Nature photography competition. Water world. “Nature is our future. Water world "

Travel to modern world inseparable from photography. Our TV channel invites all travelers to take part in a photo competition about Russian nature. The best works will be seen by millions of Russian citizens during the festival “My Planet. The planet of people ".

The festival will take place in July-August 2017 in Moscow, Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Ufa and Novosibirsk. Plans for this year include an exhibition best photos"Nature: Beginning". The exposition will be composed of photographs of TV viewers of the "My Planet" channel, travelers and photographers.

The photo exhibition will tell and show how harmonious our nature is and why it is important to preserve it. The theme of the festival was not chosen by chance - 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.

“We invite photographers and amateurs to participate in the exhibition. We invite you to look at the nature of Russia through the idea of ​​the birth of something beautiful, new, full of harmony, purity and simplicity. We can talk about any symbols of the awakening of nature. Don't limit your imagination! " - comments on the idea of ​​the photo exhibition Chief Editor TV channel "My Planet" Nikolay Tabashnikov.

To participate, you must send to email [email protected] photo site in maximum quality (resolution - not less than 300 dpi), and short description to them (up to 500 characters).

Photos must be horizontal and full color. Works are accepted until May 31, 2017. A detailed description of the photo competition and the rules for submitting photos can be found.

For the first time, the photo exhibition became part of the My Planet. Planet of people "in 2016. Then it was called "Russia - a place of power" and for her 30 Russian photographers and travelers sent their photo sketches of those places in the country that inspired them to discover and gave energy for new achievements: natural monuments, unique landscapes of Russia, territories associated with important historical events, pilgrimage.

The geography of filming covered the most remote corners of Russia: the Republic of Tuva and Lake Baikal, North Caucasus and Kamchatka, the outpost of the Northern Sea Route Tiksi and the island of Valaam and much more.

Announced all-Russian competition photos "Nature: the beginning". Deadline May 31, 2017.

Organizer: My Planet TV Channel.

If you are a traveler who takes a camera while traveling and notices unexpected, amazing or simply beautiful moments, this competition is for you!

Annotation of the competition:

2017 has been declared the Year of the Environment in Russia. Indeed, it is important to talk about ecology as often and loudly as possible. With the help of the photo exhibition "Nature: Beginning" we will tell and show how harmonious nature is and how important it is to keep it intact. Hence the name - "Nature: Beginning".

We invite you to look at the nature of Russia through the idea of ​​the birth of something beautiful, new, full of harmony, purity and simplicity. We can talk about any symbols of the awakening of nature. For example, you can send us a photo of dawn, the first sprouts of wheat, a stream in the forest, a rosebud that will bloom tomorrow. Even a rabbit with babies is also thematically suitable. Don't limit your imagination!

Photo and text requirements

Our official Vkontakte group:,.

Your photos are accepted by mail [email protected] Pictures taken in Russia between 2015 and 2017 are accepted. Photos must be horizontal and full color. The resolution of the photographs is at least 300 dpi, since for the exhibition we will print photographs with a size of 122 x 93 cm.

For each photo, you must indicate:

  • City: where the photo was taken
  • Photo title: it should be bright and memorable
  • Description: tell what is happening in the frame, why this moment is amazing and important to you. Write in simple words like telling a story to friends.
  • Text size: 500 characters with spaces.
  • The editors of the channel "My Planet" reserves the right to make edits to the texts.
  • The best pictures will be part of the exposition in Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Voronezh and Kaliningrad.
  • Authors best works will get a trip to Russia from Federal agency on tourism.

Photo exhibition schedule

  • July 1-23. Moscow, site to be confirmed
  • July 14-30. Kaliningrad, site to be confirmed
  • July 21 - August 6. Voronezh, site to be confirmed
  • July 28 - August 13. Novosibirsk, square in front of the cinema "Pobeda"
  • August 9-20. Ufa, square in front of the cinema "Rodina"

Opening: 28 June 2019
Deadline: September 30, 2019
Contribution: is free
Awards: the main prize - 300,000 rubles, valuable prizes, diplomas, participation in a photo exhibition, publication in the magazines " National Geographic Russia "and" National Geographic Traveler " users who have reached the age of majority can participate in the main nominations of the competition. For photographers under the age of 18, there is a nomination "Young Talents".

Each participant can send no more than 10 works to the competition.

The main prize is 300,000 rubles.


  • Landscapes
  • Plants
  • Macro photography
  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Mothers and cubs
  • Underwater photography
  • Urban jungle
  • Mobile photo
  • Young talents

Special Category 2019 - Natural Perfection presented by Subaru Forester. The winner of the nomination, in addition to participation in all-Russian exhibition"Wildlife of Russia", a special prize from Subaru Forester awaits.

The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the year.

National Geographic Russian Wildlife Photo Contest 2018 Winners

© Vitaly Dvoryachenko
1st place in the category "Mammals"
Winner of the Wildlife of Russia - 2018 Photo Contest
© Artyom Beloshitsky
2nd place in the category "Mammals"

This is how often foxes communicate. Urup Island.

© Grigory Tsidulko
3rd place in the category "Mammals"

The climate on planet Earth is changing, and this is especially noticeable in the Arctic. Polar bears need ice to survive, but its area is shrinking ... This bear, looking like a health-resorter languishing in the heat, evokes a smile, but at the same time fears for the fate of all the inhabitants of the Arctic. The picture was taken in the Chukchi Sea.

At dawn
© Svetlana Baibekova
1st place in the category "Birds"

Kid at dawn. Kulik carrier, despite his young age, perfectly swims and runs like a sprinter.

Past and present
© Grigory Tsidulko
2nd place in the category "Birds"

Ancient rocks about. The herald is mesmerizing with its pattern. What forces have folded rocks into such a picture ... I did not immediately notice two Ipatoks, most likely nesting behind the ledge of an ancient rock. Their short life in the Arctic is filled with no less drama than the riot of ancient elements.

Lady on twine
© Svetlana Baibekova
3rd place in the category "Birds"
View from the mountain "Polyudov stone"
© Ragozin Rodion
1st place in the category "Landscapes"

Polyudov Kamen 'or Polyud is a mountain in the Krasnovishersky District of the Perm Territory. Mount Polyud is located 7 km from the city of Krasnovishersk and is a protected landscape of regional importance. The height of the mountain is 527 meters above sea level.

White on gold
© Alexander Ryabenky
2nd place in the category "Landscapes"

That was the first morning of a three-week trip to Altai. And the most memorable. Since for all the next 20 days I have not experienced such strong emotions from shooting. I love fog very much, it is one of my favorite states of nature. And I went to the Kurai steppe with just such a dream - to find clouds wandering on the ground in this picturesque place. Altai, Kuraiskaya steppe.

Fiery snow
© Natalia Fedosova
3rd place in the category "Landscapes"

On the tops of the Ural Mountains, very strong winds are common, creating drifting snow - the movement of snow along the surface of the earth. During dawn, when the sun just appears over the horizon, you can see how this drift "lights up" - illuminated by red light from the rising sun.

Rock climber
© Valeria Zvereva
1st place in the nomination "Macro photography"

To a small aphid, the unevenness of the old tree stump probably looks like a rocky ridge.

For mushrooms
© Valeria Zvereva
2nd place in the nomination "Macro photography"

Ant and mixomycetes.

It's more fun together ...
© Vladislav Zakharevich
3rd place in the nomination "Macro photography"
© Andrey Kuznetsov
1st place in the category "Plants"

I associate this frame of lady's shoes with the silence of the evening summer forest.

Siberian fern
© Marina Ogneva
2nd place in the category "Plants"

Filming a fern in the Siberian taiga, not directing. I saw that a small flower was very successfully wedged through the giant fern leaves.

Gray-haired Elbrus sleeping under the light of the moon
© Sergey Sutkova
1st place in the nomination "From Dusk Till Dawn"

View from the Bermamyt plateau in Karachay-Cherkessia.

In a frosty daze
© Kirill Uyutnov
2nd place in the nomination "From Dusk Till Dawn"

Priuralsky district, Yamal, Polar Urals.

Another galaxy
© Alexander Osipov
1st place in the category "Nature in black and white"

Waste heap near the town of Verkhniy Ufaley.

Spinning, spinning
© Mikhail Plotnikov
2nd place in the category "Nature in black and white"

Pulsatilla aurea (Pulsatilla aurea).

Moon symphony
© Dmitry Kochergin
3rd place in the category "Nature in black and white"

Lunar Symphony of Taganay National Park. That quiet, calm moment before dawn, when the moon has not yet risen, and on the other side the sun is about to appear. And this combination of luminaries gives everything around a special glow.

Doflein's giant octopus walking
© Andrey Shpatak
1st place in the category "Underwater photography"
Attention, jellyfish precipitation is expected!
© Andrey Sidorov
2nd place in the category "Underwater photography"

Black Sea, Crimea. November 2018.

Meeting the giant at the bottom
© Mikhail Korostelev
3rd place in the category "Underwater photography"

Bowhead whale, Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

© Alexander Ryabenky
1st place in the category "Reserved Russia"

It was constantly pouring from the sky that day. That rain, then a downpour, then drizzle. There was also occasional sailing. All this caused a lot of trouble in our camp. But there were several times when the elements took a break, and the active return of water to heaven began. At such moments, I dropped everything and ran after the camera, hidden in the tent from the humidity. I remember that seeing how the peaks, popularly called Parabola, begin to appear from the clouds, I rushed behind the camera and barely managed to take just a couple of shots while this state remained. After a few clicks of the shutter, everything instantly disappeared, and this did not happen again, despite the unchanging conditions that lasted all day. Krasnoyarsk region, natural park Ergaki.

© Alexander Ryabenky
2nd place in the category "Reserved Russia"

Ergaki are known for their raw and sullen disposition. So that day the weather did not spoil, whistling its favorite local melody. And we sat in tents, worn out by the wind and rain. When all the mournful song stopped drumming on the tents, we looked out in the hope of the mercy of the elements. And she also gave us a bonus. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ergaki Natural Park.

War of autumn with winter
© Mikhail Turkeev
3rd place in the category "Reserved Russia"

Filmed in national park Taganay, South Ural.

Caring mother
© Vadim Kononenko
1st place in the category "Moms and Cubs"

Summer in the Altai taiga is a troublesome time for forest dwellers. It is necessary to have time not only to raise the young, but also to collect supplies for the winter.

© Vladislav Kostylev
2nd place in the category "Moms and Cubs"

The babies were born on time, but spring did not come.

"And I'm not afraid of you!"
© Alexander Markelov
3rd place in the category "Moms and Cubs"

She-bear with cubs on the river bank after fishing.

Territorial conflict
© Victor Tyakht
Winner in the "Photo Story" category
Thunderstorm before storm
© Andrey Revyakin
1st place in the category "Urban Jungle"
Urban fairy tale
© Andrey Revyakin
2nd place in the category "Urban Jungle"

The April snowfall in Yekaterinburg enveloped the trees in snow.

We'll ride, we'll ride
© Vitaly Novikov
3rd place in the category "Urban Jungle"

Reindeer team in the village of Lovozero, Murmansk region.

The waxwings whistled
© Ekaterina Fedotova
1st place in the "Young Talents" nomination

The birds ate the fermented ones autumn apples and began to sort things out a few meters from the entrance to the Moscow metro.

© Aglaya Tsidulko
2nd place in the "Young Talents" nomination

A thick fog crawled lazily along the island. Reinike, making it look like the famous bun.

Forest path to the lake
© Evgeniya Botova
3rd place in the "Young Talents" nomination

Magic trail leading to the Forest Lake, Sergiev Posad. Dawn, because of the branches parting before you, you can already see the golden waters of the lake. The sun breaks through the trunks of age-old firs, covered with moss, the lake soars ...

© Ksenia Maksimenko
Winner of the "Mobile Photos" nomination

The photo was taken while traveling in the Urals by train.

Night guest
© Igor Zubkov
1st place in the category "Art in nature"
Winter waited, nature waited
© Evgeny Mazurin
2nd place in the category "Art in nature"

That year, the autumn weather stood for a long time in the yard, waited for winter, waited for nature, snow fell only in January (A.S. Pushkin). The winter of 2017–2018 was in no hurry to take over! (Photographed in the Lipetsk region, in the floodplain of the Voronezh River).

Morning gymnastics
© Andrey Kuznetsov
3rd place in the category "Art in nature"

A pair of dragonflies retired on the otanks of last year's cattail sticking out of the water.

I am watery, I am watery !!!
© Olga Gokoeva
Winner of the category "Movement in Nature"

Humpback whale in Vilyuchinskaya Bay, Kamchatka.

These Regulations determine the procedure for the preparation and timing of the Altai Wildlife Contest (hereinafter referred to as the Contest or Photo Contest), the conditions for participation in the competition and selection of winners.

The Altai Wildlife Contest is dedicated to wildlife, especially reserved places, which few people are destined to visit. All photographs submitted for the competition tell about the wild nature of Altai, including the nature of specially protected natural areas: reserves, national and natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments.

Winners and awardees in each nomination of the Photo Contest receive valuable prizes and gifts.

Submission of works to the photo competition is the unconditional acceptance of this provision by the participant and is a permission to store and process his personal data during the entire period of the photo competition, as well as for 10 years after its completion.

The organizers reserve the right to unilaterally change certain parts of this provision in order to create more equal and fair conditions for all participants in this competition.

This text of the competition rules is not a public offer in accordance with Art. 435 and part 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. II ... Goals and objectives of the competition

The competition is held in order to draw attention to the issues of preserving the natural heritage of Altai, organizing conditions for cultural exchange between photographers and viewers, as well as popularizing the idea of ​​creating photographs that change the world.

III ... Competition organizers:

KGBU "State Museum of the History of Literature, Art and Culture of Altai" (GMILIKA),

FSBI "State Reserve" Tigireksky ",

FSBI "State Natural Biosphere Reserve" Katunsky ",

FSBI "Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve".

III... 1 Competition partners.

Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Altai Territory.

Barnaul Zoo "Forest Fairy Tale".

Altai regional program "Adopt a zakaznik".

Informational support of the regional information publication "Nature of Altai" and the Altai regional public ecological movement "Start from your home".

  1. IV ... Rules for participation in the competition.

Photos taken in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic (Russia), as well as Western Altai (Republic of Kazakhstan), Mongolian and Chinese Altai are accepted for the competition.

By submitting works to the competition, the participant confirms that he has read the rules of participation, agrees with them and guarantees that all the information provided is correct and accurate, and the participant himself is the author of the submitted works.

The organizers and jury members cannot participate in the photo competition.

The photographs corresponding to the themes of the nominations are accepted for the photo competition.

The works submitted to the photo competition must be accompanied by information about the shooting (author's name, full name, full name), age, contact phone number, postal address with zip code, as well as other information that is important, in the opinion of the author. about work: date and place of photography (for example, 05/12/2017, Russia, Altai Territory, southern slope of Mount Babyrgan), the object in the picture. interesting features, difficulties accompanying the filming process, other important information, according to the author). Photos without accompanying information are not allowed to participate in the photo competition.

Participants send no more than three works to each of the nominations.

Photos with images of pets (cats, dogs, horses, etc.) and domestic plants are not accepted to participate in the competition.

Photos of animals taken using live bait and in captivity will not be accepted to participate in the photo competition.

A prerequisite for participation in the photo competition is compliance with environmental legislation Russian Federation, ethical treatment of animals and their habitat

Photographers should not disrupt the natural way of life of their subjects in order to obtain the desired shot.

Digital impact on the photograph (processing) should not distort the content of the photograph.

Works submitted to the Photo Contest in insufficient quality or for which it is impossible to verify the authenticity will not be accepted for consideration.

  1. V. Key dates.

Notification of participants whose works have been selected for participation in the exhibition - until November 15, 2018.

  1. VI ... Nominations.

LANDSCAPE / nomination "P" / (Landscapes that demonstrate the beauty of natural landscapes. The photographs must contain no elements of anthropogenic interference. The nomination accepts photographs taken only in the wild);

FLORA AND FAUNA / nomination "F" / (Photos of wild plants and animals in their natural environment. It is desirable to present interesting moments from the life of wild animals and plants, their interaction with other individuals or environment... Dynamic and emotional shots are welcome. Photos showing pets or cultivated plants will not be accepted for the competition. Also rejected are works that were done in violation of ethical standards);

NATURE AND MAN / nomination "H" / (Photos about any harmonious interaction between wildlife and humans: the work of specialists in specially protected natural areas, people in the process of preserving wildlife, etc.);

RESERVE ALTAI / nomination "W" / (Photos taken in specially protected natural areas (SPNA), including reserves and natural monuments, photos of protected species of flora and fauna (species included in the Red Data Books of the respective territories).

PHOTO STORY / nomination "I" / (Photo story about the wild nature of Altai, ie a series of pictures from 6 to 15 photographs and a text describing the situation).

Works in all nominations will be judged by the degree of artistry and compositional completeness, the complexity of shooting conditions. The jury gives preference to dynamic, unique scenes from the life of the wild.

Vii ... Requirements for photographic works accepted for the competition.

  1. Digital photo files in JPEG format are accepted for the competition. The file should be cropped (cropped), and the frame size should not be less than 3 megapixels, but preferably as large as possible. The author can send all his wishes for prepress processing of the file in a cover letter.
  2. The file name should be created in the following form: nomination__lurname and initials of the author_author's title.jpeg. Nominations should be entered in one letter: "P" - landscape, "F" - flora and fauna, "H" - nature and man, "Z" - reserved Altai, "I" - photo history. That is, the title should look, for example, like this: F_Ivanov I.I._On the animal path.
  3. Works should not have any author's dice, added frames, etc.
  4. Correction of images in graphic editors in order to create photo collages is not allowed, but it is possible to clean up noise, adjust brightness, contrast, levels, etc.
  5. Levels, Hue, Contrast, Exposure, Sharpening, Noise Reduction, Dust Removal, Stitched Panoramas are allowed, provided the photo is not compromised or the real picture of nature or people's lives is distorted.
  6. It is not allowed to delete the original information about the file (EXIF).
  7. In case of any questions regarding the technical execution of the work, the jury may request the source files or ask for clarification.
  8. Each photo must be accompanied by a file in text format(* .txt, * .rtf, * .doc), containing information about the author - full name (full name), age, contact phone number, postal address with zip code, as well as other information that is important, in the opinion of the author. Also, it is necessary to indicate information about the work: the date and place of photographing (for example, 10/22/2016, Tigirek reserve, the vicinity of the village of Tigirek). In this file, you must describe either the shooting conditions (interesting features, difficulties, other important, in the opinion of the author, information), or offer a short artistic essay on the subject of the photograph (no more than 300 characters). Photos without accompanying information do not participate in the competition!
  9. Files must be directed to the address altpri@ marked "For the competition 2018" before 00:00 Moscow time on October 15, 2018

VIII Summing up the results of the competition

At the closing ceremony of the Altai Wildlife exhibition in State Museum history of literature, art and culture of Altai (February 1, 2019, Barnaul), the jury will name the best photographs and their authors.

  1. IX ... Copyright and Reproduction.

The organizers have the right to:

  • Post photos in electronic and print media covering the competition and the work of exhibitions following the results of the competition;
  • To exhibit the works of the winners of the competition, including in digital form at exhibitions following the results of the competition;
  • Post the works of the winners of the competition on the websites of the organizers of the competition;
  • Use the works of the winners of the competition for the preparation of printed and electronic products accompanying the competition and subsequent exhibitions;
  • Use the works of the participants for holding events to popularize the competition;
  • Offer the authors options for the commercial use of their photos (any commercial use of works is possible only with the consent of the author);
  • In the event of claims, claims, claims of third parties, including copyright holders and related rights to the presented work, the participant undertakes to resolve them on his own behalf and at his own expense.

The organizers of the competition undertake to indicate the name of the author of the work when using it.

Exhibition photographs made at the expense of the organizers of the competition for display at exhibitions remain with the organizers and can be used by them at their own discretion.

  1. X ... Final provisions.

Submissions that do not meet the requirements of the competition in terms of content, technical or any other aspect will not be considered and will be excluded from the competition. The jury's decision on the compliance of the works with the necessary requirements will be final. By submitting materials for the competition, the participant agrees to the above rules.

XIV ... Internet resources of the competition:

VKontakte group:

Official website of the Competition:

Tigirek reserve website:

Altai Nature Reserve website:

Position O Photo competition

“Nature is our future. Water world "

The competition is held by the Municipal Institution "Kozmodemyanskiy cultural and historical museum complex", structural subdivision "Museum of satire and humor named after O. Bender ".

1. Purpose and tasks competition
- Attracting children and adolescents to respect and study the nature and ecology of their native land;
- Development of patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland;
- Increasing the desire for creative activity.

3 . Conditions holding competition
The photo competition is held in nominations :
- animals, birds;
- the macrocosm.

4. Date
Works are accepted from March 22 to April 20, 2018 at the address: Kozmodemyansk, st. Sovetskaya, 7 (O. Bender Museum of Satire and Humor).

5. Topics works
- Interesting nearby (funny stories from the life of animals);
- My homeland is the best (landscapes);
- Beautiful in small (macrocosm).

The photographs should depict nature untouched by man, wild animals and birds, insects in their natural habitat - natural reservoirs.

6. Design creative works

Works are accepted on sheets of A3 and A4 format, photo good quality, framed under glass. On the back of the work are indicated: the name of the competition, full name, class, full name of the teacher, educational institution, contact number.

7. By the results competition will be selected the best work v each nominations

As a result of the competition, a museum exhibition will be formed from the winning works. The exhibition will run for a month (from April 25 to May 25, 2018).

The winners of the competition are invited to a solemn awarding ceremony at the Museum of Satire and Humor named after O. Bender on April 25, 2018.

The winners of the competition will be awarded with certificates and gifts.

All participants will be awarded with certificates.

The results of the competition will be posted on the website of the Kozmodemyansk Museum Complex (website) no later than April 27, 2018.

The participant of the competition automatically gives the right to the MU "Kozmodemyansky Museum Complex" to use the submitted material (posting on the Internet) without additional permits and conditions, without limiting the territory of use and without paying remuneration.

The collection and processing of the results of the participants in the competition are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Personal data of the participant is collected and processed educational institution... The fact of participation in the competition guarantees the consent of the parents (legal representatives) to the processing of personal data of children, which is necessary for the competition.

9. Composition jury
Emelin Evgeny Viktorovich - senior Researcher the department of accounting and storage of the MU "Kozmodemyansk Museum Complex";
Zabrodina Tatiana Vladimirovna - Researcher at the Museum of Satire and Humor named after V.I. O. Bender;
Kolbina Olga Vasilievna - manager structural unit Museum of Satire and Humor named after O. Bender ";
Alekseeva Zhanna Vasilievna - Head of the Department of History, Culture and Art of the Kozmodemyansk Museum Complex;
Lukyanova Elena Viktorovna - employee of the department of history, culture and art of the MU "Kozmodemyansky Museum Complex".

10. Evaluated
- quality of work;
- compliance with the subject matter;
- registration, according to the regulations of the competition;
- creativity.

11. Return works
The winning works remain in the museum's funds, the rest of the works can be received after the solemn awarding at the address: Kozmodemyansk, st. Soviet, 7. (O. Bender Museum of Satire and Humor).


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