New open malls. The opening of the Brosko Mall mall ended with a big scandal (photo). New store formats

In Khabarovsk, for several days, the process of opening the largest shopping and entertainment center in the region "" was going on. This turned into a nervous breakdown for the employees of the new market and insults to the townspeople. As a result, face-control for visitors will be introduced in the shopping center in the near future.

The opening of "Brosko Mall" lasted four days. During this time, the object was visited by thousands of Khabarovsk residents. And in the evening, the marketer of the shopping center Evgenia Ganzha in her in social networks posted reports of broken furniture. However, she did not limit herself to this and insulted the Khabarovsk residents on Twitter.

— Oh guys. You should have seen the faces of the first Khabarovsk residents in Brosko: “and on ** th we need all this.” How many generations must change? - such thoughts were shared by the girl (the mats of closed with asterisks, and the rest of the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved).

This angered people, so they wrote to her on social networks and demanded to apologize. Soon Evgenia came to her senses and quickly cleared her page of inappropriate messages.

Later, the girl closed one of her accounts altogether so that they would stop writing to her. contacted the management of the shopping center.

- I already had a conversation with Evgenia, and she publicly apologized. The whole team did not sleep for three weeks, washing the dirt of the mall site. It's like a home for us, and everyone loves what they create. Apparently, Evgenia was too harsh from sleepless nights, but everyone has emotions, - said Ksenia Ragimova, head of Brosko Mall.

It turned out that in the first few days of the mall's operation, many toilets were broken, doors were taken out, and the Kommuna art space, a place for lectures and conferences, was destroyed.

— I wanted people not to break out the toilet bowls with their feet, not to jump on the lids and not to knock out the doors of the toilet cubicles. We were prepared for damage, but it's a shame to see intentional vandalism. The object is new and expected by people, but here it is. But this does not depend on the city or country - everywhere there are people who can break something. We will repair and hope that those who do it will run out of strength. And now we already have several police units working. In addition, it functions modern system video surveillance, which allows to recognize the faces of violators. We will not let them in in the future. This is also a safety issue for other visitors,” added Ksenia Ragimova.

Recall that earlier correspondents walked through the Brosko Mall and. It turned out that some shops and cafes are not ready to receive guests - they are simply closed. Also, a new cinema with the possibility of showing films in IMAX format was opened in the shopping center. However, most of the halls are also not yet open, but tickets for paintings are available.

Alexander Nedelko, Khabarovsk news on

Shopping centers "Pushkino Park", "Akvarel", "Arena-Plaza", "Skazka", "Galeon" are preparing for the imminent opening

On May 24, the technical opening of the trade entertainment center Kashirskaya Plaza in Moscow. The complex, built as part of the redevelopment of the district shopping center "Capitol" on Kashirskoye Highway, became one of the largest in the south of the capital. The total area of ​​the mall is 195,500 sq.m, the rental area is 71,000 sq.m. At the time of opening, lease agreements were signed for more than 93% of the retail space of the complex. The new shopping center will surprise visitors with an operated roof with a summer cinema, a swimming pool, sports grounds and a restaurant area, as well as modern entertainment formats in accordance with the latest market trends.

What openings are expected in Moscow in 2018?

According to expert estimates, the total volume of new supply on the Moscow market in 2018 will be more than 300,000 sq.m. Another wave of construction of super-regional shopping centers completed in the Russian capital, today developers are focusing mainly on district and district shopping facilities with good transport accessibility and a clear concept. Most openings are traditionally scheduled for the fourth quarter.

In the city of Pushkino near Moscow, at the end of the year, the Akvarel shopping center, a project of the development company Immochan, is preparing to open. The object is being built on the 33rd kilometer of the Yaroslavl Highway, 17 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The retail area of ​​the project is 51,500 sq.m., the retail gallery will account for more than 30,000 sq.m. The complex will bring together more than 100 shops and restaurants, 5 thematic interactive spaces and a conceptual Festival House.

Arena Plaza

They're in full swing construction works for the reconstruction and transformation into a modern multifunctional center of the Dynamo stadium on Leningradsky Prospekt. As part of VTB Arena Park, the Arena Plaza shopping center will be opened, which will be located on the first level, next to the sports arenas and the Sports Academy. The trade area of ​​the complex will be about 18,000 sq.m. Perekrestok supermarket will be the anchor tenant. The concept plans to open 80 stores, 10 food court concepts, 3 cafes, 4 restaurants and a sports club with an area of ​​1000 sq.m.

The new shopping center will be opened as part of the Rasskazovka transport hub under construction. The project is being implemented near the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro station of the same name in New Moscow. The total area of ​​the shopping center will be 29,000 sq.m, the rental area - 18,600 sq.m. The three-level complex will be aimed at residents of the Peredelkino Near, Novo-Peredelkino, Vnukovo districts and the nearest Moscow region. The concept provides for the opening of anchor tenants in popular formats, as well as a shopping gallery, an entertainment center, cafes, restaurants and a food court area.

Pushkino Park

Coincidentally, in the city of Pushkino, with a population of just over 100,000 inhabitants, two large facilities are being prepared for launch this year, which will locality one of the most saturated quality retail space. The Pushkino Park project is being implemented construction company"Perspective" and CBRE. The total area of ​​the shopping and entertainment center will be 45,000 sq.m., retail space - 30,000 sq.m. A feature of the new shopping center will be its integration into the existing retail park, which includes the Globus hypermarkets (27,000 sq.m.), Leroy Merlin and Decathlon. About 100 tenants will be represented in the two-storey shopping center.

MD Group is building a shopping center "Galeon" on Leninsky Prospekt, at the junction of districts Teply Stan, Obruchevsky and Troparevo-Nikulino, not far from the new Troparevo metro station. The construction of the shopping center was announced in 2013. According to new concept, the total area of ​​the center will be 28,800 sq.m., the retail area - about 14,000 sq.m. The shopping area provides for the placement of a grocery supermarket and a shopping gallery, cafes, restaurants and playgrounds will be located in the recreation area.

At the end of 2018, it is planned to open the district shopping center "Gallery 9-18" in Vidnoye, Moscow Region. The shopping center is part of the Vidnoye 9-18 multifunctional complex with an area of ​​49,200 sq.m., which will include apartments, shopping and entertainment areas. The leased area of ​​the mall will be 18,700 sq.m. The anchor tenants of the mall will be a grocery supermarket, large-format stores for children's goods, electronics and household appliances. The concept also provides for the opening of a multiplex cinema, a children's amusement park, a zone of cafes and restaurants.

Smolensky Passage 2

The Smolensky Passage shopping center of the BIN Group, which unites luxury fashion brands in the center of Moscow, will receive the second stage this year, which will include retail and office space. The decision to build the second stage of the shopping center was made by the Moscow authorities more than 10 years ago. As part of the new shopping center, which is expected to open in July-August, there will be clothing, footwear and accessories stores, plus new restaurants and cafes. The total area of ​​the IFC on Smolenskaya Square is 58,150 sq.m., the area of ​​the shopping center is 31,000 sq.m.

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, taking office three years ago, spoke a lot about the new urban policy in the city. “It is impossible to continue to build up every free piece of land,” he argued, speaking to the Moscow City Duma at the inauguration ceremony. “The main reason for congestion is the huge number of shopping centers,” he said at the bypass of the Moscow Ring Road. “Residents themselves must decide what they need within walking distance,” he assured journalists. Sobyanin really canceled many of Luzhkov's construction projects: for example, the construction of a shopping center on the square of the Belorussky railway station and the residential complex "Setun Hills" by Elena Baturina.

In 2010, the mayor's office created a special town-planning and land commission (GZK), which was responsible for the revision of all building permits that were issued in Moscow before Sobyanin's arrival. For four years, the GZK canceled the construction of 30 million square meters. The work of the commission, however, has always been shrouded in mystery: all meetings are closed, and even information about the results does not always appear on the Internet. The Moscow government promised to create a separate website where all the information about the decisions of the GLC would be collected, but this never happened.

However, in recent years, building in Moscow has become not less, but more: according to consulting company Jones Lang LaSalle, Moscow leads in terms of the number of retail space under construction among all cities in Europe. The Village collected information about the largest projects.

Shopping malls with larger area
100 thousand square meters


The address

highway, 38a

total area

400 thousand sq. m
(≈5 GUM)


Amma Development (investor A. Rotenberg)


4th quarter 2014

The Aviapark shopping center will be really gigantic. It's interesting that state museum contemporary art, which should be built right next to the Aviapark, will be exactly ten times less. Local residents went to rallies, but they could not get the construction canceled. According to Vedomosti, the project's investor, Arkady Rotenberg, is a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Under Luzhkov, Rotenberg did not play a significant role in the Moscow real estate market, but over the past three years it has been gaining momentum. By 2016, Rotenberg plans to build 2 million square meters of real estate in the city.

vegas city

The address

MKAD, Volokolamsk highway

total area

283,486 sq. m
(≈4 GUM)


(Agalarov family)


2nd quarter 2014

The trading city of the Agalarov family on the Moscow Ring Road continues to grow. Another giant will appear next to Crocuses - the Vegas City shopping center. To attract visitors, the owners intend to build a circus in addition to the usual skating rink and cinema. The Agalarovs are one of the few developers who have not changed their position with the change of power in Moscow. However, they remain the only developers who have built a metro station next to their buildings with their own money.


The address

Warsaw highway, 140

total area

277 thousand sq. m
(≈4 GUM)


Mirs LLC


4th quarter 2014

The construction of the shopping center began in 2012 on the site of the closed Mirs universal market (all markets not located in permanent buildings stopped working on July 1, 2012). Judging by the name of the developer company, they are building this shopping center former owners market. The center will have about 300 shops and more than 25 restaurants, from the entertainment part: a standard food court, a multiplex cinema, an ice rink and a children's area.

"River Mall"

The address

Avtozavodskaya street,
ow. 16−18

total area

258 thousand sq. m
(≈3 GUM)


"Practice development"


The project was planned for construction under Luzhkov. According to the media, the developer was supposed to be the Kuznetsky Most company, which was associated on the market with the ex-co-owner of the Bank of Moscow, Andrei Borodin. Until 2012, construction did not begin. Nevertheless, the project was nevertheless approved at the Sobyanin GZK, although the delay in construction was the main argument for stopping construction. True, by the time the GZK began work, the developer at the shopping center had changed. Borodin fled Moscow to escape prosecution in a corruption case. At the moment, the shopping center is an asset of the Bank of Moscow, but according to media reports, it can be sold to the Praktika Development company, founded by businessman Sergei Gordeev, a former senator from the Perm Territory. Previously, Gordeev owned the Rosbuilding company, which was engaged in mergers and acquisitions.

"Vegas Kuntsevo"

The address

Crossing the Moscow Ring Road
and Mozhayskoe highway

total area

231,253 sq. m

(≈3 GUM)


3rd quarter 2014

Plans for the construction of another Vegas shopping center in Kuntsevo were announced in April 2012. This mall will lure visitors with the help of a zone active rest with a giant climbing wall and a two-level velodrome, as well as an entertainment area with an amusement park and an ice rink. This is not counting, of course, the cinema and the food court.

"Butovo Mall"

The address

crossing Ostafyevskaya street
and Chechersky passage

total area

143 thousand sq. m
(≈2 GUM)


"MD Group"


1st quarter

Butovo Mall is being built by MD Group, one of whose owners is the notorious Gennady Zhivotinsky, who paves pedestrian areas with tiles, has access to state secrets and an apartment in Miami. In general, MD Group is building a whole microdistrict in Butovo, in which all housing will occupy 210 thousand square meters, and one shopping center - 140 thousand.


The address

Slavyansky boulevard,
ow. 3

total area

140 thousand sq. m
(≈2 GUM)


"TPS Real Estate"


4th quarter 2015

Arkady Rotenberg received permission to build a shopping center on Slavyansky Boulevard in 2012. This is a purely Sobyanin building: the shopping center was planned, agreed and designed under the new mayor. The size of the shopping center is comparable to the European one, it will be built on a busy highway - the problem of traffic jams did not stop the Moscow authorities from agreeing on a large-scale project. Interestingly, local residents are against the construction, and at a meeting with outraged Muscovites during the election campaign, Sobyanin promised to cancel the construction. Only after some time it became clear that acting. Mayor canceled the construction of another shopping center, which was also supposed to be located on Slavyansky Boulevard, but with an area of ​​​​only 1,200 square meters. The architectural council also criticized the appearance of the shopping center. The former chief architect of Berlin even said that such a project is more like a hair dryer design than a shopping center. However, the project has already been finalized and approved. So it won't interfere with construction.


The address

7th Kozhukhovskaya street, 3a

total area

134 thousand sq. m
(≈2 GUM)


"OST-group", co-owner - former top manager of "Mosinzhstroy" Alexander Nakhmanovich


The project was planned back in 2008, but, apparently, due to the crisis, construction was frozen. And again, the long-term construction received a building permit from the GZK. Among the owners of the OST-group company is a former top manager of Mosinzhstroy, a colleague of Gennady Zhivotinsky, who worked for a long time on a city order.

Shopping center on Polezhaevskaya

The address

Khoroshevskoe highway,

total area

115 thousand sq. m
(≈2 GUM)

Information about the shopping center at Polezhaevskaya appeared this summer. Developers from "TPS Real Estate" approached the object thoroughly, agreed to carry out international competition on the architectural project, for which the chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov advocates. Moreover, the project was submitted to the Architectural Council of Moscow: this time the Rotenberg shopping center caused a stormy and prolonged applause from the jury (it seems that the former architect of Berlin was not present). However, after this meeting, the well-known architectural critic Grigory Revzin left the architectural council. After that, he wrote an article in Kommersant.Weekend that shopping centers create “scorched earth” around them, that building a shopping center of such volumes in Moscow is like “placing nuclear reactor in kindergarten."

All shopping malls
which will appear in Moscow by 2015

Map compiled according to Jones Lang LaSalle

Anton Korotaev

Head of Retail Consulting Jones Lang LaSalle

The decline in construction in recent years was not so much due to city politics, but to economic crisis. Many of the facilities that are currently being built in Moscow are a deferred proposal. The increased pace of construction indicates more likely a way out of the crisis than changes in urban planning policy. In addition, many projects have been revised from the point of view of transport accessibility: the number of parking spaces has been increased, entrances have been worked out ... Shopping centers have long ceased to be a place where you can only buy something. These are leisure facilities, where there are cinemas, children's centers, museums. Is a museum housed in a mall any different from a regular museum?

Enrique Peñalosa

former mayor of Bogotá

Shopping malls are a big danger for many cities in the world. When they become a meeting place for people, this is a symptom. He tells us that the city is sick and suffering. Imagine that you are a tourist who has arrived in Bangkok, Bogota or Kiev, and you ask at the hotel: “Where can I go for a walk and see people?” And they answer you: “There is a great shopping center nearby!” No one would want to return to such a city again. If you close my eyes, take me to any city and put it in the middle of a shopping center, I won't be able to tell which city I'm in. All shopping centers are the same: there are no trees, no architecture, you don’t feel the weather, you don’t see the ocean, you don’t see the river, and you don’t see the city itself.

After all, this is monstrously compromising you. Well, who would believe that Sobyanin stopped construction in order to do something good for Moscow, and not to redistribute the real estate market and clear a place for Rotenberg from Baturina? Well, who will believe that the focus on world practice, modern architecture, competitions - is it a fundamental change in the architectural policy in the city, and not an attempt to remove the old Luzhkov generals from designing and put their own if the result is everything the same, only even more? It is clear that it is not Sergey Kuznetsov who determines how much trade can be located on Khoroshevka, and not Marat Khusnullin, and not Sergey Sobyanin, for that matter, but someone will have to answer?

Sergey Kuznetsov

chief architect of Moscow

One cannot but agree that the construction of huge shopping centers is a problem. Such objects are better placed, of course, outside the city. On the other hand, the problem is not so easily solved. There are several factors that we somehow have to work with. The problem of shopping centers was born out of the problem of sleeping areas. The first floors of buildings on the outskirts of Moscow are not suitable for trade, that is, there is no way to create a system of distributed trade. At the same time, Muscovites need to make purchases somewhere. Moscow is currently lagging behind other European cities in terms of retail space. The huge "panel donut" of Moscow has, unfortunately, created a shortage of retail space, which contributes to the construction of the shopping center.

In addition, many shopping centers that are being built now are being built according to permits issued long ago. You can't cancel all projects. It is still difficult for me to talk about how Moscow will continue to deal with shopping centers. New territories will be planned with a normal grid of streets, with trade on the first floors, there will be no need for shopping centers. But, probably, in some sleeping areas they can arise.

Analysts of the international consulting company Knight Frank summed up the results of the first half of 2019 in the market of capital shopping centers and identified the top 5 main trends that will mark the whole year.

Among the main trends are the growth in the number of small-format shopping centers (the rate of commissioning of shopping and entertainment centers with a GLA of 3-20 thousand square meters accelerated to 2-3 per year), shopping centers as part of transport hubs (almost half of the projects until 2022 are announced as TPU), reasonable consumption, which led to an increase in the number of outlet projects (until 2020, three large-scale projects with a GLA of 52 thousand square meters are announced), reconceptualization in a number of largest facilities with an emphasis on the entertainment component and catering (more than 10 shopping centers in Moscow) and active development by retailers of new innovative concepts and cross-format projects.

Small shopping malls

Since the beginning of 2018, Knight Frank analysts have noted the activity of developing small format shopping centers: every quarter, 2-4 new shopping centers with a GLA of 3-20 thousand square meters are opened in Moscow. Thus, in 2018, such small shopping centers were opened as Design Mall shopping center (GLA - 11,000 sq. m), Metromall shopping center (GLA - 10,586 sq. m), Krasnoprudny shopping center (GLA - 9,899 sq. m), and in 2019 - shopping center "Galeon" (GLA - 14,000 sq. m), shopping center "Bagrationovsky" (GLA - 4700 sq. m), shopping center "Moya Vetka" (GLA - 3,875 sq. m. ).

Projects of district shopping centers announced for commissioning are represented by the following objects: a shopping center on the street. Aircraft designer Mil with a total area of ​​11,000 sq. m next to the existing shopping center "Milya", a shopping center in the residential complex "Leninsky 38" with a leasable area of ​​10,000 sq. m, which is scheduled to open in 2021. A long-term construction project on Kronstadtsky Boulevard, the Gavan shopping center (GLA - 18,200 sq.m), was put into operation, but the rental campaign at the facility is still ongoing.

According to Knight Frank analysts, the popularity of the format is due to the fact that consumers, in the conditions of saving time resources, increasingly prefer retail facilities in the location of their residence, which directly affects the economic attractiveness of the format: a small shopping center has a faster payback of a project compared to large ones. shopping facilities. The concept of a small shopping center, aimed at meeting the needs of the audience in walking distance, is able to offer a versatile comfortable environment for leisure, shopping and entertainment. In the current market conditions, this format will continue to gain popularity among both developers and consumers, thereby creating competition for large shopping centers with an outdated concept focused only on shopping.

SEC as part of TPU

In addition to community centers, the new offer of the capital in the coming years will be formed, among other things, at the expense of retail space sold on the basis of TPU. For part of the projects, the city attracts investors through tenders, and the part is ready to take on independent work. To date, investors have taken part in the projects of 15 transport hubs, most of which have a trading function. The construction of shopping centers was announced as part of the following transport hubs: Vykhino (GLA - 70 thousand sq. m.), Seligerskaya (GBA - 145 thousand sq. m.) and Park Pobedy (GBA - 237 thousand sq. m. ) - the developer "Tashir", TPU "Shchelkovskaya" (GBA - 137 thousand sq. m.) - the developer "Kievskaya Ploshchad", TPU "Botanical Garden", SEC "Botanika Mall" (GLA - 27 thousand sq. m.), TPU "Khovrino" (GBA - 25 thousand sq. m). Also, an affiliated structure of the Kievskaya Ploshchad company submitted an application for an investment package for the Nagatinskaya transport hub. The deadlines for the implementation of the announced projects are scheduled for 2019-2022.


The change in consumer preferences with a trend towards reasonable consumption had a significant impact on the development of development in the format of outlet centers. So, by the end of 2019, two outlet centers on Novorizhskoye Shosse are scheduled to open at once: The Outlet Moscow of the luxury price segment and Novaya Riga Outlet Village of the premium segment, and in early 2020, it is planned to open the Vnukovo Premium Outlet Center on Kievskoye Highway. In addition, it is worth noting that in the first quarter of 2019, the XL Family Outlet shopping center was opened - a project for the reconception of the XL shopping center on Yaroslavskoye Highway.


Knight Frank analysts note that the campaign of the largest developers for the renovation of existing retail facilities continues in order to extend the "lifetime" of their projects and attract new consumers: the Crocus Group developer has begun renovation of the Vegas Kashirskoye Shosse shopping center, Garant-Invest FPC is reconceptualizing SEC "Perovo Mall", acquired in December 2018, Tashir Group of Companies plans to complete work on the rotation of tenants in the RIO shopping center on Dmitrovskoye Shosse by the end of the year, Fort Group is carrying out a comprehensive renovation of the Golden Babylon shopping center, the renovation of Moscow shopping centers is being completed MEGA, by the end of summer it is planned to open a redevelopment project from ADG Group - the Angara cinema, the reconstruction of the Olimpiisky sports complex by the Kievskaya Ploshchad company has been announced (a shopping center is planned as part of the renovated facility).

According to Evgeniya Khakberdiyeva, Director of the Retail Real Estate Department at Knight Frank, improving the quality characteristics of shopping centers is a response by developers to changing demands from visitors - modern consumer it’s not interesting to visit a shopping center just for the purpose of “buying”, because it’s easier to do it without leaving your home thanks to online stores and marketplaces. The buyer is looking not only for the product, but also for the intangible potential of the location: impressions, positive emotions, opportunities for self-development. For this reason, the key focus of the renovation is to expand and fill the zones with various formats. Catering and entertainment, in some facilities a large-scale rotation of tenants is carried out. In addition to the above, attention is paid to such details as lighting, landscaping and decoration of common areas, the creation of additional public spaces - lounge areas and areas for various events (master classes, lectures, festivals, theatrical performances etc.). Thus, a festival of contemporary art, including theatrical performances, was announced in the Afimoll shopping center, glamping with tents and a swimming pool is held in the Aviapark shopping center for the second year in a row, and the youth space concept is presented in the Central House of Children’s Stores: street-fashion shops, Khlebny department store , 21shop.

New store formats

In turn, retailers, as Knight Frank analysts note, are opening in a new conceptual design, expanding their assortment. Leroy Merlin has opened two new store formats: the first one is from the creative workshop "Factory of Ideas" on the territory of "ZiL" with an area of ​​1,400 sq. m, with a focus on innovation, incl. virtual reality technologies, service, experiments. The second format of the network is a "city supermarket" in the Columbus shopping center with an area of ​​1,200 sq. m. IKEA launched the first store in the city - Probnik with an area of ​​7.7 thousand square meters. m in the shopping center "Aviapark". The trend to reduce the space of hypermarkets is also consolidated due to the adaptation of cross-format projects by retailers. For example, on the territory of Karusel hypermarkets, zones of Hoff furniture and household goods will open in the shop-in-shop format, the first cross-format object will appear on Novorizhskoye Highway, and Okay hypermarkets will share the area with outlets"Surname".

December 4, 2018

The Salaris, Dream Island, Summer Garden, Huaming Park and Skazka shopping centers are preparing to open.

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Twelve shopping centers may enter the Moscow market in 2019, according to a study of the retail real estate market by the consulting company Knight Frank. Most of the objects that are being prepared for commissioning belong to the shopping malls of the regional scale. If all the shopping centers planned for commissioning are opened by the deadline, the market volume will increase by 260,000 square meters GLA by the end of the year.

The largest shopping center in 2019 will be the Salaris shopping and entertainment center on Kievskoe highway. According to the latest data, a four-level complex with a total area of ​​310,000 sq.m (GLA - 105,000 sq.m) will open in March. One of the "anchors" of the mall will be Russia's largest hypermarket "Globus" with an area of ​​about 26,500 sq.m.

The official opening of the shopping center as part of the largest amusement park Dream Island in the Nagatinskaya floodplain is scheduled for the third quarter of 2019. The complex in the concept of a city promenade will unite about 250 shops and more than 50 restaurant concepts on an area of ​​about 70,000 square meters.

Another major construction is underway at 15 Aminevsky Highway, where a water park was previously supposed to be created. The multifunctional complex with a large residential complex will include a shopping center with an area of ​​68,000 sq.m. It is expected that the object can be commissioned no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2019.

Another shopping center will appear as part of the Letny Sad residential complex on Dmitrovskoye Highway. The facility is located near the metro station "Ulitsa 800-letiya Moskvy" under construction. It is known that the shopping center will receive a fashion gallery, a cinema, a food court and a fitness center as tenants.

In the north-east of Moscow, the construction of a shopping center as part of the multifunctional Chinese business district Park Huaming continues. shopping complex with an area of ​​20,000 sq.m will join the office center and the 22-storey Crown Plaza hotel.

In 2019, the Skazka shopping and entertainment center will also open as part of the Rasskazovka transport and interchange hub on Borovskoye Highway in the southwest of Moscow. The total area of ​​the complex will be about 29,000 sq.m., the rental area will be 18,600 sq.m. The opening of the second phase of the Smolensky Passage shopping center with a rental area of ​​15,200 sq.m. is planned for April next year. The anchor will be a two-level store with showcases facing the Garden Ring.

Among other openings of the coming year, it is expected to put into operation a regional shopping center as part of the Ryazanskaya transport hub (GLA - 14,000 sq.m), a 10,000 sq.m shopping gallery as part of a multifunctional complex on Zemlyanoy Val, as well as small shopping centers Angara on Chongarsky Boulevard, Selectica on Varshavskoye Highway and as part of the Troparevo transport hub on Leninsky Prospekt. The opening of some of the objects planned for commissioning in 2019 can traditionally be postponed to the next year.


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