School contests for the new year for high school students. New Year's contests for high school students (New Year). New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

We bring to your attention New Year's contests for high school students. They will cheer everyone up and help make the festive evening fun and memorable.

New Year's contests for high school students

Participants take turns taking out leaves from the bag (hat, vessel) with comic riddles, denoting an object. For example, "What does a bald person not need?" (comb) or "What can be used to restore the broken?" (glue). The guesser gets exactly the same item.

Girls - Snow Maidens participate in this competition. They are invited to wrap the gift beautifully. This is where the guys' help is needed. They will act as those very gifts. Each Snow Maiden must pack her partner with toilet paper in a certain time. For the most beautiful gift- a prize.

Various music contests for the New Year for high school students turn out to be very funny and funny. The next challenge will require two teams. Their participants are located opposite each other in a row. The competitors' task is to dance. In turn, each team member shows a certain movement to the music, and everyone else repeats it. The main condition of the game is that the dance elements should not be repeated. Each team has its own piece of musical composition. The competition continues until one of the competitors is able to come up with a dance movement. His team will be considered the loser.


New Year's contests for high school students are very fun to carry out with the participation of everyone present. Teenagers are divided into two teams. Each mini-group chooses an attractive New Year's musical composition. Only five minutes are given to prepare for the competition. Within the allotted time, each team must choose a so-called performer and, distributing roles among all participants, stage a song. After the competition, the jury evaluates the performance and selects the winner.

Absolutely any number of players can participate in this competition-game. The main thing is that each team consists of three people. Two participants are blindfolded. Ribbons are given to one of them. The third participant stands in the middle of the room. According to the rules of the competition, one of the blindfolded players must fix as many bows as possible on him. And the second is to remove them by touch. The team that will be able to cope with the task faster than the others wins.

Crush the ball

Competitions for high school students can also be conducted as a pair competition. The next game involves two people. Three balloons are tied to the left leg of each of them. The goal of the competition is to crush the adversary's "decoration" and protect your own. The winner is the one who has at least one balloon intact.

To play, you will need two empty containers and a few handfuls of peas or dragees. The task of the participants is to hit exactly the neck of the bottle. The winner is the one who manages to throw the most peas.


When planning New Year's contests for high school students, do not forget about gifts for the winners. A tiny souvenir, candy, stationery - no matter what it will be, the main thing is attention.

Students sit at tables in the classroom. Each table is a team whose representatives participate in various competitions. Competition winners are awarded with sweets, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc.

Competition "Business card"

Each team table has a name and its own motto. After that, each participant has an emblem on his chest.
Warm-up (candies are awarded for correct answers)
1. How much is 2 + 2 * 2? (6)
2. How much will it be if fifty is divided by half? (2)
3. What are the pronouns that get in the way of drivers on the road. (I-we)
4. What are the cleanest pronouns? (you-we-you)
5. Name the words in which one hundred of the same letters. (one hundred-n, one-one, one hundred, one-l)
6. Why is a canary called a canary? (originally from the Canary Islands)
7. Where do Siberian cats come from? (from south asia)
8. What animal is attached to one place all its life? (coral)
9. What birds have wings covered with scales? (for penguins)
10. Who has the most long tongue? (at the anteater)
11. Why a glass of water containing sugar will cool faster than a glass without sugar? (the sugar dissolving process requires heat)
12. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (raven hedgehog)
13. Name a bird that can digest metal. (ostrich)
14. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (weigh the same)

Competition "Applesauce"

(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates)
Over 200 years ago New Year celebrated on September 1st. Dear guests were treated to apples straight from the trees. What does half an apple look like? For the second half. So, the competition - you need to make applesauce. The players are given 2 apples of the same size, each with a grater and a plate. Speed ​​and quality are taken into account. The winner is awarded a prize, the second an apple.

Competition "Get an Apple"

A bowl of water is placed in front of each participant in the competition. The condition of the competition is to get a floating apple without using your hands.

Competition "Relay"

(saucepan, spoon, glass of water)
Each team member uses a spoon to transfer the water from the pot to the glass. Who is faster and who has more water in the glass.

Competition "Take the Prize"

(chair, prize)
A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Competitors are around the chair. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!”. Those who tried to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition.
I'll tell you a story
One and a half dozen times.
As soon as I say the word "three" -
Take the prize immediately!
Once we caught a pike,
Gutted, but inside
We counted small fish -
And not one, but TWO.
Dreams of a hardened boy
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better FIVE!
Recently train at the train station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn't you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theater"

(task cards)
Candidates who wish are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in the cage;
- a sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- sentry, guarding food warehouse;
- an infant who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Contest "Make a Word"

“Strange” words are written on the board. Rearrange the letters in them in such a way that the word ceases to be “strange”.
Ople - (field)
Rags - (January)
Lauzi - (street)
Badus - (fate)
Clerosis - (mirror)

Soap Bubble Contest

(air balloons)
Boys who want to inflate balloons. Then they break up into pairs, each of which tries to "crush" the ball with its bellies. The surviving ball is a reward.

Contest "Get the Candy"

(bowl, flour, candy)
Flour is heaped into a bowl. Candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. This competition is open not for team representatives, but for everyone who wants to test their dexterity.

Competition "Funny Pictures"

(chalk, board)
On the board, you need to draw AT THE SAME TIME: with one hand a triangle, and the other a square.

Mosaic competition

(envelopes with postcards)
An envelope is issued for each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect the postcard. (You can "restore" a landscape picture, a portrait of the writer).

Competition "One ring, two ring"

(objects, rings)
At a distance of 2-3 meters from the participants of the competition there are objects wrapped in paper. Each of them is given 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters made of thick cardboard. Competitors must throw rings on these items. The object on which the ring fell becomes the property of the person who got it.

Competition "Merry Nonsense"

(sets of strips of paper with text)
This competition improves the mood of those present, makes the holiday gaiety.
The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter walks around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pulling out a question, (read aloud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.
Use your imagination when writing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations you will get.
Sample questions:
- do you read other people's letters?
- do you sleep well?
- do you listen to other people's conversations?
- Do you hit the dishes out of anger?
- can you put a pig on a friend?
- do you write anonymously?
- do you spread gossip?
- Do you have a habit of promising more of your capabilities?
- would you like to marry for convenience?
- are you obsessive and rude in your actions?
Sample answers:
- this is my favorite pastime;
- occasionally, for the sake of a joke;
- only on summer nights;
- when the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if it is not related to material costs;
- especially in someone else's house;
- this is my old dream;
- no, I'm a very shy person;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Jump-jump competition

Participants of the competition stand in one line. At the word of the leader "land" everyone jumped forward, at the word "water" - backward. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word "water", for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. Those jumping out of place are eliminated, the last player - the most attentive, becomes the winner.

Contest "Chamomile"

(paper chamomile)
Made a large chamomile, which has as many petals as there are tables in the classroom. The representative of each table tears off the petal with the task. The whole team takes part in the competition.
Possible tasks:
- show product advertisements;
- to depict a mute picture from a fairy tale;
- play a scene from school life etc.

Competition "Own hand is the lord"

(rope, scissors, "candy", gifts)
The same "candies" hang on a string, inside of which it is indicated that the one who cut the "candy" with a blindfold will receive as a gift.

At the end of the holiday, the presenter (or representatives from each table) can read a poem:

New Year came to us again,
And wonderful days have come!
And the thirty-first will go away:
And goodbye will carry away
All our deuces and sorrows.
And the wishes are clear
And every year the same:
Peace and quiet for the whole country,
And children of different heights
Boots, hats and pants
Change once a year - but not less often;
Eat sweets, take care of your belly;
To be mischievous, but not a bully;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to the cinema, to the theater and to the bathhouse;
With that - to fight, well, with that - to be friends,
But in general - to do the right thing
And go to school every day,
For not demanding a reward!

Save the ball
Balloons are sewn onto the vest (any old sweater with a snake or buttons) by strings (a thread tail from the ball is inserted into a needle and sewn to the vest with a few stitches). Fir trees made of cardboard are placed in a chaotic manner on the floor, into which the pushpins are stuck (so that the needles are outside, the buttons are simply stuck on the back and front of the cardboard - the tip will stick out from the opposite side). Ate should be neck-high; you can fix the trees (so that they do not fall) into a wooden bar. Players are brought to the start, put on vests with balls, and blindfolded. They must make 6 circles around their axis and go through the spruce forest, keeping as many balls as possible. For safety, participants put on gloves (so that they do not hurt their hands on the buttons). This is how the players walk with their eyes closed - during their passage, you can change the location of the trees on their path (so that they do not rely on their memory - the location of the trees, which they saw initially). The player who knocked down the fewer trees and burst balls is declared the winner, he is awarded an air flower.

Mandarin for the Snow Maiden
Game for 2 participants. At the finish line there are chests locked with a lock (these can be ordinary cardboard boxes, decorated with paints and papier-mâché technique for the chest, fasteners are glued to the lock - one on the lid, the other on the side). Each chest contains a tangerine. Also, two keychains are prepared in advance. For one chest with a key to its lock and for another chest with a key to its lock (so as not to be confused - make the chests of different colors, for example, one green, then tie a green ribbon to its bunch of keys). The start should be 4-5 middle steps from the finish line. The task of the players: each participant stands at the start. And speaking in turn the characteristic adjectives about the Snow Maiden (preferably really about the Snow Maiden, and not about women in general). That is, the player said: "Snowy", took a step. Players should not repeat themselves and repeat adjectives spoken by the opponent. The size of the steps, in principle, is not stipulated, the poet, a smart player can reach the finish line using seven-league steps. At the finish line, the players are handed a bunch of keys. By busting keys or using their sixth sense, players open chests. The first tangerine to get out of the chest is the winner. He hands it over to the Snow Maiden. Approximate adjectives: fabulous, fragile, frosty, New Year's, melting in the sun, etc.

Three tangerines for Santa Claus
Preliminary preparation: make a beard and mustache on an elastic band for 2 Santa Clauses, as well as prepare a headdress for them, get 2 pairs of mittens and felt boots, 6 mandarins, 2 blindfolds and 2 ropes.
6 people are invited to the competition, of which 2 teams of 3 players are created. The two participants stand huddled against each other. One player's left hand is tied to right hand another player. The third team member sits down on a chair. On command, the tied players, using their free hands, dress their third teammate in the Santa Claus costume using the provided inventory, folded on the chair next to them (blindfolds for tied players are used if you want to complicate this process in order to players not only had to experience difficulty using one hand, but also put it on by touch). After Santas are equipped. The connected participants take one tangerine, peel it and feed it to Santa Claus, then peel the second, feed it and the third tangerine as well. During the competition “Santa Clauses” it is forbidden to help their comrades with their hands. The winner in this competition is the team that quickly managed to dress and feed Santa Claus, regardless of his appearance.

New Year's Cinderella
Host: the unfortunate Cinderella needed our help, she wants to get to the fabulous New Year's ball, but the evil stepmother again loaded the girl with work. Part of the work was taken over by school No.…, and part by us.
3 people can play at the same time. A table is prepared for each player, on which there is one large dish and four small plates. Fruits (tangerines, kiwi, dates and dried figs) are mixed on a large platter. Empty plates are placed on either side of the large platter. Each player is given Chinese sticks. The players come to the tables, turn their backs to them, put their hands behind their backs and sort the fruits in this position. The presenter and the audience can turn a blind eye to the fact if the players help themselves to fix the fruit with Chinese chopsticks with their hand (when the hands behind the back are not so easy to wield chopsticks alone).

Symbol of the year
Only the most agile and strong man is worthy of presenting the symbol of the year to the audience. The right to deposit and install a horse in a place of honor will be awarded to the winner of the next competition. The presenter and 4 assistants participate in the competition.
5 guys are called for the competition.
Stage 1.
A large number of artificial Christmas trees are displayed on the floor in a chaotic manner, just a spruce twig fixed in a bar. Under the bottom of the Christmas tree, a number is attached to transparent tape - 1,2,3,4. On the whistle, the participants raise the Christmas trees and look for a number. The one who found it, takes the Christmas tree and walks away. The player who did not receive the numbered fir tree is eliminated from the game.
Stage 2.
Participants are given a blue deflated ball with the image of a snowflake (you can draw it yourself in advance on the ball). At the signal, the players inflate the balloons - on this stage we need helpers who will tie the balls. Then, following the leader's commands, the players throw up the ball. The leader commands: "Head". They toss their heads. Further, "hand", "foot", "nose", etc. Teams have to walk quite often so that the ball does not have time to fall to the floor. The player whose ball first touched the floor is eliminated from the game.
Stage 3.
Cheerful music turns on (2-3 minutes). Players begin to push up from the floor. The assistants keep score. The player who has the least squeezed out during the musical pause is eliminated from the game. As a result, 2 players remain by the 4th stage.
Stage 4.
Host: For the last competition, you need to roll your trousers as high as possible, otherwise you can get them dirty in the competition.
Assistants pump up the legs as high as possible and fix them with clothespins.
Host: Sorry, I got something wrong. Now there is another competition. Although the preparation for the competition is correct. So! A beauty contest is announced ... legs!
The players show the beauty of their legs as best they can with a cheerful musical collage (3-4 minutes) - they dance, squat, just defile.
The winner is chosen by voting. Friendship can win and both participants bring the symbol of the year to the festive hall (the horse can be made of balloons - which is fashionable and beautiful).

Citrus picking
You need a rope to which lemons and tangerines are attached with the help of threads. And two tall, tough guys. Two players are called, blindfolded and given a basket and scissors each. The players are promoted and allowed to harvest. Tall and sturdy guys stretch the rope and constantly manipulate the height, and also step aside. For example, when the players are not yet blindfolded, the rope is at chest level. And when the pickers are spun, the rope is lowered to knee level. The position of the rope must be changed while the players are folding the fruit. Players find the fruit and cut it off with scissors. The participant with the richest harvest is announced the winner.

We bring to your attention New Year's contests for high school students. They will cheer everyone up and help make the festive evening fun and memorable.

New Year's contests for high school students

Participants take turns taking out leaves from the bag (hat, vessel) with comic riddles, denoting an object. For example, "What does a bald person not need?" (comb) or "What can be used to restore the broken?" (glue). The guesser gets exactly the same item.

Girls - Snow Maidens participate in this competition. They are invited to wrap the gift beautifully. This is where the guys' help is needed. They will act as those very gifts. Each Snow Maiden must pack her partner with toilet paper in a certain time. For the most beautiful gift - a prize.

Various music contests for the New Year for high school students turn out to be very funny and funny. The next challenge will require two teams. Their participants are located opposite each other in a row. The competitors' task is to dance. In turn, each team member shows a certain movement to the music, and everyone else repeats it. The main condition of the game is that the dance elements should not be repeated. Each team has its own piece of musical composition. The competition continues until one of the competitors is able to come up with a dance movement. His team will be considered the loser.


New Year's contests for high school students are very fun to carry out with the participation of everyone present. Teenagers are divided into two teams. Each mini-group chooses an attractive New Year's musical composition. Only five minutes are given to prepare for the competition. Within the allotted time, each team must choose a so-called performer and, distributing roles among all participants, stage a song. After the competition, the jury evaluates the performance and selects the winner.

Absolutely any number of players can participate in this competition-game. The main thing is that each team consists of three people. Two participants are blindfolded. Ribbons are given to one of them. The third participant stands in the middle of the room. According to the rules of the competition, one of the blindfolded players must fix as many bows as possible on him. And the second is to remove them by touch. The team that will be able to cope with the task faster than the others wins.

Crush the ball

Competitions for high school students can also be conducted as a pair competition. The next game involves two people. Three balloons are tied to the left leg of each of them. The goal of the competition is to crush the adversary's "decoration" and protect your own. The winner is the one who has at least one balloon intact.

To play, you will need two empty containers and a few handfuls of peas or dragees. The task of the participants is to hit exactly the neck of the bottle. The winner is the one who manages to throw the most peas.


When planning New Year's contests for high school students, do not forget about gifts for the winners. A tiny souvenir, candy, stationery - no matter what it will be, the main thing is attention.

Scenario of a New Year's disco for high school students

Targets and goals: organization of leisure time, celebration of the New Year.

Before the beginning of the evening, the soundtrack of modern New Year's songs is played.

At the appointed time - a sound signal - the ringing of bells.

Lead 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: We wish you good festive mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Vedas 1: Outside the window, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Vedas 2: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible.

Lead 1: Let it be the evening of our meeting

Warmed by warm friendship.

We give you a hearty

New Year's holiday greetings!

Lead 2: Happy New Year! New Year!

The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Let them ring under this arch

Songs, music and laughter!

Lead 1: Dear friends, today the program of our evening includes games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Lead 2: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

Lead 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And none New Year's celebration not without his participation.

Lead 2: In the meantime, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's run a few contests.

Lead 1: Great idea! So, to warm up, let's hold a New Year's quiz.

Veda 2 : We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions and raise their hand when answering. For each correct answer, you receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens for our evening will receive a New Year's prize.

1. A natural phenomenon that causes New Year's death of people without sanding. (Ice.)

2. What beauty dresses up once a year? ( Christmas tree. )

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow cover.)

5. Carnival cash. (Mask.)

6. Ice casting. (Rink.)

7. The time of life for the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

8. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

9. New Year's collection. (Table.)

10 ... Supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

12. Fish "dressed" in natural leather and an artificial fur coat - a New Year's dish. (Herring.)

13. The peasant's antidote weapon. (Axe.)

14. Seasonal "sculpture" made from really natural material... (Snowman.)

15. The result of a festive incendiary. (Fireworks.)

16. Elochkin's homeland. (Forest.)
17. Elochkin snow heater. (Freezing.)

18. The process ends with the fall of the Christmas tree. (The cabin.)

19. An ancient but timeless dance by the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

(tokens are given for correct answers, a prize is awarded to the winner)

Vedas 1: Wonderful! And now we propose to greet each other.

Vedas 2: We invite 9th grade girls to the stage. And we ask you to support with loud applause.

STEP (Nastya, Irina, Alina, Diana, Polina)

Vedas 1: We got to know each other better,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence

So, we continue our evening,

As the saying goes: "Good luck!"

(Callsigns of a mobile phone sound)

Vedas 2: (speaking on his cell phone): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we are not bored. Our guests have already collected a bunch of tokens. How for what? Well, what is the New Year without you? Hurry up! (disconnects the phone): D. Frost and the Snow Maiden are very close.

Vedas 1: Well, you told them that we are really looking forward to them?(the phonogram "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds and a loud knock is heard).

D. Moroz: Good evening, good people!

Snow Maiden : Let the holiday be merry!

D. Moroz: Happy New Year:

We wish you happiness, joy!

Snow Maiden: How many faces are familiar,

How many friends of mine are here!

It's good for me here, at home,

Among the gray-haired Christmas trees!

D. Moroz: Even though I'm old and gray,

And I live for many years

I declare to you friends,

I'm young today

Snow Maiden: All my friends are gathered.

In the New Year's winter hour.

We haven't met for a whole year

And we miss you.

D. Moroz: Both the Snow Maiden and I - we congratulate you, friends!

Vedas 2: And now we invite you to join the incendiary dance and light up together with the girls of the 9th grade.

ARRIVA dance (creative group)

The block of competitions is conducted by a creative group.


Several young men are invited to the stage. They are given eggs. On command, the participants must break the egg on the forehead. Whoever breaks the egg last is the winner.

2. Study with a balloon - Irina

Several balloons are required for the game, which are distributed to the participants.

Participants draw out a task for themselves - to create a sketch with a ball on a specific topic:

Man looking in the mirror;

Declaration of love;

Parting with a loved one;

Chief and subordinate;

Couples in love;

A child in a zoo in front of a monkey's cage;

Parent scolding a failed son;

Buyer and Seller.


Participants compete in the ability to move to the beat of the proposed music.

4. BOXERS - Alina

Dance block.

5. Competition "BRAID the BRAID" - Diana

Props: 2 braids (3 ribbons are knotted at the end).

The team captains hold the knot and lead their teams, which hold a ribbon in their hands and, without lifting their hands, to the rhythmic music, "weave a braid". When the music stops, the presenters will check the braids and identify the winning team and receive prizes.A Christmas tree decoration that does a significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

6. DANCE CLICKED - Irina, Diana

All participants are divided into pairs (boy-girl). Music turns on, couples dance. At the command of the Leader during the dance, they touch only those parts of the body that they choose (head, nose, ears, backs, arms, legs, shoulders, fingertips, etc.)

7. "THREE" - Polina

I'll tell you a story
In a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a pike,
Examined what's inside.
We saw small fish,
And not one, but as many as ... five.

Dreams of a hardened guy
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two ... march"

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, or better ... seven.

One day train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five

8. SUMO - Alina

Participants of the competition put on huge costumes, stuff them with balloons and they begin to fight, the winner is the one who has the most balloons.

The winner gets a prize.

9. Competition "THEATER"

Candidates who wish are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

Woman with heavy bags

Gorilla in a cage, a sparrow on the roof

Bolt stork

Chicken in the yard

Girl in a tight skirt with high heels

Sentinel guarding the food warehouse

Infant who has just learned to walk

Guy in front of a stranger girl

Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Vedas: And we invite you to the New Year's disco!

(Competitions from classes)

Vedas 2: The most beloved in Russia at all the holidays were fun for dexterity and strength. We must have a competition for strong men.

Vedas 1: Time flew by quickly

And it's time for us to part.

Vedas 2: With all my heart, friends, we wish

Great, great success to you!

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

You need to say goodbye.

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts!

May the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

Father Frost : It's a pity that the holiday ended so quickly. See you next year!

Vedas 1: Dear friends! So our festive New Year's evening has come to an end.

Vedas 2: All of you very actively participated in all competitions and fun, lit up at the disco.

Veda 1 : And we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year.

Vedas 2: We do not say goodbye to you, we tell you:

TOGETHER : See you again in a year!

The last composition sounds, in which all the characters take part.


It might be helpful to read: