Light show about hero cities. Hero Cities Light Show Letter of War Laser Show

From 1 to 11 May 2018, a light show will be held on the facade of the Manege, dedicated to the nine hero cities. Spectators will see the fighting Stalingrad, Moscow besieged by the Germans, besieged Leningrad and Murmansk under bombing. The program also includes films about Kerch, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Tula and Smolensk. Video mapping technology is used to show the stories of nine hero cities that survived and made a colossal contribution to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Each mini-movie has its own music and soundtrack.

The light film will begin with the scene of the reflection of the night raid on Moscow by the Soviet troops. A dark silhouette of the Kremlin will appear on the facade, then searchlights will turn on, and Soviet anti-aircraft guns will begin to shoot down German planes - "Junkers" and "Heinkels". After the facade of the Manege, with the help of light effects, it will be covered with snow-covered paving stones, along which a column of T-34 tanks will roll. This is a reminder of the 1941 parade on Red Square, which was held, despite all the hardships, on November 7, in the midst of the battle for Moscow. The parade proved to the whole world that Moscow is not surrendering and the army's morale is not broken. All scenes will be accompanied by a story about those events.

The next story is about the defense of the Northern capital. The facade will show the outlines of night Leningrad with the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and drawbridges. They will be replaced by pictures of the blockade. Barrels of 85 mm artillery pieces and balloons will appear on the Manege building to protect against enemy aircraft. Also on the building of the Manege will be shown coupons for bread for children - for 125, 200 and 300 grams.

The next light film will tell about the battle for Stalingrad that unfolded almost 76 years ago - one of the largest battles in the history of mankind. Spectators will be shown the city ruins with the infamous Children's Round Dance fountain in the central square. During the war, it was almost completely destroyed, but decades later a replica of the fountain appeared in the city. Also, using video mapping at the Manege, they will demonstrate a salvo of the legendary BM-13 rocket launcher.

The video series dedicated to the coastal hero cities - Novorossiysk, Kerch and Sevastopol, will remind you of sea \u200b\u200bbattles, night bombing and other episodes of the war. The facade will depict giant 305-mm coastal guns that defended Sevastopol, a torpedo boat and a landing barge, on which civilians were evacuated from Kerch.

The next films will tell about Murmansk, Tula and Smolensk. Sandbag barricades, fighter units and anti-tank hedgehogs will appear from the light. In place of the columns of the Manezh, pipes from the stoves of residential buildings in Murmansk will be drawn. During the war, this city experienced some of the heaviest bombing raids by the Luftwaffe - German military aircraft. Also in the video, dedicated to the three cities, will be shown military posters "The people and the army are invincible" and "More metal - more weapons." At some point, the facade of the Manege will turn into a board of a transport aircraft with an inscription in Russian and english "Greetings to our allies in the USSR." We are talking about air deliveries of products under Lend-Lease using Western aircraft.

At the end of the performance, there will be an inscription in gold letters on a red background "To the fallen for the Motherland", as well as memorable dates: 1941-1945.

The time of the event is from 21:00 to 23:00.
Free admission.

From May 1 to May 9, 2017, from 21.00 to 23.00 on the facade of the Manege building, Muscovites and guests of the capital will see the 11-minute light show "Letters of Victory", timed to celebrate the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In the light show, viewers will be transported to the war years, where they will become participants in real events based on letters written in the period from June 21, 1941 to May 15, 1945. Each letter is one little story with its hero, his outlook on life and war, dreams and hopes, faith and pain of loss. Together, these letters will create one big story that conveys the emotional chronology of the entire war.

The story begins two days before Hitler's army attacked the USSR. To replace the serene summer days suddenly come disturbing sleepless nights with their first battles. As the plot develops, the action is transferred to besieged Leningrad, to the battle for Moscow and the crucial battles at the Kursk Bulge and in Stalingrad. The heroes - soldiers and a girl who is waiting for a loved one from the front - read their letters behind the scenes, trying to remain optimistic even in the most hopeless situations. The climax of the story is the victorious offensive of Soviet troops from the borders of the USSR to Berlin and the long-awaited return home.

A distinctive feature of the light performance of "Letters of Victory" is the plot structure. Viewers will see not just a set of illustrations on the theme of victory, but a sequence of events enclosed in vivid memorable images. The second feature of the show is the use of video mapping technology. It allows the architectural details of the building being projected to be brought into play, and the visual effects are convincing and highly accurate. So, for example, the pediment of the Manege will for some time turn out to be a tear-off calendar, the facade will burn, and the columns will collapse. An exciting multimedia show that tells about the war in a new way through the voices of its eyewitnesses, will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children.

« Light show “Letters of Victory” is primarily a memory. This format of an excursion into the war years makes it possible to draw attention to Victory Day, including among the representatives of the young generation, who are accustomed to perceive information through modern digital technologies... The Letters of Victory show will help viewers travel back to the war years, where they will become participants in real events recreated based on letters from the front. I am sure that the show will inspire tourists who visit Moscow in early May to re-evaluate one of the most tragic and at the same time triumphant events in Russian history, "said Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Sports and Tourism Department, commented on the upcoming premiere of the Victory Letters show.

In the first days of May, an 11-minute light show will be broadcast on the Manege facade "Letters of Victory"... The audience will be transported to the war years and become participants in real events. The plot is based on letters written from June 21, 1941 to May 15, 1945.?

Each of them turned into one little story with its own hero, his outlook on life and war, dreams and hopes, faith and pain. Through letters, the authors of the project will try to convey the emotional chronology of the war. People will witness the blockade of Leningrad and the battle for Moscow, take part in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, in the liberation of Europe and the battle for Berlin.

The heroes - soldiers and a girl who is waiting for a loved one from the front - read their letters behind the scenes. The culmination will be the story of the victorious offensive of the Soviet troops and the long-awaited return home.

Viewers will see not just a set of illustrations on the theme of Victory, but vivid images and events that will be lined up in chronological order. Another feature of the show is the use of video mapping technology. It allows you to use the architectural details of the buildings on which the images are projected. For example, the pediment of the Manege will turn into a tear-off calendar, its facade will blaze, and its columns will collapse.

Such light shows on the Manege building are planned to be held several times this year. They will be dedicated to sports and literary Moscow, the 870th anniversary of the capital and the Year of Ecology.

/ Monday 24 April 2017 /

The light show, based on military letters, will be shown on the facade of the Manege building from May 1 to May 9, according to the official portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

. . . . . A feature of the show will be the use of video mapping technology, with which you can use the architectural details of the building onto which the image is projected. For example, the pediment of the Manege will for some time turn out to be a tear-off calendar, the facade will burn, and the columns will collapse.

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Light show 11 minutes "Letters of Victory" will be shown daily from May 1 to May 9 from 21:00 to 23:00. This was announced on Tuesday, April 25, by the RIA.

. . . . . In particular, the show will tell about the battle for Moscow, the blockade of Leningrad, the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, as well as the liberation of Europe and the capture of Berlin.

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Thanks to video mapping technology, viewers will see the columns collapse, and the Manezh itself turns into a tear-off calendar and burns.

Light show "Letters of Victory" can be seen on the facade of the Manege in early May, according to the portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow.
The broadcast will last 11 minutes, and its plot will be letters from the front, written in the period from June 21, 1941 to May 15, 1945.?
Letters will allow you to look at the events of the Great Patriotic War through the eyes of its direct participants, feeling the bitterness and hopes of the war years together with the authors of the letters. Thanks to modern technologies viewers will become eyewitnesses of the blockade of Leningrad, the battle for Moscow and the battle of Stalingrad, and will also be able to virtually join the liberators of Europe and the participants in the battle for Berlin.
The off-screen letters will be read on behalf of the front-line soldiers and the girl who is expecting a loved one from the war. In addition, the video mapping technology will give the organizers of the show the opportunity to actively use the architecture of the Manege, the pediment of which, in the performance, will become a tear-off calendar, and the columns will seem to collapse, echoing the events from the letters.
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Earlier it was reported about the launch of a historical and cultural project in the capital "Letters of Victory".
On the site Unknown Soldier actively collect letters from the front or war photographs of relatives, on the basis of which they will create a virtual exposition. It will be presented on the portal of the Historical Museum.
The most interesting documents will be presented to Muscovites as part of a light show on the facade of the Manezh.

Not so long ago it became known that a light show will be held in Moscow, which will be dedicated to the Second World War. The event will take place in the capital from 1 to 11 May. The installations of the show will be based on war films on the facade of the Manege.

The show will be dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory. Films about hero cities will be shown on the facade of the exhibition hall

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe multimedia show is to recall the landmark events of the Great Patriotic War.

Manezh light show schedule from 1 to 9 May 2018: what the audience will see

In the first days of May, a light show will be held in the capital, which will be dedicated to the Victory Day.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis event is to remember the cities that were able to withstand the war and made a great contribution to the Great Victory.

The film will begin from the time of the beginning of the war, when it became clear to everyone that there would be a war. A silhouette of the Kremlin will appear on the facade, after which the searchlights will turn on. It will show how Soviet anti-aircraft guns shoot down German planes. There will also be a reminder of the parade that took place in 1941, despite all the difficulty of its holding. This indicated that Moscow would not surrender and the soldiers' morale was not broken.

The entire film will be dedicated to such cities as: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd (Stalingrad), Kerch, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Murmansk, Tula, Novorossiysk. And there will be a little story about each city.

At the end, they will show the inscription in golden font: "To those who fell for their homeland", and also show the memorable dates that were in the period: 1941-1945.

On Victory Day, May 9, all residents of the capital will be able to see the festive fireworks, as it will be launched from 33 sites.

Manezh light show schedule from 1 to 9 May 2018: features of the event

The main feature of such shows is the use of video mapping technologies. This makes it possible to use the architectural details of the building on which the image will be projected.

A similar event was already held last year. It was also dedicated to the Great Victory Day, but the main idea was to show the audience the whole story through letters that were written between June 21, 1941 and May 15, 1945.

Manezh light show schedule from 1 to 9 May 2018: when can you see the film

This year, the light show at the Manege exhibition hall will run slightly longer than last year. It is scheduled from 1 to 11 May in several cities of Russia.

Everyone will be able to watch films about the hero cities every evening from 21:00 to 23:00.

In 2018, the light show will touch the history of not only the capital, but also other cities of the country. In addition, on May 9, fireworks will be launched at 33 sites, and many citizens of the capital will be able to see them.

According to the head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism, the show this year will have its own characteristics. Scenes from the heroic past of each of the famous cities of Russia will be shown with the help of projectors at the Manezh, the website Wordyou writes. In addition, all viewers with the help of technology will be able to see the ruins, and everything that happened during the war years is very realistic.

This year, everyone will be able to see the show, as it will last 11 days.


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