Implementation of social partnership in education. Social partnership as a factor in the successful development of public-public administration of the educational organization. Social partnership in school

(From the experience of the pedagogical teamMOU "School №3 of Dokucheevsk")

Immutable is the fact that it is the formation of at all times to be considered a loosening value, for it is the basis economic Development societies, one of the factors of socialstability, source of growth of the intellectual resource and spiritual and moral potential of the population, the key to the successful development of any state, the absolute personification of a well-known proverb "What we sleep, then get married." However, more and more persistently sound, rational and weighted arguments in favor of the fact that the school is not the only subject to implement the educational mission. In the light of the tasks determined by the doctrine development of education, as well as in view of the modernization of modern education, there is a natural need to ensure the openness of the education system with various impacts from family, society, states and, moreover, involve them in solving issues of educational tactics and strategies. We will not be reminded that the school never claimed an absolute monopoly in the field of the provision of educational and educational services and, the so-called, "chef relationships", so popular in the 70-80 years of the last century are absolute confirmation. Along with the positive results, namely: the provision of material and other assistance in the implementation of the repair of the school, the purchase of educational literature and didactic materials, the provision of nutrition and recovery of children, the chef relationships were only an episodic, unsystematic nature and were not based on dialogical attitudes and, as a result, , did not provide permanent unity, harmonization of relationships and the development of a joint strategy of uniform actions. In other words, a kind of manipulation took place, when either the parties unconsciously performed the actions necessary to the other side, or one of the parties was used only as an element of raising the status of activities without its conscious inclusion and involvement in the educational process. Trigted the so-called levelsubordinate inclusionwhich involves the voluntary inclusion of one hand as a passive artist who accepts the specified framework. Such a single sides, and sometimes only a symbolic participation in school life, of course, did not have anything in common with the subject of our today's conversation, but it was it that it was embrying that it was now calledsocial partnership in the field of education. And it is the social partnership, excludingsubordinate inclusion Participants of the process of education and education, offers other typesinclusions More constructive, allowing you to feel not just involved, but an involved educational system, see the results of your complicity, to exercise sincere interest in the discussion and solving the problems of education.

In pedagogy, the term "social partnership" came from other areas of society, where he is interpreted as a mechanism for resolving the relationship between the state, various social groups. Socio-pedagogical partnership is an association of joint efforts of persons or educational institutions to achieve common goals; The streamout of the coordination interaction of education systems and social institutions within their mutual interest, in order to introduce national, national aspects of education and education, on the basis of which representatives of different property entities, groups, organizations and institutions achieve the desired consensus, organize joint activities, coordinate it in The direction of achieving public harmony in educational policy. And this joint activity is based on:

* Agreed inclusionstored taking into account the joint discussion of the initiative of the one party, with its further development and possible adjustment;

* Initiating inclusion, characterized by the high activity of the one hand, with the advisory and coordinating activities of the other party;

* independent mutual inclusionwhere the initiative of joint activities can be nominated by any Party with bilateral support for the idea, its development and implementation by joint efforts, as well as mutual responsibility for the success of the result achieved.

Selecting an inclusion level The implementation of joint activities is determined by the situation and the results that the parties referred to as social partners seek to achieve the parties.

Social partners are individual and collective entities that share the value attitudes of modern education, interested in developing a single educational policy that can effectively support education in solving real problems in the formation and development of its system. The achievement of high quality education implies an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful about the domestic pedagogical reality and strategic goals of socio-cultural development of society. However, the social partnership should not assume direct copying foreign experience. It is far from universal and even in partial application requires a deeper socially and historical and comparative analysis. And therefore, you must agree that the social partnership in our country should proceed from the realities and needs of our lives. Affiliate relations can be considered as intersection interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the total value-targeted aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, as a joint development of the value system that prevails in our society and who are criteria for assessing the level of education and education of a person.

However, everyone knows that society is inhomogeneous, and, therefore, not always partnerships are possible between education and various sectors of society. But after all, the term "partnership" is understood by the very widely and most common is the understanding of the partnership as a combination of efforts of persons or organizations to solve common goals orto achieve significant goals for all purposes. A modern approach to the issue of partnership in education shows that the development of education is concern not only the state as a whole and educational institution in particular. The state represented by the Ministry and regional education departments is responsible for providing a single educational space in and providing the system of education the necessary resources and therefore, in view of obvious reasons, it cannot cover the complexity of tasks, needs and conditions of specific communities. In addition, the school is a living formation that has continuous dynamics and a tendency to change and that is why the variability of the forms of the implementation of social partnership is allowed. Education, as one of the social institutions, has always been inherent in close relationships and their interdependence with all the main spheres of society - economy, social structure, policies and culture. These are the four fundamental stones that the school can be based in the implementation of its main purpose - to form and educate. And it is from the interaction of these four subjects of cooperation and depends on whether the entire education system as a whole and each educational institution will be able to build a new partnership system instead of the famous old practice of the chef relationship. Now it is already confidently to say that the social maturity of society and local communities is a prerequisite and indicator of the possibility and even the need for social partnership in education. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership in education is that, to solve problems in this socially significant sphere, efforts are required and specific actions of the entire society, and not only one of its components. Of course, it is necessary to pre-perform a monitoring of the situation in a particular particular city or a settlement in order to determine the soil for mutually beneficial cooperation, i.e., partnerships between education, individual public, charitable organizations, specific people, state structures. It is necessary to thoroughly explore and work out the question: what opportunities are the partnership of education and vice versa, which technologies need to have an effective partnership, which mutually beneficial results can be achieved in the case of a successful partnership.

How does the partnership in education help improve the process of learning schoolchildren, what results helps to achieve, what mistakes helps to avoid, what is able to enrich the routine educational process, does it have the right to life, in general and what final goal of this difficult and very laborious?

Assessment of interaction experience has shown that the social partnership helps to direct the resources of the school on the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government regardless of its type and species. It attracts society resources for the development of the educational sphere, without saving the resources of the school itself, but enriching them. Itit helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners for the formation of the members of the community of long-term survival in the market educational services. The social partnership allows us to act effectively and successfully, having in mind the priority perspective, common to all partners, effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of its responsibility. Such activity allows the most effectively and economically to assist in needing community members participating in partnership, to ensure that, remaining unlike others, recognize differences individual people and organizations.

Effective social partnership in education involves:

  • a) the availability of a public need to be included in the implementation of the values \u200b\u200bof education;
  • b) readiness for such school cooperation;
  • c) the need of school;
  • d) school initiative;
  • e) the initiative of the non-state sector.

The presence of all of the above conditions will contribute to the fact that the partnership will help to direct the resources of the school on the development of the community, public self-organization and self-government. It will attract community resources to support education at school and will contribute to cultivation in the community of tradition and practices of civil activity, charity, voluntariness. Today, social partnership creates at the local level real structures Civil society, trying to guarantee their stable development.

The possibilities of developing education through partnership are built on the following mechanisms:

- openness and cooperation;

- emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas;

- developed philosophy of education and the approach to the development of the community;

- the possibility of implementing rational ideas for local residents;

- institution of social and active schools;

- identifying the desire of local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and community;

- providing parents to participate in the learning process and school Life their children;

- cooperation with volunteers aimed at increasing the number of services provided in the community.

A guarantee of successful cooperation of educational institutions is a large number of factors. But the most important is the development of the culture of charity, a formed strategy of organizations encouraging, proximity to those in need, professionalism in the services provided, the degree of development organizational culture Partner, humanitarian component of the human partner factor, control system, which has developed a system of financing and philosophy of its development, information support, regulation of the organization, the mechanism of self-development of an affiliate organization.

Models of social partnership in education and organizational forms Partnerships with a "registration" in the Dochevsky Secondary School No. 3, the stages of the implementation of the social partnership model make it possible to declare the current specifics of the relationship, established technologies and evaluate the terms of success in this new for developing civil society. Yes, social partnership in education - the new time sign. But the modern school is in such conditions when it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. The educational institution should be an open system that expands cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share responsibility for their training and education.

Today, a social order for the formation of a child who characterizes not onlyawareness in various fields of science, but alsocommunicability, tolerance, modern type of thinking,responsibility for decision making.

Therefore, in conditions modern approach For training, education, development and socialization, a graduate school must build harmonious relations with the outside world, adequately adapt to the conditions of modern society, its social, professional, spiritual and moral values.

Changes in value orientations in accordance with sociocultural changes in society, the emergence of an idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuous education as education throughout the lifetime, puts a person with its interests and opportunities to the center of the new sociocultural paradigm of education. Based on understanding thatin the education system, there is a significant potential that ensures human socialization, it becomes clear that in modern conditions the education system should prepare a person for the future life. It is no coincidence that, among the priority tasks of modernization of the educational sphere, is the development of education as an open state-public system. At the same time emphasizes thatstrategic objectives of education can only be achieved in the process of constantschool interactions with representatives of science, culture, health care, all interested departments and public organizations, as well as parents.

To date, a certain system of work on social partnership has emerged in Dokuvyevskaya OSH No. 3, promoting the creation of a "social development situation". The school is an open socio-pedagogical system, closely interacting with all types of educational institutions of the city, republic, public organizations, students of students. The market for additional educational services in our city is sufficiently saturated and competition between institutions is high. The city has successfully operated clubs of the house of culture, children's music and sports schools, children's and youthful creativity, private forms of additional education of children. All of them to varying degrees carry out a variable different level formation, and when skillful involvement in the partnerships provide invaluable help from school. Currently, the pedagogical team of our school cooperates more than twenty various organizations of our city. Attracting the public to a partnership in the field of education - the task, the fulfillment of which will help create a qualitatively new level of relations and interaction to solve the problems of education of education by the Union of interested entities capable of achieving a constructive agreement and the development of a unified educational policy. We are looking for opportunities to attract social partners with resources to organize the joint activity of the school as a resource center.

Social partnership

Between social groups of education system:


Other school schools;

Additional education institutions:

School of Music,

Sport school,


Mountain and trade technical schools;

Intra-school bonds at the level of interdisciplinary integrated relationships;

Between social groups outside the education system:



Palace of Culture;

- rally;

Local Internet resources;


Fire Protection Station;

Medical institutions;

Public organizations;

With many of the above organizations already exist a long-standing partnerships under the contractual basis. To some of them, we are just making a path in the field of interdependence and partnership. And, since, the benefit from joint coordinated action of both schools and all subjects of society is obvious - everything is easier to establish contacts with those who are actually interested in the multi-stage learning process, in its multi-vector and depthness.

Social partnership in Dokuchaevsky secondary school number 3 is carried out in several directions:

1.Social - pedagogical direction:




Institutions of additional education;

2. Civilian - patriotic direction:


Council of Veterans;

Museum of Local Lore;

Society of Veterans - Afghans;

Union of liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP;


3. Human direction:


Sunday School;

4. Physical and recovery direction:

Sports School;


4. Preventive direction:

Social services for working with young people;

Local Internet resources;


5. Professional:

Mountain and trade technical schools;

City employment center;

Developing a continuing education system (preschool institution-school-technical school (university)), Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 provides cooperation with children's children's gardens, city technical schools for creating a system-oriented system and socialization of students. On the third steps general Education, develop a system of specialized learning, taking into account the real needs of the labor market, parents' requests, a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with institutions higher education. The possibilities of socialization of students are expanding, continuity is ensured between general and vocational education, it is possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for the development of higher education programs. vocational education. Social partners should jointly take an active part in the mandatory professional orientation and counseling of students of secondary education. Work not only with students of graduation classes, which for the most part have already decided on the choice, but also among students of junior classes through organizations and conduct conversations with the best workers, excursions in enterprises, holding days of open doors in educational professional institutions.

Consider several areas of the modern partnership in the field of education.

Socio - pedagogical direction:

Parents are the main social partners of the school.

Much attention is paid to social partnership with parents, the support is the educational potential of the family. To educate a positive attitude to school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents to the public life of the school (in terms of educational work of the school - the participation of parents in class, communal events, joint campaigns, competitions, career guided tours to the place of work of parents is impossible without active care of parents. Civilian Passivity, dependency of some part of the parents, their consumer attitude towards school can be overcome by developing a social partnership first with a group of parents, voluntary social work, charity. We try to make parents with our allies, because only joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, parents and school They can achieve the desired results in training and education of children. Parent public suggests today to build relationships of a family and educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that meet the social order for education Children. During the year we are monitored among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of students. It turns out that the overwhelming number is interested in the fact that children receive high-quality education, education and development, continued their training in higher and secondary vocational education institutions. The importance of such cooperation in the conditions of implementing a new educational concept with modern tasks of developing learning and socialization in the transition to a competence approach in organizing the educational process is difficult to overestimate! And therefore, the pedagogical team of our school today is looking for any opportunities and means in order to help the family, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, to teach the child. To bring up without relevant knowledge, guided only by blind instinct - it means to risk a future growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, whatever parents do, whoever they are in the specialty, they are always the educators of their children.

It is important for us to achieve active life position Parents, call them the desire to know their child, evaluate their relationship with him. And we use a lot of shapes and ways, proven practice and time. These are parental meetings that pass in the form of conversation fees "We will think together", and parent-dual-boggogical consultations; Trainings, discussions, "Round Tables". Parents discussed on parental meetings, participate with children in social and significant affairs of the building, collecting search material, etc.

The main directions of work with parents:

  • formation of the active life position of parents in relation to school;
  • the organization of the parent all-office;
  • the interaction of the socio-psychological service of the school with parents;
  • involvement in school self-government;
  • use of hobbies of individual parents for extracurricular work with children;
  • holding joint events, holidays, hiking, excursions, cloves of the weekend;

In order to revitalize all of the above areas of working with parents at school, the Social Partners and Family and Family Program is developed and operates, which is implemented through:

* Use Traditional forms of working with family, organization of joint leisure and search activities, the creation of a bank of family holidays and other forms of joint events: "For health - the whole family," Babushkin Chest "," Hobby of my mother "," Listful old photo album "," Songs My childhood "," Adults - Children "and others;

* Development and support for the interest of children and adults to the history of the family, the city: "My pedigree", "Holiday of the Rodovod", "My family's contribution to the history of the city, the country," "Defender of the Fatherland in my family", "School graduate in my family" and others ;

* Creating in the school museum of family albums, one-day exhibitions and expositions; Drawing up a report on interesting families on the local Internet resource "Typical Dokuchaevsk" and the site Osh№3.

* Involvement Parents in strengthening the material and technical base of the school: equipment and repair of training books, participation of parents in the repair of schools and participation in socially-roll Saturdays.

School - children's preschool institutions.

The system of work "School - kindergarten" has long developed. Primary school teachers know what children will come to them in the first class, since they are visited by the Agreement on joint activities preparatory group, Parental meetings. Educators kindergarten We are invited to school on pedagogical consultations on readiness for learning process, as well as adaptation of children at school, (to see how their former pupils feel here). Such a system of work allows children faster to get used to the change of the usual environment and activities, new educators, helps to avoid a complex period of painful adaptation. Traditional steel holidays held for the pupils of kindergarten by our students: Open lessons for kids in order to familiarize themselves with the lesson as such, New Year's trees, days of exploring the school and others.

School - home children's and youthful creativity.

Over the years, the school has been cooperating with this institution of additional extracurricular education. Particularly valuable for us, that for many years on the basis of the school leads a circle "Lacy" Methodist DUTUU Pyzova Natalia Andreevna. In his classes, she introduces children with the Azami modeling of clothing, engaged with them knitting crochet, the manufacture of traditional folk dolls. Her hands decorated mobile exhibitions Corner of the School Museum.

Physical and wellness direction.

School - "DYUSSH" SC "Dolomit".

Sports school provides its base for students' training. Many school students visit the sections that trainers behave are teachers of the Sports School. The results of this work students show, winning at different level competitions. However, coaches have also invaluable help and in the formation of self-discipline among schoolchildren, and sometimes even work on school subjects and improving knowledge quality.

Preventive direction.

School activities in this area are carried out by interacting with social services to work with young people, a public organization "Young Republic", as well as the police.Representatives the above organizations are unrelish guests in our school. Conversations, quizzes, performances Agitbrigad, joint events help teachers in the difficult process of forming a student's personality. In this direction, a social partnership for the implementation of additional education is also carried out: representatives of the public movement "Young Republic" offer children to engage in various types of social activities on the conditions of volunteer movement, sports, active lifestyle.

Information direction.

The role of educational institution in ordering information, which collapses the child from the media: radio, television, Internet. By organizing work on the formation of aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local bodies Print, local television, we effectively solve the tasks of educating the general culture of young citizens, their relationship to the world, to themselves, the results of their creative activity. Teachers, and students of our school actively use the thematic bands of the newspaper "Dokuchaevsky News", sites "Typical Dokuchaevsk", "Osh No. 3". As a positive trend, it can be noted that the teachers themselves began to actively promote their work experience with children, to look for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, the city forms an effective system of informing citizens about the life of the school, about problems in the children's and youth environment. This allows not only to solve the tasks of the formation and socialization of students, but also actively promote their "product" in the educational services market, to solve the image tasks of OSH No. 3 and attract new partners to cooperate.

Professional guidance.

Our school has been cooperating with Dokuchaev Mountain and Trade Technical Academy for many years. This educational partnership we understand how to cooperate with absolutely equitable partner institutions and as a constructive association of teachers around one big case - creating conditions for graduates of the profession who make a conscious choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, really evaluating their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society.

It is infinite to talk about the need for a social partnership in modern education, its value is difficult to overestimate. Obviously one: it is it that allows everyone to take a fresh look at the education process, as an integral component of the whole life of society, each member of which to one way or another can affect its course, orientation and performance. Today's practice of social partnership is filled with new content: special attention is paid to the use in working with students in search technologies, research activities students, building the social infrastructure of the school, allowing to create conditions for the inclusion of students in the process of developing and implementing social projects, mutual penetration of school items, full-scale integration of all actions produced by the school educational institution. And, since, all of the above partnership schemes are still, more, one-time and unsystematic (as work with schoolchildren is not the main activity for the police, nor for medical workersNor for representatives of other services), I would like to implement a modern partnership in our school to demonstrate just on the example of interpremant connections, on joint coordinated actions of all school employees, on the implementation of such a partnership through integrated lessons. Based on its pedagogical specialty, your own experience and existing partnership samples in the training of children, I would like to stop still on the school subject called "English". Your attention is presented two presentations based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience On the topic "The modern partnership in the field of education (achievements and prospects) and the" modern partnership in teaching children of the English language. "
Prepared material to participate in the virtual exhibition-presentation "Modern education in the Donetsk People's Republic 2016" - Pisanese N.G., Teacher of English language MOU "School number 3 of Dokucheevsk", teacher of the highest qualification category, senior teacher.


The article is devoted to the relevant in modern conditions and new to education the problem of social partnership. This problem is connected today with a fundamental change in the nature of relations between subjects of social space in general and education in particular in the direction of the growth of subjectivity, awareness, independence, freedom of choice of each of the parties to interaction. Social partnership is regarded as mutually beneficial school relations with bodies and institutions, public organizations allowing significantly improving the quality of education and create conditions for the comprehensive development of schoolchildren. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the educational institution in the conditions of social partnership, consider the state of partnership in modern education and the direction of its research and development. Also identifies forms and criteria characterizing the effectiveness of the social partnership system in a comprehensive school. The issues of building a social partnership system in school are shown in the context of the norms established by federal state educational standards.

social partnership

network interaction

educational space

model of a successful graduate

educational trajectory

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3. Markova S.M. Problems of development of vocational education in Russia / S.M. Markova // Education and science. - 2007. - № 2. - P. 36-42.

4. Ogorodova M.V., Bystrov N.V., Uhanov A.F., Paradeeva N.V. Webinar as a form of network interaction // International Journal of Applied and fundamental studies. - 2015. - № 12-7. - P. 1322-1324.

5. Prokhorova M.P., Bystrov N.V., Uhanov A.F., Sedyy D.V. Innovative activity of the teacher in the system of vocational education // Problems of modern pedagogical education. - 2016. - № 51. - P. 140-146.

The education system of the Russian Federation is currently experiencing a period of modernization, accompanying the continuous search for new approaches to improving the quality of learning. One of the directions of development of the education system in modern conditions is the implementation of the principle of social partnership, which is understood as purposefully organized by the School of Voluntary and mutually beneficial relations of equal entities, which are formed on the basis of the interest of all parties in creating conditions for the development of schoolchildren. It is created for the reason that the efforts of the whole society are required to solve some problems in education, and not only one of its components - schools.

Competently built relations between the school and society (social environment), indeed, allow you to create a more comfortable space in which the student is focused and develops. It also contributes to the student to have the opportunity to implement its individual educational program for the implementation of its own creative, design, research activities, while covering the specific, workbook, work, artistic and creative, social, sports activities. Such relationships solve the problem of the student self-determination of a schoolboy, which is one of the main in the conditions of introducing GEF.

What is the partnership in the relations of the parties and the subjects of the field of education? How does it differ from other forms of interaction? Obviously, the content of the appropriate concept and activity in education should be manifested by the principles of partnerships worked out in other fields: political, economic, social. Partnership experience in these areas suggests that the basis of partnerships is: equality, voluntary interaction, independence in choosing and making decisions of each of the parties, mutually beneficity, dialogue, awareness.

Environmental Partnership Relations educational activitiesaffecting the subjects of the educational process (family, school, child), as well as a partnership of schools with other (external) structures and organizations as a means of improving the quality of education began to be considered as objects of the study only in recent years.

Currently, there is a problem inefficiency of functioning modern schoolThe basis of which the social partnership model is not laid, which allows for the formation of socio-legal, civic competence of schoolchildren, future active participants in society adapted to the future life in it as an equal social partner. This competence is one of the key ones in the model of a successful graduate, created in the conditions of introducing GEF. The model of a successful graduate involves a high level of development of personal potential; Formation and formation of professional self-determination of a schoolboy. The modern graduate is a person, the most corresponding to the conditions and requests of modern society, which has value-semantic installations, capable of setting goals and build life plans that satisfies social order and adapted to modern life. According to the graduate model, the student has a spectrum of certain skills:

The ability to operate in certain areas of human culture;

The ability to act in society, taking into account the positions of other people;

Ability to communicate and be understood;

Ability to analyze a certain problem, the situation, solve it;

The ability to put objective, socially oriented, personal tasks, choose and identify funds and ways to achieve them;

The ability to create, explore, design;

The ability to build an individual educational trajectory and life trajectory.

It is possible to achieve results, in our opinion, it is possible only by building as part of a secondary school of an effectively operating system of social partnership.

The process of forming a social partnership system in a secondary school system can be divided into a number of consecutive stages:

the first stage involves the creation of an information bank of social partners (indicating possible or available resources). As social partners of the general education school, various bodies and institutions may be public organizationsinvolved in learning and educating the younger generation.

Authorities and institutions acting as social partners of the school can be divided into several groups:

1) educational organizations (higher and secondary vocational, additional education);

2) organs and institutions of the prevention system of neglect and offenses of minors;

3) government supervisory and control bodies;

4) public organizations;

5) Enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership.

Inside school, the principle of social partnership is implemented through the interaction between participants in educational relations (teachers, parents and students).

The body designed to coordinate the social partnership system in a general education school, in our opinion, may be a "public (or managing) School Council, consisting of school teachers, students and representatives of social partners.

The second stage is planning and implementing cooperation between school and social partners.

The relationship between the secondary school and the bodies and institutions acting as social partners of the school, in our opinion, should be lined up on the basis of contractual relations (contract or cooperation agreement). Based on the cooperation agreement, a plan of joint activities is being developed.

Forms of cooperation within the framework of social partnerships may be:

Joint organization and conduct of extracurricular activities,

Evening meetings with interesting people

Joint research and diagnostic activities,


Round tables

Excursions and various thematic projects

Invitation of specialists for different post-hour events,

Sponsorship school assistance.

A separate direction of cooperation within the framework of the social partnership is to develop teachers in conjunction with social partners of variable programs training courses (courses for choosing), elective courses, taking into account requests, inclinations, personal, professional interests of high school students, their cognitive opportunities. Among such courses may be the following: "Methodology scientific research», « Information Technology In research activities, "" I am a researcher "and others.

The implementation of the principles of social partnership in the school implies not just the fulfillment by all parties to contractual relations, but also a change in the approach to the implementation of the educational process in school.

Social partnership allows you to organize various forms The activities of students are not only in the school walls, but also outside it, using the resources provided by social partners. For their optimal use, it is necessary to carry out the transition from a predominantly cool-term organization of educational activities to the spatial with the provision of students to implement research, designer, social activity In the conditions of extracurricular spaces, and not only in the lessons. Such extracurricular spaces are libraries, universities, other schools, educational organizations, cultural and educational, sports facilities. Interaction with the institutions of additional education of municipal and regional levels also makes it possible to build and organize a system of additional education at school, taking into account the request for schoolchildren and their parents, inclinations, personal, professional interests Pupils. Thanks to close cooperation, the possibility of using the base of the material and technical resources of social partners of the School to implement the prefigure and profile training of students, the organization of effective career guidance work. Thus, the creation and implementation of the continuity of education (college school (technical school), school-university) is occurring.

The main result of the social partnership in the framework of the secondary school will be effectively functioning relations between social partners, which provide:

Improving the quality of education;

Ensuring the availability of high-quality general education;

Strengthening the material and technical base;

Improving school competitiveness;

Increasing the investment attractiveness of the school;

Formation of an effective market for educational services.

Today, educational practices are processes related to the expansion of partnerships. In the context of the growing relevance of the association of the Company's resources in solving the most difficult social problems, the partnership becomes the most important positive trend that forms a new type of relationship in the field of personality education. Obviously, in this new education, there are still many undeveloped and unexplored topics, in particular, from the point of view of practical implementation, they require additional study of the path, stages, forms and mechanisms of social partnership (including intersectoral) in education as a means of increasing it Quality.

Bibliographic reference

Ogorodova M.V., Bystrov N.V., Uhanov A.F. Features of the implementation of social partnership in the educational space of the school // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016. - № 7-5. - P. 888-890;
URL:\u003d9981 (date of handling: 11.12.2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

Relying on similar principles of the interaction of the parties, in a number of aspects differs significantly from the social partnership carried out in the work of labor. Consider what it is noteworthy.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership in education

Social partnership in any of the spheres of life is based on voluntary and mutually beneficial cooperation, aimed at achieving its participants to some common social goals. His rules for interacting on labor relations are sufficiently outlined (Section II of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and belong to the relationship between "Employees - Employer" with the possibility of participating in them government agencies.

Social Education Partnership, on the basis of its own having the same idea (voluntary mutually beneficial cooperation for solving common tasks) does not have a similar legislative base And, although it is based on similar principles of the interaction of the parties, only those of them use that are sufficient to achieve their goals:

  • equality of participants;
  • mutual respect;
  • interest in the results;
  • freedom of discussing questions of interest;
  • voluntary commitment to commit;
  • a responsibility.

The composition of partners in the field of education is formed depending on the level of educational institution and tasks to be solved, and therefore cannot be uniquely regulated. It is always involved in the school and the student itself, at the level of the DOW and School in this circle, also include parents of the student. A higher level of educational institution determines and a wider range of persons interested in social cooperation with him. With an increase in levels, emphasis in matters of determining the partnership initiator may be shifted:

  • in a preschool educational institution (DW), the institution itself is usually becoming;
  • in relations with the school, which is an intermediate step between the Dow and an educational institution, giving vocational education, they can act as a school and both bordering educational institutions;
  • in partnerships with the institution of vocational education, there is an interest in state bodies, employers, employment services, schools, and they can become their initiator.

Objectives of social partnership in education

For any of the educational institutions, the main task of social partnership will increase the quality and effectiveness of education, i.e. the improvement of those activity indicators for which they were created. However, at each of the levels of the educational process, the priority will be its range of tasks solved social partnership in education:

  • in addition, the focus is on the adaptation of the child in the team, the development of communication abilities, the awakening of curiosity, identifying special abilities;
  • the school gives the student basic knowledge necessary for further vocational training, helps in vocational guidance, develops a horizon, ability to communicate, organization, self-organization, management, creativity;
  • vocational education institutions are preparing future workers who have the necessary knowledge and elementary experience in the relevant professions, which will be in demand in the labor market.

Between these levels, there is quite close interaction, thanks to which there is a less painful and more targeted transition of students from one level to another. Educational institutions of vocational education, in addition, are to a certain extent interested in the further employment of their graduates, since the further demand of the professions received and the requirements for the degree of specialist preparedness depends.

On the modern stage Agreed partnerships between the school and educational institutions of vocational education, on the one hand, government agencies, employers and other partners interested in specialists, on the other hand, are allowed on the basis of ownership actual information On the need of B. professional personnel Quickly solve issues such as:

  • reorientation to preparing persons of more sought-after professions;
  • changing the requirements for professional knowledge, allowing to raise the quality of training of specialists and the degree of their competitiveness;
  • development in future employees of certain moral and business qualities, which cause their responsible attitude to work and the successful performance of their functions.

Types of social partnership in the field of education

Partnership in education can take a wide variety of forms. Their circle will obviously be wider than in partnership in the field of labor, since not only is not limited to anything, but also leads to the emergence of new effective forms.

The basis of the types of interaction between partners will be the exchange of information (forecast or relevant), which allows to manage the process of education. At the level of the DOW and School, the partnership most often acquires the nature of cooperation not issued by contractual relations, while in social cooperation with the establishment of professional education a contract (agreement) becomes the most important form of relationships. Contractual relations may occur in the field:

  • a targeted transition of students from Dow to certain schools, from schools - to certain institutions of vocational education, from the institution of training - to a specific employer;
  • preparation necessary specialists With sustainable practical skills acquired by them in the process of learning due to the supervision of this process with specific employers.

The role of state bodies that perform functions on the collection, systematization of data on regions, analysis and forecasting situations for the development of the economy and the demands of specialists, the adoption of legislative acts necessary to regulate the provisions of legislative acts are provided in education.

Social partnership in Dow

Dow, along with the child's family, forms in it the basic characteristics of the personality, which subsequently determine for it many life attitudes and, in particular, the horizons, the choice of profession, the possibility professional growthThe comfort of existence in the team.

Social partnership in Dow may occur:

  • inside the Dow with the involvement of parents, the pedagogical council of the Dow, pedagogical teams of schools, specialists in any specific areas;
  • at the region level with the participation of organizations in other areas of activity (health, culture, sports, social protection).

Forms of social partnerships become:

  • various joint events (concerts, holidays, performances, competitions) both in the Dow and beyond;
  • lessons, meetings, cognitive trips;
  • open days;
  • general parent meetings;
  • individual work with family;
  • consulting parents, conducting seminars, trainings;
  • individual preparation of children to school.

Social partnership in school

At school, social partnership is becoming important in such aspects as:

  • development of communication skills and adaptation in the team;
  • civilian patriotic education;
  • maintaining and promoting health;
  • obtaining knowledge complementing the school curriculum;
  • familiarity with the professions and places of work of parents;
  • help in employment during school holidays;
  • cooperation with DW to prepare children to enter school and with educational institutions of a professional orientation in the vocational guidance.

At this level, the partnership is never limited to internal activities of the educational institution and is often carried out outside the school or by conducting events outside it (Olympiad, competitions, trips, hiking, lectures), or by attracting part-of-party schools and organizations to work in the school. performances, enhanced study foreign language, special lecture courses).

Social partnership in vocational education institutions

These institutions in terms of compliance with the needs of students and employers are most influenced by changes in the labor market, which makes them promptly respond to these changes, i.e. leads to the need for constant self-improvement.

Change information is based:

  • on predictive data on the demand of certain professions and prospective plans for the development of territories derived from state bodies;
  • employers' requests;
  • current employment service data;
  • requests of students to certain professions.

The optimality of the ratio of the status of the labor market and the possibility of employment on it newly trained specialists determines the timely and thorough analysis of the trends identified. The lack of such analysis when orientation only on requests for students in relation to future professions can create a situation in which the specialists issued will be unclaimed, and the labor market will have unfilled vacancies on other specialties. Therefore, it was at this level that the role of the state in creating a flexible education system and in managing it becomes particularly important.

The social partnership here may occur in such forms as:

  • development of curricula and qualification requirements to specialists;
  • holding production practices at certain enterprises;
  • monitoring the labor market;
  • retraining of specialists in agreed programs;
  • internship of teachers at partner enterprises;
  • creation of joint consulting bodies;
  • implementation of joint projects;
  • attracting partner funds to finance reforming the learning process;
  • state subsidies or tax breaks for enterprises involved in the process of training specialists.


Social partnership in education It is carried out according to its special rules that allow you to attract a fairly wide range of persons to it. With an increase in the level of partnership, the share of participation in it of third-party organizations and state bodies is increasing.

Education at all times was considered a loyalty value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, the source of growth in the intellectual resource and the spiritual and moral potential of the population. The educational needs of the population are growing, the number of applicants for higher, special, professional additional education increases. In response to this, the spread of the network of educational institutions of different types is increasing, education infrastructure is developing - management forms, methodological and research services; The personnel base is strengthened, the content and methods of education are updated, the reference point for individual requests and the capabilities of students are strengthened. Special claims are presented to the quality of education as compliance with the expectations of society and personality - this makes the development of education as an open system, the structural and functional characteristic of which is due to the interaction with society.

The openness of education involves the transparency of the goals, the formation of the quality of life from the state of education in the public consciousness - its quality, availability, inclusion, unification of various social groups And involving them in the development of education as partners. Social partners are individual and collective entities that share the value attitudes of modern education, interested in developing a single educational policy that can effectively support education in solving real problems in the formation and development of its system.

The achievement of high quality education implies an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful about the domestic pedagogical reality and strategic goals of socio-cultural development of society.

The legislative framework for the development of a social partnership model in the field of education as a whole gives the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Russian Law "On Education", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Profit Organizations", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08/31/1999 No. 1134 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in Russian Federation". The legal framework for the organization of social partnership at the municipal level is created by federal laws" On local self-government In the Russian Federation "," general principles Organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation ", as well as the relevant laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted in the development of these federal laws.

Affiliate relations can be considered as intersubject interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the total value-target aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, the joint development of the value system.

Such a model was created in pedagogical groups of MOU SOSH No. 93 and MOU Novosibirsk School of the Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region. Of September 1, 2006, an agreement on social partnership in education was concluded, fundamental idea whom: develop and implement new forms of organization of the educational process when working with gifted children in educational institutions of the Barabinsky district.

Objective: Development and implementation of conditions ensuring the quality and availability of educational services, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students during the restructuring of the network of educational institutions of the Barabinsky district.

  1. Organizing the joint activities of pedagogical teams of participants in the experiment on the study and implementation of pedagogical innovations into an educational process in order to improve the quality and availability of education.
  2. Creating favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities of students MOU SOSH No. 93 and MOU Novochanskoye School.
  3. Dissemination of the results of the experiment among educational institutions of the Barabinsky district.
  4. Implementation of the developing and educational opportunities of schools in joint activities.

The implementation of these tasks allowed:

  1. Create a model of a single educational space.
  2. Create a resource-methodical center based on our schools.
  3. Increase the qualification of teachers of our schools through the implementation of the modernized model of the scientific and methodological service.
  4. Improve students student studies through:
    - the optimal and efficient development of educational abilities of the personality of students;
    - implementation of modern models of training and technologies.
  5. Effectively use the educational and methodological and material and technical bases of our schools in the educational process.

In determining the research methods, the experiment participants are guided by the following principles Pedagogical activity:

  • The principle of the maximum diversity of the presented opportunities for the development of personality;
  • Principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities;
  • Principle of individualization and differentiation of training;
  • The principle of creating conditions for the joint work of students with the minimum participation of the teacher;
  • The principle of freedom of choice of students of additional educational services, mentoring.

The method of detection of gifted children

For implementation this method The following tasks must be solved:

  • Acquaintance of teachers with scientific data on psychological features and methodological techniques of working with gifted children;
  • Training through methodical studies, pedsoves, self-education, advanced training;
  • Accumulation of library material on this issue;
  • Acquaintance of teachers with the techniques of targeted pedagogical observation of diagnostics;
  • Conducting various extracurricular competitions of intellectual games Olympiads allowing students to show their abilities.
  • The basic principles of constructing a detection scheme of gifted children:
  • Determination of the most capacious and practically applicable concept of giftedness.
  • Development of a plan and training programs of gifted children.
  • Development of the evaluation procedure:
    - definition of functions subject to evaluation;
    - Determining information to be selected.
  • Refining selection criteria.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the search and identification of capable children.

Method for creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

To implement the second method, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Selection among various training systems for those methods and techniques that contribute to the development of independence of thinking, initiative and creativity;
  • Providing the possibility of improving the ability to jointly with peers, a supervisor, through independent work.

The creative potential of the child can be developed in different educational areas, but most naturally, in accordance with the very nature of activity - in the field of artistic development. In this regard, the clock of the variable part in the training of junior schoolchildren is used to organize creative workshops.

Creative workshops on the basis of Novochanskoye School:

  • Music workshop (music class);
  • "In the world of excellent" (visual activity);
  • Healthy lifestyle workshop;
  • Club researcher.

Creative workshops based on SOSH №93:

  • Artwork workshop;
  • Intellectual Club;
  • Craft workshop (applied art);
  • Children's newspapers "Scholyar" and "School Bulletin".

The urban and extracurricular activities are built in such a way that the student can show its capabilities in various fields of activity. This is important as a source of acquiring new knowledge and new experience, and should serve as the basis for the transformation of these knowledge to other areas of activity in the class of the second and third steps.

An important factor affecting the development of gifted students and to identify hidden gifts and abilities is the system of extracurricular educational work. The basis of such a system is the "immersion in culture", the functions of the system are training and education, and the organizing start - the game.

The older school is a special educational space, within the framework of which, on the one hand, the Company is completed by the Company of its mandatory function to form a socio-adapted personality, on the other hand, a gradual reorientation of the dominant educational paradigm with a predominant broadcast of the system of zunov to the creation of conditions for the establishment of a complex Subject and personal competencies. Based on this, new principles are formed and the methodology for organizing educational space in high school:

  • Individualized forms of training activities (work on individual programs);
  • Development of design skills (design methods);
  • Self-determination of high school students regarding the profiling directions of their own activities (profile classes);
  • Clearly defined with an ethical point of view. Communicative field.

The main activities are:

  • master classes of leading teachers of the participants of the experiment;
  • joint research contests;
  • system of extracurricular activities;
  • organization of the Summer School of Gifted Children - the research expedition of schoolchildren on Lake Chane.

3. Method of working with pedagogical frames

Understanding what serious tasks face a teacher working with capable and gifted children, it is necessary to send to work in prefigure and profile classes of highly qualified teachers, i.e. Show a special approach to solving personnel issues. At the same time, it is necessary to realize the importance of this work by each member of the team and strengthening about the problem of the formation of a positive motivation to teach. Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system of working with gifted children.

The first direction of the pedagogical "Community" is the design of educational programs. Teachers should be able to develop copyright programs

  1. Individualization of programs.The program should take into account factors such as experience, special training, worldview and students' interests, that is, be flexible and to meet individual and group needs.
  2. Participation in the preparation of programs. Officers together with ordinary teachers determine what should be included in the practical training program.
  3. Personal responsibility for the development and coordination of the program.Program plans should be carefully developed and carried out, including both long-term and intermediate goals. The program manager is obliged to monitor its implementation.
  4. A variety of methods in the program. A good program should pay special attention to the use of a variety of methods and techniques so that training programs are interesting and creative.

The second direction of the pedagogical "Community" is a scientific and methodological work on the basis of the overall strategic goal and a single methodology of pedagogical search.

The organization of the theoretical and pedagogical and methodological universality of pedagogical teams in the form of a permanent scientific and methodological (problem-practical) seminar is assumed. Three groups of the main tasks of the seminar organization are highlighted. The first block of tasks: teachers should figure out the essence of a number of basic ideas and concepts associated with foreign and russian experience use of new pedagogical technologies; Subject to their pedagogical analysis. The second block of tasks is associated with the process of self-analysis and the formation of educational and professional orientation. The tasks of the Third Group are the actualization of the professional experience and the creative potential of the teacher.

Such a community will be held in three organizational stages.

First - "Methodical Kaleidoscope". During the year, pedagogical teams of schools will make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe directions of search and achievements in Russian and foreign pedagogy. Teachers attend presentation seminars, master classes, meetings of district and school methodological associations, where they get acquainted with already tested technologies and techniques, try to include individual elements in the practice of the lesson. By the end of this stage, the teacher determine the sphere of their professional interests, choose the "educational route", are combined into groups of like-minded people.

Second phase- Training. Teachers are united by learning groups of the selected technology. Leading experts on this topic. Classes are carried out in model lessons, followed by their deep analysis. Classes alternate with approbation lessons. The teachers then generalize their experience, participate in the work of conferences and contests, are published in educational media. Thus, the ability of teachers to pedagogical interaction is implemented.

In the third stage The selected technology is introduced into the pedagogical practice. There is also a diagnosis of various species. At this stage, an educational and methodological complex for training subjects and technologies is formed.

What is implemented:

No. p / p Business content
1. Workshop "Methodology and Methodology of Pedagogical Research".
2. Workshop "Humanistic pedagogy: Essence, experience, results."
3. Master class "Organization of specialized learning and implementation of ICT."
4. Speech at the seminar of school directors on the topic of the experiment.
5. Workshop of natural student teachers "Organization of research expeditions of schoolchildren."
6. Seminar "Research and project activities Pupils in the educational process. "
7. Master class "Modernized model of a single scientific and methodological service of schools."
8. Workshop "Use of information and communication technologies in education".
9. Order on the organization of teamwork NOU:
Research work in the directions.
Scientific and practical conference.
10. Joint work on the programs "Gifted children" and "Health".
11. The research expedition of schoolchildren on Lake Chane was held.
12. Systematic diagnostic work on identifying gifted children and organizing further work with them
13. Participation in district pedcins, seminars, conferences on the topic of the experiment.
14. The work of a single resource center for students and teachers of natural sciences, philology, mathematics and computer science.
15. Work of temporary creative problem groups.
16. Measures to improve profile systems and distance learning Schoolchildren.
17. Participation in telecommunication projects and competitions.
19. Participation in contests of socially significant projects.
20. Creating a data bank of gifted children educational programs, methodological materials, diagnostic techniques in directions, advanced training of teachers.
Systematization and generalization of experience in experiment: films, methodological manuals, multimedia presentations, Publications in educational media, posting information on school sites, booklets.
Stages of the implementation of the experiment program
Stage I - 2006 - 2007 Stage II - 2007 - 2008
tasks results tasks results
1. Creating a LPI regulatory framework.

2. Studying, development and dissemination of technologies aimed at identifying and teaching gifted children within the LPI.

Creating a system of targeted detection, selection and development of gifted children.

3. Commonness and dissemination of work experience through a system of seminars, district and regional scientific and practical conferences.

4. Organization of an exit summer school of gifted children - research expedition to Lake Chane.

1. Amendments to local acts schools.

2. Creating a system of permanently operating pedagogical "universality" - a scientific and practical seminar for teachers in the direction:
- organization of research activities (MOU Novochanskaya SOSH);
- Organization of specialized learning and implementation of ICT (MOU SOSH No. 93).

3. Creating a bank innovative technologies and publishing materials in educational media.

4. Finding the health of students. Improving research skills of students in the study of environmental systems.

1. Development of research skills, communicative abilities and increasing the level of self-realization of students.

2. Monitoring different areas Works in order to determine the effectiveness of the activities and operational correction.

3. Improving the qualification level of teachers through the implementation of the modernized model of the scientific and methodological service.

4. Effective use educational and material and technical base in the educational process.

5. Development of the system of generalization and dissemination of experience through the release of information collections, posting information on OU sites and education authorities, organization of speeches in the media.

Regular conducting joint intellectual and creative events of different focus.

Systematic replenishment of a data bank of educational programs, methodological materials, diagnostic techniques in the direction, advanced training of teachers.

Creating a unified structure of the scientific and methodological service of schools, allowing to effectively develop and implement innovation.

Creating a Unified Resource Center for Use by Pupils and Teachers:
- in the field of natural sciences (Novochanskoye School);
- in the field of philology, mathematics and informatics (SOSH No. 93).

5. Analysis and adjustment of the experiment program. Development of the experiment program until 2010.

The term "social partnership in education" - as the activity itself, received full recognition in modern Russia some years ago. Few people doubt that education is one of the most significant values \u200b\u200bin society. However, everyone knows that society is inhomogeneous, and, therefore, not always partnerships are possible between education and various sectors of society. I want to introduce you to experience the experience of the center of children's creativity of the city of Serdobsk in solving the tasks of social partnership, and this is, perhaps, one of the few ways to preserve the system of additional education, and directly each of the swells taken, in their social and historical mission, busy niche on The market for educational services, social significance in the entire structure of the current interactions.
Assessment of interaction experience has shown that the social partnership helps to direct resources on the development of joint activities of any educational institutions, their public self-organization and self-government regardless of their type and type. It attracts society resources for the development of the educational sphere. It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners for the formation of a community members of a long-term survival in the educational services market. The social partnership allows us to act effectively and successfully, having in mind the priority perspective, common to all partners, effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of its responsibility. Such activities make it possible to provide the most efficient and economically helping the needy members of the community participating in the partnership, to ensure that, remaining unlike others, recognize the differences in individuals and organizations.
The possibilities of developing education in Russia through partnership are built on the following mechanisms: openness and cooperation, emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas; developed philosophy of education and the approach to the development of the community; the possibility for local residents, social and active educational institutions of all types and species, local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and community; Representing parents the opportunity to become a "good fellow traveler" on the educational route of the child; Cooperation with volunteers aimed at increasing the number of services provided in the community.
MODOD CDT is an open socio-pedagogical system, closely interacting with all types of educational institutions of the city, regions, public institutions, families of pupils. The market for additional educational services in SSDobsk is sufficiently saturated with competition between institutions of high. The city successfully operate in this field of cultural institution (children's artistic and music schools, city house of arts, cultural houses), sports (3 children's sports schools), education (the center of additional education of children, the station of young naturalists). All of them to one degree or another carry out a variety of multi-level education.
Currently, the pedagogical team of the Center for Children's Creativity cooperates more than 40 different organizations of our city.
Attracting the public to managing the development of education - the task marked by the Presidential Program "Our new school"One of the goals of which is to create a qualitatively new level of relationships, interaction to solve the problems of developing the formation of a circle of interested entities capable of achieving a constructive agreement and the development of a unified educational policy.
Changes in the socio-economic life that occurred in recent decades has led to significant changes in the education system and the institute of the family. The sphere of additional education has expanded. All this provided the family the real possibilities for choosing the type of educational institution and a set of educational services provided to them.
The parent public offers today to build relationships of a family and educational institution at the social partnership level. These are educational services that meet the social order for the education of children. During the year we are monitored among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of students. It turns out that the overwhelming number is interested in ensuring that children receive quality additional education, education and development, continued their training in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.
In this regard, new associations were opened in the center of children's creativity: "School of Young Entrepreneurs", where teenagers receive knowledge of jurisprudence, accounting, economics; "Rovement", "Young Programmer"; Combining journalists "We try Pen" and "Light Feather".
Cooperation with general educational institutions based on the integration of general and additional education allows you to create a single educational environment at school, as close as possible to the services of additional education to the schoolboy. It allows you to optimize the use of the material base of partner institutions, develop it to the most effectively implement the program-methodical and organizational and methodological potential of institutions, coordinate the educational process at all levels of interactions, making it more mobile and personally-oriented. The importance of such cooperation in the conditions of implementing a new educational concept with modern tasks of profile, educational training and socialization in the transition to a competence approach in organizing the educational process is difficult to overestimate! In the schools of the district, this cooperation allows not only in a higher level to organize leisure and employment in the village, but also allows you to organize prefilot preparation, implement professional-oriented programs. Of the 1600 students of the CDT, only 900 students are engaged in the 90th schools of Serdobsk and Serdobsky district.
In order to provide effective assistance to the family on the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality capable of adapting to the changing conditions of life of society, establishing relations confidence and cooperation between family and educational institution The World Family program was created, which aims to create conditions for cooperation between children and adults.
The pedagogical team today is looking for any opportunities and means in order to help the family, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, to teach the child. To bring up without relevant knowledge, guided only by blind instinct - it means to risk a future growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, whatever parents do, who they would not be in the specialty, they are always the educators of their children.
It is important for us to achieve the active life position of the parents, to call them the desire to learn your child, appreciate your relationship with him. And we use a lot of shapes and ways, proven practice and time. These are parent meetings, but they pass in the form of collections "We will think together", "TsDT, family, society"; parent-pedagogical consultations; Trainings, discussions, "Round Tables". Parents discussed in classroom class "Commonwealth", participate with children in social and significant affairs on the improvement of the building, collecting search material, etc.
Parents hope that in the center of the child will be taught not only to dance, sing and construct. They want them to have sustainable, creative interests for their children, which will help them in the future in choosing a profession.
Joint holidays, family holidays are enthusiastically accepted by children and their parents. The partnership nature of relations bring together adults and children, makes them allies in creative work.
The main outcome of the interaction of this chain "Child-Family-Pedagogue" is the final result. Parents finance and depart with children on trips to regional and All-Russian reviews contests, exhibitions, competitions. Acquire dance costumes, video equipment, render financial assistance When repairing rooms for classes.
The role of the establishment of additional education in ordering information, which collapses the child from the media is: Radio, television, Internet. By organizing work on the formation of the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local press bodies, local television, we effectively solve the tasks of education of the general culture of young citizens, their relationship to the world, to themselves, the results of their creative activity.
Our teachers and pupils actively use the thematic bands of the "Serb news", "Alliance", "Favorite newspaper". But the most tireless correspondents are activists of associations of journalists (based on MOU SOSH No. 10 and MOU Lice No. 2). Their materials about the lives of children's associations are constantly published on the pages of school publications "Dozen" and "Liceurist". In addition to collecting and disseminating information, publishing materials on events in the MODOD CDT, young correspondents participate in socially significant projects. For example, it was presented at the regional stage of the All-Russian action "I am a citizen of Russia" the project "Fire-Bird" on the creation of the regional-style newspaper. As a positive trend, it can be noted that the teachers themselves began to actively promote their work experience with children, to look for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, the city forms an effective system of informing citizens about problems in the children's and youth environment. This allows not only to solve the tasks of the formation and socialization of students, but also actively promote their "product" in the market of educational services, solve the image tasks of the Udod.
The most actively and productively develop cooperation with educational and public institutions during the preparation for mass events: "We take hands, family!", "Successful Family"; social and significant cases: shares in support of children with ABS "Good Heart" and "Manual a Friend" (such a share has passed throughout October, where the pedagogical team attracts social services to the participation of social services, the administration of the Serdobsky district, individual entrepreneurs); Scientific and practical conferences "Economic education of adolescents", conducted jointly with teachers of Serdobsky multidisciplinary and agricultural technical schools.
The Center for Children's Art collaborates for many years with the Kirsanov College of Civil Aviation. This educational partnership we understand how to cooperate with absolutely equitable partner institutions and as a constructive association of teachers around one big case - creating conditions for the young person of the profession, at the same time a conscious choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, really evaluating their potential and prospects for social and professional Integration in modern society .. All parties interaction are stipulated in joint activities contracts. This gives the right to benefit from our graduates upon admission to profile specialties into this educational institution.
For many years, our teachers work with children with disabilities (OBAs). Develop and implement new programs on social adaptation Children through their creativity classes. Now 6 teachers of the center are engaged in children at home, cooperating with a psychologist, social service - the Center for Social Protection, Parents.
The result of this large painstaking work is the performance and victory of children with OVI in regional competitions, festivals "under the sail of hope", All-Russian competition Children's creativity "Open Heart". And most importantly, children appear in the desire for life, self-confidence, in self-realization, in the fact that they are not alone. The high results of the socialization of such children can be achieved when they are engaged in the same group with healthy children (in some cases, denoting leadership positions) achieve success in festivals and competitions without a "discount" on the level of health.
Of course, the introduction of new state educational standards (GEF) in a secondary school will make substantial adjustments to the entire interaction system on russian market educational services. And in this regard, we hope that the existing experience of social partnership will allow additional education agencies not only to survive, but also develop in the modern market for educational services in accordance with the expectations of society and the state.


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