Nazar Gallery. Gallery of impeccable electronics "Nazarov. turnkey projects of any complexity

So, these same guys yesterday invited Bigpicchu to the opening of their new project: Gallery of flawless electronics - Nazarov.

(Total 14 photos)

1. NAZAROV is the only two-story gallery of impeccable electronics in Russia. It presents not only Hi-Fi and High End equipment, but also various integrated solutions for automating all home systems. Everything looks very cool!

2. On the first floor, you can get acquainted with Hi-Fi gadgets of a new generation, which only yesterday seemed to be some kind of fantastic invention.

3. By the way, NAZAROV is the only Revox-Gira studio in Russia that represents a multi-room system that is perfect in design and solution.


6. On the second floor of the gallery, you can get a complete picture of the complex solutions for managing home systems "from the remote".

7. At the disposal of the guests of the Gallery - the reception room, represented by an impromptu living room with three acoustic zones, as well as a luxurious and cozy at the same time "small" listening room.

8. And, finally, the pride of the Gallery is a real home theater capable of conveying the special atmosphere of a traditional home cinema.

9. Gallery "NAZAROV" - the standard of a professional individual approach to the implementation of home automation ideas - from the most ingenious simple to breathtakingly complex systems.


A large mansion or a compact apartment, a yacht or a commercial facility - Nazarov Gallery will offer a system of any level of complexity in accordance with your tasks - from a conventional stereo to Smart Home systems.


There are no ideal and universal systems, since everyone has their own tastes, tasks and preferences. Offering a solution, Nazarov Gallery will take into account all the features and requirements of the client, including the nuances that usually remain outside the attention of many trade and engineering companies.


From budget models to top-level equipment produced in limited editions. If something is produced in the world, then it can be at the disposal of the Gallery's clients. But at the same time, the Nazarov Gallery relies only on the world's best-in-class equipment.


Despite the premium level of the salon, the prices of the Gallery for both goods and services do not exceed the average level. In addition, various Special offers and special conditions for regular customers.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice, any complex home appliances must be tried in action. In 6 halls of the Gallery "Nazarov" you can see, listen and get acquainted with more than 1000 items of goods.

6. A FULL RANGE OF SERVICES - from preliminary consultation to completed turnkey projects of any complexity.

The quality of the result depends on professional service at all stages no less than on the technique itself. Gallery "Nazarov" offers the widest range of services related to the selection, acquisition and use of equipment.


The Nazarov Gallery team consists of professionals with extensive experience - from consultants and engineers to installers. The approach of the Nazarov Gallery is a high level of quality at all stages of work and the absence of headaches for clients and partners.


Gallery "Nazarov" actively cooperates with professionals - architects, designers, builders. Hundreds of successfully implemented joint projects are an indicator of the quality and reliability of our company as a partner in projects of any complexity.


Gallery "Nazarov" actively helps its partners by holding seminars and master classes for them on relevant and useful topics, which allows them to use more opportunities in their work and avoid annoying mistakes.

Also Gallery "Nazarov"offers its partners, in particular, architects and designers, a service to attract potential customers.

Gallery of faultless electronics "Nazarov" is a unique project not only for Russian, but also for European markets. This applies to the presented goods, and to the range of services, and to the interaction with our customers.

Today, the Gallery of Flawless Electronics "Nazarov" is the largest salon of premium home electronics in Russia

In six rooms on two floors the exposition was located, which covers all types of home audio-video equipment, as well as elements of multi-room and smart home systems.

Listening rooms of different sizes allow you to hear the technique almost as it would sound in your room of the appropriate size. A separate room is allocated for demonstration personal cinema top-level equipped latest system DOLBY ATMOS surround sound.

In our salon, you can also pick up a variety of video playback devices, get acquainted with the Smart Home and multi-room systems and other innovative home technologies.

Special attention we pay hardware design and interior solutions, since the aesthetics of technology has long become no less an important factor than its functionality.

Together, all this provides the best opportunities on the market for high-quality selection of home audio-video equipment. And our consultants with the widest knowledge and tremendous experience always ready to find a solution that will be ideal for you.

We sell all types of home systems

A compact apartment or a large mansion, a yacht or a commercial facility - we will offer a system of any type and any level of complexity in accordance with your tasks - from a conventional stereo to Smart Home systems.

Hi-Fi/Hi-End audio.

The range of products is very wide - from classic turntables to the most modern network audio players. In the field of high-quality audio, as you know, there is no standard. Everyone has their own ideal sound. The permanent exhibition in our company presents several hundred audio models with a variety of sound characteristics in a variety of price ranges. Therefore, our company is already being called a "music lover's paradise", where you can certainly find "your" sound.

Home theaters and personal
cinema halls of all possible configurations.

We create both simple and affordable 5.1-channel sound systems, and specially designed top-class private cinemas. All of them are united by one thing - these are impeccable solutions in their price category.

Multiroom audio and video.

Multiroom systems have been developing especially rapidly in recent years. A tremendous impetus to this was given by progress in digital and wireless technologies, which made such equipment not only much more functional, but at the same time much cheaper compared to its predecessors. We represent all types of multi-room systems, which you can read more about

"Smart home" - Automation systems and
integrated management.

Such systems de facto become an integral part of the home, especially when it comes to large houses. But even in small apartments, automation elements firmly take their place. We offer systems of various levels.

Portable solutions.

Portable technology is what allows music to always stay with you. Our showroom offers a wide range of carefully selected portable players and amplifiers for them, headphones, portable active speakers and other similar products.

turnkey projects of any complexity

For some of our clients, a simple consultation and selection of equipment is enough. But if it comes to complex systems, then we undertake the whole range of turnkey works:

System design and release project documentation

Supply of everything necessary equipment

Installation of equipment and its configuration

Training in use

After sales support and service

All the latest technology

At the Nazarov Electronics Gallery, we master everything the latest technology that appear on the market, we understand their features, advantages and subtleties.

At present, we have created the best demonstration capabilities in the country, which are rapidly gaining the status of the main high-quality audio signal source around the world. We can simultaneously listen to up to 20 different devices of this type.

In home theaters, we rely on latest formats surround sound, such as DOLBY ATMOS, which give a much greater emotional effect compared to common, but already obsolete standards.

Here you can evaluate the sound quality of wireless audio systems or video sources with ultra-high image quality.

In terms of home automation, technological innovations appear almost every day. And if you decide to make your system " smart home”, then you can be sure that we will offer the most advanced technological solutions that will remain relevant for many years.

Top Global Brands

In the high-quality home electronics market, there are world-famous international corporations, as well as very small companies that create unique innovative products and are technological leaders in their niche. We carefully study everything that is presented and appears in each of the segments in order to select the best and most interesting. We present products from the largest manufacturer of acoustic systems, Bowers and Willkins, and little-known manufacturers of unique DACs under the brands MYTEK and Bricasti, the best projectors of the legendary SONY and JVC, and fantastic by all standards, but not so well-known among the general public, MBL audio equipment.

But all the products we represent have one thing in common - its impeccable quality, both in terms of consumer characteristics and execution. These are the world's best brands in their field.

Excellent shopping conditions

Despite the premium status of the company, we offer very attractive prices for both goods and services. In general, we are guided by the prices recommended for Russian market. However, we constantly run special promotions and sales, during which you can significantly save on purchases.

For regular customers in the Nazarov Gallery there are cumulative discount cards.

A unique program of profitable purchases is our "Wish Basket". You can put the goods you are interested in into it, and as soon as special offers or discounts begin to operate on them or analogues, you will instantly receive a notification.


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