How to make money on a blog? Creation of blogs. Is it possible to make money from a blog? Pro Tips Can you make money with your blog?

Write about how your day went, express your opinion on the latest news, rate a movie you recently watched or a book you read. With the advent of Internet blogs, all this turned into a really interesting activity, because it became possible to easily share information with others and get their assessment:

Blogging is a hobby for many people: everyone writes what they want and when they want. However, an online diary can be considered not only as a means of entertainment, but also as a real opportunity to make money. How to make money on a blog will be discussed in this article.

Myths about blogs

You won’t buy a ballpoint pen for 1000 euros if some English queen didn’t write with it, and a fish won’t leave the pond without difficulty. There are common misconceptions about making money through online journaling. Let's dispel some myths:

  • Money flows by itself and constantly. If you are running any kind of business on the Internet, then you should not forget about the rules that apply in real life. You are paid money as long as someone is interested in your services. Constant development and improvement are also necessary, because the world does not stand still, and what was relevant yesterday will not surprise anyone today;
  • A blog is only valuable in terms of traffic. The number of unique visitors certainly affects earnings, but interested users are often valued. For example, if a person sells any goods and uses the blog as an advertising platform, then only those visitors who subsequently make a purchase will benefit;
  • The more posts, the better. Of course, it is very difficult to make money on a blog if it is updated once a month. However, information must first of all be of high quality, and not pour in as if from a “cornucopia”;
  • You should not pay attention to promotion, because an interesting blog will become known by itself. Unfortunately, it is not. Just think about how we usually search for information on the Internet: in most cases, we stop at the first site in the search results, and do not get to better Internet resources located below. For people to learn about the blog, you need to help them find each other.

Ways to earn money

The blogosphere is rapidly developing, attracting more and more people into its ranks. Some come in search of entertainment, and some immediately figure out how to make money on their blog. There are quite a lot of methods, let’s highlight the most popular ones.

  • Contextual advertising. If your blog has a sufficient number of unique visits, then you can start collaborating with contextual advertising systems ( as a rule, you can start with 100-300 unique visitors per day):

Thematic advertising will be placed on the blog, that is, if your online diary is about fish, then banners advertising fishing stores will be displayed. It is very important that the design of the blog and its main information direction are not affected by the placement " alien objects" To do this, you need to carefully consider the external structure of the site, taking into account the possible placement of advertising banners.

  • Placement of advertiser banners without intermediaries. If you feel confident in the success of your blog and your organizational skills, then you can independently search for those who want to place their advertisements with you;
  • Selling links. If your blog is highly valued by search engines, that is, it has impressive “weight” and thematic citation index, then the owners of young and little-known resources will want to get a link from your online diary to promote their project. This type of earnings is quite popular, but at the same time it smacks of “playing with fire”, since search engine policies condemn the sale of links;
  • Creating reviews of advertised products. This is a rather difficult type of income, because readers of your blog are interested in useful information, and advertisers are interested in a positive presentation of the product. Of course, there are fascinating advertisements, but they are very rare. You'll have to " chase two birds with one stone"and be sure to catch both of them to continue making similar earnings;
  • Partnership programs. The essence of this method of earning money is to make a profit directly from the sale of a product or service. That is, you place advertising on your blog, but you only receive money after someone buys the product ( it doesn’t matter if it’s your “tip” or not). You will have to find advertisers yourself.
  • Popup. These are those same annoying banners that, by their appearance, stop all user interaction with blog pages:

If your online diary was popular, then with the advent of this type of advertising the number of visitors will noticeably decrease.

  • Introduction of advertising into website design. Only very popular blogs can afford this type of income. For example, if a certain brand of car is being advertised, then the background of your site could be the logo of that brand;
  • Selling information. Some knowledge is so valuable that it can be used not only to attract an audience, but also directly for sales. This type of activity is called information business and is quite popular on the World Wide Web. Not only text information, but also all kinds of audio or video lessons can be sold;
  • Paid consultations. An online diary can be turned into a help desk, where people will ask questions of interest to you, as an expert:

Earning money like this on a blog is only possible if you are competent enough in your chosen field, and your advice is really useful.

  • “Fattening” of the blog and subsequent sale. Many people don’t want to worry too much about promoting their own online diary and buy an already quite popular blog. For those who use this type of income, as a rule, it is enough to reach a certain number of unique visitors and put the blog up for sale;
  • "Reach out your hand." The blog needs funds for development in order to continue to delight visitors with exciting information. The request for help should be unobtrusive, and it is better to actually use the funds received in this way to improve the online diary, because, otherwise, your conscience can be tormented.

There are countless people who have created their own blogs to make money, but those who actually receive some money are quite few. No one will pay for you to simply create an online diary and write something there. Rubles, dollars and other currencies are a payment for skill, and in order to be able, you need to learn. Below are some tips that will help beginners and allow them to learn more about how to make money blogging.

  • The blog development strategy must be determined initially. It is worth thinking in advance about the method of earning money that you will use. Selling links, for example, may not be compatible with affiliate programs;
  • If the blog is young, you should not distribute links from it. If search engines “love” your blog in a short period of time, then you should not immediately rush to link exchanges. The trust of search engines should be strengthened over time, which in turn will raise the price of links from your blog;
  • You should not sell links from quality articles. When the information is of interest to visitors and is well “perceived” by search engines, “leakage” of weight is completely unnecessary. Getting to the top of the search results is worth much more than one sold link;
  • Do not post links to dubious resources on your blog. The pursuit of money should not result in your wonderful blog linking to a site that advertises drugs ( or at least there is a terrible design);
  • You should not charge high prices for placing banners in the early stages of blog development. They will be ready to pay you a lot of money only after the positive effect of cooperation with you becomes really noticeable, so at first advertisers should at least just come;
  • Only thematic advertising. The information content of the blog should be combined with the text displayed on the banners. Otherwise, visitors will feel that they are in an uncomfortable environment and will “wave their hand”;
  • Advertising spaces should not be empty. In order for visitors to get used to the presence of banners on your blog, you need to place them in advance. Let it be animated images created by you, or free advertising of some other resource.

After how many years can you buy Chelsea?

Thinking a lot about how much you can earn on a blog is harmful to your health (joke) and to the project itself (not a joke). But those who pursue exclusively mercantile goals want, first of all, to know specific numbers:

To satisfy such curiosity, you can use site evaluation services. They will provide information about the cost of the resource and daily advertising income. But the numbers will be inaccurate, since many sources of income cannot be taken into account by the programs.

If we talk about this type of earnings on blogs, such as selling links, then you can hardly earn more than $100 a month by keeping an online diary as usual ( 1-2 articles per day). On average, links bring the blog owner 1-2 thousand per month, and this, unfortunately, is in rubles.

This article will be of interest to people who are thinking about creating their own blog, website or. In this article, Trent Hamm, creator of the popular website The Simple Dollar, describes the difficulties that may arise along the way, and also tells how to achieve a constant and stable income.

Every day I am asked how exactly I managed to make money on The Simple Dollar project or how one can generally make money on the Internet - by blogging, posting videos on Youtube or writing e-books.
I’ll tell everyone about this in detail so that you know how things are in reality.

Only constantly generated content makes it possible to constantly make money online

First of all, let me note that the only way to create a constant source of income on the Internet is to create a large amount of content on a regular basis. And there is no other way! You can, of course, drop one single video on Youtube and suddenly gain millions of views, but such events are usually completely unexpected and for the most part based on a lucky coincidence of circumstances.

The only way to make money on a consistent basis is to create content every day - or at least several times a week - and do it over and over again. And again and again! You should treat it like a second job.
Please note that since you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to this, you are better off doing something that interests you, or being truly conscientious about your work. Ideally there should be both.

If you can't combine this, then all your online work will be as effective as playing the lottery. You can accidentally hit the bull's eye from time to time, but this will not give you a permanent income.

Secondly, if your goal is to start earning moneyalready within the first year, then you are better off spending your time doing simple tasks, For example, . There you can earn a few rubles per hour from the very start, so if you just want to earn money right now with a little mouse click, this is the best option for you.

Why can’t you start making money on the Internet right away?

Because there are several rules by which the entire process of making money online operates. These rules apply Total, how you can make money on the Internet.

Almost all profits from Internet content come fromeither through advertising or through the sale of the content itself

The Simple Dollar makes money from advertisements that appear on every page of the site, in emails, and so on. This is the reason why the project continues to exist at all. Content authors can also sell their books or charge subscription fees for online content.

The same is true for Youtube. Youtube takes a fee for advertising on its resource and divides it between itself and the video creators. As a rule, ad views are paid for. This means that whenever you see an ad on a site, the owner or the author of the video or article makes some money from you.

Whenever you post new content, it experiences a small spike in attention

It comes from your regular audience, which grows and changes over time. When a new article appears on The Simple Dollar, regular readers of the resource usually become familiar with it within the first few days or so. This traffic explosion grows over time as you grow your audience. This is why consistency and consistency are so important. People who like what you do are likely to come back to you again, but if they don't find anything new, you're unlikely to see them next time. To keep people coming back again and again, you need fresh content.

Don't forget to make sure other people have a chance to see your content too. This is usually done by posting it on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Reddit or on specific topic forums. This is how new readers are obtained to create the initial surge.

The second source of income is the so-called “long tail”

Your article or video gets indexed in Google and people come across it when they search for something. This process can continue for many years. Eventually, this long tail becomes your main source of income, no matter how popular you are.

Example: making money on sites according to the “long tail” concept

Imagine this situation: let's say for every 1000 views of your video or article you get $2. That's about what you can expect from most ad networks that newbies have a chance to get into. If you have an audience of 100 people reading each of your articles, the initial boost is $0.20 per article. Isn't it amazing? But let's assume that every day your old article gets 5 views. This is enough to earn one cent. So you write an article, earn $0.20 initially, and then $0.01 per day over a long period of time. Then you write another article, earn $0.20 initially, and then earn $0.01 per day over a long period of time.

Let's say you write articles every day. Let's see what happens over the course of the month.

Day one: You earn $0.20 on your initial article submission.
Day two: You earn $0.20 on the new article and $0.01 on the long tail of yesterday's article for a total of $0.21.
Day Three: You earn $0.20 on a new article and $0.02 on the “long tail” of previous articles for a total of $0.22.

Day Thirty: You earn $0.20 on a new article and $0.29 on the “long tail” of previous articles for a total of $0.49.
Do you understand how this works? There has been gradual growth, although it is still not impressive at this stage.

With timeall those “long tails” will become a little more significant

Lots of people just wander onto your site, some of whom stick around and start clicking on the links. The more content you have, the more time they will spend on the site. This means that all your old articles will get a little more attention... Then even more... And even more...

Each individual article will never make you rich on its own, but if you have a thousand such articles, and each earns $0.05 per day, your income from them is $50 per day. Ideally, the initial “spike of interest” should also grow. As you accumulate more and more content, you gradually attract more and more people to become regular visitors to your site. (Of course, there is a ceiling everywhere, some of them then go away.)

So, if you've been writing for three years and have produced a thousand articles, you have a chance of amassing an audience of 10,000 regular readers waiting for your next article. In addition, each article gets 25 views per day on the long tail. Next, I will describe what your month looks like at this stage.

On the first day you write article #1001, on which you earn $20 after an initial surge of interest, and the already existing 1000 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,000 views and thus brings you $50 from the “long tail” on total amount is $70.

On the second day you write article #1002, on which you earn $20 after the initial surge of interest, and the existing 1001 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,025 views and thus brings you $50.05 from the long tail ” for a total of $70.05.

On day thirty, you write article #1030, on which you earn $20 after the initial surge of interest, and the already existing 1029 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,725 views and thus brings you $51.45 from the “long tail” ” for a total of $71.45.

This is already a little more than $2000 per month!

Naturally, it won't be that smooth. Bad days, ups and downs await you. Growth may slow down or speed up.

However, no matter what, the same principle is important: To start making money, you will have to consistently produce content over a period of time. long-term time period. And only when you have enough of it will it begin to generate constant and reliable income.

When I tell people about posting videos on Youtube or their own website to make money online, I suggest a very long terma business project that requires a small initial cash investment, but significant temporary investments. In the early stages, this side business has a tiny return and will remain so without your efforts, but once it gets going, it will begin to build itself thanks to the concept of the “long tail”.

My experience

This article describes my experience with The Simple Dollar almost perfectly. I have always produced one or more articles per day, and in the early stages also several short articles. However, for the first year or so I made very little money on The Simple Dollar. Only in the second year did the project begin to bring me enough money to feel confident and devote full time to it, and even at that time this was only explained by the presence of more than a thousand articles in stock, readiness for a significant temporary decline in income and faith in the best.

If forIf this prospect doesn’t look attractive to you, then making money from content is most likely not for you. I advise you to consider other opportunities, in particular those that provide faster money. For example, traditional side hustle options or something that directly turns your time into money, such as the above

Making money online by writing articles and creating videos is entirely possible, but it will take a lot of effort initially for relatively little reward. And only when you overcome this barrier will you see the real return on your time and effort.

Here is a simple scheme that will allow you to start making money on your blog:

  1. Set up a blog
  2. Start creating useful content (articles, videos, photos)
  3. Understand search engine optimization to attract visitors to your blog
  4. Start interacting with visitors who come
  5. Earn money from visitors. There are many ways to get multiple sources of income

Sounds easy, doesn't it! Some stages are really very easy. Now, let's look at everything in detail.

1. Create a blog

In order to make money on your blog, you need this very blog. This sounds like an obvious thing, but for most newbies this is a stumbling block. The technical part scares them.

If you are one of these newbies, then there is nothing to worry about. Go through all the steps to launch your blog and you will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

2. Create useful content

The most important thing in a blog is its content. Once you have created your blog, you should focus on creating useful content.

Most successful bloggers pay great attention to their content, they know exactly what they are writing and who they are writing their blog for.

Try to create content that is as useful as possible. This is the key to success. Focus on creating articles or videos that can change people's lives in some way. Visitors will appreciate this and will trust you more. In the future, this will allow you to make money on your blog.

3. Start attracting visitors

If you want to make money from your blog, you should focus not only on building the blog itself, but also on promoting it.

Start thinking about the readers you want on your blog. Understand who you are trying to attract. Create a detailed “avatar” for your reader.

Once you know who your readers are, think about where they might be on the Internet. Here are some examples.

  • Do they read certain blogs? Make a TOP 3 list
  • Are they on forums? TOP 3 list
  • Which social networks do they like best? VK, Ok, FB, Instagram
  • What social media groups are they in? TOP 3 list

In each of these places you will find your readers. Start leaving good comments. Offer to create guest posts. You can agree to place paid advertising on your articles and subscription pages, or simply answer questions and be helpful.

The key is to create a presence on these popular blogs, forums and groups. Be sure to participate in discussions and always be helpful. People will begin to pay attention to you and become interested in what you do on the Internet. Do not engage in spam or other similar things under any circumstances!

4. Build relationships with readers

Once you have started creating useful and interesting content and have begun to attract readers to your blog, start communicating with those people who interact with your content.

Respond personally to those who leave comments or ask you about something. Your task is to make people return to your blog again and again. Some readers will start sharing your content with other people, which will attract new visitors completely free of charge.

Be sure to create a form to collect email addresses and ask visitors to subscribe to your blog news.

5. Earn money on your blog with the help of visitors

After the previous 4 stages have been completed, you can begin monetizing your blog. We will look at several ways to make money on a blog.

There is a misconception that you can make money from a blog in one way. This is wrong. You can and should use several sources of income, that’s why this type of Internet business is wonderful!

1. Contextual advertising

To make money on a blog, even a beginner just needs to connect contextual advertising. This type of advertising is the most popular. This income can be safely called passive. All you have to do is place a special code on your blog and advertisements will start showing automatically.

To make serious money, you need a lot of blog traffic. Each user will be shown their own advertisement. It depends on what he's been interested in lately.

2. Direct advertisers

Promote your blog from 1000 to 2000 visitors per day and you can now connect banner advertising from direct advertisers to contextual advertising. Such a site can already bring in from 15 - 18 thousand rubles per month. Earnings can be either more or less, everything will depend on the chosen niche. An example of such advertising:

Teasers are a picture with provocative text. As a rule, such advertising promises to get rich quickly or instantly recover from some illness.

4. Affiliate programs

This is my favorite way to make money! This method alone can bring in much more money than contextual, banner and teaser advertising combined!

Simply put, you are posting a link to a product that is being sold on another site. For example, you have a fashion blog and you review some things. In the article you put a link where you can buy this thing. As a result, if someone follows this link and buys this product, you will receive a commission.

There is no ceiling on earnings in affiliate programs. Everything will depend on the number of your visitors to your blog. The more there are, the higher your income will be. You can read about how much you can earn from affiliate programs. While I was writing this article, I went to one affiliate site and took this screenshot.

5. Recurring income

This type of earning money from a blog as recurring payments is becoming more and more popular. For example, you create something like a closed club where you conduct your training or provide premium content.

And people pay to access it on a monthly or yearly basis. The task is to create such content that its value exceeds its price many times over. It's like buying a gym membership. You can buy for a month, or you can take a club card for a year in advance.

This model is good because one client can bring you income for several months in a row. In the West, this method has been working for a long time and is very successful. In the Russian-speaking space this is only gaining momentum.

6. Services

The most common way bloggers make money is by selling their services to blog readers. This could be anything: from consulting to consultations on Skype or web design development. I think you have already imagined what services you could provide to your readers.

7. Virtual products

For bloggers and information businessmen, this is the No. 1 source of income. Income comes from selling their digital courses and e-books. In simple words - this is . But you don’t have to constantly spend a “lot” of money on advertising.

If you correctly define your “avatar”, as described in point 3, then you will receive target customers who are already interested in your products and services.

8. Selling a blog

In the end, you can always sell your blog profitably if it is thematic and visited. As they say, a blog is real estate on the Internet! And such assets are rarely sold, since they generate very serious income.

But situations are different, for example, you decided to change your niche or start a different business. You have to be careful here. If you start a blog and promote yourself, then such a blog will be difficult to sell, since it is tied to your brand and without you it will not be of much value. Here people want to read you, not another person.

If a blog is not tied to you and has a neutral name, then such a blog will be torn away! There are special exchanges where they sell websites on various topics. Look at their traffic and how much they are willing to buy them for. Entire auctions are organized on such sites. You can watch it here

How much can you earn from your blog?

Most bloggers make money from multiple sources. There is no point in using only one. If you focus on creating useful content and promoting it, then earnings will come naturally.

I don’t yet know any bloggers in the Russian-speaking space who earn more than 1,000,000 rubles a month. And the point here is not that there is no money, there is money and there is a lot of it! It’s just that the topic of blogging is underestimated in our country.

I follow Western bloggers and their results impress me. For example, in one year a blogger achieved a net income of $100,000 per month. Or a retiree at age 78 earned $53,000 in 6 months!

I hope this article helped you understand how you can make money blogging.

If you want to receive more information about blogging and making money from it, be sure to subscribe! It's completely free.

🔥Source of income! Do you want to create an additional source of income and earn from 50,000 rubles per month through the Internet? I’ll show you how to create a profitable website and start making money on it (without technical knowledge)!


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