Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising Advertising of Alcoholic Products

The latest version of the law on advertising in the Russian Federation was published on October 10, 2015. The first text was approved by the Duma on February 22, 2006. As in all other cases, in the course of its work, the Federal Law was constantly supplemented, and some of its dispositions and provisions lost their legal meaning, and therefore were immediately canceled. Next, we will acquaint you with the latest developments in the field of promotion of alcohol, tobacco products, medical services and goods.

Changes in the law on advertising for 2016

The current text of the law has also undergone some revisions over the past few years. In particular, now Article 22 no longer works, because. it has been declared invalid. But the legislation Russian Federation insists that even repealed dispositions be specified in laws and codes.

The new format is another confirmation of the above - the distribution of traditional medicine products must now be accompanied by a proper set of documents. The amendments also affected certain requirements for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, for the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories).

The promotional provisions of the Advertising Law, as amended, dealt with fair competition (Chapter 5). The goals and scope of action remained the same - information about unfair competition will be transferred to the state executive body, which has the right to protect and fully control legal relations in this area (FAS).

Placement of outdoor advertising in Moscow, Moscow region according to the law on advertising

In Moscow, the Moscow Region and other large administrative centers and regions of Russia, outdoor advertising is carried out in the same manner as in all other regions of the country.

However, in the Moscow region, the provisions of the Federal Law are supplemented by local definitions. For example, promotional activities (this also applies to Moscow) should not be anti-social in nature and violate the rights of the consumer (the so-called social).

Outdoor advertising in any form may not be placed on architectural monuments, road signs, cultural facilities, or without an agreement with the owner of the building or land. And this rule also applies to the administration of the region.

Are pavement signs prohibited by the law on advertising in the latest edition?

The use of pavement signs in the Russian Federation is not yet prohibited. Such structures should not contain anything illegal, and be placed in compliance with the norms noted in the act described by us with changes. On the Internet, there are many not quite up-to-date information the prohibition of pavement signs is a complete misconception, since nothing is said about this in the law of the Russian Federation under consideration.

Law on advertising on the facade of the building - basic provisions

As already noted, in order to place any advertising information on the facade of a building, it is necessary to obtain permission and come to an agreement with the city administration. Signs on houses, on the street, on the facade of a building (or residential building), even on your own balcony, must be discussed in advance with the administration, or with the management company. The content of the advertising poster is checked for illegal statements, appeals, etc.

At the same time, according to the law on advertising in the latest edition on cars and any other transport (with the exception of public transport, since information on it is also subject to adjustment), you can advertise any permissible object or service without restrictions.

Law on Advertising of Medical Services and Goods - Rules

This provision prescribes the observance of the following imperatives if you wish to promote a particular medical product:

  • it is forbidden to address children (and even use children's images);
  • promotion of untested and ineffective drugs is not allowed;
  • promotion of medicines as an alternative to a visit to the doctor is prohibited.

Plus, of course, if there are contraindications, then they should be mentioned. More details about the entire list can be found in article 24 of the act.

Advertising of beer and alcohol from January 1, 2015 - what does the law allow and prohibit?

Any mention of alcohol with reference to its usefulness or harmlessness is not allowed from the TV screen, radio, pano, etc. In such a version, images (even drawn ones) of people should also not be used. At the end of any such announcement, there is necessarily information that this alcoholic product, when consumed in large quantities, can cause serious harm to health.

It is expected that something should change for the 2016 FIFA World Cup (but this will not affect strong alcoholic products and tobacco products).

Advertising financial services

Promotion of any banking, appraisal, insurance and other specialized financial services and similar activities (even on television) must necessarily contain the strict name or details of the person offering these services or conducting such activities.

with comments

Article 1

Include in the Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-I "On the Mass Media" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 7, Art. 300; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 3, item 169; N 24, item 2256; N 30, item 2870; 1996, N 1, item 4; 1998, N 10, item 1143; 2000, N 26, item 2737; N 32, 3333; 2001, N 32, item 3315; 2002, N 12, item 1093; N 30, items 3029, 3033; 2003, N 27, item 2708; N 50, item 4855; 2004, N 27, item 2711; N 35, item 3607; N 45, item 4377; 2005, N 30, item 3104; 2006, N 31, item 3452; N 43, item 4412; 2007, N 31, 4008; 2008, N 52, item 6236; 2009, N 7, item 778; 2011, N 25, item 3535; N 29, item 4291; N 30, item 4600; 2012, N 31, 4322; 2013, N 14, items 1642, 1658; N 27, items 3450, 3477; 2014, N 42, item 5613; N 48, item 6651; 2015, N 10, item 1393; N 29, article 4383; 2016, N 1, article 84; N 15, article 2056) the following changes:

1) Article 2 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"The study of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows) means the systematic collection, recording, systematization and analysis of data related to viewer preferences when watching TV channels (TV programs, TV shows), as well as the transfer (provision, distribution, access) of the research results. ";

2) add chapter II 1 with the following content:

"Chapter II 1. Studies of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV programs)

Article 24 1 . Basic principles for conducting research on the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV programs)

In order to ensure openness, transparency and reliability of data obtained as a result of studies of the volume of the viewership of television channels (TV programs, television programs) with their subsequent use when placing advertisements on television channels (in television programs, television programs), the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications, authorizes the organization conducting such research (hereinafter referred to as the authorized organization), in the manner prescribed by the specified federal body executive power.

Studies of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows) are carried out by an authorized organization based on the following principles:

1) the global nature and continuity of ongoing research;

2) the unity of the methods used for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information and data obtained as a result of research;

3) ensuring the completeness, relevance and reliability of the information and data obtained as a result of research;

4) compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the processing of personal data and other restricted information.

Control over the activities of the authorized organization is carried out by the federal executive body, which exercises the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications.

The authorized organization is obliged to annually submit to the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technology and communications, a report on the studies carried out, as well as post it on its official website in the information and telecommunications network " Internet". The form of the report of the authorized organization and the deadline for its submission are established by the said federal executive body.

Article 24 2 . Authorized organization for the study of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows)

The number of authorized organizations is determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technology and communications.

In relation to the activities of the authorized organization, the restrictions provided for by the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the protection of competition are not applied.

Unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, a foreign state, an international organization, as well as an organization under their control, a foreign entity, a Russian legal entity, the share of foreign participation in the authorized capital of which is more than 20 percent, is not entitled to act as an authorized organization.

It is not allowed to establish by the persons specified in part three of this article, as well as foreign citizens, stateless persons, citizens of the Russian Federation who have the citizenship of another state, any form of control over the authorized organization, as a result of which these persons acquire the ability to directly or indirectly own, manage, control the authorized organization, and also actually determine the decisions taken by it.

In order to select an authorized organization for studying the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows) by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications, a commission is created. The procedure for the creation and activities of this commission, its composition, as well as the conditions for selecting an authorized organization are established by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technology and communications.

The term of office of the authorized organization is three years.

The powers of an authorized organization may be terminated early by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications, in the following cases:

1) non-elimination by the authorized organization within the established period of violations in respect of which the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications issued instructions to eliminate them;

2) failure to submit within the prescribed period to the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications, an annual report on the conducted research;

3) the arisen non-compliance of the authorized organization with the requirements imposed on it in accordance with this Federal Law;

4) submission by the authorized organization of an application for voluntary refusal to exercise powers;

5) identification of false information in the documents that served as the basis for making a decision on granting powers;

6) submission to the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technology and communications, an annual report on the activities of an authorized organization containing knowingly false information.".

Article 2

Contribute to the federal law dated March 13, 2006 N 38-FZ "On Advertising" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 12, item 1232; N 52, item 5497; 2007, N 7, item 839; N 16, item 1828 ; 2011, N 23, item 3255; N 30, item 4566, 4600; 2013, N 19, item 2325; N 27, item 3477; N 30, item 4033; N 43, item 5444; N 48, item 6165; N 51, item 6695; N 52, item 6981) the following changes:

1) Article 5 shall be supplemented with part 12 of the following content:

"12. In case of advertising on a TV channel (in TV programs, TV shows) on the basis of data obtained from the results of a study of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows), advertisers, advertising distributors and their representatives and intermediaries are obliged to use the specified data in accordance with the agreements, concluded by the said persons or their associations with organizations (organization) authorized (authorized) to conduct the said research by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications.";

2) in Article 38:

a) in part 6 the words "parts 2-8 of Article 5" shall be replaced by the words "parts 2-8, 12 of Article 5";

b) in part 7 the words "parts 9, 10, 10 1 and 10 2 of Article 5" shall be replaced by the words "parts 9-10 2 , 12 of Article 5".

Article 3

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication, with the exception of Article 2 of this Federal Law.

3. The selection of organizations (organizations) specified (specified) in Article 24 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-I "On the Mass Media" (as amended by this Federal Law) must be completed by the federal executive body, performing the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technology and communications, until January 1, 2017.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

the Russian Federation
the federal law
About advertising

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 231-FZ dated December 18, 2006,
dated February 9, 2007 No. 18-FZ, dated April 12, 2007 No. 48-FZ,
dated 21.07.2007 No. 193-FZ, dated 01.12.2007 No. 310-FZ,
dated May 13, 2008 No. 70-FZ, dated October 27, 2008 No. 179-FZ,
dated 07.05.2009 No. 89-FZ, dated 27.09.2009 No. 228-FZ,
dated December 17, 2009 No. 320-FZ, dated December 27, 2009 No. 354-FZ,
dated May 19, 2010 No. 87-FZ, dated July 27, 2010 No. 194-FZ,
dated 28.09.2010 No. 243-FZ, dated 05.04.2011 No. 56-FZ,
dated 03.06.2011 No. 115-FZ, dated 01.07.2011 No. 169-FZ,
dated July 11, 2011 No. 202-FZ, dated July 18, 2011 No. 218-FZ,
dated July 18, 2011 No. 242-FZ, dated July 21, 2011 No. 252-FZ,
dated November 21, 2011 No. 327-FZ, dated July 20, 2012 No. 119-FZ,
dated 28.07.2012 No. 133-FZ, dated 07.05.2013 No. 98-FZ,
dated 07.06.2013 No. 108-FZ, dated 02.07.2013 No. 185-FZ,
dated July 23, 2013 No. 200-FZ, dated July 23, 2013 No. 251-FZ,
dated October 21, 2013 No. 274-FZ, dated November 25, 2013 No. 317-FZ,
dated December 21, 2013 No. 375-FZ, dated December 28, 2013 No. 396-FZ,
dated 28.12.2013 No. 416-FZ, dated 04.06.2014 No. 143-FZ,
dated June 28, 2014 No. 190-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 No. 218-FZ,
dated July 21, 2014 No. 235-FZ, dated July 21, 2014 No. 264-FZ,
dated 21.07.2014 No. 270-FZ, dated 04.11.2014 No. 338-FZ,
dated December 29, 2014 No. 460-FZ, dated December 29, 2014 No. 485-FZ,
dated December 31, 2014 No. 490-FZ, dated February 3, 2015 No. 5-FZ,
dated 08.03.2015 No. 50-FZ, dated 03.07.2016 No. 304-FZ,
dated 05.12.2016 No. 413-FZ, dated 03.28.2017 No. 44-FZ,
dated July 29, 2017 No. 216-FZ, dated July 29, 2017 No. 218-FZ,
dated December 31, 2017 No. 489-FZ, dated April 3, 2018 No. 61-FZ,
dated 07/03/2018 No. 182-FZ, dated 07/03/2018 No. 183-FZ,
dated 29.07.2018 No. 262-FZ, dated 03.08.2018 No. 325-FZ,
dated October 30, 2018 No. 383-FZ, dated December 27, 2018 No. 531-FZ,
dated 01.05.2019 No. 89-FZ, dated 01.05.2019 No. 100-FZ,
dated 02.08.2019 No. 259-FZ)

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Purposes of this Federal Law

The objectives of this Federal Law are the development of markets for goods, works and services based on the principles of fair competition, ensuring the unity of the economic space in the Russian Federation, exercising the right of consumers to receive fair and reliable advertising, creating favorable conditions for the production and distribution of social advertising, and preventing violations of the law. Russian Federation on advertising, as well as the suppression of the facts of inappropriate advertising.

Article 2. Scope of application of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law applies to relations in the field of advertising, regardless of the place of its production, if the distribution of advertising is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. This Federal Law does not apply to:

2) information, disclosure or dissemination or bringing to the consumer of which is mandatory in accordance with federal law;

3) reference, information and analytical materials (reviews of domestic and foreign markets, results scientific research and tests) that do not have as the main goal the promotion of goods on the market and are not social advertising;

4) messages from state authorities, other state bodies, messages from local governments, messages from municipal bodies that are not part of the structure of local governments, if such messages do not contain information of an advertising nature and are not social advertising;

5) signboards and signs that do not contain information of an advertising nature;

6) announcements individuals or legal entities not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities;

7) information about the product, its manufacturer, importer or exporter, placed on the product or its packaging;

8) any elements of product design placed on the product or its packaging and not related to another product;

9) references to the product, the means of its individualization, the manufacturer or the seller of the product, which are organically integrated into works of science, literature or art and in themselves are not promotional information.

3. The provisions of this Federal Law relating to the manufacturer of goods also apply to persons performing work or providing services.

4. Special requirements and restrictions established by this Federal Law in relation to advertising certain types goods shall also apply to advertising of means of individualization of such goods, their manufacturers or sellers, unless the advertisement of means of individualization of an individual product, its manufacturer or seller clearly does not refer to a product, in relation to the advertising of which special requirements and restrictions are established by this Federal Law.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) advertising - information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market;

2) the object of advertising - a product, means of individualization of a legal entity and (or) a product, a manufacturer or seller of a product, the results of intellectual activity or an event (including a sports competition, concert, competition, festival, risk-based games, bets), to attract attention to which advertising is directed;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 89-FZ of May 7, 2009)

3) goods - a product of activity (including work, service) intended for sale, exchange or other introduction into circulation;

9) sponsor - a person who provided funds or ensured the provision of funds for organizing and (or) holding a sports, cultural or any other event, creating and (or) broadcasting a television or radio program, or creating and (or) using another result of creative activity;

11) social advertising - information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals, as well as ensuring the interests of the state;

12) antimonopoly body - the federal antimonopoly body and its territorial bodies.

Article 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising

The legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising consists of this Federal Law. Relations arising in the process of production, placement and distribution of advertising may also be regulated by other federal laws adopted in accordance with this Federal Law, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 5 General requirements to advertising

2) defames honor, dignity or business reputation persons, including a competitor;

3) is an advertisement of a product, the advertising of which is prohibited in this way, in given time or in this place, if it is carried out under the guise of advertising another product, the trademark or service mark of which is identical or confusingly similar to the trademark or service mark of the product, in relation to the advertising of which the relevant requirements and restrictions are established, as well as under the guise of advertising of the manufacturer or the seller of such goods;

4) is an act of unfair competition in accordance with the antitrust laws.

2) any characteristics of the product, including its nature, composition, method and date of manufacture, purpose, consumer properties, conditions for the use of the product, its place of origin, the presence of a certificate of conformity or a declaration of conformity, marks of conformity and signs of circulation on market, service life, shelf life of the goods;

3) on the assortment and on the complete set of goods, as well as on the possibility of their acquisition in a certain place or within a certain period of time;

4) on the cost or price of the goods, the procedure for its payment, the amount of discounts, tariffs and other conditions for the acquisition of goods;

5) on the terms of delivery, exchange, repair and maintenance of goods;

6) on warranty obligations of the manufacturer or seller of goods;

7) on exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of a legal entity, means of individualization of goods;

8) on the rights to use official state symbols (flags, emblems, anthems) and symbols of international organizations;

9) on official or public recognition, on receiving medals, prizes, diplomas or other awards;

11) on the results of research and testing;

12) on granting additional rights or benefits to the purchaser of the advertised product;

15) on the rules and terms of holding a competition, game or other similar event, including the deadline for accepting applications for participation in it, the number of prizes or winnings based on its results, the timing, place and procedure for obtaining them, as well as the source of information about such event;

16) on the rules and terms of risk-based games, bets, including the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of risk-based games, betting, terms, place and procedure for receiving prizes or winnings based on the results of risk-based games, bets , about their organizer, as well as about the source of information about risk-based games, bets;

17) on the source of information subject to disclosure in accordance with federal laws;

18) about the place where, prior to concluding a contract for the provision of services, interested persons can familiarize themselves with the information that must be provided to such persons in accordance with federal laws or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

19) about the person obligated by the security;

1) induce to commit unlawful acts;

2) call for violence and cruelty;

3) be similar to road signs or otherwise threaten the safety of road, rail, water, air transport;

4) form a negative attitude towards persons who do not use the advertised goods, or condemn such persons;

1) the use of foreign words and expressions that can lead to a distortion of the meaning of information;

3) demonstration of the processes of smoking and consumption of alcoholic products;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011)

4) the use of images of medical and pharmaceutical workers, with the exception of such use in advertising of medical services, personal hygiene products, in advertising, the consumers of which are exclusively medical and pharmaceutical workers, in advertising distributed at the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events, in advertising placed in printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers;

6) an indication of medicinal properties, that is, a positive impact on the course of the disease, the object of advertising, with the exception of such an indication in the advertisement of medicines, medical services, including methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation, medical devices.

6. In advertising, it is not allowed to use swear words, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and citizen, official state symbols (flags, emblems, hymns), religious symbols, objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as objects of cultural heritage included in the World Heritage List.

7. Ads that are missing a part are not allowed essential information about the advertised product, about the conditions for its acquisition or use, if the meaning of the information is distorted and consumers of advertising are misled.

7.1. In advertising of goods and other objects of advertising, cost indicators must be indicated in rubles, and, if necessary, they may additionally be indicated in foreign currency.
(Part 7.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 12, 2007)

8. Advertising of goods, in respect of which the rules for use, storage or transportation or regulations for use have been approved in accordance with the established procedure, must not contain information that does not comply with such rules or regulations.

9. It is not allowed to use in radio, television, video, audio and film products or in other products and distribute hidden advertising, that is, advertising that has an effect on their consciousness that is not realized by consumers of advertising, including such an effect through the use special video inserts (double sound recording) and in other ways.

10. It is not allowed to place advertisements in textbooks, teaching aids, other educational literature intended for teaching children in basic educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education, school diaries, school notebooks.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 252-FZ dated July 21, 2011, No. 185-FZ dated July 2, 2013)

10.1. Advertising of information products subject to classification in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" is not allowed without specifying the category of this information product.
(Part 10.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 252-FZ of July 21, 2011)

10.2. It is not allowed to distribute advertisements containing information prohibited for distribution among children in accordance with Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development", in intended for children educational organizations, children's medical, health resort, physical culture and sports organizations, cultural organizations, children's recreation and rehabilitation organizations or at a distance of less than one hundred meters in a straight line, excluding artificial and natural barriers from the nearest point bordering the territories of these organizations.
(Part 10.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 252-FZ of July 21, 2011; as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of May 1, 2019)

10.3. It is not allowed to place advertisements on payment documents for making payment for residential premises and public Utilities, including on the reverse side of such documents. The provisions of this part do not apply to social advertising and reference information.
(Part 10.3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 61-FZ of April 3, 2018)

11. When producing, placing and distributing advertisements, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the requirements of civil legislation, legislation on the state language of the Russian Federation, must be observed.
(Part 11 as amended by Federal Law No. 231-FZ of December 18, 2006)

12. In the case of advertising on a TV channel (in TV programs, TV shows) on the basis of data obtained from the results of a study of the volume of the viewership of TV channels (TV programs, TV shows), advertisers, advertising distributors and their representatives and intermediaries are obliged to use the specified data in accordance with the agreements concluded by the said persons or their associations with organizations (organizations) authorized (authorized) to carry out the said studies by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications.
(Part 12 was introduced by Federal Law No. 281-FZ of July 3, 2016)

Article 6. Protection of minors in advertising

In order to protect minors from abuse of their trust and lack of experience in advertising, it is not allowed:

1) discrediting parents and educators, undermining the confidence in them among minors;

2) inducing minors to persuade their parents or other persons to purchase the advertised product;

3) the creation in minors of a distorted idea of ​​the availability of goods for a family with any level of income;

4) creating the impression among minors that the possession of the advertised product puts them in a preferable position over their peers;

5) the formation of an inferiority complex in minors who do not possess the advertised product;

6) showing minors in dangerous situations, including situations that encourage them to commit actions that pose a threat to their life and (or) health, including causing harm to their health;
(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 252-FZ dated July 21, 2011)

7) underestimation of the level of skills necessary for the use of the advertised product among minors of the age group for which this product is intended;

8) the formation of an inferiority complex in minors associated with their external unattractiveness.

Article 7. Goods, advertising of which is not allowed

1) goods, the production and (or) sale of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, and their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances;
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 87-FZ dated May 19, 2010, No. 89-FZ dated May 1, 2019)

3) explosive substances and materials, with the exception of pyrotechnic products;

4) human organs and (or) tissues as objects of sale and purchase;

5) goods subject to state registration, in the absence of such registration;

6) goods subject to mandatory certification or other mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, in the absence of such certification or confirmation of such compliance, as well as works or services for the assessment (confirmation) of conformity, including the acceptance and consideration of documents necessary for the implementation specified works and (or) the provision of services carried out by persons who do not have accreditation in national system accreditation (if obtaining such accreditation is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation), or by accredited persons, but without indicating the name of the accredited legal entity or the surname, name and (if any) patronymic of the accredited individual entrepreneur and the unique number of the accreditation record in the register of accredited persons;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 262-FZ of July 29, 2018)

7) goods, the production and (or) sale of which requires obtaining licenses or other special permits, in the absence of such permits;

8) tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco products and smoking accessories, including pipes, hookahs, cigarette paper, lighters;
(Clause 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 274-FZ of October 21, 2013)

9) medical services for artificial termination of pregnancy;
(Clause 9 was introduced by Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013)

10) graduation preparation and writing services qualifying works, scientific reports on the main results of prepared scientific qualification works (dissertations) and other works provided for state system scientific certification or necessary for students to pass an intermediate or final certification.
(Clause 10 was introduced by Federal Law No. 383-FZ of October 30, 2018)

Article 8

In the advertisement of goods for the remote method of their sale, information about the seller of such goods must be indicated: name, location and state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity; surname, name, patronymic, main state registration number of the entry on the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Article 9

In an advertisement announcing a competition, game or other similar event, the condition for participation in which is the purchase of a certain product (hereinafter referred to as the promotional event), the following must be indicated:
(as amended by Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 28, 2013)

1) the timing of such an event;

2) a source of information about the organizer of such an event, about the rules for holding it, the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of such an event, the timing, place and procedure for receiving them.

Article 10. Social advertising

1. Advertisers of social advertising may be individuals, legal entities, state authorities, other state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as municipal bodies that are not part of the structure of local self-government bodies.

2. State authorities, other state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as municipal bodies that are not part of the structure of local self-government bodies, purchase works, services for the production and distribution of social advertising in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 396-FZ of December 28, 2013)

3. The conclusion of an agreement on the distribution of social advertising is mandatory for an advertising distributor within five percent of the annual volume of advertising distributed by him (including the total time of advertising distributed in television and radio programs, the total advertising space of a print publication, the total advertising space of advertising structures). The conclusion of such an agreement is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4. In social advertising it is not allowed to mention specific brands (models, articles) of goods, trademarks, service marks and other means of their individualization, individuals and legal entities, except for the cases provided for by part 5 of this article.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated June 3, 2011)

5. The restrictions established by part 4 of this article do not apply to references to public authorities, other government bodies, local governments, about municipal authorities who are not included in the structure of local governments, about sponsors, about socially oriented non-profit organizations that meet the requirements established by this article, as well as about individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation or need treatment, in order to provide them with charitable assistance. In social advertising, it is allowed to mention socially oriented non-profit organizations in cases where the content of this advertisement is directly related to information about the activities of such non-profit organizations aimed at achieving charitable or other socially useful goals.
(Part 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of June 3, 2011)

6. In social advertising distributed in radio programs, the duration of the mention of sponsors cannot exceed three seconds, in social advertising distributed in television programs, with film and video services - three seconds, and such a mention should be given no more than seven percent of the frame area , and in social advertising distributed by other means - no more than five percent of the advertising area (space). These restrictions do not apply to references in social advertising to state authorities, other state bodies, local governments, municipal bodies that are not part of the structure of local governments, socially oriented non-profit organizations, as well as individuals who find themselves in difficult life situation or in need of treatment, in order to provide them with charitable assistance.
(Part 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of June 3, 2011)

Article 11

If, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an advertisement is recognized as an offer, such an offer is valid for two months from the date of distribution of the advertisement, provided that no other period is indicated in it.

Article 12. Terms of storage of promotional materials

Advertising materials or their copies, including all changes made to them, as well as contracts for the production, placement and distribution of advertising must be stored for a year from the date of the last distribution of advertising or from the date of expiration of such contracts, except for documents in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes otherwise.

Article 13. Provision of information by the advertiser

The advertiser, at the request of the advertising distributor, is obliged to provide documented information on the compliance of the advertisement with the requirements of this Federal Law, including information on the availability of a license, mandatory certification, and state registration.

Chapter 2. Features of individual methods of advertising distribution

Article 14. Advertising in television programs and broadcasts

1. Interruption of a TV program or TV show by an advertisement, i.e. stopping the broadcast of a TV program or TV show to display an advertisement, must be preceded by a message about the subsequent broadcast of an advertisement, with the exception of interruption by a sponsored advertisement.

1) occupy more than seven percent of the area of ​​the frame;
2) superimposed on subtitles, as well as inscriptions of an explanatory nature.

3. The total duration of advertising distributed in a TV program (including such advertising as TV shopping), interrupting a TV program with an advertisement (including sponsored advertising) and combining an advertisement with a TV program using a "creeping line" method or in any other way superimposing it on a frame of a TV program may not exceed twenty percent of the broadcast time during an hour and fifteen percent of the broadcast time during a day, except for the cases provided for by parts 3.4 and 3.5 of this article.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 489-FZ of December 31, 2017, No. 325-FZ of August 3, 2018)

3.1 - 3.3. Lost power. - Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014.

3.4. In the TV program of the channel, which, in accordance with the broadcasting license, is distributed in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, additional duration combining advertising with a TV program using the "creeping line" method may not exceed five percent of the broadcast time for an hour in excess of the total duration of advertising provided for in paragraph 3 of this article.
(Part 3.4 was introduced by Federal Law No. 489-FZ of December 31, 2017)

3.5. In information and entertainment TV shows of a TV channel, which, in accordance with the broadcasting license, is distributed in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the additional duration of combining advertising with each such TV show by the "creeping line" method cannot exceed fifteen percent of the broadcast time for an hour in excess of the duration of the advertisement. in the TV program provided for by parts 3 and 3.4 of this article.
(Part 3.5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 489-FZ of December 31, 2017)

1) religious TV shows;
2) TV shows less than fifteen minutes long.

5. The television programs referred to in paragraph 4 of this article may be interrupted by sponsored advertising immediately at the beginning and immediately before the end of such television programs, provided that the total duration of such advertising does not exceed thirty seconds.

6. It is not allowed to interrupt the broadcast with advertising, including sponsored advertising campaign materials distributed in television programs and television programs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and the legislation of the Russian Federation on a referendum.

7. In children's television programs, it is not allowed to distribute advertisements for certain types of goods, the features of advertising of which are established by Chapter 3 of this Federal Law. This restriction does not apply to sponsorship advertising, with the exception of sponsorship advertising of alcoholic beverages, military products and weapons, risk-based games, betting, services for concluding rental agreements, including a lifelong maintenance agreement with a dependent, the activities of mediators to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure .
(Part 7 as amended by Federal Law No. 325-FZ of August 3, 2018)

8. Broadcast in live or in the recording of a sports competition (including sports matches, games, fights, races) may be interrupted by advertising, including sponsorship advertising, only during breaks in the course of sports competitions or during their stops.

9. A live broadcast or recorded sporting event that does not include breaks or stops may be interrupted by advertising in such a way that the interruption of the broadcast does not lead to the loss of some of the essential information about the sporting event. At the same time, the total duration of such advertising cannot exceed twenty percent of the actual broadcast time of a sports competition.

10. Other TV programs, including feature films, may be interrupted by commercials in such a way that the duration of each interruption of the said TV programs by commercials does not exceed four minutes.

11. The requirements established by parts 1 - 10, 14.1 of this article do not apply to television programs that are registered as mass media specializing in messages and advertising materials and are broadcast on the basis of a broadcasting license, provided that in such television programs the duration of advertising is eighty or more percent of the time of actual broadcasting during the day.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 270-FZ of July 21, 2014)

12. When advertising is broadcast, the volume level of its sound, as well as the volume level of the message about the subsequent broadcast of the advertisement, must not exceed the average volume level of the sound of the TV program or TV show interrupted by the advertisement. The ratio of the volume level of the advertising sound and the volume level of the sound of the TV program or TV show interrupted by it is determined based on the methodology for measuring the volume level of the sound of advertising in TV programs and TV shows, approved by the federal antimonopoly body and developed on the basis of recommendations in the field of standardization of sound signals in television and radio broadcasting, approved by the federal executive body which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of mass communications and the media. The detection of the excess of the volume level of the advertising sound above the average volume level of the sound of the TV program or television program interrupted by it is carried out by the antimonopoly authority both in the course of monitoring compliance with the requirements for the volume level of the advertising sound, carried out in the manner established by the federal antimonopoly authority, and as a result of conducting inspections of compliance with the requirements of the law Russian Federation on advertising in accordance with Article 35.1 of this Federal Law.

13. In television programs broadcast in accordance with the Federal Law of January 13, 1995 No. 7-FZ "On the procedure for covering the activities of state authorities in state media" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On the procedure for covering the activities of state authorities in state media media"), distribution of advertising is not allowed.

14. In television programs, advertising is not allowed on the days of mourning declared in the Russian Federation.

14.1. It is not allowed to distribute advertising in TV programs, TV shows on TV channels, access to which is carried out exclusively on a paid basis and (or) using decoding technical devices. Distribution of advertising is allowed on the specified TV channels in case of distribution of at least seventy-five percent of the national mass media products, which means products in Russian or other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or in foreign language(if the product is intended for Russian funds mass media), which is produced by citizens of the Russian Federation, and (or) organizations registered in accordance with the established procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) by order of the Russian mass media and Russian investments in the production of which amount to at least fifty percent. The products of mass media created in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation are also recognized as national mass media products. The procedure for confirming the compliance of national mass media products with the specified requirements is established by the federal antimonopoly body. The activity of translation, duplication, subtitling of foreign media products is not recognized as the production of national media products. Are not recognized as TV channels, access to which is carried out exclusively on a paid basis and (or) with the use of decoding technical devices, all-Russian mandatory public TV channels, as well as TV channels distributed on the territory of the Russian Federation using a limited radio frequency resource through terrestrial broadcasting in the manner, established by law of the Russian Federation on the mass media.
(Part 14.1 as amended by Federal Law No. 5-FZ dated February 3, 2015)

15. The restrictions established by this Federal Law with regard to advertising of certain types of goods in television programs do not apply to advertising placed at the location of an event broadcast live or recorded, with the exception of productions specially created for broadcasting.
(Part 15 as amended by Federal Law No. 270-FZ of July 21, 2014)

16. The requirements of parts 1 - 11 and 13 - 15 of this article do not apply to:

1) information placed in TV programs about TV programs broadcast on the relevant TV channel;
2) TV program logo and information about this TV program.

Article 15. Advertising in radio programs and broadcasts

1. Interruption of a radio program or broadcast by an advertisement must be preceded by a notice of the subsequent broadcast of the advertisement, except for interruption by a sponsored advertisement.

2. In radio programs that are not registered as mass media and specialize in messages and materials of an advertising nature, the duration of advertising cannot exceed twenty percent of the broadcast time during the day.

3. In radio programs, it is not allowed to interrupt the following radio broadcasts with advertisements:

1) religious radio broadcasts;
2) radio broadcasts less than fifteen minutes long.

4. The radio broadcasts referred to in paragraph 3 of this article may be interrupted by sponsor advertisements immediately at the beginning and immediately before the end of the radio broadcast, provided that the total duration of such advertisements does not exceed thirty seconds.

5. It is not allowed to interrupt with advertising, including sponsorship advertising, the broadcast of campaign materials distributed in radio programs and radio broadcasts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and the legislation of the Russian Federation on a referendum.

6. In children's radio broadcasts, it is not allowed to distribute advertisements for certain types of goods, the features of advertising of which are established by Chapter 3 of this Federal Law. This restriction does not apply to sponsorship advertising, with the exception of sponsorship advertising of alcoholic beverages, military products and weapons, risk-based games, betting, services for concluding rental agreements, including a lifelong maintenance agreement with a dependent, the activities of mediators to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure .
(Part 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 325-FZ of August 3, 2018)

7. Radio broadcasting live or in the recording of sports competitions (including sports matches, games, fights, races) may be interrupted by advertising, including sponsorship advertising, only during breaks during sports competitions or during their stops.

8. A live or recorded radio broadcast of a sporting event that does not provide for breaks or stops may be interrupted by advertisements in such a way that the interruption of the radio broadcast does not lead to the loss of some of the essential information about the sporting event. At the same time, the total duration of such advertising cannot exceed twenty percent of the broadcast time of a sports competition.

9. Other radio broadcasts may be interrupted by advertising as many times as fifteen-minute periods include these radio broadcasts, as well as additionally by sponsor advertising immediately at the beginning and immediately before the end of the radio broadcast, provided that the total duration of such sponsor advertising does not exceed thirty seconds.

10. The requirements established by parts 1-9 of this article do not apply to radio programs that are registered as mass media specializing in messages and materials of an advertising nature and are broadcast on the basis of a broadcasting license, provided that in such radio programs the duration of advertising is eighty or more percent of the time of actual broadcasting during the day.

11. When advertising is broadcast, the volume level of its sound, as well as the volume level of the message about the subsequent broadcast of the advertisement, must not exceed the average volume level of the sound of the radio program or broadcast interrupted by the advertisement. The ratio of the volume level of the advertising sound and the volume level of the sound of the radio program or radio broadcast interrupted by it is determined on the basis of the methodology for measuring the volume level of the sound of advertising in radio programs and radio programs, approved by the federal antimonopoly body and developed on the basis of recommendations in the field of standardization of sound signals in television and radio broadcasting, approved by the federal executive body which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of mass communications and the media. The detection of the excess of the volume level of the advertising sound over the average volume level of the sound of the radio program or broadcast interrupted by it is carried out by the antimonopoly authority both in the course of monitoring compliance with the requirements for the volume level of the advertising sound, carried out in the manner established by the federal antimonopoly authority, and as a result of conducting inspections of compliance with the requirements of the law Russian Federation on advertising in accordance with Article 35.1 of this Federal Law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 338-FZ dated November 4, 2014, No. 182-FZ dated July 3, 2018)

12. In radio broadcasts broadcast in accordance with the Federal Law "On the procedure for covering the activities of state authorities in state media", the distribution of advertising is not allowed.

13. In radio programs, advertising is not allowed on days of mourning declared in the Russian Federation.

14. The requirements of parts 1 - 10, 12 and 13 of this article do not apply to:
(As amended by Federal Law No. 338-FZ dated November 4, 2014)

1) information placed in radio programs about radio programs broadcast on the corresponding radio channel;
2) messages about the name of the radio program and the frequency of its broadcasting, as well as other information about this radio program.

Article 16. Advertising in printed periodicals

Placement of the text of advertising in periodicals that do not specialize in messages and materials of an advertising nature must be accompanied by the mark "advertisement" or the mark "on the rights of advertising". The volume of advertising in such publications should be no more than forty-five percent of the volume of one issue of printed periodicals. The requirement to comply with the specified volume does not apply to periodicals that are registered as specializing in messages and promotional materials and on the cover and in the imprint of which contains information about such specialization.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 413-FZ of December 5, 2016)

Article 17

During film and video services, it is not allowed to interrupt the film demonstration by advertising, as well as to combine advertising with the film demonstration by the "creeping line" method or in any other way by superimposing it on the frame of the film being shown.

Article 18. Advertising distributed over telecommunication networks

(As amended by Federal Law No. 179-FZ dated October 27, 2008)

1. Distribution of advertising over telecommunication networks, including through the use of telephone, facsimile, mobile radiotelephone communications, is allowed only with the prior consent of the subscriber or addressee to receive advertising. At the same time, advertising is recognized as distributed without the prior consent of the subscriber or addressee, unless the advertising distributor proves that such consent has been obtained. The advertiser is obliged to immediately stop the distribution of advertising to the address of the person who applied to him with such a demand.

2. It is not allowed to use telecommunication networks for advertising distribution using means of selection and (or) dialing a subscriber number without human participation (automatic dialing, automatic mailing).

3. In the case of reference telephone service (both paid and free), including those carried out by means of mobile radiotelephone communications, advertising may be provided only after the message of the certificate requested by the subscriber.

4. When providing telephone connections on the terms of a time-based payment system, the time during which advertising is distributed should not be taken into account when determining the cost of such a telephone service.

5. Has expired. - Federal Law No. 179-FZ dated October 27, 2008.

Article 19. Outdoor advertising and installation of advertising structures

1. Distribution outdoor advertising using billboards, stands, building grids, banners, electronic displays, projection and other equipment intended for projection of advertising on any surface of the equipment, balloons, balloons and other technical means stable territorial placement (hereinafter referred to as advertising structures), mounted and located on external walls, roofs and other structural elements of buildings, structures, structures or outside them, as well as stopping points for traffic public transport carried out by the owner of the advertising structure, which is an advertising distributor, in compliance with the requirements of this article. The owner of an advertising structure (natural or legal person) is the owner of an advertising structure or another person who has a property right to an advertising structure or the right to own and use an advertising structure on the basis of an agreement with its owner.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 193-FZ dated July 21, 2007, No. 98-FZ dated May 7, 2013)

3.1. Distribution of outdoor advertising at cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation included in the unified State Register objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, their territories is allowed in cases and under the conditions provided for by the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" , in compliance with the requirements for advertising and its distribution established by this Federal Law.
(Part 3.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 50-FZ of March 8, 2015)

5. The installation and operation of an advertising structure is carried out by its owner under an agreement with the owner of the land plot, building or other real estate to which the advertising structure is attached, or with a person authorized by the owner of such property, including the tenant. In the event that for the installation and operation of an advertising structure it is supposed to use the common property of the owners of the premises in apartment building, the conclusion of an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure is possible only with the consent of the owners of the premises in an apartment building, obtained in the manner prescribed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The conclusion of such an agreement is carried out by a person authorized to conclude it by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. At the end of the contract for the installation and operation of the advertising structure, the obligations of the parties under the contract are terminated. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish deadlines for which contracts for the installation and operation of advertising structures can be concluded, depending on the types and types of advertising structures and the advertising display technologies used, but not less than five years and not more than ten years. The specific terms of the contract for the installation and operation of an advertising structure on a land plot, building or other real estate owned by state or municipal property, or on a land plot, state ownership of which is not delimited, are established by the executive authority, local government, respectively. municipal district or by the local self-government body of the city district, depending on the type and type of advertising structure, the technologies used for displaying advertising within the boundaries of the relevant deadlines. The conclusion of an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure is carried out in accordance with the norms of this Federal Law and civil law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 193-FZ of 21.07.2007, No. 228-FZ of 27.09.2009, No. 98-FZ of 07.05.2013)

5.1. The conclusion of an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure on a land plot, building or other real estate owned by the state or municipality is carried out on the basis of bidding (in the form of an auction or competition) held by state authorities, local governments or organizations authorized by them in in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The form of bidding (auction or competition) is established by state authorities or representative bodies of municipalities. Bidding for the right to conclude an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure on a land plot that is in state ownership, municipal ownership or state ownership of which is not delimited, as well as on a building or other real estate owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal property, after approval in accordance with Part 5.8 of this article, schemes for placing advertising structures are carried out by a state authority, a local government body of a municipal district or a local government body of an urban district or an organization authorized by them only in relation to advertising structures indicated in these schemes.
(Part 5.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007, as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

5.2 - 5.5. Lost power. - .

5.6. Auction or competition for the conclusion of an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure on a land plot, building or other real estate that is state or municipal property and on which, on the basis of an agreement between a state authority, a local government body and the owner of an advertising structure design, is carried out after the expiration of the contract for the installation and operation of the advertising structure.
(Part 5.6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007)

5.7. If one participant is allowed to participate in the auction or competition, the auction or competition is recognized as not having taken place and the contract for the installation and operation of the advertising structure is concluded with the person who was sole member auction or competition.
(Part 5.7 as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014)

5.8. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts or urban districts approve schemes for placing advertising structures on land plots, regardless of the form of ownership, as well as on buildings or other real estate owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal property. The layout of advertising structures is a document that determines the placement of advertising structures, types and types of advertising structures, the installation of which is allowed in these places. The scheme for placing advertising structures must comply with territorial planning documents and ensure compliance with the external architectural appearance of the existing building, urban planning norms and rules, safety requirements and contain maps of the placement of advertising structures indicating the types and types of advertising structures, the area of ​​information fields and specifications advertising structures. The layout of advertising structures and changes made to it are subject to prior approval by the authorized executive body of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the highest executive body of state power of this subject of the Russian Federation. The layout of advertising structures and the changes made to it are subject to publication (promulgation) in the manner established for the official publication (promulgation) of municipal legal acts, and posting on the official website of the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district in the information and telecommunications network " Internet". For the purposes of this article, the information field of an advertising structure is understood as a part of an advertising structure intended for the distribution of advertising.
(Part 5.8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013, as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014)

6. In the event that the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached is assigned by the owner to another person on the basis of the right of economic management, the right operational management or other real right, an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure is concluded with a person who has the right of economic management, the right of operational management or other real right to such immovable property, with the consent of such an owner and in compliance with the requirements established by part 5.1 of this article.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 193-FZ dated July 21, 2007, No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014)

7. If the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached is transferred by the owner to trust management, the contract for the installation and operation of the advertising structure is concluded with the trustee, provided that the trust management agreement does not restrict the trustee from performing such actions with the relevant property .

8. For the period of validity of the contract, the owner of the advertising structure has the right to unhindered access to the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached, and to use this property for purposes related to the exercise of the rights of the owner of the advertising structure, including its operation, maintenance and dismantling.

9. The installation and operation of an advertising structure is allowed if there is a permit for the installation and operation of an advertising structure (hereinafter also referred to as a permit) issued on the basis of an application from the owner or other legal owner of the relevant real estate specified in parts 5, 6, 7 of this article or the owner of the advertising structure by the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district, in the territories of which the installation and operation of the advertising structure is supposed to be carried out. This application is submitted by the applicant to writing or in the form electronic document using the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services) and (or) regional portals state and municipal services to the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district, in the territories of which it is supposed to install and operate the advertising structure.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013, No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014, No. 183-FZ of July 3, 2018)

9.1. Lost strength. - Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014.

9.2. Permits issued by a local self-government body of a municipal district or a local self-government body of an urban district in violation of the requirements of parts 5.1, 5.6, 5.7 of this article shall be subject to cancellation on the basis of an order from the antimonopoly authority.
(Part 9.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007, as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014)

9.3. A person who has been issued a permit for the installation and operation of an advertising structure is obliged to notify the local government that issued such a permit of all the facts of the emergence of rights in relation to this advertising structure by third parties (renting an advertising structure, making an advertising structure as a contribution under an agreement simple partnership, conclusion of a trust management agreement, other facts).
(Part 9.3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007, as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

10. Installation and operation of an advertising structure without a permit that has not expired is not allowed. In case of installation and (or) operation of an advertising structure without a permit, the validity of which has not expired, it is subject to dismantling on the basis of an order from the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district in whose territories the advertising structure is installed.
(Part 10 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

11. The application referred to in paragraph 9 of this Article shall be accompanied by:

1) data on the applicant - an individual. Data on the state registration of a legal entity or on the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is requested by the authorized body for issuing permits in the federal executive body that carries out state registration of legal entities, individuals as individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) farms;
(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 169-FZ dated July 1, 2011)

2) confirmation in writing or in the form of an electronic document using a single portal of state and municipal services and (or) regional portals of state and municipal services of the consent of the owner or other legal owner of the relevant real estate specified in parts 5, 6, 7 of this article for connection to this property of an advertising structure, if the applicant is not the owner or other legal owner of the immovable property. If the installation and operation of an advertising structure requires the use of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, a document confirming the consent of these owners is a protocol general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building, including those held by absentee voting using the state information system of housing and communal services in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. If the applicant has not submitted a document confirming the receipt of such consent, own initiative, and the relevant immovable property is in state or municipal ownership, the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district requests information on the availability of such consent from the authorized body.
(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 183-FZ dated July 3, 2018)

12. The local self-government body of a municipal district or the local self-government body of an urban district is not entitled to require the applicant to submit documents and information that are not related to the territorial location, appearance and technical parameters of the advertising structure, as well as to charge, in addition to the state fee, an additional fee for the preparation, execution, issuance of a permit and other actions related to the issuance of a permit. The local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district in order to verify the fact whether the applicant or who has given consent to attach the advertising structure to the real estate is another person the owner or other legal owner of this property, information about which is contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate property and transactions with it, requests, in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction, in the federal executive body authorized in the field of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, information on the rights to real estate, to which it is supposed to attach an advertising structure.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 133-FZ dated July 28, 2012)

13. The local self-government body of a municipal district or the local self-government body of an urban district independently coordinates with the authorized bodies necessary to make a decision on issuing a permit or refusing to issue it. In this case, the applicant has the right to independently obtain such approval from the authorized bodies and submit it to the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district.

14. The decision to issue a permit or to refuse to issue it in writing or in the form of an electronic document using a single portal of state and municipal services or regional portals of state and municipal services must be sent by the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district to the applicant within two months from the date of receipt of the necessary documents from him. An applicant who has not received within the specified period from the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district a decision to issue a permit or to refuse to issue it, within three months has the right to apply to a court or arbitration court with an application for recognition of the inaction of the relevant local self-government body illegal.
(Part 14 as amended by Federal Law No. 183-FZ of July 3, 2018)

15. The decision to refuse to issue a permit must be motivated and taken by the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district solely on the following grounds:

2) inconsistency of the installation of the advertising structure in the declared place with the layout of advertising structures (in the event that the installation location of the advertising structure in accordance with Part 5.8 of this Article is determined by the layout of advertising structures);
(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

3) violation of the requirements of regulatory enactments on traffic safety;

4) violation of the external architectural appearance of the existing development of a settlement or urban district. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts or local self-government bodies of urban districts have the right to determine the types and types of advertising structures that are acceptable and unacceptable for installation on the territory of the corresponding municipality or part of its territory, including the requirements for such advertising structures, taking into account the need to preserve the external architectural appearance the existing development of settlements or urban districts;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

5) violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, their protection and use;
6) violation of the requirements established by parts 5.1, 5.6, 5.7 of this article.
(Clause 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007, as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014)

16. If the local self-government body of a municipal district or the local self-government body of an urban district refuses to issue a permit, the applicant, within three months from the date of receipt of the decision to refuse to issue a permit, has the right to apply to a court or arbitration court with an application to recognize such a decision as illegal.

17. The permit shall be issued by the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the urban district for each advertising structure for the duration of the contract for the installation and operation of the advertising structure. If the owner of the advertising structure is the owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached, the permit is issued for the period specified in the application, provided that the specified period complies with the deadlines established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and for which contracts for installation and operation can be concluded advertising structures, and permission for a temporary advertising structure - for the period specified in the application, but not more than twelve months. The permit shall indicate the owner of the advertising structure, the owner of the land plot, building or other immovable property to which the advertising structure is attached, the type of the advertising structure, the area of ​​its information field, the location of the advertising structure, the period of validity of the permit, the authority that issued the permit, the number and date of its issuance, other information. The permit is valid until the expiration of the period of validity specified in it or until it is canceled or invalidated. For the purposes of this article, temporary advertising structures are understood as advertising structures, the term of placement of which is determined by their functional purpose and installation location (construction nets, fencing of construction sites, places of trade and similar places, similar technical means) and is not more than twelve months.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 193-FZ of 21.07.2007, No. 98-FZ of 07.05.2013, No. 264-FZ of 21.07.2014)

18. The local self-government body of a municipal district or the local self-government body of an urban district shall make a decision to annul a permit:

1) within a month from the date the owner of the advertising structure sends him a notification in writing or in the form of an electronic document using a single portal of state and municipal services and (or) regional portals of state and municipal services about his refusal to further use the permit;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 183-FZ of July 3, 2018)

2) within a month from the moment the owner or other legal owner of the immovable property to which the advertising structure is attached sends him a document confirming the termination of the contract concluded between such owner or such owner of the immovable property and the owner of the advertising structure;

3) if the advertising structure is not installed within a year from the date of issue of the permit or from the date of dismantling of the advertising structure by its owner during the period of validity of the permit;

5) in the event that a permit is issued to a person who has entered into an agreement for the installation and operation of an advertising structure in violation of the requirements established by parts 5.1, 5.6, 5.7 of this article, or the results of an auction or competition are declared invalid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007, as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 21, 2014)

6) in case of violation of the requirements established by paragraph 9.3 of this article.
(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014)

19. The decision to annul the permit may be appealed to a court or arbitration court within three months from the date of its receipt.

20. Permission may be invalidated in judicial order when:

3) non-compliance of the installation of an advertising structure in a given location with the layout of advertising structures (if the installation location of the advertising structure in accordance with Part 5.8 of this article is determined by the layout of advertising structures) - at the claim of the local government;
(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ dated May 7, 2013)

4) violation of the external architectural appearance of the existing development of a settlement or urban district - at the suit of a local government body;

4.1) violation of the external architectural appearance and historical appearance of cultural heritage objects included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the historical appearance of their territories - at the suit of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of conservation , use, promotion and state protection objects of cultural heritage, in relation to certain objects of cultural heritage of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, at the suit of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of conservation, use, promotion and state protection of objects of cultural heritage, in relation to objects of cultural heritage of the federal values ​​(with the exception of individual cultural heritage sites of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), cultural heritage sites of regional significance and cultural heritage sites of local (municipal) significance;
(Clause 4.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 50-FZ of March 8, 2015)

6) has become invalid. - Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014.

20.1. If a change is made to the layout of advertising structures, as a result of which the location of the previously installed advertising structure no longer corresponds to the specified scheme and the permission to install and operate such an advertising structure was declared invalid on the grounds provided for in paragraph 3 of part 20 of this article, the owner of the advertising structure is paid compensation at the expense of the relevant local budget. Compensation is subject to justified and confirmed costs for the dismantling of the advertising structure, incurred by its owner, as well as the corresponding part of the actually paid Money according to the terms of the auction and (or) the contract for the installation and operation of an advertising structure, in respect of which the permit was declared invalid. At the same time, the part of compensation not related to dismantling is calculated in proportion to the number of days by which the period of validity of the permit for the installation and operation of the advertising structure was reduced. Compensation shall be payable to the advertising distributor not later than ninety days from the date of making changes to the layout of advertising structures.
(Part 20.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

21. The owner of an advertising structure is obliged to dismantle the advertising structure within a month from the date of issuance of the order of the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district on the dismantling of the advertising structure installed and (or) operated without a permit, the validity of which has not expired, as well as remove the information posted on such an advertising structure within three days from the date of issuance of the said order.
(Part 21 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

21.1. If within the prescribed period the owner of the advertising structure has not fulfilled the obligation specified in paragraph 21 of this article to dismantle the advertising structure or the owner of the advertising structure is unknown, the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district shall issue an order to dismantle the advertising structure to the owner or other legal possessor of immovable property to which the advertising structure is attached, with the exception of the case when the advertising structure is attached to a municipal property or to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building in the absence of the consent of such owners to the installation and operation of the advertising structure. The owner or other legal owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached is obliged to dismantle the advertising structure within one month from the date of issuance of the relevant order. Dismantling, storage or, if necessary, destruction of the advertising structure is carried out at the expense of the owner or other legal owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure was attached. At the request of the owner or other legal owner of this immovable property, the owner of the advertising structure is obliged to reimburse this owner or this legal owner for the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the dismantling, storage or, if necessary, destruction of the advertising structure.
(Part 21.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

21.2. If, within the prescribed period, the owner or other legal owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure was attached has not fulfilled the obligation specified in paragraph 21 of this article to dismantle the advertising structure, or if the owner or other legal owner of this immovable property is unknown, the dismantling of the advertising structure, its storage or in necessary cases, destruction is carried out at the expense of the local budget. At the request of the local self-government body of the municipal district or the local self-government body of the city district, the owner of the advertising structure or the owner or other legal owner of the immovable property to which the advertising structure was attached is obliged to reimburse the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the dismantling, storage or, if necessary, destruction of the advertising structure. designs.
(Part 21.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

21.3. If an advertising structure is attached to an object of municipal property or to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building in the absence of the consent of such owners to the installation and operation of the advertising structure, in the case specified in part

21.1 of this article, its dismantling, storage or, if necessary, destruction is carried out at the expense of the local budget. At the request of a local self-government body of a municipal district or a local self-government body of an urban district, the owner of an advertising structure is obliged to reimburse the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the dismantling, storage or, if necessary, destruction of the advertising structure.
(Part 21.3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

22. The decision to issue an order to dismantle an advertising structure, the dismantling of an advertising structure may be appealed against in court or an arbitration court within three months from the date of receipt of the relevant order or from the day the advertising structure was dismantled.
(Part 22 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

22.1. In case of failure to fulfill the obligation to remove information posted on the advertising structure in the event of cancellation of the permit or its invalidation, the owner or other legal owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure was attached removes this information at his own expense. At the request of the owner or other legal owner of such immovable property, the owner of the advertising structure is obliged to reimburse him for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the removal of this information.
(Part 22.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007)

23. The requirements of this article in terms of obtaining permits do not apply to shop windows, kiosks, stalls, mobile points of sale, street umbrellas in the case of advertising directly on these objects (without using structures and devices intended only for advertising).
(Part 23 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

24. The provisions of this article, which determine the powers of local self-government bodies, apply to intracity municipalities federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, if in accordance with the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation" the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg do not establish a procedure according to which the said powers are exercised by the state authorities of the said constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 20 Vehicle oh and with their use

1. Placement of advertising on a vehicle is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded by the advertiser with the owner of the vehicle or a person authorized by him or with a person who has another property right to the vehicle.

2. The use of vehicles exclusively or primarily as mobile advertising structures, including the re-equipment of vehicles for the distribution of advertising, as a result of which the vehicles have completely or partially lost the functions for which they were intended, the re-equipment of the bodies of vehicles with giving them the appearance certain product is prohibited.
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 98-FZ of May 7, 2013)

1) special and operational services with a certain color graphic coloring provided for by the requirements of the technical regulations;

2) equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals;

3) federal postal service, on the side surfaces of which there are diagonal white stripes on a blue background;

4) intended for the carriage of dangerous goods.

4. Placement on vehicles of distinctive signs indicating their belonging to any persons is not an advertisement.

5. Advertising placed on vehicles must not pose a threat to traffic safety, including limiting the view of vehicle drivers and other traffic participants, and must comply with other requirements of technical regulations.

Chapter 3. Features of advertising of certain types of goods

Article 21. Advertising of alcoholic products

2) condemn abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic products;

5) address minors;

6) use images of people and animals, including those made with the help of animation (animation).
(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011)

1) in printed periodicals, with the exception of advertising of beer and drinks made on the basis of beer, as well as wine and sparkling wine (champagne) produced in the Russian Federation from grapes grown on the territory of the Russian Federation, which should not be placed on the first and last pages newspapers, as well as on the first and last pages and covers of magazines;
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 119-FZ of July 20, 2012, No. 235-FZ of July 21, 2014, No. 490-FZ of December 31, 2014)

2) in printed publications intended for minors, audio and video products;

3) in TV programs and radio programs (with the exception of cases provided for by parts 7 and 8 of this article), with film and video services;
(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 490-FZ dated December 31, 2014)

4) on all types of public transport vehicles and with their use, as well as outside and inside buildings, structures that ensure the operation of public transport vehicles, with the exception of places where retail sale of alcoholic products is carried out;
(Clause 4 as amended by Federal Law No. 218-FZ dated July 18, 2011)

5) using technical means of stable territorial placement (advertising structures) mounted and placed on roofs, external walls and other structural elements of buildings, structures, structures or outside them;

6) in children's, educational, medical, health resort, health, military organizations, theaters, circuses, museums, houses and palaces of culture, concert and exhibition halls, libraries, lecture halls, planetariums and at a distance closer than one hundred meters from the buildings occupied by them , buildings, structures;

7) in sports and recreation facilities, sports facilities and at a distance of less than one hundred meters from such facilities, except for the cases provided for by part 6 of this article;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 235-FZ of July 21, 2014)

8) in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".
(Clause 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 119-FZ of July 20, 2012)

2.1. Advertising of alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of five percent or more by volume finished products permitted only in stationary shopping facilities in which retail sale of alcoholic products is carried out, including in the tasting rooms of such shopping facilities. Advertising of wine and sparkling wine (champagne) produced in the Russian Federation from grapes grown on the territory of the Russian Federation is allowed at exhibitions of food products (with the exception of baby food) and exhibitions of public catering organizations.
(Part 2.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011 (as amended on July 20, 2012), as amended by Federal Law No. 490-FZ of December 31, 2014)

3. Advertising of alcoholic products in each case must be accompanied by a warning about the dangers of its excessive consumption, and at least ten percent of the advertising space (space) must be allocated to such a warning.

4. Holding promotions, accompanied by the distribution of samples of alcoholic products, is allowed, subject to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, only in stationary trade facilities, including tasting rooms of such trade facilities. At the same time, it is prohibited to involve minors in the distribution of samples of alcoholic products and offer them these samples.
(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011)

5. It is not allowed to advertise about holding a promotional event, the condition for participation in which is the purchase of alcoholic products, with the exception of specialized promotional events held for the purpose of selling alcoholic products.
(Part 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 18, 2011)

6 - 7. No longer valid from January 1, 2019. - Federal Law No. 235-FZ dated July 21, 2014.

8. It is allowed to place and distribute advertisements for wine and sparkling wine (champagne) produced in the Russian Federation from grapes grown in the territory of the Russian Federation in television and radio programs (with the exception of live broadcast or recorded youth sports competitions) from 23 until 7:00 local time.
(Part 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 490-FZ of December 31, 2014)

Article 22 - Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 218-FZ.
Article 23 - Federal Law of October 21, 2013 No. 274-FZ.
Article 24

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 200-FZ dated July 23, 2013, No. 317-FZ dated November 25, 2013)

4) to create an idea of ​​the advantages of the object of advertising by referring to the fact of conducting studies that are mandatory for the state registration of the object of advertising;

6) contribute to the creation in a healthy person of the impression of the need to use the object of advertising;

7) create the impression of the uselessness of going to the doctor;

8) guarantee the positive effect of the object of advertising, its safety, effectiveness and the absence of side effects;

2. The requirements of paragraph 6 of part 1 of this article do not apply to advertising of medicinal products used for the prevention of diseases.

3. The requirements of paragraphs 2-5 of part 1 of this article also apply to advertising of medical services, including advertising of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation.
(Part 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013)

3.1. The requirements of paragraphs 2-5 and 7 of part 1 of this article also apply to advertising of traditional medicine methods.
(Part 3.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013)

4. The requirements of paragraphs 1-8 of part 1 of this article also apply to advertising of medical devices.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 200-FZ dated July 23, 2013)

5. The requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 1 of this article do not apply to advertising distributed at the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events, as well as in specialized printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers, and to other advertising , whose consumers are exclusively medical and pharmaceutical workers.

6. Communication in advertising about the properties and characteristics, including methods of application and use, of medicinal products and medical devices is allowed only within the indications contained in the instructions approved in the established manner for the use and use of such objects of advertising.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 200-FZ dated July 23, 2013)

7. Advertising of medicines, medical services, including methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation, medical devices must be accompanied by a warning about the presence of contraindications to their use and use, the need to read the instructions for use or obtain expert advice. In advertising distributed in radio programs, the duration of such a warning must be at least three seconds, in advertising distributed in television programs and in film and video services - not less than five seconds and must be allocated not less than seven percent of the frame area, and in advertising distributed by other means - not less than five percent of the advertising area (advertising space). The requirements of this part do not apply to advertising distributed at the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events, as well as in specialized printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers, and to other advertising, the consumers of which are exclusively medical and pharmaceutical workers.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 200-FZ dated July 23, 2013, No. 317-FZ dated November 25, 2013)

8. Advertising of medicines in forms and dosages dispensed by prescription for medicines, methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation, as well as medical products, the use of which requires special training, is not allowed except in the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions , seminars, conferences and other similar events and in specialized printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 200-FZ of 23.07.2013, No. 317-FZ of 25.11.2013, No. 190-FZ of 28.06.2014)

9. Advertising of medicines containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances approved for use for medical purposes, included in the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which in the Russian Federation is limited and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation, and the list of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which in the Russian Federation is limited and in respect of which the exclusion of certain control measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation is prohibited, with the exception of the advertising of such medicines at the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions , seminars, conferences and other similar events and in specialized printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers.

11 - 12. Lost their power. - Federal Law No. 317-FZ dated November 25, 2013.

Article 25

1) create the impression that they are medicines and (or) have medicinal properties;

4) encourage people to give up healthy eating;

5) create an impression of the benefits of such additives by referring to the fact of conducting studies that are mandatory for state registration of such additives, as well as use the results of other studies in the form of a direct recommendation for the use of such additives.

1.1. Advertising of dietary supplements in each case must be accompanied by a warning that the object of advertising is not a drug. In this advertisement distributed in radio programs, the duration of such a warning must be at least three seconds, in advertising distributed in television programs, in film and video services - not less than five seconds, and such a warning must be allocated not less than seven percent frame area, and in advertising distributed by other means - not less than ten percent of the advertising area (space).
(Part 1.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 200-FZ of July 23, 2013)

2. Advertising of baby food products should not present them as full-fledged substitutes for women's milk and contain a statement about the benefits of artificial feeding of children. Advertising of products intended for use as substitutes for women's milk, and products included in the diet of a child during his first year of life, must contain information about the age restrictions on the use of such products and a warning about the need for specialist advice.

Article 26. Advertising of military products and weapons

1) products for military purposes, with the exception of advertising of such products for the purpose of implementing military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states;

2) weapons not specified in paragraphs 3-5 of this article.

2. The production, placement and distribution of advertisements for military products for the purpose of military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation.

3. Advertising of service weapons and cartridges for them is allowed only in specialized printed publications for users of such weapons, in places of production, sale and display of such weapons, as well as in places designated for firing weapons.

4. Advertising of combat small arms, cartridges for them, edged weapons is allowed in specialized printed publications, in places of production, sale and display of such weapons, as well as in places designated for firing weapons.

1) in periodicals, on the covers and in the imprint of which contains information about the specialization of these publications in messages and promotional materials, as well as in specialized printed publications for users of civilian weapons;

2) in places of production, sale and display of such weapons, as well as in places designated for firing weapons;

3) in TV and radio programs from 22:00 to 07:00 local time.

1) directly or indirectly disclose information constituting a state secret, including information related to production technology, methods of combat and other use of these weapons;

2) address minors;

3) use images of minors.

Article 27. Advertising of risk-based games, wagers

1) address minors;

2) create the impression that participation in risk-based games, betting is a way of earning or receiving other income or other means of obtaining a livelihood;

6) condemn non-participation in risk-based games, bets;

7) create the impression that winnings are guaranteed;

8) use images of people and animals.

1) in television and radio programs from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. local time, except for the case provided for by paragraph 2.1 of this article;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated March 28, 2017)

2) in buildings, structures, structures in which such games, bets are held, with the exception of transport infrastructure facilities (railway stations, airports, metro stations and other similar facilities);

3) in periodicals, the covers and imprint of which contain information about the specialization of these publications in messages and materials of an advertising nature, as well as in periodicals intended for employees of the organizer of gambling and (or) participants in such games located in boundaries of gambling zones established in accordance with Federal Law No. 244-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On State Regulation of Organizing and Conducting Gambling and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

2.1. It is allowed to distribute advertising of risk-based games, wagers carried out by the organizers of gambling in bookmakers, and (or) means of individualization of the organizers of gambling in bookmakers during the broadcast live or in the recording of sports competitions (including sports matches, games, fights, races) provided that the total duration of such advertising is not more than twenty percent of the total allowable broadcast time of advertising during the broadcast of sports competitions, established in accordance with Parts 3 and 9 of Article 14, Parts 2 and 8 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.
(Part 2.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 44-FZ of March 28, 2017)

2.2. In addition to the cases provided for by paragraph 2 of this article, the placement and distribution of advertising is allowed:

1) risk-based games, wagers carried out by organizers of gambling in bookmakers, and (or) means of individualization of organizers of gambling in bookmakers:

a) in periodicals specializing in materials and messages of a physical culture and sports nature;

b) in public information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet):

on sites registered as online publications specializing in materials and messages of a physical culture and sports nature;
on the official websites of all-Russian sports federations or professional sports leagues;
on sites owned by the founder of a sports TV channel that is not a TV channel, access to which is carried out exclusively on a paid basis and (or) using decoding technical devices;

2) means of individualization of organizers of gambling in betting shops:

a) in sports facilities;

b) on the sportswear of athletes and (or) sports clubs.
(Part 2.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 44-FZ of March 28, 2017)

3. The requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall apply respectively to the advertising of the organizer of gambling, the advertising of services related to gambling and the advertising of the gambling establishment, including the advertising of the places where activities for the provision of services related to gambling are carried out. At the same time, the requirements of clause 8 of part 1 and clauses 1 and 2 of part 2 of this article do not apply to advertising of a gambling organiser, advertising of gambling-related services, advertising of a gambling establishment, including advertising of places where gambling-related services are provided, and advertising gambling distributed exclusively among persons located within the boundaries of gambling zones created in accordance with the Federal Law specified in clause 3 of part 2 of this article.
(Part 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 70-FZ dated May 13, 2008)

4. The requirements of clause 8 of part 1 and part 2 of this article do not apply to advertising of lotteries.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 28, 2013)

1) an indication of the timing of prize draws in the course of risk-based games, wagers;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 70-FZ dated May 13, 2008)

2) a source of information about the organizer of risk-based games, bets, the rules for their conduct, the prize fund of such games, bets, the number of prizes or winnings, the timing, place and procedure for receiving prizes or winnings.

Article 28. Advertising of financial services and financial activities

(as amended by Federal Law No. 460-FZ of December 29, 2014)

1. Advertising of banking, insurance and other financial services and financial activities must contain the name or name of the person providing these services or carrying out this activity (for a legal entity - the name, for an individual entrepreneur - the last name, first name and (if any) patronymic).
(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 460-FZ of December 29, 2014)

2) keep silent about other conditions for the provision of relevant services that affect the amount of income that the persons using the services will receive, or the amount of expenses that the persons using the services will incur, if at least one of such conditions is reported in the advertisement.

3. If an advertisement for services related to the provision of a credit or loan, its use and repayment of a credit or loan contains at least one condition affecting its cost, such advertising must contain all other conditions that determine the full cost of the credit (loan), determined in in accordance with the Federal Law "On Consumer Credit (Loan)", for the borrower and affecting it.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 375-FZ of December 21, 2013)

4. Advertising of services related to the management, including trust management, of assets (including securities, investment reserves of joint-stock investment funds, mutual investment funds, pension reserves of non-state pension funds, pension savings, mortgage coverage, savings for housing for military personnel), must contain:

1) source of information subject to disclosure in accordance with federal law;

2) information about the place or address (telephone number) where, prior to the conclusion of the relevant agreement, interested parties can familiarize themselves with the terms of asset management, obtain information about the person who manages assets, and other information that must be provided in accordance with federal law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1) undocumented information, if it is directly related to asset management;

2) information on the results of asset management, including changes or comparisons in the past and (or) at the current moment, not based on profitability calculations determined in accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 251-FZ dated July 23, 2013)

3) information on guarantees of the reliability of possible investments and the stability of the amount of possible income or costs associated with these investments;

4) information about the possible benefits associated with the methods of asset management and (or) the implementation of other activities;

5) statements about the possibility of achieving future asset management results similar to the results achieved.

5.1. Advertising that encourages transactions with forex dealers must contain the following indication: "Contracts or financial instruments proposed for conclusion are highly risky and may lead to the loss of deposited funds in full. Before making transactions, you should familiarize yourself with the risks with which they are associated .". Public announcement of prices (the procedure for determining prices), as well as other essential terms of the contract, is not an advertisement that encourages the conclusion of transactions with forex dealers.
(Part 5.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 460-FZ of December 29, 2014)

1) the address of the site in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" on which information is disclosed by the operator of the investment platform;
2) an indication that the conclusion of agreements on which investments are attracted using the investment platform is highly risky and may lead to the loss of invested funds in full.

(Part 5.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 259-FZ of August 2, 2019)

1) provision of loans;
2) acquisition of placed shares of a non-public joint-stock company and emission valuable papers convertible into shares of a non-public joint-stock company;
3) acquisition of utilitarian digital rights.

(Part 5.3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 259-FZ of August 2, 2019)

6. Advertising related to the attraction of funds from individuals for the construction of housing is not allowed, with the exception of advertising related to the attraction of funds on the basis of an agreement on participation in shared construction, advertising of housing and housing construction cooperatives, advertising related to the attraction and use of housing accumulative cooperatives of funds of individuals for the purchase of residential premises.

7. Advertising related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects must contain information about the location of the project declaration provided for by federal law, the trade name (name) of the developer or specified in the project declaration individualizing the builder commercial designation. Advertising related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects may contain a commercial designation that individualizes the object (group of objects) of capital construction (in the case of the construction of apartment buildings - the name of the residential complex), if such a commercial designation (name of the residential complex) is indicated in the project declaration.
(Part 7 as amended by Federal Law No. 304-FZ of July 3, 2016)

8. Advertising related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects is not allowed until a permit for the construction of an apartment building and (or) other real estate object is issued in accordance with the established procedure, state registration of the right ownership or right to lease, sublease land plot where the construction (creation) of an apartment building and (or) other real estate object is carried out, which will include shared construction objects, obtaining an opinion authorized to exercise state control (supervision) in the field of shared construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on whose territory the construction (creation) of the relevant apartment building and (or) other real estate object is carried out, on the compliance of the developer and the project declaration with the requirements established by Federal Law No. 214-FZ of December 30, 2004 "On participation in on shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", if such an opinion is provided for by the said Federal Law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 304-FZ of July 3, 2016, No. 218-FZ of July 29, 2017)

9. Advertising related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of an apartment building and (or) other real estate is not allowed during the period of suspension, in accordance with federal law, of the developer's activities related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for construction (creation) of an apartment building and (or) other real estate.

10. The requirements of parts 7 - 9 of this article also apply to advertising related to the assignment of rights of claim under a contract for participation in shared construction.

1) information on the procedure for covering the losses incurred by the members of the housing savings cooperative;
2) information on the inclusion of the housing savings cooperative in the register of housing savings cooperatives;
3) the address of the site in the public information and telecommunications network (including the Internet) on which information is disclosed by the housing savings cooperative.

12. In advertising related to the attraction and use by a housing savings cooperative of funds from individuals for the purchase of residential premises, it is not allowed to guarantee the timing of the acquisition or construction of residential premises by such a cooperative.

13. Advertising of services for the provision of consumer loans by persons who do not carry out professional activities for the provision of consumer loans in accordance with the Federal Law "On Consumer Credit (Loan)" is not allowed.
(Part 13 was introduced by Federal Law No. 375-FZ of December 21, 2013)

14. If the provision of banking, insurance and other financial services or the implementation of financial activities can be carried out only by persons who have the appropriate licenses, permits, accreditations or are included in the relevant register or are members of the relevant self-regulatory organizations, advertising of these services or activities provided or carried out by persons, not meeting these requirements is not allowed.
(Part 14 was introduced by Federal Law No. 460-FZ of December 29, 2014)

Article 29. Advertising of securities

1) name of the issuer;

2) the source of information subject to disclosure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on securities.

1) a promise to pay dividends on shares, as well as income on other securities, with the exception of income, the obligation to pay which is provided for by the decision on the issue or additional issue of issue-grade securities, the rules for trust management of mutual investment funds or the rules for trust management of mortgage coverage, or is fixed in securities; papers;

2) forecasts of growth in the market value of securities.

6. Advertising of issuance securities is not allowed before the registration of their prospectus, except for the case when, in accordance with federal law, registration of their prospectus is not required for public placement or public circulation of issuance securities.

8. Advertising of exchange-traded bonds is not allowed until the date of their admission by the exchange to trading in the process of placement of exchange-traded bonds. Advertising of exchange-traded bonds placed as part of the bond program is not allowed until the exchange registers the exchange-traded bond program.
(Part 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 18-FZ of February 9, 2007, as amended by Federal Laws No. 327-FZ of November 21, 2011, No. 218-FZ of July 21, 2014, and No. 514-FZ of December 27, 2018)

Article 30

1) expression of gratitude by individuals who have concluded such agreements;

2) the assertion that the conclusion of such contracts has advantages over the will of a dwelling or other property;

3) condemnation of family members and close relatives of a potential consumer of such services, who allegedly do not care about him;

4) mention of gifts for individuals who have decided to conclude rental agreements with an advertiser or other person.

2. If the advertiser is an intermediary in the conclusion of rent agreements, including a lifelong maintenance agreement with a dependent, the advertisement of services for concluding such agreements must contain an indication that another person will be the payer of rent under such agreements.

Article 30.1. Advertising activities of mediators to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure

(Introduced by Federal Law No. 194-FZ of July 27, 2010)

1. Advertising the activities of mediators to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure, who have not completed training in an additional professional program in the field of mediation and do not have documents confirming such training issued by the relevant non-profit organization that trains mediators, is not allowed.

2. Advertisement of activities of mediators to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure must contain information about documents confirming that the mediator has completed training under an additional professional program in the field of mediation, and advertising of the activities of an organization engaged in activities to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure - a source of information about the rules approved by this organization mediation procedures, standards and rules for the professional activities of mediators.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 185-FZ dated July 2, 2013)

3. Advertising mediators' activities to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure should not contain a statement that the use of the mediation procedure as a way to resolve a dispute has advantages over the resolution of a dispute in a court, arbitration court or arbitral tribunal.

Article 30.2. Advertising in the field of arbitration (arbitration)

(introduced by Federal Law No. 531-FZ of December 27, 2018)

Advertising the activities of persons who have not received, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the right to exercise the functions of a permanent arbitration institution, to conduct arbitration, including the activities of conducting arbitration by an arbitration court formed by the parties to resolve a specific dispute, including on the information and telecommunication network "Internet ", not allowed.

Chapter 4. Advertising Self-Regulation

Article 31. Self-regulatory organizations in the field of advertising

A self-regulatory organization in the field of advertising is an association of advertisers, advertising producers, advertising distributors and other persons created in the form of an association, union or non-profit partnership in order to represent and protect the interests of its members, develop compliance requirements ethical standards in advertising and ensuring control over their implementation.

Article 32. Rights of a self-regulatory organization in the field of advertising

1) represent legitimate interests members of a self-regulatory organization in their relations with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments;

2) participate in the consideration by the antimonopoly body of cases initiated on grounds of violation by members of the self-regulatory organization of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;

3) appeal to the appropriate court the normative legal acts of the federal state authorities, the normative legal acts of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the normative legal acts of local governments;

4) apply to the members of the self-regulatory organization the measures of responsibility provided for by the constituent and other documents of the self-regulatory organization, including exclusion from the members of the self-regulatory organization;

6) exercise control over the professional activities of members of the self-regulatory organization in terms of compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law and the rules of professional activity in the field of advertising, including the requirements of professional ethics;

7) consider complaints against actions of a member of a self-regulatory organization;

8) develop and establish requirements for persons wishing to join a self-regulatory organization;

9) collect, process and store information about the activities of the members of the self-regulatory organization, the disclosure of which is carried out in the form of reports in the manner and with the frequency established by the constituent and other documents of the self-regulatory organization;

10) maintain a register of persons who are members of a self-regulatory organization.

Chapter 5

Article 33

(as amended by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

1. The antimonopoly body, within its powers, exercises state supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, including:
(as amended by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

1) warns, reveals and suppresses violations by individuals or legal entities of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;

2) initiates and considers cases on the grounds of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising.

2. The antimonopoly body has the right:

2) issue binding orders to federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local self-government bodies to cancel or amend acts issued by them and contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;

3) bring claims to a court or an arbitration court for a ban on the distribution of advertising carried out in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;

4) bring claims to a court or arbitration court for a public refutation of unreliable advertising (counter-advertising) in the case provided for by Part 3 of Article 38 of this Federal Law;

5) apply to an arbitration court for declaring invalid, in whole or in part, non-normative acts of federal executive bodies, non-normative acts of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, non-normative acts of local self-government bodies that are contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;

6) apply to the relevant court with applications for declaring as invalid, in whole or in part, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities, regulatory legal acts of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments that are contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 143-FZ dated June 4, 2014)

7) apply measures of responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses;

8) apply to the arbitration court with applications to invalidate the permit for the installation of an advertising structure in the case provided for by clause 1 of part 20 of article 19 of this Federal Law;

9) issue to the local self-government bodies of a municipal district or local self-government bodies of an urban district binding orders to annul the permit for the installation of an advertising structure;
(Clause 9 was introduced by Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 21, 2007)

10) is no longer valid. - Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014;

11) organize and conduct inspections of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising by state authorities, local governments, advertisers, advertising producers and advertising distributors (hereinafter referred to as legal entities, individual entrepreneurs).
(Clause 11 was introduced by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

3. Officials of the antimonopoly body exercising state supervision in the field of advertising, in accordance with the powers vested in them, have the right to freely, upon presentation of an official ID and a copy of the order (instruction) of the head (deputy head) of the antimonopoly body on conducting an inspection, visit buildings, premises used legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, in order to carry out control measures, obtain documents and information necessary during the audit.
(Part 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

Article 34. Submission of information to the antimonopoly authority

1. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs are obliged to submit to the antimonopoly body (its officials) at its motivated request within the established period Required documents, materials, explanations, information in written and (or) oral form (including information constituting a commercial, official and other secret protected by law), including official correspondence in in electronic format and provide authorized officials of the antimonopoly authority with access to such information.
(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

2. Failure to comply with the requirements of part 1 of this article entails the responsibility of the perpetrators in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

Article 35

1. Information constituting a commercial, official or other secret protected by law and obtained by the antimonopoly body in the exercise of its powers shall not be subject to disclosure, except for the cases provided for by federal law.

2. Disclosure by employees of the antimonopoly body of information constituting a commercial, official or other secret protected by law, entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses or the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. Losses caused by such disclosure are subject to compensation in accordance with civil law.

Article 35.1. Organization and conduct of inspections in the field of advertising

(Introduced by Federal Law No. 242-FZ dated July 18, 2011)

2. The provisions of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (supervision) and municipal control", taking into account the specifics of the organization and conduct of inspections established by parts 3 - 6 of this article.

3. The subject of the audit is compliance by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs with the requirements established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on advertising (hereinafter referred to as mandatory requirements), in the course of carrying out activities in the field of advertising.

4. The grounds for conducting an unscheduled inspection are:

1) the grounds specified in paragraphs 1, 2.1 and 3 of part 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control";

2) a reasoned presentation by an official of the antimonopoly body based on the results of an analysis of the results of monitoring compliance with mandatory requirements when distributing advertising, consideration or preliminary verification of applications and applications received by the antimonopoly body from citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, information from state authorities, officials persons of the antimonopoly authority, local authorities, from the mass media about the facts of violation of mandatory requirements.
(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law No. 182-FZ of July 3, 2018)

5. The term for conducting an audit cannot exceed twenty working days. In exceptional cases related to the need to conduct complex and (or) lengthy special examinations and investigations on the basis of motivated proposals of the officials conducting the inspection, the period for conducting the inspection may be extended by the head of the antimonopoly body, but not more than ten working days.

6. Preliminary notification of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur about an unscheduled field check on the grounds specified in clause 2 of part 4 of this article is not allowed.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 182-FZ of July 3, 2018)

Article 36

1. The antimonopoly body, within its powers, initiates and considers cases on the grounds of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, takes decisions based on the results of consideration of such cases, and issues instructions provided for by this Federal Law.

2. The antimonopoly body, on its own initiative, on the proposal of a prosecutor, on appeals of state authorities or local governments, as well as on applications from individuals or legal entities, initiates proceedings on signs of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising.

3. An order to stop violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising is issued on the basis of the decision of the antimonopoly body to recognize the advertisement as inappropriate and must contain an indication to stop its distribution.

4. The order to stop the violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising is subject to execution within the period specified in the order. Such period may not be less than five days from the date of receipt of the order.

5. An order to stop violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising shall be considered unfulfilled if, after the expiration of the term for the execution of such an order, the dissemination of improper advertising continues.

6. An order to cancel or amend an act of a federal executive body, an act of an executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation, or an act of a local self-government body that is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, shall be issued on the basis of a decision of the antimonopoly body on the contradiction of such an act to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising. An order to amend an act of a federal executive body, an act of an executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation, or an act of a local self-government body that is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, must indicate the changes that should be made to such an act in order to bring it into line with the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising .

7. An order to cancel or amend an act of a federal executive body, an act of an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or an act of a local self-government body that is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, shall be executed within the time period specified in the order. Such a period may not be less than a month from the date of receipt of the order by the federal executive body, the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a local self-government body.

8. Failure to comply with the instructions of the antimonopoly body issued on the basis of this Federal Law entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

9. Consideration by the antimonopoly body of cases initiated on grounds of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Has expired. - Federal Law No. 264-FZ dated July 21, 2014.

Article 37

1. The decision, prescription of the antimonopoly body may be challenged in court or arbitration court within three months from the date of the decision, issuance of the prescription.

2. Filing an application for invalidation of a decision, order of the antimonopoly body shall not suspend the execution of the decision, order, unless a court or arbitration court issues a ruling to suspend the execution of the decision, order.

3. The decision of the antimonopoly body on the application of measures of administrative responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising may be appealed, challenged in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 38

1. Violation by individuals or legal entities of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising entails liability in accordance with civil law.

2. Persons whose rights and interests have been violated as a result of the dissemination of improper advertising shall have the right to apply in accordance with the established procedure to a court or an arbitration court, including claims for damages, including lost profits, for compensation for harm caused to the health of individuals and (or ) property of individuals or legal entities, on compensation for non-pecuniary damage, on public refutation of unreliable advertising (counter-advertising).

3. If the antimonopoly body establishes the fact of dissemination of unreliable advertising and issues an appropriate order, the antimonopoly body shall have the right to apply in accordance with the established procedure to a court or arbitration court with a claim against the advertiser for a public refutation of false advertising (counter-advertising) at the expense of the advertiser. In this case, the court or the arbitration court determines the form, place and terms for posting such a refutation.

4. Violation by advertisers, advertising producers, advertising distributors of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

5. Federal laws may establish other liability measures for intentional violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising.

6. The advertiser is responsible for violation of the requirements established by parts 2 - 8, 12 of article 5, articles 6 - 9, parts 4 - 6 of article 10, article 12, part 3 of article 19, parts 2 and 6 of article 20, parts 1, 3 , 5 articles 21, articles 24 and 25, parts 1 and 6 of article 26, parts 1 and 5 of article 27, articles 28 - 30.2 of this Federal Law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 115-FZ dated June 3, 2011, No. 218-FZ dated July 18, 2011, No. 98-FZ dated May 7, 2013, No. 200-FZ dated July 23, 2013, No. 274-FZ dated October 21, 2013 , dated July 3, 2016 No. 281-FZ, dated December 27, 2018 No. 531-FZ)

7. The advertiser is liable for violation of the requirements established by paragraph 3 of part 4, paragraph 6 of part 5, parts 9 - 10.3, 12 of article 5, articles 7 - 9, 12, 14 - 18, parts 2 - 4 and 9 of article 19, parts 2 - 6 of Article 20, parts 2 - 5 of Article 21, parts 7 - 9 of Article 24, Article 25, parts 1 - 5 of Article 26, parts 2 and 5 of Article 27, parts 1, 4, 7, 8, 11 and 13 of Article 28, parts 1, 3, 4, 6 and 8 of Article 29, parts 1 and 2 of Article 30.1 of this Federal Law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 200-FZ of July 23, 2013, No. 274-FZ of October 21, 2013, No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013, No. 375-FZ of December 21, 2013, No. 281-FZ of July 3, 2016 , dated April 3, 2018 No. 61-FZ)

9. The amounts of fines for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising and failure to comply with the instructions of the antimonopoly authority are credited to the budgets budget system Russian Federation in the following order:

1) to the federal budget - 40 percent;

2) to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is registered that has committed a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising - 60 percent.

10. Payment of the fine does not exempt from the execution of the order to stop violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising.

Chapter 6. Final Provisions

Article 39. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force on July 1, 2006, with the exception of Part 3 of Article 14, Part 2 of Article 20 and Clause 4 of Part 2 of Article 23 of this Federal Law.

2. Part 2 of Article 20 and Clause 4 of Part 2 of Article 23 of this Federal Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2007.

4. Establish that in the period from July 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008, the total duration of advertising distributed in the TV program (including such advertising as TV shops), interrupting the TV program with advertising (including sponsored advertising) and combining advertising with the TV program in a way "creeping line" or otherwise superimposing it on the frame of the broadcast TV program may not exceed twenty percent of the broadcast time for an hour and fifteen percent of the broadcast time for a day.

Article 40

1. From the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, to recognize as invalid:

1) Federal Law of July 18, 1995 No. 108-FZ "On Advertising" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 30, Art. 2864);

2) Clause 3 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 76-FZ of June 18, 2001 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2001, No. 26, Art. 2580);

3) Federal Law No. 162-FZ of December 14, 2001 "On Amending Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2001, No. 51, Article 4827);

4) paragraphs 23 and 24 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2001 No. 196-FZ "On the Enactment of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 1, Art. 2);

5) Federal Law No. 115-FZ of August 20, 2004 "On Amendments to Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, No. 34, Art. 3530);

6) Article 55 of the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Repeal of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws" On the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law "On general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation" and "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607);

7) Article 11 of the Federal Law of November 2, 2004 No. 127-FZ "On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on Recognizing Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) as Invalid" of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, No. 45, item 4377);

8) Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 113-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Advertising" and Article 14.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, No. 30, Art. 3124 ).

2. Until the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and regulating relations in the field of advertising are brought into line with this Federal Law, these laws and other regulatory legal acts shall apply insofar as they do not contradict this Federal Law.

3. Features of the placement (distribution) of advertising during the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in the city of Sochi are determined by the Federal Law "On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in the city of Sochi, development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".
(Part 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 310-FZ of December 1, 2007)

4. Features of placement (distribution) of advertising on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center are established by the Federal Law "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center".
(Part 4 was introduced by Federal Law No. 243-FZ of September 28, 2010)

4.1. Features of placement (distribution) of advertising in the territories of innovative scientific and technological centers are established by the Federal Law "On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".
(Part 4.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 216-FZ of July 29, 2017)

5. Features of placement and distribution of advertising on the territory of the Vladivostok City District during the organization of the meeting of the heads of state and government of the countries participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in 2012 in the city of Vladivostok are determined by the Federal Law of May 8, 2009 No. 93-FZ "On organizing a meeting of heads of state and government of the countries participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in 2012, on the development of the city of Vladivostok as a center of international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation."
(Part 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 56-FZ of April 5, 2011)

6. Features of placement, distribution of advertising during the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law "On the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017, UEFA European Football Championship 2020 and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".
(Part 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 100-FZ of May 1, 2019)

7. The powers of local governments and public authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of advertising established by this Federal Law may be redistributed between them in the manner provided for by Part 1.2 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On General Principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation".
(Part 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 485-FZ of December 29, 2014)

The president
Russian Federation


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