Colossal experience. Working in St. Petersburg is "a colossal experience"! Photo from the personal archive of the graduate

Is it easy to be the director of St. Petersburg, and even more than one year? The answer to this question became clear in the course of an interview with Kalinina Svetlana- a successful lawyer today and a law student in the past.

Kalinina Svetlana Alexandrovna - HSE graduate in 2013, who has been the head of the Student Law Bureau for two academic years. Svetlana started her work in St. Petersburg as an intern when she was in her second year and until graduation she worked for the benefit of the student organization and, of course, for the benefit of the population of Nizhny Novgorod, who needed free legal assistance.

To this day, Svetlana remains not indifferent to the fate of the legal clinic and its employees - last year, under her supervision, students - interns and consultants of the SPB were able to try themselves as representatives of the parties in the arbitration process! The business game was distinguished by maximum realism, which resulted in the acquisition of valuable practical skills by SPB employees.

Interviewer: What is your current place of work, position?

Svetlana: Lawyer in the group of legal companies "INTELLECT-S".

AND: On what course did you come to St. Petersburg?

FROM: At the end of the second year, she began working in St. Petersburg as an intern.

I: In what St. Petersburg Centers did you have a chance to work?

From: Moscow and Sormovo centers.

I: How did you get to St. Petersburg? Was it a "conscious" choice?

FROM: At first I was interested in “what are the undergraduates doing here?”, I consciously asked. Then I realized that it was very interesting and also consciously continued to work.

AND: What gave you work in St. Petersburg?

S: The list here can be huge! it tremendous experience! Experience in communicating with the population, the ability to behave in conflict situations, independently resolve various problems to quickly navigate what is happening. Experience of communication with municipal authorities and officials. The experience of public speaking in the amount (with the director of St. Petersburg), which is especially valuable! Experience of communicating with peer students who need to be motivated, help in solving problems. Yes, and a lot of everything besides this.

I: As an employee of St. Petersburg, did you differ from other students in some way?

FROM: I was the director after all. If we talk about my character, it seems to me that I could never "score" and relax. If there were current problems in St. Petersburg, dissatisfaction on the part of the guys or clients, I considered these to be personal problems. But meanwhile, St. Petersburg taught me a more calm attitude to difficult situations, that is, the absence of alarmism and concentration on solving the difficulties that arose.

Q: Do you remember your first client or the first case you resolved?

FROM: I don’t remember, because the first case was so difficult for me that I just didn’t understand the essence of the matter (laughs). Then the older guys talked to that client, because I was only in my 2nd year. I well remember the client with whom I went to court. We lost. As I now understand (I remember the essence of the matter very well), it was a very complex and confusing matter, ambiguous. The client itself was also not the easiest, to be honest (smiles). She then called me with or without reason, asked any more or less questions related to law at any time of the day or night ... Since then, I rarely give my number to clients (smiles).

I: Did the work in St. Petersburg help in your further professional activity?

S: Absolutely. Not so much knowledge, but knowledge handling and communication skills. Frankly speaking, it is difficult to really learn something about the law in St. Petersburg... Not all consultations are highly literate. But! SPB provides a practice that is very useful in another sense!

Q: What would you like to wish to the current clinicians?

S: Passion for business!

I: Thank you very much for participating in the survey!

How did you start your career in the company?

I joined MEGAPOLIS in 2003 as a credit controller, and before that I worked as an account manager in financial organization. What attracted me to the company was that it was a large distributor with a good reputation and opportunities for professional and career growth. The credit department at MEGAPOLIS was just being created at that time, and I had a lot to learn. And so it happened: in a year and a half I became a senior credit controller, and in five years - a deputy head of a department. In my opinion, the management appreciated my initiative, the generation of ideas and their implementation, as well as my willingness to replace colleagues in the work, if such a need arose.

What achievements are you proud of?

During my work as the head of the credit department of the treasury, the volume of overdue debts of clients to the company has significantly decreased, which has improved turnover rates accounts receivable and reduce the amount of working capital involved. Together with the sales department, we automated work with key counterparties, analyzed the quality of payment discipline, finalized and automated systems for assessing solvency and verifying counterparties.

And how did the company evaluate your merits?

I was awarded a gold badge "For contribution to the development of the company." At that time, only 20 managers of the company with a staff of 14.5 thousand employees received this award. It was a great honor for me to be among valuable employees"MEGAPOLIS".

There are foreign shareholders among the owners of MEGAPOLIS. How does their presence affect corporate culture and company style?

We are a transparent company, and this guarantees paid holidays and fair wages. We also receive subsidies for meals in the corporate canteen and medical insurance. We have staff appraisals every year. It allows managers to constantly improve their skills, gain additional education and predict an increase wages upon reaching a certain result. The Corporate University created in the company also helps in this, which allows targeted improvement of the qualifications of employees, which ultimately has a positive effect on the company's performance. Every year there are more and more opportunities for professional and personal growth here. So, this year, employees have the opportunity to evaluate the heads of departments using the 360-degree method. Through feedback from our subordinates, we see our strengths and weak sides and also get an incentive to develop further.

Many top managers face overtime. Is this issue relevant to you?

I usually stay in the office only for large projects, and with current work I do it in the allotted time. However, periodic revisions are not terrible for me: thanks to new projects and complex tasks, I grow professionally. For example, in 2015 we opened a Joint Customer Service Center in Samara. I was directly involved in this process and I am very pleased with how great everything turned out for us.

How do new IT technologies affect the work of your department?

Gradually, computers begin to perform all the routine work: non-payers are automatically charged penalties - before we did it manually. Now each client receives on our website Personal Area, where he can see if he has a debt.

MEGAPOLIS has a large staff, many regional branches throughout Russia. How do you communicate with each other?

We communicate by e-mail. Once a quarter, a corporate magazine is published, which tells about the work of different departments. Our internal portal has a section for new employees. It describes the structure of the company, instructions, duties of managers. If something is not clear to a beginner, he can ask the administrator questions through a special form "Question - Answer".

Seriously about crowdfunding began to talk after the movie "Iron Sky". You must have seen. A trashy film, a complete bacchanalia about the Nazis, who after the Second World War moved to the moon, was shown in cinemas almost all over the world, including Russia.

Crowdfunding is growing in Russia right now, and this is a very good time for all of us to get serious about it. Since September 2012, Boomstarer has raised a total of more than 15 million rubles for a variety of film projects. Perhaps this is not a very large amount, but, as it seems to me, for starting short films, it is a significant figure. During the same time, more than 12 thousand sponsors appeared, and the largest contribution made by one person amounted to 200 thousand rubles.

On Kickstarter, the world's largest film crowdfunding platform, Veronica Mars raised $5.700 million from 1,000 backers. The second most successful film is Wish I was here.

Project presentation

The first is the idea. If the idea is not interesting and not relevant, it is unlikely to get anything - and this is well understood by all of us. As an example, I can cite Panfilov's 28, today it is one of the largest crowd-projects in the field of cinema and video. The creators made an estimate of 300 thousand rubles, and collected 3 million, that is, 10 times more. A film about the Second World War, about the feat of heroes. When these guys entered the Boomstarter platform, they put forward this message: there are no honest films about the Great Patriotic war, few films about real heroism. Thus, they interested many sponsors and overcame the bar quite quickly.

One of the important things is storytelling, that is, a story about the basis of the project. What does a typical crowd project look like? Electronic presentation with pictures, video and text. In the text, you need to indicate not only that you are young directors and want money, but also how the preparation for the filming process is going on, what difficulties are being overcome. You can find a lot of information on storytelling on the Internet, but the meaning still remains the same: plot, climax, denouement. Screenwriters in this regard are a little easier, they are better oriented.

You need to visualize your presentation. When a person sees a mountain of text, it scares him away. Therefore, everything needs to be diluted with visual content: infographics, photos from a removable site, photos of people working on a project. All this is only for the benefit of the project.

It's strange to me why our filmmakers don't use video messages much. So I watch a lot of film projects, and to my surprise I find that most of them do not contain a video message. What's so difficult? "I'm Vanya Ivanov, I'm making my film and now I'll tell you why I'm doing it." According to statistics, projects with video messages receive funding faster than others. A short video of a maximum of two minutes will play especially well if it has a viral effect.

Project promotion

It is clear that the whole story with crowdfunding is “about money”, but let's first talk about such a thing as bonuses. Working on a film, you also get a bunch of friends who will tell their friends about it and so on and help in every possible way to promote the film. For example, I am currently working with Mikhail Zadornov on a project about Prophetic Oleg. He rummaged through a bunch of literature for this, he has a lot of information. Once a man from Ukraine contacted him, who writes that he knows the place that Prophetic Oleg visited, and is ready to show, tell Zadornov what it is and how it is. And such stories with assistants on crowd projects happen all the time.

What is the difference between crowdfunding and charity? Here, money is given for a reason.

Sponsors receive a gift in return. I gave 100 rubles, for this I will see my name in the credits. And I'll drag everyone to watch: look, my name. Word of mouth works twice. The first time is when you launch a project on the site and receive 50-100 rubles from sponsors, which, of course, is pleasant for them. The second time is when the sponsor receives their rewards.

Many offer the following rewards. 100 rubles - "thank you." 1000 rubles - "thank you very much." And that's it. It is not right. There is another mistake that the creators make. For 100 rubles - I will thank you on my page on the social network. For 300 rubles - I will send an electronic certificate with gratitude. For 500 rubles - a paper certificate with gratitude. For a thousand - a certificate in a frame. And so on. This is very bad, because one thank you will not be full.

There should be five levels of rewards. How can you thank "correctly"? The first is the product itself. You can offer sponsors the film itself. Moreover, you can make a gradation: for 200 rubles you can offer a link to watch a movie a week before its official release; for 400 rubles - a DVD. Bonuses that involve sponsors in the film itself work very well, for example, a minor role in the film and the name of the sponsor on the poster (well, in the credits, of course). There are things that work on human vanity, a sense of one's own greed - for example, to insert the sponsor's image into the frame, he will be happy with such a surprise. And finally, contacts: all the possibilities social networks must be provided to sponsors so that they feel like a direct participant in the filming. I really like this idea, when a sponsor can ask any question via Twitter or Vkontakte, thus feeling like a direct participant in the process.

And there is another thing that is very popular in the West, they call it "Big Idea". If translated into Russian, "mission". Any film that we shoot must carry a mission, a super-idea, it solves some problem, brings it to the viewer. Something that brings people together. How it works in practice: the same Zadornov says that he is making a film not just about Prophetic Oleg, he writes that it will be a movie about our state, this unites us. This film will have something that no textbook has ever talked about. These things work very well.

For example, we need a camera. We do not write that we need money for a camera, but we write: I am making a film that will show how Moscow has become. It is not necessary to indicate philosophical worldview meanings. It is necessary to use it in a more understandable language - and you will have a camera.

Project promotion

We all depend on the promotion of our film. The author was preparing, preparing, launching and ... what to do next is not clear. If you are making a film, it is logical to create a public on Vkontakte or other social networks in parallel and drive people there. These are, first of all, friends, relatives, acquaintances. But do not forget about your cameramen, artists and other members of the film crew. I don't know the process of filmmaking very well from the inside, but in every group there is a person who will always protect your film from "enemies". There must be such a defender, and he must be involved in work in social networks. This is the audience that knows about you.

But you need to do this in advance, so that even before the start, your film is already known, including potential sponsor candidates.

By the way, one more thing that concerns social networks. Many people make the mistake of sending out their posts with something like this: “Hello everyone. This is my new film, like me, repost me and so on. Too bad, I beg you not to do that. Reposts are good, but we are looking for money, not likes. Write: “Support us with money. Become our sponsors. 100 rubles matter.” Well, "repost mi", of course. That is, the sponsor must understand exactly what they want from him. And then I looked at the pictures, read the text, below the signature: “Thank you for reading about us.” Oh please.

And here's what's important. Posts on the Vkontakte wall should change at least every three days. Or better yet, every two days. You yourself know this: you read the feed, closed it, after a while you go back in, and everything is completely different there. The feed changes drastically every five minutes, new entries - 20 posts per minute. Therefore, you need to constantly change your addresses in order to remind your friends about your film. But at the first stage, I recommend focusing on private messages. And do not copy-paste texts, do not use some kind of template, because the same texts can ban or throw them into anti-spam. Plus, a smart person always distinguishes a template from a personal message.

Bloggers are a unique resource. Each of them has 200 or 200,000 subscribers - it doesn't matter. It matters that they are listened to.

​If a blogger writes an article on his LiveJournal about your project, some part of his audience will be interested in the film, it is quite possible that some of them will become a sponsor. But bloggers are not interested in writing about a film that does not exist. Therefore, you need to already have some material or type a certain amount and then write to bloggers. With the media, everything is the same, only a hundred times bigger and better. You just need to remember that when sending your letters to bloggers and the media, you need to have an electronic press release with information about what the film is about, who makes it, how much money has already been raised, and not write in a letter: “To find out more, click on this link." Nobody will call.

If it didn't work out...

If the funding didn't work out, it's okay. You must understand that your project has received publicity, it is known. We recently had a case when the guys did not have time to raise money by the deadline. But a large investor contacted them and offered them 30 million rubles, but not through the platform, but handed over the money to them personally. The good thing about crowdfunding is that without it, those 30 million would not exist. Filmmakers do not always see their mistakes, but with the help of crowdfunding they can get advice from friends or supporters who have not yet blurred their eyes. It's a huge unique experience.

Building a sales department. Ultimate Edition

Konstantin Baksht Management, recruitment The Art of Selling (Peter)

This book is the most popular of all books by Konstantin Baksht, who is one of the three most widely read Russian business literature authors. It is based on the colossal experience of Konstantin Baksht and dozens of experts from his company in building sales departments.

These are hundreds of projects all over Russia, from Moscow and Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. And also in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia and the Baltic countries. All the most valuable of the huge practical experience structured, organized and presented in this publication so that you can use Konstantin Baksht's technologies to build and develop your company's sales department and increase your income.

The fundamental difference between the new edition and the previous ones is that the key sections of two books are collected under one cover - “Building a Sales Department” and “Combat Sales Teams”. All of them have been revised, supplemented and updated as of 2015. The publication is addressed to company executives, business owners and those who are just about to start their own business.

And it will also be useful to everyone who thinks about career growth and wants to become a professional sales manager.

Stanislav Grabovsky Science fiction Missing No data

In 2084, the life of each of the approximately 100 billion people living on earth is controlled and directed by the Program. The program is based on artificial intelligence management tool. A certain organization launches a colossal project - the Game.

In this Game, eighteen G8 teenagers will rule the world. For this, the latest technology monitor in the form of a hologram of our planet has been created. Created computer world one to one reflects the real, actions in it take place according to the laws of our material world.

But the goal of the Game is to show humanity what awaits it, because... Russia was able to unravel the Cosmic code from 1984 numbers on which our world is programmed. And it seems to some that this information that can be replayed and reversed again, but ... Thanks to research on the disclosure of the Cosmic Code, the Russians are opening a portal through which alien civilizations finally establish contact with humanity, and this is new knowledge, new technologies that will never again allow people to destroy each other.

During World War II, Kubi served in the Wehrmacht, fought in France and on the Eastern Front. He described the ordinary life of a German soldier in letters he sent from the front and in almost daily diary entries. Using his combat experience and colossal documentary material, including archives and memoirs, the author presented the iconic figures of military leaders and politicians - participants in the events - military officers and ordinary soldiers of the warring parties.

In his research, Kubi sought to give an objective assessment of "those last, crazy days" in the spring of 1945.

How to rise from the ashes. Self Improvement Method

Igor Nikulin Garden Summer resident online

Gardening can be much easier than you think. It is only necessary to pay attention to the experience of growing not only flowers, but also vegetables in containers, which has been mastered abroad for a long time. For some summer residents, this is the only option to get a good harvest without spending enormous effort and money.

After all, many garden crops can be content with a small amount of land. With containers, and these can be different containers - from boxes to pots, it is convenient to work with both the elderly and children. Yes, and residents of cottages without the risk of spoiling the copyright landscape design will be able to grow basic vegetables, spices and herbs without breaking a traditional vegetable garden.

The popular YouTube blogger Alyona Volkova talks about all the advantages of container growing in her book. She will also tell you how to minimize the few downsides and which strains have shown particularly outstanding results.


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