Official instruction of an IT technologies. Equipment IT specialist. Efficiency performance and professional service performance

(Professional Standard "Web Developer and Multimedia Applications")

1. General Provisions

1.1. Site support specialist refers to the category of technical performers.
1.2. For work, a person who has a specialist accompanied by a site, having:
1) secondary vocational education - middle-level specialist training programs;
2) experience in creating and maintaining information resources for at least six months;
3) Additional vocational education - advanced training programs.
1.3. Site support specialist should know:
1) tools and methods for identifying requirements;
2) technologies of interpersonal and group communication in business interaction, the foundations of conflictology;
3) architecture, device and principle of functioning of computing systems;
4) the principles of operation of communication equipment;
5) network protocols and basics of Web technology;
6) the foundations of modern database management systems;
7) the device and functioning of modern information resources;
8) sectoral regulatory technical documentation;
9) Modern domestic and foreign experience in professional activities;
10) rules of business correspondence;
11) Examples of implementation in the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project;
12) technology preparation and presentations;
13) methods of management of teams and projects, development methodology;
14) the foundations of the theory of system analysis and construction of diagrams of interaction;
15) tools and methods of communications;
16) Communication channels;
17) speech culture;
18) the best practices for the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project;
19) Modern methods for testing ergonomics of user interfaces;
20) Basic requirements for the design of graphical interfaces, ways to transfer information in text, graphic, sound, video formats, depending on the user category, taking into account age and features of limited health capabilities;
21) the foundations of pedagogical design (for developers of educational IR);
22) principles of installing and configuring software;
23) software and platforms for the development of Web resources;
24) basics of information security of Web resources;
25) English at the level of reading technical documentation in the field of information and computer technologies;
26) Project Subject for Test Plans;
27) the basis for changing changes;
28) database theory;
29) database storage and analysis systems;
30) programming bases;
31) Modern standards for the interaction of components of distributed applications;
32) Special knowledge of working with the installed DBMS;
33) the principles of using electronic digital signatures and the work of certifying centers;
34) Opportunities IR;
35) model communications;
36) Modern principles for building user interfaces;
37) Methods and assembly tools modules and software components;
38) interfaces of interaction with the external environment;
39) interfaces of interaction of internal system modules;
40) methods and means of developing procedures for software deployment;
41) methods and means of migration and data transformation;
42) Modern principles for standardizing data exchange for educational information management systems;
43) methods and assembly tools and integration of software modules and components;
44) methods and means of verifying the performance of software issues;
45) Languages, utilities and programming environments, tools for batch execution of procedures;
46) .....................
1.4. Site essential specialist should be able to:
1) to conduct a survey;
2) conduct interviewing;
3) collect the source documentation;
4) to hold negotiations;
5) hold presentations;
6) prepare the protocols of events;
7) plan work;
8) use all available ways to inform customers (telephone, fax, email);
9) lead business negotiations with potential customers;
10) establish and hold long-term relationships with the customer;
11) work with specialized software;
12) apply the software to design the interface;
13) Implement the process of designing the interface, taking into account the existing rules for the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project;
14) apply tools for evaluating the effectiveness and convenience of the created interface, apply the data obtained to optimize the interface;
15) comply with the procedure for installing application software in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer;
16) identify incidents arising when installing software and make a decision on changing the installation procedure;
17) use regulatory and technical documentation in the field of software;
18) test IR using test plans;
19) work with test data preparation tools;
20) choose and combine the techniques of testing IR;
21) interpret the customer's business requirements for drawing up test scenarios;
22) to establish requirements for test results;
23) to carry out regulatory data reservation procedures;
24) Document the regulatory procedures;
25) to establish application software;
26) to configure the parameters of the Web server;
27) install DBMS;
28) Develop Regulatory Documents;
29) identify user rights depending on the IR functional;
30) regulate the levels of rights and roles of IR;
31) apply regulatory procedures for managing user access rights to IU;
32) choose a method of action from known; control, evaluate and adjust its actions;
33) analyze the performance of equipment and record messaging logs;
34) carry out communications;
35) to work with requests for correcting inconsistencies;
36) to find out from the conversation with the customer and understand the causes of emergency situations with the information resource;
37) analyze and solve typical customer requests;
38) apply established rules for business communication when communicating with the customer;
39) respond to customer requests in the time limits established by the Regulations;
40) coordinate the solution of customer requests with specialists of the relevant units;
41) to explain to customers to solve the problem arising;
42) work with software for receiving, processing and registering customer requests;
43) write software code for the integration of software modules;
44) Use the selected programming environment to develop programmodule integration procedures;
45) apply methods and means of assembling modules and software components, developing procedures for deploying software, migration and data conversion, creating software interfaces;
46) perform procedures for assembling software modules and a component in a software product;
47) Adjust the software parameters settings and launch the assembly procedures;
48) to evaluate the performance of the software product;
49) Document the actions, identified problems and ways to eliminate them;
50) identify the compliance of existing products with customer requirements;
51) Create backup copies of programs and data, perform recovery, ensure the integrity of the software product and data;
52) ..................... (Other requirements for necessary skills)
1.5. Specialist accompanied by the site in its activitiesguided:
1) ..................... (Name of the constituent document)
2) Regulations about .....................(Name of the structural unit)
3) this official instruction;
4) ..................... (names of local regulatory acts regulating laborfeatures by position)
1.6. Specialist accompanied by the site submits directly..................... (Name of the position of the head)
1.7. ..................... (Other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Performing work on the creation (modification) and supporting information resources:
2.1.1. Collecting preliminary data to identify requirements for IR.
2.1.2. Definition of the initial requirements of the customer to the IR and the possibility of their implementation.
2.1.3. Planning communications with the customer in the framework of the organization's standard regulations.
2.1.4. Designing sections IR.
2.1.5. Installing and configuring applied software and modules.
2.1.6. Testing the integration of IR with external services and accounting systems using the interaction of the components of the distributed system.
2.1.7. Conducting and regulating backup work and reservation of the backup IR.
2.1.8. Data access control and determining user levels IR.
2.1.9. Ensuring the safe and smooth operation of the site.
2.1.10. Registration and processing of customer requests in the technical support service.
2.1.11. Development of software integration procedures.
2.1.12. Implementing the integration of software modules and components and verification of the release of the software product.
2.2. ..................... (other functions)

3. Official duties

3.1. Site support specialist executes the following duties:
3.1.1. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.1 of this Officer:
1) conducts the survey of customer representatives on the basis of the prepared questionnaires;
2) interviews the customer's representatives;
3) performs documentation of the collected data in accordance with the regulations of the organization.
3.1.2. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.2 of this Officer:
1) reveals the initial requirements of the customer to IR;
2) informs the customer about the existing IR, their capabilities and methods of implementation;
3) determines the possibilities of achieving compliance with the Customer's initial requirements;
4) makes a negotiation protocol with the customer.
3.1.3. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.3 of this Officer:
1) constitutes a contact plan with customers for the day (week, month);
2) coordinates the contact plan with the customer.
3.1.4. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.4 of this Officer:
1) conducts an analysis of business requirements and interface business tasks;
2) designs the structure of the IR sections;
3) Develops a user interface for IR using standards in the Web development area;
4) Creates a prototype user interface software design.
3.1.5. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.5 of this Officer:
1) checks the compliance of server equipment with the requirements of IR;
2) performs installation of software and additional modules necessary for the correct functioning of the IR.
3.1.6. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.6 of this Officer:
1) conducts integration testing IR based on test plans;
2) fixes the results of testing IR;
3) eliminates the discovered inconsistencies with the results of tests;
4) develops requirements for testing based on system requirements (business requirements, functional requirements, performance requirements);
5) makes test plans on the basis of the IR functional.
3.1.7. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.7 of this Officer:
1) monitors the implementation of the backup procedure;
2) controls the completion of the backup procedure;
3) regulates the backup procedure;
4) Provides a launch of a database backup procedure and software settings required for the operation of the IR;
5) performs regulatory data reservation procedures;
6) checks the compliance of server equipment and software requirements of IR;
7) makes installation of the necessary software for the functioning of IR;
8) manages software settings;
9) conducts verification of the correctness of the functioning of the IR.
3.1.8. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.8 of this Officer:
1) changes user access rights to modules, data and sections of IR;
2) applies special procedures for managing IR user access rights;
3) monitors compliance with the rights of access of users of IR;
4) regulates user rights in accordance with the functional tasks;
5) regulates user rights in accordance with the role of the IR.
3.1.9. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.9 of this Officer:
1) makes installation and configuration of Turing tests;
2) configures the control of the integrity of the IR files and application software;
3) manages the blocking of users based on information on behavioral factors;
4) monitors attacks on the IR and performing appropriate actions.
3.1.10. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.10 of this Officer:
1) accepts customer requests on various communication channels in accordance with the labor task;
2) register customer requests in the accounting system in accordance with the labor task;
3) processes the customer requests of a high level of escalation;
4) performs an analysis of the customer's request for the purpose of possible ways to solve the problem arising;
5) classifies customer requests in accordance with the regulation of the organization.
3.1.11. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.11 of this Officer:
1) implements the development and documentation of programming interfaces;
2) develops the procedure for assembling modules and software component;
3) Develops the procedure for deploying and updating software;
4) develops a migration and conversion procedure (conversion) of data;

3.1.12. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.12 of this Officer:
1) makes an assembly of software modules and a component into a software product;
2) connects the software product to the components of the external environment;
3) checks the performance of the program product issues;
4) makes changes to the module assembly procedures and software components, software deployment, migration and data conversion;
5) conducts an assessment and coordination of the timing of the tasks.
3.1.13. As part of the fulfillment of its employment functions, the instructions of its direct supervisor.
3.1.14. ..................... (other duties)
3.2...................... (Other provisions on official duties)

4. Rights

4.1. Specialist accompanied by the site has the right:
4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.
4.1.2. Subscribe and sight documents within your competence.
4.1.3. Request from the direct supervision of clarification and clarification according to the assignments issued by the tasks.
4.1.4. Request on behalf of the direct supervisor and receive the necessary information from other employees of the organization, the documents necessary for the execution of the order.
4.1.5. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the leadership relating to the functions performed by him, with documents defining its rights and obligations for their position, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of their labor functions.
4.1.6. Require cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with the established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; Give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.
4.1.7. Submit to their direct supervisor to organize labor in the framework of their labor functions.
4.1.8. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the executable duties.
4.1.9. ..................... (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. Site support specialist is accompanied by:
- for improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this Official Instructions - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation on accounting;
- offenses and crimes committed in the process of their activities are in the manner prescribed by the applicable administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation;
- causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. ..................... (Other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction is developed on the basis of professionalstandard "Web Developer and Multimedia Applications" approvedOrder of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of January 18, 2017 N 44N, taking into account..................... (details of local regulatory acts of the organization)
6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this instruction is carried out atacceptance of work (before the signing of the employment contract).
The fact of familiarization of the employee with this Instruction is confirmed..................... (signature in the list of familiarization, which is an integral part of the presentinstructions (in the journal of familiarization with instructions); in copyinstructions stored at the employer; in other way)
6.3. .....................

To provide a modern level of service, the company needs a specialist responsible for information technology. To hire a professional that will be able to perform the necessary amount of work, it is important to correctly compile the official instructions of the IT department's specialist.

It should take into account the level of education and vocational training in the field of information technology. In addition, this document contains a description of the work, as well as the details of the duties and the necessary skills.

Description of officials

The responsibilities of an IT-unit specialist are usually in the design, operation or support of the work of technological products. Without limited to work in technological companies, information technology specialists (IT) can work with any enterprises, agencies or organizations that use technologies or manage large amounts of information. Regardless of the sector in which they work, IT professionals usually provide services related to software, equipment, databases, web resources, networks and corporate systems.

The job instruction of the IT specialist may include the responsibilities for managing a network, developing software and database administration. IT specialists can also provide technical support to business or employees of the Organization and teach non-technical workers to work with information systems. Experts on advanced information technologies can develop systems and evaluate the effectiveness of resources already used or implemented new programs. In addition, they determine the practicality of changes and modifications of systems.

IT professionals can also work with external partners, including consultants, agencies and suppliers to come to the most suitable system or integration of several structures, if it is laid in the official instructions of an IT technologies.

Since IT tools are constantly changing, experts should be aware of new technologies and the potential effectiveness of these achievements in their current system. To this end, the company can organize advanced training and retraining.

Requirements when receiving

Usually, to fulfill the responsibilities of a specialist IT department, employers prefer to hire candidates with secondary vocational education or with a bachelor's degree. The leadership positions are often accepted with a master's degree. Among the most sought-after specialties:

  • Computer science.
  • Computer science.
  • Mathematics.
  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Statistics.
  • Study of operations, etc.

Some certificates of additional education can help increase employment prospects. For example, learning to work with systems from Oracle, Cisco and Microsoft.

If the work implies increased responsibility, the requirements for the existence of work experience in this field or with systems can be put forward. Very often, when conducting a competition for a vacancy, applicants are given a trial task to assess the level of professionalism and skills.

Circle of solved tasks

Information technology professionals work in posts using computer information systems. The responsibilities of the IT department's specialist responsibilities include work with both software applications and computer equipment. Often you need experience with multiple programming languages \u200b\u200band a variety of software and hardware. Also, services that are performing information technologies can include processing hardware and software problems or network monitoring and databases.

How to make a description of the work of an IT specialist?

The official instruction of an IT department is a major document defining the rights and obligations between the employee and the organization. A properly compiled document will help to attract the most qualified candidates for the open position. Among the possible options, the vacancies can be allocated as follows:

  • IT-specialist.
  • Senior IT specialist.
  • Head of IT Department.
  • IT specialist certified in a specific area.
  • Part-time IT specialist.
  • IT support specialist.

Here is necessarily prescribed the level of responsibility and requirements for the knowledge of candidates. In the official instruction of an IT department, the activities and responsibilities needed to work so that applicants can determine whether they are fairly qualified for a particular case.

Document structure

In order to regulate the relationship between the company and the employee, the job instruction of the IT specialist should be compiled. The sample of such a document should include a number of required sections:

  1. General part - Description of the unit, subordination hierarchy.
  2. Requirements for posts - level of education, experience, qualification requirements.
  3. Objectives - a description of the main job duties.
  4. Functions - a list of specific tasks performed by the employee.
  5. Information is additional provisions on the interaction of the employee inside and outside the organization.
  6. Rights - Description of the fundamental rights of the employee.
  7. Responsibility - Description of the main responsibilities of an IT-unit specialist and the consequences of their non-fulfillment.
  8. Additions and changes - a field for changes in changes, in case they contributed to the instruction.
  9. The instruction is familiar with the name - FULL NAME, the signature and the date of reading the document (usually coincides with the date of the order of employment).

In addition to these sections, the structure of the document may be supplemented as needed. In budget organizations (for example, the official instruction of an IT specialist at school) additionally registed a list of regulatory acts for work, ethical aspects of work, as well as the regulation of the routine of the day.

Section "Requirements for position"

Here are the necessary and preferred skills. This may concern information about education, previous experience, certificates and technical skills. Soft skills may also be indicated (Soft-Skills, such as sociable) and personalities that are needed to successfully perform professional tasks.

Please note that too long a list of skills and requirements can scare potential qualified candidates. Try to make a section brief, but capacious and sufficiently detailed keywords and the terminas.

Section "Goals"

Depending on which functionality is supposed to be entrusted to a person or another, a number of fundamental areas for IT specialists can be distinguished, each of which requires specific knowledge and skills:

  1. Support service: Specialist is usually available 24/7, he gives advice and helps everyone who uses the computer in the organization. He receives phone calls about help and reacts to problems. Most of the time IT specialist can solve problems remotely, in particularly difficult cases - to travel to the place.
  2. Network administration: IT specialist is responsible for supporting the daily work of the computer network. Its work is to make sure that network systems support communication.
  3. Security: IT specialist is involved in the development of software to prevent cyberak. Information security specialist is developing software such as data encryption programs and firewalls, to protect computer systems and organization networks.
  4. Database analysis: IT specialist uses special software for organizing, management and storage (financial information, shipping documents, purchase orders, wage marriage or administrative costs). The database administrator provides this information to users in the organization and configures security procedures that prevent unauthorized access.
  5. Cloud Calculations: Move the data warehouse in the cloud. IT specialist is an architect of a cloud infrastructure that meets the unique requirements of the organization.
  6. Software Development: Such a specialist works with other IT departments for creating programs that perform specific tasks.
  7. Programmer engineer: Tests and installs systems to computers.
  8. Analyst, business analyst: Technical specialist takes data that the company stores on its computer or in the cloud and converts them into diagrams and tables.

Section "Functions"

The "Functions" section is the most important part of the description in the official instruction of the IT specialist in the Republic of Kazakhstan (the context of competencies). Here we indicate the tasks that are performed on a regular basis. Among the examples of the description of the functional can be allocated as follows:

  • An assessment of the infrastructure on a regular basis to ensure its further work.
  • Management of daily IT department operations.
  • Development of new strategies and IT procedures to improve efficiency, improve the workflow and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Coordination of the needs of internal IT professionals and remote employees, suppliers and contractors.
  • Protection of customer data from outside penetration through encryption, secure storage of data and other necessary funds.
  • Assistance in installing new equipment and software and in training employees for its use.
  • Management and supervision of departmental quotas.
  • Development of proposals for possible updates and changes in the IT department.

Final provisions

Depending on the volume and nature of the work of the IT specialist, the amount of its remuneration is established. According to Rostrud, the average salary in the industry of information technologies in Russia is 40,000 rubles.

Thus, an employee of this unit is a fairly paid specialist whose organization requires increased attention. Taking into account the rapid development of information technology, the circle of tasks of the IT department may vary. For more flexible regulation, it is recommended to revise the job description along with an employee and supplement it with items, taking into account the tasks and the level of development of the IT-sphere.

I. General provisions

This instruction applies to the Technical Specialist of the Information Technology Department of the enterprise and developed in accordance with:
- Qualifying directories of managers, specialists and other employees.
resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (with change of 02.01.00).
1.1. Actual job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of a technical support specialist.
1.2. The position of a specialist in technical support is appointed by a person who has experience in a similar position for at least 2 years.
1.3. Technical support specificist is appointed and exempt from office by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4. Technical support specificist is subject to the boss directly
Information Technology Support Department.
1.5. The main performance indicators are:
1.5.1. Organization of the uninterrupted performance of the peripheral equipment:
Printers, Multifunction Devices, Print Servers, Faxes, Phones,
Scanners, copiers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, etc.;
1.5.2. Restoration of the performance of the equipment and equipment IT into those specified in the "Access Level Agreement" deadlines;
1.5.3. Construction in the order of a system of cable networks (SCS) of its branch;
1.5.4. Organization of the warranty repair of computer equipment;
1.5.5. timely replenishment of the reserve of consumables and equipment;
1.5.6. Formation of the budget of procurement per month, no later than the 25th day of each month;
1.5.7. Formation of the budget of procurement for a week, no later than the environment of each week.

II. Official duties

Technical Support Specialist:
2.1. Supports the functioning of user workstations.
2.2. Conducts regulatory work on the care of equipment.
2.3. Conducts monitoring the performance of the user's work stations software.
2.4. Organizes purchasing and receiving equipment with the design of the necessary documents.
2.5. Monitors the presence and operational state of antivirus systems.
2.6. Plans and implements a security strategy to protect data and general network resources, including folders, files and printers.
2.7. Plans and implements a strategy to audit events on the network in order to detect and eliminate protection violations. Manages resources and controls their use.
2.8. Plans and performs regular backup operations to ensure rapid recovery of important data.
2.9. Plans, creates and maintains user accounts and groups to ensure each user the possibility of registration on the network and access to the necessary resources.
2.10. Watch out for the standardization of software workstation equipment. Removes the unapproved IT Department. Together with the system administration group, develop a standard set of software. Conduct pre-test.
2.11. Advances applications for maintaining services (Help Desk). Performs them according to the established regulations.
2.12. Controls equipment in 1C according to the established regulation. Conducts an inventory according to the orders for the Department.
2.13. Carries out the movement of equipment between employees, warehouses and branches.
2.14. Accepts applications for the purchase of equipment ("IT application"). Checks the correctness of their completion and the availability of necessary coordination.
2.15. Installs, sets up, maintains all software products used in the branch.
2.16. Performs other works of varying degrees of complexity associated with the functioning of the computer system and applied mat. Property
2.17. Introduces your innovations, comments and suggestions for the work of IT Department to the head of the IT Support Department.
2.18. Plans to work and reports in a timely manner before the head of the IT Support Department.
2.19. Performs the order of the head of the IT Department, the head of the IT Support Department.
2.20. Coordinates work plans with the head of IT support department.
2.21. Increases its professional level with special courses, senior system administrator, as well as independent learning.
2.22. Encourages computer literacy of employees of the company. Participates in the development of instructions, conducting training employees of the company.

Specialist in technical support has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities;
3.2. Submit proposals for the improvement of work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction;
3.3. Demand and receive information and documents on issues included in its competence from all structural divisions;
3.4. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official duties and rights.
3.5. Make proposals for improving the quality management system;
3.6. Participate in events aimed at adjusting and preventing inconsistencies in the quality management system.

IV. A responsibility

Specialist in technical support is responsible:
4.1. For non-fulfillment (improper execution) of their official duties, provided for by the data of the Justice instruction, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For the commission in the process of carrying out their activities, offenses - within the limits defined by the applicable administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For late and poor-quality execution of documents on behalf of the Director of the Enterprise, inappropriate maintenance of office work in accordance with the applicable rules and instructions, as well as the use of information by the Employees of the Department in non-primary purposes.

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This Job Description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of a specialist technical support.

Sample job description Specialist of the IT service department and material support management of information technology

I. General provisions

This job description defines areas of activity, job responsibilities, rights, responsibility and relationships of the Specialist of the IT department and material support for the management of information technology.
Specialist of the IT service and material support department (hereinafter - the specialist) is directly subordinate to the Head of the IT Service and Material Department.
Reception, appointment and exemption from the expert office is made by order of the Chairman of the Board after approving the candidacy in the prescribed manner.
In its activities, a specialist is guided by the following documents:
- the legislation of Ukraine;
- the company's charter;
- a promising plan for the development of the company;
- orders, orders and instructions of the general director of the company;
- Rules of the Company's internal labor regulations;
- working regulations governing the implementation of the main functions of the management of information technologies and the IT department and material support department;
- Instructions for conducting office work;
- Regulations on the management of information technologies;
- This official instruction.
The specialist should know and use in his work:
- basic network technologies;
- Windows operating systems;
- principles of building information systems;
- principles of constructing communication systems;
- Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection equipment.
The specialist must have the following skills:
- use PC and application programs;
- technical support for users;
- Repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment.
A person who has a work experience in the field of computer information technologies at least 1 year is appointed to the position of specialist of technical support and communications.


II. Official duties

Perform current and promising department tasks.
Make prompt user support.
Ensure efficiency or fast replacement of user technology.
Develop proposals for the formation of plans for promising development of the department.
Timely and qualitatively perform their job responsibilities, tasks and functions of the department.
When organizing work on technical support for the company's structural divisions to ensure their effective work in the local electronic network, a specialist is obliged to:
- Perform the service to maintain users of the company's local electronic network of the company in the prescribed manner.
- Control the work of general office equipment (printers, copying equipment) and promptly take measures to repair and supply consumables.
When organizing work on ensuring the structural divisions of the company, a specialist is obliged by a necessary computer, copying and multiplicate and other electronic office equipment:
- to carry out work on the analysis and generalization of the needs of the company's structural divisions in a computer, copying and multiple and other electronic office equipment.
- Develop proposals on quality, quantity, composition and configuration of the technique necessary to automate the work of the company's structural divisions, and making them for consideration by the Company's management.
- Provide computers and copying and multiplinary techniques of employees of the company's employees in the prescribed manner.
- organize performance of maintenance of computer equipment and company's copying equipment in the prescribed manner.
- Perform work on the modernization of computer equipment in the prescribed manner.
- to make selective control over compliance with the rules of operation by users of computing, copying and multiple and other electronic office equipment.
When organizing work on providing a company telephone and other electronic connections, a specialist is obliged to:
- provision of technical assistance and advice to branches of the company in the organization of communication.
- Provide telephone connection to end users.

III. Rights
The specialist has the right:

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management regarding the activities of the department.
Make proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for by this Official Instruction.
Make proposals for the development of documents regulating the activities of the department, in the prescribed manner.
Develop projects of contracts and send to approval to the Company's management.
In case of violation of the rules of operation of technical and software to raise the issue of making disciplinary and other measures and sanctions to the perpetrators;
Receive functions and access rights to information when working with a corporate automated information system defined by "Instructions for ensuring the safety of commercial secrets".
Do not comply with applications, data in oral form without written or electronic coordination with the head of the Information Technology Management.

IV. A responsibility

Control of the fulfillment of duties assigned to this instruction on a specialist is carried out by the head of the IT department and material support department and / or the head of the Information Technology Department.
The imposition of disciplinary penalties for poor-quality, untimely or unfair fulfillment of their duties is carried out on the basis of the order of the Director General.
In accordance with the distribution of the rights and obligations established by this Official Instruction, the specialist carries disciplinary responsibility for:
- improper or untimely fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this official instruction within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine;
- perfect in the process of their activities of the offense;
- causing the company of material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of Ukraine;
- non-fulfillment of decisions adopted by the Company's management bodies on issues related to the competence of a specialist;
- failure to comply with the instructions and orders of the Director-General and the higher management relating to the activities of the specialist;
- disclosure of commercial secrecy;
- disclosure of confidential information, which has become known in the workshop;
- The unreliability of the information provided by the Company's management, as well as at the request of employees of other structural divisions of the company, except in cases involving the company's own security service.

Business currently has a very dynamic structure, so its basis becomes the basis of various communication technology, which contribute to its successful development and formation. In all areas of business, various most effective technologies apply. If some enterprise will acquire such a system of information, then you can observe effective control, analysis of the company's activities, making decisions based on relevant and holistic information. In addition, it is possible to control the resources of the enterprise, over business processes, carry out successful leadership, make changes to the company's structure, respond to any changes occurring and, if necessary, provide timely assistance.

IT - the manager performs many functions related to the introduction of information technology. In addition to management in the IT department, it is obliged to: to introduce the system into the structure of production, to adapt it to the specific conditions of the already existing in the company. In addition, the system must be established in such a way that it can easily be accommodated to any changes that promote the successful business development, as well as increase the effectiveness of all actions that the company will be taken to carry out its activities.

Other IT-manager duties include the choice of funds and resources for automation, while the manager must find the opportunity at the lowest costs to solve all issues related to the setting and use of the production system. It is the manager responsible for full automation in several spheres of production. These include: networking management, servers coordination, and corporate applications, storage and information protection, management of all PCs on the territory of the organization, as well as coordination of the support service.

So, speaking of the activities of IT - the manager, it is possible to make such a definition: it has two mandatory components of its work - it is technological support and socio-executive activity.

The information system and its work must fully satisfy all the needs in which employees need. In addition, each user should separately understand its structure, will study all the rules for use, fall under the distribution of responsibilities, as well as get its measure of responsibility for maintaining the work and functioning of the entire system.

For information technology manager, certain requirements are nominated for its education. For example, he must have a higher technical education, as well as the necessary experience in this area. Requirements regarding his personal qualities, also have special specifics, for example, it must have analytical and systemic thinking, the ability to teach, to have his own opinion and the ability to defend him. Also, the manager should be able to delve into the essence of the processes to transfer information, as well as to solve the problems that occur from the end user. The automation strategy and personal work should also be skillfully synthesized by such a specialist.

The main goal for IT - the manager is that it applies the most advanced technologies in order to automate the management of the entire organization. To achieve their working goals, he must be able to perform work at a minimum cost. It is from him that the culture of corporate work will be formed.

The position of the IT manager belongs to the category of employees who commit the responsibilities.

This citizen may receive a citizen who has higher or secondary education, professionally - technical education, knowledge of information systems and technologies, high-quality and competently carry out management, to have experience of at least three years.

The IT manager must know the following:

  • it is good to understand the regulatory and methodological materials regarding the organization of automated control systems;
  • understand hardware, network and software;
  • have a proper level of knowledge in the field of network media, as well as system management;
  • organization of planning, as well as operational management of production;
  • to understand the structure of production, it is good to know production, as well as functional inside structural connections;
  • understand the installation of tasks, as well as in the structure of their algorithms;
  • understand the foundations of design and data analysis, as well as programming;
  • have knowledge of IT and information processes;
  • own the fundamental basis;
  • to properly own a foreign language;
  • know social psychology and socio-technological systems;
  • to understand in the basics of the economy, skillfully establish a production process, as well as labor and implement a successful manual;
  • have the proper level of knowledge in the field of information legislation;
  • know the basis of legislation regarding labor;
  • to have knowledge of the rules of labor protection standards, as well as safety techniques, when working in production.

The official responsibilities of the IT manager are as follows:

  1. To be able to determine the tasks of implementing the information system, send the development, as well as apply the information system itself.
  2. The selection of the harmonious and balanced combination between the needs of the user and the capabilities of the information system itself.
  3. The manager must create the basis for the information system of the methodological species.
  4. It lies a duty to plan the preparation of documents on the project, scalculating the sum of total payment for the information system and ensure its successful work.
  5. To draw up contracts with partners who come in the face of suppliers and contractors.
  6. Guarantee supervision of all work performed regarding configuration, as well as maintaining information system.
  7. The manager carries out:
  • Ensuring control, as well as installation Program Security.
  • Planted where the company's resources will be sent.
  • Control on user applications for maintenance.
  • To adjust and make changes, manage requests for the changes made, confirm and plan any necessary changes, as well as arrange priorities between requests.
  • Control the composition of the management system, where includes: control over the entire infrastructure, which is carried out by supporting all the necessary information necessary for the necessary resources; providing information regarding the current situation and history of each component in the entire infrastructure; Interaction of infrastructure parts.
  • Office for safeguards.
  • Elimination of all identified problems and violations in the services of the company enjoyed.
  • Provides continuous operation of the system, and also takes quick actions to eliminate any sudden disorders and errors.
  • The manager analyzes changes occurring in automation of production work, and also takes into account all measures to proactive management.
  • Manages the development of new instructions, methods and other regulatory materials, which are applied with respect to operation of the IP.
  • The manager is the necessary reports, thinks out and makes a proposal for the upgrade and improvement of the information system.

IT-technologies manager has certain rights in the field of their activities. So, for example, he has the right to receive the following information:

  • Explore the documentation defining its rights, as well as the obligations at the post of one position that it takes is to investigate the criteria for assessing quality about the fulfillment of all official duties.
  • It has the opportunity to offer the leadership a variety of options for improving activities, which is associated with the current job description.
  • The manager has the right to personally request data on the documents that are needed in order to fulfill the task set before it. In addition, he may ask for his assistant or entrust this task to the head of the unit.
  • This person has the full right to nominate the requirements for the management of the enterprise regarding the provision of all needs, and the creation of decent organizational and technical conditions, due to which the company will be successfully implemented.

The IT manager is responsible. His position in the working team, he must:

  • It undertakes to respond to the actions associated with the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of its direct duties, in accordance with the official instructions nominated by the current legislation.
  • Responsible for all the ongoing legal violations that occur during its implementation period. An administrative, criminal or civil liability can be applied to it, in accordance with the requirements of the country's existing legislation.
  • The manager is responsible for any material damage and losses that have suffered an enterprise. The scope of responsibility is also determined by the current law on labor and civil liability.

This section provides the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the sample instructions in the "IT, computers, work on the Internet" and the examples of their fill. The relevance of the information provided complies with all changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation as of the year.

\u003e Official instructions of an IT department

This Job Description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of a specialist technical support.

Sample job description Specialist of the IT service department and material support management of information technology

I. General provisions

This job description defines areas of activity, job responsibilities, rights, responsibility and relationships of the Specialist of the IT department and material support for the management of information technology.
Specialist of the IT service and material support department (hereinafter - the specialist) is directly subordinate to the Head of the IT Service and Material Department.
Reception, appointment and exemption from the expert office is made by order of the Chairman of the Board after approving the candidacy in the prescribed manner.
In its activities, a specialist is guided by the following documents:
- the legislation of Ukraine;
- the company's charter;
- a promising plan for the development of the company;
- orders, orders and instructions of the general director of the company;
- Rules of the Company's internal labor regulations;
- working regulations governing the implementation of the main functions of the management of information technologies and the IT department and material support department;
- Instructions for conducting office work;
- Regulations on the management of information technologies;
- This official instruction.
The specialist should know and use in his work:
- basic network technologies;
- Windows operating systems;
- principles of building information systems;
- principles of constructing communication systems;
- Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection equipment.
The specialist must have the following skills:
- use PC and application programs;
- technical support for users;
- Repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment.
A person who has a work experience in the field of computer information technologies at least 1 year is appointed to the position of specialist of technical support and communications.


II. Official duties

Perform current and promising department tasks.
Make prompt user support.
Ensure efficiency or fast replacement of user technology.
Develop proposals for the formation of plans for promising development of the department.
Timely and qualitatively perform their job responsibilities, tasks and functions of the department.
When organizing work on technical support for the company's structural divisions to ensure their effective work in the local electronic network, a specialist is obliged to:
- Perform the service to maintain users of the company's local electronic network of the company in the prescribed manner.
- Control the work of general office equipment (printers, copying equipment) and promptly take measures to repair and supply consumables.
When organizing work on ensuring the structural divisions of the company, a specialist is obliged by a necessary computer, copying and multiplicate and other electronic office equipment:
- to carry out work on the analysis and generalization of the needs of the company's structural divisions in a computer, copying and multiple and other electronic office equipment.
- Develop proposals on quality, quantity, composition and configuration of the technique necessary to automate the work of the company's structural divisions, and making them for consideration by the Company's management.
- Provide computers and copying and multiplinary techniques of employees of the company's employees in the prescribed manner.
- organize performance of maintenance of computer equipment and company's copying equipment in the prescribed manner.
- Perform work on the modernization of computer equipment in the prescribed manner.
- to make selective control over compliance with the rules of operation by users of computing, copying and multiple and other electronic office equipment.
When organizing work on providing a company telephone and other electronic connections, a specialist is obliged to:
- provision of technical assistance and advice to branches of the company in the organization of communication.
- Provide telephone connection to end users.

III. Rights
The specialist has the right:

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management regarding the activities of the department.
Make proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for by this Official Instruction.
Make proposals for the development of documents regulating the activities of the department, in the prescribed manner.
Develop projects of contracts and send to approval to the Company's management.
In case of violation of the rules of operation of technical and software to raise the issue of making disciplinary and other measures and sanctions to the perpetrators;
Receive functions and access rights to information when working with a corporate automated information system defined by the "Instructions for ensuring the safety of commercial secrets".
Do not comply with applications, data in oral form without written or electronic coordination with the head of the Information Technology Management.

IV. A responsibility

Control of the fulfillment of duties assigned to this instruction on a specialist is carried out by the head of the IT department and material support department and / or the head of the Information Technology Department.
The imposition of disciplinary penalties for poor-quality, untimely or unfair fulfillment of their duties is carried out on the basis of the order of the Director General.
In accordance with the distribution of the rights and obligations established by this Official Instruction, the specialist carries disciplinary responsibility for:
- improper or untimely fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this official instruction within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine;
- perfect in the process of their activities of the offense;
- causing the company of material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of Ukraine;
- non-fulfillment of decisions adopted by the Company's management bodies on issues related to the competence of a specialist;
- failure to comply with the instructions and orders of the Director-General and the higher management relating to the activities of the specialist;
- disclosure of commercial secrets;
- disclosure of confidential information, which has become known in the workshop;
- The unreliability of the information provided by the Company's management, as well as at the request of employees of other structural divisions of the company, except in cases involving the company's own security service.

874 General provisions

874.1 This Job Instruction is the main regulatory and organizational document establishing functions, rights and obligations, the responsibility of a specialist in information technology governing the organization of its activities, the order of business interaction with officials of the Structural Units of XXX.

874.2 This job description is a direct action document, comes into force on the date of approval and is mandatory for execution by the employee from the date of reference.

874.3 Appointment for the position and liberation from office held by order of the Director of the XXX branch.

874.4 Information technology specialist is directly subordinated by the leading specialist in information technology, in its absence - the head of the information technology department of the branch "XXX - XX" (g .________) XXX.

874.5 Specialist in information technology is functionally subordinate to the Deputy Head of DIT for the Development of Branch.

1.6 Information technology specialist can replace the leading specialist in the information technology technological technological department of the branch during its absence.

875 goals and job responsibilities

875.1 The activities of a specialist in information technology aims to achieve the following goals:

875.1.1 support of users in the branch;

875.1.2. Equipment of the local computing network of the branch;

875.1.3 Supply of IT equipment, including computers, printers, scanners, network devices (hubs, bridges, switches, etc.)

875.1.4 Support of standard system software (operating systems, office software products, other products designed outside the enterprise and used as standard software);

875.2 To achieve the established objectives, an information technology specialist performs the following duties:

875.2.1 Provides preventive work on IT equipment;

875.2.2 The initiative of the operation, repair and modernization of IT equipment;

875.2.3Ithe participation in the formulation of the tasks of work by a third-party organization of installation work on expanding and reorganizing the local computing network;

875.2.4. Starts, configures and updates operating systems, office applications, other standard software;

875.2.5 Consults of users in the operation of IT equipment and software installed on their workplaces;

875.2.6 Equals the applications of users in the branch.

876 Evaluation Indicators

The activities of an information technology specialist are estimated on the basis of the following indicators:

3.1 Accuracy, quality and timely execution of received subdivisions, lack of user claims;

3.2 Execution of individual work plans.

877 General Corporate norms

The activities of the information technology specialist are regulated by the general corporate standards reflected in the following documents:

877.1 Internal labor regulations;

877.2 Standard of the enterprise "Business etiquette. Corporate standard forms of clothing

877.6 Regulation on the protection of personal data of XXX employees;

877.7 Regulation on the information and technological department (ITO) of the XXX branch;

877.8 True job description.

Information technology specialist has the following rights necessary to fulfill its functional duties:

5.1 Receive any information required to fulfill its tasks from the management and staff of the XXX branch;

5.2 Independently evaluate the feasibility and technical ability to make changes in the configuration of computer equipment, system software settings.

879 Responsibility

Information technology specialist is personally responsible to the director of the branch for non-fulfillment or improper performance of its functional duties in achieving the established goals, as well as the improper use of rights provided to him:

- in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulatory documents, employment contract worker carries disciplinary responsibility;

- In accordance with the agreement on full individual material responsibility, the employee is brings material responsibility.

880 Employee Requirements when receiving

881 Dictionary of Special Terms and Abbreviations

The instruction fully reflects the content and specificity of the activity of this official.

882 review list

The job description is familiar with and assumed obligations to fulfill the activities established in it. I received a copy of the job instruction.

How to make job description manager for information technology (IT manager)

First of all, in conditions of fierce competition and information rivalry, it is necessary to describe the restrictions that will act on the information technology manager during work in the organization and after leaving it. This will give the basis to protect the interests of the company in court and will protect the employee from the negligent relationship. The safety of information to which the hired person will have full access must be one of the priorities when writing the instruction.

Among other things, your IT manager must have managerial skills and talent for the training of other people, as well as solving conflict issues. This employee will constantly have to deal with other people's questions about the use of equipment and software, so the requirements for candidates must be made at the interview stage. In the job instruction, it is necessary to reflect such an important point.

In addition to duties and restrictions, the IT manager should have extensive rights, since it, as a specialist belonging to the category of management personnel, should independently solve complex tasks. If the manager is forced to constantly coordinate his actions with higher, you will not get the speed of the update that is required in the modern world. In this regard, the job instruction should describe the coented chain, including for the period of the trial period, until the confidence in the employee is confirmed by its real actions.

Main information technology manager, of course, must have appropriate qualifications, which should be reflected in order for the personnel to be found to refuse a candidate without specialized technical education or the necessary work experience.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position of Chief Specialist of the Financial and Economic Department (hereinafter - the chief specialist) belongs to the group of positions of the municipal service category "Specialists".

1.2. The chief specialist is directly subordinate.

1.3. A person with higher economic education is appointed to the position of chief specialist in the specialty and experience of the municipal service (public service) at least a year / years or at least a year / years of experience in the specialty.

1.4. The chief specialist is appointed and exempt from it by order.

1.5. Chief Specialist should know:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation;

- Budget Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating budgetary legal relations and budget process;

- regulatory legal acts governing the organization of local self-government, municipal service, anti-corruption, placement of municipal order;

- management and management methods;

- procedure for conducting accounting and compiling reports on the economic and financial activities of the institution;

- the procedure for the conclusion and design of municipal contracts;

- Regulations and Instructions for the Office of Local Government Bodies;

- the structure of local governments;

- the procedure for the formation and execution of the budget;

- order of accounting and reporting;

- issues of socio-economic forecasting, labor relations;

- issues of trade and domestic service of the population;

- order of municipal statistics;

- Basics of labor legislation and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

- rules of the internal labor regulation;

- rules and norms of safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.6. The chief specialist should have professional skills:

- qualified work planning;

- organization and ensuring tasks;

- effective work time planning;

- warnings and resolution of conflicts;

- preparation of business letters;

- practical application of regulatory legal acts;

- skills to control processes and analyze the results of activities;

- effective and consistent organization of work on interrelationships with organizations, government agencies, population;

- effective cooperation with colleagues;

- adaptation to changes in the situation and applying new approaches to solving arising tasks;

- Work with service documents.

2. Official duties

Chief Specialist must:

2.1. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter and other municipal legal acts and ensure their execution.

2.2. To fulfill orders, instructions and instructions of supervisory supervisors, published within their official duties and powers, in full and on time. Do not fulfill illegal orders. Upon receipt from the relevant head of the assignment, which, in his opinion, unlawful, to submit to the head, who gave instructions, in writing, the justification of the illegality of this order, indicating the provisions of regulatory legal acts, which may be violated in the execution of this order. In the case of confirmation by the head of this order, in writing to refuse its execution.

2.3. Observe in the performance of official duties and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations.

2.4. Maintain the level of qualifications necessary for proper performance of official duties, mastering modern methods of work.

2.5. Do not disclose information that make up state and other protected by federal laws secrets, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the privacy and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity.

2.6. To testify and make statements regarding information containing a state or other law protected by the law, only in connection with the initiated criminal case or in other cases, expressly stipulated by law, writing in writing about it.

2.7. We take care of state, municipal property, including the duties granted to him, and the property of other workers.

2.8. It is annually to provide information on their income, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, the obligations of the property nature of their spouse (spouse) and minor children.

2.9. To report on the exit of the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the day of exiting the citizenship of the Russian Federation or the acquisition of a foreign national citizenship on the day of the acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state.

2.10. Comply with the restrictions, fulfill obligations, not violate the prohibitions that are established by the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ and other federal laws.

2.11. To report personal interest in the performance of official duties, which can lead to conflict of interest, and take measures to prevent such conflict, as well as to prevent any possibility of conflict of interest.

2.12. Notify, prosecutors or other state bodies of all cases of appeal to any individuals in order to decline him to commit corruption offenses.

2.13. Participate:

- in the development of forecasts of socio-economic development for long-term, medium-term and short-term perspectives;

- in the development and implementation of measures to financial rehabilitation of the economy, support and protection of the interests of producers of goods, performers and settlement services;

- in the preparation of proposals for the main directions of credit policies, improving the state of calculations and payments in;

- in the preparation of local targeted programs;

- in the development of measures aimed at the formation and implementation of investment policy;

- in financing investment programs;

- in studying the problem of financing federal and regional programs on the territory;

- in the design of documentation to ensure and finance federal and regional programs;

- in the development of projects of legal acts of bodies and officials of local self-government;

- in the development of proposals for the development of tax legislation in;

- in the development and implementation of measures to improve the structure of the local budget expenditures, ensuring the economical and rational spending of budgetary funds.

2.14. To carry out within its competence, control over the implementation of decisions, legislative and executive initiatives in the field of financing of federal and regional programs in the territory, for the state of accounting for financing and the targeted use of funds from federal and regional budgets.

2.15. Organize and implement the development of budget projects.

2.16. Permanent control over the targeted use of budget funds.

2.17. Implement cooperation with state, municipal financial control authorities.

2.18. To draw up reporting on the execution of the budget in terms of costs within its competence.

2.19. To ensure the conclusion of contracts within the limits of budgetary obligations in accordance with applicable law.

2.20. For consideration projects of regulatory and legal acts, to issue instructions, make orders on issues included in its competence.

2.21. Consider the appeals and statements of citizens and legal entities, to make decisions within their competence.

2.22. Plan your work, report on the work done.

2.23. Lead the work of subordinate employees.

3. Rights

Chief Specialist is entitled:

3.1. For familiarization with documents that establish its rights and obligations under the replaced post of municipal service, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties and the conditions for promoting the service.

3.2. To ensure the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

3.3. For labor and other payments in accordance with labor legislation, legislation on the municipal service and employment contract (contract).

3.4. On vacation, provided by the establishment of a normal duration of working (official) time, the provision of weekend days and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid leave.

3.5. To obtain in the prescribed manner of information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as on making proposals for improving the activities of the local government body, the election commission of the municipal formation.

3.6. For participation on its initiative in the competition for filling the vacant post of municipal service.

3.7. To improve the qualifications in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget.

3.8. To protect your personal data.

3.9. To familiarize yourself with all the materials of your personal case, with reviews of professional activities and other documents before making them to his personal matter, as well as at the introduction of his written explanations to the personal cause.

3.10. Association, including the right to create professional alliances, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests.

3.11. For the consideration of individual labor disputes in accordance with the labor legislation, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing to the court of their violations.

3.12. On pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.13. Control the work of subordinate employees, give them orders as part of their official duties and require their clear execution, make suggestions to the guide to encourage them or impose of recovery.

3.14. Subscribe and sight documents within your competence.

3.15. After the preliminary written notice, perform a different paid job, if this does not entail the conflict of interest.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The chief specialist is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance entrusted to him; for actions or inaction leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens; For the disclosure of state secrets, as well as information that became known in connection with the execution of official duties in accordance with the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ.

4.2. The chief specialist carries material liability for property damage caused to the employer.

4.3. The chief specialist carries disciplinary responsibility for late fulfillment of tasks, orders, orders and instructions of supervisors in the procedure of subordination of managers, with the exception of illegal; For late consideration within its official duties of the appeals of citizens and public organizations, as well as institutions and organizations, state bodies and bodies of local self-government.

4.4. The chief specialist carries a disciplinary, civil-law, administrative and criminal liability in the case of the fulfillment of an unlawful order.

4.5. For the commission of corruption offenses, the chief specialist is criminal, administrative and disciplinary responsibility.

8. Efficiency and performance performance indicators

8.1. The effectiveness and effectiveness of the professional official activity of the chief specialist is estimated in accordance with the following indicators :.

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Chief Specialist in the Department

1. General Provisions

1.1. This official instruction determines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the chief specialist in the department (hereinafter - the Company).

1.2. The chief specialist in the department is appointed and exempt from the post in the order of the company's head by order of the company's head.

1.3. The chief specialist in the department refers to the category of specialists and subordinate to the company.

1.4. A person who has a chief specialist in the department is appointed:

  • higher vocational education in the specialty "Design of buildings" or higher vocational education and professional retraining in the direction of "Design of buildings and structures";
  • work experience in the specialty at least 3 years;
  • improving the qualifications at least once every 5 years and the availability of a qualification certificate for compliance with the position.

1.5. The chief specialist in the department should know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of urban planning activities;
  • administrative methodological and regulatory documents for the design, construction and operation of facilities;
  • prospects for the development of architectural and construction design;
  • design methods;
  • organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience design and construction;
  • technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for designed objects;
  • basics of Labor Organization in Design;
  • building regulations;
  • standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents on the development and design of design and estimate and other technical documentation;
  • fundamentals of standardization and patent learning;
  • economics and organization of construction;
  • copyright;
  • software complexes and types of automation of design and computing;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • rules for labor protection.

1.6. Chief Specialist in the Department must:

  • timely respond to requests from other employees in the direction of professional activities, provide the required information in full;
  • objectively refer to other employees, assess their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals on the results of their work, regardless of personal relationship;
  • comply with the deadlines for the execution of tasks and orders;
  • provide assistance to colleagues in working when solving the tasks of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in the results of activities;
  • continuously increase your professional level;
  • honestly and in good faith to fulfill the duties assigned to him;
  • contain property and safety in use;
  • to fully contribute to the formation and strengthening of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
  • keep service and commercial secrets;
  • comply with the rules of confidentiality when working with personal information of the employees of the organization, the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, production sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. The chief specialist in the department in its activities is guided:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the company;
  • the rules of the internal labor regulation;
  • rules for labor protection and safety, provision of industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the direct supervisor;
  • this official instruction.

1.8. During the time of temporary absence of the main specialist in the department, his duties are assigned to.

2. Official duties

The chief specialist in the department carries out the following labor functions:

2.1. Develops the most important design solutions on a separate section (part) of the project.

2.2. Organizes patent studies in order to provide patent purity of new design solutions and their patentability.

2.3. Prepares proposals for use in the project of the most progressive and economical competitive design solutions.

2.4. Generates tasks for the development of sections (parts) of the project and issues them to performers.

2.5. Checks the compliance of the designed design solutions to the assigned task.

2.6. It provides the technical guide to the development of sections (parts) of the project when using the design automation tools and participates in solving these sections (parts) of issues at all stages and stages of design, construction, entry facilities and development of design capacity.

2.7. Participates in the coordination of project decisions and in the discussion of the project in higher organizations and expertise bodies.

2.9. Taking into account the actual status of construction prepares proposals for amending the working documentation in the introduction of new regulatory documents.

2.10. Analyzes and summarizes the experience of designing, construction and operation of constructed facilities, prepares a proposal on this basis for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the feasibility level of project decisions.

2.11. Prepares feedback and conclusions on rationalization offers and inventions, projects of standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.

2.12. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and compiling applications for inventions, the work of seminars and conferences in its specialty.

2.13. Manages subordinates to him by workers.

In case of everybirth, the chief specialist in the department may be involved in the fulfillment of their official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the federal labor legislation.

The chief specialist in the department has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management regarding its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for the improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this Official Instruction.

3.3. To be present at meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the direction of activity.

3.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the structural division.

3.5. If necessary, interact with employees of all structural divisions of the company.

3.6. Request personally or on behalf of the direct supervisor from the heads of departments and other specialists the information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.7. Subscribe and sight documents within your competence.

3.8. Attract specialists of all (individual) structural units to solve problems assigned to it (if it is provided for by the provisions on the structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the company's head).

3.9. Require from the leadership of the geological organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.10. Act on behalf of the structural unit and represent its interests in relationships with other structural divisions of the company within their competence.

3.11. Represent a structural unit in relationships with external organizations in the direction of activity within its competence.

3.12. To conduct official correspondence with the company's structural divisions and external organizations on issues related to advanced training, training and development of personnel.

3.13. Independently make decisions on planning your working time.

4. Responsibility and assessment of activities

4.1 The chief specialist in the department is administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the direct supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of their labor functions and tasks entrusted to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of service authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Invalid information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Incontracting measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Not ensuring observance of labor discipline.

4.1.7. The offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. Causing material damage and / or losses of the organization or third parties related to the action or inaction during the performance of official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the chief specialist in the department is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the process of everyday exercise by the employee of its labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least 1 time in two years on the basis of the documented results of work for the estimated period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the Chief Specialist in the department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of the tasks provided for by this Instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of the chief specialist in the department is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal employment regulations established in the company.

5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the chief specialist in the department can travel to office business trips (including local value).

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