A short letter to Santa Claus. How to write a letter to Santa Claus - sample and rules. Beautiful design of a New Year's letter to Santa Claus

Perhaps the most long-awaited holiday for any child is the coming of the New Year. Every child with undisguised interest decorates the Christmas tree, prepares crafts for the holiday and learns poems in case they meet Santa Claus. Children eagerly run under the Christmas tree in search of a treasured gift from the wizard, trying to behave approximately even before the holiday. holidays. How could it be otherwise, because Grandfather Frost otherwise may not bring the long-awaited surprise. To help the wizard choose the gift of his dreams, I suggest writing a New Year’s letter to the kind Grandfather together with your child.

New Year's letter to Grandfather Frost: how to write and what to ask from the Wizard

It is better to do this in November or early December, because just before the holiday, Grandfather has a lot of work.

And the letter may get lost or not have time to reach the desired addressee. By the way, on December 4, the country celebrates the day of writing letters to Grandfather Frost.

I think it's a great way to celebrate this day by sending your own message.

Well, now that we have decided on the time of writing, let’s move on to the process itself.

Rules for writing a letter (where to start, what to write)

In order for Grandfather Frost to read the letter with pleasure and fulfill his dream, it is necessary to teach the child several important rules writing.

  1. First of all, you need to say hello to the kind old man. Starting a letter with a greeting, the child shows the level of his upbringing. And Grandfather loves well-mannered children.
  2. Next, you need to introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself. Otherwise, how will the wizard know who the gift he has prepared will be addressed to?
  3. Then you should ask how Grandfather Frost is doing and how his health is. Maybe he needs some help. For example, make it yourself New Year's toys and decorate the Christmas tree in the yard. Or scatter grain to the birds living near your home. What if Grandpa doesn’t have time to do it himself?
  4. Well, now, you can safely move on to the main part of the letter - the story about your cherished dream. It’s not bad if the child also writes a couple of lines about why he deserves this gift. For example, a baby helps his mother do the cleaning, behaves well in kindergarten, or has already learned to read.
  5. At the end of writing, you need to politely say goodbye to the wizard, wishing him good health. And, of course, write the return address (so grandpa knows where to send the surprise) and put the date.
  6. The letter must be written carefully, in beautiful letters. You can write with multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens.

The most important thing is that you need to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly so that he will definitely answer. A sample letter is attached below.

Text of the message to the Wizard, samples of letters to Santa Claus

Now that we have become familiar with the rules of writing, it’s time to compose the text of the future letter.

Of course, Grandfather wants to write a lot, but there is no need to overwork the Wizard too much. So he has a lot to do. Therefore, let us remember the well-known saying that brevity is the sister of talent.

An example of a written message is as follows:

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost! My name is Ivan, I recently turned 6 years old. I live with my beloved parents and younger sister Yulia in the city of Tyumen.

Throughout 2018, I tried to obey my mom and dad, helped take care of my sister, and diligently learned to read.

In addition to kindergarten, I go to an art club, where we are taught to draw beautifully. I really like it there. When I grow up, I want to become a famous artist.

Grandfather, I want to ask how is your health? You are, of course, very busy right now. Therefore, I would like to offer you my help. Maybe you don’t have time to do something, and I can help you with something? I shall wait for your answer.

Dear Wizard, I really want to find a set of painting brushes and good paints under the New Year tree; I need them to develop my abilities. With such a gift I will be able to draw many beautiful pictures.

And also, I wish you a Happy New Year, Grandfather. All the best to you in the coming year!

Best regards, Stepanov Ivan.

How to beautifully design a manuscript

Since the New Year is a bright and cheerful holiday, the letter should be appropriate.

A beautifully designed message will definitely lift the good Wizard’s spirits.

Below are several ways to decorate your manuscript.

  • Drawing

If the child draws well, it is important to draw a portrait of Grandfather or a portrait of his assistant, the Snow Maiden. Or depict a Christmas tree decorated with toys and lights. You can also decorate the entire written letter with small painted snowflakes.

  • Photo collage

For this method, we will need pictures from various magazines, postcards or old books, from which we don’t mind cutting out images. And when the necessary photo details are found, you need to glue them onto the message.

  • Stencil

If the baby doesn’t really like to do things with his own hands, a ready-made stencil will come to the rescue. It can be easily found on the Internet and printed on a color printer.

And only then, on the prepared form, you should write your letter.

Here is another sample letter to Santa Claus. Print and fill out the fields yourself.

Here is another stencil of a letter to Santa Claus, you can print it out and fill it out.

  • New Year card

If you come across an original postcard with New Year’s motifs in a store, don’t hesitate to buy it! Let the child write his appeal to the Wizard right on it.

In addition to the options considered, decoration in the form of glitter scattered on paper, glued tinsel or an applique in the form of a Christmas tree or rain snowflakes will look great.

By the way, don’t forget about decorating the envelope. After all, this is the first thing that Santa Claus sees when he receives the letter.

The envelope can also be decorated with a New Year's design or made from a printed holiday form. But it’s better not to make applications, otherwise on the way appearance can suffer greatly if all the beauty made comes off and gets lost.

Well, now the letter is written, decorated and ready to be sent. So, you need to find out the address of the New Year's Wizard.

To what address should I write a letter to Grandfather Frost?

Everyone knows that the residence of the winter wizard is located in the Vologda region. Or rather, in Veliky Ustyug.

This ancient city still has a lot of historical carved huts, at the sight of which even an adult begins to believe in miracles.

Anyone can personally come to visit Grandfather to look at his apartment and get to know him personally.

In addition, it is in Veliky Ustyug that you can purchase exclusive and original postcards and souvenirs.

In order for the written letter to reach Veliky Ustyug, the exact address of the Grandfather’s Palace must be written on the envelope - index -162390, Russia, Vologda Region, city of Veliky Ustyug, residence of Father Frost.

Well, now that we know how to write a letter to the kind old man, let’s decide on the present that the child will ask him for.

What can a girl ask from Santa Claus?

  1. Babies love to copy their mother’s behavior, so it’s important to ask the wizard for a new dream doll. It could be a beautiful Barbie or a baby doll that needs to be fed, changed and put to bed. Or, as an option, you can write a letter asking for a gift of a set of toy dishes or a set for playing hairdresser.
  2. Pet. Of course, such a surprise can be asked only with the consent of the parents and realizing all the responsibility for a possible new family member. If a child dreams of a four-legged friend, try to first explain to him that the animal is not a toy and needs constant care and attention.
  3. Set of cosmetics for girls. Every little princess loves to use perfumes, lip glosses and various sprays to make combing easier with fruity scents. Therefore, such a gift from Santa Claus will be very useful.
  4. Set for creativity. These could be paintings to color, drawings to create using beads, items for making candles or soap at home. It will be very interesting for a girl to make such things with her own hands.
  5. Sweet gift. This is a traditional win-win. Every child loves sweets, especially when there are a lot of them and there is an opportunity to choose the most desirable ones.

What to ask a boy from the good Wizard

  1. Constructor. Every boy is ready to build a house for his soldiers or build a high-rise crane. And of course, you can’t do this without a good construction set.
  2. Toy tools. Kids always watch closely as dads drill holes in the wall, deftly use wrenches and hammer in nails. Naturally, the guys want to repeat this work, at least not with real instruments. Therefore, you can safely ask Grandfather for a gift in the form of a toy drill or hammer, for example.
  3. Sports accessories. For boys who love to play sports, skates, skis or clothes for winter sports can be a great New Year's surprise.
  4. Items for active winter games. This category includes tubing, sleds, sleds, and so on. In general, everything thanks to which a child and his parents can actively spend a wonderful day off.

What not to ask from Santa Claus

Everything is absolutely simple here - you shouldn’t ask Grandfather for a too expensive gift. Explain to your child that the Wizard needs to prepare a huge number of surprises for all the kids, and he will not be able to fulfill too high demands.

The child must understand that a gift, first of all, is valued not for the amount of money spent on it, but for the attention that was paid when choosing it.

By the way, it is likely that Santa Claus will actually answer your baby and send a return letter on his behalf.

And if this does not happen, write a letter from Grandfather yourself, on a beautiful postcard or ready-made letterhead. These infinitely happy emotions of a child from a received letter are worth all these efforts.

Positivity, joy and inspiration!

Shortly before the New Year, people are in a hurry, thinking intently, and visiting stores. The excitement is due to preparations for the holidays. If for adults the New Year is another reason to spend time with family, for children the holiday is associated with a miracle. For this to happen, be sure to write a letter to Santa Claus with your child.

Even if the pen doesn’t obey or the letters fall unevenly on the paper, my parents and my writing instructions will come to the rescue.

What to write in a letter so that Santa Claus will answer

It is indeed possible to send a message and receive a holiday greeting in return. With the support of their parents, even a first-grader can cope with the task.

  • Talk to your child and discuss writing a message. The child will tell you the idea of ​​the letter, because throughout the year he has been obedient and wants to receive a reward for good behavior in the form of a desired gift.
  • Tell your child where Grandfather Frost lives, how he celebrates the New Year holidays and to whom he gives the best gifts. The baby will be able to dream, give free rein to his imagination and independently decide on a gift.
  • Grandfather Frost will not like it if you write only requests for gifts. Start your message with a greeting. Be sure to include your name, as the wizard has many children.
  • Briefly describe your achievements over the past year: you learned to swim, mastered the English alphabet, helped your dad catch carp, helped your mom around the house.
  • Politely ask Santa Claus to give you the gift you want. Specify several gifts so that the fairy tale wizard chooses the best one.
  • At the end of the letter, thank your grandfather, congratulate him on the upcoming holidays and say goodbye until next year.

If a child has mastered reading and writing techniques, he will write a letter on his own. Advise him to carefully prepare for the process, prepare paints and pencils, because news to the good grandfather without a drawing will turn out boring. Let the child draw a winter landscape: a Christmas tree, a snowman, bunnies and a few snowflakes.

Contact address of Santa Claus in Russia and Finland

You can put a letter to Santa Claus anywhere: in the refrigerator, under the Christmas tree, on the balcony or under the pillow. In this case, parents know what their children want for the New Year holidays, but they also have to respond to the message.

To receive an answer from a kind grandfather, the letter is sent by mail, having first been placed in an envelope, a stamp has been affixed and an address in Russia or Finland has been written.

  1. Russia: To Santa Claus, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, Russia, 162340.
  2. Finland: Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Many parents consider their child’s desire to send a letter to Santa Claus as a moment’s fun. In fact, the process strengthens children's faith in miracles. What can we say about the boundless joy from the answer received.

3 sample letter texts to Veliky Ustyug

Now let's look at examples and a sample text of a letter to Santa Claus. After reading it carefully, you and your child will briefly and clearly express your thoughts and wishes. Additionally, the information will be useful to those who have difficulty writing a message.

  1. Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Sashenka is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to third grade, I study diligently and listen to my parents. I like to play football. I really want to get a little puppy for the New Year holidays. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave diligently in the coming year and study excellently. Goodbye!
  2. Dear Grandfather Frost, I am impatiently awaiting your arrival. On New Year's Eve, together with my parents, I will decorate the Christmas tree, prepare you a gift that I will make myself, and learn a poem. I promise to study well, be kind and polite. I would like you to please me with magical sweets from Veliky Ustyug and a radio-controlled car. Misha.
  3. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Masha is writing to you. I am 10 years old. Thank you for the gifts you gave me in the past. I love math, drawing and Board games. I dream of getting a teddy bear. I promise to be a good and obedient girl. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

While writing a letter, children are interested in why adults don’t write messages to Santa Claus. If the child is persistent and wants the parents to participate, agree. It’s so fun to find a small but nice gift under the Christmas tree during the New Year holidays. It doesn't matter who does the wizard's work. The main thing is to keep the kids’ faith in magic and miracles.

As children, we all sincerely believe in miracles. Wizards, witches, dragons, fairies, mermaids seem as real as the neighbors behind the wall. For children, a fairy tale is alive, it does not live in books, but is happening before our eyes. You can make sure of this for the New Year by sending the good wizard a story about your cherished desires and received a wonderful gift in return. What can you write to Santa Claus in a letter so that he will definitely answer and come to the holiday? Let's talk about it.

Message to the North Pole: what does it mean for the baby?

Writing a letter to a magical character is not just empty fun. It teaches children:

  • Choose gifts responsibly. After all, a grandfather cannot bring a bag of toys to one child - he has many charges, so there should be enough surprises for everyone. In addition, the order cannot be changed. It forces you to think about what you really need.
  • Know yourself. Telling their grandfather about their family, hobbies, friends, achievements over the year, life’s difficulties, children are looking for the answer to the question: “What am I?”
  • Get ready for the holiday wave. After sending the letter, you can begin to prepare for the meeting with the good wizard: learn poems, draw pictures, make New Year's crafts as a return gift. This is how we teach children to think that for the sake of a happy future it is worth trying today.

For those parents and children who find it difficult to write the text of the message, sample letters to Santa Claus will come to the rescue. You can learn from them interesting ideas and the inspiration you need.

Letter template to Santa Claus

First you need a beautiful form. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself by decorating a sheet of paper with snowflakes, snowmen, a Christmas tree and others. Now let's move directly to the text.

  1. You should start with a greeting. Santa Claus loves polite kids, so be sure to ask about his health (after all, he is already old), tell us how you are preparing for his arrival.
  2. Write a short story about the child: what is his name, how old is he, what family does he live in, what is his hobby, what has he achieved in a year.
  3. Ask politely for a gift. You can tell why it is so important for the baby. It is acceptable to indicate a list of several gifts so that Santa Claus himself can choose which one to bring under the tree. Promise something in return: to be obedient, to eat porridge, not to fight kindergarten, read books daily.
  4. Thank the wizard for last year's gift. End the letter with New Year's wishes. You can attach a beautiful drawing, because grandpa also loves surprises.

What to ask from Santa Claus in a letter?

Sometimes it is difficult to identify the most intimate among your desires. You can ask a good wizard for anything. Kids have to choose what they want more: a remote control car, a fairy with wings, real wings, a new sister or a live puppy.

Most often, grandfather is asked:

  • toys;
  • carnival costumes;
  • outfits and children's cosmetics;
  • various electronic gadgets (tablets, laptops, game consoles, players, cell phones);
  • sports equipment (balls, skates, skis, rollerblades, bicycles);
  • decorations;
  • items for practicing your favorite hobby (felt pens, easel, guitar, beads);
  • vouchers or tickets to the desired place;
  • pets;
  • (health, happiness).

Real letters from children

For a message to be truly sincere, it should be written from the heart. But what if writing is not your thing? For these purposes, we offer you samples of letters to Santa Claus. Of course, they can and should be changed at your discretion. We present them only so that you understand what the approximate text of the letter should be.

  • Santa Claus, I missed you! How are you doing? My name is Ann. I'm already 6 years old. Recently my brother Zhenya was born. I go to kindergarten. I have many friends there. I'm good at drawing. This year I learned to read and roller skate. I want Vadik to stop fighting in kindergarten. And also a tent so that it would stand in my room, and I would hide there. Thank you very much.
  • Dear santa claus! Congratulate you with Holliday! My name is Misha, I am 8 years old. At school we are already preparing for the holiday, I am participating in a skit. I will finish this quarter without any C grades. Bring me a touchscreen phone under the Christmas tree so I can download racing games there. I promise I won't break it or lose it. Don't get tired. Goodbye.
  • Hello, Santa Claus! My name is Victoria. I am 9 years old. There are many of us in the family: grandmother, mother, father, 2 brothers and a sister. I love to dance and weave beads. I help my mother cook, wash the floor and go to the store. I want perfume and a set of cosmetics as a gift. And also so that no one in our family quarrels or gets sick. Happy New Year! Thank you in advance.

How not to write

Unfortunately, among the samples of letters to Santa Claus there are the following:

  • Hello, grandpa! Give me a live horse, an interactive pony, gold earrings and an Apple laptop like my dad's.
  • I want the 7th iPhone. Golden color. It costs 37 thousand rubles in our store. It has a lot of memory so you can download any games.

Such letters are more like a demand than a request. Santa Claus doesn't like greedy children. Explain to your child that the wizard must prepare surprises for all the children on the planet, but they cannot be too expensive. He also carefully chooses gifts, so he will not give a third tablet or a pistol with bullets, from which the owner will shoot his younger brother.

But Santa Claus loves to surprise children. Therefore, under the tree you can sometimes find something completely different from what was ordered. The wizard selects unexpected surprises especially carefully, taking into account the interests of a particular child.

To what address should I send the letter?

Some people are used to putting New Year's messages in the refrigerator, others - under the Christmas tree. But in order for the message to reach the real Santa Claus, it must be sent by mail. To do this, purchase a beautiful New Year's envelope with stamps. Indicate the address on the letter:

  • Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus, index 162390.

An easier option is to send an email.

Letter to grandfather from adults

It's not just kids who send New Year's messages. For adults, this ritual helps them understand themselves, set goals for the year, and set themselves up for success. You can use the following letter template to Santa Claus:

  • Greetings.
  • A story about yourself. Don't forget to write what you have achieved over the past year and what you are proud of.
  • Ask Santa Claus to make your cherished dream come true. Someone orders a new apartment, repays all loans. Others ask for health, a meeting with a loved one, the opportunity to become a mother or father, or promotion at work.
  • Promise something in return: quit smoking, go to the gym, become a volunteer, spend more time with your parents. Be sure to do this.
  • Finish the letter good wishes grandfather.

We hope that the sample letters to Santa Claus will inspire you to create your own. It doesn't matter how old you are. Faith in fairy tales and miracles should live in the soul of every person. Happy New Year to you and all your wishes come true!

December is the time of preparation for the New Year. For many, this stage seems tedious - buy gifts, think over the menu, get elegant clothes and make general cleaning. Don't forget to brighten up the bustle with magical events - send a message to Santa Claus!

This is not only a fairy tale for children - adults also write letters to the kind Grandfather, telling their innermost desires and hoping for fulfillment. Sometimes it doesn’t matter to whom it is addressed and whether it reaches the recipient. Thoughts expressed on paper materialize faster - any psychologist will tell you this.

On the eve of the holiday, organize a family evening - let everyone write a beautiful letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that during the writing process, family members will learn about each other’s wishes and try to fulfill them next year. And working on design is a creative activity that relaxes and trains your imagination. Let's find out what it should look like correct letter Santa Claus.


Start with a greeting - “Hello, good Grandfather Frost!”, “Hello, Santa Claus!” You are going to ask the wizard for gifts, so be respectful in the text.

Make contact

Going straight to the requirements is a bad idea. Don’t forget to congratulate the recipient on the upcoming holiday - you can wish Santa Claus Have a good mood or health, ask how he is doing.

tell us about yourself

Introduce yourself, say your name, mention where you are from. Children always indicate their age. Tell Santa Claus why he should grant his wish. Point out your good deeds or ask for a gift in advance, promising to do better next year. A letter to Santa Claus from children may contain phrases like: “I behaved well the whole year,” “I studied with straight A’s,” or “I promise to help my mother next year.” A message from an adult looks different: “During the year, I never lied to my loved ones” or “I promise to quit smoking next year.”

If you are not going to send your child's letter by mail, use one of the options:

  • put it under the Christmas tree and then pick it up discreetly;
  • if guests come to you on the eve of the holiday, ask one of the guests to convey a message to Santa Claus;
  • invite home an animator in a suit - the wizard will read the letter in the presence of the child;
  • put the letter outside the window so that the bunnies and squirrels who help the wizard take it away.

If you don’t want your child to doubt the existence of the Wizard, follow the letter - it won’t be good to go outside with your child the next day and find a letter blown away by the wind under the window or in the neighboring bushes.

The most luxurious gift for any child is to give him the opportunity to get into a fairy tale, at least for a short time. Despite the fact that kids constantly receive gifts from their parents, they value more those received from Santa Claus.

Any child wants not only to believe that a gift is part of a fairy tale, but also to see the fairy tale itself, and ideally, to also participate in it.

Fortunately, in modern world, where the needs of even the smallest members of society are given significant attention, such a possibility exists: these days you can write a letter to the real Santa Claus and even get an answer! If you want to give your child an unforgettable childhood, help him write a letter to Grandfather at least once, because he will not be able to find out about the child’s deepest wishes in any other way.

At the same time, such an important letter cannot be written at random - there are a number of rules that will increase the chances that the real Santa Claus will read it!

Message structure

Theoretically, the point of sending a letter is for the kind grandfather to bring the children who have been obedient all year exactly the gifts they want.

Such a wish can be described in one single sentence, but surely even small children, if they are truly well-mannered and good, will agree that it is hardly polite to write a letter consisting of one line, in which there is only a demand. It’s worth trying and writing a real letter, and if difficulties arise with his essay, follow the plan suggested below:

  1. Every letter begins with greetings, which also includes a question about how the person receiving the letter is doing. Grandfather will probably be pleased with such attention, and he will try to please the author.
  2. If your grandfather gave a gift last year, you should thank him for it.
  3. Naturally, to maintain a conversation you need tell me a little about yourself- state your name and age, describe your activities and hobbies, and most importantly - talk about your behavior, which was good enough to qualify for a gift.
  4. At the end of the letter you need to briefly indicate what you would like to see under the Christmas tree in New Year.
  5. You can write wishes to Grandfather; he will be very pleased with them.
  6. The rules for writing letters also include indicating the date at the very bottom.

But you should not perceive such mail as a boring adult letter, where there is nothing but text. Experts have calculated that Santa Claus's assistants in our country alone receive hundreds of thousands of letters from children every year, and it happens that the kind old man simply does not have time to read everything.

We must try to make sure that the letter is bright and stands out from others - for example, it was written in poetry, accompanied by a drawing made by hand, or was otherwise unusually designed.

Which sample should I focus on?

For those who want to design a message beautifully, but have not yet reached the level of serious creativity, you can use ready-made template or a form in which both the words and the design for the New Year’s letter are chosen correctly.

There are dozens of such options, but all of them, whatever one may say, are just a copy, and a truly touching message will only come out if the child has put his own soul into it, even if it does not resemble an aesthetic masterpiece. The main thing is the sincerity and truthfulness of what is written.

You can still give a few examples to give kids a guide on how to express in ordinary words everything that is needed to make their dreams come true.

Example 1

Dear Grandfather Frost, hello!

My name is Misha, I'm 9 years old, I'm from the city of Tula.

Last year you gave me an airplane. I played it all this year with my dad. Thank you very much for it!

Now I'm in third grade, I'm good at all subjects, except mathematics, but I'll try to improve next year.

In my free time, I really like to walk with my friends on the street, and my dad and I also really like to watch hockey on TV.

I really want to learn how to skate, but I don’t have any yet. Could you give them to me, Grandfather? I really believe that you will make my dream come true.

I wish you good health and good mood!

Example 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

How are you doing, Grandpa? Masha is writing to you from Nefteyugansk.

I’m 8 years old and I’m in second grade, but it’s very cold here, so I wanted to ask you for a big, beautiful hat!

I behaved very well all year, and my mother said that for this you will fulfill my wish. Next year I will try even harder so as not to let you down.

I wish you and your helpers a wonderful celebration of this New Year and cope with all the tasks that you always have before the holiday!

Classic letter in an envelope

Although they are increasingly spreading around the world modern technologies, Grandfather Frost still comes from the old days, so the vast majority of letters for him are still delivered the old fashioned way - by regular mail. This way it’s clearer for him, and it’s easier for the sender to show his imagination and create a truly unique message.

However, in order for the result to really please Grandfather, you need to try.

It is important to follow a number of rules that will make the letter more interesting and attractive than that of other children.

We write by hand

Not all children can write beautifully, but here you have to try your best to write in large and neat letters - after all, grandfather is old, it will be difficult for him to make out sloppy scribbles.

In addition, he loves those children who made significant efforts to get good grades in school - but what kind of excellent or good student is he who cannot write beautifully? No, the winter wizard won’t believe in the child’s diligence and won’t send him a gift!

Even today, most children are more confident using a pen or pencil than a computer keyboard—at least when it comes to writing something. That is why so many New Year's letters are still written the old fashioned way - in capital letters.

The same applies to errors with blots. You need to think carefully about what will be written in the message and try to write all the words correctly. It is not very good if some words are crossed out and others are written above them - this complicates the task of reading what is written.

Where can I print it?

No matter how old Grandfather Frost is, technology has still touched him - he receives not only letters that are handwritten, but also those typed on a computer.

In addition, there are many ready-made forms, on top of which you just need to enter your text, and that’s all - a beautifully designed letter, in no way inferior old letters from fairy tales, done.

Unfortunately, such a design is unlikely to be truly original, but if you search for a long time, you may be able to find something unusual.

It should be taken into account that a bright color image on a template will not look as interesting in black and white. That is why you need to make sure that the letter is printed on a color printer, which will allow you to convey all the colors.

By the way, the color version can be printed without text, remaining a blank form until the moment the text is manually applied to it.

The message will certainly look more believable if the text is not printed, but hand-scribbled by a child; in addition, a form of this type can quite easily be supplemented with the child’s original drawings, which will demonstrate the creativity of the little designer, turning the letter into an original sample through the efforts of the child.

7 photos

How to decorate it beautifully?

A simple sheet of paper with letters may look normal only in the world of adults, and the attention of the fairy-tale Santa Claus can only be attracted by an unusually designed, truly beautiful and unique message.

Children, in any case, love to create, and in this case, they are given all the opportunities for creativity, especially since this directly determines whether Grandfather will appreciate the child’s efforts or not. There are a number of ways to achieve an unusual look for a letter addressed to Santa Claus.


The simplest and most obvious option is to supplement the written text with the baby’s drawings. In this case, the image must be colorful and bright, touching on the theme of winter, snow, New Year and Santa Claus.

The drawing can be either completely separate and placed in an envelope along with the letter, or it can be drawn on the same page where the text is written, but in such a way as not to interfere with the reading of what is written.

You can even cut out a black and white outline, which will then be pasted onto a letter and painted by hand - this “coloring” will allow you to create an attractive drawing even for those kids who have difficulty drawing.


You can depict this or that winter or New Year’s scene not only with the help of paints or pencils, but also with the help of cut-out pictures from magazines or even self-made applications from ordinary colored paper. These are used to decorate either the letter itself or the envelope in which it will be sent.

The applique can even be made convex - to do this, small pieces of paper are left outside the edges of each figure and rolled inward.

In this case, great attention must be paid to ensuring that the composition is glued firmly and does not break during shipment.


This is also a kind of application, but in some ways reminiscent of a montage from modern science fiction films.

Theoretically, you can combine anything, but most often they make clippings of photographs of the child who sent the letter, the gift he expects to receive, and Santa Claus himself. This is a clear hint to the wizard: this is what a child’s dream should look like!


It is not necessary to write a letter either to clean slate, or printed, which was originally intended for these purposes. A beautiful postcard can also quite successfully cope with the function of being the basis for a message - you just need to write on it the same text as in a regular letter.

Of course, for such purposes it is better to choose a postcard whose image is already dedicated to winter or the New Year.

Which envelope should I buy?

There are no special requirements for the envelope in which the letter for Santa Claus will be sent, so you only need to start from what exactly will be sent in this envelope.

If the message does not contain any complex structures - for example, there is only one sheet of paper with a letter or the letter itself with a drawing, you can purchase a very ordinary envelope and send the message in this form.

It’s another matter if the sender tried and put his whole soul into the letter, adding crafts to the letter. In this case, you need to make sure that the child’s creative idea reaches the recipient in complete safety, because only in this way will the latter be able to appreciate it.

There are large format envelopes - in particular, designed specifically for A4 sheets.

If the message contains complex appliqués or large collages that are undesirable to be folded to avoid breaking the structure, it is better to purchase just such an envelope.

Finally, you should also choose envelopes based on where the letter is being sent.

Most often, Russian children send a letter to the domestic Father Frost - then the message goes only through the territory of Russia and an internal Russian envelope is sufficient for it.

However, it is also very popular among Russian children. international santa claus, and he lives abroad, so the letter will reach him only if it is sent in an international envelope.

Addresses for sending letters

For Santa Claus

There is not a single exact indication as to where Grandfather Frost lives, because he is a character in a fairy tale, so you can only visit him theoretically. At the same time, he has quite a lot of assistants who will be happy to convey messages from children, so it is best to send a letter to them. But even such assistants are not located at any one point.

They say the easiest way is to simply write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, and experienced postmen themselves know where to deliver such mail. However, you still shouldn’t rely on chance in such important matters, so it’s better to know at least one of the addresses where the assistants of the main winter wizard are located.

For Russian children, an old and fairly well-known address is relevant: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost.

So many letters arrive there every year that the old man took care of creating another of his Russian “offices”, which will allow residents of Moscow and the Moscow region get an answer a little faster. For those who live in this region, it is recommended to write to the following address: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky Forest, Grandfather Frost.

At the same time, Roskomnadzor draws the attention of users to the fact that the World Wide Web is a space in which there is always a risk of encountering intruders.

After writing a letter, nothing terrible will most likely happen even to obvious scammers, but in no case do you need to indicate your full name, exact address, or any other personal information, which can be used for harm. It is possible that a “lighted” mailbox will be subject to increased attacks from spammers.

Provide personal information in email It’s not worth it even if you are one hundred percent sure that this site was not developed by scammers - Santa Claus has no use for them.

Communication channels in World Wide Web are not always properly protected, so information can be stolen both from a website dedicated to New Year's holidays, and at any point along the way to it.

However, it is the online versions of letters that are the fastest growing in terms of the number of letters sent to Santa Claus. There are several reasons for this, and first of all - a quick response, because sent by e-mail The message is delivered in a matter of seconds, which means you can often receive feedback on the same day.

Many are also captivated by the maximum simplicity of such communication with the winter wizard, because this requires absolutely nothing except a gadget connected to the Internet. As a rule, websites already have ready-made samples design - both visual and the text itself, where you only need to add personal data - the child’s name and age.

For such contact with a fairy tale, you don’t need to come up with anything special, you don’t even need pencils and envelopes, so this is the shortest path to success.

Finally, look at a few tips that will help you create a letter in an almost “adult” style, make it more elegant and interesting, which will further increase the likelihood of your wish coming true.


Children want more of everything, and the concept of modesty is not always known to them. Santa Claus is a real wizard, he can do anything!

At the same time, we must not forget that greed is a character trait that does not make a person beautiful, and Grandfather may not like it, and then he will completely leave the author of the letter without a gift.

It’s better to show your good side and ask for one thing, but really important. Then grandfather and his assistants will have enough time to fulfill the wishes of the other children, and he will have no objections to making our letter writer happy.

Promise to behave

On the one hand, Santa Claus gives gifts to those children who have already deserved them, on the other hand, he is unlikely to be happy if the child, who has finally received the desired gift, decides that he can now stop following any rules and begins to behave like horrible.

It is assumed that a child who is counting on a gift from Santa Claus will promise something in return. If you have something to strive for, you need to promise to do everything possible to make it even better next year. If everything is fine now, you need to make a promise to not lower the high bar in the future.

You need to be obedient, help your parents, not offend your younger ones, study well, and so on. And of course, keep your promises.

Remember that Santa Claus cannot be deceived even unintentionally - he is a wizard!

The relationship between wishes and promises

Promises must at least approximately correspond to wishes. If the gift is expensive and unusual, then the baby must promise to do something that makes him worthy of such a valuable present.

It would be wrong to ask for a new gadget and at the same time promise to take your grandmother across the road once - it’s a completely different matter that such an “action” for a whole year could already cost quite serious gifts.

If the response letter has not arrived

Santa Claus sincerely tries to make all the children happy, but still he does not always manage to pay attention to everyone. This is not a reason to be upset, because perhaps he simply had too much to do and he will make up for it next year.

At the same time, this is also a reason to think: does the desire indicated in the letter exactly correspond to the level of behavior of the author of the message?

The second option is to make a response letter from Santa Claus yourself. Surely you can write it even better than our good wizard!

You can also learn how to write a beautiful letter to Grandfather Frost and what you will need for this by watching the video below.


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