How to start making money on YouTube from scratch. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - a complete guide. Ways to earn money without investment

You will learn how much YouTube bloggers earn, what ways to make money on YouTube are relevant in 2019, and how a beginner can earn their first money

Hello, dear friends! The founder of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov, is in touch.

Today I will tell you about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet - making money on YouTube (YouTube)

You will receive step-by-step instructions, after studying which you can start earning your first money from YouTube.

Make yourself comfortable, let's go!

1. Earning money on YouTube - how much money you can really earn

Today, YouTube is one of the most accessible ways to make money on the Internet, because almost every person has a computer and other gadgets with video cameras that make it easy to create videos and post them on their YouTube channel.

It’s no secret that every day more and more people are using the opportunity to turn their knowledge and skills in the field of video creation into an additional or even main source of income that can be created without any investment.

By the way, the amount of this income can be unlimited! After all, everyone can make money on YouTube: from students to retirees, from employees to businessmen.

According to statistics, the majority of video bloggers who own their own YouTube channels earn no more than $500 per month on the popular video hosting site.

If your income here exceeds $1000, then you can already be called a professional money maker.

In order to achieve such an income, you will need more than one month of hard work and certain knowledge.

Dear reader, you are probably familiar with the work of Max +100500, you have seen the videos “Opa Gangnam Style” and other sensational videos.

Viral video- a video that, due to its originality, quickly spreads across the Internet and gains a huge number of views.

This is how enterprising people earn good money here quickly and easily, with virtually no investment.

First of all, you need to understand that earnings here depend on several defining factors.

2. What makes money on YouTube depends on - 7 main factors

If you want to earn good money through Youtube, then you need to pay very close attention to these factors.

Don’t neglect them, otherwise you will be marking time for a long time waiting for big profits.

Factor 1. Monetary niche

This is the most basic factor that you should consider long before creating your YouTube channel or recording your first videos.

It means that you must choose a “money” topic on which you will blog.

For example, traditionally, financial niches on the Internet are: business, finance, earnings, construction, medicine.

Conversely, if you run a channel on the topic of cooking, cross-stitching or growing indoor plants, then most likely you will earn purely symbolic money, which will only be enough for ice cream.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that the main income on YouTube comes to us from advertising, which will be placed in our videos.

Accordingly, the more expensive it is, the more we can earn. In expensive themes, advertising is expensive, since here the profit of advertisers is many times greater than in cheap themes.

And in vain many people think that if I like to knit socks, collect stamps or go fishing, then God himself told me to record a video on this topic, because I am well versed in it.

This is a misconception.

In fact, the market decides what is in demand now and what is not. This is why it is worth creating content on popular and expensive topics.

Factor 2: Video quality

Everyone wants to get the best and will never pay attention to “hack work” if there is an alternative.

Therefore, the quality of your videos and, in general, professional work on your YouTube channel is the key to the long-term demand for your videos and, as a result, income growth.

Don’t create your videos “for fun”.

As they say, “less is more!”

If you have a choice to make 10 “thin” videos or 3-5 high-quality ones, then make a choice in favor of quality.

Record these videos with your soul, work to ensure that they have a competent structure, and add titles and effects if necessary.

The principle of working on video quality is the same as when working on an article - it must be thoughtful, structured and meet the user’s expectations as much as possible.

In this case, video views on your channel will be maximum.

Statistics show that quality always trumps quantity, especially when it comes to videos.

Factor 3. Competent selection of SEO keys

Here it is worth mentioning the term “relevance”, that is, the correspondence of the video content to its description.

If you have a video about how to grow tomatoes, and the title says “Putin rocks,” naturally, users will quickly leave your channel and never return there again.

Therefore, wisely select keywords for the titles and descriptions of your videos. This will make it easier for users to find them and become regular viewers of your channel.

Ultimately, your task is to turn your visitors into regular subscribers and viewers of your channel.

To attract additional traffic, YouTube today can be integrated with social media. networks.

Factor 4. Regularity of channel updates

There is a good expression: “The stability of the result is a sign of mastery.”

Our task is not just to “bomb” 10 or 20 videos in the first week after creating your channel and forget about it for a month or two, but to publish your video content regularly!

It will be best if you post high-quality videos in small quantities, for example 2-3 per week, but do it constantly, than to load up the clip of videos at once and abandon your project for a long time.

Regularly posting videos will help you earn more on YouTube, because it means that you care about users.

Video hosting “understands” this.

Ultimately, the viewers of your channel themselves often look at the date of publication of the video and give preference to those projects where there is always fresh content.

Factor 5. Number of video views

This is the most obvious and understandable factor that is easily measured.

Knowing this relationship, you can watch your channel grow exponentially by regularly publishing quality video content.

Factor 6. Monetization methods

Now we will talk directly about making money on YouTube.

Imagine that you already have a visited YouTube channel, for example with 30 videos and a total number of video views of more than 10,000 per day.

Quite a good result.

But, if you didn’t monetize your video content, that is, didn’t take actions that would contribute to making money on your channel, then it’s worthless in terms of commercial efficiency.

You will learn more about what methods of monetizing a YouTube channel exist, and what their features are, below.

Factor 7. Quality of monetization

Let's assume that you have decided exactly how you will make money from your videos, but this is only the first step.

The second step is to properly place monetization tools on your channel.

For example, if you decide that you will make money on YouTube using affiliate programs, then you should think about how exactly you will mention affiliate products so that as many visitors to your channel as possible will buy them.

3. Ways to make money on YouTube - TOP 7 best ideas

Let's move on to the most interesting part.

Now let’s look at how exactly you can make money on your YouTube channel and what you need to do to get the maximum profit with the current traffic.

That is, the same channel can bring in, with the same traffic, both 1000 rubles a month and a thousand rubles a day!

Method 1. Direct advertising in videos

This is a picture at the beginning of a video, a watermark, text or any other mention of the company, product or service of the advertiser who contacted you.

For example, you are running a video blog on traveling around Europe.

Then at the beginning of each video you can place a 3-5 second picture with an advertisement for a travel company that specializes in selling tours to Europe and providing related services.

Method 2. Google Adsense contextual advertising

These are pop-up ads that match the theme of your videos. YouTube itself selects them for your video content.

After that, you receive payment for each click on such an ad.

This method is the simplest and most common.

However, in most cases it is not the most profitable, although the income coming from user transitions through contextual ads is the most stable.

Method 3. Selling your goods or services

For example, in the case of making money from contextual advertising, you receive only a small part of the money, thanks to which the advertiser sells his goods or services, which means it is profitable for him.

By selling your products, you receive all the money that can be earned through advertising.

I think this is clear.

If you look at making money using Youtube from the perspective of an advertiser, then sometimes it is more profitable to place your advertising on other people’s channels (using other people’s videos) than to make money from third-party advertising and receive small money per click.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are an excellent source of income for narrowly themed YouTube channels with good traffic.

If for some reason you do not want to sell your own products or services, you can advertise third-party products on your channel that match the topic of your video blog.

To do this, you can also place affiliate links and mentions in your videos and receive commissions from each affiliate sale, which today range from 40% to 100%!

Method 5. Earn money from other people's videos

You can make money on YouTube even without having your own videos. To do this, you will have to find the necessary videos and post them on your channel, and then also monetize them with affiliate programs, contextual or other advertising.

This method has one clear advantage - the speed of content creation, or rather, the absence of the need to record your videos, which significantly saves time.

The disadvantages of this method of earning money are also obvious:

  • you don’t develop your “brand”, which means you lose regular visitors;
  • you may be sued for copyright infringement;
  • at any time YouTube itself can delete your videos and block the channel;
  • you will not be able to flexibly regulate the topics of your videos and their content, since you are not their author.

Method 6. Combined earnings - your blog + YouTube channel

This combination allows you to increase the amount of traffic and create additional opportunities for earning money.

How it works?

For example, if you have your own blog on WordPress, then you can direct traffic from it to your YouTube channel and vice versa.

If you have your blogs integrated with social networks, this allows your blogs to exchange visitors.

This way, you create more marketing traps and traffic from the two types of blogs generally converts better into money.

4. How to start making money on YouTube - step-by-step instructions for beginners

These are simple steps that include 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Create your own YouTube channel

To do this, you must register your Google account (if you do not already have one), since YouTube video hosting is owned by Google.

Follow all the usual registration steps and then sign in to your Google account.

Step 2. Design your channel and upload videos to it

I repeat that you should not upload other people’s videos to your YouTube channel, as you will quickly get banned by YouTube and all your work will be ruined.

Now you have your own YouTube channel and it’s time to design it and upload videos that you will then monetize.

Without design, your channel will look like this:

Now click on the channel design button and select the desired picture to make your channel header look more colorful.

You can upload either a simple thematic picture or order a professional design for your channel with a logo and corporate identity from a designer.

This will require some investment of money and time, but the credibility of your channel will be higher. This is evidenced by the statistics of successful video bloggers.

Step 3. Monetize your channel

Now we will talk about monetizing your channel directly using the internal function of the same name on YouTube itself.

To do this, go to the YouTube website, go to the “my channel” section

In the column that opens, click on “channel”, then on “status and functions”, in the window that opens we see the “monetization” function, but do not yet click “apply”.

We return to the “channel” again and select “USA” in the “country” drop-down menu. This will make it easier for us to undergo moderation by YouTube to approve the application for monetization.

Let's go back to “status and functions”. Now an “enable” button should appear opposite the “monetization” item.

Click on it and confirm the inclusion of monetization on your channel, following all further instructions.

If everything went well, then after some time the application you submitted will be moderated and you will receive a confirmation message.

Now you can make money on YouTube.

Now you know how to monetize your channel. I hope that this instruction will help you create a stable income on YouTube.

Watch detailed instructions from Stas Bykov on how to make money on YouTube step by step in video format:

5. Conclusion

Today we examined in detail the topic of making money on YouTube.

For many people, this video hosting provides ample opportunities to create their own business or an additional source of traffic.

However, this method of generating income from the Internet requires some time.

But in the future, watching videos and recording them will become not only a hobby for you, but may also turn into your life’s work.

As practice shows, it usually takes from several weeks to several months from starting work on your channel to receiving your first profit.

Also, your own YouTube channel is an excellent addition to a text blog and can act as an additional PR tool for its author when selling his own goods or services.

In the article, I told you how much you can earn using YouTube and gave real examples of bloggers who run their own video blogs.

By the way, when you start making money from the Internet using your channel, you immediately become a video blogger.

I wish you good luck and big earnings on YouTube!

If you found the article and the ways to make money described in it useful, then like it and share your thoughts on the topic in the comments.

Not so long ago, novice video bloggers are already becoming millionaires thanks to YouTube. One of the striking examples is Ivangay, who created a channel in 2013, and a year later had 1 million subscribers, and now his number of subscribers exceeds 10 million.

So what is the secret to success? In fact, there are many secrets, so I decided to make instructions for beginners - how to make money on YouTube from scratch.

Let's not kid ourselves that great videos are easy to create. In reality, it involves filming dozens of takes, hours of long editing, and optimizing the video to meet the needs of viewers.
Step-by-step instruction:

Many people think that it’s enough to create a channel, upload a few videos with a beautiful picture, and you’ll start getting a lot of views and new subscribers! This is partly true, but you need to perform 3 steps:

1. Correct creation and configuration of the channel

The first thing you need to do is decide on the topic of the future channel; both the speed of development and profit per 1,000 views depend on this. The more solvent the audience watches the video, the higher the profit will be accordingly.

  • Automotive theme: 2$ – 6$;
  • Finance (forex, earnings, etc.): $1.5-5;
  • Humor: 0.5-2$;
  • Games: 0.5-2$;
  • Music: 0.3-1.5$;
  • Blogging: $0.15-1.25.

After choosing a suitable topic, we move on to the name of the channel; it should be concise, unique and easy to remember. It is desirable that the viewer can always find your channel through YouTube search.

Take free training from YouTube on setting up a channel - YouTube.

The next step is to select a beautiful avatar (user icon), it must be of high quality and unique in order to stand out among the rest. A special word should be said about the design of the channel header.

The image in the header should be 2560x1440 pixels, where the visible area falls on the center of the image with a size of 1546x423. Don't forget to add social account profiles, in the future viewers will start subscribing, which will give a chance to start.

Here's a good example of a header:

The final part of the setup is to add a short and positive description of 300-400 characters, and also add keywords. Keywords are phrases separated by commas that are most often typed in searches on your topic. 5-15 phrases that reflect the essence of your channel are enough.

2. Creating high-quality videos

What is a quality video? — This is a video where there is good picture resolution, a correctly structured plot and tuned sound without wheezing or sudden changes in the voice.

3. Proper video optimization

Proper video optimization is one of the most important steps for rapid growth of a YouTube channel. Thanks to the right approach, you can immediately receive 10-100 thousand views per month without additional promotion.

If your browser is Chrome, then I recommend installing the extension - VidIQ(will help in identifying popular keywords and optimizing videos).

Selecting a topic and keywords for a video
Before you start recording any video, be sure to look at the popularity of the topic. To do this, just check a few keywords using services such as KeyWord Planner and WordStat. Or just watch similar videos - how many views do they get?

Attractive video titles and previews
The title of the video must contain a key phrase, but the title must be interesting. For example, the key phrase is “earning money on YouTube”, then you can make an attractive title for the video “Creating earnings on YouTube over $1000 per month”.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the preview. A preview is a picture for a video that lets the viewer know what they will see there. Therefore, the picture should be made spectacular and it is advisable to duplicate the title of the video in the preview (this is how people click more often).

Calls to action

At the beginning of the video, it is recommended to make a call to action, for example, subscribe, like, or recommend another one of your videos, for example, using an annotation. And at the end of the video you should display similar videos and a subscribe button.

After completing all the steps above, your number of views will gradually begin to increase, and with it the number of subscribers, and you are ready to learn how to make money on YouTube from scratch.

But don’t rush to earn money, first you should promote your channel and video to more significant values ​​- this will increase your profit many times over. For advertising, it is better to get at least 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 views per month.

But how quickly can this be achieved? There are a whole host of both free and paid methods that increase popularity and, as a result, increase earnings from future advertising and sponsors.

Promotion of channel and video on YouTube

In fact, all of the current popular video bloggers used several methods to promote their channel and videos on YouTube, but few people admit it. Therefore, we also silently promote ourselves on YouTube.

Free ways to promote on YouTube

1. Leave comments under popular videos
It is worth leaving comments under other people's videos, but your comment must be positive so that the author of the video does not delete it for spam. Example: “Cool video! By the way, I also recently released a video on this topic.” .

2. Exchange of advertising with thematic channels
This method is used by many video bloggers and it brings good results. Look for video bloggers at your level and offer them mutual PR. Well, if you have appeared at least once on a popular video blogger, then you have a chance to get tens of thousands of new subscribers (if the content is good)!

3. Social networks / Forums / Pikabu
Share your video in various popular groups through comments on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Find thematic forms that also allow you to upload videos and be sure to post videos in popular threads in the comments.

Well, if you have an entertaining video, then we’ll get a rating on Pikabu and publish your video. Sometimes publishing a video from there can bring up to 100 thousand views in a few days.

Paid and fast ways to promote on YouTube

1. Order advertising in social networking groups
Sociate is an advertising exchange where there are almost all groups from contacts and classmates. We select groups of 400-500 thousand subscribers and order advertising for your video for 300-350 rubles. You will get a lot of views and new subscribers!

2. Cheat on exchanges
In second place in popularity is boosting views, likes and subscribers. Released a new video, but no views? We order 1,000 views and 100 likes, and then real people themselves will notice your video in new products. Which exchange should I use for this?

The real disadvantage of this method is that it is prohibited and if YouTube suspects you are cheating, it will remove a certain number of views.

3. Pre-rolls from other bloggers
A pre-roll is an advertising insert at the beginning, middle or end of a video that recommends a channel or a specific product. This is a very effective type of advertising, although such inserts cost 5-10 thousand rubles for bloggers with 100,000 subscribers.

4. Contact the SocLike agency
There are special media agencies that deal with PR for a channel or individual videos. Unfortunately, many work only with large channels, or with large investments of money. But there is an alternative service.

SocLike - they can separately recruit subscribers, make views, order likes and comments. In general, everything that a standard PR agency does, although 10 times cheaper.

Prices for services:

  • Subscriber price: 1.5 - 2 rubles;
  • View price: 0.8-1.1 rub;
  • Like price: 1.2 - 2 rubles;
  • Comment price: 4.8 – 7.8

1. Affiliate program
You can connect advertising with only 300 subscribers and 5,000 views per month, but I hope you will promote your channel to 10,000 subscribers. And you can connect advertising either directly from Adsense or use an affiliate media network, for example Vsp Group.

2. Selling goods through YouTube
I have already told you more than once how you can make good money selling goods from AliExpress. You can find out more about this -. It’s quite easy to reach the level of 100,000 rubles per month, although the disadvantage of such a business is that you gain few subscribers and views will be at the level of 30-50 thousand per month.

3. Direct sale of advertising
Various pre-rolls and integrations belong to this type. When they contact you directly and order a small advertisement for their channel or product. Where you just need to say a few words and leave a link at the very beginning of the description.

Such advertising can bring in 3-10 thousand rubles if your videos get an average of about 80-100 thousand views. Let's imagine that we have 10 videos per month, then our income will be at the level of 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.

4. Hidden advertising
Hidden advertising is available only to the most popular video bloggers; they earn more than 1 million rubles a month on YouTube, thanks to the fact that they wear clothes of certain brands, ride in a certain brand of car and eat in the right places. They can also receive a good fee for a positive mention of the brand.

5. Selling advertising on other social networks
When your popularity grows on YouTube, then people start following you on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram. And on these social networks you can run advertising posts, for example, using the same Sociate exchange.

All income will come from advertising, so initially choose the right topic where there is a paying audience, or go to a topic where videos get millions of views per day.

Release 2-3 videos per week, try to choose only the most interesting topics that may interest a wide range of people.

Try to contact the viewer more often and ask questions that require answers in the comments, this helps rank the video higher among others, which ultimately gives more views.

Keep up with the times, see what trend is gaining momentum now and make a video on this topic. Perhaps you will catch on by joining the trend.

I think this instruction will help novice video bloggers understand how to make money on YouTube from scratch, and a lot of money. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

  • How to open a channel?
  • Advertising rules
  • How much can you earn?
  • Ways to earn money
  • What do you need to know?
  • Summarizing

Youtube is the world's most popular video hosting service, which was founded in 2005 and within one decade has reached unprecedented heights in terms of popularity. An important role in this was played by the opportunity to earn money, for which the user just needs to open his channel. In this article we will try to look step by step at how to make money on a YouTube channel in 2019 and how you can withdraw money.

How to open a channel?

You need to figure out what it means to “open a channel” and how you can make money from it? Actually, YouTube makes it possible to monetize your video materials, which can be shot on a phone or an amateur video camera or camera. The service does not require directing talent from users; the main thing is that the video becomes popular and receives many views. So a person from scratch can earn good money from his hobby.

What is meant by the phrase “open a YouTube channel”? This means that a registered user periodically posts thematic videos dedicated to sports, car tuning, funny situations, and computer games. In general, the account can already be called a channel, or at least a base for making money on YouTube. To create it you need to go through the registration procedure:

  • Specify a valid e-mail;
  • Create a password;
  • Provide a phone number.

After registration, Youtube offers beginners to undergo training, where the user will learn how to quickly make a channel popular from scratch, what it takes to shoot a high-quality video and where to get good ideas for this.

By the way, about other methods making money for a girl on the Internet you can find out in our related article. There are many options for making a profit without investment!

Advertising rules

A fair question arises: “Why does YouTube itself encourage users to earn money?” The answer is banal and simple - advertising. In this case, it is she who is the engine of progress and the source of income for YouTube users and hosts. Therefore, every video is simply crammed with advertising. Accordingly, if people watch a video, they also have to watch advertising, which can be skipped only after 15-30 seconds of viewing. This is a kind of technical minimum for which the advertiser pays money.

In addition to video advertising, teaser blocks appear during viewing; they cover part of the window and you need to close them to continue viewing. It's impossible to ignore them. Earnings on YouTube are based on such tricks. Without advertising, Google representatives had no point in undertaking such a large-scale project.

How much can you earn?

Earnings, or more precisely, their size, depend on the number of views, which is due to interest in the posted video. Accordingly, in order to earn money, you need to increase views. Without this, you won’t be able to make money, just like without advertising and without Adsense. This is a Google affiliate service that places advertisements and enters into an offer agreement with the user after reaching a certain number of views. Requirements regarding the number of views and subscribers are constantly changing, but approximately it should be 5000 views and about 300 subscribers in 1 month.

It may immediately seem that these are high requirements, but considering that Youtube is visited by about 1 billion people every day, this is a minuscule amount that can be made in 1 day, provided that the posted video is of interest to users.

There is an approximate calculation of earnings from subscriptions and views. For 1000 visitors, the channel owner will receive from 2 to 5 dollars. The price is dynamic and constantly changing, it is directly related to global economic processes, so earnings can either increase or decrease. World stock exchanges also influence the price. Thus, the owner of a YouTube channel becomes a participant in the macroeconomy.

In the screenshot we provided a real example of how much you can earn on your channel in a month:

You can watch an example of a profitable idea in this video:

Ways to earn money

There are several options for making money on YouTube:

  • On advertising from subscriptions and views;
  • On affiliate programs – redirecting the user from his account to the partner’s channel;
  • On links - they can be placed in the description under the video. Thus, other channels offering goods or services are promoted. This method can be called a type of making money on affiliate programs;
  • Rent a channel - the user can post his videos on a promoted channel and share the profit with the owner. This is a good option to make money on Youtube if you are under 18 years old.

More details about monetization methods are described in the video:

What do you need to know?

In order for a YouTube channel to generate income and not problems, you need to know several important points:

  1. You can make money on someone else's video, but to do this you should study the service's policy regarding copyright protection. To use someone else's video content, you need to buy a Creative Commons license. There are 6 options for this virtual document, and only 3 of them allow you to make money on someone else’s video, and then only under certain conditions. A channel that uses someone else's video is called gray.
  2. In case of copyright violation, Youtube permanently blocks the channel, as well as monetization of income through Google Adsense. Accordingly, earning money from subscriptions and views will become impossible.
  3. You can make money on YouTube through advertising if you are under 18 years old. Officially, the system allows people over 14 years of age to monetize income; if the user is younger, permission from his parents will be required. But this is a formality; it is enough for an adult to register an account, but even a child can develop it and earn money.
  4. Earnings from YouTube can be withdrawn to wallets of electronic payment systems. To withdraw money from Google Adsense, you need to register in the Rapida payment system. The second option is to receive money through the mail. The user receives a letter with a special code and after entering it, funds are withdrawn from the account. Without Adsense, the monetization process is much simpler. In the end, where does the money come from? On virtual accounts in payment systems, earnings can also be linked to a bank card.
  5. Youtube allows you to use in videos only music that is contained in the service playlist.
  • Development of a channel on Youtube. It is necessary to systematically upload new video materials;
  • Receiving income and monetizing it. Here you need to decide where the money comes from: electronic wallets or a bank card.
  • This step-by-step instruction is the path to a secure future, because according to official information, top channel owners earn up to several hundred thousand dollars a year on Youtube. Please note that this method of generating income can be realized absolutely without investment. The main thing is to come up with an interesting idea that will quickly gain popularity on the Internet. We hope you now have a better understanding of how to make money from a YouTube channel in 2019, step by step.

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    • Business for girls with minimal investment

    Greetings! Who among us has not heard about crazy earnings on YouTube? Funny videos about cats can bring in thousands of dollars a month! And individual videos get millions of views in one day.

    How to make money on YouTube from scratch and what amounts and timeframes should you target?

    Today both children as young as 11 and users over seventy are familiar with YouTube. Except that they will view different content.

    From English slang, the term YouTube is translated as “TV”. The service first appeared in the United States in 2005 thanks to three former PayPal employees. In 2006, the service was purchased by Google for $1.65 billion.

    Think about it: in just 14 years, the site has gradually turned into a gigantic international project! During its existence, the site was blocked a bunch of times. For example, in early 2013, an Egyptian court blocked access to YouTube for one month. Reason: an excerpt from the film “The Innocence of Muslims” posted on the service.

    Today, the platform allows you to watch videos of other users, rate videos and leave your comments, as well as upload your own videos to the service. Moreover, all this is completely free!

    It is clear that on such a platform you can not only have fun, but also make good money (as well). Although every year this becomes more and more difficult. About a billion new videos are registered on YouTube every month! But trying is not torture...

    Ways to make money on YouTube

    The same channel with identical traffic can bring in 10, 100 or 1000 rubles per day. However, in any case, there will be no quick money here. Get ready for the fact that for the first year (or even more) you will be working idle.

    There are several options for making money on YouTube. I will now briefly talk about each of them.

    The only option suitable for a beginner. In order to start earning money, you just need to activate the “video monetization” option. Don't forget to link your channel to your AdSense account.

    The essence of the scheme: advertising will flash while the video is shown. For example, before the video (cannot be skipped), inside the video (can be skipped after 5 seconds), overlays (at the bottom of the screen) and banner advertising to the right of the video. For viewing advertisements, the owner receives pennies.

    Income depends on the topic and traffic of the channel. I’ll say right away that the vast majority of Russian-speaking YouTube channel owners earn up to $50-100 per month from AdSense advertising. Unfortunately, Russia is one of the “cheapest” countries in this sense. In the USA or Europe they pay more for viewing advertisements (although also very little).

    By the way, not all content can be monetized through AdSense. According to YouTube rules, videos made from excerpts from other people's videos or fragments of TV shows are prohibited. Or a video with music downloaded from iTunes!

    Direct or affiliate advertising in videos

    If you talk on your channel through the Quik terminal, it is logical to give an affiliate link to register with broker “X” or “Y”. If you review new book releases, leave links to books for purchase in the Labyrinth. We went on vacation and talked about a tour operator or hotel.

    Advertising can be direct (where an advertiser pays you to review their product or service). Or affiliate – when affiliate links are placed under the video or in it. Special exchanges will help you find direct advertisers (for example, the service).

    Selling your own goods and services

    In 2017, for a successful business it is no longer enough to have your own website or group on social networks. Your own YouTube channel expands access to the target audience and gives you an additional promotion tool.

    How much can you earn on YouTube?

    Your own channel I only recently created it, so I can only offer “other people’s” numbers. I note that everything is very individual. Income from video depends on a dozen factors (including simple luck).

    Let's take for example a channel with 100,000 subscribers. The average salary of its owner can vary from $200 to $500 per month. In this case, you need to regularly post 2-5 videos per week, each of which will get more than 50,000 views.

    Inspiring examples. On you can see the minimum and maximum earnings of any YouTube channel owner (per month and year).

    • Popular video blogger Stas Davydov with entertaining videos receives from $3.4 thousand to $54.5 thousand per month
    • The income of the gaming LeTSPLaySHiK varies from $6.7 thousand to $106.7 thousand per month

    But, unfortunately, such impressive figures are the exception rather than the rule.

    How to start making money on YouTube?

    I’ll briefly tell you where to start promoting your YouTube channel.

    Choosing a topic

    Firstly, the channel should be dedicated to a topic in which you are well versed. Sit down and write down at least 20 areas in which you feel like an expert. The word “expert” just means that you know a little more about something than those around you.

    And it is not at all necessary to connect the topic of the channel with your main job or business! It could be anything: reviews of books or games, tips on arranging a greenhouse or hand-made projects.

    By the way, there is another cool way to decide on “your” topic. Think about what kind of help your friends and acquaintances most often turn to you for? Recommend an interesting movie? Help me choose a birthday gift? Recommend a place to stay? Or maybe tell your fortune using Tarot cards?

    Let’s say you’ve decided on an approximate list of topics. Let's move on to the second stage. We choose a niche that will be of interest to a wide audience.

    Three “eternal” topics in the Russian-language segment:

    • Education
    • Politics and public life

    With the first and third topics, I think everything is clear. What is included in the “training” category? Absolutely any life hack! For example, “how to disassemble a laptop”, “how to do evening makeup”, “how to prepare sushi”, “how to hang wallpaper”...

    Also on YouTube, “cute” topics (cute animals and children), instructions for completing games, emergency situations, reviews (of anything) and interviews with random passers-by are still in demand.

    Creating a YouTube channel

    The simplest stage, which I will not describe.

    To create a channel, all you need to do is have a Google account and click a couple of buttons. Full instructions are available on YouTube.

    We create and publish videos

    • First, the content must be original. You can, of course, use a video that is not your own (many people do this), but you can’t make a lot of money from someone else’s video. In addition, theft is fraught with serious troubles (for example, a ban)
    • Secondly, before uploading the video, work on its quality. Remove noise, add background music, “cut” to 5-7 minutes. Of course, the length of the video directly depends on the topic. But in our “hurried” times, people prefer everything “short”: both texts and videos.
    • Thirdly, strictly adhere to the publication schedule: new content should appear on the channel with the same frequency (once a day or two to three times a week)
    • Fourthly, do not forget about optimization: titles, descriptions, written tags
    • Fifthly, in one form or another, ask viewers to like and subscribe to the channel!

    Promoting the channel

    Our goal is to gain as many subscribers and views as possible. There are more than a dozen tools for promotion on YouTube (you can write a separate post).

    I will briefly describe the main ones:

    • At the end of each video, invite viewers to subscribe or like. You can do it directly, you can do it somehow creatively
    • Annotations – at a certain point in the video, “live” buttons appear on the screen inviting you to subscribe to the channel. You can add the option in the “Video Manager” section
    • Recommendations - after posting several videos, negotiate with “friendly” channels about mutual advertising. In this sense, YouTube is no different from social networks
    • Personal invitations. Perhaps the most time-consuming, but also one of the most effective ways to attract new subscribers. Invitations should be sent to people who are interested in your topic. Watch similar videos and study your target audience in the comments

    Detailed instructions will tell you how to make money on YouTube from scratch newbie Regular readers and casual guests will receive high-quality information from the owner of the Clear TV channel. In March 2016, the channel will turn two years old. Now there are more than 5,000 subscribers and 600,000 views. No cheating was used to obtain these indicators.

    Let's not talk about the fact that the dollar exchange rate is constantly growing. We will not discuss unemployment or minimum pensions - this is of no use to us. Did you come to YouTube to save some money? Read the article and then you will understand how to make money on YouTube from scratch in 2016. Gather your thoughts and finally start doing something!

    First, let's look at the trend. The graph clearly shows that the query: “how to make money on YouTube” is becoming more and more popular.

    Approximately the same curve will correspond to the request: “how to make money on YouTube from scratch.” This suggests that many would like to discover additional opportunities for earning money, but do not know where to start.

    How to start making money from scratch on YouTube. Instructions from “A” to “Z”

    1) Start your own channel on Youtube

    How to make money on YouTube without a channel? No way (even if you make money, it will be very little). Therefore, the first thing you need to do is create your own channel on YouTube. It sounds too loud, but in reality it all comes down to registering with Google. Having a registered Google account, you can create your own channel after switching to YouTube.

    2) Select a topic for the channel

    Making money on YouTube from scratch in 2016, without the right choice of topics, will be very problematic. From this we draw the following conclusion: we need to choose a topic that will be interesting not only to subscribers, but also to you. It’s quite possible to combine several topics on your channel (I don’t see anything wrong with that).

    3) YouTube channel design

    When I created my first channel in 2014 - Clear TV , paid attention only to creating the header (the picture that is displayed immediately after entering the channel). She is still the face (title page) of my site on YouTube. Over time, I realized that it was necessary to select informative, eye-catching intros for each video.

    4) Record and upload video to youtube channel

    Without recording and uploading videos to the channel, you will never know how to make money on YouTube from 0. Just don’t think that everything will go smoothly right away, and the videos will be watched by millions of YouTube users. This only happens in 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 cases.

    Let me give you a couple of useful tips on recording and uploading videos:

    — before uploading the video to the channel, review it, remove noise, add additional information on top of the video (the name of your channel, other necessary data);

    — content (audio and video) must be copyrighted. We don’t steal videos, and if you need songs, YouTube has its own library of free songs that you can use in your videos without violating anyone’s rights. If you don't listen to me, you'll get a strike or a warning from Youtube. The channel will accumulate three “strikes” and will be blocked (goodbye wasted time);

    — it is advisable to upload short videos to the channel that completely solve a particular problem, showing what is written in the title of the video. By the way, the title and description of the video must be correct (we select keywords);

    — to start making money on YouTube from scratch, you need to choose the frequency of adding new videos. The more often the better. Optimally 1-5 videos per week depending on the topic. Many people talk about the importance of adding a large number of videos in the first months of the channel’s existence. I dare to disagree with this. I recommend adding videos according to this scheme:

    1 month - 5-30 videos;

    2 month - 5-30 videos;

    3 and subsequent months - at least 5-10 videos per month.

    There is no need for templates here, all numbers are conditional.

    — at the end of the video you can ask the viewer to subscribe and rate the video. If the content is “bullshit,” then it’s better not to say it (dislikes are guaranteed). I almost forgot - don’t pester me too much with such requests - no one likes beggars.

    5) Recruiting subscribers for the youtube channel

    How to make money on YouTube from scratch without having subscribers? It’s incredibly difficult, because subscribers are the people who are among the first to view new, added videos. They are the ones who give videos the first likes and comments, which are so important for the development of the channel.

    In order to do this, you can use several methods:

    — we ask all friends, family, neighbors, classmates and colleagues to subscribe to your miracle channel;

    - we buy subscribers for 0.25 - 0.5 rubles on a trusted site (you can earn and spend money on the development of the channel, or withdraw them);

    — we use all the features that youtube offers (subscribe button right subscribe button and more);

    — subscribe (there are groups on social networks in which newcomers like you use mutual subscription). How it works? You subscribe to their channel, and they subscribe to yours.

    6) Set of views for the youtube channel

    How it all started on my channel (views in the first 90 days):

    Are you thinking about how to make money on YouTube without having any views? No way. Without views, there will be no advertising, no earnings. It is important to do everything that was written above - correctly, in order to count on at least some views. Also, the following will help you get views:

    — own website (for $100 I can help with this);

    - desire and desire for a goal.

    6) Affiliate program (media network)

    Now it’s time to answer the question: how to make money on YouTube from scratch. Have you done a good job and your channel is starting to gain views every day? Already have 100 subscribers and 3,000 views (that’s what you need to start earning money)? Then you can safely join the affiliate program. After this, you will fully learn how to make money on YouTube from scratch in 2016.

    7) Having your own ideas and brains

    Over time, you will understand why I focused my attention on these six points. Over the weeks, months and years you will discover something new. Use someone else’s advice and don’t be afraid to introduce your own, new things.

    To analyze statistical data, use Youtube Analytics. Create your own puzzle that clearly answers the question: how can a beginner make money on YouTube from scratch?

    Tell your friends about the article, maybe they would also like to know how to start making money on YouTube from scratch. Thank you!


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