Official instructions of the head of the project team. Equipment of the head of the design and coordination of the Director of the Development of Project Documentation

Purpose of post: Achieving the end goals and tasks from the introduction of new projects

1. General Provisions

1.1. Name of the structural unit: Department of Innovation and Development

1.2. Submissions (position of the head): Head of Innovation and Development

1.3. He is the leader (posts direct subordinates): not

1.4. Replaces (positions whose functions of which executes the employee, in their absence): not

1.5. Deputy (positions that play the functions of an employee in its absence): not

2. Official duties

2.1. Defines the charter, objectives, objectives and result of the project.

2.2. He thinks over and makes a plan for the preparation and implementation of a new project, determines the control points.

2.2.1. Determines the composition of the work required for the development and implementation of the project.

2.2.2. Determines and document the relationship between the works.

2.2.3. Evaluates the duration of work, is a critical path.

2.2.4. Determines the amount of time required to implement the project.

2.3. Determines the amount and evaluates the cost of the resources required to perform the project work.

2.4. Evaluates the cost and defines the budget of the project.

2.5. Selects the project team.

2.5.1. Determines the professional skills necessary for the participants of the project team.

2.5.2. Defines the responsible governance and responsible persons who will participate in the processes of working and implementing the project.

2.5.3. Prescribes a chain of relationships between the project team members.

2.5.4. Thinking up the project team motivation system.

2.6. Organizes the collection team meetings.

2.7. Takes part in the development of a detailed business plan.

2.8. Controls the preparation of the necessary documentation for the introduction of a new project.

2.9. Controls the preparation of the necessary documentation for the introduction of a new project.

2.9.1. Provides timely collection, accumulation, distribution, storage and subsequent use of project information.

2.9.2. Coordinates the provision of the necessary information due to all participants in the project.

2.10. Controls and tracks events for study and implementation and, if necessary, adjusts these processes.

2.10.1. Controls the observance of the time of development and implementation processes.

2.10.2. Controls project budget changes

2.10.3. Tracks deviations from the plan, makes adjustments to the plan and coordinates it with all project participants.

2.10.4. Analyzes the possible effect of deviations in the work performed on the progress of the project as a whole.

3. Administrative work

3.1. Budgeting: Develops and controls project budgets

3.2. Planning: daily, weekly, monthly

3.3. Reporting: Weekly, monthly

3.4. Personnel work: the selection of the project team, the motivation of the project team, together with the management of personnel technologies.

3.5. Development of documents: Plans, Reports.

3.6. Supports up to date information, databases: no

4. It has the right to make decisions on issues.

4.1. Financial: within the budget of the management of innovation and development.

4.2. Selection of partners: Project team, project experts

4.3. Document sights: no

5. Regulatory work Documents

5.1. External documents: Legislative and regulatory acts, project management standards.

5.2. Internal Documents: Company Provisions, Management Regulations, job description, Internal Labor Regulations, Standards for creating new products.

6. Criteria for assessing labor efficiency

6.1. Filling in the timing of weekly and monthly planning activities for which the responsibility is responsible

6.2. Performing the quality of weekly and monthly planning activities for which responsibility is responsible

6.3. Filling in terms of weekly and monthly planning activities for which responsibility is responsible.

6.4. The formation of internal customers

6.5. The formation of external customers

6.6. Performing budget plans

6.7. Such goals and tasks for projects

7. Interaction, exchange of information

Interaction and information sharing is described and regulated by the standards for creating new products.

8. Requirements for qualifications

8.1. Education: Higher Economic

8.2. Special learning, tolerances: Knowledge MS Project or MS Central

8.3. Skills: PC Works (MS Office, Internet Package)

8.4. Experience: on a senior position for at least 3 years

8.5. Professional knowledge:

· Information processing principles;

· Standards and methodologies of the project approach;

· Time management;

· Negotiation skills;

· Management.

The instruction is consistent:

Head of Motivation Department ________________________________________________

Head of Department _________________________________________________

Block Executive Director ________________________________________________

The instructions are familiar with:

FULL NAME, DATE, Signature

____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Job description of the head of the design and coordination department [Name of the organization, enterprise]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the design and coordination department refers to the category of managers and directly subordinate [the name of the position of the head].

1.2. A person having a higher education is taken to the position of head of the design and coordination, which has the highest [entertain the necessary] education and experience of the position of at least [Value].

1.3. The head of the design and coordination department is accepted and dismissed from the work by order [the position of the head of the organization].

1.4. Head of the Design and Coordination Department should know:

Rulings, orders, orders and other guidelines, methodological and regulatory documents on design, construction;

Standards, technical conditions and other materials on the design and design of design and estimate and technical documentation;

Basics of the economy, organization of production, labor and management;

Basics of labor legislation;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of design, construction;

Prospects for the development of the industry;

Design methods;

Requirements for designed objects;

Means of automation of design and computing;

Reading drawings;

Ethics of business communication;

Rules for developing the necessary documents relating to the work performed;

Personnel Management Basics;

Principles, methods and strategies for managing personnel;

Rules for environmental protection, production sanitation and fire safety;

- [Enter the necessary].

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [List quality].

1.6. During the absence of the head of the design and coordination department, his duty is performed by [Position, F. I. O.].

2. Official duties

The supervisory duties are assigned to the head of the design and harmonization department:

2.1. Administration of the design and coordination department.

2.2. Development of the most important parts of the project.

2.3. Making proposals for use in the design of the most progressive design solutions.

2.4. Organization of the full design cycle.

2.5. Maintaining and monitoring projects and project schedules.

2.6. Planning staff, search and selection.

2.7. Coordination and distribution of works between performers.

2.8. Checking the work performed for compliance with the task received.

2.9. Participation in the preparation and delivery of projects to the customer.

2.10. Providing coordination in controlling and supervisory structures.

2.11. Ensuring the execution of the task.

2.12. Accounting for the work performed, drawing up stipulated reporting.

2.13. Ensuring the development and improvement of the quality of work.

2.14. Organization of training staff, as well as raising their qualifications.

2.15. Control over the implementation of subordinate employees established in the organization (enterprise) of the Internal Labor Regulations.

2.16. Control over observance of labor protection.

2.17. [Enter the desired].

3. Employee Rights

Head of the Design and Coordination Department has the right to:

3.1. To make proposals for improving the work of the department to the superior management, as well as to additional staff bonuses.

3.2. On issues in its competence, to submit proposals for the management of the organization (enterprise) to improve activities and improve working methods; comments on the activities of employees; Offer options to eliminate the disadvantages available.

3.3. To receive information in full, necessary to solve the tasks supplied.

3.4. As part of its competence, visiting management documents.

3.5. To inform the direct supervisor about all identified violations during the work and make proposals to eliminate them.

3.6. Make proposals for receiving, dismissing and moving the staff of the department.

3.7. Require from the leadership of the organization (enterprise) to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the implementation of rights.

3.8. All social guarantees provided for by law.

3.9. On other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Employee responsibility

Head of the Design and Coordination Department is responsible:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of their official duties, provided for in this official instruction, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal, civil law of the Russian Federation.

Head of Personnel Service

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

The instructions are familiar with:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Determines the procedure for the work of this employee. What nuances need to be taken into account when compiling itjob descriptionWhat he does and what is the circle of his official duties, tell me in the article below.

Who is the project manager?

The project is a labor task that implies the achievement of specific goals and having clearly certain points in the beginning and end; The project manager is an employee responsible for its implementation. As it is clear from the name of the post, the project manager works not alone and has a team in submission, which he organizes and leads to the result.

At the same time, the position of the project manager can be involved in various fields of business. The most popular of them:

  • IT technology;
  • building;
  • financial direction;
  • insurance;
  • pharmaceutical activity;
  • organization of sports and other events.

In connection with such a diversity, the content of the official instruction of the project manager, which each organization develops independently, is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the specified specialist and may provide for various requirements for the candidate for the post, the circle of labor duties of the employee, his rights and responsibilities. However, even at the same time there is a standard set of partitions included in the document in any case.

Typical sections of the project manager of the project

Official instructions for the project manager, as well as for a specialist of any other profession, must comply with the requirements for any other documents of this kind. Since the job instruction is an internal document of the organization, she is approved by the head of the company. A mark of this indicating the date of approval and the signature of a responsible official with decoding is affixed in the upper right corner of the title page of the instruction. Here, at the top either at the end of the document, a place for signatures of employees with whom the document was agreed upon at the development and approval stage.

Do not know your rights?

The main part of the job instruction is represented by 3 sections.

  1. General provisions
    The section includes all the information relating to the selection of a specialist as a project manager and determining the place of this regular unit in the overall structure of the enterprise. Here, in addition to the requirements for education, age, experience, each organization can add their own requests to the applicant to the position. These are certain personal qualities, professional skills, place of residence, etc. In the same section, as a rule, a list of regulatory documentation is given with which the applicant must be familiar with, the procedure for the reception and dismissal of the employee is determined for the time of absence, and It also indicates its immediate boss.
  2. Official duties and rights
    The most important part of the official instruction, which defines the entire further labor activity of the employee in his position in a particular organization. Responsibilities must be defined as much as possible and clearly. At the same time, official rights and obligations are not limited to the professional activity of the employee and may (and must!) Include general moments concerning labor discipline, work modes, guarantees provided by labor legislation.
  3. Responsibility of employee
    This section of the project manager of the project specifies the responsibility established by the norms of labor legislation. However, it is important to remember that the internal documents of the enterprise cannot establish the responsibility of the employee are strictly established by law.

Standard candidate requirements for the post of project manager

Requirements for applicants for the position of project manager can be divided into several groups that concern:

  • education;
  • experience;
  • professional skills;
  • personal qualities.

The education needed to work as a project manager directly depends on the direction where the organization works, therefore it is impossible to allocate some one general specialty in this case. It can only be said that this should be higher education, it is desirable for the profile of the enterprise or the direction for which the work has to be.

The experience required from the potential project manager, as a rule, depends on the complexity and seriousness of the task. It is usually required from 1 to 3 years of work as a project manager either by the necessary specialty.

A list of professional skills owned by the project manager is associated with the specialty and education of the employee, although it may include a common plan skills, for example:

  • the ability to compile and execute the necessary documentation;
  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • availability of automotive rights;
  • understanding the principles of project management;
  • the ability to work with computer and office equipment.

Personal qualities Among the requirements for a candidate for office are not always transferred, however, for the position of the project manager, this is an important criterion for selecting candidates. Among the personal qualities necessary to the head, the project is allocated as follows:

  • ability to organize a team and lead a group of people;
  • communicability;
  • willingness to travel.

General official duties of the project manager

Most official duties of this employee are associated with a sphere of activity in which it works. Among the general official duties that can be reinforced in most cases, the project manager are most relevant:

  1. Control of the implementation of the project (compliance with quality, deadlines, budget, etc.).
  2. Communication with the customer (coordination of terms, plans, key requirements for the project).
  3. Organization and management of the project team.
  4. Maintaining working documentation (calendar plans, technical ladders, road maps, financial attacks, etc.).
  5. Participation in tenders and negotiations.
  6. Warranty service project.

The main thing when working on official instructions for the project manager is to pay considerable attention to the sphere of activity in which an employee will have to work. The specialization or directions of the project will be largely dependent on both the requirements for the candidate for the position and the circle of its official duties. From the exact definition of their degree, the successful implementation of the tasks set.

The project is inherently a certain action that has the beginning and end, that is, it is aimed at achieving any particular purpose, in contrast to conventional production activities. An investment undertaking can be successful or ending with failure, and here the role of the project manager, which should collect the team and organize its high level work.

Features of the definition of tasks and powers of the project manager

Various companies or organizations introduce initiatives aimed at various purposes. Some are trying to increase profitability, others - optimize work to reduce costs, third - to introduce new technologies. Such initiatives can be one-time character, but there are firms that specialize in the development of projects and their practical implementation.

Thus, the employer can take to the staff of an employee on an ongoing basis, his position is called the head of projects, and it leads to the beginnings of varying directions, attracting professionals in the team of the right direction and qualifications.

At the same time, the functions of such a manager are often reduced to the overall management of the team and the organization of its agreed work.

However, a professional manager for managing a single project is much more often attracted, therefore, to properly build a system of relationships in the team and the ability to control its work, it is important to correctly and clearly prescribe job descriptions of the project manager.

There is a general form of a job description manual, which is specified depending on the sphere in which the project is implemented. The functions of the project manager in a specific highly specialized part may differ very much. For example, managers, leading beginnings in the construction, services, manufacturing, work with personnel, IT-sphere, have general positions only in terms of the overall organization of work.

Example instruction

Consider an instruction option that is suitable for the manager of any endeava. The personnel service of the organization or enterprise can take it as a basis and supplement the necessary positions depending on the specifics of its activities.

Job description project manager


1.1. The project manager (manager) of the project _____________ refers to the number of managers, is appointed and dismissed on the basis of the order of the head of the organization.

1.2. A person who has a higher education in the field of ____________ and experience in the profile of ____ years old, including leadership positions, can be appointed.

1.3. In his work, the manager must be guided by:

  • legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation regarding personnel management;
  • charter (position) of the organization;
  • orders and instructions of the upstream guidance;
  • the rules of the approved employment schedule;
  • the requirements specified in this manual.

1.4. The project manager is required to know:

  • laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents, regulatory work in the relevant industry (activity);
  • methodical, organizational and other materials necessary to fulfill their direct duties;
  • approved rules, standards and norms, forms of necessary documents;
  • methods for the preparation of economic substantiations of the project;
  • fundamentals of finance, economics, labor legislation;
  • principles of rational labor organization subordinates;
  • fundamentals of workflow (traditional and electronic) and standardization;
  • rules of fire safety, industrial sanitation, environmental protection;
  • special computer programs needed to work at a specific direction.

1.5. With a temporary absence and responsibility for the results of the work assigned to the deputy appointed in the prescribed manner.

2. Responsibilities

Official duties of the project manager include:

2.1. Determining the goals and current tasks on the approved area of \u200b\u200bactivity and the organization of work on their achievement, forecasting results.

2.2. Definition of the list of works that are necessary for the implementation of the proposed initiative, as well as the number, name and value of the necessary resources.

2.3. Participation in the preparation of a business plan, budget, a project execution plan and other documents necessary to implement the project.

2.4. Work with information related to the introduction of undertaking (collection, processing, storage, use, timely transmission to other participants).

2.5. Analysis of the project execution of the project as a whole, its individual tasks, detecting deviations that can negatively affect the final result, carrying out measures to correct the situation.

2.6. Obtaining the necessary tolerances, licenses and permits, drawing up contracts with suppliers and contractors, drawing up calendar schedules of work, monitoring the timing and quality of their implementation, making adjustments if necessary.

2.7. Organization in coordination with the management of cooperation with official representatives of the Customer and other interested firms within their direct responsibilities, carrying out business negotiations.

2.8. Organization of work on the preparation of periodic reporting in the stages of implementation of undertaking, accounting and analytical accounting, making all the necessary information to the relevant databases.

2.9. Planning and coordination of the activities of subordinates under certain types of processes or works, control over the quality of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

2.10. Guide to the development of plans, methods of execution of works, settlements, economic and technical justifications.

2.11. The instructional of workers on labor protection (primary, repeated, target and non-planned), the implementation of the envisaged activities, control over the compliance with the requirements of legislation and official duties in this matter.

3. Rights

The project manager has such rights:

3.1. To get acquainted with the projects of orders and orders of the leadership relating to its official duties, to make proposals for their content.

3.2. Submit proposals to the headquest to improve the organization's work, to prepare projects of relevant orders.

3.3. To line and sign documents within their competence.

3.4. Direct requests for obtaining the necessary information and get it in the manner prescribed by internal orders.

3.5. Interact with the heads of other units of the Organization to address issues related to the project implementation.

3.6. Leave with proposals for the Directorate on the appointment, dismissal, the movement of employees in subordination, imposing penalties and promotion.

3.7. Require from the management of the company to assist in its work.

3.8. Take part in the general meetings of the labor collective concerning the issues of the organization's activities.

4. Communications (relationships)

4.1. Project Manager When fulfilling its duties obeys ____________ (for example, the Director, Deputy Director for the Relevant Direction of Work, Head of the Project Management Department).

4.2. On issues related to their direct duties, interacts with __________ (employees of the production, legal, personnel, estimated department, etc.).

4.3. In the process of work, it transmits the necessary information ___________ (what, to whom, frequency) and receives information ____________ (which, from whom, frequency).

5. Responsibility and evaluation of work

Current work has the right to evaluate its immediate supervisor, the final result is also the management of the organization.

The project manager is responsible for:

  • improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of their duties stipulated by this Instruction - in accordance with the Labor Law of the Russian Federation;
  • violation of the rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety - in accordance with the norms approved by the relevant regulatory acts and internal orders;
  • the commission of crimes or offenses, including the application of material damage to the company - in accordance with civil, criminal or administrative legislation.

Department head ___________ (signature) _______________ (Full name)

I got acquainted with the instruction ____________ (signature) ____________ (Full name)

______________ (date of signing)

You are welcome.
Name argue
(Head of the organization)
Chief (supervisor) ___________ / _____________
Design and estimate department (bureau, group)<*> (Personal (decoding)
signature) signatures)

"___" __________ ____ N ____ "___" ____________ ____

____________ M.P.


1.1. This official instruction determines the functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the head (head) of the design and estimate department (Bureau, Group) (hereinafter - "employee") in ________ (hereinafter - "Organization").
1.2. The employee is appointed for the position and is exempt from the position in the order of the head of the organization's head of the organization's established labor legislation.
1.3. The employee obeys directly __________________ Organization.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in a specialty of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of employee.
1.5. The employee must know:
- decisions, orders, orders and other guidelines, methodological and regulatory documents on the organization of design and estimate activities in construction, on the design and construction of objects;
- organization of design and estimate documentation, the procedure for its coordination and approval;
- methodology and procedure for compiling estimation, estimated financial calculations, calculation;
- the procedure for the preparation and application of collections and catalogs of single rates, price tags for building materials, structures, products, installation of equipment, product range and materials;
- building regulations;
- the foundations of the economy, the organization of construction, labor and management;
- Fundamentals of labor legislation, rules for labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of an employee, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
1.7. In submission of the employee are: _______________________________.

2. Functional duties

2.1. Ensures the implementation of the design and estimate department (bureau, group) of the plan of design and survey work on capital construction facilities.
2.2. Participates in the organization and design of land plots, demolition of buildings, fixing the points of the support geodesic service, the main axes of buildings and structures, red lines, the transfer of prepared construction sites for construction objects.
2.3. It organizes the development of title lists to design objects, collecting source data for their design.
2.4. Manages the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of objects of its own production base, as well as in coordination with customers - on technically simple objects.
2.5. Regulates projects of contracts with project organizations, manages the design of objects for designing objects, developing standards for development and rates for design and construction work not provided for by regulatory documentation.
2.6. Participates in the conduct of technical supervision and acceptance of construction and installation work performed at the construction and installation facilities.
2.7. Organizes the preparation and conduct of the State Commission on the acceptance of construction facilities.
2.8. Organizes the verification of the completeness and quality of design and estimate documentation developed by the project organizations, its acceptance.
2.9. Provides contracting organizations with design and estimate documentation for construction, monitors providing its financing, manufacturing and timely supply of technological equipment.
2.10. Prepares proposals on the performance of consolidated estimates on objects.
2.11. It monitors the correct calculation of the estimated cost of objects and the timeliness of its recalculations in accordance with the new regulatory documents, instructions and instructions.
2.12. Manages the department of department (Bureau, Group).

3.1. The worker has the right:
- to provide him with work due to the employment contract;
- to provide him with a workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
- to provide him with full and reliable information on labor conditions and labor protection requirements;
- on vocational training, retraining and increase of their qualifications in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;
- to receive materials and documents relating to their activities, familiarization with draft decisions of the organization's management relating to its activities;
- to interact with other employer units to solve operational issues of their professional activities;
- Submit for consideration of your direct head proposal for their activities.
3.2. The worker has the right to demand from the employer to assist in the performance of his duties.

4. Responsibility

The employee is responsible for:
4.1. Failure or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this Official Instructions - in accordance with the current labor legislation.
4.2. Violation of safety regulations and labor protection instructions.
4.3. Failing measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that make a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.4. The offenses committed during the implementation period in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.
4.5. Causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work of the employee is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal employment regulations established in the organization.
5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the employee is obliged to leave for business trips (including local values).

(Name of position (Personal Signature) (Decoding
Structural Signature Head)

"___" __________ ____

(specify all interested parties
and their signatures)
___________________________ _______________ _______________


"___" __________ ____

I got acquainted with the instruction: _______________ _______________
(Personal Signature) (Decoding


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