What is the difference between a homemade egg and a store-bought one. Homemade and factory eggs: what is the difference and what is better. How to tell if an egg is homemade or store-bought

Benefits of eggs for human body has been repeatedly proven by scientists. Indeed, since ancient times, when people began to breed birds, eggs began to appear in the human diet almost every day. That is why now, the composition of almost any complex dish includes eggs. After all, they contain vitamins A, D, E, as well as minerals and amino acids.

But the food market is crowded these days. A person does not have problems buying products, but it is sometimes very difficult to purchase a quality product. And therefore, many people are interested in the answer to the question: “Which eggs are better to buy factory or homemade?”

Common myths

  • The yolk of a quality egg has a rich orange color.. This is not true. The yolks of the fertilized chicken eggs. A hen's egg is an egg that a hen lays whether or not there is a rooster in the coop. But if there is no rooster, then accordingly the egg will not be fertilized. And the yolk will have a light shade. If the chicken egg was fertilized, then it already carries 100% of the set of chromosomes and a chicken may appear from this egg. Such an egg contains not only half of the mother's nutrients, but also half of the father's nutrients. This fact is quite well known, so it is actively used in poultry farms. A dye is added to the chicken diet, which will subsequently stain the yolk. This scam is very common but easy to check. To do this, you need to boil an egg and see if there is a white dot in the yolk - the future chicken. If it is, then the egg is really fertilized, and carries the maximum benefit.
  • Brown eggs are healthier than white ones. This is also not true. The color of the shell depends on the color of the hen. If the chicken is light, then her eggs will be light, and accordingly, the darker the color of the chicken, the darker the color of the shell will be.
  • Large eggs are healthier than small ones. The size of the egg does not affect its quality in any way. Large eggs are carried by adult hens, and small ones by young ones.
  • Village eggs are eco-friendly. This is a very common misconception. When a person buys eggs in the market from unfamiliar farmers, he does not know in which area the farm is located. And in what conditions do chickens live there. There will be environmentally friendly eggs only if the village is far from the city, and cars pass there very rarely. But if the chicken coop is located by the road, then all the exhaust gases from passing cars settle on the grass that the chickens peck. In this case, it is difficult to talk about environmental friendliness.

What is the difference between factory eggs and homemade eggs?

  • size. At the poultry farm, all chickens live in different cages. They are divided according to age. Therefore, it is very easy to collect one-size eggs in one tray and deliver them to the store. On the farm, hens of all ages live in the same coop. Therefore, it will be possible to assemble a monotonous tray only if the farm is large. But even in this case, complete uniformity is difficult to achieve. There will still be differences, albeit minor ones.
  • form. All eggs that deviate from the “ideal” are considered defective at the factory and are disposed of. This rarely happens on the farm, so buying them from farmers you can find elongated oval or round specimens.
  • shell. The shell of factory eggs is smooth. But the shell of village eggs is often rough and chipped.
  • shell color. At the poultry farm, most often chickens of the same color live in the same cage. That is why the shell color of all eggs will be the same. But in one farming under the roof of the chicken coop, chickens of various stripes are collected. And accordingly, the shade of the shell of each egg is different.
  • Appearance. In poultry farms, chickens live in sterile conditions. That is why litter rarely comes into contact with eggs. And dirt can't get on them at all. But in farming, such conditions cannot be achieved. A chicken is by nature an unscrupulous creature. Therefore, buying farm product, you can often find pieces of adhering grass, dirt or droppings on the eggs.
  • Uniform yolk color. Tinting chicken feed is very often practiced in factories. Therefore, the yolks of eggs of factory chickens will have a rich orange color. But often the chicken body does not digest artificial dyes very well. Which is easy to find. The yolks will not have a uniform color. This is never the case with country chickens.
  • smell. Chickens are practically omnivores. And the owners of poultry farms take advantage of this by adding not only grain, but also cheap fish to the chicken diet. Therefore, the eggs of chickens that are on such a “diet” often have a fishy smell and taste. The diet of village chickens includes mostly only plant foods. Therefore, their eggs have a neutral smell.
  • at the cost. Naturally, a quality product always costs more, as a result of which, the price of factory-made eggs is several times lower than village counterparts.

What kind of eggs should you buy?

Definitely need to give preference to village eggs. But in this case, it is best to get to know the farmer and always buy eggs only from him. If possible, you need to find out if this farmer sells surplus of his products or if he has a business.

Quite an affordable business for a person who has a personal subsidiary farm— sale of chicken eggs as a business. It can be adjusted with a small number of laying hens. Domestic chicken eggs are natural products, they are in much higher demand from buyers than those obtained at a poultry farm. The main differences between eggs of domestic laying hens and those obtained in a factory way:

  • excellent natural composition and taste
  • bright orange color of the yolk even in winter
  • higher cost

The differences are significant, and it is they that predetermine the trade in eggs of laying hens of their household.

For a thorough approach to business, you first need a chicken farm, which will include production, organizational and financial parts. If at the same time to avoid mistakes and try to take into account all the factors of the business, you can see in advance the upcoming effectiveness of your work.

Even if the farm manages to grow a healthy and productive chicken herd, the most important factor business in the trade of domestic eggs, the question remains: to whom and how to sell products?

Any business requires preliminary planning, which includes expenditure and revenue parts. If they significantly exceed the costs, then the enterprise will be profitable, and the business will be justified. A business plan must be drawn up even before the start of concrete actions to organize a chicken farm and capital investment in this home-based enterprise.

For business in the sale of homemade chicken eggs, seasonality is characteristic. The traditional increase in sales occurs in October and declines in February, before spring. Summer prices for products are much lower, because during this period eggs come to the market from many small private farms, where winter egg production is practically absent.

For the productivity of chickens in winter, special conditions their maintenance, special feeds and more labor-intensive care. All these points must be taken into account in planning, because they greatly affect the market price of eggs, not counting the additional costs of heating and lighting the premises of the home farm. But only received in the winter months can justify the business and bring the owner the desired income.

Proper maintenance of laying hens

In the successful organization of a business in the sale of chicken eggs, the methods of keeping chickens, as well as the skillful arrangement and use of the premises of the home farm, play an important role.
Usually, in the conditions of homesteading, chickens are in cages or in open-air cages.

Of great value and naturalness are eggs, which are obtained by keeping birds for walking. The cellular content when using stimulant feeds does not allow obtaining those wonderful taste and nutritional qualities of eggs, which are just different for domestic chickens.

Laying hens, from which the owner squeezes all the juice in pursuit of productivity, do not live long, usually after a year of active use they are slaughtered. The start of oviposition of hens usually occurs in the sixth month of breeding, and over the next year, each of them should lay up to 250 eggs or more. Further maintenance is characterized by a decrease in annual egg production to 200 pieces. Keeping layers for more than two years becomes unprofitable, they are slaughtered.

A chicken farm next to its main premises should contain a walking aviary. With a large population, several aviaries may be required to separate the flock and avoid excessive crowding of birds.

To organize a productive chicken coop in the winter, the main room must be well insulated, have a heating and lighting system. It is not necessary to initially plan large ones for the chicken coop. Usually this is a small frame room, built with your own hands from cheap and lightweight materials.

Thinking through the feeding system for laying hens, you can stop at one of two options: buy ready-made feed or prepare complete feed with your own hands. It is more economically feasible to prepare the feed mixture yourself, in this case, up to half of the funds that will have to be used when buying ready-made feed mixtures will be saved. For home cooking, you will need to buy special equipment in the form of an electric grain grinder and accurate scales.

Compound feed for laying hens consists of the following components:

  • corn
  • sunflower sprats
  • wheat
  • mineral and vitamin supplements

Formulas of compound feed formulations for laying hens differ in composition from feed mixtures used for feeding chickens.

Costs and expected profit

Estimated profit is the main goal of any business, in order to calculate it, you need to make an estimate in advance of the costs required to open a chicken farm and the likely income.

The main costs include:

  • building a chicken coop
  • acquisition of young birds
  • purchase of feed

For small farm it is quite enough to buy equipment and build a suitable room for 25,000 rubles. This figure may vary depending on the region where the purchase of young stock and bird feed will be made. To buy young animals for a herd of 100 heads, it will take about 7,000 rubles. To provide them with food for a month, another 3,000 rubles will be required.

Will be determined by the egg production of chickens. Experts believe that from 100 hens a day you can get an average of 70 eggs, a month this will be at least 2,100 pieces. The average cost of one domestic egg last year was 9 rubles, and the net profit was about 16,000 rubles.

A farm for 100 heads per year, taking into account seasonality, will produce about 20,000 eggs, which can be sold for 180,000 rubles. If we add to this amount the income from the sale of chicken meat, the business will be quite profitable. The return on investment in a home chicken coop is usually no more than 6 months, after which all net profit will remain with the owner.

Considering the performance of the business in the sale of homemade chicken eggs, we can immediately conclude that this enterprise will not be able to bring big profits and can only provide a minimum living standard for its owner. For some, this is a worthy and justified goal, while others will be skeptical about such a business, to each his own. But if you think about the business in a broader sense, then its profitability can be quite solid.

Sales of products

To obtain a stable profit from laying hens, it is necessary to find buyers for eggs. It is also important here that it is unprofitable to sell them to wholesale buyers, since the price will be much lower than when trading at retail.

In the chicken egg trade, it is necessary to create a sufficiently large farm and establish a reliable marketing of products. It is impossible to limit oneself to a place on the market, since it is hardly possible to get a big profit from the farm there. A more suitable option is to sell products in cafes and restaurants. Trading large chains do not buy eggs obtained in the household, it is much more profitable for them to sell cheap products from large poultry farms. In the summer, it is more profitable to trade chickens and chicken carcasses.

The simplest, most reliable option for a small format is a market trade, which is easy to join by paying for a place and obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Gradually, such a seller has its own circle of buyers, which will ensure a stable demand for products, and the sales volume will increase.

A well-thought-out plan for the sale of chicken meat when culling old layers can significantly increase. If, in parallel with laying hens on a farm, you start growing broilers with the subsequent sale of their meat, then the final numbers will turn out to be completely different.

If the chicken coop, its equipment and available distribution channels allow it to be included in finished products broiler meat, then entrepreneurship will get a completely different scale, which can be quite comparable to any other serious business. The main thing is to have an entrepreneurial spirit and be persistent in achieving your goals.

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Eggs are a very common food item. They are eaten with childhood and to late old age. In our country, the most popular are homemade chicken eggs, the health benefits and harms of which we are considering today. Opinions about their usefulness are diametrically opposed. In this article, we will try to find out who is right after all, those who are categorically against eggs and consider them harmful, or their opponents.

Homemade chicken egg is one of the components of therapeutic and preventive nutrition. It is rich in various vitamins - E, A and D, as well as B vitamins. In addition, eggs contain many different minerals.

If you remove the protein of only a laid egg, you can use it to treat various inflammatory diseases, including acidosis.

Raw egg white is not able to irritate the walls gastrointestinal tract, and also has the ability to quickly leave it.

chicken eggs render positive influence on the patient's condition with peptic ulcers. Protein is allowed to be used even in chronic pancreatitis.

Our body perfectly absorbs chicken eggs, while they contain a minimum of calories. In their raw form, they are very useful for restoring the characteristics of the vocal cords. The nutritional properties of eggs have a positive effect on the nervous system.

They are included in the diet for diseases of this area, and in addition, they are actively used in the diet of people who are constantly in contact with harmful industrial substances of a neurogenic nature (arsenic, mercury, etc.). In the composition of eggs, iron and lecithin are very successfully combined, which stimulates the hematopoietic function.

Nutritionists have proven that with proper consumption, this product will even help to lose weight. excess weight without harm to the body. Eggs are also important for strengthening weak lung tissue, and in addition, they have antibacterial properties.

Scientific studies have confirmed that regular consumption of eggs reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. Traditional medicine has the widest range of uses for this product. They treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, eczema, flu.

Eggs are used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, cancer of the stomach and uterus, lichen and gastritis. They can be used to relieve pain in diseased joints, as well as to provide first aid for thermal burns.

Eggshells are used to combat calcium deficiency, although doctors are very skeptical about this use. It is believed that even crushed shells are not absorbed by the body.

Many people think that the main disadvantage of chicken eggs is their high cholesterol content. In fact, it is not "bad" and is not able to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

The consumption of this type of cholesterol in no way can affect the development of atherosclerosis. Previously, doctors argued that you should not eat eggs more than three times a week, citing high cholesterol levels. To date, most experts have completely abandoned such statements.

In some cases, excessive consumption of egg white can lead to the development of biotite deficiency, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

With excessive consumption of eggs in young children, it is likely that an allergic reaction will develop. Most often it disappears with age, but in rare cases it may recur in later life stages.

Some scientists claim that frequent consumption of eggs (more than 7 per week) can lead to early mortality in men after a certain age. This is especially true for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Some scientists argue that various microbes and bacteria can penetrate through the shell, and this is not entirely good for our health. Therefore, it is preferable to consume eggs from proven hens.

It can be seen that the consumption of chicken eggs has more pros than cons. But at the same time, you should not lose vigilance. Nutritionists believe that the most optimal amount is two eggs in three days.

For certain health problems, this amount can be further reduced to one per week. But most often, eggs are absolutely harmless, and a very useful food product, regardless of age.

Some Tips, which will help make egg consumption even more beneficial:

You can store this product for no longer than a month in the refrigerator, and no longer than 12 days at room temperature;

The yolk is most useful;

In order to protect yourself from salmonellosis, use well-cooked eggs. Well-fried eggs (not fried eggs) and hard-boiled ones are considered the safest;

Rinse eggs before cooking, this will prevent harmful substances from getting into food from the shell;

It is believed that summer domestic eggs are more useful than winter ones.

Chicken eggs have been part of the human diet for centuries. This valuable product is rich in amino acids necessary for the body, contains vitamins D, A, E, B, choline, biotin, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and many other useful substances. Eggs are absorbed by the human body almost completely. They have a limited shelf life, which depends on the conditions under which they are stored. It is very important to choose fresh eggs when buying.

Of course, homemade eggs and store-bought eggs differ in their taste. The diet of a country chicken is very different from that of caged hens, which are fed special diets geared towards a specific goal: gaining weight or producing eggs.

Eggs from poultry farms are sold in the store, their prices are usually lower than those of domestic ones. When buying on the market, it is important to be able to correctly determine what they offer to buy.

How to determine if home or shop egg?

The color of the yolk does not always tell which egg, domestic or from a poultry farm, it depends on the diet of the chicken. Intense yellow-orange yolks are found in country chickens fed on grain, grass and worms, and poultry farm birds fed specially formulated food with color additives.

The color of the shell cannot be a selection criterion either, just white eggs are found in white laying hens, and brown in birds with a darker color. Although there are options here too. Looking at all the proposed eggs together, you can see that homemade ones differ from each other in the shade of the shell: there are brownish, creamy, slightly coffee. In the store, everyone is the same - either white or brownish.

It is useful to pay attention to the size. In the "home" chicken coop different ages, juveniles lay smaller eggs. The shape is also different: in some layers they are elongated, in others they are almost round. At poultry farms in one poultry house, chickens of the same age, eggs are calibrated before being sent to the distribution network: special machines are sorted by size. Products in trays are almost the same in color and size.

On the eggs in the store you can see the markings, various letters. So, in particular, according to the shelf life, eggs are divided into dietary ones, they are denoted by the letter "D" and canteens, which are marked with the letter "C". Diet food should be stored no more than seven days before the day of sale, and canteens - no more than 25 days. In order not to buy an expired product, you need to know the criteria for choosing fresh chicken eggs.

Which eggs are healthier?

Village (read - "natural", "correct", "delicious") eggs are not sold in retail chains. This is due to the fact that stores prefer to cooperate with large manufacturers with constant volumes and stable quality. Of course, the word "quality" in this case is used rather in a figurative sense. The peasant farmstead cannot offer large volumes and the same calibers of testicles. A village egg is a seasonal product, hens lay tolerably in the warm season, and in winter, for normal “wear”, the chicken needs to be fed with special feed, which will negatively affect the quality of the product. It is clear that not a single normal head of the farmstead will do this, because. the primary consumers of their own products are their own children, and even the worst villain will not poison their own children.

In poultry farms, chickens are in cages and not free-range, but, on the other hand, they receive a balanced diet, they are kept under strict hygiene conditions, vaccinated against salmonellosis and other diseases dangerous to humans. Chickens receive special additives that stimulate growth and productivity, antibiotics that protect against diseases. The diet and composition of supplements is kept in strict confidence. Therefore, many people have questions caused by distrust of manufacturers.

As mentioned above, village eggs are always different. The reasons are obvious: the hens carry them "freely", i.e. they do not sit in cages and do not receive feed mixtures specially prepared by livestock specialists. A hen can lay one egg in the hayloft, another in the corner of the barn, a third in her barn, a fourth in the grass. The egg may be chipped from a pebble, may be stained with droppings. Pullets carry small testicles, adult hens - the size familiar to the buyer. To the touch, the shell of rustic eggs is rougher than the almost “polished” smooth shell of store eggs.

True village eggs are almost always fertilized. This, of course, is because a rooster lives with the hens. And you should not be afraid of this at all, because. only such eggs can be eaten without fear for one's health. Only a fertilized egg has the correct hormonal background and does not adversely affect human health. Shop eggs are not fertilized, they are carried by "cyborgs" who sit in cages, which are uniformly fed, to which the rooster is not allowed. You can check whether an egg is fertilized using a special device - an ovoscope, but it is difficult for a person without experience to do this. One has only to understand that you cannot buy eggs on a farm where there is no rooster.

Do not focus on the color of the yolk. Remember that the dark orange color of the yolk in domestic testicles is a myth. Of course, the yolk of domestic eggs is darker, but not always, its color varies from season to season, in winter the yolks are lighter than in summer. And poultry farms in mass production have learned to “tint” the yolks in the testicles, adding special elements to the feed. So color today is not an indicator.

The biggest difference is probably the smell. The aroma of homemade testicles is rich, which cannot be said about store-bought eggs, devoid of the smell of will and health.

Taste. You can’t write about it, whoever tried it will understand. Needless to say, homemade, village eggs (as well as dishes from them) are much tastier than store-bought ones.

So, remember: homemade village eggs are tasty and fragrant, never the same in the tray. They are rougher to the touch. They are always more expensive than store bought. They are always harder to buy. But the pleasure from them is always an order of magnitude greater. And most importantly, you need to know the seller, because if you can’t determine the origin of the eggs yourself, you can only rely on his reputation.

Based on materials from http://1000sekretov.net and http://sabaneev.livejournal.com

Many housewives are concerned about what natural (village) chicken eggs should be like, how they differ from store-bought ones, and whether they have any special benefits. This is the question that will be raised in this article.

It should be noted that anyone who breeds chickens on their own can easily determine where the natural egg is and where the factory one is. A city dweller will have to take note of a few nuances that you need to remember when buying.

Important nuance

Village eggs are not sold in stores. This is due to the fact that retail chains prefer to work with large manufacturers who can offer a huge amount of goods at any time of the year. Village chickens are able to rush well only in the warm season. In winter, to get the usual number of eggs, you will have to feed the birds with special food. This will affect the quality of the product.

What is the difference from stores?

What is the difference between country eggs and store eggs? First of all, all the eggs in the tray will be different. This is due to the fact that chickens, living in an aviary, carry the product where they want. No one keeps them in a cage and does not give special food so that the eggs are approximately the same. Often the eggs are soiled in litter, they may have a chip from a pebble. Some hens carry a white product, some a brown one. As for the size, young birds will be carried by adults - a size more familiar to the buyer.

Village eggs are almost always fertilized, this is due to the fact that everyone in the household has a rooster. Don't be afraid to eat them. Such eggs have more nutrients and do not adversely affect human health. The store product is not fruitful. In production, such eggs are eliminated.

Natural eggs will not have a stamp. When buying, you should not focus on the color of the yolk. In factory conditions, they have long learned to tint its shade with the help of special food. In natural eggs, the yolk is often darker, but not always. This figure depends on the time of year when it was demolished.

The shell is rough to the touch, unlike the store product. The latter is smooth. The smell is also different. In rustic eggs, it is saturated. The taste, of course, is also different, homemade eggs are better in this regard.

Egg shelf life

It is also important how long the product can be stored. The shelf life of village eggs is about a month when raw, if stored in the refrigerator. Hard-boiled - up to two weeks, soft-boiled - up to 2 days. Cracked boiled can be stored for 4 days, peeled - 3 days. Broken raw - no more than 2 days. If Easter eggs, then it all depends on how they were processed. If a natural dye is used, for example, onion peel or beets, then they can be stored for up to 15 days. When processed with any chemicals - no more than 2 days. If a thermal film is pasted, then the product must be eaten within 4 days.


In fact, there are many rumors about the benefits of village eggs. They have a lot of useful substances, restore the immune system, which deteriorates under the influence of environmental factors.

Consider the specific benefits of a natural product. If you eat it regularly, you can prevent the development of eye problems. In particular, we are talking about sclerotic processes. An example of such a disease is a cataract. Those people who constantly eat village eggs have an excellent condition of capillaries and optic nerves.

The shell of a natural product is also useful. It contains calcium, potassium and other substances that have a positive effect on human health. Experts advise not to throw away the shell, but to crush it and use it. If you mix the crumbs with lemon juice, then such a mixture will restore in the body required amount minerals.

The beneficial properties of natural eggs are explained by the fact that birds are fed only with high-quality feed to the full. Their food is balanced, the birds are kept in clean and comfortable conditions. There is no such thing in the factory, since the main task in production is to use less funds and get more product. Domestic chickens are cared for and eggs are collected daily.

How to choose eggs?

In order to get all the nutrients from eggs, you need to constantly use them, while buying only natural ones. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the size. The smaller it is, the more useful the egg will be. This is due to the fact that young hens that lay small eggs do not have any diseases. To make sure that the bird was healthy when the egg was laid, you need to pay attention to its appearance. If the spout of the egg is sharp, and it weighs no more than 55 g and no less than 50 g, then the chicken was young and not sick.


The article describes how homemade eggs differ from factory ones. It is important when buying to take into account all the nuances in order to know exactly which product is being purchased. There is nothing wrong with eating store-bought eggs, they do not harm the body. However, they have few nutrients and a weak taste.

It is necessary to reiterate briefly the special points that have already been mentioned above.

natural eggs:

  • fragrant and tasty;
  • in a large tray, everything will have a different color, shape, size, some may be damaged or dirty;
  • cost more than factory
  • harder to buy
  • rough to the touch.

When buying, you must definitely know the seller, otherwise there is no guarantee that he did not purchase the store's eggs. It should be borne in mind that a chicken can lay no more than 25-30 eggs per month. Therefore, if a farmer has only 10 layers, and he constantly offers a huge amount of product, then you need to think: does he buy it in the store?


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