Tolerance and tolerance in parenting presentation. Tolerance. Presentation to the parents' meeting. understanding and acceptance

  • 1. Promote parenting belief and need to build
  • relationship with children based on the principles of tolerance.
  • 2. Promote the consciousness of parents of schoolchildren that intolerant behavior is often the cause of conflict situations.

“Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds,

To swim underwater like fish, we only lack one thing: to learn to live on earth like people "

Bernard Show.

What does it mean to cultivate tolerance in the family?

  • Fostering tolerance in the family means instilling respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures in our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

Method concept

Each of the participants puts on a hat of a certain color and speaks about the problem, based on the peculiarities of the type of thinking inherent in the role they represent.

Role models :

White hat - information.

The red hat is intuition.

The black hat is a pessimist.

The yellow hat is an optimist.

Green hat practitioner.

The blue hat is the organizer.

In a red hat

a person gives himself up to the power of emotions, intuition, feelings.

How do I feel about this?

Black Hat Black Hat will try to warn us, find possible risks and danger. If a child is constantly criticized, he ...

If a child lives in enmity, he ...

If a child is ridiculed, he becomes ...

If a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with feeling ...

Yellow hat The man in the yellow hat is full of optimism, he is looking for advantages. He will conclude what tolerance is. A person should strive to change himself into better side, live in peace with yourself. In other words, tolerance is

We will succeed


Green hat

symbolizes creativity and the flowering of new ideas. The group in the green hat will try to get away from stereotypes and standard thinking and come up with rules. In order not to quarrel , need to…

I know how we will succeed ...

Blue hat

associated with organization and management.

I was wearing a blue hat and the orchestra conductor.

Meeting result:

Tolerance must be cultivated.

Hence - a series rules of education :

  • 1. Learn to listen and hear your child.
  • 2. Try to make sure that only you are filming his emotional voltage.
  • 3. Do not forbid children to express negative emotions.
  • 4. Be able to accept and love him as he is.
  • 5. Obedience, obedience and diligence will be where they are reasonably presented.

Meeting decision:

1. Discuss in the family circle, together with children, the problem of tolerant behavior. 2. To suppress inappropriate behavior towards classmates, to explain to children the inadmissibility of such behavior. 3. Continue cooperation with the school, actively participate in the life of the class.

Sources of materials


Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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The problem of tolerance and ways to solve it in the school team Compiled by: Brown L.N., freelance inspector for the protection of children's rights, MCOU "Proslaukhinskaya secondary school", head of the RMO social educators

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Today, malevolence, anger, aggressiveness are becoming more and more common in the children's environment. There are many reasons for this. Mutual intolerance and cultural selfishness through the media, the social environment of children, the family increasingly penetrate the school. Therefore, the process of searching for effective mechanisms for raising children in the spirit of tolerance is being activated. “So let's learn tolerance in schools and other communities, at home and at work, and most importantly - to comprehend its essence with mind and heart,” urges UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor.

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If speak about modern world, then we can say that he is terrible, cruel, disunited. It's scary to live in our world: it's scary to lose consciousness on the street, it's scary to go home in the evening, it's scary to open the door to a stranger, it's scary to fly on an airplane. But even worse is the thought that both our children and our grandchildren will experience a feeling of mistrust and intolerance towards others throughout their lives. Therefore, in recent years, more and more often there are talks about a tolerant world, i.e. a world without violence and cruelty, a world in which the most important value is the unique and inviolable human personality. But just throwing beautiful words around is, of course, not enough. Tolerance must be brought up!

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Federico Major, general director UNESCO said: “Living in an environment of diversity is one of the sources of serious problems for the societies in which our children grow up. In a world where the interpenetration of different cultures is taking on an ever-increasing scale, teaching the values \u200b\u200band skills of “social life” has become a primary task of education. Therefore, I appeal to the heads of state and government of the world, ministers and officials responsible for education at all levels, to the mayors of cities and towns, villages and towns, to all teachers, religious communities, journalists and parents: educate and teach our children and youth be open, treat with understanding other peoples, their history and culture, teach them the basics of human life, teach them how important it is to renounce violence and look for peaceful ways to resolve disputes and conflicts. "

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The relevance of the problem of asserting the ideals of tolerance in our society today does not raise doubts. Difficulties social development largely due to the lack of a developed legal, democratic consciousness. The values \u200b\u200bof tolerance are the cornerstone of this consciousness. Therefore, the further movement of society along the path of democracy and freedom is impossible without creating a system that would foster the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance in the younger generation. The attitude of tolerance and trust is the basis for making the choice of future generations in favor of peace, not war. The conflict in these conditions becomes a starting point for the improvement of future life and personal growth, and not the basis for enmity with this world. Rooting the spirit of tolerance in school, forming an attitude towards it as essential value society is a significant contribution of school education to the development of a culture of peace on Earth.

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Realization of these ideas leads to the adoption of the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance at the UNESCO General Conference in 1995. IN Russian Federation In August 2001, the Federal Target Program “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society” was approved. At the suggestion of UNESCO, the first decade of the new century was declared the "Decade of Peace and Non-Violence in the Interests of the Children of the Planet", 2003 was declared by UNESCO the "Year of Tolerance"

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What is Tolerance? Tolerance is a fairly new concept, it is: - the value attitude of a person towards people, expressed in the recognition, acceptance and understanding of representatives of other cultures; - tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior. Tolerance presupposes respect for the child's original inner world, faith in the victory of a good beginning in interpersonal relationships, rejection of methods of gross coercion and any forms of authoritarianism, positive vocabulary.

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Tolerance (from the Latin "tolerant") - patience, tolerance, indulgence. Vocabulary foreign languages interprets it as patience with other people's opinions and beliefs. To date, tolerance is viewed in the context of such concepts as recognition, acceptance, understanding. Recognition is the ability to see in another just another, as a bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, other forms of behavior. Acceptance is a positive attitude towards such differences. Understanding is the ability to see another from the inside, the ability to look at his world from two points of view simultaneously: his own and his.

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Tolerance of a person entering a big life is a factor of socialization and largely determines the success of a person's life path. That is why the most important task is to develop in the younger generation the ability to build relationships in the process of interacting with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, readiness to accept other people and their views, habits as they are.

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The formation and development of a growing generation of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different nationalities, religions, social strata, different political views, creative interests is an important condition for the effective formation of a democratic and legal state, an urgent task modern system education, the entire Russian society.

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What kind of education do students need? What do they need to enter the adult world and live in it without harming others, preserving themselves as an original person? How to cultivate tolerance towards people? How can you help students successfully adapt not only to life at school, but also outside of it?

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"HOW TO RAISE A TOLERANT PERSON?" To achieve this goal, it is not enough to conduct a lesson or a day of tolerance during schooling. It is necessary to work on this issue systematically, throughout the entire period of study.

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Tolerance is a new basis for pedagogical communication between a teacher and a student, the essence of which is reduced to such principles of upbringing that create optimal conditions for the formation of a culture of dignity in students, personal self-expression, exclude the factor of fear of a wrong answer. The problem of tolerance can be attributed to an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that children are all different and that it is necessary to perceive another person as he is, but children do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult. “Pedagogy of cooperation” and “tolerance” are the concepts without which any transformations in the modern school are impossible.

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For schools, the problem of fostering tolerance is relevant in itself. On this life stage the interaction between 20-30 children, who came from different microsociums, with different life experiences and with an unformed communication activity, begins to take shape. For the fruitful upbringing of children in the classroom, it is necessary to reduce these contradictions in the process of interaction to some common basis. Nonviolent, respectful attitude, harmonization of relations in the classroom, education of tolerance contribute to the development of cooperation. In school, it is important to teach a child, on the one hand, to accept the other as meaningful and valuable, and on the other hand, to critically treat their own views.

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Approaches to tolerance education The principle of purposefulness The education of tolerance requires a clear understanding of the appropriateness of pedagogical influences, a clear definition of the goal by the teacher. The formation of this quality is possible only if there is motivation and the child's awareness of why exactly he needs this quality (personal goal) and awareness of the importance for society ( social purpose). The unity of the goals of the teacher and the child is one of the factors for the success of tolerance education.

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Taking into account individual and gender and age characteristics The upbringing of tolerance largely depends on the individual characteristics of the pupil: the already existing moral foundations of behavior, ethical attitudes, the development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, the level of development of mental processes, character traits, personal experience of relationships, the presence and development of natural and spiritual abilities, etc. When forming tolerance, one should take into account, first of all, differences in personality traits and social behavior... At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the age dynamics of the development of moral qualities and rely on it when fostering tolerance.

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The principle of cultural conformity In the process of education of tolerance, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and ethnic environment of raising a child. This principle is reflected in the integration of education into the culture of the people, family, and the world. The upbringing of tolerance is directly related to the formation in the child of the ability to build his life in accordance with the rules, customs and traditions of his people, world culture as a whole, without losing his individuality

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Principles of the connection between education of tolerance and life Education of tolerance largely depends on how much the child realizes the importance of this category and its connection with life, sees its results or the consequences of intolerance in the world. At the same time, it is necessary to focus not only on the situation in society in general, but also on life situations associated with tolerant (intolerant) interaction in a child's communication with relatives, friends, teachers. The principle lies in the unity of the socially organized educational process and real life experience, the absence of a discrepancy between words and deeds.

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The principle of respectful attitude to the individual Regardless of the position of the child, his worldview, respectful attitude towards him is a necessary principle of the educational process. In the formation of tolerance, this principle acquires a double significance. Respecting and accepting the child's position and opinion, correcting them if necessary, we show him an example of a tolerant attitude towards a person with a different view of the world.

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The principle of reliance on the positive in the child While fostering tolerance, it is necessary to support development, to see in the child a self-developing personality, ready for change and self-realization. At the same time, the basis for the success of the process of upbringing tolerance in children and adolescents is the actualization of positive traits, positive social experience, and developed constructive skills of interaction with people.

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The principle of social conditioning of the process of education of tolerance Education of tolerance is largely due to the influence of the social environment. The less tolerant the child's environment, the more difficult the process of its formation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the social environment and transfer the ideas of tolerance to it, choosing for this the appropriate forms, methods and techniques of work.

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The principle of the unity of knowledge and behavior This principle requires the construction of an educational process for the formation of tolerance at two interrelated levels: informational and behavioral, constituting a single whole. The main criterion for the formation of tolerance should be the ability to constructively, tolerantly interact with people and groups that have certain differences

Now that we've learned Fly through the air like birds Swim underwater like fish We are missing only one thing: Learn to live on earth like people. Bernard Show.

What is Tolerance?

In many cultures, "tolerance" is a kind of synonym for the concept of "tolerance":



in chinese

  • tolerance (French) - an attitude in which it is assumed that others can think or act differently from yourself; tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, condescension; in chinese to be tolerant means “to allow, allow, show generosity towards others”.

in Arabic tolerance - “forgiveness, condescension,

gentleness, compassion, condescension,

benevolence, patience, disposition towards others. "


  • tolerance (Russian) - the ability to endure something or someone, to be restrained, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone, to take into account the opinion of others, to be condescending

Tolerance is not concession, condescension or connivance


not condemn




Main personality traits

Tolerant personality

Intolerant personality

respect for the opinions of others




desire to do something together


understanding and acceptance


sensitivity, condescension

neglect, irritability

trust, humanism.


indifference, cynicism


The most important condition that ensures the originality of interaction in the pedagogical process is the nature of the relationship that develops between all its participants: teachers, children, administration, parents. And the success of pedagogical work depends on the basis on which such interaction is built. It is not the program, not the method, but the personality of the teacher who educates, teaches. Among all the diversity of relations, a special place is occupied by tolerant attitude.






and hear











not condemn


V o l sh e b n a i l a v k a

We are what we do day in and day out. The ability to control your actions forms character, and thanks to character, a person acquires the ability to control his life. Aristotle

What is tolerance? Tolerance - (from Lat. Tolerantia - patience): 1) the immunological state of the organism, in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens. The problem of tolerance is important when transplanting organs and tissues ... 2) The body's ability to endure the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor ... 3) Tolerance to other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior.

Recognition of Diversity… Recognition of Diversity… On November 16, 1995, the UNESCO member states adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance (Tolerance), and in 1996 the UN proposed to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. Tolerance in the Declaration means "respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of the cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality." The Declaration proclaims “the recognition that people are inherently different in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values \u200b\u200band have the right to live in peace and maintain their individuality. "

Acceptance of different views Tolerance, according to the definition of Academician V. Tishkov, “personal or public profile, which presupposes the realization that the world and the social environment are multidimensional, which means that views on this world are different and should not be reduced to uniformity or in someone's favor. "We are different! And everyone looks at everything that happens around in their own way! And he has his OWN opinion, often very different from the opinion of other people!

It is necessary to learn tolerance It is necessary to learn tolerance Each nation, like each individual person, has both advantages and disadvantages due to the peculiarities of historical fate and living conditions. Very often people are condescending to their own shortcomings and intolerant of strangers. Therefore, we all need to learn tolerance. Parents should educate her in their children!

Ability to understand each other! Tolerance is that there should be respect for a phenomenon other than the one to which you are accustomed. Respect for an individual, for a person, regardless of his nationality, religion, respect for his values \u200b\u200band traditions. The most important thing is the ability to understand each other. Vladimir Zorin, Minister of the Russian Federation in charge of national policy issues.

The art of compromise We are talking about the art of compromise and tolerance is a great art of people who try to understand each other. But for me, the most important thing is tolerance, its symbol is a boat on which, like in Noah's ark, people live and are saved, animals are completely different, different. Tolerance is supporting and understanding differences. - Alexander Asmolov. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, author and head of the Federal target program

Topical topic The problem of tolerance education is very topical. At school, interaction begins between children from different families, with different life experiences, with insufficiently formed communicative activity. Therefore, it is very important to teach the child, on the one hand, to accept the other as significant and valuable, and on the other hand, to critically treat their own views.

The ability to see the Other It is necessary to teach children to understand that tolerance is patience, tolerance, condescension. The Dictionary of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200binterprets it as patience with other people's opinions and beliefs. To date, tolerance is viewed in the context of such concepts as recognition, acceptance, understanding. Recognition is the ability to see in another just another, as a bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, other forms of behavior. Acceptance is a positive attitude towards such differences. Understanding is the ability to see another from the inside, the ability to look at his world from two points of view simultaneously: his own and his.

The educational problem Undoubtedly, it is necessary to educate tolerance from early childhood! The problem of the culture of communication and respect for the Other is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. By learning to accept other people for who they are, you can learn to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Interaction between family and school Fostering a culture of tolerance should be carried out according to the formula: "parents + children + teacher". Thus, the family in the formation of tolerance among students is of great importance. After all, the effectiveness of raising a child strongly depends on how closely the school and family interact.

Much depends on the culture of adults. The success of the formation of a tolerant personality in children is largely determined by the tolerant culture of adults. In raising a child, one should proceed from the following principles: to accept a child as he is, because every child is original; to believe in the child's ability, to stimulate his creative activity; respect the personality of the student, create a situation of success for each child; not humiliate the dignity of the child; do not compare anyone with anyone, compare only the results of actions; understand that everyone has the right to make mistakes; remember that everyone has the right to their opinion, and no one has the right to laugh at the judgments of others.

How Tolerance Differs From Tolerance Tolerance for me is interest, respect and complicity in a culturally different, culturally different one. So I would give you an example of how tolerance differs from tolerance in its everyday sense. Here is the tolerance when I endure that my church, and next to it is a mosque and a synagogue - all in one block. And tolerance is when I, an Orthodox believer, together with a Jewish Jew, help a Muslim to build his mosque. Tolerance is knowledge of the sign as part of one's own. Valery Tishkov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Two types of relationships: Despite the fact that the experience of relationships is individual for everyone, two types of relationships can be distinguished: from the position of violence (violent) from the position of nonviolence (tolerant) Traits characteristic of different positions in relationships are shown in the table.

Position of violence Position of nonviolence distrust contempt rejection denial authoritarian subject-objectivity low level of empathy selfishness of the power / subordination relationship trust respect acceptance recognition democratic subject-subjectivity high level of empathy humanism, altruism relations of equality and equality

At the heart of the differences between tolerant and violent types of interaction lies the difference in the orientation of the attitude, goals, motivation for actions and deeds. The type of interaction leaves an imprint on speech, behavior, position of subjects of communication (adults and children, teachers and students).

Nonviolent interaction Violent interaction Has an attitude towards equality and equality, Its goals are to coordinate actions to meet the needs and interests of all participants in communication, Motivation is humanistic. The predominant type of relationship is subject-subject. The type of communication is dialogue. Differs in an attitude of inequality, The goal is to achieve unilateral advantages. Motivation is in achieving social control, group pressure. The predominant type of relationship is subject-object, the type of communication is monological, authoritarian.

The main task: the development of non-confrontational consciousness, the ability to find alternative exits in a difficult situation of interaction; the development of an emotional-value attitude towards another person: the ability to see the positive aspects of a person or an act, the ability to take the place of another and substantiate one's actions, the development of the logic of arguing one's opinion, etc .; Dear teachers! The results of upbringing primarily reflect the general style. We must not forget that like is brought up like: Kindness - kindness; Intelligence - intelligence; Independence - independence; Tolerance is tolerance.

Now that we've learned to fly through the air like birds, swim underwater like fish, we are missing only one thing: learn to live on earth as people. B. Shaw



  • Tolerance - tolerare (Latin) to endure, endure, endure English language .- stability, endurance, tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. French language .- respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking, behavior, political and religious views. Chinese language ... - a manifestation of generosity in relation to another. Arabic language. - condescension, gentleness, compassion, patience, disposition to others
  • In russian language - the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes and mistakes, be tolerant of them.

Tolerance - it is respect and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

Show tolerance - it means recognizing that people are different in appearance, position. interests, behavior and values \u200b\u200band have right live in peace keeping your individuality

Tolerance - not passive, unnatural submission to the opinions, views and actions of others, not submissive patience, but active moral position and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of a positive interactions with people of a different cultural, national, religious or social environment.

Education for tolerance promotes : - the formation of students' skills of independent thinking, - critical comprehension of various life situations, - developing judgments based on moral values


  • * the absence in society of well-established traditions of freedom (not permissiveness, but freedom, expressed in the well-known formula "my freedom ends where the freedom of another begins");
  • * lack of pluralism (getting used to the diversity of views and behavior of people);
  • * disrespect for the rights of another person

Constraints to the development of tolerance


  • The growth of nationalist sentiments and the popularity of extremist ideas, especially among young people
  • Presence of stereotypes about representatives of other cultures

Constraints on the development of tolerance


  • Egocentric attitudes of consciousness (egocentrism is a vision of the world through the prism of only one's own interests. It is characteristic of an egocentrist to define his way of life, his views as the only true ones, a lack of desire to understand other people, change his views and beliefs.)
  • Inability of children to understand and accept another person

Constraints on the development of tolerance


  • Manifestation of intolerance towards their own children;
  • Unwillingness and inability to understand children's problems;
  • Negative style

relationships with children;


Creation of a space for direct or indirect interaction with people with different views and behavior

Work in the classroom

Psychological climate

Extracurricular work

Study material for history lessons, reading lessons, etc.

Collective creative activity

Meeting with representatives of other cultures, identifying and rejecting one's own stereotypes, organizing group communication, searching for cultural similarities, not differences, understanding one's own position based on respect for people of a different nationality ...

  • Social sensitivity and interest in each other's characteristics;
  • Recognition of equality with another person;
  • Rejection of superiority and violence;
  • Recognition of the diversity of human culture, norms, beliefs, customs, traditions, worldview positions;
  • Refusal of the predominance of any one point of view;
  • The willingness to accept the other as he is;
  • Show of trust, ability to listen and listen to others;
  • Ability for empathy (empathy and empathy);
  • Ability to constructively resolve conflict situations, expressing their feelings without aggression and violence;
  • Readiness for understanding and practical interaction on the basis of consent, but without prejudice to both one's own interests and the interests of a partner, with the right to defend these interests.

Teacher activities by fostering tolerance

  • To cultivate tolerance means helping students to understand the culture of their own and other peoples, to form a position of tolerance and trust as the basis for mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence of people of different nationalities

  • Methods used in tolerance education: * A game * Labor * Dramatization * Assignments * Competitions * Advice, support * Display of samples, examples * Creation of a situation of success

  • Methods to stimulate self-esteem, self-reflection, self-education * Encouragement * Remark * Self-reflection * Control * Self-control * A situation of trust * A situation of criticism and self-criticism


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