheless, during the year the market dynamics remained positive, and salaries showed slow but steady growth - which eventually amounted to 1-4% depending on the sector.

IT specialists earned the most in 2017 - here the average salary was kept at the level of 100 thousand rubles. The salary record was also set by IT specialists with a salary of 600 thousand rubles. We already pay more than half a million rubles to whom and for what.

The smallest salaries are from 15 to 25 thousand rubles for line personnel, production and trade workers.

Site, the average salary in 2017 is 32,295 rubles.

The salary level remains the same - the larger the city, the higher the salary. This rule works in almost all cases. The exceptions are cities and regions with a developed oil-producing industry, as well as the field of information technology.

The highest salaries are still in Moscow. The average salary in Moscow in 2017 is 46,000 rubles.

Rosstat also summed up the salary results for the year. According to official data, the average salary of a Russian in 2017 is 38,900 rubles. Official inflation is equal to 2.5%.

Dynamics of changes in the average salary in Russia, 2017

According to surveys of employers, the majority expect growth and stabilization of the economy from 2018. Many have already outlined a development strategy for the next year - they plan to increase the salary of employees and expand the staff.

In 2017, there was an increase in the number of job offers - on average, 1.2 million vacancies were available on the site. Employers were especially actively looking for sales and IT specialists, workers, workers in the manufacturing and transport sectors.

The requirements for candidates also increased - the minimum required work experience increased to 3 years, preference was given in favor of multitasking and polyprofile applicants.

However, do not expect crazy salaries from 2018. Despite the fact that experts say that positive dynamics in the employment market will continue, today's growth seems to be such only against the background of a sharp drop in indicators in 2015.

Analysts at large recruiting companies have come to the conclusion that this year will be a turning point for the Russian labor market. In the future, companies will strive to hire only highly qualified employees, and the existing ones will be put in such conditions that they will either have to develop together with the company or leave.

Job change is a big risk

The analysis of the labor market showed that almost half of the employees of large companies in the last year changed jobs themselves or saw a reduction in the talent pool. The wave of layoffs directly or indirectly affected the majority of the labor force. A quarter of the survey participants reported that the companies have decreased salaries and bonuses. But even disgruntled workers are in no hurry to quit and change jobs.

Along with the increase in the number of laid off employees, the analysis of the situation on the labor market shows an increase in competition. But being a newcomer to someone else's company is a big risk of getting another layoff. The number of resumes on the largest job sites has been declining over the past three years, people rarely leave of their own accord, and the search for a new job is rather passive.

During 2016, 2% of respondents were demoted, 10% received a promotion, 5% moved to another department or to an equivalent position in the same company. More than half of the employees (53%) did not change their place of work or position, and 30% fell under the wave of layoffs and were forced to change the company.

The search time for a new location has grown

An analysis of the state of the labor market carried out by NN, a Russian Internet recruiting company, which, in addition to selling information from a database of resumes and vacancies, is also engaged in research activities, reports that the search term for a job has grown by one and a half times. If back in 2014 a specialist was ready to look for a job within three months, then already in 2016 the terms of four to six months were called normal.

Employers have also increased the closing time for vacancies. Competition among job seekers has increased, there are more candidates for the position, so it became more difficult for the management and HR departments of firms to make a choice. The number of selection stages when hiring new employees has also increased.

Employers select candidates with experience

The demographic hole of the nineties also influenced current trends - this is clearly shown by the analysis of the labor market in Russia in 2017. Today, many companies are making the final choice towards more experienced and older job seekers. In the future, the situation will change - by 2019-2020, the number of Russia's working-age population will decrease by more than three and a half million people.

Experience was not required or was not taken into account in 28% of vacancies in 2014, in 2015 only a quarter of employers admitted the likelihood of hiring an employee without experience, and in 2016 there were only 22% of those left.

The most numerous category of vacancies is those where work experience is required from one to three years. In 2014-2015. almost half of employers (48%) preferred to hire new people with little experience, the indicator remained relatively stable and in 2016 - 47%.

More significant experience (three to six years) was required in 2014 to qualify for a fifth of the vacancies. In 2015, the same indicator increased to 23%, and in 2016 it amounted to 26% of the total number of job offers.

In 2014, only 3.5% of employers preferred candidates with more than six years of work experience, in 2015 the same indicator was 4.4%, and by 2016 it had increased to 4.7%.

This is the analysis of the development of the labor market by share of vacancy by work experience for 2014-2016. The latest data (2016) is shown separately in the chart above.

The labor market analysis showed the demand for specialists over 35 years ago, recently employers began to pay less attention to the age of the applicant. Still, company leaders and personnel officers are more willing to consider candidates for service and administrative positions over 35-40 years old. In some areas, they even give preference to employees over forty: such applicants are less likely to change jobs and are more loyal to the company. But, of course, candidates are selected from among the more suitable for the requirements on a competitive basis.

Difficult to find a specialist

Despite the fact that after the crisis of 2014-2015, the competition among job seekers has increased by one and a half to two times, it has become more difficult for companies to find a suitable employee. Candidates often think long before taking the plunge, change jobs less often, and companies no longer lure away with high salaries.

The following trend has also emerged: employees do not wait for dismissal, but move to a new position themselves, bypassing the stressful phase of active search. Thus, the analysis of the labor market showed that the total number of candidates has increased, but the number of those who are suitable for employers has remained at the same level. All this added work to recruiters, managers and company executives.

The average annual HN-index (the ratio of resumes to vacancies) in 2016 was 9.6, in 2015 - 10.1 - this is the data of the labor market analysis from the NN agency. Today, competition in Russia (the number of resumes per vacancy) averages six people per job. This is a moderate value that turns the market in favor of the employer. In 2017, the increase in vacancies, compared with the previous one, amounted to 21%, the increase in CVs - 14%.

The diagram below shows the dynamics of the HH-index by months in 2016-2017.

As of 2016, the ratio of the number of resumes to vacancies (HH-index) in the regions of the Russian Federation was as follows:

  1. Central Federal District - 7.1.
  2. Northwestern Federal District - 6.8.
  3. Southern Federal District - 6.4.
  4. Volga Federal District - 5.7.
  5. North Caucasian Federal District - 5.3.
  6. Ural Federal District - 5.2.
  7. Siberian Federal District - 5.2.
  8. Far Eastern Federal District - 3.8.

HH index in professional fields

In certain professional fields, the index of the ratio of available resumes over the past two months to open vacancies is as follows:

  1. Counseling - 0.9. The least competition, but also an insignificant number of proposals, for one place is hardly one applicant.
  2. Service - 1.3.
  3. Insurance - 1.4.
  4. Working specialties - 1.5.
  5. Medicine and pharmaceuticals - 2.
  6. Banking, investments - 2.3.
  7. Sales - 2.6.
  8. Automotive business - 2.8.
  9. Programming and information technology - 2.9.
  10. Tourism business - 3.4.
  11. Advertising and marketing specialists - 3.4.
  12. Construction and real estate - 3.7.
  13. Manufacturing sector - 4.
  14. Education and science - 5.2.
  15. Logistics, transportation and procurement - 5.3.
  16. Beauty industry, sports - 5.4.
  17. Security - 5.9.
  18. Administration staff - 6.8.
  19. Extractive industry - 7.
  20. Finance, accounting, accounting - 7.4.
  21. Students and graduates of universities - 8.3.
  22. Jurisprudence - 9.1.
  23. Media, arts and entertainment - 9.3.
  24. Government service and non-profit organizations - 11.4.
  25. Top managers - 12.2. The highest rate of competition.

Hope for internal recruitment

Despite the continuing trend of mass layoffs, the value of an individual employee is increasing in companies. Today, most managers and executives are ready to train a promising employee, and not hire someone "from the outside" for higher positions. Back in 2014-2015, only one person from the state applied for open vacancies, but now every fifth offer is being closed at the expense of existing employees.

The time of cuts is passing

Despite the fact that quite recently the market was characterized by a massive layoff, today most companies are already more optimistic about the future. In 2017, only 12-14% of employers continued to lay off staff. If layoffs continue, then only within the framework of increasing the company's efficiency: they will part with those who show poor results or do not cope with their duties.

Positive dynamics of vacancies

An analysis of the labor market in Russia shows that the leaders in terms of the number of open vacancies are now the public sector and non-profit organizations (for the current year, in relation to the previous one, the number of offers increased by 118%). The positive dynamics also persists:

  • for blue-collar occupations (83%);
  • in the extractive industry (68%);
  • manufacturing (54%);
  • pharmaceuticals and medicine (51%);
  • the automotive sector (49%);
  • service (47%);
  • arts, entertainment and mass media (47%);
  • logistics and procurement (38%);
  • fitness, beauty industry and sports (34%);
  • education and science (34%);
  • tourism business (34%);
  • in jurisprudence (33%);
  • the field of domestic staff (31%);
  • in construction and real estate (31%).

“In the black” are programmers, human resource managers, marketing and advertising managers, administrative personnel, salespeople, accountants, and top managers.

Specialists at risk

The number of vacancies in 2017 decreased in consulting and insurance. In connection with the increased inflation, the number of purchases of insurance programs decreased, therefore, the demand for insurance agents also fell. The demand for these specialists has fallen before, by almost 30% in 2016 compared to 2015.

Resume dynamics by profession

Analysis of the labor market by profession shows that the number of job seekers has increased (by 60% compared to the previous year). The number of candidates for domestic personnel (39%), civil service and non-profit organizations (31%), in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals (31%), education and science (30%), security (27%), service (26 %), consulting (30%). The number of resumes of workers in the extractive industry (22%), in the field of logistics and transport (22%), in procurement (22%), in the arts, entertainment, media and mass media (the same 22%), in the tourism sector (20%) has increased.

The number of applicants decreased only among insurance agents (-1%), but risks remain in the banking sector (growth was only 2%), information technology and accounting (6%), and personnel management (5%).

At the same time, over the past year, the largest number of resumes (in numerical, not in percentage terms) were posted by students, salesmen and sales managers, administrators, accountants, programmers, logisticians and drivers, marketing and advertising specialists - such data is provided by the analysis labor market in Russia.

Defining year for the market

By all indications, it is the results of 2017 that will become decisive for further analysis and forecasting of the labor market. For 44% of firms, 2015 ended better than the previous one, and in 2016 this figure was already 28%. Just like last year, 33% of firms assessed the results in 2015 and 51% in 2016. Worse than last year, graduated from 2015 - 20% of companies, 2016 - 19%. Two percent of firms at the end of 2015 were at the stage of liquidation or filing for bankruptcy, in 2016 the figure dropped to one percent.

Key personnel search trends

Among the key trends, the analysis of the Russian labor market reveals a real increase in requirements for the professional level of candidates. It is expected that as early as 2018, the number of vacancies for low-skilled employees will begin to decline. If the situation does not change, then by 2022 every fourth or fifth applicant may become unemployed in Russia.

Changing budgets

More and more companies are choosing budget channels to find new employees. An analysis of the labor market of the Russian Federation has already recorded an increase in budgets for training existing employees (preparing the ground for promotion within the company), ahead of an increase in salaries for highly qualified or talented specialists.

Average salary in Russia

According to Rosstat, the average salary in 2017 is more than 35 thousand rubles, or 30 thousand after deducting income tax. At the end of the year, the growth of incomes of the population is predicted (largely due to the receipt of the “thirteenth salary” for the New Year holidays and bonuses) to 47.5 thousand, excluding tax deductions.

Compared to previous years, salaries in Russia in rubles continue to grow (from 27 thousand in 2012 to 32.6 in 2014 and 36.7 in 2016), but in dollar terms, everything is not so rosy. The average monthly salary of an employee in 2012 was $ 885, in 2013 - $ 915, in 2014 - 827, in 2015 - 550, in 2016 - 605. Analysis of the modern labor market and salaries showed that the average salary in the Russian Federation has not been passed the thousand dollar mark.

Interestingly, in Russia, almost 70% of workers at the end of the month (before taxes) receive an amount that "does not reach" the average salary in the country. Almost 10% of the population receive wages below the subsistence level. A little more than 35% of Russians receive twenty thousand a month or less, half of the citizens are content with a salary of up to 30 thousand.

Unemployment rate

As for the unemployment rate in Russia, the indicator for the first time since 2014 dropped below 5%. In August 2017, almost four million Russians were considered unemployed, which is 4.9% of the working-age population. Rosstat estimates the total number of labor resources in the Russian Federation at almost 77 million people.

Job seeker portrait

Analysis of the labor market and resume of candidates allows us to determine the average portrait of the applicant for 2017. According to average data, this is a woman (51%) or a man (49%) aged 26 to 35 years with three to six years of work experience. The overwhelming majority of candidates (68%) have higher education.

The chart below shows the complete distribution of candidates by gender, age and work experience in all professional fields. Thus, it can be seen that applicants from 20 to 25 years old with up to three years of work experience are in second place, followed by 36-45-year-old Russians with more than six years of professional experience.

Sixteen percent of applicants have specialized secondary education, ten percent have incomplete higher education (this category includes students starting a career), only six percent have general secondary education only. This is general information on Russia, while completely different indicators are characteristic for Moscow or St. Petersburg.

For example, 73% of applicants in the capital have completed higher education, 10% are students, 12% are people who graduated from secondary specialized educational institutions, 5% of candidates have only general secondary education. The number of open vacancies in Moscow over the past year has increased by 16%, and the number of job seekers - by 7%.

In St. Petersburg, 68% of applicants have a higher education, 12% have incomplete higher education, 14% have a specialized secondary education, and only 6% have a secondary general education. Over the year, the number of vacancies in the Northern capital increased by 17%, the number of active resumes - by 13%. The average proposed salary of a candidate is 47.7 thousand rubles, the average expected - 52.3 thousand.

Thus, the analysis of the labor market in 2017 shows that in the future, specialists will need to improve their professional level in order to stay “afloat”.

Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Finance of Russia Yevsey Gurvich spoke about the state of the labor market and prospects for the coming months.

Many people mistakenly believe that while the state of the economy is poor, there is no point in changing jobs. Meanwhile, just now, when the growth of macroeconomic indicators has been outlined, it makes sense to think about finding a more profitable and promising place.

In the labor market, it is the workers who are now in the best position, but employers in 2017 will face problems associated with a shortage of labor, especially with the selection of qualified personnel. The Russian economy is not threatened by unemployment, but by a shortage of people of working age.

The labor market response to the latest crisis has been less pronounced than in 2009. In 2015, the number of people employed in the economy decreased by only 0.4% (in 2009 - by 2%). The unemployment rate also changed. Currently, it is slightly more than 5%, that is, not much higher than the natural value. It is impossible to bring this indicator to zero, since when people change jobs, they spend some time in search.

The unemployment rate differs markedly by region: in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is only 1.5%, in Chechnya - 15%, in Tuva - 17%, and in Ingushetia - 30%. However, in comparison with other countries, our situation looks quite favorable. Many states have not yet recovered from the 2008-2009 crisis. For example, in Italy unemployment is 12%, in Spain - 19%, in Greece - 23%.

We also have problems, but they are fundamentally different from the challenges facing European countries. In Russia, the next 15 years, the number of working-age population will decrease by about 400 thousand per year, or 0.5%. This will especially affect citizens aged 30-40 years.

If we ignore demographic problems, the economy will not be able to grow and develop normally. Therefore, the government will sooner or later have to take unpopular measures. First, increase the retirement age. There are 40% of working pensioners in the country, the retirement age is one of the lowest in the world. Secondly, it will be necessary to reduce employment in the public sector. The excess number of people employed in the public sector is not bureaucrats, but law enforcement officers and the military. We have them in 1.5-2 times more than in countries comparable to the Russian Federation.

Another reserve is disabled people who can work. In OECD countries, about 40% of people with disabilities are employed, and in the Russian Federation - no more than 12%. Changes in government employment policy will also help stabilize the labor market. There is no need to try to reduce the unemployment rate at any cost. The creation of new jobs is an absolute blessing, but there is no point in limiting reductions at enterprises when production capacities are being modernized. The main problem of the labor market now is not unemployment, but a shortage of labor resources.

While there is an acute shortage of labor, jobseekers have a good opportunity to find a suitable job for themselves. And employers will have to compete more and more for labor resources. Already in the second half of 2016, when there was still a slight decline in production, the number of employed exceeded the figure for the second half of 2015. In 2017, the trend of reducing unemployment will intensify; it will be easier for Russians who are dissatisfied with their jobs to find something more suitable.

“In 2016, the situation on the labor market was stable, but definitely not in the growth phase,” recalls Maria Margulis, General Director of the 1000 Personnel Agency. companies with state participation and working in the extraction of raw materials, the main task of the business, in fact, was survival. The good result of 2016 was the absence of large reductions. "

In the coming year, there is no reason to expect positive forecasts from experts. They are confident that the employer will face an even greater staff shortage, a drop in motivation among old employees, staff turnover, and all this will be aggravated by the difficulties of mutual understanding with the new generation of employees.

Market problems

Among the main problems that the labor market will face this year, Anna Kleopina, HR Director of the Termex corporation, calls the shortage of candidates who are able to be responsible for the strategic development of a particular function or the company as a whole. Staff shortage will become one of the main trends in 2017, but it did not start yesterday: it just increases noticeably every year, recalls Sergei Pikus, CEO of the Illan advertising group.

For an employer, personnel shortage means that the labor market is becoming, as they say, a market for candidates, explains Anna Kleopina. "People who are able to optimize, rebuild processes, create systems and show results will dictate their terms to employers," she says. Accordingly, the employer's costs will rise, and primarily due to bonuses. Companies interested in the right talent will have to work very scrupulously on a value proposition for candidates: VHI or gym membership have already ceased to be a tool of "outbid". "Companies will be forced to overpay for highly demanded and rare specialists, while a large number of candidates with completed higher education will not be able to find a decent job," agrees with her colleague Tatyana Bakhareva, head of the Hays office in St. Petersburg.

The so-called jumping cadres also bring hassle to employers: people who often change jobs and because of this do not have enough experience. "Such employees are less likely to remain loyal to the company, are unable to develop business in difficult times. Hence the second global problem is staff turnover," says Larisa Arzumanyan, chief development and recruiting manager at Art-Recruiting. To a certain extent, this is not so much a problem of the past or the current year as a generational problem: people are accustomed to their high salaries and a small amount of work.

Shamil Ismailov, director of the St. Petersburg office of the recruiting company Brainpower, believes that in the new year the staffing deficit will be felt by companies counting on working with the West, despite the current political situation. “There is an acute shortage of English-speaking staff,” he clarifies. “And not only where it is necessary, like hotels, but also in companies that are not directly related to tourism. knowledge of foreign languages ​​becomes a requirement. This requirement applies to everyone, from directors to middle managers, "explains Shamil Ismailov.

Another problem that employers will face in 2017 is a drop in employee motivation, says Andriy Shevchenko, CEO of Anekko. It is known that during the war, the population has noticeably fewer depressions, and after that - noticeably more. In a crisis, this rule also works: more stable times will bring the employer a new headache - how to maintain the efficiency and motivation of employees who have managed to give their best in times of crisis. “Amid the general pursuit of efficiency, companies that will not carefully monitor the performance of their employees are simply doomed,” warns Maksim Yushin, CEO of HR-Profit. “The exceptions are state-owned companies.”

All these problems are aggravated by the difficulties with the so-called generation Y. "A new generation is entering the scene - these are people whose motivation is significantly different from what we are used to. Work for them is far from the main thing, they devote much more time to travel and self-development. For them, work is a means of subsistence, and, as a rule, their level of competence is low: it’s sad to watch how people with higher education jump from one company to another and do not gain any experience, ”says Sergei Pikus.

Who will be in charge

However, some experts see good trends in the life of employers. “In 2017, the process of outsourcing of many specialties will begin,” Andriy Shevchenko is sure. “For the employer, such a scheme is even cheaper, since there is no need to keep people on staff, and it’s easier: these personnel do not need to be managed. Accordingly, it makes sense to expect growth and development of companies providing outsourcing services ". "And office plankton will go to collect bottles," Sergei Pikus is categorical. Another notable trend that has passed from 2016 to 2017, according to Larisa Arzumanyan, is a tougher approach of companies to assessing the effectiveness of top management.

"Companies have begun to change their top management more often, not the entire staff, of course, but to a point. They are hiring a top manager and looking for someone else: they need fresh ideas, an outside perspective. Therefore, one of the most important requirements is not only work experience, but also a candidate for original ideas, "she says. "Throughout 2016, employers systematically increased the requirements for candidates. If earlier the experience of working in the profession was considered as such, now the experience of the candidate is strictly in the area in which the company operates. This trend will continue this year," continues Larisa Arzumanyan ...

"No special changes in the labor market are expected this year: a sharp appearance of 50-100 thousand jobs is not expected," ironically Semyon Chernonozhkin, business coach of the Swiss company Gustav Kaser Training International. "But there are some positive trends." Thus, according to a study by the recruiting company Antal Russia, 61% of employers are planning to raise salaries to their employees, while a year earlier there were only 59% of them. And this can mean that companies feel financially confident, which is important. Half of those who are planning indexation plan an increase of 7-9%. A year earlier, this figure was 12%. There are some companies (1%) that are considering an increase of more than 15%. 41% of companies are going to recruit new employees this year, representatives of companies from the medical sector, FMCG, IT and retail are more often than others talking about hiring plans.

"Of course, I would very much like to believe in the positive forecasts of the development of the labor market next year, but there are not very many reasons for optimism," Maria Margulis sums up. "Since the labor market follows the general economic situation." And it leaves much to be desired, despite assurances from the authorities that everything is going according to plan.

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Analysis of the labor market in Russia for 2014–2019. shows that its structure is gradually changing. Vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant. In particular, these are IT professionals, freelancers in various fields, robotics, HR specialists, recruiters, etc.

In 2019, vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant.

But in 2019, the situation in the Russian Federation has changed, which is associated with the gradual stabilization of the economy, labor market, trade and financial spheres.

The state of the labor market and the level of employment of the population during 2018-2019 is influenced by the following factors:

  1. War in the east of Ukraine.
  2. The sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries and the United States.
  3. Accession of the Crimean Peninsula, and its inclusion in the all-Russian economic system.
  4. Rising prices for food, services, utility bills.
  5. High inflation rate, which remains consistently high.
  6. Demographic crisis.
  7. Low standard of living of the population and differentiation of society into rich and poor.
  8. The transition of the economy to a phase of stagnation.
  9. High unemployment rate.

In addition, the state of the labor market in Russia is influenced by events in the international arena. Changes in the conjuncture of the system of international relations, foreign economic relations, the introduction of new technologies, automation and robotization directly affect the level of employment of Russians, incomes of the population and wages.

In-demand professions among job seekers in 2019

As a result, the following features are characteristic of the Russian labor market:

  1. Differentiation by region is observed.
  2. There is a so-called gray economy sector. More than 40% of employees work in the "shadow", without official registration.
  3. The processes of replacing ineffective specialties with effective ones are slow.
  4. The legislation has not been adapted to the new conditions of the labor market.

Labor market in Russia in 2016–2019: trends

Research carried out by experts and analysts on a regular basis shows that 25% of Russians in the fall of 2015 considered the economic situation in the Russian Federation difficult and unstable. The opinions of the same number of citizens that there are positive changes. More than half of the population of the Russian Federation believes that there are no changes in the labor market.

Research also shows that Russian citizens are preoccupied with finding a job. Their opinions (as a percentage) are expressed as follows:

  • 12 - the search for a new job will be difficult and fruitless.
  • 30 - a new place of work will be worse, including in terms of salary.
  • 25 - if the employer fires, then it will not be difficult to find a job again.
  • 31 - there is a job, you just need to make a little effort to get a positive result.

During 2016–2019, the economic system and the labor market were characterized by crisis phenomena that either deepened or stabilized. A certain stagnation came in 2015, when the Russian labor market constantly needed such specialists:

  • marketers;
  • accountants;
  • financiers;
  • auditors;
  • economists;
  • programmers;
  • IT people.

Unemployment rate in Russia in comparison with other countries

There is a renewed demand for agricultural workers and qualified specialists for factories, factories, companies. Travel companies and firms also began to recruit employees, as domestic tourism became more active.

At the same time, there were more vacancies in some regions than people who were looking for work.

The end of 2018 is the period when the number of layoffs peaked. This trend continued at the beginning of 2019, but then the situation began to change. Many companies have begun planning to gradually expand their workforce. First of all, vacancies appeared in the following areas:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Financial organizations.
  3. Mass media, including electronic ones.
  4. Medical area.
  5. Pharmacology.

In 2019, when the situation on the labor market began to level out, the number of vacancies gradually increased. Engineers, technicians, workers of working specialties were considered in demand. There is a constant shortage of qualified personnel at enterprises and factories, so employers sign contracts with universities, colleges and technical schools.

Professions in demand among employers in 2019

Employers are actively involved in the process of retraining and advanced training of their employees. For this, special trainings were held on career growth, mastering new work methods, including on a computer.

Employment rate in 2019

Official statistics said that in 2019 the number of able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation was almost 76 million people, which is 52% of the total population of Russia. At the same time, the unemployment rate at that time reached 5.8% (4.4 million people). Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 3.4%.

Simultaneously with the increase in the unemployment rate, there was a decrease in the income of the population and the level of wages. Many businesses have been behind in paying salaries to their employees since 2019.

The situation in the country has evolved unevenly:

  1. Moscow and the Moscow region. The labor market and the economic situation have hardly suffered from sanctions, political influence, inflation.
  2. Siberia, the Urals, the North Caucasus, the Far East. There are no problems with employment, since many workers work without official registration or create their own business, working for themselves.

Current vacancies in 2016-2019

Despite the massive layoffs in 2016 - early 2019, the number of vacancies began to grow, which a few years ago were considered unclaimed, unpromising, unnecessary.

First of all, specialists began to be massively required, who switched to a remote work schedule. This is very beneficial for the employer, since it is possible to hire a highly qualified person from another city or even a region. At the same time, there is no need to pay for the rent of the premises, look for equipment, office.

The number of resumes for a vacancy in various fields

The top professions that were in demand at the end of 2016 - beginning of 2019 included:

  • Workers of factories and industrial enterprises: welders of various directions, electricians, milling operators.
  • Engineers. Specialists who could work in another related field were especially appreciated.
  • Programmers.
  • , nurses, orderlies.
  • Sales professionals.
  • Drivers.
  • Logisticians.
  • Call center operators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Assistant managers.

The agricultural and production market began to gradually recover from the crisis, workers were required to participate in import and export programs. In this regard, the heads of enterprises carried out the modernization of production, where there is a constant lack of drivers of tractors and trucks, tool makers, machine operators, including those who can work on CNC machines.

Features of Russian unemployment

Among the main problems of the labor market in Russia are unemployment and misuse of the labor force. Several types of unemployment are widespread in the country:

  • regional;
  • structural;
  • frictional;
  • latent.

Regional unemployment is the most widespread. It is exacerbated by the fact that in the regions there is an untimely payment of wages. Unemployment is characterized by heterogeneity, strong differentiation by industry, employment and territory.

How the unemployment rate differs in different regions of Russia

The results of regional unemployment are:

  • Deteriorating economic performance.
  • Social tension.
  • Separation of regions from the center.
  • The development of crime.
  • The emergence of regional conflicts.

Latent unemployment is very dangerous for the labor market and the employed population, since it delays the transition to a market economy in Russia. Many countries of the world are going through such a transitional period, but in the Russian Federation the process has been delayed. This prevents workers from getting used to new working conditions and the mobility of specialists from one industry to another, it becomes an obstacle for the registration of official unemployed by employment centers.

Latent unemployment provokes delays in wages, the size of which does not rise. At the same time, there is a decrease in the standard of living of people, and the differentiation of society is increasing.

Rosstat data for 2016–2019 show that unemployment is characterized by uneven distribution of unemployed people across regions. Detailed information is presented in the table.

Region of the Russian FederationMinimum ratesMaximum performance
Central Federal District3,2 %–5,8 % Moscow - 3.2%Ivanovo region - 5.8%
North Caucasian Federal District12,5 % Stavropol regionThe Republic of Ingushetia
Northwestern Federal District4,9 % Saint PetersburgNenets Autonomous Okrug
Southern Federal District6,8 % Krasnodar regionKalmykia
Volga Federal District5,2 % Samara RegionKirov region
Ural federal district5,9 % Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous DistrictKurgan region
Siberian Federal District7,5 % Tyva RepublicNovosibirsk region
Far Eastern Federal District6,3 % Magadan RegionJewish Autonomous Region

Thus, during 2014–2019. the unemployment rate in the regions did not exceed 12.5% ​​(maximum value). The data indicate that the number of unemployed people in individual regions is approximately the same: on average, from five to 7.5% of Russians are unemployed.

Labor market in 2019-2019

The formation of modern labor relations and the formation of the labor market in Russia after overcoming the crisis phenomena continues. In 2018 and 2019, analysts, first of all, note the imbalance in the employment of the population, the absence of a structure for the distribution of labor resources.

At the same time, experts pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • Lack of workers and specialists in industries where graduates of technical universities, colleges and technical schools are needed.
  • Unemployment continues to rise.
  • An employee with high qualifications and professional training is appreciated, which has a positive effect on increasing the number of young people who go to study.
  • Employees with high-quality knowledge and practical skills will come to work. But for this, employers will have to adapt to the new realities of the labor market: the duration of training increases, and active labor activity begins much later.
  • Employees are given the opportunity to seek employment that will fully meet their qualifications and wishes.
  • Company executives and entrepreneurs are already striving to get not quick profits, but stable incomes, which positively affects firms and enterprises in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Activation of processes for robotization and automation of production, companies, enterprises. Simultaneously with this, a large-scale introduction of digital technologies is taking place.
  • There is a merger of professions, a transition from one sphere of employment to another.
  • As before, there is an acute shortage of medical personnel: doctors, nurses, orderlies. This is especially felt in remote regions of the country, in rural areas and megacities.

In 2019, employment processes covered most of the country's regions. For example, in January of this year, the number of unemployed (officially registered) decreased in 37 administrative regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the situation has not changed at all in the Chechen Republic, and the number of unemployed has increased in 47 constituent entities of the Federation. The main regions experiencing an increase in the number of unemployed are:

  • Republic of Tuva - by 9%.
  • - by 5.5%.
  • Omsk region - by 5%.
  • Ivanovo region - by 4.6%.
  • Tatarstan - by 4.2%.

So, at the beginning of 2019, the labor market in Russia continues to change. Positive trends are noted, which are characterized by structural changes. But the lack of balance between the required and existing specialists prevents the economy from finally emerging from the state of stagnation.

This also reflects unemployment, which is decreasing in some regions and increasing by several percent in others. This situation indicates that there is no mass unemployment in the Russian Federation, it is, as before, regional in nature.

The following factors hinder the development of the labor market in 2019:

  • Age discrimination. Employers are cutting wages for people who have crossed the pension threshold or are near it.
  • Work experience discrimination. Young specialists cannot receive a decent salary, since managers are not ready to pay people without experience as much as specialists with experience.
  • People do not want to work in budgetary organizations.
  • Reducing the number of employees through optimization while giving other employees broader responsibilities.
  • Doctors, teachers, educators, teachers, salespeople, cashiers, accountants are constantly at risk.


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