Job description of the head of the food warehouse. An example of a job description for a warehouse manager. The procedure for revising the job description

The rights and obligations of the warehouse manager are set out in the corresponding instructions. This employee is hired and dismissed from work in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code, by order of the head. The instructions may contain additional provisions, depending on the specifics of the enterprise. For example, the duties of a warehouse manager at a hospital require the employee to have certain knowledge regarding medical supplies and materials, and the peculiarities of their storage.

Primary requirements

A citizen who has a secondary vocational or higher education is admitted to the position of a manager. At the same time, his work experience in his specialty is at least a year. A person with complete (secondary) education can be appointed to the position. In this case, his work experience must be at least three years. The employee must know:

Functional duties of the warehouse manager

This section can be supplemented and clarified when drawing up instructions in accordance with specific circumstances. The duties of the warehouse manager include:

The duties of a warehouse manager in agriculture also include such items as:

  1. Keeping records of transactions in accordance with the established reporting.
  2. Participation in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving work, reducing the cost of maintaining and transporting inventory.
  3. Implementation of modern means of communication, communications and computer technology into the activity.

The rights

The employee has the ability to:

  1. Give instructions and assignments on issues related to his competence, subordinate services and employees.
  2. Request and receive the required documents and materials necessary for the implementation of activities that are part of the duties of the warehouse manager, divisions and services subordinate to him.
  3. Monitor the progress of execution and the timeliness of the implementation of production tasks and orders given by him and the management to employees or departments subordinate to him.
  4. To carry out, on behalf of the enterprise, interaction with the relevant structures and employees to promptly resolve issues related to activities related to its competence.
  5. Represent, where necessary, the company in relations with other organizations.


Administrative and disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on the employee for failure to comply with any of the items included in the official duties of the warehouse manager. The employee is responsible for:

Working hours

The duties of the warehouse manager include compliance with the established routine at the enterprise. Its mode of operation is established by the Rules approved by the head. In accordance with the specifics of the enterprise, the duties of the warehouse manager may include visiting the company's branches. In this regard, business trips may be included in the employee's working mode.

Special part

The job description sets out the conditions of activity directly at the workplace, additional factors that do not worsen the position of the manager in comparison with the current regulations, including the Labor Code. The document should also contain clarifications on the employee's interaction with other structural divisions of the enterprise, both during normal times and in emergency situations. The same paragraph sets out the duties of the warehouse manager in relation to specific subordinate units and persons.

Analysis of business qualities

The evaluation criteria include:

Performance evaluation

Timeliness and results of work are analyzed according to such criteria as:

  • The nature of the results that were achieved by the head in the performance of his duties, which are established by the labor contract and job description.
  • The quality of the work.
  • Timeliness in the implementation of production tasks, orders and instructions of the head.
  • Performance level.
  • The results of the inventory in the warehouse.
  • Documentation status.

The general assessment of the work results and the analysis of the manager's business qualities are carried out on the basis of objective indicators. At the same time, the motivated opinion of his immediate superior, as well as colleagues, employees of repaired structural units, is of particular importance.


The warehouse manager is one of the most important figures in the company. The quality of its work often determines the course of production processes and operations, the efficiency of the enterprise. The warehouse manager must not only ensure the safety of the objects under his jurisdiction, but also timely and correctly draw up documentation, submit reports to the management. The employee is financially responsible, in connection with which he must treat his work with full attention.

"Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37. This Handbook provides a clear regulation of the labor activity of employees. Each qualification characteristic given in it is a normative document that determines the content of the performed functions of employees.

The qualification characteristics of the positions of employees are intended for use in organizations of various forms of ownership and sectors of the economy, regardless of their departmental affiliation. Based on these characteristics, the organizations develop job descriptions for specific employees.

The Handbook contains the qualification characteristics of mass positions, common to all sectors of the economy, most widely used in practice. Since the qualification characteristics apply to employees of organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation, they list the jobs that are most typical for each position. When developing job descriptions in organizations, the list of works inherent in the corresponding position in this organization can be specified.

Each qualification characteristic consists of three sections, establishing and defining:

· Basic labor functions assigned to the employee in whole or in part;

· Basic requirements for an employee in relation to special knowledge, knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents that the employee must apply when performing job duties;

· The level of professional training of the employee, necessary for the performance of official duties, requirements for the length of service.

In connection with the need to ensure the safety of the life and health of employees, the official duties of employees, along with the performance of labor functions, provide for mandatory observance of labor protection requirements at each workplace, and the official duties of managers are to ensure safe working conditions for subordinates. When appointing an employee to a position, the employee's knowledge of labor safety standards, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection should be taken into account.

Attention should be paid to the fact that persons who do not have special training or work experience, which are established by the requirements for qualifications, but who have sufficient practical experience, who perform qualitatively and in full their official duties, can be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons who have special training and work experience.

Here are the qualifications established by the Handbook for the position of "Warehouse manager".

· Manage the work of the warehouse for receiving, storing and dispensing inventory items, for their placement, taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, inventory, and the like;

· Ensure the safety of the stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for drawing up and delivery of receipts and expenditures;

· Monitor the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, the condition of premises, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and ensure their timely repair;

· To organize carrying out of loading and unloading works in the warehouse in compliance with the norms, rules and instructions on labor protection;

· Ensure collection, storage and timely return of loading details to suppliers;

· To participate in carrying out inventories of inventory items;

· Control the accounting of warehouse operations, established reporting;

· To take part in the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the warehouse, reduce the cost of transportation and storage of inventory items, introduce modern computer technology, communications and communications into the organization of the warehouse.

The warehouse manager should know:

· Normative and methodological materials on the organization of storage facilities;

· Standards and technical conditions for storage of inventory items;

· Types, sizes, brands, grade and other qualitative characteristics of inventory items and rates of their consumption;

· Organization of loading and unloading operations;

· Rules and procedures for storage and warehousing of inventory items, regulations and instructions for their accounting;

· Conditions of contracts for the carriage and storage of goods, for the rental of storage facilities and equipment; the procedure for settlements for services rendered and work performed;

· Rules for the operation of computer technology, communications and communications;

· Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

· Fundamentals of labor legislation;

· Rules and norms of labor protection.

The following requirements are imposed on the qualifications of a warehouse manager: availability of secondary vocational education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 1 year or secondary (complete) general education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 3 years.

The tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide professions of workers were approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 No. 31 "On the approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide professions of workers." These characteristics are intended to establish the category of workers, depending on the complexity of the work they perform. Consider the tariff and qualification characteristics for warehouse workers - storekeepers and loaders.

Storekeeper 1 rank must fulfill the following duties:

· Acceptance to the warehouse, weighing, storage and delivery from the warehouse of fuel, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, parts, tools, things and other inventory items;

· Checking the accompanying documents arriving at the warehouse;

· Moving material assets to storage sites manually or using mechanisms with their layout (sorting) by type, quality, purpose and other features;

· Organization of storage of materials and products in order to prevent damage and loss;

· Ensuring the safety of material values.

A storekeeper of the 1st category must know the nomenclature and range of stored material values, their properties and purpose. In addition, he must know how to check working tools, devices, devices for their suitability for work, how to protect things, products and raw materials from damage during unloading, loading and storage in a warehouse. He must also know the rules of fire safety for storing materials and maintaining office premises, labor protection rules for storing and moving toxic, fire hazardous, explosive materials, fuel and lubricants.

Storekeeper of the 2nd category.

The characteristics of work in this profession of this category includes the following duties:

· Management of work on loading, unloading goods and placing them inside the warehouse;

· Acquisition of consignments of material assets at the request of consumers;

· Inspection and drawing up of defective statements for faulty tools, devices, acts for their repair and write-off, acts for the shortage and damage of materials;

· Accounting for the availability of material assets stored in the warehouse, keeping records of their movement;

· Participation in conducting inventories.

A 2nd grade storekeeper should know:

· Rules of warehouse management;

· Rules for accounting, storage, movement of material values \u200b\u200bin the warehouse and rules for issuing accompanying documents for them;

· Rules for completing lots of various material values \u200b\u200baccording to technological documents;

· Rules for the use of warehouse measuring tools, devices, mechanisms and methods of checking them for suitability for work;

· Rules for the use of lashing vehicles in parking lots;

· Rules for conducting inventories;

· Rules for fire safety of storage and movement of materials and maintenance of office premises;

· Rules and conditions for storage of acids and chemicals, poisons and flammable substances.


If the work of the storekeeper is connected with the reception to the warehouse, storage and delivery from the warehouse of especially valuable instruments, products and materials, expensive measuring instruments, chemicals, acids, poisons and flammable substances and the execution of the corresponding documentation, then the storekeeper is assigned grade 3.

Like the profession of a storekeeper, the profession of a loader provides for two categories.

Loader of the 1st category... The following duties are assigned to workers of this category:

· Loading, unloading and intra-warehouse processing of goods - sorting, stacking, carrying, re-weighing, packing and other operations that are performed manually using the simplest loading and unloading devices;

· Rolling up and rolling of wagons in the process of work, opening and closing hatches, sides, doors of rolling stock, cleaning the rolling stock after the cargo is unloaded;

· Cleaning and lubrication of the serviced loading and unloading devices;

· Carrying boards and ladders.

A loader of the 1st category should know:

· Rules for loading and unloading cargo;

· Rules for the use of the simplest loading and unloading devices;

· Permissible dimensions when loading goods onto open railway rolling stock and motor vehicles, when unloading goods from railway wagons and stacking them.

Loader of the 2nd category as well as a loader of the 1st category, it carries out loading, unloading and intra-warehouse processing of goods. However, he performs these works using transportation means. In addition, he must install winches, lifting blocks, device for loading and unloading goods, fastening and sheltering goods in warehouses and vehicles. The 2nd category loader is also responsible for cleaning and lubricating the used means of transportation.

A second-class loader should know:

· Rules for stowage, fastening, shelter of goods in warehouses and vehicles;

· Rules of application and use of means of transportation;

· Conditional signaling used when loading and unloading goods by lifting and transport mechanisms;

· Location of warehouses and places of loading and unloading of goods.

For more details on issues related to the organization of warehouse accounting, you can find in the book of JSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit" "Organization of warehouse accounting".

We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of a warehouse manager, sample 2019/2020. A person with secondary vocational education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 1 year or a secondary (complete) general education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 3 years can be appointed to this position. Do not forget that each instruction of the warehouse manager is handed out against a receipt.

This section provides typical information about the knowledge that a warehouse manager should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The warehouse manager belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a secondary vocational education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 1 year or secondary (complete) general education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 3 years shall be admitted to the position of a warehouse manager.

3. The warehouse manager is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The warehouse manager should know:

- normative and methodological materials on the organization of storage facilities;

- standards and specifications for the storage of inventory items;

- types, sizes, brands, grade and other qualitative characteristics of inventory items and their consumption rates;

- organization of loading and unloading operations;

- rules and procedure for storage and warehousing of inventory items, regulations and instructions for their accounting;

- conditions of contracts for the transportation and storage of goods, for the rental of storage facilities and equipment;

- the procedure for settlements for services rendered and work performed;

- rules for the operation of computer technology, communications and communications;

- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

- labor legislation;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the warehouse manager is guided by:

- RF legislation,

- the Charter of the organization,

- orders and orders of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The warehouse manager reports directly to the director of the organization, _________ (indicate the position)

7. During the absence of the warehouse manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights, obligations and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the warehouse manager

Warehouse Manager:

1. Supervises the work of the warehouse for the receipt, storage and release of inventory items, for their placement, taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, inventory, etc.

2. Ensures the safety of the stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditures.

3. Monitors the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, the condition of premises, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and ensures their timely repair.

4. Organizes the loading and unloading operations at the warehouse in compliance with the rules, regulations and instructions for labor protection.

5. Provides collection, storage and timely return of loading details to suppliers.

6. Participates in the inventory of inventory items.

7. Supervises keeping records of warehouse operations, established reporting.

8. Takes part in the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the warehouse, reduce the cost of transportation and storage of inventory, the introduction of modern computing technology, communications and communications into the organization of the warehouse.

9. Comply with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

10. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

11. Ensures the observance of cleanliness and order in his workplace.

12. Fulfills, within the framework of an employment contract, orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the warehouse manager

The warehouse manager has the right:

1. Submit proposals to the director of the organization:

- to improve the work related to the obligations provided for by this instruction,

- on the encouragement of distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary liability of subordinate employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from the structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the warehouse manager

The warehouse manager is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description of the warehouse manager is a sample of 2019/2020. Job duties of a warehouse manager, rights of a warehouse manager, responsibility of a warehouse manager.

The warehouse economy operates thanks to a staff of workers, usually consisting of storekeepers, porters and cleaners. The coordination of their activities is entrusted to the employee holding the position of "warehouse manager", who belongs to the administrative and managerial personnel, is hired and reports to the head of the enterprise or one of his deputies.

Requirements for applicants

This specialist manages all processes directly at the warehouse and is personally responsible for the quality of his work. Even a small warehouse, which does not have a large turnover of large-sized inventory items and is able to function without storekeepers and loaders, cannot do without an official responsible for keeping warehouse records.

Special requirements are imposed on applicants for the vacancy of warehouse manager, whose work involves high personal responsibility, attentiveness and accuracy when handling inventory items and documents. A specialist applying for this position must have at least a secondary vocational, and preferably higher, education, work experience in the accounting and control structures of retail chains or the economic sphere.

The work of the head of a warehouse complex assumes knowledge of the product range, storage conditions, transportation and terms of sale of products produced and used as raw materials in the technological process of this enterprise. In recent years, computer skills, the ability to work with specialized software and office equipment have been added to the mandatory skills of each specialist.

As a managerial employee, he needs to know the basics of labor legislation, labor protection and safety rules, and know the procedure for settlements under contractual obligations. A candidate for a warehouse manager must not be tried for economic crimes. Preference is given to applicants who have positive references from a previous job, who are characterized as decent, punctual and responsible employees.

Duties of the warehouse manager

The duties fixed in the job description for the warehouse manager reflect the functional areas of activity, such as ensuring the fire condition and repair of warehouses, placement, safety and rational use of equipment and inventory, the organization of loading and unloading operations, the preparation of receipts and expenditures, participation in accounting activities and personnel management.

Specifically for organizing and maintaining the functioning of the warehouse, its head is obliged to provide the necessary technological and sanitary and hygienic conditions provided for the storage of various groups of inventory items. The labor contract of the warehouse manager fixes his personal responsibility for the quality of warehouse operations and their compliance with current legislation, standards and technical specifications.

As the head of the structural unit of the enterprise and having a staff of warehouse workers under his command, he is responsible for providing them with proper conditions that comply with the rules of labor protection and industrial sanitation. His responsibilities also include organizing and conducting periodic briefings with them on safety measures and fire-fighting measures, and, if necessary, training, certification (re-certification) or advanced training.

The warehouse manager is required to provide calendar reporting on the movement of material resources for certain periods of time and to prepare operational information at the request of higher and controlling organizations. Possessing the basics of labor legislation and storage organization issues, he must promptly and skillfully resolve disputes, both with subordinates and with business partners.

What is the warehouse manager responsible for?

Special attention should be paid to the material responsibility of the warehouse manager, which is assigned to him personally, regardless of the size of the warehouse, the number of workers and the amount of valuables stored in it. Unlike ordinary storekeepers, the head. warehouse - a materially responsible person.

When hiring an employee, an appropriate agreement on full individual material responsibility is concluded, according to which it is he who is responsible for the safety of the values \u200b\u200bentrusted to warehouse storage. This imposes additional responsibilities for participation in audits, unannounced inspections and planned inventories, the implementation of which is prescribed by the accounting policy and internal regulations of the enterprise.

Endowing the head. warehouse of personal responsibility and a wide range of functions performed, the administration of the enterprise, as a rule, gives him great authority in the implementation of his activities. Therefore, in addition to official duties, he owns certain rights. This is the submission to the management of proposals for optimizing the process of movement of inventory, improving working conditions for workers and stimulating them based on the results of work.

He can also request from other structural units the information and material resources necessary for the functioning of the warehouse. He is also given the right to express disagreement with the unlawful decisions of the management and to appeal them in the manner prescribed by the legislation and local regulations of the enterprise.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Warehouse Manager.

1.2. The warehouse manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The warehouse manager reports directly to ____________.

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary vocational education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 1 year or secondary (complete) general education and work experience as a warehouse manager for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of Warehouse Manager.

1.5. The warehouse manager must know: regulatory and methodological materials on the organization of warehouse management; standards and specifications for the storage of inventory items; types, sizes, brands, grade and other qualitative characteristics of inventory items and their consumption rates; organization of loading and unloading operations; rules and procedure for storage and warehousing of inventory items, regulations and instructions for their accounting; terms of contracts for the carriage and storage of goods, for the rental of storage facilities and equipment; the procedure for settlements for services rendered and work performed; rules for the operation of computer technology, communications and communications; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the Warehouse Manager, his duties are assigned to _________________________________________.


Note. The functional duties of the Warehouse Manager are determined on the basis and in the scope of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Warehouse Manager and can be supplemented and clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.

2.1. Supervises the work of the warehouse for the receipt, storage and release of inventory items, for their placement, taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, inventory, etc.

2.2. Ensures the safety of the stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for processing and delivery of receipts and expenditures.

2.3. Monitors the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, the condition of premises, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and ensures their timely repair.

2.4. Organizes loading and unloading operations at the warehouse in compliance with the rules, regulations and instructions for labor protection.

2.5. Provides collection, storage and timely return of loading props to suppliers.

2.6. Participates in the inventory of inventory items.

2.7. Controls the accounting of warehouse operations, established reporting.

2.8. Takes part in the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the warehouse, reduce the cost of transportation and storage of inventory, introduce modern computer technology, communications and communications into the organization of the warehouse.


The warehouse manager has the right:

3.1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Monitor the execution of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and individual employees.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Warehouse Manager, subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. On behalf of the enterprise, interact with the relevant services and employees of other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities that are within its competence.

3.5. If necessary, represent the enterprise in relations with other enterprises, organizations, institutions.


The warehouse manager is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities of the enterprise.

4.2. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties and the duties of the subordinate services of the enterprise on production activities.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of execution of production orders by subordinate services.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the normal (safe) activities of the enterprise, its employees.

4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of the subordinate service and personnel subordinate to the Warehouse Manager.


5.1. The working hours of the Warehouse Manager are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to production needs, the Warehouse Manager can go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues related to production activities support, the Warehouse Manager may be provided with service vehicles.

Other instructions in the section:


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