The problem with the delivery of parcels from China. Thousands of parcels without an inn were stuck at the Russian customs. When the parcel is at the post office, I need to go for it myself or the postman will bring it

Since March, the excitement of buyers who are waiting for their parcels has increased, and the number of questions about tracking parcels from China by tracking number (regular shipment) - in ~ 30% of cases parcels simply cannot be tracked, the data does not appear even on the China postal service. As a rule, of these 30%, these are parcels with CN tracking numbers at the end (through China Post) shipped from a supplier whose goods are presented with us with the [F] marking at the end. There may also be problems with long delivery and tracking for parcels with HK at the end, but less often. And many demand from us to obtain this data, or even to speed up delivery, asking questions of this kind: "I can not track the parcel, it has been going for a long time ... when will it arrive? (1) why is it not tracked? (2) where is it now? (3), do something to make it go faster (or at least data about it appear)! (4), confirm the shipment (proof of shipment) (5), many days have passed, but I have not received the parcel (a) ... I will sue you! (6) ", and the like.

Any attentive visitor, familiarizing himself with the information on our website about the delivery time (and it is the client's duty to familiarize himself with the information), already knows before ordering what can be expected from our mail - namely, delivery times are above average (and nuances), and that there is poor tracking of parcels (or no data appears at all), as well as other nuances, including the loss of parcels by mail. About all these nuances, we have always had and are, reliably, transparently and honestly described and. We do not hide these pages from reading, we do not write in the smallest font somewhere below so that it is not noticeable, and we are too lazy to read. These pages, and information, are in prominent places, and in addition, we give links to these pages and important information in them wherever possible, and when a client places an order, we also point them to these pages for review.

Nevertheless, questions that are already answered on the site are constantly piling up. And in their essence, these are non-essential questions for us (like those given here above), meaningless questions. Undoubtedly, it seems to you differently, and we agree that such delivery, which takes a long time and is not tracked, gives little joy. but try to delve into what will be said later, namely: not essentially and meaningless, these questions are for the simple reason ( attention!) THAT WE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT IN THE CONDITION, AT ANY WISH, TO INFLUENCE THE SITUATION WITH THE WORK OF THE MAIL. AND HOW MANY TIMES WE ARE NOT ASKED THESE QUESTIONS, THREATENED, ACCUSED, ETC. - ANYTHING DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING! We cannot speed up the delivery of the parcel, in the same way as, for example, we cannot influence the work of our Russian government. Also, we cannot know and find out WHERE the parcel is, and when it will beif data about her does not appear on mail services, IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE.

In order to find out where the package is, you need to conduct a whole investigation, but not by us, but by a sender located in China - and this is very laborious process, which in the end will simply turn out to be useless. in this chain associated with the sending of a parcel, many people are involved, and there are millions of parcels. The parcel is in progress, it can lie somewhere on the sorting machine, or in a postal machine (or a train carriage), and is sent to your post office (or is already there), but no one can know about it, because it is just a package in the hands of one worker, which passes into the hands of another postal worker (roughly speaking), who looks at the address on the invoice of this package and sends it to where the logistics of this shipment requires. This address flashes in the head of the postal worker for a second, and then he forgets about it, picking up another package, and only at that second, he can know about it that he is at this point of departure, and MORE ABOUT THIS, NOT NO ONE KNOWS. There is also a postal worker whose duties include entering into the database postal service data about this shipment, and if he does not enter them there, which recently happens very often, since data on the movement of the parcel does not appear, then also, NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT THIS, BUT NOW LESS, THE PARCEL CONTINUES MOVING, AGAIN UNDERLINE STEPS MOVING TO YOUR POST OFFICE. And no one will, at our request, or at the request of the sender (if, for example, call the post office where the parcel should arrive), ring up all the intermediate points and sorting that can only be along the path of the parcel, raise it to their ears, and tear everyone away from work people from these points who could keep this parcel so that these people search among thousands of other parcels in piles for the one with your tracking number! All that the postal worker of the point of arrival (your post office) can do about the fate of your parcel, upon a call from the sender (if he knows Chinese), or the recipient (i.e. you) is just to say whether or not your parcel is in the point of arrival (and then, there were cases when they did not know about this, although the parcel was already lying among a heap of others, at the point of arrival).

Also about the proof of dispatch that some clients require from us. IF WE GIVEN YOU A TRACKING NUMBER - IT MEANS THE PARCEL SENT FROM CHINA, AND IT CANNOT BE ANOTHER, ELSE WE WOULD NOT GIVE YOU A TRACKING NUMBER AND DIDN'T SAY THAT IT WAS SENT (in this regard, about the issue of trust ). Understand, such exciting letters with demands, questions (as listed at the beginning), threats of litigation, come to us regularly, and almost every day, because these regular shipments, often reach above the deadlines (as can be seen from our charts), but nonetheless, our worried clients receive parcels, however, they pretty much ruffled our nerves (to whom else, not by mail, after all), and we cannot every time and every day fiddle with the supplier so that he issues these documents (receipts, statements, etc.), and there is simply no real need for this (only after 3-4 months, when it will definitely become clear that the package has been lost) .And please DO NOT THREAD US WITH SHIPS (WHAT IS OFTEN HAPPENS), THREAT YOUR MAIL WITH SHIPS - IT DELIVERS YOUR PARCELS AND NOT WE!

A link to this page will be provided as an answer to the questions at the beginning here.

You are kindly requested to treat this information with understanding and ask questions on the merits - i.e. when issues require our individual solution and intervention (according to our conditions and obligations), when it becomes obvious that the parcel has been lost (more than 2 months, does not appear at the post office). About this, as well as delivery insurance (conditions),.

Federal customs Service On December 7, Russia introduced new rules for processing parcels from foreign online stores for delivery operators. The problems started immediately.

Now, to receive the parcel, you will need to indicate the TIN and links to the purchased goods. In social networks, users complain about parcels stuck at customs, and in delivery services they say that until the FCS signs an addendum to the order on the list of those for whom it is valid, the parcels will remain in a "frozen" state.

Delivery services have already sent out warnings to their users that when making purchases in foreign online stores, along with passport data, it is necessary to indicate the TIN (the requirement applies only to Russian citizens) and links to the pages of the online store with a description of each product. This innovation will not affect parcels that are delivered from the sender to the recipient through the Russian Post.

Anastasia Solopeko writes on Facebook that her order from an English online store, issued on November 29, “stuck” at customs from December 1, and only by calling the delivery company, she found out that now a parcel cannot be received without a TIN.

“So if you ordered something and this“ something ”does not come to you, call and sort it out. For some reason, they themselves do not send messages with the requirement to fill out the customs form again, ”she warns.

In service boxberry delivery The BBC's Russian service was told that the parcels would remain in a "stuck" state until the FCS signed an addendum to the order on the list of services for which it operates.
When asked when it will be signed, COO Yaroslav Polishchuk found it difficult to answer. “We have no understanding, they don't tell us anything,” he said.
Polishchuk said that about 25-28 thousand Boxberry orders are now at customs without an INN. “It accumulated in three days,” he says.

The Russian service of the BBC was unable to promptly contact the FCS with the question of when the additions would be signed - the phones of the press service were unavailable all day.

At the same time, DPD services in Russia and SPSR Express have no delays with parcels from foreign online stores, the head of the international transport department Yevgeny Privalov told the BBC Russian Service.
The delivery service Pony Express reported that on December 4 they began to notify customers about the need to provide an INN, so they received a "fairly high response." The company found it difficult to report exact data on "stuck" packages.

Experiment for seven months
In letters from the delivery services it is said that the new data is needed to "confirm the declared value of the goods." Operators refer to the order of the Federal Customs Service of November 24. Requirements only apply to orders individuals for personal use.
The press service of the FCS told Kommersant that the TIN and links to goods are needed to determine their value and weight, as well as to reduce the risks of importing goods to dummies. So the customs will check the excess of the duty-free threshold. Now it is no more than 1000 euros and 31 kg per month.
The BBC Russian service was unable to find the order published by the FCS. A copy of it was posted on its website by Boxberry delivery service.

According to the document, the innovations will be valid until July 1, 2018, the initiative is called "experiment".

It follows from the text of the order that this experiment is being introduced to strengthen control over the reliability of the documents provided in the customs declaration. The order establishes the need for the main department for combating smuggling of the FCS to conduct a quarterly analysis of passport data. Information about invalid passports must be submitted to the analytical department of the customs service.

So, as sad as it may sound, "stock up on popcorn" ...

08.12.2017 20:15:43 / 60163

To track your parcel, you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to the home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track mailing"
3. Click on the "Track your package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result is displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. The projected delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult;)

If you do not understand the movement between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by company", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with statuses on english language, click on the link with the text "Translate into Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the section "Information about the track code", there you will find approximate delivery times and other useful information.

If, during tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arrival at Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. Nothing, and nowhere. No way at all \u003d)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate the delivery time within Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Control Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the package will arrive in two weeks, and the package travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7-14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims to have sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Received email notification" does not change for several days, this is normal, you can read more details by clicking on the link:.

If the status of a postal item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international postal items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and a new package has been traveling for more than a month, this is normal, because parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for sending by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses for 7 - 20 days, no need to worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the decoding of the main statuses of international mail:

If, 5 days before the end of the protection period, the parcel is not delivered to your post office, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until you are completely enlightened;)

By postal regulations it is considered that until the delivery of the parcel to the recipient, it belongs to the sender. Therefore, all responsibility for correct filling mailing documents, search for loss, compensation for theft, etc. lies on the shoulders of the seller.

Plus, on Aliexpress, according to the buyer's protection rules, if the buyer has not received the package, he can get back the entire amount he paid for the order. Moreover, buyers who no longer needed the goods could simply not pick up the parcel from the post office and after 30 days it went back to China, and the buyer opened a dispute and returned the money. Moreover, there were no problems if suddenly the parcel did not go through customs. And it didn’t matter for whatever reasons: whether it was goods prohibited for import, or stolen goods, or the need to pay customs duties. Previously, it was easy to open a dispute, attach a screen of the tracking system, where it was seen that the parcel did not go through customs and went to the seller. In almost 100% of cases, the dispute was resolved in favor of the buyer. After all, he did not receive the package.

But, recently, problems began for those whose parcel was deployed at customs or if the buyer does not want to pay the duty. When opening a dispute for a reason "Problems with customs" you will see a list of reasons why customs usually delay parcels. Reasons such as: lack of an invoice, licenses or certificates, underestimation of the value of goods, counterfeits are the responsibility of the seller. And the goods prohibited for import and the need to pay customs duties lie on the shoulders of the buyer. That is now, if you are not ready to do customs clearance and pay the duty, you will be refunded minus the cost of shipping.

If you aggravate the dispute for a reason "Problems with customs", then most likely the administration of Aliexpress will ask to provide documents within 7 days that the parcel did not go through customs due to the fault of the seller.

The buyer receives a message with the following content:

“Please confirm with your local customs and provide official documents from them to clarify the exact detained reason to AliExpress within 7 calendar days.

If we haven'treceived the official document from customs during this time, we would assume that you’re responsible for the shipping fee and compensate seller for the freight. "

(Please contact your customs office and provide within 7 days official documents explaining the reason for the delay of the parcel. If we do not receive an official document from customs within this time, we will assume that you are responsible for the cost of shipping the goods and compensate her seller "

But this requirement is very difficult to fulfill within 7 days. Since the standard deadline for registering a request for a document is 3 working days. And the document itself can be prepared by customs officers within 30 days. That is, it is extremely difficult to meet the allotted time and the result depends not on the buyer, but on other persons.

Moreover, the fault can be entirely from the seller. There were situations when the seller forgot to fill out customs declaration, when he accidentally wrote in the cost of the shipment an amount one order of magnitude more than the real value and the goods did not fit into the norms and it was necessary to pay a substantial fee. There were cases when the seller sent copies of tablets and phones that did not go through customs due to the fact that they were counterfeit. Or he significantly underestimated the cost of the goods, which was clearly visible at customs.

Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, we have not yet seen a single positive outcome of an exacerbated dispute due to “Problems with customs". In all these cases, when opening a dispute, buyers attached screenshots of the tracking service, where it was clear that the package was going back to the seller. And they described the situation in detail, that it was not their fault. Unfortunately, mediators require a signed and sealed document.

Dispute outcomes due to "the goods did not pass customs"

In the letter, the mediators inform that if there is no evidence that the parcel did not go through customs through the fault of the seller, then the buyer will receive a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

But there are also situations when the money completely goes to the seller, although the buyer has not received the goods. Most often, if the goods are detained by customs or customs duties are due.

That is, buyers are ultimately left without money and without goods. Which is very annoying.

How to open a dispute because of "Customs problem".

First of all, you don't need to rush to open a dispute. Wait for the package to arrive in China. Then the seller will see that he will now receive his goods back and it will be easier for him to agree to a return.

Secondly, do not rush to aggravate the dispute. Try to negotiate a refund with the seller first. If the reason is clearly yours, then agree to a refund minus shipping costs.

If the reason is the seller, then you can in advance, even before opening a dispute, request a document stating that the parcel was deployed through no fault of yours. Then you can definitely meet the required 7 days to provide evidence of the reason for the detention of the parcel.

Status on Aliexpress "Customs clearance failed"

Since the end of April 2018, strange statuses began to appear in the tracking of parcels on the Aliexpress website, indicating that "Customs clearance was not passed." Of course, buyers are very worried when they see that their package has been delayed by customs.

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