Bunsen flask purpose. Bunsen flask - laboratory glassware for filtration and collection of chemical reagents. Pointed-bottom flasks type O with an interchangeable cone

Flask (German. Kolben) - a glass vessel with a round or flat bottom, usually with a narrow long neck. A variety of technical vessels used in chemical laboratories.

Bulbs are also called cylinders of electric vacuum and gas-discharge lamps. Flasks are used in laboratories as reaction vessels. There are also special volumetric flasks for the preparation of analytical solutions with high precision.

For heating flasks in laboratories and in chemical industries, specialized and universal mantle heaters are used.

Pear-shaped flasks type Gr

Purpose and scope of pear-shaped flask:

Pear-shaped flask type Gr are intended for evaporation, filtration, distillation, distillation, synthesis and distillation of chemicals for laboratory purposes. The pear-shaped flask of Gr has interchangeable cones. Pear-shaped flask Gr is made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group. Laboratory flasks type Gr are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)

Conical flasks type Kn

Purpose and scope of the conical flask type Kn

Conical flasks type Kn are designed for evaporation, filtration, distillation, distillation, synthesis and distillation of chemicals for laboratory purposes. Flask Kn pear-shaped. It is made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group. Laboratory flasks type Kn are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)
Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Cone Qty, pcs per pack
Conical flask (with interchangeable cone) 200765 Kn 1 50 51 14/23 192/12
200766 50 51 19/26 192/12
200767 100 64 14/23 192/12
200768 100 64 19/26 192/12
200769 100 64 29/32 192/12
200770 250 85 19/26 72
200771 250 85 24/29 72
200772 250 85 29/32 72/8
200773 500 105 29/32 48/8
200774 1000 131 29/32 24on6
200775 1000 131 45/40 24on6
200776 2000 166 29/32 12on2
200777 2000 166 45/40 12

Conical flasks with interchangeable cones, TS TU 14307481.014-95

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Cone Qty, pcs per pack
Conical flask (with interchangeable cone and scale) 200161 Kn 1 100 64 29/32 192
200162 250 85 19/26 72
200163 250 85 24/29 72
200164 250 85 29/32 72
200165 500 105 29/32 48
200166 1000 131 29/32 24
200167 2000 166 29/32 12

Conical flasks with a cylindrical neck, TS GOST 25336-82

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Qty, pcs per pack
Conical flask (with a cylindrical neck) 200168 Kn 2 25 18 -
200169 50 22 192/12
200170 100 22 192/12
200171 100 34 192/12
200172 250 34 72/8
200173 250 50 72/8
200175 500 34 48/8
200176 500 50 48/8
200177 1000 42 24on6
200178 1000 50 24on6
200179 2000 50 12 to 2
200180 3000 50 08 to 2
200181 5000 50 04 on 1

Conical flasks with a cylindrical neck, TS TU 14307481.014-95

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Qty, pcs per pack
Conical flask (with a cylindrical neck and with a scale) 200182 Kn 3 50 22 192/12
200183 100 22 192/12
200184 100 34 192/12
200185 250 34 72/8
200187 250 50 72/12
200188 500 34 48/8
200190 500 50 48/8
200191 1000 42 24on6
200192 1000 50 24on6
200193 2000 50 12 to 2
200194 3000 50 08 to 2
200195 5000 50 04 on 1

Round-bottomed flasks type КРН (Engler)

Purpose and scope of the Engler flask

A round-bottomed flask is used to conduct laboratory work associated with the distillation of petroleum products. The Engler flask is made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group. Laboratory flasks type KRN are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)

Round-bottomed flasks type K, version 1, version 2

Purpose and scope of flask type K

The flask is designed for laboratory work, can be used as a receiver for distillation. Used for various syntheses and laboratory work. Flask type K pear-shaped. It is made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group. Laboratory flasks type K are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)

Round-bottomed flasks with a cylindrical neck, TS GOST 25336-82

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Qty, pcs per pack
Round-bottomed flask (with a cylindrical neck) 200622 TO 2 25 18 -
200624 50 18 -
200628 100 22 -
200629 100 34 -
200630 250 34 -
200632 250 50 -
200633 500 34 -
200635 500 50 -
200636 1000 42 -
200637 2000 50 -
200638 4000 50 -
200639 6000 65 -

Round-bottomed flasks with interchangeable cones, TS GOST 25336-82

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Cone Qty, pcs per pack
Round-bottomed flask (with interchangeable cone) 200220 TO 1 25 42 14/23 192
200221 50 51 14/23
200222 50 51 19/26
200224 100 64 14/23
200225 100 64 19/26
200226 100 64 29/32
200227 250 85 29/32 72
200230 500 105 29/32 48
200233 1000 131 29/32 24
200236 2000 166 29/32 12
200238 4000 207 45/40 6
200240 6000 236 60/46 4
200241 10000 179 60/46 2

* The round bottom flask with a capacity of 1000 ml is available only with interchangeable cones (version 1).
GOST 25336-82

Pointed-bottom flasks type O with an interchangeable cone

Description and application of laboratory flasks type O:

Pointed-bottom flasks type O are used for filtration, distillation, distillation, distillation and synthesis of chemicals in laboratory conditions.

Flat-bottomed flasks type P

Purpose and scope of flat-bottomed flask type P:

Flat-bottomed flasks are used as a receiver for the distillation of various organic syntheses and laboratory work.
Flat-bottomed flasks type P are made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group.

Laboratory flasks type P are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)

Flat-bottomed flask with interchangeable cone

200599 50 51 19/26 192 200600 100 64 14/23 192/12 200601 100 64 19/26 192 200602 100 64 29/32 192 200603 250 85 29/32 72 200604 500 105 29/32 48 200605 1000 131 29/32 24 200606 2000 166 29/32 12

Flat-bottomed flask with a cylindrical neck

Name of product vendor code Type of Isp. Capacity, ml D, mm Qty, pcs per pack
Flat-bottomed flask (with a cylindrical neck) 900452 NS 2 25 18 190
200609 50 18 192/12
200610 50 22 192/12
200612 100 34 192/12
200613 250 34 72
200614 250 50 -
200615 500 34 48/8
200616 500 40 48
200617 500 50 48
200618 1000 42
200619 2000 50

* Flat-bottomed flask type P with a capacity of 25 ml is produced only with a cylindrical neck (version 2) according to TU 3 of Ukraine 14307481.014-95.

Flasks with a tube (Bunsen)

Purpose and scope of the Bunsen flask with a tube:

Bunsen flask with tube is used for vacuum filtration.

The Bunsen flask is made of glass and has a thick-walled conical shape.

The upper part of the flask has a place for connection to a vacuum pump or to a vacuum line.

The flask with a tube is intended for laboratory use.

It is made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group in two versions - with an interchangeable cone and a cylindrical neck. The nominal capacity in the designation and name of the flasks is conditional. Bunsen laboratory flasks are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)

Flask with a tube (Bunsen) with a cylindrical neck

Name of product vendor code Execution Capacity, ml D, mm d, mm
flask with tube (Bunsen) 200813 1 100 65 19
200814 250 90 29
200815 500 109 29
200816 1000 132 45
200817 2000 180 45
200818 5000 238 45

Flask with tube (Bunsen) with interchangeable cones

Name of product vendor code Execution Capacity, ml D, mm H mm
flask with tube (Bunsen) 200819 2 100 65 100
200820 250 90 136
200821 500 109 186
200822 1000 132 240
200823 2000 180 288
200824 5000 238 360

Flasks Kjeldahl type

Purpose and scope of the Kjeldahl flask

The Kjeldahl flask is used as receivers for distillation, for various organic syntheses, laboratory processes and the determination of nitrogen according to Kjeldahl.

The Kjeldahl flask is pear-shaped.

They are made of chemically resistant glass of the TC group. Kjeldahl laboratory flasks are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total flask length (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the widest part of the flask (mm)

Kjeldahl flask with interchangeable cones

Name of product vendor code Execution Capacity, ml Cone
Kjeldahl flask 200642 1 50 14/23
200643 100
200644 100 29/32
200645 250 19/26
200646 250 29/32
200647 500
200648 1000

Kjeldahl flask with cylindrical neck

Kohlrausch flasks

Purpose and scope of Kohlrausch flask:

Kohlrausch laboratory flasks are used for measuring the volume, settling the liquid and determining the percentage of sugar in sugar beets.

Kohlrausch laboratory flasks are resistant to the effects of chemical solutions.

  • H - Total height of Kohlrausch flask (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the wide part of the Kohlrausch flask (mm)

Volumetric flasks of the 1st and 2nd class of accuracy

Purpose and scope of the volumetric flask:

Volumetric flasks are used to store and measure a certain volume of liquid.

Volumetric flasks are round-pear-shaped volumetric glass vessels with an elongated cylindrical neck.

  • H - Flask height (mm)
  • D - Diameter of the wider part of the flask (mm) Variants of execution of volumetric flasks.

Volumetric flasks:

  • Isp. 1 - Volumetric flasks with one mark;
  • Isp. 2 - Volumetric flasks with one mark and a ground stopper;
  • Isp. 2а - Volumetric flasks with one mark and a plastic stopper;
  • Isp. 3 - Volumetric flasks with two marks;
  • Isp. 4 - Volumetric flasks with two marks and a ground stopper;
  • Isp. 4а - Volumetric flasks with two marks and a plastic stopper.

Volumetric flasks of the 1st class of accuracy GOST 1770-74

Name of product vendor code Isp. Capacity, ml
Flask with one mark 200519 1 25
200521 50
200522 100
200525 200
200526 250
200529 500
200530 1000
Flask with one mark and ground stopper 200532 2 5
200533 10
200535 25
200537 50
200539 100
200541 200
200543 250
200546 1000
200547 2000
Flask with one mark and plastic stopper 200548 2a 25
200549 50
200550 100
200551 200
200552 250
200553 500

Volumetric flasks of the 2nd class of accuracy GOST 1770-74

Name of product vendor code Isp. Capacity, ml Qty, pcs per pack
Volumetric flask with one mark 200554 1 5 288/12
200555 10 288/12
200556 25 304
200558 50 168
200560 100 105
200562 200 112
200564 250 105
200566 500 50
200568 1000 24 to 6
200569 2000 12
Volumetric flask with one mark and ground stopper 200570 2 5 288/12
200571 10 288/12
200573 25 288/12
200575 50 144/12
200577 100 96/12
200579 200 -
200581 250 -
200583 500 -
200584 1000 24 to 12
200585 2000 -
Volumetric flask with one mark and plastic stopper 200586 2a 25 300
200587 50 168
200588 100 105
200589 200 112
200590 250 105
200591 500 50
Volumetric flask
with two marks
200592 3 50/55 158
200593 100/110 75
200594 200/220 98
Volumetric flask with two marks and plastic. stopper 200595 4a 50/55 150
200596 100/110 75
200597 200/220 98

VITLAB laboratory glass- this glass is made in Germany. But there is also laboratory glass Schott Duran, and do not forget about the Czech manufacturer "Simax", which produces glass of the highest quality.

Laboratory glass of Ukraine is produced in Poltava, but despite this, it can be easily bought in Kiev by calling our office of UKR-Chemistry LLC

The Bunsen flask, named after its inventor, German experimental chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, looks like a thick-walled conical flask made of glass and equipped with a side arm (tube). The main purpose of such flasks is vacuum filtration, in which they are used as a receiver for filtrate, therefore the Bunsen flask is otherwise called a filter flask.

Vacuum filtration is a type of filtration in which, along with gravity, a vacuum created by a pump participates in the passage of a liquid through a filter. This method allows you to significantly speed up the filtration process, which in some cases is impossible under normal conditions. In addition, the vacuum contributes to a more complete separation of the sludge and facilitates its subsequent rinsing. However, there are also very important limitations imposed on the vacuum filtration process. Thus, vacuum filtration cannot be used to filter concentrated solutions and low-boiling liquids while hot. In the first case, the precipitate strongly clogs the pores of the filter material, since due to the entrainment of a part of the liquid, the solution is cooled and concentrated on the lower part of the filter. When filtering low-boiling liquids, the main danger is that the rapidly boiling hot liquid in the Bunsen receiving flask can enter the pump through the side outlet of the flask.

To create a vacuum during vacuum filtration, a water-jet pump is most often used, connected to the side outlet of the Bunsen flask using flexible hoses or special adapters. Since, if the pump is suddenly turned off, water from the water supply system can get into the receiving flask, a safety vessel is often installed between it and the pump, which is most often Wolfe's multi-necked flask or Tishchenko's flask. The same intermediate vessel retains the filtrate in case of accidental release from the Bunsen flask, preventing it from entering the pump. Nevertheless, during operation it is necessary to control the level of the filtrate, promptly removing the accumulated liquid from the receiving flask and not allowing its level to rise above the level of the tube.

Different types of filter flasks differ not only in their capacity, but also in the way of processing the neck. In the STYLAB online store, Bunsen flasks are presented with both smooth and ground neck, allowing the use of Schott funnels and other funnels with conical thin sections. The volume of the filter flasks varies greatly, making it easy to customize the flask for the specific needs of your laboratory.

If necessary, the Bunsen flask for vacuum filtration can be replaced with a Würz flask or, in the case of small volumes of liquid, with a test tube with a branch, as well as with any flask supplemented with a special nozzle with a tube. You can easily find adapters for flasks and other laboratory glassware in the corresponding sections of the STYLAB online store.

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On Administrative Responsibility legal entities(organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products "(Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Excerpt from Federal law RF:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who produce products containing ethyl alcohol, not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages", the illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with the confiscation of alcoholic beverages , devices, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of selling devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), storage of apparatus for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Item number 1 says: "Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices. "

* Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

A flask is a special glass vessel with a flat or round bottom and a narrow neck. Depending on the type and volume, the flasks can be used as a reaction vessel or as a volumetric dishes when you need to prepare a solution with high analytical accuracy and accuracy. All flasks are made, regardless of volume and purpose, in accordance with GOST standards. All kinds of flasks are widely used in medical, pharmaceutical, scientific, petrochemical, manufacturing and industrial laboratories.

It is not recommended to heat the flasks with the solution over an open fire. For this, there are special heating mantles.

One of the most commonly used glassware in the laboratory over the years is the signature flask - the Bunsen flask. - a kind of glassware for filtering chemicals and solutions. It is an integral part of a scientific or industrial laboratory. It is sometimes called a flask with a tube, based on its appearance... Flasks are made of special chemically and thermally resistant thick borosilicate or laboratory glass, which does not undergo destruction under the action of acids, alkalis and most other aggressive media - all this ensures the chemical purity of the experiment. The heat resistance of glass allows you to sterilize it, withstand various temperature and pressure drops, as well as mechanical stress. The strength of the laboratory glass of the vessel reduces the risk that such a flask will burst during laboratory work. All Bunsen flasks are made from clear glass so that you can observe the ongoing processes.

The Bunsen flask is conical in appearance, in the upper part of which there is a branch for connection with a vacuum pump or with a vacuum line. Such a flask can be used for laboratory work under reduced pressure or in a vacuum.

What is a Bunsen flask for?

This type of flask is often used as an intermediate laboratory glassware between a reflux condenser and a steam source (vapor source). They are used for settling by-products obtained in the process of alcohol fermentation - fusel oils and other harmful chemical reagents deposited on the walls of the reflux condenser. You can buy a dephlegmator at a reasonable price on our website. In addition to filtering solutions, the Bunsen flask is used for sampling gaseous and liquid substances.

By volume given view flasks are:
- 100 ml;
- 250 ml;
- 500 ml;
- 1 l;
- 2 l;
- 2.5 l;
- 3 l;
- 5 l;
- 10 l.

Other types of flasks

In addition to the nominal Bunsen flask, an Erlenmeyer flask (conical flask) is often used in laboratory practice. Such a flask has a conical shape with a flat bottom and a cylindrical neck. It was invented over a century and a half ago by a German chemist.

Unlike the Bunsen flask, it has a graduated mark, which allows you to measure the volume of the investigated chemical solution, as well as an insert made of primed glass or white enamel so that you can make a mark with a pencil. The edges of the neck are slightly rounded, this allows you to close the flask with a cotton swab or rubber stopper. The convenient conical shape of the Erlenmeyer flask allows you to easily mix the contents of the solution during the study with one hand using a magnetic stirrer or laboratory shaker. The narrow shape of the neck prevents the liquid from spilling during the pouring process, keeps the liquid from evaporation. The flat bottom of the vessel allows you to stay firmly and securely on the surface. The main application of conical flasks is for titration of chemical solutions.

The Würz flask (round bottom) is used as laboratory glassware for distillation.

Flat-bottomed flasks are used as laboratory glassware for mixing several liquid substances, preparing various chemical reagents, as well as temporary storage of mixtures and liquids.

Buy laboratory glassware in Moscow: like Bunsen flasks, burettes with a tap, drip funnels and much more in a wide range of well-known trade marks for equipping the laboratory, profitable in the online store "Prime Chemicals Group".

Buying in "Prime Chemicals Group", you get high quality, durable, reliable laboratory glassware according to affordable prices... It is also possible to deliver any product both wholesale and retail in Moscow and the region.

And remember that only high-quality laboratory glassware, chemical reagents, laboratory equipment and instruments will bring the desired result of the research and experiments carried out.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bunsen flask, also flask with tube, vacuum flask, in some countries also Buchner flask or flask kitasaki- a flat-bottomed conical flask made of thick-walled glass with a tube (outlet). Bunsen flasks are mainly used for vacuum filtration. The creator is the German experimental chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1899).

The Bunsen flask has different design options:

  • The standard Bunsen flask is a conical, thick-walled flask with a side outlet.
  • Bunsen flask with a lower tube, in which an additional tube is used to drain the filtrate with the disconnection of the vacuum source.
  • Bunsen flask with a three-way valve, in which the filtrate can be drained without disconnecting the vacuum source.

Bunsen flasks are usually made of glass with a thickness of 3 mm to 8 mm. In the Russian Federation, Bunsen flasks are standardized as "flasks with a tube" in accordance with GOST 25336 (for their manufacture, heat-resistant glass of the TS brand is usually used in accordance with GOST 21400 or Simax ČSN ISO 3585). The upper conical part, intended for the installation of the filter funnel, can be smooth or ground for an interchangeable cone in accordance with GOST 8682. Flasks can also be made of metal or plastic.

The Bunsen flask is used mainly for vacuum filtration, in which this flask serves as a collection of filtrate. The Bunsen flask can be used for other purposes, for example, for the production of gases during chemical reactions, as well as as a safety vessel for vacuum processes.

Notes (edit)


  • "Named" devices in the magazine "Chemistry"
  • Stepin B. D. Technique of laboratory experiment in chemistry: Textbook. manual for universities. M .: Chemistry, 1999. - 600 s: ill.


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