Business with aliexpress. What is profitable to buy on aliexpress for resale

Hi all! It's me again, Alice, and today we'll talk about how to become a seller on Aliexpress if you are from Russia.

Imagine the following situation: I am in Russia, I live here, but I had an idea to cooperate with Aliexpress, to become one of the sellers, selling my goods. What needs to be done for this, what is the complexity and in general, is it possible?

Initially, Aliexpress is an exclusively Chinese marketplace. The whole difficulty for foreign sellers lies in the fact that registration on the Ali site implies the residence of a potential seller in the territory of the Republic of China. This requirement is explained by the fact that almost 90% of the trade turnover revolves on the territory of this particular country. A potential seller residing in the Celestial Empire can post photos of the items he sells and send any product directly from the warehouse where it was produced.

The buyer selects and pays for the goods, and the store owners provide the necessary information to the postal service courier, who goes to the warehouse, collects and sends the order and sends it to the client by parcel. In this case, all parcels arrive quickly, without delay, and the seller does not violate the terms of delivery of the goods.

If you are a citizen of another country and live, respectively, in the same place, then you will have to look for an intermediary, or go yourself to not so distant China. Knowledge of the language will be an advantage.

How to become a seller on Aliexpress

In order to become a seller on aliexpress, it is not necessary to be from China. It is enough to go through the usual procedure.

  • Registering on the Aliexpress website is the first step in order to start selling. There is a link for free registration (under the site logo).
  • Enter your email address in the form. A registration confirmation email will be sent to this address.
  • Follow the link in the letter, confirmation of registration by clicking on the red button. You will also need to provide contact information.
  • A message with an activation code will be sent to the phone number you specified. Enter the code immediately, its period is limited - no more than one and a half minutes. Otherwise, you do everything from the very beginning.
  • A scan or photo of a visa confirming entry into the country.

From now on, you are a seller on Aliexpress.

As a beginner, you get the status of "beginner" and feel free to add your products, no more than fifty items.

Verified merchants sell over two hundred items, and upon reaching the status of "gold" you will have access to up to five thousand items.

In Russia, today, cooperation with the Ali platform is gaining momentum. There are more and more people wishing to work with the Chinese market online every day. Every day there are new Russian stores selling their goods on Aliexpress.

Prospects for Russian sellers.
  • There is no need for a warehouse;
  • Work is carried out from any corner of the planet where there is Internet access;
  • The goods are sent by the postal service;
  • The growing demand for inexpensive goods in the Chinese market provides an increase in the number of applications and contributes to the expansion of business.

So, in today's article, we have considered the possibility of how to become a seller on Aliexpress. As we can see, this is quite real. I hope that the article was useful for you. See you again.

The popularity of the Chinese online hypermarket is increasingly attracting the attention of sales representatives from other countries.

A huge number of buyers is the main reason why domestic stores tend to open their outlet on a well-known site. Thanks to the postal services, the place where the goods are sent is not of fundamental importance. One of the main advantages of Aliexpress is the lack of customs control.

If you have an up-to-date product and the opportunity to open a warehouse in the country of the buyer, then Aliexpress is definitely a profitable prospect. Consider how to register on the trading platform as a seller from Russia.

Aliexpress - how to become a seller?

Aliexpress offers extremely simple registration conditions for citizens of the Republic of China. This will require a Chinese mobile number and a warehouse address in the country. In order to open a store from Russia, more complex steps will be required. The fact is that the trading platform provides for the seller to live in China. This is due to the concentration of more than 90% of all production there.

This makes it possible to take a photo of the product and send it directly from the supplier's warehouse. Thus, the seller does not violate the delivery time, and the client remains satisfied. If you want to become a seller from Russia, then you need to find an intermediary in China or independently organize a business in the Land of the Rising Sun.

How can I register on Aliexpress - instructions:

  • visiting the resource - The site is developed in Chinese, but a translator is provided for Russian-speaking sellers. Instructions for use can be found in the video. Under the logo of the trading platform (upper left corner) there is a link to registration;
  • provide a contact email. An activation letter will be sent to the specified mail, with which you can confirm the registration;
  • if you want to become a seller on the Chinese site, then you need to confirm the letter within 24 hours, otherwise the activating link will become invalid;
  • then you need to fill in the fields with the name, contact mobile number, set a password and indicate the business model;
  • filling in the section of the site "experience" - here you must specify one of the proposed platforms;
  • after filling in, an activation code will be sent to the mobile number. You need to enter numbers very quickly, since you are given only 1 minute to confirm;
  • the last step of registration is uploading a photo of the seller, as well as providing a visa and a stamp allowing entry into China.

If all the steps are performed correctly, then you are registered as a seller on Aliexpress. You will be assigned a "beginner" status, which allows you to offer customers up to 50 items of goods. As sales progress, your status and product limit will increase. "Verified" users can post up to 300 items, "Gold" - up to 5,000.

Account identification and opening

You can become a seller on the trading platform only after the identification procedure. To do this, you need to create an additional account in the payment system called Alipay. The main difficulty is that you can register only in China (you need a Chinese bank card, a personal account and a mobile number). Therefore, for identification from Russia, an intermediary will be needed.

How to get verified - steps:

  1. choosing a Chinese bank - it is recommended to pay attention to banks that have an English interface in online banking. Also, a financial institution should be able to make transfers to foreign cards. To work with the payment system, you must have one of the cards of the banks that Alipay cooperates with;
  2. opening an account - for this you will need a passport, in case of personal registration, or a civil passport of an intermediary. Filling out the form is carried out in Latin letters. At the same time, pay attention to how your data was recorded (often Chinese bank employees can write the name and surname of the client together);
  3. for force majeure circumstances, you should indicate the passport number, it may be needed to recover the password or connect to any services. At the same time, you should not drive a series of passports, since the letters in China are not relevant.

Underwater rocks

With the help of the payment system, you can connect a number of additional services that will allow you to conduct sales activities more efficiently. However, it is worth considering that Aliexpress will send all notifications exclusively to the Chinese number. Therefore, if you arrived in China to open a business, and then returned to your homeland, then you need to activate roaming (this is not a cheap pleasure and averages about $ 500 per month).

To open an account in the payment system, you will also need a guarantee from a Chinese citizen that you are a real individual. The site administration is actively fighting dealers, so before becoming a seller, you will be asked to indicate the province, district or city where the warehouse is located in China.

The fact is that some entrepreneurs on Aliexpress do not have the goods in stock, which are offered on the site. Therefore, there are situations with refusal of delivery or significant delays in delivery times. This "beats" the reputation of the site. In the case of opening a store on a trading platform from Russia, you can provide the address of suppliers, as well as scan the supply agreement.

Advantages of working on Aliexpress:

  • no need to have a personal warehouse;
  • huge demand for goods and business expansion;
  • the ability to work using the Internet from anywhere in the world.

Please note that Aliexpress has a seller rating by which you can evaluate the reliability of the store. Each processed order is evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5. Also on the site there is a "black" list of stores, cooperation with which is not desirable for the buyer. More detailed information about the successful activity on the trading platform is presented in the video.

How to open (create) your store on Aliexpress

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To open (create) your store on Aliexpress you need to know all the conditions and subtleties of working with an online store as a seller. The presence of solvent buyers from different parts of the world attracts many businessmen to AliExpress who are ready to develop new and promising markets for goods.

Due to the fact that the delivery of orders takes place with the help of postal services and transport companies, there is no difference from which corner of the world the goods will be sold.

How to create a store on Aliexpress

For entrepreneurs who do not live in China, opening a store on Aliexpress is much more difficult than for a citizen of the aforementioned country. The problem is that when registering as a seller, you must provide an address in China and a phone number, and it also does not hurt to know the Chinese language.

Knowledge of Chinese will help you navigate the site for sellers, which is only available in Chinese. Below you will see a screenshot with the translation of the register button ( «立即入驻» ) and authorization ( «登录» ). They are located at the top right of the page.

The procedure is also complicated by the fact that on the site you must have an account with the Chinese payment system Alipay. Unfortunately, profile identification and activation cannot be performed outside of China.

For the procedure, you need to have a credit card from one of the Chinese banks, a Chinese mobile phone number and an active Internet bank.

Most recently, Aliexpress allowed Russian citizens to create stores on the site. To register as a seller, follow the instructions below.

To open an Aliexpress store in Russia, it is also important to have not only a desire, but also official documents. Without documents, it will not be possible to create a platform for the sale of goods.

From 08/25/18, the Aliexpress trading platform decided to suspend accepting applications for opening stores for sellers from Russia. The company's website states that this measure has been introduced temporarily, and the restriction may be lifted soon.

Everyone wants to earn money, but not everyone knows how and where. Today, an excellent option is the business of selling goods from Aliexpress, because on this Chinese site there are a huge number of goods and their cost allows you to make a mark-up in the future. In this case, the main task is to purchase or take note of an inexpensive product on the Aliexpress website, and then be able to sell it with a cheat to those who wish.

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How realistic is such an idea and what pitfalls hides such a business?

What products with Aliexpress are the most profitable to sell and buy?

First of all, you should decide what exactly you will trade, and for this you need to figure out a little what is most in demand among consumers today. It should be a product that is interesting and necessary for the target audience. For example, you are still studying at school or university, it follows that your main audience of consumers are students who are most interested in gadgets, clothes and fashion accessories.

Of course, some products are always more profitable to sell due to the fact that they have the opportunity to make a higher margin. Such products include:

  • Gadgets for cars. These are navigators, video recorders, etc. The purchase price of such goods is on average up to 1 thousand rubles, but they can be put up for sale with double or even triple wrapping.
  • . Everyone knows that Chinese things are inexpensive, and this opportunity is easy to use. There are many options for clothing that can be ordered, received and then put up for sale: jeans and pants, jackets, cardigans and sweaters, sneakers, T-shirts, etc. The main advantage of this category of goods is that they are easier to transport, since clothes and shoes are less susceptible to mechanical stress.
  • Men's, women's and children's accessories. This category includes bags, watches, belts, umbrellas, backpacks, that is, things that complement a person’s wardrobe. It is often more profitable to buy accessories-copies of brands (fakes). So, having bought a handbag for 1 thousand rubles, it is quite possible to sell it for 2-3 thousand rubles. To determine prices, it is sometimes useful to get acquainted with them in Russian online stores, where a similar product will be more than 2 times more expensive than the cost price.
  • Gadgets such as a tablet, phone, player, etc., can also be purchased much cheaper on Aliexpress, and then sold more profitably than a similar model presented in the branded showroom.
  • Kitchen utensils are also in great demand. And on Aliexpress, fortunately, you can find a considerable range of interesting products in this category.
  • You can also purchase beauty and health products on the site. In this case, there is a risk of lack of demand, since few people want to buy cosmetics or creams of an unknown brand.

We start our business selling goods with Aliexpress

Everyone knows that Aliexpress is a trading platform where thousands of Chinese sellers from different parts of their country put up their goods for sale. And it is possible that you can fall for scammers who do not send goods, send an empty package or marriage after payment. To reduce this risk, it is advisable to pay attention at least to the seller's rating and customer reviews. Better yet, read the special sections directly on the site dedicated to the topic of divorce and cheating buyers.

As a rule, sellers use postal services such as:

  • China Post Air Mail;
  • Singapore Post;
  • Hong Kong Post;
  • Swiss post.

There are, of course, paid, faster delivery methods. But when using such services, the purchase and subsequent resale of products lose their profitability.

As for certificates, mainly resellers work without them, reselling products by posting ads on special sites, using, or through personal contacts. A certificate may be required in cases where the seller is open to tax authorities, such as when working through a retail store. However, it will not work to use a Chinese certificate, since it is not quoted anywhere and by anyone. Special services come to the rescue, helping with certification and registration of all necessary documentation. In addition, with the certificate, you must have documents on the origin of the goods, and additionally, "customs clearance" will be required.

To begin with, you can work without customs clearance of goods, if you do not buy expensive goods on the site and in large quantities. In general, it all depends on the country where the products will be imported. For example, sometimes it is problematic to import a phone for $200 into Belarus. You may be required to pay customs duty if the value of the goods exceeds the maximum allowable amount in your country.

is a world-famous marketplace that has won millions of buyers around the world. This platform was created for the sale of goods, both wholesale and retail in all corners of the globe. The convenience of purchase and the widest range of goods could not leave Russian consumers indifferent either. Not so long ago, goods from Russia began to appear on the market of the trading platform. Individuals and legal entities understand that by working with, they will take their product to a new level, sales will increase, and earnings will increase, since sales will be carried out not only within the Russian Federation, but throughout the world.


Who can be a seller on AliExpress

Before taking any action to cooperate with, any person asks this question. In fact, any person living in the territory of the Celestial Empire, or a citizen of another country who has all the necessary documents and has fulfilled all the conditions for starting trading (they will be described below) can become a seller.

As a foreigner, not a resident of China, you can become a seller on Aliexpress, what is the difficulty

No matter how bright the prospect of working with Chinese is, several difficulties can overshadow it at once. There are several options on how to become merchants on. To begin with, you need to travel to China, get a stamp in your passport at the entrance, settle in one of the provinces and get a phone number, naturally Chinese. All this is necessary so that you can continue to register on the site, and then open an account with a Chinese bank. You also need to find a Chinese person who will become your guarantor to open that same account.

Alternatively, you can buy an already existing, rated, or "shelf" in such a store for several products and work in this way. But not every manufacturer will agree to such a “shelf” and a small number of goods that you are allowed to place on it.

How to register a seller on Aliexpress, step by step instructions

A little higher, we mentioned that to get started you need to register as a merchant. You need to register on the site, the site is completely in Chinese, so turn on the translator in your browser, or learn the language of the Middle Kingdom.

Click on the start registration button. You will see such a window (above) in which you need to register your email address. Next, move the confirmation button and enter the captcha. Then the next window will follow.

We go to your mailbox, activation will be sent to you. Click on the link in the box and proceed to registration.

This form is very easy to handle. The main thing is to enter all the data correctly. Please note that the address must be, like the phone number, only Chinese, otherwise you will not be registered. In the field your experience in sales, you can tick the circle. Click on the red button and register.

Before clicking on the registration, find your phone, you will be sent a code to it, which you must enter in the field. The input time is given only a minute, after which, you will have to repeat all the actions.

An important point, you will also be required to scan a copy of your passport, and it should contain a mark about your entry into China.

A novice seller on Aliexpress, how many items of goods he can put up for sale

Of course, each of them, after opening, will want to place all their goods there, but unfortunately, if you have a lot of positions, you will not be able to do this. As soon as you have registered as a seller, you are given the status of a beginner. Merchants with this status have the right to post only 50 positions of their goods. The more your rating as a seller grows, and the better your product is, the higher the rating will be given to you, and you will be able to place more product names in your store.

Gold (Gold) status of the seller, how many positions he can put up for sale

Gold status is not given to everyone, you have to do painstaking work to promote your store, in addition, your customers must be satisfied with what you offer them. After your status is named as Gold ("Golden"), you will receive the full right to place goods in the amount of 5 thousand positions. Here, the prospect of work is already huge, the main thing is that you have time to fulfill your duties quickly and efficiently.

Russian seller on AliExpress, real prospects

The most important prospect for which everyone seeks to start cooperating with the Chinese giant is a monetary reward. You will not have such a number of buyers for your product, even in an online store, as on. People from all over the world are buying, and taking your products to the next level is a great prospect. A huge proportion of buyers on Ali are Russian citizens, to whom you can provide a lot of benefits that they will not refuse. One of them is super fast delivery. If a parcel can travel from China for months, then it will be faster to move around our country. Your customers will not have to use the services of different translators, you will be able to provide them with constant support and communication in their native language and answer all questions clearly and distinctly. In addition, they buy not only at retail, but also in bulk, which will provide you with a good turnover.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted. Become a seller on more than real! The main thing is to have a goal and help yourself in every way to achieve it!


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