Blogs in LJ about photography. How to blog if you are a photographer? Mistakes, photoblog strengths, content plan. Good lighting is the key to success

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Today Instagram is an integral part of our life. This is the one social networkwhere it is important to show yourself, and this is done with the help of photographs. However, to declare yourself to the world, it is not enough just photos, you need to be able to work with them correctly.

website shows and tells how to make your shots perfect, and your own account pleases not only your eyes.

1. A clean lens is essential

For a clear image without fingerprints or other dirt, use a soft cloth and wipe the lens. It's best if it's a microfiber eyeglass cloth rather than just your T-shirt.

2. Standard application "Camera" on the phone

Any photo processing application has its own camera, which has certain functions. For example, built-in blurring of the picture, sharpening of the frame, or even an automatic filter. All this is sometimes very inappropriate when the photo turns out to be excellent, but it becomes impossible to add your own processing. In the standard "Camera" application, all these features can be removed or added at will, saving the best quality photos.

3. The more shots the better

When taking a photo, it is worth remembering that the perfect shot is not always obtained the first time. Try different angles to get good results. It is better to choose one successful photo from a large number of unsuccessful ones than to try to make a candy from what initially did not work.

4. Good lighting is the key to success

Soft daylight will make the photo beautiful and interesting, and in many cases this option is much better than professional artificial lighting. You should forget about the flash right away, because the “unnaturalness” of the frame is not at all what we strive for when creating photographs.

5. The rule of the golden ratio

In short, the rule of thirds makes the photo visually more harmonious and complete. A regular grid - a built-in feature that is available in any camera - will help you achieve the desired result. With its help, you can easily determine where visually it is better to place the desired object. The main task in the end is to place the object along one of the lines of this very grid, and not in the middle of the frame.

6. Zoom

Forget about zoom once and for all. This is evil, invented in order to stretch a photo, noticeably degrading its quality. To get the best result, just get closer to the subject and take a close-up shot.

7. Focus point

Automatic focusing does not always catch focus on the subject we need, and this must be borne in mind. The biggest disadvantage of this mode is that it constantly gets lost when a seemingly perfect shot is ready. By trying different focal points, you can achieve the desired depth of the photo, while the background will be moderately blurred.

Sometimes the picture of the desired frame in our imagination and in life does not correspond a little to each other. That is why you should not dwell on one idea that stuck in your head. It is important to look for something new and different in order to create something unique and unrepeatable: an angle or a completely unexpected side of the shooting.

9. Forget about countless selfies

A hackneyed, but such a relevant topic. People quickly get bored with photos of the same type and carry nothing. It is important not to overdo it with narcissism, so that all this does not end with a massive departure of subscribers. Interest in the world around us is a guaranteed secret of success.

10. New day - new plot

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The Frenchman, who was born in Madrid, lives in America and travels around the world. His Instagram is dominated by northern landscapes: the landscapes of North America, Canada, Norway and Iceland.

Kat Irlin is a Russian-born photographer from New York. Her clients include Elle, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Ford. Instagram has photos of beautiful people, talented love stories, and gorgeous New York landscapes.

  • Street photography.
  • 1 million subscribers.

If you love black and white photography, then the Instagram of American Jason Peterson will love you. Most of his shots were taken with the iPhone. Jason himself does not call himself a photographer, but admits that he takes his photographs very seriously: he is looking for a good shot for a long time and can constantly return to the same place in anticipation of the right light.

  • Landscape, people.
  • 181 thousand subscribers.

Each landscape of this Canadian photographer is not only breathtaking, but also contains peace and tranquility. One gets the feeling that the world in Scott Rankin's footage froze for a second. Viewing his works is comparable in effect to listening and has a meditative character.

  • Landscape, street photography.
  • 832 thousand subscribers.

The perfect Instagram for Mike Kus is a graphic and web designer from the UK. Photography is just a hobby for him, but Mike's impeccable sense of taste puts him in a row with venerable photographers. At least on Instagram.

  • Nature, travel.
  • 2.8 million subscribers.

Chris Burkard is an extreme photographer who is famous for his photography of surfers. Now his portfolio and Instagram profile are full of beautiful and unusual landscapes. If you don't want to download your feed and are only willing to subscribe to the best travel photographer, this is a great option.

  • 479 thousand subscribers.

Michael Christopher Brown traveled to Libya during the height of the 2011 civil war. There, he lost his camera and was injured, but still remained true to his craft, taking pictures on his iPhone. Now the photographer actively travels and takes pictures of how people live in different parts of the world.

  • Landscape, street photography.
  • 266 thousand subscribers.

Vitaly Raskalov is a famous roofer and photographer. This year, Lifehacker has already taken from Vitaly, and now he advises to get acquainted with his Instagram profile, full of beautiful landscapes and views from above.

  • Landscape, travel.
  • 1.1 million subscribers.

A must-follow account for everyone who is partial to the mountains. Hannes Becker's Instagram is almost entirely composed of them, cold and silent.

  • Nature, travel, people.
  • 107 thousand subscribers.

A travel blogger from California who travels alone around the world. She promotes the idea of \u200b\u200bsolo travel, gives advice to doubters, and even wrote a book about it. Christine is now in Berlin and is planning to go to Chile soon.

  • Documentary photography, people.
  • 2.3 million subscribers.

Steve McCurry is best known for his photograph of an Afghan girl on the cover of National Geographic. He is still engaged in documentary photography, photographing people in different parts of the world.

  • 419 thousand subscribers.

Dirk Becker pays attention to geometry: shapes, lines, perspective. The author captures the interesting things in the architecture of Amsterdam, sometimes edits photos, and in his Instagram posts the results that I want to call art.

  • 609 thousand subscribers.

Ekaterina Mishchenkova collaborates with Leica and is a member of the Union of Russian Photographers. Monochromaticity prevails in her work, with which bright red elements contrast.

  • Nature, travel, people.
  • 1.5 million subscribers.

Cheerful blogger who travels the world with his friends and takes pictures of people and nature. Particularly interesting are his photographs with Kenyan or Somali children, who are always happy to pose for the camera and are sincerely surprised by the quadcopter.

  • Art, street photography.
  • 109 thousand subscribers.

Darryl Jones uses character figurines in his photographs, embedding them in the surrounding context. It is especially interesting to watch the fate of the stormtrooper, who wears suits at Jones, rides a motorcycle and plays the guitar.

  • Landscape, art, street photography.
  • 889 thousand subscribers.

Simon Bramante is an Italian photographer who sees beauty both in breathtaking views of nature and in ordinary objects arranged in a certain way.

  • Landscape, animals, travel.
  • 1.2 million subscribers.

Instagram of Theron Humphrey - a blogger who has traveled all over America with his faithful companion - the dog Maddy. Beautiful and touching photos for all animal and nature lovers.

  • Design, architecture, street photography.
  • 24 thousand subscribers.

The photographer, who has collaborated with Porsche and Adidas, does not post commercial work on his Instagram. Instead, there are photographs of various objects, united only by the fact that there is a right angle at the bottom of the picture.

  • Documentary photography, people, travel.
  • 155 thousand subscribers.

Dave Yoder is a National Geographic photographer based in the United States. It shows the life of famous people and ordinary citizens different countries... The recent photographs of Pope Francis deserve special attention.

  • Nature, travel.
  • 1.1 million subscribers.

Emily Ristevski is another traveling photographer, this time from Australia. Its light and airy landscapes are dominated by pastel colors. Sometimes the hero is a girl in a hat.

What photographers are you subscribed to? Share in the comments.

Every blogger dreams of developing a project, achieving success and ... finding his own photographer. This is really important because the visual component of any blog is no less interesting to the audience than the content itself. Especially when it comes to an Instagram blog. We have collected ideas and tools for you to help you achieve this goal and avoid unsuccessful collaboration.

Word of mouth

Start looking for a photographer who will take pictures for your blog through friends and acquaintances. However, do not forget that every professional has a niche in which they work best. It is unlikely that the wedding man will take good food photos, and vice versa. Therefore, be sure to clarify this point during your searches.

Social networks

Social networks are an unlimited source of information and new useful acquaintances. Why not look for the perfect photographer for your blog there? Look for communities for photographers, see works, negotiate cooperation. Surely you will like someone.

Professional communities

Another huge source for searches is thematic sites, forums and communities for photographers who are ready to cooperate. Of course, one of the main conditions in this case is for the photographer you like to live in the same city with you. But even if this is not the case, do not despair: you can always find a way out.

Topic post

You don't have to spend many hours looking for a photographer yourself. You can post a post on your blog where you inform about a possible collaboration with you. Of course, this will only work if you already have a large and responsive audience. However, beginners should not be discouraged: you can ask your more successful colleagues for help.

Labor exchange

Another very productive option is to write an advertisement for the search for a photographer for cooperation in the form of a vacancy. In this case, you will receive a lot of offers by mail, and you will have to sweat, sorting it out. But this work will certainly not be in vain.

Important nuances:

    Choose a photographer based not on the cost of his services, but on the quality of his work.

    Look for a photographer who works in the same subject matter as you.

    The shooting style should suit your aesthetic tastes.

    Be sure to hold a personal meeting with the photographer you are interested in: you must find a common language, otherwise the cooperation will not be productive.

    Try to negotiate a barter: his services in exchange for advertising on your blog and active links under the photos posted on your site. In addition, you can prepare text content for social media and a photographer's blog in exchange for a photo for your blog.

In conclusion, we note that, of course, you can use images from photo banks for the visual series in your blog, but it is much more aesthetically pleasing to have your own unique photographs. In addition, this approach to work will take your project to a qualitatively new level.

Blog for the photographer - image, client base and portfolio. We will tell you how to integrate the project into your core business.

Weigh your own possibilities to avoid possible mistakes:

1. Rare output of posts

Consistency is one of the important criteria for success

Regular filming, photo editing, meeting with clients take up most of the workflow. Don't start a blog if you're not sure if there will be enough time for it.

2. The desire to embrace the immensity: blogging on multiple sites

Work with one or two sites - do not spray on all social networks

Each site requires unique content. Choose the ones that you like and meet your needs, and do not chase the number of social networks and platforms.

3. Too diverse content

Find your own blogging style

Focus on your professional skills or look at familiar content from a new angle - in any case, do not tackle the topic of lifestyle, it is too popular. It will be more difficult to stand out.

Let's move on to the next important step - target audience definition

A blogger without a reader is a romantic storyline for an animated short, not a successful project.

  • newlyweds
  • photographers
  • bloggers seeking partnerships with a photographer
  • advertisers
  • potential clients
  • lovers of visual content

What to write about in a photoblog?

The content plan helps to prepare publications in advance, establish the regularity of posts and see the vector of blog development in perspective.

Petr Lovygin, photographer: “If God kissed you in the eyes, do not pursue quantity, speed, regularity. More is not better. Everything can be said in one shot. This is aerobatics. "

1. Photo posts

Igor Matei, photographer: “It is best to choose the coolest and juiciest photos for photo posts. You should not use middle frames, so as not to blur the impression. Besides, you don't need to post more than 10 photos per post: a lot of visual content can get boring for the reader.

2. Backstage

Another popular type of content that allows you to watch your work from the outside. In such posts, you can share your impressions of the work done and clearly explain the subtleties and nuances of the shooting process.

3. Professional advice

Surely your blog is read not only by clients, but also by colleagues. You can also generate useful information for them. For example, share tips on setting lighting, choosing a technique, or interesting locations for filming. In addition, this section may contain educational literature for beginners.

4. Personal experience

Many people read photoblogs to understand the intricacies of the profession. This category of users will be interested to read about your personal experience: achievements and mistakes, ups and downs, professional bikes and colorful stories.

5. Interview

An expert opinion is useful information, a non-trivial blog format and a source of additional traffic. In addition, it is interesting not only for readers, but also for you: new acquaintances, exciting communication and new knowledge.

Ideal photoblog sites:


The most convenient site for photoblogging - users come for visual content.

Digital agency Curalate has compiled some useful statistics:

  • Images with high brightness get 24% more likes.
  • Images with backgrounds get 29% more likes than those without.
  • Photos in blue tones get 24% more likes than red tones.
  • Pictures with a single primary color get 17% more likes than photos with multiple dominant colors.
  • Photos that show texture get 79% more likes than photos that don't.
  • Images with low saturation get 18% more likes than images with high or medium saturation.

Here you can place both visual and textual content. Many users purposefully search for interesting blogs on this site, so the likelihood of increasing the audience increases significantly.


We've already written that Pinterest is an essential marketing tool for any blogger. And for a photoblogger, the service is doubly useful.


You can run a text blog on whatever platform works best for you. The advantage of this choice will be individual design and unlimited possibilities in the choice of formats for content.

Anastasia Borisova, photographer: “All sites have their pros and cons. I settled on one of the most famous. It's not free, but it's inexpensive in terms of what you get: a huge variety of different designs, usability and style. "


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