Star Wars "Trade Federation" or "Invasion of the Separatists". Trade Federation Star Wars Trade Federation Badge

There was a republic that did everything for good, more or less, for the people, but tightened the screws in some places to maintain order. Didn't like these nuts trade federation, and gradually this commercial association increased its influence, because there were many dissenters, as elsewhere. The interests of the Republic were represented by the valiant Jedi, and the interests of the Federation were led by the surreptitiously evil Sith, whom the Jedi thought they had defeated a long time ago (the Jedi and the Sith have long-standing ideological and magical graters). In the process of strengthening its influence, the federation becomes more and more impudent and declares its interests in ways that are non-trivial for the republic (blockade of the planet, etc.), and the republic tries to peacefully resolve everything, but fails. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the most evil Sith has settled in the political elite of the republic, who weaves all sorts of intrigues, and using the situation wants to glorify the ideas of the Sith. Gradually, the trade federation turns into a separatist movement - an independent confederation of planets, the republic cannot peacefully resolve the conflict and resorts to the help of an army of clones. The same Sith intercepts power and, in the midst of battles, makes a move with a horse - he blames the Jedi for all the troubles and gives an order, as a result of which they are methodically cut out, remakes the republic into an empire, and makes a budding Jedi from good to evil - his student. So that no one would show off anymore, and to consolidate success, he builds a death star + clones swore allegiance to the Sith without further questions. After a while, the remnants of the Jedi, who were not satisfied with this alignment, begin a counter-operation to return the Republican order. They find a new budding Jedi for this and defeat everyone in a semi-guerrilla war.

In short, 3 conflicts can be distinguished - political (between the republic and autocracy), ideological (between freedom and order) and imbalance of the fantasy element - strength (light / dark).

She is the princess of the planet Alderaan, because she was adopted by influential people, Kenobi's connections and origin helped in this - she is the daughter of Queen Amidala (later Naboo's representative in the Senate) and Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). There were analogues of monarchies on the planets, and the senate was the body in the republic. Representatives of the royal families in this senate were included, both under the empire and under the republic, including Leia, until the emperor dissolved it.

1/2/3 episodes - the republic (good) fights the separatists (evil), then - the power is seized by the Sith and the republic becomes an empire and the empire (evil) is already fighting the rebels (good).


Leia was the princess of the planet Alderaan, having been adopted by Senator Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan. The political system on the planets and the interracial general galactic system could differ. Simply, the kings or their representatives participated in the Senate of the Republic.

It so happened that one of the most popular creatures in the world " star wars"are the Twi'leks. They are not among the central characters, but at the same time they appear in almost every of the" episodes ", in many books, they are not unknown to avid computer gamers.
The official Star Wars literature claims that there are very few creatures that can match the grace of a Twi'lek woman on the move, and it's hard to argue with that. For the beautiful girls themselves, beauty and grace are more a punishment than a reason for joy. Because the native people, without a twinge of conscience, sells them into slavery. The slave trade is one of the sources of external income of their world of Ryloth, almost on a par with the trade in ryll, a mineral and drug mined on the planet.
A characteristic feature of the anatomy of the Twi'leks is the presence of head tails - lekku. They are quite sensitive, flexible, and with the help of them Twi'leks can even secretly communicate. The second distinguishing feature of the race can be considered the variety of colors and skin tones of the Twi'leks.
Tuskens In contrast to the dress-shy Twi'leks, Tuskens, also known as Tusken Rogues or the Sandmen of Tatooine, completely hide their bodies behind a mask and piles of rags. To see the face of a Tusken is the most terrible and deadly insult. The gender of the child, fixed at birth, is taken into account only at the conclusion of weddings, at which, during a special ritual, the blood of two sand people and the blood of their banth are mixed. And only after that, in a separate tent, the newlyweds can see the true appearance of each other.
Tuskens have a truly mystical connection with their bows, huge animals, vaguely reminiscent of our mammoths. A Tusken who has lost his bantha becomes an outcast, and a bantha whose rider has died goes mad and is set free into the sands forever.
The attitude of Tuskens towards storytellers who pass stories from mouth to mouth is interesting. A single mispronounced word in a story is a death sentence for the narrator. In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason. Their very name "Tusken bandits" appeared after they brutally destroyed Fort Tusken, built by settlers on their sacred land.
Hutts Speaking of the inhabitants of Tatooine, it is impossible not to mention the Hutts, although by and large only one Hutt is known on Tatooine. But what! Long-lived, arrogant, vile, ruthless and vindictive, the Hutts hold in their hands a huge part of the criminal world of the galaxy.
The Hutts have incredibly muscular bodies despite their lack of a skeleton. In addition, their skin is resistant to most weapons and all but the most poisonous of chemicals. Internal organs protected by several layers of muscle and fat. Hutts are hermaphrodites, they have both male and female reproductive organs. They are able to eat almost everything that is at least a little edible, but they especially love living food.
A newborn Hutt weighs less than 100 grams. For the first 50 years, they grow and feed on milk inside a special sac in their parent's body. When they emerge from the pouch, they already weigh up to 70 kilograms and are about a meter long. The weight of adult Hutts reaches 500 kilograms. The Hutts are one of the longest-lived races in the galaxy, with some of them living to be thousands of years old.
Neimoidians In addition to the Hutts, the Trade Federation, led by the Neimoidians, also engaged in not entirely legal activities for a long time. Although in financial matters they can be bold and aggressive, but the Neimoidians turn out to be cowardly. This mentality is largely facilitated by the first years of their lives. Neimoidians are born as larvae that are placed in closed hives with limited number food, clearly insufficient for the survival of all. Of course, there is fierce competition in the hives, as a result of which most of the weak individuals die. When the larvae reach the age of seven, they leave the hives, having learned the fear of death and having developed cumulative abilities.
In Neimoidian society, evidence of wealth is an indicator of personal status. Therefore, the Neimoidians wear frilly clothes: expensive dresses and chic headdresses. High-ranking officials can spend unimaginable sums on things like a useless mechanical chair that only emphasizes status and indulges in laziness.
According to the original idea, the Neimoidians looked a little different and were supposed to be similar to battle droids.
Geonosians But when creating Geonosians, the authors proceeded from considerations of the similarity of battle droids and their owners. At the heart of the landscapes and buildings of Geonosis are the impressions of huge termite mounds found in Africa.
There are two types of Geonosians: the wingless drones, who do mainly menial work, and the winged nobles, including royal warriors, who serve as scouts and keep the hives safe.
Despite the simple structure of the brain, Geonosians have outstanding abilities in the field of mechanics and engineering, which, however, does not prevent them from treating violence and death as entertainment.
Geonosian society is strictly divided into castes, but some ambitious individuals strive for social growth. For them, gladiator fights are held, in which the survivor climbs the social ladder or earns enough money to leave the planet.
Mon Calamari and Quarren If Geonosians evoke strong associations with insects, then the inhabitants of the planet Mon Calamari, on the contrary, are associated with mollusks (if not more precisely, with squids). By the way, the very name Mon Calamari appeared as a result of a joke by the designer, who remembered his breakfast - Calamari salad.
Two races live on the same planet at the same time: Mon Calamari and Quarren. The former are idealists and dreamers, the latter are pragmatists and realists. The Quarren evolved in the depths of the planet's oceans, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, they were attacked first.
Calamari at that time already had a more developed intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Calamari prompted them to a grandiose social experiment. They took young Quarren and raised them according to the basics of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy, and other sciences. When the wise youngster returned to his parents, instead of hatred, he felt respect for those living on the surface.
Mon Calamari - inhabitants of the coasts. They develop new ideas, and the depth-loving Quarren mine metals and bring those ideas to life. One result of the Calamari's cutting-edge ideas is a unique fleet of research vessels.
Mon Calamari are able to descend without special apparatus to a depth of 30 meters. Theoretically, they can stay under water for as long as they like, but due to psychological and physiological reasons, they cannot rest there. Quarren, on the other hand, can descend to 300 meters without devices, but after deep dives they are forced to ascend slowly, due to the need to adapt to pressure drops. The Quarren have the ability to change skin color, but they usually use it only in mating rituals.
Gungans Another lungfish species that likes to live close to or under water is the gungan. Unfortunately, after watching the "First Episode", many people get the impression of all the Gungans by their brightest, but not at all typical representative - Jar Jar Binks.
In fact, the Gungans are not so clumsy, although due to the cartilaginous skeleton they are very mobile. Their bodies are excellently adapted for swimming. They have long, muscular tongues, easy-to-retract stalked eyes, and four-fingered hands. Their large, powerful teeth are designed to chew through the shells of crustaceans, which form the basis of the Gungan diet. The two long ears, "hala", are also used to convey emotions such as anger, friendliness and fear. Gungans hatch as tadpoles, which grow limbs in a month and after that they can walk on their own.
There are at least two known varieties of Gungans. The first are the Gungans of Otoll: tall, lanky, with stalked eyes and long ears. The second are the Ankur Gungans: an older race, shorter, stocky, with shorter ears and muzzles and less protruding eyes.
Kaminoans Speaking of people from water worlds, it is impossible not to mention the creators of the clone army - the Kaminoans. When the ice age ended on the planet Kamino and its oceans flooded with melted ice, the locals had to adapt to the changed conditions. On the verge of extinction, the Kaminoans have perfected technology and cloning to perfection and have controlled reproduction in order to survive. The struggle for existence made the Kaminoans a race of ascetics who rejected material values common to other cultures. They are far from the events of a galactic scale, and they do not care about the consequences of their own experiments.
As the only sapient race on a water-covered planet, the Kaminoans share aquatic traits, such as a fin on their heads and pale, cold skin. The appearance of the Kaminoans was to some extent inspired by the classical idea of ​​aliens, which was formed over the years of the development of ufology. To soften this not-so-friendly image, the designers gave the Kaminoans the features of small seals to make them more innocent and naive.
Rodians There is another race appearance which echoes earthly ideas about aliens - these are Rodians, creatures with pimply green skin, compound eyes and a flexible snout. Rodians also have pointed ears, small antenna horns on their heads, and long fingers ending in suction cups. Greedy and immoral, Rodians do not enjoy the trust and respect of other races. On their home planet, they were the most aggressive hunters, and when they almost exterminated all other living species, they began to hunt each other - in gladiator fights. Having entered the vastness of the galaxy, many Rodians became bounty hunters.
Although the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. Realizing that they were heading towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than feigned carnage, but later generations turned Rodian drama into real art. The Rodians are first-class dramatic actors, and their performance is appreciated throughout the galaxy.
Kel Dor and Zabrak Rodians are known to many through computer games. In the same way, two other races gained popularity: the Kel Dor and the Zabrak. Representatives of both of these races are present in the films as members of the Jedi Council. In addition, it is hardly news to anyone that the charming Darth Maul is not a man, but a Zabrak, disfigured by tattoos.
Kel-dors are adapted to the helium-laden atmosphere of the planet Dorin, and any other atmosphere is lethal to them. Therefore, outside their home world, they are forced to wear breathing masks. The Keldor have a long and honorable tradition in the knowledge of the Force, having become Jedi for the past six thousand years. Level-headed, soft-hearted, and sympathetic, the Kel Dor believe in quick and simple justice. However, they often become not only Jedi and diplomats, but also merchants and even bounty hunters.
Roughly the same can be said about zabraks. However, it is worth adding that among them there are many scouts and ordinary soldiers. There is nothing a Zabrak thinks he can't do. At the same time, the Zabrak lack a sense of superiority over other sentient beings. In addition to pride, they have highly developed instincts for exploration and colonization of territories. Therefore, in addition to their home world - Iridonia - they have a lot of colonies.
Wookiees If Zabraks are easily recognizable by their horns, then Wookiees' furry giants are all the more unmistakable. Wookiees are very devoted to the family. They value morality, courage, empathy, and loyalty. Very few Wookiees are willing to betray friends or family. A typical Wookiee custom is the life debt, an oath of allegiance to anyone who saves a Wookiee's life.
The planet Kashyyyk, home of the Wookiees, is lush with vegetation. Wookiees live in the upper tiers of their endless forests, in houses perched high in the branches of huge trees. Wookiee cities are hundreds of huts connected by wooden platforms, suspension bridges, and ropes. Although Wookiees may seem primitive, they are actually very technical and easily learn how to fly starships, repair instruments, and use modern weapons.
The average Wookiee is over two meters tall and has a lifespan several times that of a human. In addition to physical strength and keen senses, Wookiees have good regeneration abilities: serious wounds heal over them in a few days. Wookiees also have claws that are used only for climbing trees. The notion of honor forbids Wookiees from using their claws in battle.
Ewoks In Star Wars' original vision, the Wookiee tribes were to band together to drive the technologically superior Imperials from their forest world. However, Lucas ended up converting Wookiees into Ewoks for such a scene in "Episode 6". In the first sketches, the Ewoks looked very ferocious, and only then they became cute fur balls.
Ewoks have a rich and interesting culture. They believe in a wide pantheon of gods and spirits. Their religion is centered mainly around the giant trees of Endor, and the main Ewok deity is the Great Tree, who knows everything and watches over the forest. At the birth of an Ewok, a tree is planted, in close spiritual connection with which the newborn will be until the end of his life.
Although the Ewoks are well versed in primitive adaptations to help them survive, their level of technological development corresponds to the Stone Age. They wear primitive clothing and use crude weapons. They do, however, learn very quickly. modern technologies. Ewoks are proud warriors, using their knowledge of the forest to defeat better-armed foes.

(Trade Federation)

A venal coalition of merchants made up of representatives from many planets. Considered greedy and unprincipled, the Trade Federation blockaded the peaceful planet of Naboo in protest of the Republic's taxation of galactic trade routes. However, this had no effect on the Senate, and the corporation landed a secret army on the planet, consisting of battle droids and heavily armed vehicles. The Naboo and their allies eventually repelled the invasion when Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation's droid control station.

Known members: Nute Gunray, Lott Dod, Run Haako.

Location: mobile.

Actions: everything possible for large sums of money.

Detailed description

A trade federation was founded in 350 BC. Ya (before the battle of Yavin) as an organization that unites the negotiators of the inhabited space. However, over time, they have become one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy, threatening peace and freedom in the universe. Using the growing wealth, the Trade Federation concentrated on capturing the main trade routes, the possession of which gave great political and economic power. By 40 to b. The J. federation controlled all trade routes in the Old Republic and hundreds of other systems.

In 32 to b. J. Naboo Senator Palpatine has begun a campaign to reduce the influence of the Trade Federation. At his instigation, the Galactic Senate passed Resolution BR-0371, a seemingly harmless document that taxed all hyperspace trade routes in the Outer and Mid-worlds. The resolution met with wide approval, for the funds received were used to pay off the debts of the Old Republic. Since the Trade Federation dominated the Free Trade Zones, this law hit them the hardest. Within a few months after the resolution was issued, the federation's revenues were greatly reduced.

The response from the Trade Federation was immediate. While Federation Senator Lott Dod was vehemently urging the Senate to drop the new taxation, the corporation's executive board was plotting a retaliatory strike. Under the leadership of Viceroy Nute Gunray and his second-in-command, Run Haako, the Trade Federation began secretly building a huge army. Large-scale contracts were awarded to the Baktoid military factories, Haor Challa engineers, and even the Colicoids. The Trade Federation has filled the holds of its cargo ships with powerful battle tanks, deadly starfighters, hordes of droids and dangerous droidekas. After testing the army on Lok and other planets in the Outer Worlds, the Trade Federation was ready for war.

Six months after the release of BR-0371, the Trade Federation descended on Naboo, Senator Palpatine's home planet. On Gunray's orders, the Trade Federation Navy placed the planet under lockdown, preventing it from moving in and out of goods. After a few weeks of blockade, Naboo's position became hopeless, as the necessary supplies came to an end. The Senate still refused to repeal BR-0371, and so the Trade Federation declassified its army by invading the planet Naboo. Gunray wanted to capture the capital of Theed and force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty transferring control of the planet to the Trade Federation. However, the Queen was rescued by the Jedi Knights, and in the ensuing Battle of Naboo, the Federation army was defeated. Nute Gunray, who was responsible for the invasion, was arrested but escaped serious punishment and soon returned to a prominent position in his organization.

In the years following the Battle of Naboo, the Trade Federation remained a powerful force in the galaxy. Although most of its army had been destroyed, the Trade Federation forged new alliances and began to rebuild its former military strength. She even formed elite assassin units to take revenge on the Jedi, but all attempts to do so were in vain. At 29 g to b. I. The Old Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband the army, but the corporation never fully complied with this requirement and maintained a secret army until the creation of the Empire.

The "Detailed Description" section is based on materials kindly translated and provided by Darth.

Trade Federation

Founded 350 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Trade Federation was originally intended to be the representation of merchants and merchants in the galaxy. However, over time, it has become one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy and a dangerous threat to peace and freedom.

Consisting of officials of the numerous systems, the Trade Federation has always been greedy and immoral. Using its ever-increasing Lordship, the organization focused on capturing major trade routes, knowing that ownership of these lines would give the Trade Federation immense political and economic power. By forty years before the Battle of Yavin, the Trade Federation effectively controlled every trade route and hundreds of subsystems known to the Old Republic.

Thirty-two years before the Battle of Yavin, at the urging of Senator Palpatine of Naboo, High Chancellor Valorum began a campaign to reduce the power of the Trade Federation. As a result, the Galactic Senate passed Decision BR-0371, a seemingly harmless bill that imposed a tariff on all major Outer and Mid Rim hyperspace trade routes. The decision was a resounding success because all of the tax revenue from the so-called "Free Trade Zones" was used to help and develop the outlying systems. But since the Trade Federation dominated the Free Trade Zones, the corporation was overwhelmed by the new law. Within months of the decision being made, the Trade Federation's profits plummeted dramatically.

The Trade Federation immediately responded to the threat of BR-0371. While Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod was a strong opponent of taxation, Executive Director Corporation began planning a bold counterattack. Under the leadership of Vikroy Nute Gunray and his lieutenant Rune Khaako, the Trade Federation began to build a massive secret army. Making deals with Baktoid Armor workshops, Haor Chall engineers, and even the Colicoid Creature Nest, the Trade Federation loaded their freighters with powerful battle tanks, deadly droid starfighters, hordes of battle droids, and menacing droidekas. After testing this army on Lok and other Outer Rim worlds, the Trade Federation began to prepare for war.

Six months after the adoption of BR-0371, the Trade Federation struck Naboo, home of Senator Palpatine. By order of Gunray, the fleet battleships The Trade Federation has created a blockade around the peaceful world to stop the import and export of goods. The blockade continued for several weeks, and Naboo's plight grew desperate as supplies dwindled. When the Senate once again refused to revoke BR-0371, the Trade Federation finally revealed their secret army and took over Naboo. Gunray planned to capture the capital of Theed and force Queen Amidala to sign an agreement giving the Trade Federation ownership of the planet.

Gunray's plan failed when the Jedi Knights intervened in the crisis and rescued Amidala. The Battle of Naboo soon took place, pitting the Trade Federation against the combined forces of the Gungan Grand Army and the Naboo Royal Security Forces. While the Gungans distracted the Trade Federation army, the Queen and her loyal soldiers retook Theed. Taking advantage of the chaos, Naboo Bravo Squadron managed to launch an attack on the vital Trade Federation droid control ship. Anakin Skywalker destroyed the CUD, disarming the Trade Federation army. Nute Gunray, the overseer of the invasion, was arrested but escaped serious punishment and soon returned to his prominent role within the organization.

For many years after the Battle of Naboo, the Trade Federation remained a huge force in the galaxy. Although most of its original army had been dismantled, the Trade Federation quickly formed new alliances and began to rebuild its military forces. At one point, the Trade Federation even formed a selective death corps in a failed attempt to get revenge on the Jedi. Twenty-nine years before the Battle of Yavin Old Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband its army, but the corporation did not fully comply with this directive and maintained a secret army.

When the Confederacy of Independent Systems was formed twenty years before the Battle of Yavin, the Trade Federation saw an opportunity to join others opposed to the governance of the Galactic Senate. Using Nute Gunray's hatred for Queen Amidala of Naboo, the cunning CIS leader Count Dooku lured the Trade Federation into a Separatist alliance by promising to kill Amidala, who was now serving as a Senator. Although they had not yet publicly supported the CIS because the assassination attempts had failed, the leaders of the Trade Federation and a significant portion of its military forces arrived on Geonosis and fought the first battle of the Clone Wars. Now the Trade Federation's secret power had been exposed and there was no alternative but to join the CIS in the war against the Republic.

Trade Federation battleship


Name Modified Trade Federation LH-3210 Container Ship
Manufacturer Hoersh-Kessel Drive Incorporated
Diameter 3170 meters
Crew 175-25 Neimoidians (officers and pilots), 150-300 droids
  • 139,000 B1 droids
  • 50 C-9979 landing craft
  • 550 MTT
  • 6.250 AAT
Speed ? MGLT
hyperdrive class 2, reserve hyperdrive class 10
Engines Main - Rendili StarDrive Proton 3
Secondary - Rendili StarDrive Proton 12
autonomy 1.5 years
Shield SR 150
  • DR20
  • threshold 254
  • HP 1800
Armament 42 quadruple turbolasers (turrets)
Hangar 1500 fighter droids
Cargo capacity 4,000,000 metric tons


Immediately after the passage of resolution BR-0371, which taxed hyperspace routes in the Outer and Middle Regions, the Trade Federation (TF) began to prepare a retaliatory strike. Unbeknownst to the Republic authorities, the TF has increased the number of battle droids. TF did not have its own warships. It was economically unprofitable to issue an order not to design ships to third-party planets and organizations and could attract attention from law enforcement agencies of the Republic. Therefore, the leadership of the TF decided to arm the massive LH-3210 container ships, which were used by the Federation in large quantities.

Previously loaded with all sorts of goods, now container ships were filled with a variety of weapons and equipment. In the massive "ring" hold, the number of supporting frames for the suspension of fighters was increased, hidden laser batteries appeared on the sides of the ship, 16 transceiver antennas were installed to control droids, and the hull was reinforced with layers of armor. In less than six months, the once-peaceful container ships turned into well-armed warships.

The belt enclosing the central sphere is occupied by hangars and warehouses. This layout went to the ship from the civilian past. The brain center of the ship is the central sphere. It contains the main reactor, the captain's bridge, cabins for non-Modians and guests, conference rooms ... and others. surface.

The test of strength for the TF was the blockade of the planet Naboo - the homeland of Chancellor Palpatine, who initiated the adoption of resolution BR-0371. The battle for Naboo revealed many of the ship's shortcomings, inherited from its civilian past. The weak reactor was unable to provide energy for all the weapons, which, by the way, were installed very unsuccessfully, allowing for the existence of numerous "dead zones". In addition, the ship had numerous vulnerabilities. The protective field projectors, located on the surface of the central sphere, were very vulnerable to attacks by fighters and bombers, which, having “dived” under the shields, could directly attack the projectors. Another vulnerable point was the hangar, the entrance to which was wide, vulnerable and unprotected.

The disadvantage of the ship as a landing ship is the presence of one droid control center. Since droids were the backbone of the Trade Federation army, the control station was the first to be hit. For economic reasons (the proprietary Neimoidian economy), the Trade Federation government, during the conflict over Naboo, decided to equip only one in twenty ships with a communications center. This led to the fact that it was not difficult to calculate the control ship even visually: a characteristic cluster of long-range communication antennas stood out on the surface of the central sphere, and 16 massive transceiver antennas were clearly visible on the hull itself. Disabling such a center could completely stop the invasion of the planet, both ground and space. This is exactly what happened during the Battle of Naboo.

After Naboo, TF took this fact into account by increasing the autonomy of its droids, designing mobile command posts and equipping all of its battleships with antennas. Although there were punctures that clearly demonstrated the shortcomings mass application fighter droids. One such puncture occurred during a secret Sith mission to destroy Outbound Flight, which was successfully carried out in 27 BBY. In this mission, the squadron under the command of Doriana (who used the pseudonym Stratis) and Vice-Lord Siv Kav included two ships of the type in question - the Keeper and the Avenger (Darkvenge). All ships were provided by the Trade Federation and did not stand out from their brethren. The ships arrived at the Ultra Long Range intercept point and waited for a target to appear, but instead ran into a small Chiss squadron under Thrawn's command. The blue-skinned naval commander demanded that the squadron commander report on the purpose of the visit and announced that they were in Chiss space. But the swaggering Neimoidian was not even going to answer in the face of the "savage" and "pirate" (that's how he described Thrawn) and ordered the release of fighters. Thrawn, thanks to the stories of Jorj Car'das (Jorj Car'das) - an unwitting guest of the Chiss - has already represented in in general terms what kind of fighters sent against him. He ordered them to retreat to within range of the droid starfighters and waited. TF ships were also waiting. Then Thrawn revealed the main flaw in the TF naval doctrine. He sent one heavy fighter at some distance from the main squadron, ordering him to approach the ships of the TF at regular intervals and on the same course and retreat whenever fighters were sent against him. This incomprehensible (for Doriana and the arrogant Neimoidian) leapfrog continued for some time. While these "dances in space" lasted, the electronic warfare specialists on Thrawn's flagship were busy deciphering the control signals that the droid starfighters received from the control station, highlighting repeating sections of code in them. Thrawn then moved forward, decisively attacking the Neimoidian ships. Siv Kav dispatched hundreds of fighters, wanting to crush the Chiss like a bug, but instead of attacking Thrawn's ships, the fighter droids flew... in a completely different direction, acting on orders given from on board Thrawn's ship, broadcasting to the fighters the same signal they received when attacking a lone " dancing" fighter. Then it was more fun. Thrawn parried the second wave of fighters by setting up active jamming on all frequencies, and immobilized some of the fighters with "Konor networks" that disabled electronics. Due to active interference, a significant part of the Guardian air group did not receive signals from the control station and could not leave the carrier ship. Simply put, the droids were confused. A few minutes later, exactly following the program embedded in them, the fighters self-destructed, destroying the Guardian along with them. Other ships of the squadron also perished. Thrawn spared only the flagship. This battle showed how unreliable the practice of using fighter droids and a poorly armed carrier ship was, and how important weapons are in space combat. electronic warfare(EW).

During the years of the Clone Wars, this type of ship took part in many of the battles of the war, operating primarily as aircraft carriers and landing craft. After the Clone Wars, these excellent ships did not leave the scene, continuing to be used in the fleets of various corporations and planetary governments. At least one upgraded LH-3210 is known to have been used by the Alliance fleet. This ship took part in the battle of Despay, delivering more than 500 fighters to the battlefield. A number of these ships have been purchased by wealthy shipowners in the Corporate Sector. Several LH-3210s even ended up in the fleet of the Corporate Sector of Autarkiah (KSA). True, it is not known in what role it was used by the KSA, as an aircraft carrier, landing craft or battleship.


In Starships of the Galaxy, without a shadow of a doubt, these ships are called battleships. But if you look at their rather meager artillery and very impressive hangars, which could accommodate 1,500 fighters, and the no less impressive number of troops transported, this ship would like to be called an attack aircraft carrier, which successfully combines the functions of a BDK (large landing ship). I note that it was in the role of an aircraft carrier and large landing ship that this ship was mainly used in the Clone Wars.


  • Official site (encyclopedia of the old site)
  • Episode I: Incredible Cross Sections
  • Episode I: The Visual Dictionary
  • Death Star (novel)
  • The Clone Wars (animated series)
  • Starships of the Galaxy, 2007 editions, p. 146-147
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, p. 36-37
  • Hero of Cartao (story)


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