Kuramshina M.A. Research of modern methods of personnel management in the restaurant business. Modern technologies of personnel management in the restaurant business Problems of personnel management in a restaurant

Personnel as a key factor in restaurant business management. Organization of the personnel management system of the restaurant "Tinkoff", directions of its improvement: personnel recruitment, training and professional development, methods of motivation and incentives.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education


South Russian State University of Economics and Service (RTIST GOU VPO "YURGUES")

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Industry


The topic "Personnel management system in the restaurant business"

on the discipline "Organization of meals in resort and hotel complexes"

Developed by M.I. Pukhkalo

Head of Art. teacher I.M. Komarnitsky



At the present stage of development of market relations, the main factor determining the effectiveness of the economic activity of an enterprise in the market is its provision with a highly qualified workforce.

Activities related to the organization and provision of catering services occupy one of the leading places in the service sector and is one of the highly profitable economic activities. Experts note that the domestic restaurant business has significant growth prospects. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that it attracts a large number of investors from various business areas, especially in such large cities as Moscow.

However, in the sphere of the restaurant business, the share of unprofitable enterprises remains high, which is primarily associated with the manifestation of production and financial risks, the source of which is a shortage of qualified personnel, high staff turnover, and low management potential of enterprises.

Analysis of the current state of human resources of enterprises in the restaurant business shows that the problem of assessment, rational use and effective reproduction is becoming paramount.

The specificity of the Russian market in general and the restaurant market, in particular, influences the possibility of using various technologies and methods of personnel management in the process of improving personnel management activities at the enterprises of the restaurant business in Moscow.

It should be noted that there is a lack of information support that arises when restaurant managers try to introduce Western management technologies into the management system of Russian restaurant business enterprises.

Thus, the task of developing such technologies for personnel management remains urgent, which, based on the world experience of management, would take into account the Russian specifics and features of the activities of enterprises in the restaurant business, and would also be feasible in practice.

The aim of the course work is to develop scientific, methodological and practical recommendations for the application of the principles and methods of the theory of strategic management and, in particular, the theory of human resource management to create an effective personnel management system at enterprises in the restaurant business.

In accordance with this goal in the course work, the following tasks were set and solved:

) to investigate the socio-economic essence of personnel management activities based on modern concepts;

) to identify the factors that determine the specifics of personnel management activities at enterprises in the restaurant business;

The object of the research is the enterprises in the sphere of the restaurant business in the city of Moscow.

The subject of the research is the organizational and economic relations arising at the enterprises of the restaurant business in the process of improving the management system of their activities.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of scientific, methodological and practical recommendations and is determined by their compliance with the modern needs of organizations in the restaurant business in improving personnel management activities and increasing its efficiency, which ensures the possibility of their use in business practice.



food restaurant business management

At the present stage of development of management science, an enterprise, being an integral production and economic system, can be represented as a set of its constituent elements (subsystems) interconnected (interacting) with each other. The number of such subsystems may be different, but almost all authors distinguish the personnel component as an integral part of the management system.

Personnel (personnel) management is a specific type of management activity, the object of which is a collective of employees - personnel.

In recent years, other concepts have been widely used in scientific literature and practice: human resource management, labor management, human resources management, human resource management, human factor management, personnel policy, personnel work, etc., one way or another related to human labor activity, managing his behavior in production.

“Personnel management is an area of ​​activity, the most important elements of which are determining the need for personnel, attracting personnel, engaging in work, releasing development, controlling personnel, as well as structuring work, a policy of remuneration and social services, a policy of participation in success, managing personnel costs and management of employees ".

Thus, the main thing that constitutes the essence of personnel management is a systematic, systematically organized impact with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for using the labor qualities of an employee (labor force). ) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and the all-round development of the employees employed in it.


Problems - Work in the restaurant business is perceived by staff as temporary. Some young people think: how long can you work in the catering industry? You won't be able to make a career there anyway. As a result, they achieve some temporary goal - for example, save money to pay for their studies, and leave.

Youth. Very often young girls and boys are required to work in a restaurant as not only waiters, but also administrators. Lack of necessary life experience, lack of a serious approach, lack of maturity - sometimes give rise to problems of personnel management.

A frequent occurrence for a restaurant is that people with an unsettled life, with an unsettled life go to an establishment of a low and middle class. High-class institutions, for example, may require people with higher education or extensive work experience, and they hesitate to offer their candidacy there. Young people who have not been able to get higher education often go to work in the restaurant industry. As a result, from the unsettled life, from the fact that at the end of the month you have to pay for a rented apartment, that there are problems with parents at home, and so on, the waiter's mood falls, which means that his service is no longer up to par.

People who have no principles, moral norms and notions of honesty and decency can get a job in public catering. They go there for easy money.

In Russia, the prestige of the profession of a waiter, hostess, and bartender is still in doubt. If working as a manager is prestigious, then working as a waiter can be perceived as humiliating, both by the employee himself and by his friends and relatives. The memory of "servants and servants" is still alive in our country.

Lack of professional education. Finding a professionally trained and good manager, waiter, bartender is hard. And in the field of restaurant business, personnel training is very important. This must be taken into account when recruiting and designing an internship program.

Experienced employees who come after having worked for a long time in another institution. Although their experience and professionalism may not be in doubt, they usually do not settle down in a new place of work, because they have already developed their own rules, their own code and their own habits in the restaurant business. It is difficult to retrain, especially if the current establishment is below the level of the previous place of work. These difficulties in recruiting staff exist, but this does not mean that you need to fall into pessimism. Knowing about HR problems, we can do our best to reduce their severity. Especially in our power to reduce staff turnover, which greatly affects the work of the entire enterprise.



The goals of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are:

) increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

) increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;

) ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

The tasks of the personnel department are the directions of personnel work, presented for the purpose of working with personnel, concretized taking into account the specific conditions of the existence of firms.

The management mechanism is a system of management bodies, means and methods aimed at meeting the needs of the enterprise in the workforce of the required quantity, quality and by a certain time.

Management objectives are achieved through the implementation of certain principles and methods. The principles underlying effective personnel management are both general (scientific nature, planning, complexity (consistency), continuity, normativeness, efficiency, interest, responsibility, etc.) and specific (compliance of management functions with production goals, individualization of work with personnel, democratization of work with personnel, informatization of personnel work, ensuring its level sufficient for making informed decisions, selection of personnel taking into account psychological compatibility, etc.), there can also be special and separate (for a specific employee) principles.

Modern principles of organization management include:

The optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management is the distribution of powers for making management decisions according to the level of the management pyramid. For example, centralized decisions - the definition of goals and strategies for the development of the company as a whole; Decentralized - operational management at the level of the head of the department, senior manager, manager, etc., that is, the transfer of the decision-making right to the operational level of management. When it comes to centralization and decentralization in management. It is important to skillfully combine one-man management (the fullness of power necessary for making decisions) and collegiality (working out decisions together with the team).

Optimality, efficiency - make decisions with a mandatory assessment of profitability, economy for any system.

Purposefulness of management - any management action is certainly associated with an orientation towards achieving the set goal.

Complexity - consideration and solution of management problems in interrelation and integrity.

Democratizing governance. This principle is based on corporate ownership organization.

The efficiency of any commercial organization directly depends on management methods.

Currently, in the scientific literature, three groups of management methods are revealed and applied in practice: administrative (organizational or organizational and administrative); economic and socio-psychological. These groups of management practices are most often viewed as complementary to each other. Annex 1.

Economic methods are economic methods based on objective economic laws and the interests of society. Prices affect profit, which in turn affects the size of the organization's funds, including incentive funds, wages. Technical and economic analysis allows you to assess economic efficiency, identify its sources, calculate the coefficients of economic efficiency. In addition, it allows you to identify positive and negative trends and create conditions in advance for the development of positive phenomena and prevention of negative ones, makes it possible to assess the economic efficiency of the provision of services, production of products, technologies, etc.

Organizational and administrative methods are a necessary complement to economic methods. These methods regulate the terms of execution and the circle of persons responsible for each section of the work, as well as specific forms of control over execution.

These include:

) method of organizational impact. It includes:

method of organizational regulation6 defines the boundaries of management at each level of management.

method of organizational standardization: allows you to create systems of various standards (organizational, technical, economic, management system standards, information standards)

method of organizational instruction: allows you to answer the question of how to perform a function, that is, it determines the order of action and acts in the form of job descriptions, methodological instructions;

) method of administrative influence, is used in case of deviations from the planned methods of performing work. Each organizational impact must be supplemented by a managerial impact, without which it cannot receive legal force.

The classification of management methods should be based on another sign - the degree of freedom of the control object in connection with the influence of the subject on it. An individual as an object of control can have the following degrees of freedom:

a) limited freedom, in which the subject of control forces the dependent object to carry out plans or tasks;

b) motivational freedom, in which the subject of management must find justified motives prompting the object of management to fulfill plans or tasks;

c) a high degree of freedom, at which the subject of control must, using logic and psychology, form a method of influencing a relatively independent object of control, placing at the forefront the study of the psychological portrait of a controlled personality and the tendency of its development. For the control object, in this case, the satisfaction of primary physiological needs is not a priority, for it the satisfaction of higher needs (self-realization, self-expression) is more important.

Based on the considered degrees of freedom of the object, it is advisable to subdivide control methods into three groups: coercion, motivation, persuasion. A comparative description of these methods is given in Appendix 2.

The characteristics of management methods given in Appendix 2. are consolidated, reflecting the prevalence, or priority, of a specific feature for a specific group of methods. The novelty of the presented table lies in the systematic approach to the problem. An analysis of the compliance of the characteristics of a specific control system with the recommendations given in the table will allow you to find "bottlenecks" in this system.

The rational ratio of methods of coercion, inducement and persuasion is approximately the following: 4: 4: 2. Let us explain why.

Coercive methods are the substance of control. Poor quality of the substance - laws and regulations - will lead to poor quality of subsequent components of the control system. If ideology, politics, law do not have a comprehensive justification, then economics and psychology will do nothing in the development of any systems. The substance of management must be of the highest quality.

Incentive methods are aimed at saving resources, improving the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, infrastructure, and the quality of life of the population in accordance with the ideology and development policy of this system. The essence of incentive methods is the optimization of management decisions and the motivation of personnel to implement them. This is a very difficult job, the quality of which determines the effectiveness of the systems. In the conditions of market relations, competition forces investors and the state to optimize decisions and motives in order to improve the quality of life of the population. Therefore, the role of incentive methods in managing the efficiency of objects is estimated at about 40% of the aggregate of efficiency factors.

The methods of persuasion in management are based on the study of the psychological portrait of the individual, the motivation of her needs, which are physiological, spiritual and social needs. The structure and scope of needs are determined by the character, education, social status and values ​​of the individual. To manage people successfully, you need to know them well. Persuasion techniques are applied to control objects with a high degree of freedom, which makes the task even more difficult. It is easier to order or economically stimulate than to persuade. In order to skillfully convince an employee of the need to complete the task efficiently, on time and at the lowest cost, the subject of management should know the psychological attitudes of the individual as an object of management.

Nevertheless, there are much more factors and conditions that determine the quality and effectiveness of management decisions than the factors of the psychological portrait of a person, which should be guided (taken into account) when making and implementing decisions. Therefore, the "weight" of the methods of persuasion is about twice as much as the "weight" of the methods of persuasion.

Strategic management must correctly (rationally, effectively) formulate all the strategic requirements in all areas of the firm. It is impossible to achieve high-quality end results with a poor-quality strategy. In addition, when formulating requirements, all economic laws and laws of the organization, scientific approaches and principles, methods and means of achieving the goal must be taken into account.

If a leader, using the methods of coercion, motivation and persuasion, is not able or does not want to implement the principles of successful leadership, then the team and the system as a whole will never be competitive.

The vector of achieving high competitiveness, in principle and in general, should initially come from the head. Partial unsystematic competitive components cannot determine the competitiveness of the system as a whole. Unfortunately, some leaders, perhaps from lack of professionalism and lack of strategic thinking, are waiting for initiative from below.

The principles of personnel management as the starting point of the theory must meet the requirements of consistency, complexity and other scientific approaches to management. The principles of personnel management available in the educational and methodological literature are too simplified (since the time of A. Fayol).

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the role of psychological methods of personnel management is increasing. Therefore, one should begin to study the parameters of the psychological portrait of a person and make decisions taking into account these parameters.

The currently accepted alternative methods of personnel management - administrative, economic and socio-psychological - should be replaced by methods of coercion, motivation and persuasion, which are based on the degree of individual freedom, the ratio of which is determined by conditions.



"NS." That restaurant in the style of a French chalet was named as the most expensive drinks for a reason. It's not about price, it's about quality. restaurant "Х.О." on the territory of the entertainment center "Temernitsky".

The opening hours of the restaurant are from 1200 to 2400. Additional services provided by the entertainment complex are: baths, saunas, a swimming pool, a hotel, and the restaurant itself is engaged in organizing services, booking seats and tables for a certain time, serving weddings, banquets, etc., organizing thematic evenings, balls, calling a taxi, providing the use of telephone communications. In the evening, the restaurant organizes a music show. The halls have special places for dancing. In addition, you should take into account the client's wishes for making dishes in plain sight.

The menu of the restaurant "Х.О." Is the hallmark of the restaurant. Therefore, when compiling it, it is necessary to diversify the raw materials and products used for the preparation of a wide selection of culinary products and drinks using various culinary processing methods.

The menu in luxury restaurants is distinguished by an abundance of customized and specialties. The number and sophistication of the dishes set it apart from the menus of other catering establishments.

In the restaurant "Х.О." includes dishes from products such as lamb, veal, poultry, fish, vegetables, fresh and pickled. In addition, French cuisine is distinguished by the wide use of various seafood: salmon, trout, mussels, shrimp, etc .; they are an essential part of our restaurant's dishes.

Speaking separately about the first courses, the most popular are cream soups with mushrooms, sea cocktails, and cheese.

From the second courses, they prefer tiger shrimps in pesto sauce, foie gras with blackberries.

A feature of French cuisine is the use of grape wine, liqueur or cognac in the preparation of many dishes. Often, wine is significantly weathered, wine alcohol evaporates and the composition that remains after evaporation gives the dish a very interesting taste and pleasant aroma. Wine not only serves for cooking, but also is the main component of marinades for fish and meat ..

French wine is a national pride and a favorite drink to the table.

To the retail premises of the restaurant "Х.О." include trading rooms with dispensers, banquet rooms, anterooms. The group of commercial premises also includes a cash desk, utility rooms - service and washing tableware.

The first and most complete impression of the restaurant is formed at the entrance. Elements of information affect the psyche, emotions of the guest, his mood. Depending on how kind the service staff is, starting with the doorman and the cloakroom attendant, one gets the first impression of the level of service in a given restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, a large white fireplace in the style of French Provence catches your eye. When planning, I take into account the number of seats in the hall; equip the wardrobe with special metal hangers for clothes, as well as wardrobes for bags, briefcases. The condition of the toilet rooms must strictly comply with such requirements as: impeccable cleanliness, good ventilation, bright lighting. They should be supplied with hot and cold water, toilet soap and toilet paper, mirrors.

this luxurious hall: with high ceilings, lavishly served round tables, chairs draped with satin fabric and comfortable sofas, a stage and an impromptu fireplace in which unrealistically large candles burned

Separately, in the group of commercial premises, service and washing tableware are distinguished. The service room is equipped for storing and dispensing dishes, cutlery and linen to waiters. It is equipped with special cabinets and separate shelves for cutlery, china and glassware. The washing room is equipped with special bathtubs and dishwashers, as well as racks for clean dishes, etc. When planning the washing room, it is necessary to take into account its location relative to the dispensing and sales area (it should be as convenient as possible for collecting and delivering dishes).

The main retail space is the restaurant hall. One of the main requirements for the layout of the hall is a clear organization of the connection between the hall and production facilities, a washing room, and bars. The dispensing room can communicate with it by two arches-passages: through one of them the waiters enter the hall with the received dishes, through the other they pass to the distribution. The area before serving should be large enough to create a good working environment for the waiters.

The interior is of great importance in the planning of the restaurant hall and other retail premises; he creates an environment conducive to fun or quiet conversation. The beautiful, tastefully designed interior provides a cozy atmosphere and the necessary comfort, contributes to the upbringing of the aesthetic taste of visitors.

When choosing an interior, one should take into account the planning and technological solution of the premises, their lighting, the color of the walls, floors, ceilings, etc.

Design plays an important role in creating the interior of a modern restaurant. Each element of the interior needs a precisely found place that defines its character and style. When choosing an interior, the designers take into account the thematic focus of the restaurant. In our case, choose the French design style.

Furniture for the decoration of the hall is made to order from one material. Its style again depends on the interior. For convenience, restaurants use armchairs. They must ensure a comfortable position for a person not only while eating, but also during rest. The tables in the restaurant have a large table top.

Indicators and methods of cultural service in the X.O restaurant.

At catering establishments, there are 2 main methods of service - service with waiters and self-service. In our restaurant we will use the first method, and the service with waiters will be full, that is, 1 waiter is designed for 2 clients.

In the restaurant "Х.О." use the following methods of serving snacks and meals. In normal service, dishes are served "by-pass", when the waiter puts the cutlery on the dishes brought from the kitchen, shows the dish to the guest and puts it on. Serving dishes "on the table" is used when serving family dinners, weddings and other celebrations. With this method, all dishes are placed on the dining table, along with devices for transferring dishes to plates. The meals are arranged by the guests themselves. In addition to these methods, there is an English way of serving dishes, when they are first shown to the guest and transferred to plates on the side table.

These methods of service can replace each other, depending on the form of service.

However, the prestige of a restaurant depends not only on how the dish is served correctly, but also by whom it is served. The waiter should always look neat and smart. There are special requirements for uniforms. It should be the same for all waiters, except for the head waiter. Clothes should be in harmony with the interior, be beautiful and at the same time comfortable. The uniform is also issued to doormen, cloakroom attendants, cleaners. The managing staff must monitor the cleanliness of the wards' uniform.

Service culture also means having music in the hall. It should be either quiet, in the background, or cheerful, lively, loud, depending on the event being held.

Many restaurant managers believe that the management does not fully understand the goals and objectives of the restaurant personnel service, and its place in the management structure is not defined at all. As the survey of the All-Russian Personnel Congress has shown, almost every third restaurant manager complains that he has little authority and ability to influence the development strategy of a restaurant chain.

The status of the personnel service of the company, according to the restaurant managers, is quite high and is largely determined by the increased attention to personnel issues on the part of the manager, as well as the initiative and professionalism of the head of the personnel policy directorate (DKP), who is part of the company's top management and is directly involved in the work of the "governing board". This situation can be considered almost exceptional in domestic practice. We add that the personnel management service in the restaurant at the top management level is perceived not only as a performer, but also as an initiator of changes. In particular, the monetary policy is the locomotive of a major restructuring process in society.

To the strengths of personnel management in the restaurant "Х.О." top managers include:

the presence of a professional and well-coordinated team of top-level managers, which is reflected in the entire vertical of management. This is not due to random compatibility, but is formed purposefully;

high professionalism of the collective of the society;

built mechanism of personnel work / personnel technologies (in the form of policies and standards of the central office) and control over their implementation;

the presence of a system in the work on personnel development (training, reserve, rotation);

social guarantees and protection of employees;

an evolving personnel motivation system (aimed at retaining valuable employees and achieving common goals);

dynamism and innovativeness of the team, which is largely determined by the practice of mobile personnel and the policy of promotion (development) of personnel.

Among the weak (problematic) aspects of personnel management in the restaurant "Х.О." were noted:

a shift in priorities in training and development (reserve training system) towards quantity at the expense of quality;

"narrow" regional market of human resources, which creates separate "centers" of personnel shortage and affects the level of qualifications;

insufficient level of mutual understanding between the personnel department and line managers (the latter are overloaded with tasks from the monetary policy and refer to them in many respects formally, not always realizing their practical value);

insufficiently high level of managerial qualifications (especially among middle managers): issues of planning and prioritization, delegation of authority are highlighted.

A feature of the work of public catering workers is their constant communication with people. Contacts with guests in the process of service, management of a work collective, groups of people, require a manager to have a deep knowledge of the psychology of human relations.

An important role in creating a good psychological climate in the team of the restaurant "Kh.O." plays the high authority of the leader, who should be a model for subordinates, both in terms of business and personal qualities: psychological, aesthetic, ethical. One of the most important requirements for a modern manager is high psychological qualities, the ability to work with people. The manager must have administrative skills, traits of a social and intellectual leader. To perform the functions of an administrator, he must, first of all, have a strong will, which is expressed in the ability to overcome obstacles in the implementation of purposeful actions. This quality is close to such character traits as decisiveness and courage, which often have to be applied when making responsible decisions.

The qualities of a manager are determined by his organizational skills. A good leader is not one who knows how to work himself, but one who can ensure the effective work of the team being led. He must be able to maintain business relations with subordinates, leaders of various levels and higher authorities, subordinate personal interests to the achievement of a common goal.

Based on numerous studies, 18 typical qualities of an organizer have been identified, seven of which are specific, i.e. determine the ability or inability of a person to organize activities:

Psychological selectivity is the ability to most fully understand the psychology of other people. Empathy with what people experience and feel takes a special place here.

The psychological mind is a quality that allows each person to find the best practical application, depending on his individual psychological characteristics.

Psychological tact is the ability to find an approach to people while establishing relationships and interaction with them.

Social vigor - ability charge with your energy of people, to activate them.

Demanding people.

Criticality is the ability to analyze deviations from a certain norm in the activities and behavior of other people.

For the successful mastery of the foundations of organizational activity and for its implementation, the unity of all qualities is necessary. For only in a complex are all qualities and properties organizational abilities. In addition, the ability to think logically, developed imagination, emotionality, good memory characterize the leader as the intellectual leader of the team. A good memory allows, taking into account all the variety of factors in the managerial situation, to direct the activities of many people, to deeply know the controlled object. It is important to remember the relevant facts, scientific information, names, numbers, etc. at the right time. A developed imagination helps to develop optimal solutions and management problems, taking into account the accumulated experience. It is a necessary prerequisite for a creative approach to planning and forecasting functions, not only for creating, but also for correctly assessing a new one.

An important condition for the success of management is the concreteness of the leader's thinking. This ability is important when making decisions when you need to take into account many factors, to determine the importance of each of them in a given specific situation.

With all types of leadership, the head of the restaurant "Х.О." emotional maturity should be inherent: maturity, absence of inertness both in the perception of new things and in the decisions made; independence, sociability. It should be borne in mind that excessive emotionality negatively affects both intellectual activity and relationships with subordinates. On the other hand, feelings contribute to the rise of spiritual and physical strength, the formation of enthusiasm for business, without which genuine success in managerial activity is impossible.

The independence of the manager's judgments in decision-making is based on the ability to accurately perceive the situation and make informed decisions in accordance with its characteristics, regardless of prevailing opinions.

Among the most important qualities of the head of the restaurant "Х.О." it is necessary to include sociability - the ability to accurately convey thoughts in one way or another and accurately perceive the transmitted thought. The leader has to communicate with people of different levels of education, special training, different interests and needs. This places high demands on the manager's ability to communicate or communicate. Sociability is associated with the peculiarities of thinking, imagination and speech.

From the above, it can be concluded that the service role of the personnel department of the Port-Said restaurant has been implemented: the main problems of supplying production with personnel have been solved, basic personnel technologies have been developed and implemented, and a sufficiently high level of management has been achieved. At the same time, objectively, there has already arisen a bilateral need for deep integration of HR services into business on more serious rights - the rights of a partner interested in increasing business efficiency. This is evidenced by the prevailing opinion of top managers that in all aspects of personnel management in the restaurant "Х.О." the quality of processes and the real involvement of managers should take priority over quantity, and among the urgent problems are: motivation of personnel for efficiency and results, successful restructuring, personnel cost estimation.

Human resources management is an area of ​​activity, the most important elements of which are determining the need for personnel, attracting personnel, engaging in work, releasing development, controlling personnel, as well as structuring work, a policy of remuneration and social services, a policy of participation in success, managing personnel costs and leadership employees ".

The goals of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are: increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise in market conditions; increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit; ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

A control method is a method of influencing a control subject on a control object for the practical implementation of the strategic and tactical goals of the control system. The purpose of the management system is to achieve the competitiveness of products, services, organizations and other objects in the external or internal market.

Port Said specializes in the national cuisine of Arab countries. The study showed that for the management of the personnel management service of the Port Said restaurant, the main task is not to raise the status or acquire additional powers, but to complete the transition from the service center function to a business partnership as soon as possible.


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Characteristics of restaurant management methods

Groups of methods Mechanism of influence on the object of management Incentive to perform managerial influence Types of influence Economic Indirect stimulating Material interest Incentive funds, prices, profit, loans, technical and economic analysis Legal and organizational and administrative Direct directive disciplinary responsibility Norms of civil and administrative law, instructions, ordering, psychological orders motives


Comparative characteristics of restaurant management methods

Signs of management methods Groups of management methods methods of coercion methods of coercion methods of persuasion 1. The common name for a group of methods, roughly corresponding to the new group Administrative, Economic, Socio-psychological 2. Substance of methods Directive, discipline Optimization of motives Psychology, sociology 3. Management goal Implementation of laws, directives, plans Achievement of competitiveness of manufactured objects Achievement of mutual understanding 4. Management structure Rigid Adaptive to situations Adaptive to personality 5. Form of ownership, where the methods are mainly applied State Corporate, private, state and other private 6. Subject of influenceCollective, individualIndividualIndividual 7. Form of influence With the help of normative and methodological documents Motivation Management of social and psychological processes 8. The main requirement for the subject when applying the methods Execution, organization Professionalism in this area Psychological stability of the personality 9. Needs addressed by the methods Physiological, safety management Physiological All needs 10. The type of organizational structure for which these methods are most appropriate Linear, functional Problem-targeted, matrix Brigade 11. The predominant direction of the control action From top to bottom Vertical (top to bottom and bottom to top) Vertical and horizontal 12. The level of the management hierarchy, where the methods are mainly applied Top and middle High, middle, lowest Low 13. The nature of management information Qualitative, deterministic Qualitative, stochastic Complex (as a quality factor), stochastic 14. Leadership style typical for this group of methods Authoritarian Mixed Democratic 15. The type of temperament of the subject of management (leader), the most adequate to this group of methods Phlegmatic Sanguine Sanguine 16. The same with regard to the object of control (executor) Sanguine Phlegmatic, choleric Melancholic 17. Type of management decision most often made Decisions based on strict adherence to regulatory documents and directives Decisions based on modeling and complex justification Decisions based on judgment, intuition, experience of the person making them 18. Specific Methods and Methods of Management 1. State regulation of the economy. 2. Standardization and certification. 3. Monitoring the ecosystem. 4. Normative and methodological regulation of the management system. 5. Planning, accounting and control 1. Economic incentives. 2. Analysis of costs, quality and other parameters of systems (photography of working hours, timing, questionnaires, testing, factor analysis, etc.). 3. Economic and mathematical modeling. 4. Balance Methods 1. Monitoring of social and psychological processes. 2. Modeling of social and psychological processes. 3. Psychotechnology. 4. Moral stimulation19. Recommended ratio of applied methods (sum is 10) 442

How to manage different types of employees in a restaurant

Most of the difficulties in managing restaurant staff arise from low employee incentives or lack of personal motivation. Each employee needs to find their own approach. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in their theory of situational leadership identified four types of employees and defined the appropriate management style for them. Based on this typology, we will consider ways of managing different types of employees in a restaurant.


Has a high desire, low professional knowledge and skills.


Full of energy, desire to learn and work;

Doesn't know "how it should be." He will not question your decisions and directions or give advice. Everything that you put into it is what you get;

Most loyal to the company, because you believed in him and gave him a chance to prove himself.


Knows little and because of this makes many mistakes;

Has minimal skills;

Requires constant mentoring and supervision.

How to manage it:

Set a specific task. For example, “Today you have to learn how to make an espresso;

Show you how to do it. Personal example works best for the employee because he understands that you know everything and he will not be able to deceive or evade you, and this also increases loyalty to you;

The first time you do it with him. The employee does, but under your clear guidance;

Then you constantly monitor his actions. Make point remarks at work. For example: “You should temper your coffee harder for the best creams”;

Give feedback both positive and negative. For example: "Today you have a much better cream in espresso, but you took a cold cup, so redo it."

Also, do not forget to praise him. Your attention and recognition can be a much greater incentive than monetary reward. The most important thing is that he gains knowledge, acquires professional skills, but at the same time does not lose his personal motive to develop further. Therefore, any criticism or remark must be fair, well-grounded and start with positive words.

"The sun"

She has both a strong desire and high professional knowledge and skills.


Does its job perfectly;

Loves his job and wants to develop in it;

I am ready to take responsibility and not afraid of difficulties.


Under the influence of various factors, it can lose motivation.

How to manage it:

Delegate specific tasks to him. For example, he draws up a work schedule for employees for a week;

Develop his leadership and professional skills. Conduct educational trainings or master classes. Give books to read, send to competitions. Receive feedback on all events held, respond to comments.

These are the employees who will be the first candidates for promotion in your company. They have a high loyalty to the Company and a desire to achieve new and new heights. However, you should not forget that every employee has the right to make mistakes and you are responsible for the final result.


High professional knowledge and skills and lack of desire.


Can do the job well;

Has good professional knowledge and skills.

Disadvantages :

Lack of motivation;

Not wanting to take on more responsibility because of self-doubt;

Accepts criticism sharply, considering it undeserved criticism.

How to manage it:

It is necessary to talk openly with the employee and find out what is the real reason for the decrease in motivation. Someone has lost interest in work due to the lack of prospects, someone lacks external stimulation, someone thinks that they are not appreciated. There may be a lot of reasons, so it is worthwhile to correctly identify it and take action.

Delegate specific tasks;

Encourage employee ideas;

Show interest in the employee’s personal life and praise the employee’s accomplishments. This is one of the most difficult types of employees. There are many positive aspects, but lack of motivation and closeness can lead to a decrease in the quality of work, and then the dismissal of an employee.

We must also remember that an employee can outgrow his position. If you cannot offer him a horizontal or vertical promotion, you must be prepared for him to leave. It is not worth promising an employee that you cannot fulfill. This will lead to even more demotivation. The main thing in case of leaving, the employee must leave without harboring resentment against you, as this can lead to a negative reputation for your company.


Lack of desire and skills.

There are no advantages as such, but there are enough disadvantages. Includes disadvantages of the three types described above.

How to manage it:

Give clear directions;

Show a personal example;

Control every process;

Provide informed feedback;

Send for additional training (trainings, master classes);

Invite successful leaders, both within the company and former employees, who started their careers in the given company for stimulating conversation.

Arrange a variety of internal promotions to increase loyalty to the company and incentivize the employee. This includes training in team building, competition for the best employee or sales leader.

However, it is worth remembering that if an employee does not want or cannot do this work, then this is simply not his place. It is important to accurately convey this information to him and part with friends. For example: “Vanya, you know, you are such a fine fellow, you are active, purposeful, you have a lot of advantages, but our company cannot offer you a position worthy of you. However, we believe that you will find your company and have a great career there. "

Personnel management in the restaurant business requires tremendous attention from business owners. Management in this case is based on two principles: a vertical division of labor and an adequate measurement of work. According to these principles, there are a number of responsibilities that the administration of an enterprise must fulfill in any conditions, even in the presence of a crisis situation:

Classical administrative school

When managing a restaurant business, classic strategies with universal principles are most often used. According to them, the creation of an optimal structure of the enterprise is envisaged. On its basis, the most rational system is built with which you can manage the organization.

Qualitatively trained staff with high qualifications will help build a successful restaurant business.

Categories of employees who can work in restaurants and fast food establishments

  • the managing team, who deals with the financial and administrative management of the restaurant)
  • kitchen staff, they provide high quality dishes and a wide range of them in the institution)
  • service personnel who are in direct contact with the restaurant's customers)
  • auxiliary workers who prepare all the necessary conditions for the functioning of the restaurant.

In one way or another, absolutely all employees participate in sales - the work of the institution depends on each of them. In addition, there are key figures who have sufficient influence over all employees, who are able to create a normal work atmosphere and a well-coordinated team. Most often, this is done by the chef and the manager of the organization. They are introducing corporate culture into the structures of the enterprise.

The organization of the restaurant personnel management system provides for the presence of other specialists. A lot depends on the pastry chef, who develops the dessert menu, organizes the work of the bakery, and controls the quality of dishes and purchased products. In addition to all this, he is obliged to monitor the implementation of all sanitary and hygienic standards on the territory of the restaurant.

The administrator of the establishment also plays an important role in its work. It will depend on him how comfortable the visitors of the restaurant will feel, controls the integrity of the entire decoration of the institution, and also resolves conflicts that have arisen. He also informs the restaurant management about the need to implement changes.

Features of the restaurant business

Restaurant staff management requires a tremendous amount of responsibility from the leaders of the establishment. In recent years, there have been a number of changes in this area. Thus, salaries of employees have decreased recently by about 40 percent, after which they have stabilized.

Foreign staff also began to enjoy great popularity. Specialists from abroad can get jobs in all segments of the restaurant market, from the profession of a technologist to a chef in the kitchen. The main thing is the high qualification of the employee, according to which the payment of wages will be calculated.

Employers are focused on finding chefs and pastry chefs as quickly as possible. They are much less interested in other personnel, since it is possible to find employees related to them within a few weeks. Among other things, low-skilled workers can be selected by administrators and managers. It should be noted that it is in this segment that there is an active turnover.

Heads of establishments should pay special attention to the menu. It should be balanced and comfortable for both visitors and employees. Previously, the menu in most restaurants was redundant, but now it is being optimized, the focus is on dishes that are often in demand.

In the presence of a crisis situation, it is necessary to start looking for managers who can help the enterprise get out of it. However, restaurants are rarely able to pay for the services of such specialists. This happens only when they can no longer independently solve the problem.

Features of staff recruitment in the hospitality industry. Features of adaptation and training of staff in the restaurant. Features of the assessment of the restaurant staff. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the selection and adaptation of personnel in the Tanuki restaurant.

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