How I started a trucking business

Nowadays, cargo transportation is a rather demanded and promising business. But a sufficient number of large and very tiny companies are already operating in this market, dealing with various services for the movement of goods. In order to successfully choose your niche and successfully withstand competition, you need to weigh your capabilities well, work out a business plan, and take into account all the subtleties of such a business.

Before you open a trucking business, you need to choose the right mode of transport and think about the features that will help you stand out from the competition. A win-win option has always been a bet on the same quality of transportation, customer satisfaction, decency and honesty.

Each entrepreneur has his own opportunities, but the main points of starting a business will be similar to each other, differing only in the breadth of scope and the availability of capital. So, the very first steps in organizing cargo transportation will look like this:

1. Register a company or register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

2. Buy or rent trucks.

The number and brands of purchased cars will depend on the estimated scope of work and the state of finances. If you have a couple of Gazelles at your disposal, then you should not count on serious orders. With such a fleet, you will have to limit yourself to single requests from individuals when moving or transporting a small consignment of goods. To serve more significant customers, euro trucks with a large carrying capacity will be needed. Alternatively, you can team up with several private car owners. In some regions of Russia, cargo transportation on open gazelles is common.

3. Rent an office or purchase premises for it.

However, with modest plans, you can limit yourself to your own apartment and garage.

4. Hire workers.

The following specialists will be needed: drivers, loaders, mechanic, lawyer, accountant, dispatcher. Moreover, one employee can combine several duties at once.

5. Open a bank account.

6. Competently draw up a contract with the customer for transportation.

Transportation of goods: types, conditions, features

Cargo transportation is carried out both within the region and throughout Russia and between different countries.

In the case of delivery of goods between regions, even if the car does not cross the borders of the state, a special permit is required for the movement of heavy and large loads. After receiving it from the territorial road authorities and agreeing with the traffic police, a pass is issued for the right to move freight transport.

When moving cargo between countries, you will need much more permits.

In addition to road transport, rail, sea, river and air transportation is widely used. The most profitable in terms of costs and speed of movement is road transport. It is more profitable to use the railway when the delivery point is located at a considerable distance from the main roads and under any climatic conditions. Sea and river transport is characterized by a low cost of transportation. Air transportation is used most often with severe time constraints or the impossibility of other access to the destination.

Conditions for the movement of goods companies engaged in cargo transportation may vary, but the contracts, as a rule, stipulate the following:

  • place of departure and delivery;
  • the names of all persons and companies involved;
  • product characteristics;
  • description of the means of transport;
  • contractual cost and calculation procedure;
  • terms.

When drawing up a contract, it is also necessary to provide for all the features of transportation, including the route. Contracts can be signed both for a single supply and for a sufficiently long period of time.

It is worth remembering that all financial responsibility for the duration of the route lies with the owner of the vehicle.

Drivers who will deliver dangerous goods, such as compressed gases, explosive or poisonous materials, must obtain a special permit in due course.

Usually, in order to arrange a trip by motor vehicle, in addition to the contract, the following documents are required:

  • a waybill with the data of the driver and the owner of the business, the brand of the car and its characteristics, the admission and task for the driver, as well as a mark on his pre-trip medical examination;
  • bill of lading and order-receipt;
  • compulsory and voluntary insurance in case of property damage.

Freight Dispatcher: Home Based Business

One of the options for a business idea for cargo transportation is their organization without having your own car. In this case, the dispatcher contacted by the consignors looks for the appropriate transport for a specific product, agrees on the conditions of transportation, its cost, and forms the desired route. And after the work is done, he receives his agreed percentage of its total cost.

To work as a dispatcher, you do not need special education, enough sociability, attentiveness, perseverance. It is also important to have a calm stress-resistant character.

You can start a business in your apartment, having only a computer with the Internet, telephone and fax. But you still have to register as an individual entrepreneur. It is also necessary to draw up a business plan for the dispatching service for cargo transportation.

How to open an IP for cargo transportation

The process of registering an IP for cargo transportation is almost the same as for regular registration and consists in submitting the following papers to the tax authority:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • a copy of the pages of the passport with personal data and registration of residence;

OKVED code for cargo transportation you can choose from the following:

  • 63.4 "Organization of cargo transportation"
  • 60.2 "Other land transport activities"

Moreover, IP for cargo transportation can be registered not only in person, but also by power of attorney certified by a notary. Along with the cost of paying the fee, you will need to order a personal stamp for documentation and open a current account.

A great help for a beginner in cargo transportation will be the preparation of a well-thought-out business plan. Since the initial conditions are different for everyone, then everyone will have their own business plan. But the average option includes the following:

  1. General review section. It describes the form of business, goals, relevance of the project.
  2. Description of activity
  3. Analysis of the freight market. This section provides an overview of the market in this segment in the region, an analysis of the shortcomings of competitors and the proposal of their advantages.
  4. Production plan. It discusses the sequential steps for the execution of work, the anticipated risks, a description of the necessary resources.
  5. Project costs. All current and expected expenses, incomes and calculation of efficiency and payback are described.

How much can you earn from trucking? Depending on the tonnage of the car and the nature of transportation, you can receive from 50 thousand rubles per month. you can download an example of a ready-made business plan for cargo transportation for individual entrepreneurs.

Ready-made trucking business

Many entrepreneurs are ready to buy a ready-made cargo transportation business than organize it from scratch. As a rule, in the established business, there is already a fleet of cars that employ drivers and dispatchers, a base of regular customers has been established, and even some long-term contracts have been concluded. The only thing that is needed from the buyer is an investment of money and further competent management.

  1. If there is no experience in managing cargo transportation, then it is best to start from the intracity level.
  2. Need to install long-term relationships with clients, because this will not only provide regular orders, but also make you additional advertising.
  3. Always ask from big clients letters of recommendation. They will serve as a good guarantee of reliability.
  4. An excellent option would be create your own website or. This will convince potential customers of the seriousness of the company.
  5. Four ingredients can lead to continued success: transportation quality, more attractive price for customers, safety and delivery deadlines.

Useful articles

Today, there is an active development of all sectors of the national economy. Most commercial organizations need freight transport services, as they do not have the opportunity to form their own fleet of vehicles. High speed of cargo delivery is possible due to air transportation of goods by air .

Seeing the demand and great prospects for this business area, many entrepreneurs decide to open companies providing transport services.

To do this, a business plan for cargo transportation is being developed, which allows you to get an idea of ​​the necessary costs and approximate income.

The relevance of this business

Each business entity that decides to develop a business in the field of freight transportation must develop its own marketing strategy without fail.

He will have to conduct global studies of the local market in order to get an idea of ​​the relevance of the chosen direction.

All collected information will be included in the business plan of the cargo dispatch service.

Currently, there is a great demand for cargo transportation. They are ordered:

  • corporate networks;
  • ordinary citizens;
  • commercial companies;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • state structures.

Customers have a number of requirements regarding the transportation of goods:

    • The service must be completed within the agreed time frame.
    • The cargo must be delivered to its destination safe and sound.
    • The carrier must issue a complete package of documentation, on the basis of which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will include the cost of transport services in the expenses of the reporting period.

Due to the high competition in this field of activity, aspiring entrepreneurs need to make themselves known loudly in order to stand out among a large number of successful carriers. To do this, they can use the following ideas:

  • offer specialized services to both individuals and business entities;
  • create a large car park, thanks to which it will be possible to satisfy the requirements of absolutely all customers;
  • provide a wide range of related services;
  • introduce a system of bonuses and discounts that will allow customers to save a little;
  • provide services for the transportation of non-standard cargo;
  • work around the clock;
  • provide cargo storage services;
  • provide personnel and specialized equipment for loading and unloading operations;
  • install modern equipment that will allow you to track the movement of goods at all stages, etc.

Stages of organization

Before drawing up a business plan for cargo transportation, each entrepreneur must conduct market research on the local market.

It is extremely important to find out how many competitors are in the area where you plan to open an office.

It will be useful to collect information about all their shortcomings, by analyzing which you can offer potential customers better services.

All collected information should be entered into the business plan of cargo transportation.

In the process of developing a strategy, an entrepreneur must decide what range of services he will provide, since the size of the planned revenue, the number of full-time employees and the number of vehicles in the fleet directly depend on this.

The business plan of cargo transportation should contain the following information:

  • description of the business strategy;
  • state registration procedure;
  • premises and equipment;
  • state formation;
  • promotional activities;
  • cost and profit calculations;
  • determination of business profitability.

Finding Clients

To form their own client base, novice entrepreneurs need to conduct a large-scale advertising campaign.

To do this, you will have to incur decent expenses, but you can’t do without informing the potential consumer audience.

All costs incurred must include a business plan for the dispatching of cargo, in the appropriate section.

  • An entrepreneur must create his own website, which can be actively promoted through contextual advertising.
  • Print flyers, calendars, booklets, brochures that can be delivered to the offices of different companies, or thrown into mailboxes.
  • The director of a company providing transport services must have original and informative business cards that can be distributed in places with high traffic.
  • You can advertise in the media, place ads on specialized Internet sites.
  • It is also worth launching word of mouth, which in practice constantly proves its effectiveness.

Necessary equipment

The business plan for the dispatching service of cargo transportation should include a section that will describe the equipment necessary for work:

The business plan for cargo transportation also includes a section that contains information about the number of full-time employees, their wages, etc. A novice entrepreneur in the early stages can hire:

  • dispatcher;
  • two drivers who will work in shifts;
  • loader;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Costs and payback period

The business plan for cargo transportation should include a financial part, which reflects all the possible costs that the entrepreneur will have to bear when starting:

Monthly income from one truck can be 120,000 rubles. Net monthly income will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

As a result of mathematical calculation, it can be assumed that, subject to constant workload, a business entity will be able to recoup its initial investments 2 years after opening.

Possible income level

To determine the possible level of income, the entrepreneur must calculate the primary cost of the service. To do this, he will have to use the following data:

  • transport service costs;
  • employee salaries;
  • depreciation expenses;
  • taxes and fees;
  • operating expenses of the company.

To determine the cost of 1 km of mileage, you should divide the total income for the month by the total mileage of all trucks. The amount received will be used to form the price of the service. To do this, you can use online calculators that are located on specialized web resources.

If an entrepreneur follows his business plan, he will be able to receive up to 50,000 rubles of net profit from 1 car every month. He can increase his income by:

  • increasing the car park;
  • attracting new clients;
  • expansion of the list of services.

Business Profitability

According to statistics that are in open sources, in the territory of the Russian Federation in this business area, the average level of profitability ranges from 16% - 17%.

If a business entity acquires transport for cargo transportation, then it will be able to recoup all initial investments no earlier than in 2 years.

In the case when he will use rented cars to provide services, but the costs incurred during the opening will pay off in 4-5 months.

Registration and registration of business

To work in this business area, it is necessary to undergo state registration, after which a person acquires the status of a business entity. A novice businessman must choose a legal form, for example:

  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Society with Limited Liability.

If a businessman plans to open a small company that will provide services to the local population and small businesses, then it is enough for him to register an individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you must act in a certain sequence:

    • Collect a package of documents, which will include: a civil passport, an application of the established form, TIN, a receipt for payment of the state fee.
    • Contact the tax authority located at the place of residence of the entrepreneur.
    • The application and the package of documents will be considered within 5 working days, after which an extract from the USRIP will be issued, which contains all the information about the newly created individual entrepreneur.
    • Become registered with the local Federal Tax Service, and obtain the status of a taxpayer. To minimize the cost of paying taxes, it is recommended that an entrepreneur immediately switch to the simplified tax system. If he plans to cooperate with large organizations, he should choose a general taxation system.

To open an LLC, a novice businessman is recommended to act according to the plan:

  • To hold a meeting of the founders, at which all decisions regarding the opening of the LLC will be made.
  • The minutes of the meeting are drawn up, an agreement is drawn up between the founders, the head of the company and the chief accountant are appointed.
  • The Charter of the organization is being developed, which will lay down all the nuances related to the process of doing business.
  • The premises are purchased. If it is rented, then an appropriate contract is drawn up. If it is bought, then title documents are drawn up.
  • The application form is filled out.
  • The state fee is paid, and the receipt is enclosed in the package of registration documentation.
  • All collected certificates and documents are transferred to the state registrar, whose functions are performed by the Federal Tax Service.
  • After receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company must be registered with the tax service and extra-budgetary funds.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business

Before starting a business in the field of cargo transportation, every aspiring entrepreneur should learn about all its advantages and disadvantages. Some positive points should be highlighted:

  • if a person decides to open a small transport company, then he can do it with minimal investment;
  • for the provision of services, you can use a rented freight transport;
  • great prospects are opening up for businessmen, and they have every chance to enter the international level;
  • the possibility of obtaining a high income, subject to properly organized work.

The disadvantages of this business area include the following:

  • if an entrepreneur decides to form his own fleet of vehicles, then he will have to incur high costs for the purchase of vehicles;
  • accepting the cargo from the client, the company will be fully responsible for it and must compensate for the damage if something happens to it on the way;
  • at the initial stage, it is difficult to find customers, since there is a lot of competition in this niche;
  • at the start, the company does not receive a stable income.

To create a successful business in the field of cargo transportation, an entrepreneur is recommended to take the advice of professionals:

  • replace small-tonnage vehicles with heavy-duty vehicles;
  • do not send a car that is not fully loaded on a flight;
  • set a limit for ECM consumption for drivers;
  • control of all cash receipts;
  • use specialized equipment for loading and unloading operations, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid downtime.

Business plan for cargo transportation: a ready-made example with calculations5 (100%): 1

An example of a ready-made business plan for cargo transportation

This article outlines a ready-made business plan with a step-by-step description of actions for the creation and development of private freight traffic. Here you can download a business plan for cargo transportation for free or see a sample of its preparation.

  • Investment capital: from 1,185,000 rubles.
  • Payback: 1.5-2 years.

Not all novice entrepreneurs can correctly draw up a business plan for cargo transportation and thoroughly understand the marketing and financial strategies of the enterprise. Most often, they are guided by the potential and future profits.

A big mistake is made by those who recently worked as a worker and decided to make capital without any business plan for trucking.

The project is essential.

Without a business plan for freight transportation, not one bank will open a loan or investors will refuse money to open their business.

If you invest only your own funds in the development of an enterprise, only ready-made calculations on paper will help to outline clear trends and a further way to implement the business.

Freight transport is a potentially profitable type of business at the present time


Essential business services must include:

  • Office, apartment, private, legal moving.
  • Assistance in organizing oversized cargo.
  • Delivery to destination of valuable equipment.
  • Provision of services of loaders.
  • Proper equipment and placement of cargo in the car.
  • If necessary, forced storage of cargo.

The list of services provided plays a key role in potential profit. It will depend on the staff and the class of cars.

Of course, the client will be interested if the list of cargo transportation services turns out to be large.

Marketing section

For a successful business, the marketing section of a trucking business plan plays an important role:

  • In general, choose a certain direction and explore it.
  • We can say with confidence that cargo transportation as a business is in demand more and more, and transportation services can hardly be underestimated.
  • Modern people value their own time and it is very important for them that luggage is delivered as soon as possible.
  • Freight transportation is ordered by both individuals and legal entities for the transportation of essential goods, food, medical supplies, and so on.


Sample of potential competitive advantages for a trucking business plan:

  • Extensive fleet of trucks. This will increase the number of clients that can be served.
  • Create independent status and manage your own operations.
  • Create a complete trucking business, including Gazelle, truck and long haul trucks.
  • Consider the following benefits for customers:
  • Providing a polite invitation and reliable service.
  • The company has a reputation for on-time delivery and the best riders in the industry.
  • Providing competitive prices for customers.
  • Delivery integrity through reliable and safe equipment.
  • Ability to track cargo.
  • Service time 24/7.
  • Additional bonuses - free packaging.

The services of loaders must be included in the business plan of cargo transportation


  • This area mainly involves an audience of middle and high class aged 23 to 55 years.
  • To effectively attract these customers, it is necessary to include advertising methods for the use of your services in the business plan of cargo transportation.
  • You can choose from the following methods:
  • Come up with a “flying name” for your company.
  • Print colorful flyers and business cards. Distribute them to the mailboxes of your city, pass them on to your friends and those who use your services.
  • "Word of mouth radio".
  • You can also advertise cargo transportation for free using a business card website, ads in the catalog.
  • Posters and stickers. Here it should be borne in mind that they should be glued only in specially designated places. You can agree and pay a small amount with the management of the metro, stations to allocate you an advertising zone.
  • Advertising in newspapers. Effective for an older audience.
  • Creative advertising on the cars of your fleet.
  • Advertising on the facade of your office will also be a good success.

Opening plan

To move on to practical actions, you need to dedicate part of the business plan for freight transportation to a theoretical analysis of the organization of a freight transportation company.

Below is a sample of how to open your own trucking company.

To successfully work in a garage park, it is better to have several types of cars.


Opening your own business is possible only after registering an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation. This procedure is not particularly difficult:

  • It is enough to fill out the P21001 form at the tax service.
  • The required set of documents is a passport, a receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • If the applicant will be a trustee, you need to make a power of attorney for registration actions.
  • Making an IP for cargo transportation is simple. However, it is best to consult a tax advisor beforehand. Maybe in your case it will be more profitable to work on UTII or USN.

Taxation options for small businesses that you need to choose for individual entrepreneurs (one from the list):

  • Simplified system. Suitable for many activities. Income tax rate from 1 to 6%.
  • Single tax (UTDV). Simplifies life, but cannot be used in Moscow. It is noteworthy that the amount is fixed and does not depend on the actual profit.
  • General system. It is not always beneficial for individual entrepreneurs, especially at the start of a business. You will have to keep a difficult book of income and expenses and pay 13% with personal income tax. Suitable for LLC and those who need VAT.

Room selection

To achieve good results in your work, you can rent or rent a room for a cargo transportation office. meters in the call center.

Working from home will not give the desired results. This option is used for private taxis.

It will cost little to rent a small space in a call center.

Dispatch office can be equipped with 15 sq.m. In addition to mobile phones, landline numbers should also be involved in the work. Well, if there are 2 telephone lines and walkie-talkies for communication between dispatchers and drivers.


The organization of a cargo transportation company, in addition to a car park, requires the necessary equipment.

Depending on the type of services provided, most often they use vehicles such as Gazelle, ZIL, a car with a trailer. For perishable goods, a refrigerator with a cold store is needed.


For a small organization, the trucking business plan should include the composition of employees, staff salaries, bonus expenses and future rate increases.

IP staff may consist of:

  • 3-4 drivers;
  • 3 dispatchers;
  • loader.

In the future, with the scaling of the enterprise, the workforce may increase.

Financial section

A profitable business is very difficult to build without thoughtful preparation. Therefore, in the business plan of cargo transportation, the financial part has a special niche.


Below is a sample cash flow calculation for starting a small trucking company business, which includes:

  • 1 car;
  • 2 drivers;
  • 1 dispatcher;
  • 1 loader.


For a convenient calculation of start-up capital, it is better to take 1 car per unit. Such a working scheme in the business plan of cargo transportation will allow you to accurately determine the payback period of the enterprise.

With well-organized work and well-thought-out business tactics, it is possible to recoup the costs within 1.5-2 years.

An exemplary, typical business plan for cargo transportation

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Recently, the freight market has seen steady growth. In addition, entering this business can be quite low-cost.

This attracts many entrepreneurs who are thinking about how to write a trucking business plan in such a way that they can make good money from it.

On our website you can download approximate calculations of this business and, on their basis, independently calculate everything.

It should be noted that the success of the cargo transportation business largely depends on the characteristics of the region in which the activity will be organized.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the market: enterprises with which effective cooperation is possible, and competition.

This will make it possible to adequately determine the type of transported goods, transport and the price of services.

The choice of transport depends both on the characteristics of the cargo and on the amount of initial capital.

It can be renting a railway car, aircraft, ship, buying or renting cars with different carrying capacities.

The most common is road freight transportation, the business plan of which can be drawn up by analogy with the document presented on our website.

For the transportation of small loads, furniture, windows, household appliances, an ordinary Gazelle is suitable, bulk goods: sand, crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay - dump trucks.

If you decide to transport large volumes of products, building materials, rolled metal, then you will need truck tractors with various trailers or semi-trailers.

The cost of a car or its rental is an obligatory part of the initial costs, which must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for the transportation of Kamaz, MAZ and other domestic and imported tractors.

Russian cars are much cheaper than foreign cars, but they break down more often. Therefore, when choosing domestic transport, it is necessary to take into account the risk factors for disrupting delivery times and think through alternative options so as not to lose customers.

Foreign cars are more reliable, but their initial cost and maintenance are much more expensive.

Having determined the main components of your business, you can begin to calculate. When creating a business plan for trucking by road, you need to consider the following initial costs:

  • Purchase or rental of vehicles;
  • Office rent. If the fleet is small and there are few customers, then you can do without it, performing the function of a dispatcher and manager on your own at home over the phone;
  • Inventory costs, which include the purchase of various tools needed by drivers. And in the presence of an office - the purchase of office equipment, furniture and office expenses;
  • Staff salaries. There are options here. When compiling a business plan for a freight dispatch service, it must be taken into account that the company will have to maintain a whole staff of employees: managers, dispatchers, accountants, lawyers, and if they have their own transport, drivers and loaders;

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchise basis. We offer you to get acquainted with the "Catalog of profitable franchises".

Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section: “Articles about franchising”

Starting a small business, the labor of drivers can be paid after the first profit, so this item is not included in the initial costs.

Availability of loaders depends on the characteristics of the transported goods. For example, when transporting rolled metal, building materials and other goods unloaded by special equipment, such workers are not needed.

In addition to the initial capital, when developing a plan, it is important to choose:

  • – a suitable form of organization: individual entrepreneur for small businesses and LLC, preferable for working with large cargo owners;
  • – taxation system: general, simplified or UTII;
  • – an effective marketing strategy to promote your organization.

You can download an approximate business plan for cargo transportation on this page and adapt it to your capabilities, goals, and characteristics of the region. This will help avoid unnecessary risks and reduce costs.

Download this business plan:

Financial project of cargo transportation in Moscow

  • Relevance of cargo transportation as a business
  • marketing plan
  • Calculation of material costs

The business plan of cargo transportation assumes its existence.

This financial project is related to the implementation of the following types of services, including: transportation of furniture, office moving, including transportation of office equipment, apartment moving, transportation of building materials.

Cargo transportation is the process of providing transport services associated with logistics activities. It can be a "gazelle" if you need to transport small loads.

The specifics of this type of business allows you to make good profits, which is the main goal when opening an IP associated with any type of activity. Since cargo transportation is necessary in a small business environment, as well as for the urban population as a whole, the finished project will have promising development in the future.

A business plan for the transportation of goods is used as an example of calculating the effective investment in a project.

It is associated with the creation of a private enterprise, which involves registration in the form of an individual entrepreneur, which will carry out cargo transportation in Moscow and its environs.

The project is necessary because during the seasonal construction period, from May to October, the demand for transportation services becomes maximum, since private construction during this period is more intensive.

When conducting a private entrepreneurial business in the field of cargo transportation, using his own car, and not a rented one, all his expenses should be the minimum amount after the end of the payback period of the project. The developed finished project will be used as an example for opening similar IP organizations in the field of cargo transportation. To provide cargo transportation services for a city where the roads are always very crowded and traffic for heavy vehicles is difficult, it is better to rent or buy light-duty trucks, for example, a gazelle. This type of machine is used for:

  1. Realization of apartment and office moving.
  2. Rendering services to owners of country houses and dachas.

The project involves the use of various advertising methods that are equally useful for promoting cargo transportation, because advertising allows you to manage the demand for a product or service.

A good example is the ability to focus on the mailing of offers for the transportation of goods to potential customers.

The project also involves placing advertisements in local newspapers, distributing business cards, sending advertising letters via the Internet for free, and advertising on the radio.

The presence of competitive advantages over other similar firms, taken as the basis for developing a business plan, depends on lower prices than competitors.

The used example of marketing policy assumes the availability of discounts for regular customers, which is associated with a flexible pricing policy in the context of a sharp reduction in benefits for the population of Moscow.

Regarding the market of paid services in Moscow, corrective calculations should be regularly made in the finished project, which will correspond to the general dynamics of consumer price growth relative to tariffs for transport services.

In addition, small-tonnage vehicles allow you to drive very close to the object. A road sign prohibiting the movement of trucks does not affect the selected transport example. The popularity of such vehicles is confirmed by the growth in the number of light trucks in the city's fleet.

Before making an estimate of all the necessary costs, you should choose a model of a truck for carrying out entrepreneurial activities within the framework of an IP.

The most optimal model for the transportation of cargo is a gazelle car, the cost of which on the market should be from 400 to 600 thousand rubles.

In order to open an organization that carries out activities for the transportation of goods on the basis of drawing up a business plan for cargo transportation, an example of an estimate of the budget for material costs for planning an IP business should be drawn up. Below is a ready-made sample calculation of the necessary capital investments, taking into account the available initial costs for cargo transportation:

  1. The cost of buying a car "gazelle" will be 412-600 thousand rubles.
  2. The cost of gasoline in the first year with a daily run of 100 km can be calculated as follows: 360 days * 10 l / day * 33 (40) rubles / l = 118.8 (144.0) thousand rubles.
  3. Advertising costs, with the exception of sending advertising letters via the Internet free of charge, will range from 100 to 150 thousand rubles annually, including the wages of employees involved in mailing lists.
  4. Having calculated the cost of the minimum and maximum investments, we get the finished result - from 630.8 to 894.0 thousand rubles annually.

The process of cargo transportation is a profitable business, since the cost of one cargo transportation in Moscow and its environs, together with unloading and loading operations, is 400 rubles / hour.

Therefore, if at least 50 transportations per month are carried out, the duration of which will be on average 5 hours, the minimum level of net income of this project should be 100,000 rubles.

An example of an annual calculation of income, based on tariff rates, assumes revenue equal to 1,200,000 rubles.

According to the calculations made in the transport services project, this example should provide for a payback period of one year.

At the same time, payback will be ensured subject to the conditions noted in the project, which will optimally shorten the period for obtaining the first net profit, which should be from 306 to 569.2 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of costs.

The financial project for capital investments in cargo transportation is a ready-made example of a business plan necessary for the successful implementation of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

An example of a business plan for a transport company

  • Capital investments: 2320000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 344,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 103,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 23 months.

The purpose of writing a business plan for a transport company: Expansion of cargo transportation activities (Obtaining a bank loan for the purchase of a 2012 ISUZU ELF refrigerator)

1. Brief description of current trucking business

IP Ivanov was registered in 2002. The main activity is the implementation of freight transport. The company owns 3 cars:

  • GAZelle (tent) 2008
  • GAZelle (tent) 2010
  • Ford TRANSIT L FT350 (refrigerator) 2007 release.

The company is under a special UTII taxation regime.

The main indicators of the economic activity of the entrepreneur in 2010-2012 (1st half of the year):

The staff of the company is 4 people, while the owner of the business independently works on one of the GAZelles

Project Description

The individual entrepreneur "Ivanov" during his entrepreneurial activity (more than 10 years) has accumulated considerable experience in the provision of cargo transportation services.

All received orders are carried out according to the concluded agreements, regardless of weather conditions and days in the calendar (cargo transportation is carried out even on holidays).

All this made it possible to establish partnership relations with a number of large customers with the wholesale company LLC Roga, the meat processing enterprise LLC Kopyta.

As a result of the meeting held with the management of the meat processing enterprise "Kopyta" LLC, a proposal was received to increase the volume of cooperation.

The company "Kopyta" plans to sell its products to the neighboring region, in this regard, there is a need for vehicles to transport products (distance 450 km). Estimated volume is 25 tons per month.

The agreed price for 1 ton-kilometer is 8.5 rubles.

In this regard, it is planned to purchase additional vehicles.

  • Refrigerator ISUZU ELF 2012 onwards
  • Load capacity 7 tons.
  • Price 2300000 rubles

As a driver, it is planned to hire the eldest son, 24 years old.

2.1. Calendar plan

2.2. The total cost estimate for the implementation of the project

3.1. Planned revenue and profit from the commissioning of a new car

3.2. Expenses

The expenditure part of the activities of the transport enterprise includes the cost of fuel and lubricants, wages of employees, repairs, and other expenses.

Distribution structure of funds received from customers:

3.3. Revenue

Revenue and profit indicators of the enterprise, taking into account the acquisition of an additional transport unit.

4. Payback calculation

  • Project start date: August 2012
  • Operating break-even: August 2012
  • Full payback of the project: July 2014
  • Payback period of the project: 23 months.

According to the business plan, the payback period for the project to increase cargo transportation will be 2 years.

No questions have been asked for the material yet, you have the opportunity to be the first to do so.

Business plan for cargo transportation: registration, IP, market analysis, personnel, expenses and income

How to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC for the transportation of goods. How to conduct a market analysis and draw up a marketing, production plan. Expenses and incomes of the enterprise, recruitment.

Having trump cards, it is easy to achieve success in business, because business is a game (Alexander Minchenkov)

There are many who want to work only for themselves, engage in personal business and have income from it, and not depend on the whims of the employer and be afraid of losing their job due to a number of reasons beyond their control.

Many want it, but not all decide to take such a step. Those who nevertheless decided, at the beginning of the journey, simply do not know where to start a personal business, how and where to open it, and in general, what type of business to do.

If a man decided to develop his business, then such an option as a variety of cargo transportation is perfect for him.

To begin with, the main thing is the presence or receipt of rights with categories "B" and "C". If they are available, then you can safely proceed to the development of the organization of work.

And so consider the business plan of cargo transportation.

Drawing up a project plan

Cargo transportation, like any other type of business, begins with the preparation and writing of a competent business plan. For the same, so that it becomes a good help to achieve the goal.

The general package of prerequisites will include:

  1. Himself, detailed, step-by-step, high-quality business plan;
  2. Collected in the quantity and those names that will be requested by various organizations, agreements and documents;
  3. Purchase of transport necessary for work or overhaul of an existing one;


  • Registering a cargo transportation business as an individual entrepreneur (but if an entrepreneur plans to expand the business in the future or initially open it in a company with someone else interested in a fairly large cargo transportation company, then the best solution would be to register the enterprise as an LLC);
  • Renting an office space, if needed;
  • Hiring the right workers (such as loaders, repairman, etc.);
  • Marketing strategy to promote your business.

Registration of a cargo transportation company

How is a freight forwarding IP opened?

In the event that the case is planned for no more than one person or a couple of people, then an individual entrepreneur can be registered.

But in the event that a large car fleet is planned initially or it is thought to develop to such a scale in the process, then it is more convenient for the entrepreneur to register an LLC.

For the registration process, the future entrepreneur must:

  1. collect all the necessary documentation;
  2. pay the state duty;
  3. submit an application with all contact and passport details to the tax office for the OKVED activity code (for the process of cargo transportation - 60.24).

In the event that there is more than one type and type of activity, then the code, respectively, will not be one.

The essence of the project

The process of work of the enterprise for the transportation of goods goes through a chain of actions.

The chain consists of: acceptance of an order or orders for the transportation of any cargo for a certain time period (day or two or two or four hours) by the dispatcher from the client (the client can be an enterprise or the general population), then the dispatcher transfers the order to the driver, the driver fulfills it and reports on the completion of work (a report for the spent amount of fuel is also required).

Freight market analysis

From the point of view of economic benefits, it is convenient when the responsibility for the delivery of goods falls on one businessman.

With this approach to work, there will be a much lower cost for income tax.

If the company has no more than 20 cars in its work, then a single tax on a temporary type of income is issued.

In this case, permanent accounting services will not even be needed. The accountant in this case can be incoming and thus savings on payment for his work will be observed.

It will be very useful to analyze the market before starting all the actions to open a business enterprise. Without such an action, there can be no question of planning such a business.

The analysis is easily carried out by viewing the local media. If there are few ads on the offer of cargo transportation or they are absent at all, then most likely there is an enterprise transporting goods in the region you are viewing, and maybe even more than one.

In this case, the next step in market analysis is to collect as much information as possible about the work of these enterprises. Here you need to pay attention to what types of transportation it carries out, what cars it uses, what is the price of its services.

If during the collection of data it turns out that the competition is not particularly serious (for example, just private one-time transportation), then you can begin to seriously approach planning to open such a business.

Marketing plan

It is worth formalizing a business organization from the development of a high-quality marketing plan.

  • local media;
  • ads;
  • leaflets and flyers in stores selling lumber and timber, furniture, plumbing, household appliances, various building materials;
  • correctly designed business cards and so on.

It is necessary to plan in the future a normal discount on cargo transportation for regular customers. This will help to attract the attention of the latter for a long time, that is, it will load the businessman with profit and work as such.

If there is transportation of goods, then there are cars. It is with them that you need to start your work in the business of cargo transportation. In order for the business to be successful and there were no various downtimes due to equipment breakdowns, the best solution would be to purchase new machines.

The brand of cars can be any: both KAMAZ and GAZelle.

The choice of brand depends solely on the services that will be provided and on the geography of the area where the transportation will take place. It is ideal to have cars with different carrying capacities in the fleet.

It is equally important to provide parking for cars. Boxes, hangars, garages are used as parking. You also need to pay attention to refueling cars.

Options for "food" can be different - and refueling the car by those who ordered transportation, and self-refueling by drivers at gas stations, and, in the planned future, centralized refueling at gas stations, which is much more affordable.

Truck models


If you want your business to stand firmly on its feet and not drop its hooves, it must be firmly held by the horns, like a bull (From the unsaid by Ostap Bender) Yuri Slobodenyuk

As for the personnel, one dispatcher, one driver, several loaders and an incoming accountant will suffice for a start. The businessman himself can also act as a second driver.

Freight business plan costs

What expenses should be prepared for when planning a cargo transportation company:


If you use only two cars, then earnings will be approximately 150 thousand rubles per month, while the profit will be 50 thousand rubles. The business will be able to pay for itself in this scenario in about 2 years. If cars are not bought, but rented, then the payback will come in a year.


With the onset of the second year of the existence of the enterprise, it will become much easier to work, since there will already be regular customers, and this will have a positive effect on the income of a businessman.

Russia is a large country that needs to supply a large number of goods and services to its various points, separated by vast distances. Consequently, passenger and freight transportation services are in demand, which makes the transport business very profitable. The formation of the structure of this business began with the country's transition to a market economy. About 20% of Russia's able-bodied population is currently employed in this area.

The road network in the country is constantly growing, which contributes to the development of the transport business. In addition, now it has become safer to engage in cargo transportation than, say, in the 90s, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs. This makes shipping easier and cheaper. This area of ​​business is developing despite the unstable economy of the country, which is a positive factor for investment.

Business organization

Before you open a company that provides freight services from scratch, you need to decide on the type of future enterprise and the type of transport required for this. If you plan to provide services to individuals, such as the delivery of furniture, household appliances, assistance with moving, etc., then you will need light trucks (carrying capacity up to 7 tons).

If you want to open a large company to provide services to legal entities (shops, wholesale depots) in Russia or neighboring countries, you will need trucks with trailers, trucks, refrigerators. To open a company that provides services to industrial enterprises, dump trucks, tractors and long lengths are used. There is also the option of an intermediary company that searches for orders. The company does not need its own transport.

The next step when opening a transport company from scratch is the choice of legal form. If the company has one founder, then the IP form is ideal for it. For a company with several founders, it is better to choose such an organizational and legal form as an LLC.

The form of taxation of your company will depend on the types of services provided and the amount of transport available. If your company will have up to 20 cars and provide services to individuals, then the optimal type of taxation will be UTII. For transport companies providing services to industrial enterprises, the 3NDFL taxation regime should be chosen. For limited liability companies, the general taxation regime is chosen. Intermediary transport companies can apply either a general or a simplified taxation regime.

Starting from scratch, a business such as a transport company should remember that it is mandatory for it to open a bank account, even if you plan to provide services to individuals. Legal entities work mainly by bank transfer, so they will not enter into a contract with a company that does not have a bank account.

Another important point is the selection of personnel for your company. When opening a transport company from scratch, you will need to hire drivers, the number of which depends on the number of cars and the work schedule.

With round-the-clock operation, up to 3 drivers will be required for one car. The number of dispatchers depends on the number of cars and the type of service. For companies with more than 5 cars, an auto mechanic will be required. It is advisable to introduce an accountant into the staff in a company that has more than 10 cars under the general taxation regime.

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How to make a trucking business successful?

The success of your business directly depends on the number of customers, so finding them is one of the most important tasks of a businessman.

Starting a business from scratch, you should take care of good advertising for your company. For a high-quality and quick search for customers, the following types of advertising will help you: posting ads around the city, advertising your company on the websites of your city and district, in newspapers and magazines, placing ads in furniture stores and household appliances stores. Dispatch companies can also help you in finding customers.

If your company works with legal entities, then you can send commercial offers of your services with prices to a certain circle of companies. Currently, large enterprises hold tenders, in order to win in which your company must offer optimal conditions. In addition, you should enter into agreements with large dispatching firms.

When opening a transport company, it should be remembered that customers primarily pay attention to the quality of services, so starting such a business from scratch is quite difficult, regardless of whether it is urban, intercity or international cargo transportation. The profitability of your business depends on the literacy of your employees. The simplest option for the transport business is to provide customers with vehicles for rent.

The quality of the purchased transport determines the future profit of your company. Mercedes, Peugeot, Ford, Hyundai trucks are best suited for this business. Such cars, although they have a high price, last longer than inexpensive domestic cars. A couple of hackneyed Gazelles and Bulls are unlikely to bring you a lot of income.

Transportation of goods is a demanded service. Business in the field of cargo transportation with the right organization brings a stable income. Therefore, it is popular with small businesses, despite high competition. How to start a freight forwarding business? What permissions are needed? How much should be invested in the first stage? Read about it in our article.

The first steps in organizing the transportation of goods

The first step is market research. Analyze the activities of large cargo transportation companies in your area. Study the situation in this area, find out what types of cargo and vehicles are most in demand. This information will be the starting point for creating your own transport company.

The next step is to develop a business plan in which:

  • describes the stages of project implementation;
  • the marketing strategy is displayed;
  • costs are calculated (including for the acquisition of vehicles and equipment), potential profits and payback periods;
  • risks are assessed.

The business associated with the transportation of goods is quite specific, but like any other, it requires compliance with the law. The organization of a forwarding company will require investments. Their size depends on the financial capabilities, goals and size of the future business.

An individual entrepreneur can start with 400 thousand rubles, a transport company invests at least 5 million.

Types of cargo transportation

Cargo transportation can be carried out by air, rail, water and road transport. A large logistics company can afford to combine different modes of transportation, providing multimodality. But small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to start with road transport. This is the most affordable type in terms of organization, start-up costs and demand for such services.

According to the international consulting company KPMG, in 2017-2018 the volume of road transport in Russia is gradually recovering and by the end of the current year may reach the level of 2014. Growth is provided by small and medium-sized enterprises. 73 percent of the market is occupied by the transportation of general cargo or FTL (Full Truck Load), that is, ordering a car fully loaded with goods. The fastest growing sector is LTL (Less Truck Load). This is a type of transportation in which one vehicle transports goods from different shippers to a warehouse (about 17 percent of the market). Dangerous and oversized cargo account for only 3 and 7 percent, respectively.

For the transportation of small-sized cargo weighing up to 3.5 tons, the following are most often used:

  • GAZ-3302,
  • "Gazelle Next",
  • "Gazelle Business"
  • ford transit,
  • volkswagen crafter,
  • "ZIL goby".

Such machines are in demand for the transportation of goods related to the areas of construction, catering, trade and small-scale production. For bulk cargo and agricultural products, there is a separate category - trucks with an open body (models "MAZ", "ZIL", compact dump trucks).

Medium-sized cargoes up to 5 tons are transported by vehicles with isometric vans of different capacities (for example, Hyundai HD78). Oversized cargo is transported over long distances, as a rule, in Euro trucks. Depending on the type of cargo, a semi-trailer is changed on the machine. It can be tentovanny, isometric or all-metal.

Registration of a business in the field of cargo transportation

Register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity? This question is asked by all aspiring entrepreneurs.

If we are talking about a small company, registration of an IP has advantages over an LLC. Firstly, it is possible to work on one of the special tax regimes, such as the simplified taxation system popular with small and medium-sized businesses (you can change it in the process of work). Secondly, there is no need to maintain complex financial statements.

But there is a downside to the coin:

  • in the case of the company's development (a significant increase in staff, the purchase of equipment, an increase in income), it will be necessary to open an LLC;
  • for debts to a client or bank, an individual entrepreneur, unlike a legal entity, is responsible with his own property.

As practice shows, most small private traders working in the field of cargo transportation prefer individual entrepreneurs. When registering, you must select OKVED codes from the all-Russian classifier. The following activity codes will be needed as the main ones: 49.4 “Activity of road freight transport and transportation services”, 49.41 “Activity of road freight transport” and 63.4 “Organization of cargo transportation”.

After completing the IP registration, permits will be required. For SMEs that carry out transportation in small volumes within the city, a license is not required. The exceptions are the transportation of dangerous goods and air transportation. A complete list of licensed activities is contained in the law N99-FZ. You can read about what types of activities an individual entrepreneur can engage in.

Road freight transportation over a distance of more than 50 kilometers requires the driver to have the following documents:

  • waybill,
  • insurance,
  • waybill,
  • transfer deed,
  • contract for services.

Should I buy a truck?

Purchasing a car is the most expensive part of the transportation business. The entrepreneur chooses the number of vehicles, their carrying capacity and other characteristics based on the type of cargo and the size of the starting capital. Individual entrepreneurs usually start with the purchase of several cars. The fleet is expanded if the business generates sufficient income.

Purchase or rental of trucks

One of the options for starting a business in the field of cargo transportation is to rent a car or a leasing agreement. Leasing is gaining popularity in Russia due to acceptable conditions and is best suited for those who are not confident in their abilities. Leasing of equipment is a long-term lease with the possibility of redemption at the residual value. Such a scheme is convenient, first of all, because you do not need to immediately pay the cost of the truck. When buying automotive equipment, it is better to focus on new vehicles.

The estimated cost of some models of the cost of trucks is shown in the table:

Requirements for the safety of cargo transportation and drivers

The entrepreneur is obliged to ensure safe conditions during the transportation of goods. The main requirements are approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation N7 dated 15.01.2014. These rules provide in particular that:

  • the allowable weight of the cargo should not exceed the value specified in the PTS;
  • the mass of the load must be distributed evenly in compliance with the weight and overall parameters of the machine;
  • each type of cargo must have special packaging;
  • it is necessary to draw up a scheme for stowage of cargo.

The driver must know the structure of the truck, be able to handle operating materials and fill out the relevant documents. A mandatory requirement is the presence of Russian citizenship.

Profitability of the freight forwarding business

The profitability of a business in the field of cargo transportation can be calculated by the formula: P \u003d D minus C (where D is income, C is the cost of transportation).

The cost of cargo delivery services consists of direct costs (rent and maintenance of equipment, payment for fuel and lubricants, drivers' salaries) and indirect costs (overhead costs, including drivers' meals, communications, managers' salaries).

The result obtained for the reporting period (month, quarter, year) is compared with the previous one. Based on such a simple analysis, we can conclude how profitable or, on the contrary, unprofitable the selected type of transportation. Revenues must be at least a third higher than the cost.

The average payback period for a trucking business ranges from three months to several years.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry, the offer is limited.

What business today can be considered the most popular among ordinary people? What can you do without organizing an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.? What services and sales are most in demand among the population? Even offhand, such projects can be called dozens, or even hundreds. It will take months of work to describe each business idea in detail. We decided to start with the projects that are closest to the common man, based on the minimum investment for their implementation, and today we present to your attention a cargo transportation business plan.

Almost anyone can start a business today. It doesn’t matter if you have money, “useful” acquaintances, an area for organizing a business, and so on - the main thing is to have a desire. It is goal setting and sufficient motivation, in our opinion, that are the main driving forces that gradually allow you to come to success - personal and financial. Therefore, remember - it all depends on you!


This project is an organization of a transport company with a payback period of 4-8 months of the year.

Project goals:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. organizing a stable profit
  3. Satisfaction of the consumer market demand for the services of cargo transportation of various volumes and weights.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of doing business: IP

The total cost of the project: 200,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

Payback period: 4-8 months

Included in the calculations interest rate: 25%

The total interest payments will be:

The investor's income will be: 15-35 thousand - 100-175 thousand rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

The transport company is designed to transport various goods to the place specified by the Customer. Large transportation companies own a solid fleet of various vehicles, ranging from automobile, to river and rail. The specialization of such large organizations can be both in messages within the country and in international transportation.

The high demand for services of this type causes tremendous competition in this area, and therefore the price of an “entrance ticket” to this business is prohibitively high. Today, large companies provide the following basic services for transportation and related issues:

  • cargo transportation within the country and international road transportation;
  • transportation by rail;
  • transportation by air;
  • combined transportation, called intermodal and multimodal - involving two or more types of different transport;
  • terminal handling of goods in warehouses;
  • assistance in customs clearance of goods and customs consultations;
  • cargo insurance
  • logistics services, consulting, and audit.

This is not a complete list of all services provided by large transport companies.

Of course, such "giants" will not look for a sample of a cargo transportation business plan on the Internet, therefore the presented typical business plan is aimed at a simple layman - an individual entrepreneur working on a regular GAZelle, or at most having one or more trucks.

As the statistics of requests in search engines show, the business plan for the transportation of goods on a gazelle today is in great demand among Internet users. The presence of a small truck automatically puts into the head of its owner the idea of ​​​​how you can earn money with your car. Some business ideas for making money with a personal car can be found in this.

So, what can the owner of GAZelle offer to his customers? Firstly, it is cargo transportation from 1 kilogram to 3.5 tons (limitation of the vehicle's carrying capacity). The lower limit of the cargo is most often indicated solely for marketing purposes, but it also happens that the Customers really ask to deliver an important parcel of light weight within the specified time to the specified place.

"GAZelle" also has a height limit (1.5 or 2 meters) and length (2.5, 3, or 4 meters) of the body. There are also other dimensions of these machines, but, as a rule, these are used in private cargo transportation.

The owners of trucks, like trucks Volvo, MAN, KAMAZ, and others, due to the large size of their cars and their greater carrying capacity, receive orders for more “serious transportation”, which, accordingly, cost several times more.

Recently, many truck owners often work under a contract with large trucking companies, or by acquiring their franchise. Among such large transport organizations, whose franchises are most popular, we can note:

  • "Gruzovozoff";
  • "Auto trading";
  • "Business Line";
  • "PEC".

Who is in demand for cargo transportation on GAZelles and trucks?

If the main contingent of clients of large transport companies are legal entities - companies, firms, corporations, then in our case it is necessary to focus on ordinary people who most often require the following types of cargo transportation:

  • transportation of furniture in connection with moving to another house, district, city (by the way, this is the most demanded service);
  • transportation of livestock to farmers;
  • delivery of bulky purchases from stores;
  • transportation of building materials;
  • office relocations of small companies.

It is these types of cargo transportation that are “uninteresting” to large companies, due to their “pettiness”, and are unprofitable for customers who are not ready to pay a high price for a simple service in their opinion.

There are options for accompanying transportation services for loading / unloading cargo, lifting it to the floor, skidding it into the house / apartment. The possibility of organizing a car shop on the basis of GAZelle is also interesting. Read more about this. Focusing on the most popular services in your locality, you need to equip the car frame with either a body with an awning, or put a van, container on it, simply build up the sides, or something else.

Truck owners often conclude agreements with logistics companies for the transportation of their goods, large agricultural enterprises (who among us have not met trucks full of watermelons, potatoes, cabbage, and other fruits and vegetables on the roads?). Many truck owners hire drivers to transport their vehicles, and automatically upgrade their status to the owner of a transport company.

Of course, the best option for carriers would be to move along the same route, and this happens quite often. Both car owners and companies using their services prefer to deal with trusted people who have proven themselves on the positive side.

In this case, you can even work on a prepaid basis, if another form of payment is not preferable.

Where to look for orders for cargo transportation?

A few years ago, on the busiest sections of the highways, in the clusters of large wholesale depots and warehouses, there were special parking lots for trucks and small trucks that spent time there waiting for an order for transportation. Today, with the development of the Internet, the availability of mobile and radio communications, the need for such parking has disappeared.

It is enough to make one call and indicate the necessary parameters of the car for transportation and the desired cost, and in a short time a suitable car will be found for you. Dispatchers who receive calls may not necessarily work in the same company as drivers, but simply have an oral agreement. Often the dispatcher does not have his own transport for transportation, and only receives / transmits orders.

Market analysis

In order not to be mistaken with the type of cargo transportation and to have an advantage over competitors, and the competition in this business is very tough, and truckers are very difficult people, it is necessary to analyze the local transportation structure. The media and the Internet can serve as tools for research. As a rule, in the central part of Russia, private carriers account for 5 to 10% of all orders. This, of course, is not so much, but since there are enough orders for all carriers, we can conclude that the volume of orders is quite high.

Marketing plan

A well-written business plan for cargo transportation should contain a mandatory study of the dynamics of the volume of these services over the past few years, criteria that contribute to an increase in demand for cargo transportation, and other analytical studies. But, probably, the owner of the GAZelle, for whom the main thing is to get more expensive orders, such information is completely useless.

Therefore, we decided to limit ourselves to really useful information on attracting customers. As tools for finding customers can serve:

  • advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, on television;
  • publication of announcements on city Internet portals and specialized forums;
  • sticker of advertisements on the car;
  • distribution of business cards and small advertising booklets;
  • creating your own website, group in social networks.

Unlike some other types of business, where the greatest revival occurs in the spring-summer period, for cargo carriers, "rush" most often occurs in the fall. It is at this time that many are in a hurry to complete what they did not have time to finish on time.

The main rule that you need to take as the basis of your business is the quality of service. The client must be completely sure that his cargo will be delivered on time, safe and sound. Unfortunately, few large transport companies can achieve this. Therefore, "private traders" in this regard have a slight advantage.

Production plan

What does a beginner carrier need? First of all, it is a vehicle. If we are talking about the GAZelle, then today's prices are such that a new car will cost about a million rubles. 2-3 year old - 500-600 thousand. However, many do not pay attention to such problems, and purchase cars 8-9 years old for the purpose of cargo transportation.

After the appropriate repair, carried out by skillful hands, and most car owners have the necessary skills, the “revived” GAZelle is able to drive around our homeland a couple of dozen more times, as they say, without looking under the hood.

The issue with the garage is also solved quite simply, and many car owners generally prefer to leave their cars near the house. For trucks, of course, the place will be only in the parking lot.

You will also need some electronic equipment:

  • firstly, this is a walkie-talkie, which has recently gained great popularity among truckers who, at a certain frequency, inform each other about incidents on the road, etc.;
  • the second necessary item is a navigator that allows you to plot the best route to the end point;
  • radar detector - will always warn you in time about the traffic police crew in front, or the installed video camera;
  • DVR - will allow you to prove your innocence in an accident or other unpleasant situations on the road.

organizational plan

Business registration

To facilitate your work, you can draw up standard contracts with clients for the transportation of goods, where you can prescribe all the possible nuances - downtime due to the fault of the customer or the party receiving the goods, the possibility of prepayment, etc.


This business plan for the organization of cargo transportation does not claim to be a detailed guide to opening a transport company, but the information gleaned from it is quite enough to implement a project to create a small private company that provides transportation services.


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