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Anything in life happens, and no one is immune from unpleasant life circumstances... However, they should not become a reason for refusing to receive higher education... For the most serious cases, there is such a cool thing as a sabbatical.

In what cases and for what reasons you can take an academic leave, for how long, how many times and what documents are needed to take an academic leave - this is an incomplete list of issues that we will try to clarify in our article.

Academic leave at the institute: reasons to take and justification

First you need to define this phenomenon:

Academic leave is a temporary break in studies agreed and approved by the university administration. Any student is eligible for it if there is a good reason.

On what grounds can one take an academic leave? This could be a serious illness, military service, or pregnancy.

In the meantime, the right to use this service is provided at the legislative level. It is confirmed by clause 12 of part 1 of article 34 of the Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

And here are the main reasons to take an academic leave:

  • medical indications (for example, hernia of the esophagus),
  • family circumstances that may interfere with learning (for example, caring for a disabled person),
  • military conscription.

Let us consider in more detail the situations when you can take an academic leave.

Medical indications

If you do not know whether it is possible to take an academic leave in your case, remember: you must have the conclusion of the medical commission for health reasons and the impossibility of continuing your studies in this regard.

By the way! For our readers, there is now a 10% discount on any kind of work

The most popular reason for students (or rather, female students) to take an academic leave from a university is pregnancy.

Family circumstances

Is it possible to take academic leave in a correspondence or full-time department at a college or institute, in a magistracy, or just before a diploma, if you have to look after a disabled relative? Yes, since this incident is a family circumstance.

Family circumstances also include:

  • pregnancy,
  • childbirth,
  • caring for a child up to 3 years old,
  • the presence of a disabled parent or other family member over 3 years old who needs constant care,
  • heavy financial situation, which does not allow paying for tuition.

Military conscription

Urgent conscription is not carried out at the will of the student. And military service - required condition for all fit men of the state. Therefore, the student has every right to take advantage of the sabbatical leave.

But the case where a student can take academic leave is more suitable for part-time students, as full-time students receive a legal deferral from military service until they finish their studies or are expelled.

However, if you really do not want to go, and the grounds for academics. there is no leave, any man should know how to get a respite from the army in another way.

The procedure and terms for granting academic leave

How many times can I take academic leave? According to Order No. 455, you can take an unlimited number of academic leaves (by decision of the management of the institute or other educational institution). So when asked whether it is possible to take a second vacation right after the first one, you can safely answer: "Yes!"

But regarding how many years a student can take an academic leave, there is a proviso: any of the vacations taken should not exceed 2 years. At the same time, paid students are not required to pay for their studies during this time.

Be careful! Many institutions have important rule when you can take an academic leave at the university: the student should not have any academic debts.

True, this is not regulated by law in any way. So there may be options. For example, they may not provide the vacation itself, but offer as an alternative:

  • transfer to the course below,
  • obtaining academic. leave only after passing the "tails" before or after going to school, and so on.

What you need to take an academic leave

How to take academic leave for family, health or other important reasons? It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. To do this, you will need:

  1. Leave application written by the student (with reasons).
  2. Documents confirming the onset of difficult life circumstances listed above (summons, doctor's note, etc.).

These documents must be taken to the administration, where the documents and the application will be considered within ten days. After this period, either a refusal with an indication of the reasons, or an order to grant the requested leave will be provided.

More about maternity leave

Can I take academic leave if I am expelled? Yes, if at the time of expulsion you find out that you are pregnant! This is a pretty good reason for getting a vacation both at school, and at a music school, and at work (although here it will be called not academic, but maternity leave).

But to get it, the expectant mother must fulfill certain actions, and promptly:

  • submit to the dean's office a certificate of pregnancy and a certificate in the form 095 / U, which will give the basis for referring a pregnant woman to a repeated medical expert commission;
  • at the polyclinic at the place of residence or study, provide the following package of documents: student card and record book, certificate in the form 095 / U, extract from the medical card about registration for pregnancy;
  • pass the appointed expert commission;
  • submit the decision received by the commission to the university administration and write an application for academic leave.

Maternity leave is the only case when academic leave, if necessary, can be extended to 6 (!) Years. The reason for this will be the need to care for the child.

In general, the process of obtaining documents for the granting of academic leave for medical grounds the same, only with some peculiarities in the design of certificates (here the certificate should be issued in the form 027 / U).

Read more about family leave

It must be understood that family circumstances are not an unconditional basis for granting academic leave. All this is at the discretion of the rector or special employee. educational institution authorized by the rector.

The most important thing is to provide paper proof of the seriousness of the reasons. For example, a medical certificate of a complex illness of a child or parents, a referral for urgent treatment of someone from the family.

If the reason is a difficult financial situation, then the student must provide certificates from the social security service written in the names of the parents who pay for the tuition. The certificate must indicate the reason - temporary insolvency.

Academic leave for 1 year

Nowhere is it specified from which course the case for the granting of academic leave may come. So if there are good reasons during the first year of study, the student has all the same rights as senior students.

So, we have figured out how to take an academic leave at the institute in graduate school, for family reasons, correspondence and full-time students. But we would really like that in your life there never came difficult circumstances that could force you to stop or postpone your studies. In any case, remember: there is always a student assistance service next to you, which will not stand aside!

You won't be able to take an academic leave from work. However, usually, when looking for an answer to this question, they really mean not academic, but student (study) leave. There is simply a substitution of concepts. Below we will figure out what is the difference between them.

What is academic leave?

Speaking in simple words, academic leave or, as students say, “academician” is the right of a student to interrupt the educational process for a certain period, which cannot exceed 24 months. You cannot take an academic leave from work - it is provided by the educational institution, not the employer. This right is given to students by clause 12 of Art. 34 of the law on education.

The person who took an academic leave continues to be considered a student of this educational institution and enjoy the corresponding privileges, for example concessionary travel v public transport... However, he cannot take part in the educational process.

Grounds for academic leave

The circumstances on the basis of which students of technical schools, universities and colleges are granted this right are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science, and specifically by order No. 455 of 06/13/2013:

    medical indications - the presence of a disease that interferes with further education will have to be confirmed by a doctor's conclusion and all accompanying certificates must be provided;

    family circumstances - this includes pregnancy, leave for caring for a sick child or a close relative - the grounds will also have to be confirmed by documents: any paper that has legal force will do - a certificate from a gynecologist, a medical card of a relative, a certificate from a doctor that the patient needs care;

    conscription - you will need a summons from the military registration and enlistment office indicating the place and period of service;

    exceptional cases - death of a close relative: mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather; internship abroad and others.

You can take an academic leave as many times as you like. As a rule, its term is 1-2 years. Later, the vacation can be extended, but you will have to submit all documents again for confirmation.

Keep in mind that, like at work, no one will sign an application for academic leave for you without sufficient grounds. The last word in this matter rests with the rector.

Is it always beneficial to take an academic leave?

Not always taking "academic" is the best way out. For example, when a child is born, lawyers advise against taking an academic leave. At work, you can go on maternity leave. But in order not to lose a place of study, it is more profitable to take parental leave - this possibility is also provided for by law.

Only in this case will the young mother receive social benefit... Even if this is not a lot of money, it will obviously not be superfluous. And during the period of academic leave they don't even pay a scholarship.

The only advantage of the "academicians" is that there is no need to pay for education during this period, and the student retains his place. Later he will be able to continue his education from the semester in which he left off.

By the way, in many educational institutions there is an unspoken rule: academic leave is granted only after passing the intermediate session. This is convenient for the student and teachers: you do not have to continue your studies from the middle of the semester.

Also, one should not perceive the "academician" as an opportunity to "skip" the call for military service. During the period of academic leave, the student loses the right to deferment from the army. If, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, he is recognized as fit, then the "academician" will go to serve.

However, there are situations when you cannot do without a break in studies. For example, it is not easy for a full-time student to get a job. After all, more than half of the day is busy with training. And hiring an employee for several hours a day is unprofitable for the employer. A situation arises when a student is forced to interrupt his studies due to a difficult financial situation.

A certificate for academic leave from work will confirm the availability of a job assigned to the employee. The dean's office may consider this as a basis.

Only the difficult ones will also have to be confirmed: provide certificates of the parents' salary, a certificate from the fund social protection of the population on the recognition of a family as low-income, an application for an academic leave from work and other documents confirming the availability of a job and the need to work. How to document it? What other documents are needed, for example, from work?

Leave Application: Sample

To take an "academician", you will have to write an application addressed to the head of the educational institution and attach all supporting documents. These include a certificate from work for academic leave (a sample can be taken at an educational institution), extracts from medical documents, and others. The application and documents must be legally binding, that is, they must be correctly executed. A sample application is shown in the photo below.

The final decision remains with the administration of the university or the university. It must be accepted within 10 days from the date of application.

As a rule, the "iron" reasons for academic leave are considered:

  • conscription;
  • pregnancy and childcare;
  • medical indications.

The more convincing the evidence is presented, the higher the chances of getting a respite and retaining a place of study. Attach all available medical certificates, an application for an academic leave from the place of work, documents proving the illness or death of a close relative.

By the way, students of the commercial department are exempted from tuition fees for the period of academic leave. However, the head of the educational institution has the right to refuse if he finds your arguments not convincing enough.

What is student leave?

The relationship between employer and employee is regulated by the Labor Code. At work, academic leave is out of the question. After all, this concept has nothing to do with labor relations.

When asked if it is possible to take an academic leave at work, it is usually about student leave. It is used to pass final tests, laboratory and coursework.

In this case, the relationship of the parties is governed by Art. 173-177 Labor Code. And in the case when training programs do not have state accreditation, an employment contract.

Thus, at work, you can take student leave, but not academic leave. However, they are often confused with each other. For example, without understanding the meaning of the concepts, they ask how the academic leave at work is paid.

Student leave period

The period of additional leave depends on the type of education received and the stage of the educational process. For part-time and part-time forms of study:

    upon receiving higher education with a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree, in the first and second year the employee receives 40 days, and from the third year onwards - 50 days, additional leave for each course;

    when mastering residency, postgraduate and postgraduate study programs, students receive additional leave for a period of 30 calendar days during the calendar year;

    employees receiving a candidate or doctor of science degree are entitled to additional leave for a period of 3 or 6 calendar months, respectively. This happens in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 409 of 05/05/2014);

    upon receiving secondary vocational education in the first and second year, the employee receives 30 days of additional leave for each course, and from the third year onwards - 40 days for each course.

In addition, full-time and part-time students can use additional leave for passing final exams and defending a diploma.

Terms depend on the curriculum and cannot exceed:

  • 4 months upon receiving higher education;
  • 2 months upon receiving secondary vocational education.

But that's not all. At the request of the employee, 10 months before the defense of the diploma, the working day can be reduced by 1 hour. Thus, the employee receives 1 additional day off per week.

How does an employer pay for student leave?

An additional day off to prepare for the defense of the diploma is paid at the rate of 50% of the average wages employee. At the request of the employer, during the period of preparation of the employee for the defense of the diploma, he may be given 2 additional days off per week, but already unpaid.

The employer will also pay half the cost of travel to the place of study, but only once a year.

In addition, the average salary is retained for the employee for the period of student leave.

It should be noted that this is true only for students of correspondence and part-time departments. When studying full-time, the procedure for paying for student leave is determined by an employment contract: by law, the employer is not obliged to pay for these days.

Keep in mind that personal income tax is withheld from the calculated amount.

These guarantees are provided to the employee by the Labor Code and the employer has no right to contradict him. Keep in mind that the average earnings must be calculated and paid before the start of the vacation, however, it is not said how many days before the start. Therefore, an employee often receives money on the last working day before the student leave.

What to look for if you are planning to take a student leave?

But it is not always possible to take advantage of these guarantees. To be eligible for them, an education of the appropriate level must be obtained for the first time. However, there is one important nuance here, which is often forgotten.

In a situation when an organization sends an employee for training, additional education does not have to be obtained for the first time. But all the moments for granting leave and paying for it must be agreed with the employer in advance - when signing the student agreement.

Another important nuance is that the right to benefits is provided only at the main place of work. If a person works somewhere else part-time, the second job will have to take a vacation at their own expense.

It is advisable to foresee and stipulate this situation in the employment contract. Otherwise, providing leave at your own expense is a right, but not an obligation of the employer.

Another thing is when it comes to the provision of student leave. On the basis of a call-out certificate, an employee may not go to work even without the consent of the employer. But only on condition that all documents are executed properly.

No production necessity can serve as a basis to deny an employee an apprenticeship leave.

In addition, in order to get a job, workers often agree to unfavorable conditions for themselves, prescribed in an employment contract and a "gray" salary in an envelope. In this case, if the student leave is granted, it will be paid at the official rate, which is specified in the contract. And the employee will not see the money that is usually transferred in an envelope.

This behavior deprives employees of legal rights and guarantees, therefore lawyers always advise you to carefully read the employment contract and not make concessions to dishonest employers. It is better to miss a vacancy than to prove your rights in court for years. Moreover, it is expensive and often unpromising.

How to get a student leave?

To obtain student leave, you will have to take a call-out certificate from an educational institution. This document indicates the period for which the employee must be granted leave.

However, it cannot be more than specified in the law, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract between the employee and the employer. The procedure is as follows:

    write an application addressed to the head of the organization, attach a certificate-call from the educational institution to it and transfer it to the personnel department of the enterprise against signature;

    the personnel department issues an order of the established form, signed by the head;

    the accounting department calculates the average earnings and draws up the corresponding payslip;

    data on provision study leave must be recorded in the employee's personal file and the time sheet.

Each stage must be controlled personally so that later there are no unpleasant surprises.

Let's summarize

Do not confuse 2 completely different concepts: academic and student leave. The student is sent on academic leave by the educational institution, in particular, so that he can improve his difficult financial situation.

During the period of academic leave, the student is not credited with a scholarship, he cannot take part in the educational process. You don't need to pay for tuition either. However, he retains his student status and can enjoy the corresponding benefits.

The educational institution has the right to provide the student material assistance if he found himself in a difficult life situation: he had an accident, lost his only breadwinner, a serious illness was diagnosed and expensive treatment is required. However, this is a right and not an obligation of the educational institution.

During academic leave, the student loses the right to deferment from the army. If, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, he is found fit for military service, then he will go to serve.

As a rule, academic leave will not be denied for medical reasons and in the case of conscription. The decision on the rest of the grounds provided for by law is made by the rector. Above, we also looked at what an application for academic leave looks like.

At work, student leave is granted to employees who combine paid labor activity and study. In this case, the law provides for a number of restrictions, which are also discussed above. In other cases, the employer cannot refuse to grant the employee such leave. At the same time, the average earnings are retained for the employee, but only if he is studying at the correspondence or part-time department.

In the case when an employee is studying full-time, the relationship is regulated by an employment contract. Unless otherwise provided therein, the employee's average earnings are not retained.

  1. not exceeding two years.
  2. unlimited number of times.
  3. Postponement from the call
  4. not charged.

    Academic leave is granted to a student on the following grounds

  5. the scholarship is paid
  6. deducted from the University.

Regulation (.pdf)

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Having a child and raising a child is important process for every parent.
In the first years of life, the child is formed physically and mentally, therefore it is very important that the mother is with him for 1.5 or 3 years, at the peak of his development.

The state supports motherhood and childhood, does everything necessary to provide them happy life... The Labor Code provides mothers with leave for a period of 1.5 to 3 years for the birth and upbringing of a child.
In 2018, the procedure and conditions for granting leave to women who gave birth remained unchanged. The woman, according to the legislation of 2018, claims to be guaranteed by the law payments during the period of stay at home with the child.

According to the law, not only the mother, but also other relatives of the baby (dad, grandmother, grandfather) can go on leave to care. This provision is due to the fact that women do not want to break away from high-paying job, therefore, the leave can be divided into parts between the parents (For example, the mother takes care of the child up to 1.5 years old, the father from 1.5 to 3 years old).
The withdrawal period can be divided into 2 parts:

  • Leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years;
  • Parental leave from 1.5 to 3 years old.

Parental leave up to 1.5 years

Parental leave begins immediately after maternity leave and continues until the child turns 1.5 years old.

This period can be of different lengths, depending on how the pregnancy proceeded, whether there were complications, how many children were born. The legislation of 2018 addresses this issue in detail.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, postnatal leave is provided for the recovery of a woman after pregnancy and childbirth, which is a different number of days, depending on the nature of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • 70 days is provided for the normal course of pregnancy in a woman;
  • 86 days, in case of complications during childbirth (for example, if a woman had a caesarean section or birth injury);
  • 110 days are given for recovery in case of multiple pregnancies (the birth of twins, triplets and more children).

Considering the above, some important conclusions can be drawn.
Thus, maternity leave after childbirth for an employed woman does not last 1.5 years, but less by 2-4 months.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the mother of the child receives a maternity allowance of 100% of average salary(average earnings are calculated over 2 years).

After the end of maternity leave and before the start of parental leave, a woman under 1.5 years old receives payments in the amount of 40% of the average earnings.

Recently, the number of people wishing to adopt a baby has increased. The state supports the initiative of these persons, since every child needs a family, love, and parents. That's why Russian legislation gives adoptive parents the same rights as women who have given birth.
Women who have adopted a child can go on maternity leave. They are provided with postnatal leave if the baby is under 3 months old at the time of adoption.

After maternity leave is over, parental leave begins. During this period, the mother receives a material allowance.

According to the law, parental leave of up to 1.5 years is included in the total length of service of a woman. Her position and workplace remains with her until she comes out of vacation.

A pregnant woman who has given birth has a number of rights that are inviolable and provide her with certain benefits and guarantees. She needs to know them.

We draw your attention to the fact that current legislation a pregnant woman cannot be fired at the initiative of the employer.

If the employee was absent from the workplace, the manager cannot write her off absenteeism, since pregnancy is a valid reason for not showing up for work and this will not be considered a disciplinary offense.

An employee working on an urgent basis cannot be fired either. labor contract. This document extended until the day she leaves the hospital for pregnancy and childbirth.

In the event of the liquidation of the organization, the woman must contact the social security agency (RUSZN) in order to receive the benefit stipulated by the law in full.

In case of bankruptcy of the organization, the employee must contact the social security fund to receive the necessary payments.

At any time, a woman has the right to go to work and complete her vacation.
To receive childcare benefits for a child under 1.5 years old, according to the law, you will need the following documents:

  • Free-form application for benefits;
  • Birth or adoption certificate of the child currently being cared for. You will also need copies of birth certificates of your other children;
  • Certificate from the place of work of the second parent, confirming the fact that he does not receive this benefit;
  • You may also need a certificate from the place of work from the previous employer with the amount of salary for the last 2 years.

Parental leave up to 3 years old

Parental leave, at the request of the parents, can only be extended up to 3 years.

Academic leave: reasons, terms, documents

When the child reaches 3 years of age, the woman is obliged to start work the next day or on the day specified in the agreement with the employer.

Many women go to work ahead of schedule, when the child reaches 1.5 years old, since from this period the material benefit is not paid. In case of early exit and resumption of work on a part-time basis, the benefit is retained.

If a woman decides to leave the decree ahead of schedule, then she needs to inform the head of this. The employer should establish her intentions in advance, that is, determine whether she plans to work on a reduced schedule or take up duties by going to work full time.
This information will be contained in an order issued by the employer and based on the employee's statement about her desire to go to work.

As a rule, the child begins to look for nurseries or kindergartens, but because of the queue and their overcrowding, it is not always possible to attach the child. Then the baby is given to the upbringing of grandparents, some resort to the services of private nannies and educators, while retaining the right to benefits.

While on vacation, women can continue to work, doing work from home or working part-time.
The woman retains the right to receive compensation from the employer, it is paid in the amount of 50 rubles.

Academic parental leave

Often questions arise about how to be pregnant and giving birth to female students studying in institutions where they receive primary, secondary, higher or postgraduate professional education. Labor law did not bypass this topic.

Academic leave is given to female students for up to 140 days, which includes 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after. Depending on the characteristics of the pregnancy, the period can be increased to 84 days (in the case of twins or more).

If a student becomes pregnant again, then she also has the right to receive academic leave again.

The birth and upbringing of a child is a very important process in the life of every person, therefore it is very important to arrange an academic leave in order to safely give birth and raise a child.
During vacation, the student is not allowed to educational process, do not allow her to take exams, so as not to distract from motherhood.
The leadership of the educational institution usually always goes to meet the student.
Academic leave can be arranged as follows:

  • The student writes a personal statement to the dean's office and provides a certificate of disability due to pregnancy (form 095 / y or 096 / y);
  • To register a student, mother or father with an academic leave to care for a child, you will need a child's birth certificate;
  • It is necessary to attach a certificate stating that the second parent of the child is not on vacation and does not receive childcare benefits;
  • You also need to provide a certificate from the social protection department stating that the second parent of the child is not employed.

The decision on issuing an academic leave for a student is made by the management of the educational institution and formalizes it in the form of an educational order. The document stipulates a maximum vacation period of no more than 2 years.
If suddenly it is necessary to extend it, then the student again turns to the guide.
If the vacation is not extended and the student does not come to classes at the educational institution, then she is expelled.

Also, the student is applying for a scholarship, the amount of which is indicated in the charter of the educational institution.
It should be noted that payments are made regardless of whether training takes place on a budget or paid basis. Maternity allowance is assigned and paid educational institution within 10 days from the date of receipt of the necessary documents.

Please note that the child's father cannot apply for maternity leave and maternity benefits for himself, instead of the child's studying mother.

Admission to the university. Hot line Transfer from another university License and accreditation

From September 1, 2013 to the present, the regulation "On the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students", developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law"About education in Russian Federation". It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches that implement educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Here are excerpts from the situation.

  1. Academic leave is granted for family and other reasons, in connection with the inability to study for medical reasons, as well as in connection with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period of time, not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is provided to students unlimited number of times.
    NB! It should be clarified that a student studying at the expense of the federal budget retains a budget seat only in the case of a one-time vacation.
  3. Postponement from the call for military service is retained only during the first academic leave.
  4. During academic leave, students are exempt from the obligation to learn educational program independently, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until the end of his academic leave.
  5. Academic leave ends after the period of time for which it was granted, or earlier, on the basis of the student's application. A student will be able to start studies only on the basis of an order from an authorized official.
  6. From students under contracts with payment of tuition fees, payment during academic leave not charged.
  7. If academic leave is granted to a student under contracts with payment of tuition fees before the start of classes in a paid semester, then the amount of money is fully refundable

    Medical leave

  8. Students at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave the scholarship is paid on the basis of the decision of the scholarship commission of the university and the order of the rector.
  9. Students on academic leave a place in the university dormitory is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a statement of withdrawal from academic leave at the end of the period of validity thereof, otherwise he deducted from the University.

Grounds for granting academic leave

To obtain an academic leave, students must provide the following: a personal application, as well as documents providing the basis for obtaining a vacation:

  1. For the granting of leave for medical reasons - the conclusion of the medical commission medical organization with all the necessary details (stamp of the institution, seal, date of issue, registration number, signature);
  2. For the granting of leave in connection with the passage of military service - the summons of the military commissariat, containing the time and place of departure to the place of service.

The decision to grant academic leave is made by the rector of the university or his authorized representative official within ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

Regulation (.pdf)

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Admission to the university. Hotline Transfer from another university License and accreditation

From September 1, 2013 to the present, the regulation “On the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students” is in force, developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches that implement educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Here are excerpts from the situation.

The procedure for granting academic leave

  1. Academic leave is granted for family and other reasons, in connection with the inability to study for medical reasons, as well as in connection with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period of time, not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is provided to students unlimited number of times.
    NB! It should be clarified that a student studying at the expense of the federal budget retains a budget seat only in the case of a one-time vacation.
  3. Postponement from the call for military service is retained only during the first academic leave.
  4. During the academic leave, students are released from the obligation to master the educational program on their own, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until his academic leave ends.

    Rules and procedure for registration of academic leave in 2018

  5. Academic leave ends after the period of time for which it was granted, or earlier, on the basis of the student's application. A student will be able to start studies only on the basis of an order from an authorized official.
  6. From students under contracts with payment of tuition fees, payment during academic leave not charged.
  7. If academic leave is granted to a student under contracts with payment of tuition fees before the start of classes in a paid semester, then the amount of money is fully refundable student, or transferred as payment for the semester at the end of the vacation. If the academic leave is granted during the semester, he will be refunded the amount corresponding to the payment of the remaining full months of study in the semester.
  8. Students at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave the scholarship is paid on the basis of the decision of the scholarship commission of the university and the order of the rector.
  9. Students on academic leave a place in the university dormitory is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a statement of withdrawal from academic leave at the end of the period of validity thereof, otherwise he deducted from the University.

Grounds for granting academic leave

To obtain an academic leave, students must provide the following: a personal application, as well as documents providing the basis for obtaining a vacation:

  1. To provide leave for medical reasons - the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical organization with all the necessary details (institution stamp, seal, date of issue, registration number, signature);
  2. For the granting of leave in connection with the passage of military service - the summons of the military commissariat, containing the time and place of departure to the place of service.

The decision to grant academic leave is made by the rector of the university or an official authorized by him within ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

Regulation (.pdf)

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From September 1, 2013 to the present, the regulation “On the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students” is in force, developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches that implement educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Here are excerpts from the situation.

The procedure for granting academic leave

  1. Academic leave is granted for family and other reasons, in connection with the inability to study for medical reasons, as well as in connection with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period of time, not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is provided to students unlimited number of times.
    NB! It should be clarified that a student studying at the expense of the federal budget retains a budget seat only in the case of a one-time vacation.
  3. Postponement from the call for military service is retained only during the first academic leave.
  4. During the academic leave, students are released from the obligation to master the educational program on their own, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until his academic leave ends.
  5. Academic leave ends after the period of time for which it was granted, or earlier, on the basis of the student's application. A student will be able to start studies only on the basis of an order from an authorized official.
  6. From students under contracts with payment of tuition fees, payment during academic leave not charged.

    New rules for granting academic leave

  7. If academic leave is granted to a student under contracts with payment of tuition fees before the start of classes in a paid semester, then the amount of money is fully refundable student, or transferred as payment for the semester at the end of the vacation. If the academic leave is granted during the semester, he will be refunded the amount corresponding to the payment of the remaining full months of study in the semester.
  8. Students at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave the scholarship is paid on the basis of the decision of the scholarship commission of the university and the order of the rector.
  9. Students on academic leave a place in the university dormitory is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a statement of withdrawal from academic leave at the end of the period of validity thereof, otherwise he deducted from the University.

Grounds for granting academic leave

To obtain an academic leave, students must provide the following: a personal application, as well as documents providing the basis for obtaining a vacation:

  1. To provide leave for medical reasons - the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical organization with all the necessary details (institution stamp, seal, date of issue, registration number, signature);
  2. For the granting of leave in connection with the passage of military service - the summons of the military commissariat, containing the time and place of departure to the place of service.

The decision to grant academic leave is made by the rector of the university or an official authorized by him within ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

Regulation (.pdf)

"All materials of the section

Admission to the university. Hotline Transfer from another university License and accreditation

From September 1, 2013 to the present, the regulation “On the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students” is in force, developed in accordance with the requirements of the new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. It is mandatory for all educational institutions and their branches that implement educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

Here are excerpts from the situation.

The procedure for granting academic leave

  1. Academic leave is granted for family and other reasons, in connection with the inability to study for medical reasons, as well as in connection with military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a period of time, not exceeding two years.
  2. Academic leave is provided to students unlimited number of times.
    NB! It should be clarified that a student studying at the expense of the federal budget retains a budget seat only in the case of a one-time vacation.
  3. Postponement from the call for military service is retained only during the first academic leave.
  4. During the academic leave, students are released from the obligation to master the educational program on their own, moreover, the student is not allowed to study until his academic leave ends.
  5. Academic leave ends after the period of time for which it was granted, or earlier, on the basis of the student's application. A student will be able to start studies only on the basis of an order from an authorized official.
  6. From students under contracts with payment of tuition fees, payment during academic leave not charged.
  7. If academic leave is granted to a student under contracts with payment of tuition fees before the start of classes in a paid semester, then the amount of money is fully refundable student, or transferred as payment for the semester at the end of the vacation.

    The procedure for granting academic leave for students

    If the academic leave is granted during the semester, he will be refunded the amount corresponding to the payment of the remaining full months of study in the semester.

  8. Students at the expense of the federal budget during academic leave the scholarship is paid on the basis of the decision of the scholarship commission of the university and the order of the rector.
  9. Students on academic leave a place in the university dormitory is not provided.
  10. The student undertakes to write a statement of withdrawal from academic leave at the end of the period of validity thereof, otherwise he deducted from the University.

Grounds for granting academic leave

To obtain an academic leave, students must provide the following: a personal application, as well as documents providing the basis for obtaining a vacation:

  1. To provide leave for medical reasons - the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical organization with all the necessary details (institution stamp, seal, date of issue, registration number, signature);
  2. For the granting of leave in connection with the passage of military service - the summons of the military commissariat, containing the time and place of departure to the place of service.

The decision to grant academic leave is made by the rector of the university or an official authorized by him within ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

Regulation (.pdf)

"All materials of the section

From session to session, students live happily.

But sometimes life lays a steep dive and you have to think about interrupting the educational process for a while.

What is an academic leave, on what grounds it is granted and how to issue it, this material will tell.

Provision on the provision

Academic leave Is an exemption from studies and sessions granted by secondary and higher educational institutions in connection with:

  • deterioration of the financial situation;
  • loss of parents;
  • medical indications;
  • caring for an infant or a seriously ill relative;
  • by decree;
  • internship abroad;
  • participation in international competitions;
  • conscription into the army;
  • natural disasters.

The provision of academic leave to students is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 455 "On approval of the Procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students."

general information

According to the rules in force with 2013 years, academic leave for students:

  • budget places can be applied for only once during the entire period of study,
  • paid seats are allowed to be issued an unlimited number of times, but for no more than two years.

During the academic leave from students of paid places money for education not charged... If the need for a vacation arose before the start of an already paid semester, then the money can either be returned or transferred to the next semester.

During vacation, students are exempt from the need to study. The vacationer has the right to start classes not earlier than the end of the vacation period.

If a student wants to go to school earlier, he must write an application addressed to the head of the educational institution with a corresponding request.

The student should be offered individual plan learning so that it can catch up with the material missed during this time.

The education plan is provided in duplicate with the obligatory signature of the student himself.

When granting leave, the student is required to issue a certificate listing all the disciplines attended. With this certificate, the student will be able to recover in a similar university in another city.

The reasons that prompted the request for leave should be really weighty in order to convince the head of the university.

Therefore, one application is not enough to request a vacation. It must be accompanied by a paper confirming the reason for the request.

During the academy not charged... A student on vacation does not have the right to live in a hostel.

Academic leave can be taken starting from the first year.
If there are debts, then, as a rule, they are not allowed to go to the academy. But if the student is able to confirm the relevance of the reason, then the academy can let go with "tails".


Let's take a look at the most popular reasons for sabbatical that so often happen in the lives of students.


Using academics to draft into the army is very a good option for a number of reasons, for example, if there is a job offer after graduation from the university.

To obtain leave, you must write an application addressed to the rector on the granting of leave, attaching a summons from the commissariat to it. After demobilization, training can be continued.

You will learn about alternative service in the army, and in it you will learn how to get a deferment from the draft.


To receive maternity leave, a student must bring the following papers to the dean's office:

  • an application for academic leave with an indication of the reason;
  • disability certificate.

A certificate of incapacity for work can issue

  • gynecologist;
  • family doctor.

At the Academy for Maternity, the student is entitled to an allowance in the amount of a scholarship. To do this, at the university you need to write an application for benefits with the name of the reason.


Due to deterioration in well-being, Academ is provided in the presence of:

  • certificates from the attending physician;
  • certificates from the clinical expert commission;
  • certificates of temporary disability (form 095 / y);
  • an extract from the medical history (form 027 / y) or an extract from the medical history.

Nonresident students can take all the necessary certificates at the student clinic.

In this case, students are entitled to compensation payments. To receive them, you must write an application for the accrual of compensation to the dean's office with a copy of the order for the authorization of the academician attached.

Family circumstances

Family reasons are different. These include:

Terms and conditions

The main conditions for granting leave are the following Ministry of Education regulations:

  • repeated leave may be granted no earlier than one year after leaving the first. Violation of this condition leads to expulsion from the university;
  • state students receive during their holidays up to 50% from the minimum wage required for living the minimum;
  • payment of a scholarship to a paid student is left to the management of the university;
  • Academic of a foreign student studying at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation is regulated by intergovernmental agreements.

How to get the

In order to get an academic, you need to write application addressed to the rector and collect the documents corresponding to the reason and hand them over to the dean's office.

It is worth remembering that the application is considered within 10 days, therefore, it is worth taking care of its filing in advance.

In graduate school

It is allowed to go to the academy in graduate school for two reasons:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • health status.

The application for the provision of an academic must be accompanied by the documents corresponding to the reason:

  • a certificate from a gynecologist or a birth certificate
  • a certificate from the attending physician, an extract from an outpatient card or medical history, a KEK certificate.

Leave can be granted for a period of up to two years, and for the same period, the time of study in graduate school will increase. The vacation scholarship is retained in full at the assigned amount.

At the correspondence department

Granting leave for extramural students follows the same rules as for full-time students.

So, if life forces you to take academics, then you should not get lost.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. pay off debts;
  2. to write an application;
  3. collect supporting documents according to the list;
  4. submit the entire package to the dean's office;
  5. wait for a decision;
  6. submit an application for cash payments (when they are due);
  7. with a clear conscience to go on vacation, which can be spent not only with benefit, but also with pleasure.

The timing

Academic leave is granted for a period of one year. Exceptions include maternity academy for newborn care - it can be up to three years old - and maternity leave.

The total duration of maternity leave is:

  • during normal pregnancy 140 days (70 days before and 70 days after childbirth);
  • during pregnancy with multiple fetuses 154 days (84 days before and 70 after);
  • during pregnancy with several fetuses and complicated childbirth - 190 days (84 days before and 110 days after).

Required documents

The statement is written in two copies with the obligatory listing of the attached documents addressed to the rector of the university and, together with the documents, submitted to the dean's office.

On the second copy, the secretary of the dean's office is obliged to stamp, the date of admission and sign. This copy remains in the hands of the student.

Decision to grant leave accepted by the university administration during 10 days .

How to correctly issue an exit?

To leave, you need to write an application to the dean's office addressed to the rector with a request to allow the exit from vacation and admit to the educational process.

The application must be submitted at least in 11 days before the start of the semester.

After consideration by the dean, it is sent to the vice-rector for academic affairs, who makes the final decision.

If a student does not go to school at the specified time, then he is expelled from the university.

Academ is not a respite, but target time, after which it will be necessary to study again.

V modern life it is not uncommon for students, due to some circumstances, to have no time to study. Studying at the university takes dedication and takes up most of your free time. However, in life, sometimes events or troubles occur when the learner is not at all up to study, and in order to solve them, it is necessary to spend a certain period of time. Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances when you have to finish your studies at the university ahead of schedule. To avoid this, you can get an academic leave.

Academic leave concept

The term "academic leave" includes the right to take a break from the student's learning process. The student is not expelled from the university, adjustments are made to him syllabus, shifting the time intervals for passing certification tests in various disciplines. It goes without saying that the missed program after academic. vacations will have to catch up. You can't just take an academic leave in order to take a break from the everyday routine of study - you must have a good reason. In addition, to obtain it, you need to carry out a number of activities. If you have a problem that catches you by surprise, preventing you from regularly attending classes, you should consider taking a sabbatical.

Pregnancy Leave

Pregnancy is quite common among female students. At the same time, girls have the opportunity to attend lectures during pregnancy and the right to receive an academic leave in connection with pregnancy. In this situation, everything is based on the patient's well-being and condition. Situations are not uncommon when, due to deteriorating health, regular attendance at lectures is simply impossible. Academ. maternity leave is available at any stage, from early to late weeks.

To get an academic. leave in connection with pregnancy, you must provide a certificate from honey. institutions proving the fact of pregnancy. Sometimes it may be required to provide a certificate of incapacity for work. In the normal course of pregnancy, there is no need to interrupt the learning process.

Academic leave due to illness

It is no secret that any disease leads to a decrease in performance. In cases of prolonged or severe illness, it is possible to obtain academic. holidays due to illness, because regular attendance at classes in this case is very problematic. There is a certain category of diseases that gives the right to take academic. vacation:

  • Anatomical injuries;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Weakening of immunity;
  • Significant deviations in the body's working capacity.

To obtain an academic leave, it is required to collect a consultation medical professionals, which discusses the degree (stage) of the disease, its severity and prognosis for recovery. In the case when a long stay of a student in the hospital is required for treatment, then academic. leave is given for the required period. A positive or negative decision on the possibility of granting an academic leave and its duration depend on the conclusion of the doctors.

Family Leave

There are times when one of the relatives is seriously ill and there is a need to take an academic. vacation. In this case, it is provided in connection with patient care for a certain period of time. To get an academic. sick leave of a relative requires the provision of a certificate confirming the well-being and general condition of the patient, as well as a document confirming the cohabitation of a student and a sick relative. The members of the commission should not have any questions about the fact that no one except the student can provide care to the sick. All moments and circumstances are taken into account, after which the commission decides on the provision of academic. holidays to the student.

Registration of academic leave: features of obtaining

For registration of academic. leave it is necessary to contact the administration of the educational institution. Then you should write a statement indicating the reasons for leaving on academic leave. All certificates or other documents (depending on the reason for leaving) specified above must be attached to the application. In some cases, a commission decision is required with the study of all the reasons and circumstances for which it is necessary to obtain an academic. vacation. Each case is considered in a separate order, taking into account all the circumstances and subtleties of a particular case.

For the entire period of study, a student can receive an academic leave 2 times. Academic leave should not exceed 1 year (12 months).


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