Presentation of the rules of table tennis. Table tennis presentation for a lesson in physical education on the topic. Serve "pendulum" with the back of the racket

Khlimanova Stefania

Table tennis is an entertainment that is highly beneficial to health. Most experts believe that table tennis originated in England. It is believed that table tennis owes its birth to the rainy English weather. It was impossible to play tennis on wet lawns, and the game was moved indoors. At first they played on the floor. Later, due to the lack of large halls, a game appeared on two tables located at some distance from one another. After a while, the tables were moved, and a net was stretched between them.



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Table tennis Completed by Stefania Khlimanova Pupil 5 "B" class of gymnasium No. 36

Table tennis is an entertainment that is highly beneficial to health.

Most experts believe that table tennis originated in England. It is believed that table tennis owes its birth to the rainy English weather. It was impossible to play tennis on wet lawns, and the game was moved indoors. At first they played on the floor. Later, due to the lack of large halls, a game appeared on two tables located at some distance from one another. After a while, the tables were moved, and a net was stretched between them.

Simple inventory, and most importantly - the small size of the site allowed you to play anywhere. This ensured the wide distribution of the board game, which in short time became a favorite parlor game in England, and then in other countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Interestingly, the game was played in strict evening wear: women in long dresses, men in tuxedos and tailcoats.

In 1874, the English major Walter Clopton from Wingfield developed the rules of a new game, quite close to modern tennis, which he called spheristics. A year later, the rules of the game were improved, and it received a new name lawn tennis, which in English means tennis on the lawn or just tennis.

The basic rules of table tennis The ball is put into play by serving, it must hit the opponent's side, having previously hit the table in its own half. The serve is carried out alternately by each of the players, five times in a row. The game continues until one of the opponents scores 21 points, the opponent must have at least 2 less. For example, 21:19; if the score is 21:20, then the game continues until the score is 22:20, etc.

A player may return a kick only after the ball has bounced in his own half. If this condition is not met, the point is lost, it is won by the opponent. Of course, everything that can happen in the game cannot be foreseen. But the basic provisions of the rules must be remembered firmly, like a multiplication table. And one more piece of advice: never turn the game into an empty verbiage because of every point.

The serve is one of the most important techniques in table tennis.

There is an infinite number (about 1500) innings. Without a good serve in modern table tennis, there can be no good counting game. Recently, the serve has become such an important attacking technique that you can immediately win a point. The serve not only puts the ball into play, but also makes it difficult for the opponent to start the attack. The course of the point draw largely depends on what kind of serve you serve. The serve is the only hit that does not depend on the partner's actions, because you throw the ball to yourself. The serve technique consists of two parts: tossing the ball and the blow itself. Consider the basic rules for serving.

Serve "pendulum" with the back of the racket Serve "pendulum" with the palm side of the racket

Fan feed from the right-hand post Fan feed from the neutral post

The first thing that is important for us during the serve is the stand. The knees are bent for the ability to quickly move in any direction where the serve goes. The body is slightly tilted forward for the start. Do not allow static, it is better to step from foot to foot and sway - then you get a start on the move. The distance to the table is average, it is easier to go forward than to retreat. .

The second point is observation of the opponent. By his stance, swing, you can understand what kind of blow will be - long or short, fast or slow. It is important to understand the direction of the racket and the place of contact with the ball. If the ball has a lower rotation, it "restrains" its flight, if it has an upper one, then vice versa - it accelerates.

As a result, we get three main possibilities for receiving a serve: - if the ball jumps into the table with a long or medium, possibly twisted serve, you need to perform a direct attack from the serve or return it with strong rotation. - if the serve is short, it most often has a strong rotation, which means that you need to beat it short and cut it. - short serves very often provide an opportunity to attack, especially if the spin is weak or the ball bounced higher.

PUTTING This technique is similar to cutting in the form of movement and is used to repel the opponent's strong blows: rolls, finishing blows at medium and long distances from the table. In this case, the ball is given bottom or bottom-side rotation. Undercut provides a reliable reflection of the ball and prevents the opponent from completing the attack. . Trim left Trim right

CUTTING Without a cutting, as a rule, not a single game on the account can do. This is one of the main tricks of the game. Even experienced players often use this stroke. To accept a serve, to reflect a short ball or to play short yourself, thereby preventing the opponent from launching an attack - all this is done with the help of a cut. The ball is given bottom spin during this stroke ( reverse direction its flight), and it flies more slowly on a low trajectory. The name of this strike apparently comes from the fact that the execution of the movement is similar to the similar movement when we cut something. Cut to the left. The left cut is performed from a stance normally reserved for backhands. The body is slightly turned half-turn to the left and slightly tilted forward. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and spaced shoulder-width apart: the right leg is in front at an angle of approximately 45 ° to the table, the left leg is behind, parallel to the back line of the table. Arms bent at the elbows and in front of the chest

Cut right. The cut to the right, as well as all strikes with the palm side of the racket, is performed from the right strike stand. In this case, the body is turned half-turn to the right and slightly tilted forward. Sometimes the player stands almost left side to the table. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and spaced shoulder-width apart, the left leg is in front, the right is behind, parallel to the back line of the table. The arms are bent at the elbows, the weight of the body falls on the toes. . Cut right

Rolling refers to attacking strikes and, like cutting, is considered one of the main techniques of the game. With it, you can not only throw the ball to the other side of the table and perform hits on balls that have both top and bottom rotation. This technique can also be counterattacked in response to a freewheeling attack. In this case, the blow will be called a counter-roll. The use of rolling allows you to diversify the game. Play at a faster pace than cuts, change the direction and strength of the rotation of the ball, which makes it possible to quickly defeat an opponent. Roll on the left. Overrun on the right

Ways to hold the racket There are two types of grip: the so-called European, when the racket is located horizontally relative to the plane of the table, and Asian, vertical. It is also called the “pen” grip because the racket is held by the fingers in the same way as a pen with a quill when writing.

Horizontal "European" grip (see figure - a, b). Vertical "Asian" grip (see picture - c)

Stand, push The racket is placed in front of a flying ball. He hit her and flew back. Here is the stand. Well, if you move the racket forward to hit the ball harder, you get a push. However, these attacks also need to be learned. Sometimes they secure a point, so to speak, by the path of least resistance.

Exercises for mastering the skill of a tennis player: 1. Exercises with jump ropes. Jumping at a fast pace - 3 times for 15 s; 2X 60 s, between jumps, perform two or even three turns with ropes; at an average pace - 2X3 minutes, rotating the ropes back. Tilts, turns with ropes. 2. Exercises with tennis balls (in pairs). Catching and throwing balls with two hands, one hand; standing facing the wall, beat off a series of balls with the game hand (12 - 15 m); throwing balls at the target. 3. Exercises with stuffed balls (weight 1, 3, 5 kg). Throwing the ball from the chest; from behind the head, from below, with their backs to the main direction, simulating a roll on the right, simulating a roll on the left, sitting facing each other (number of throws in 1 minute), in a jump.

4. Exercises with a rubber bandage. The rubber is very stretched. Imitation of blows on the right, on the left. After the blow, the hand should immediately return to its original position. 5. Exercises with dumbbells. Imitation of rolling on the right and left. Imitation of other, already well-learned, blows. A set of general developmental exercises with dumbbells. For a tennis player, good finger and hand mobility is essential. How to develop them? You just need to “play” with your fingers, conduct an imaginary orchestra. Usually it is always immediately and well done in girls. Well, boys can learn from them.

A game of spin. Players, which can be any number, but not less than three, move around the table, hitting the ball in turn. If there are an odd number of players, then the ball is injected from the side where there are more of them. After the player hit the ball, he must go to the other side, wait for his turn, hit the ball again and go to the other side of the table. The game is played with a knockout. If the player makes a mistake (one, two or three times), then he is out of the game. The fewer players left, the faster you need to move. When there are two players left, they, as usual, play a point or several points and even a game. Preparatory games

Train game. There is one player on one side of the table, and a team of three or four players (or more) on the other. Players of the team alternately hit the ball and move to the end of the column, giving way to another player. The game is played for 3-5 minutes. The winner is the player who has made the fewest mistakes by the end of the game. He stays alone while the others form a team and the game starts again.

Table tennis Completed by: Derbentseva Olga Ivanovna, teacher of physical education, MKOU "Kalmykovskaya secondary school" 2012.

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Purpose: To acquaint students with the history of the game of table tennis, the basic rules and techniques.

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Table tennis is an entertainment that is highly beneficial to health.

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Most experts believe that table tennis originated in England. It is believed that table tennis owes its birth to the rainy English weather. It was impossible to play tennis on wet lawns, and the game was moved indoors. At first they played on the floor. Later, due to the lack of large halls, a game appeared on two tables located at some distance from one another. After a while, the tables were moved, and a net was stretched between them.

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Simple inventory, and most importantly - the small size of the site allowed you to play anywhere. This ensured the wide distribution of the board game, which in a short time became a favorite parlor game in England, and then in other countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Interestingly, the game was played in strict evening wear: women in long dresses, men in tuxedos and tailcoats.

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 In 1874, the English major Walter Clopton from Wingfield developed the rules of a new game, quite close to modern tennis, which he called spheristics. A year later, the rules of the game were improved, and it received a new name lawn tennis, which in English means tennis on the lawn or just tennis.

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Basic Rules of Table Tennis The ball is put into play by serving, it must hit the opponent's side, having previously hit the table in its own half. The serve is carried out alternately by each of the players, five times in a row. The game continues until one of the opponents scores 21 points, the opponent must have at least 2 less. For example, 21:19; if the score is 21:20, then the game continues until the score is 22:20, etc.

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A player may return a kick only after the ball has bounced in his own half. If this condition is not met, the point is lost, it is won by the opponent. Of course, everything that can happen in the game cannot be foreseen. But the basic provisions of the rules must be remembered firmly, like a multiplication table. And one more piece of advice: never turn the game into an empty verbiage because of every point.

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The serve is one of the most important techniques in table tennis.

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There is an infinite number (about 1500) innings. Without a good serve in modern table tennis, there can be no good counting game. Recently, the serve has become such an important attacking technique that you can immediately win a point. The serve not only puts the ball into play, but also makes it difficult for the opponent to start the attack. The course of the point draw largely depends on what kind of serve you serve. The serve is the only hit that does not depend on the partner's actions, because you throw the ball to yourself. The serve technique consists of two parts: tossing the ball and the blow itself. Consider the basic rules for serving.

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Serve "pendulum" with the back of the racket Serve "pendulum" with the palm side of the racket

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Fan feed from the right-hand post Fan feed from the neutral post

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The first thing that is important for us during the serve is the stand. The knees are bent for the ability to quickly move in any direction where the serve goes. The body is slightly tilted forward for the start. Do not allow static, it is better to step from foot to foot and sway - then you get a start on the move. The distance to the table is average, it is easier to go forward than to retreat.

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The second point is observation of the opponent. By his stance, swing, you can understand what kind of blow will be - long or short, fast or slow. It is important to understand the direction of the racket and the place of contact with the ball. If the ball has a lower rotation, it "restrains" its flight, if it has an upper one, then vice versa - it accelerates.

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As a result, we get three main possibilities for receiving a serve: - if the ball jumps into the table with a long or medium, possibly twisted serve, you need to perform a direct attack from the serve or return it with strong rotation. - if the serve is short, it most often has a strong rotation, which means that you need to beat it short and cut it. - short serves very often provide an opportunity to attack, especially if the spin is weak or the ball bounced higher.

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PUTTING This technique is similar to cutting in the form of movement and is used to repel the opponent's strong blows: rolls, finishing blows at medium and long distances from the table. In this case, the ball is given bottom or bottom-side rotation. Undercut provides a reliable reflection of the ball and prevents the opponent from completing the attack. Right cut. Clipping left

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CUTTING Without a cutting, as a rule, not a single game on the account can do. This is one of the main tricks of the game. Even experienced players often use this stroke. To accept a serve, to reflect a short ball or to play short yourself, thereby preventing the opponent from launching an attack - all this is done with the help of a cut. The ball during this stroke is given a downward spin (reverse to the direction of its flight), and it flies more slowly along a low trajectory. The name of this strike apparently comes from the fact that the execution of the movement is similar to the similar movement when we cut something. Cut to the left. The left cut is performed from a stance normally reserved for backhands. The body is slightly turned half-turn to the left and slightly tilted forward. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and spaced shoulder-width apart: the right leg is in front at an angle of approximately 45 ° to the table, the left leg is behind, parallel to the back line of the table. Arms bent at the elbows and in front of the chest

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Cut right. The cut to the right, as well as all strikes with the palm side of the racket, is performed from the right strike stand. In this case, the body is turned half-turn to the right and slightly tilted forward. Sometimes the player stands almost left side to the table. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and spaced shoulder-width apart, the left leg is in front, the right is behind, parallel to the back line of the table. The arms are bent at the elbows, the weight of the body falls on the toes. . Cut right

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Rolling refers to attacking strikes and, like cutting, is considered one of the main techniques of the game. With it, you can not only throw the ball to the other side of the table and perform hits on balls that have both top and bottom rotation. This technique can also be counterattacked in response to a freewheeling attack. In this case, the blow will be called a counter-roll. The use of rolling allows you to diversify the game. Play at a faster pace than cuts, change the direction and strength of the rotation of the ball, which makes it possible to quickly defeat the opponent Nakat on the right. Overrun on the left

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Ways to hold the racket There are two types of grip: the so-called European, when the racket is located horizontally relative to the plane of the table, and Asian, vertical. It is also called the “pen” grip because the racket is held by the fingers in the same way as a pen with a quill when writing.

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Horizontal "European" grip (see figure - a, b). Vertical "Asian" grip (see picture - in

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Stand, push The racket is placed in front of a flying ball. He hit her and flew back. Here is the stand. Well, if you move the racket forward to hit the ball harder, you get a push. However, these attacks also need to be learned. Sometimes they secure a point, so to speak, by the path of least resistance.

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Exercises for mastering the skill of a tennis player: 1. Exercises with jump ropes. Jumping at a fast pace - 3 times for 15 s; 2X 60 s, between jumps, perform two or even three turns with ropes; at an average pace - 2X3 minutes, rotating the ropes back. Tilts, turns with ropes. 2. Exercises with tennis balls (in pairs). Catching and throwing balls with two hands, one hand; standing facing the wall, beat off a series of balls with the game hand (12 - 15 m); throwing balls at the target. 3. Exercises with stuffed balls (weight 1, 3, 5 kg). Throwing the ball from the chest; from behind the head, from below, with their backs to the main direction, simulating a roll on the right, simulating a roll on the left, sitting facing each other (number of throws in 1 min), in a jump.

Today, I will talk about the game that we love to play in between times TODAY, I WILL TELL ABOUT THE GAME,
This game has a lot of curiosities
facts and observations about which
You will be interested to know.

The format of my presentation will be similar to “Pecha a bunch”, by the way, this is a separate topic for conversation, you can then google what it is, and also lu

My presentation format
will be similar to "Pecha
a bunch", by the way, this
separate topic for
conversation, you can later
google what it is, and
even better to continue
relay race.

Table Tennis or Ping Pong?

interesting observation
is that this
games have two names
table tennis and
"PingPong", so what

It turns out the only
the difference lies in
Ping pong
is a trademark,
and table tennis is
which is included in
Olympic Games. Pingpong is federal
way the name is ping pong
on the
made for playing
table tennis. That's
all the difference.
Or PingPong?

Where did this wonderful game come from?

What's on
walls of the Summer Palace
us this wonderful
preserved in China
the game?
medieval, on
which are clearly
can be considered
game, strong
reminiscent of ping pong.
But in the modern world
first competition
on the desktop
tennis took place in
London, in 1900.
It is this fact
directly testifies
oh big
the popularity of this
sport already

You will be surprised BUT:

According to scientists,
athlete during one
table tennis match
must "run" from 4 to 7
km distance. So don't
surprising that this kind
sport is one of
those that activate
cardiovascular system.
All the same scientists calculated
that when playing board
tennis athlete spends
more energy than
for example, in basketball.
But if you take into account
that the rotation of the ball in ping pong can reach 170
revolutions per SEC, and it flies
at speeds up to 170 km/h,
it becomes clear why
players put so much energy into
match time.


Party between Warren and Vejar
against Laise and Fiya,
lasted 101 hours, 1
minute and 1 second. The record was
recorded in 1979 on
US territory.
But still in the Book of Records
Guinness turned out to be different
record set by two
lovers. Two men -
Richard de Witt and Rick Bowling
with spectators for 10
hours and 9 minutes interrupted the ball
through a network of various
blows without committing
not a single mistake. This
achievement was also
installed in the US, but
a little later - in 1983.
party between singles
lasted 143 hours and 46 minutes
(from May 30 to June 04, 1983).

Table tennis improves our health:

thanks to ping pong
getting better
improves vision.
The mechanics here are enough
simple - eyes that
should follow
moving ball,
permanently fixed
on a dynamic object,
what makes it happen
eye muscle training
so it happens
myopia prevention
and farsightedness.
Thanks to such
properties, many ophthalmologists as one of
ways to treat diseases
view prescribe the game in
table tennis. V
In particular, this applies to those
who spends a lot of time
in front of the computer

Assistant in the training of cosmonauts and athletes

Table tennis on
used on an ongoing basis
to prepare astronauts for
flight. This is due to the fact that
ping pong is great
allowing for a reaction.
Moreover, engage
table tennis
recommended to goalkeepers in hockey,
baseball players, fencers.
In other words, the
athletes, where
important reaction and fast
ability to make decisions.
You shouldn't give up
such exercises, even
if you are not an athlete, because
fast response will help you in
Everyday life.

Have you forgotten?

The electronic version of ping pong - Pong - has become
one of the first
computer games,
developed before
appearance of personal
computers, in 1972
year. On its basis was
created the first Arkanoid,
spawned a whole genre
computer games.
And in April 2013
you can play pong
was on a giant
screen in which
turned the 29-storey
skyscraper in


American students at parties play a popular game,
called "beer pong". It uses a ball to
ping-pong, which is thrown across the table, towards the mugs, where
poured beer. If one player hits the ball in such a mug,
his opponent must drink it, to the very bottom.

In conclusion, I would like to say:

Guys play ping pong! Improve your health and
reaction! And you will reach great heights!

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The presentation on the topic "Table tennis" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 9 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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1834 London - First rule papers for the game (printed in catalogs under the title Miniature Indoor Lawn Tennis Game). 1880–1990 - kits were presented in British sports equipment catalogs new game. 1891 – C. Baxter (patent No. 190070 - rules of the game) and D. Jake (patent No. 157615 - ping-pong game) legitimized the birth of table tennis

The name Ping-Pong comes from the sound of the ball on the table and racket.

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Gradually, ping-pong becomes not just salon entertainment, but sports game In 1891, table tennis was given a major boost by the engineering of James Gibb, who decided to use small, hollow, colored balls from a child's toy to play ping pong. Introduction to lung game celluloid ball allowed to significantly reduce the weight of the racket. Instead of rackets with strings, plywood rackets with a shortened handle appeared

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They began to use new materials for pasting the playing surface of the racket: cork, parchment, velor, sandpaper, rubber. The ancestor of modern modifications of rackets is considered to be the Englishman E.K. Good, who in 1902, drawing attention to the rubber lining for changing small things, removed the cork from the racket and instead of it on both sides pasted rubber just purchased at the pharmacy. The next day, E. Hood's rivals were surprised: he won one victory after another and won the tournament

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gambling, entertainment game covered many cities and countries. Ping-pong was played not only in special rooms, but wherever possible. Once, in one of the English restaurants, having given young aristocrats, armed with cigar box lids, they began to throw wine bottle corks found on the floor

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This game spread by sea quite quickly. So, English sailors, being on a forced vacation in one of the ports of Germany, staged a ping-pong championship. Local youth watched the game with interest, and before the foreign ship had time to give a farewell whistle, table tennis competitions had already begun in the port. Thus, ping-pong spread all over the world.

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In England, ping-pong as a sport was recognized in 1900, when the first London ping-pong championship took place. 300 people took part in the championship. 1901, India - official tournament, which can be considered the first international competition. One of the best players of that time, the Indian athlete Nando, won this tournament.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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During training, constantly cultivate such important qualities as diligence, discipline, consciousness. When playing for a score, do not count on a quick and easy victory, but do not set yourself up for a loss. Know how to fight to the end, do not give up your positions under any circumstances, even if your opponent is much stronger than you. Always be collected and extremely attentive, especially during the draw of a point. Try to follow not only the flight of the ball, but also the actions of the opponent

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Don't let your attention slip when you're in the lead. It often happens that, having believed in victory and calmed down, even experienced players lose seemingly already completed games. Do not express your emotions too violently after winning or losing a point - this interferes with the game, excessive joy or grief affects the result of the match. Know how to restrain your feelings, in any game situations, remain calm and collected. No wonder they say: "Before you defeat others, be able to overcome your weaknesses"

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In case of failure, do not place the blame on others, look for the reasons only in yourself. Be strong, know how to recognize yourself as defeated, but do not drop your dignity Having won a victory over your opponent, do not brag about your successes. A violent expression of one's emotions when winning is not tactful towards the loser. Remain a friend of the vanquished Know how to be friends. Respect your partner no matter how strong or weak he plays

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Be honest with your opponent, be able to admit your mistake, even if no one noticed it. With any opponent you have to play at full strength. Know that the richest and most durable experience is your own. No wonder they say: "For one beaten - they give two unbeaten." Indeed, every game, every victory and defeat teaches us something. Try to objectively analyze the opponent's actions and your own, draw the right conclusions. If you notice a mistake, immediately correct it, this is the only way to achieve success in any business.


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