What is the pipette for? Rules for working with volumetric glassware when carrying out analytical measurements. Concept and types of pipettes

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Dictionary of Medical Terms

pipette (French pipette)

    device for measuring a certain volume of liquid or gas;

    glass tube, tapered at one end, designed to measure liquid drops.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


pipettes, f. (French pipett - tube) (special). Narrow glass tube with rubber tip for aspirating, drawing in a small amount of liquid and releasing it in drops. Eyedropper for eye drops. Ink dropper (edges are used to pour ink into the eternal pen).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, well. Glass tube with rubber cap for measuring the liquid drop by drop, dropper (in 3 values). P. for eye drops. Drip with a pipette.

adj. pipette, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


f. A small glass tube with a rubber tip for drawing in, drawing in liquid and discharging it in drops.



Pipette- a measuring or dosing vessel, which is a tube, or a container with a tube having an end with a small hole to limit the rate of fluid outflow.

A variety of pipettes are widely used for measuring precise volumes of liquids or gases, in medicine, chemistry and biology, and especially widely in analytical chemistry and biochemistry.

Examples of the use of the word pipette in the literature.

Holders, test tubes, conical flasks, allonges, retorts, cylinders, agate mortars, porcelain crucibles from the royal factory in Sevres, crystallizers ordered from Lavoisier's drawings to the Venetian glass factory on the island of Murano , graded pipettes, scales, burettes, cuvettes - all this fantastic glass world, at the behest of the scientist, advancing on avaricious nature, breaking its secrecy, burned and sparkled in the sun of a Parisian evening, shimmering with colored lights, the rainbow play of a sunbeam, so simple and white, decaying with joy for a thousand color overflows in the laboratory of Antoine Lavoisier, as if above, where Madame Poluse reigns, again turn into austere, white and colorless, even as if it has become mean, sunlight.

The first-aid kit should contain: dressing materials - cotton wool, bandages, sterile gauze napkins, mustard plasters, a thermometer, waxed compress paper, a glass for taking medications, an eye pipette, fingertips.

The donuts were rearranged into a continuous arc, from which the soloist, the senior laboratory assistant researcher from the department of organophosphorus compounds: My boss looks at me without nagging, How the test tubes were washed by me, Because he uses on the couch pipette.

When Oscar got up from the table, Meisner told the doctor who was dripping from pipettes medicine in a glass: - Go.

TO pipette, a test tube, a spoon and a stirrer - devices that allow the perfumer to master the complex process of mixing Grenouille has never touched.

Fat man with pipette while Nuri bargained, he stood aside and watched with obvious pleasure.

At the request of the cyber, Jafar dripped from pipettes on the removed cover, and the spider kept dropping the tip of the manipulator into the puddle, transferring a drop of lubricant into the mechanism.

A quarter of an hour later, Jafar returned from pipette and generously poured the spider's manipulators, hoping that the grease would get where it needed to be.

Plastic pipette was kept in my shoe, a safety pin stuck in my belt.

To find out, he, Baldini, would have to experiment for several days in a row - a terrible job, perhaps even worse than simple identification of parts, because he had to measure and weigh and record, and at the same time be devilishly attentive, for the slightest carelessness - trembling pipettes, an error in the count of drops - could ruin everything.

V pipette there remained an iridescent thin film of blood, and the white paper collar was soaked all over with it, like a bandage.

I just want to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the investigating authorities considered it necessary to question in detail precisely the former officers of the detachment about the poison and pipette, about the actions of the offender, his age and signs.

Then, with calm and at the same time quick movements, he took it off the small shelf and brought the utensils necessary for the experiment: a large pot-bellied milk bottle, a glass funnel, pipette, small and large beakers - and in exemplary order placed it all in front of him on an oak lid.

Then, without haste, he took pipette- such a glass tube, with a small rubber cap at the end, which is usually buried in the eyes.

I ran to the closet, grabbed a bottle of drops pipette and began the most important operation of the day.

Traditionally, pipettes have been made of glass; in recent years, a variety of polymeric materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common pipettes are for infusing drugs in the form of drops (into the eyes, nose, or ears). Such pipettes consist of a piece of glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, strongly melted or drawn, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Measuring pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Most often it is a glass vessel used to accurately measure (dispense) the volume of a liquid.

Various types of volumetric pipettes are available for a wide variety of purposes, with different classes of accuracy and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry are available in two types:

  • Mohr's measuring pipette(ungraded), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mohr pipettes have one circular mark in the upper part and are intended for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide a lower measurement error than graduated ones. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the volume being measured, so a 25 ml pipette has a permissible measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated through 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurement, usually with an accuracy of ± 0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Mohr's single-label pipettes are sometimes referred to as aliquot pipettes.

Gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for the use of glass pipettes

The pipettes are calibrated for free flow of liquid. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, an excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of the outflowed liquid will be less than the standard one.

Pipette calibration and pipetting accuracy

Major manufacturers


see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Pipette

In the movement of the Russian army from Tarutin to Krasny, fifty thousand left sick and backward, that is, a number equal to the population of a large provincial city. Half of the people dropped out of the army without a fight.
And about this period of the campaign, when the troops without boots and fur coats, with incomplete provisions, without vodka, spend the night for months in the snow and at fifteen degrees of frost; when the day is only seven and eight o'clock, and the rest is night, during which there can be no influence of discipline; when, not like in a battle, for a few hours only people are brought into the area of ​​death, where there is no longer discipline, and when people live for months, every minute fighting death from hunger and cold; when half of the army perishes in a month - historians tell us about this period of the campaign, how Miloradovich had to make a flank march there, and Tormasov there then and how Chichagov had to move there that (move above the knee in the snow), and how that knocked over and cut off, etc., etc.
The Russians, who were half dying, did everything that could and should have been done to achieve a goal worthy of the people, and it is not their fault that other Russian people, sitting in warm rooms, assumed to do what was impossible.
All this strange, now incomprehensible contradiction of the fact with the description of history occurs only because the historians who wrote about this event wrote the history of the wonderful feelings and words of different generals, and not the history of events.
For them, the words of Miloradovich, the awards that this and this general received, and their assumptions seem very amusing; and the question of those fifty thousand who remained in hospitals and graves does not even interest them, because it is not subject to their study.
Meanwhile, one has only to turn away from studying the reports and master plans, but to delve into the movement of those hundreds of thousands of people who took a direct, direct part in the event, and all the questions that seemed previously insoluble, suddenly, with extraordinary ease and simplicity, are undeniably resolved.
The purpose of cutting off Napoleon with the army never existed, except in the imagination of a dozen people. It could not exist because it was meaningless and it was impossible to achieve it.
The goal of the people was one: to cleanse their land from the invasion. This goal was achieved, firstly, by itself, since the French fled, and therefore it was only necessary not to stop this movement. Secondly, this goal was achieved by the actions of the people's war, which destroyed the French, and, thirdly, by the fact that a large Russian army followed the French, ready to use force if the French movement stopped.
The Russian army was supposed to act like a whip on a running animal. And an experienced driver knew that the most advantageous thing was to keep the whip raised, threatening them, and not to lash a running animal on the head.

When a person sees a dying animal, horror seizes him: what he himself is - his essence, in his eyes is obviously destroyed - ceases to be. But when a dying person is a person, and a beloved person is felt, then, in addition to the horror of the destruction of life, one feels a rupture and a spiritual wound, which, like a physical wound, sometimes kills, sometimes heals, but always hurts and is afraid of an external annoying touch.
After the death of Prince Andrei, Natasha and Princess Marya felt this equally. They, morally bent over and closing their eyes from the formidable cloud of death hanging over them, did not dare to look into the face of life. They carefully guarded their open wounds from offensive, painful touch. Everything: a carriage quickly drove along the street, a reminder of dinner, a girl's question about a dress that needs to be prepared; even worse, the word of insincere, weak sympathy painfully irritated the wound, seemed an insult and broke the necessary silence in which they both tried to listen to the terrible, strict chorus that had not yet been heard in their imagination, and prevented them from peering into those mysterious endless distances that for a moment opened In front of them.
Only the two of them were not offended or hurt. They spoke little to each other. If they talked, it was about the most insignificant subjects. Both the one and the other equally avoided mentioning anything related to the future.
To admit the possibility of the future seemed to them an insult to his memory. Even more carefully they avoided in their conversations everything that could be related to the deceased. It seemed to them that what they experienced and felt could not be expressed in words. It seemed to them that any mention of the details of his life in words violated the greatness and sanctity of the sacrament that had taken place in their eyes.
The incessant abstinence of speech, the constant diligent circumvention of everything that could suggest a word about him: these stops from different sides on the border of what could not be said, even clearer and clearer exposed before their imaginations what they felt.

But pure, complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. Princess Marya, by her position as one independent mistress of her fate, guardian and educator of her nephew, was the first to be called by life from that world of sorrow in which she lived for the first two weeks. She received letters from relatives to which she had to answer; the room in which they put Nikolenka was cheese, and he began to cough. Alpatych came to Yaroslavl with business reports and with suggestions and advice to move to Moscow to the Vzdvizhensky house, which remained intact and required only minor repairs. Life did not stop, and it was necessary to live. No matter how hard it was for Princess Marya to leave that world of solitary contemplation in which she had lived until now, no matter how sorry and as if ashamed it was to leave Natasha alone, the worries of life demanded her participation, and she involuntarily gave herself up to them. She checked the scores with Alpatych, consulted with Desal about her nephew and made orders and preparations for her move to Moscow.

When carrying out volumetric analytical measurements in titrimetry, special volumetric vessels are used: volumetric flasks, pipettes, burettes, graduated cylinders and test tubes. Working with it requires certain skills and abilities. To obtain correct results in a volumetric analysis, all operations must be performed very carefully, the utensils used must be clean and appropriate for the purposes and tasks of the measurements being carried out.

Volumetric flasks

Volumetric flasks are thin-walled, flat-bottomed round vessels with a long, narrow neck marked with a thin ring line. They come in different capacities: from 25 ml to 2 liters (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Volumetric flasks

Volumetric flasks are designed for the preparation of solutions of precise concentration (i.e. standard solutions), as well as for diluting existing solutions to the specified volumes.

Dry weighed portions (including the contents of the fixed channels) or the existing solution (when diluted) are introduced into a volumetric flask through a funnel, then rinsing off the remainder of the substance from the funnel (and rinsing the ampoule of the fixed channel) with distilled water (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Preparation of the working solution from the fixed channel

To dissolve the introduced substance, distilled water is added to the flask (up to about half of its volume). The contents of the flask are thoroughly mixed with rotary movements until a homogeneous solution is formed. After that, add another portion of water through the funnel until the liquid level is 3-5 mm below the circular mark on the neck of the flask. Then the rest of the water is added dropwise and the volume of the solution is brought exactly to the mark. For correct measurement of the volume of liquid in a volumetric flask (and in other volumetric vessels), it is necessary that the observer's eye and the circular mark on its neck are in the same horizontal plane (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Readout of the level of liquid in the vessel at different positions of the eye 2 - correct position of the eye, 1, 3 - incorrect

The volume of transparent liquids is measured along the lower edge of their meniscus (which should coincide with the circular mark of the flask), and intensely colored (for example, KMnO 4 solution) - along the upper one.

It is not recommended to store the resulting solution in a volumetric flask. After preparation, it must be transferred to a glass vessel intended for this purpose, equipped with a well-ground glass stopper.


Pipettes are designed to take small, precisely measured volumes of liquid and transfer them from one vessel to another. Distinguish Mohr pipettes, graduated pipettes and automatic pipettes otherwise called pipette dispensers(fig. 6, 10).

Rice. 6. Pipettes: a- simple (Mohr's pipette); b - graduated.

Mohr's pipettes are a glass tube with a drawn-out spout and an extension in the middle part. They are designed to select a strictly defined volume of liquid, which is indicated by a number on one of the expansion walls.

Graduated pipettes are designed for measuring various small volumes of liquid using a scale applied to their wall. They are also glass tubes with a retracted spout.

To select the required volume of liquid with a Mohr pipette and a graduated pipette and transfer it to another vessel, proceed as follows:

1. A rubber bulb is placed on the neck of the pipette, squeezed until the air is properly removed. Then the pipette is placed into the vessel with the sampled solution (as deep as possible, until the tip of the pipette touches the bottom of the vessel), release the pear and wait until the liquid level in the pipette rises 3-4 cm above the upper zero mark.

2. Remove the pear. Quickly close the upper part of the pipette (or its neck) with the index finger and, holding the pipette itself with your thumb and middle fingers, quickly pull it out of the vessel with the solution(fig. 7).

Rice. 7. As follows (a), and should not (b) hold a pipette

Holding the pipette vertically above the surface of the solution, weaken the pressure of the index finger on its neck, so that the liquid slowly falls from the pipette nose into the solution until the lower part of its meniscus (or the upper part, if the solution is intensely colored) is equal to the upper zero mark on the pipette wall. After that, the pressure on the neck of the pipette is rapidly increased until the flow of liquid stops completely (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Position of the pipette when setting the meniscus at the line level

To remove a drop of liquid remaining on the outer side of the pipette tip, touch the inner wall of the vessel with the sample to be taken.

3. The pipette is transferred to another vessel (most often in a titration flask) and, releasing the pressure of the index finger, allow the required volume of liquid to flow out of it (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Pouring the solution out of the pipette

Recently, more and more widely used pipette dispensers or automatic pipettes. These are special devices that allow you to accurately select the required volume of liquid from the solution by simply pressing the button device located in their upper part (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Pipette dispenser

The variable volume of liquid required for sampling is set using a digital display located on the pipette handle. Before working with a pipette dispenser, you must carefully read the instructions for use. These devices are more convenient in comparison with Mohr's and graduated pipettes, they allow faster sampling of a given volume of liquid and by now prevail in the everyday practice of scientific and research laboratories. The only drawback of pipette pipettes is that they are much more expensive than conventional glass pipettes.

Pipette types

Traditionally, pipettes have been made of glass; in recent years, a variety of polymeric materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common pipettes are for infusing drugs in the form of drops (into the eyes, nose, or ears). Such pipettes consist of a piece of glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, strongly melted or drawn, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Measuring pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Manual micropipette

Most often it is a glass vessel used to accurately measure (dispense) the volume of a liquid.

Various types of volumetric pipettes are available for a wide variety of purposes, with different classes of accuracy and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry are available in two types:

  • Mohr's measuring pipette(ungraded), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mohr pipettes have one circular mark in the upper part and are intended for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide a lower measurement error than graduated ones. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the volume being measured, so a 25 ml pipette has a permissible measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated through 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurement, usually with an accuracy of ± 0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Mohr's single-label pipettes are sometimes referred to as aliquot pipettes.

In the laboratory practice of the USSR, until the middle of the twentieth century, the intake of liquid into chemical pipettes was carried out most often by suction through the mouth, which led to numerous accidents and injuries. Since the end of the 20th century, everyone has been taught how to fill pipettes (even with harmless liquids) using a rubber or PVC bulb. Unfortunately, less often they use more convenient devices (rubber bulbs with a valve, mechanical fill level regulators, electronic pipet guns).


Oxford single-channel pipettes

Micropipettes by Gilson

Micropipettes are the most accurate and high quality instruments for measuring small volumes of liquid (1-1000 μl (μl). They are widely used in biology and chemistry.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. glass micropipettes were a graduated glass capillary with a conical tip.

For modern pipettes of a simple design with dry seals, after a short dosing of concentrated acids or aggressive solutions, it is enough to disassemble the pipette, inspect and rinse the assemblies (piston, tube and piston seals) with distilled water. Dry all parts thoroughly and assemble the pipette. Prolonged exposure to aggressive vapors can lead to premature seal wear and piston damage. The impact of aggressive vapors on internal elements dispenser is reduced when using aerosol filter tips. Pipette designs from a number of manufacturers include a safety filter at the tip connection.

Gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for the use of glass pipettes

The pipettes are calibrated for free flow of liquid. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, an excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of the outflowed liquid will be less than the standard one.

Pipette calibration and pipetting accuracy

As with other measuring instruments, pipettes must be calibrated during manufacture and periodically verified.

Major manufacturers

  • RAININ in Russia

see also

  • Volumetric flask
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Purka

Notes (edit)

External links

  • Helpful Hints on the Use of a Volumetric Pipet by Oliver Seely

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Synonym dictionary

PIPETKA, and, wives. Glass tube with rubber cap for measuring the liquid drop by drop, dropper (in 3 values). P. for eye drops. Drip with a pipette. | adj. pipette, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

pipette- - Topics oil and gas industry EN pipet ... Technical translator's guide

pipette- I. PIPETKA and, f. pipette f. 1. A small glass tube with a rubber tip for drawing in, drawing in liquid and discharging it in drops. ALS 1. Any man will be able to adapt in the household pens that do not write, pipettes that ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms- pipetė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Stiklinis vamzdelis su ant vieno galo užmautu guminiu ar plastikiniu gaubtuku. Vartojamas skysčiams įsiurbti, lašinti arba dujoms praleisti. atitikmenys: angl. pipet; pipette vok ... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

If young people who make the fateful decision to acquire offspring represented the entirety of parental responsibility, the human race would have ceased long ago. Raising a child is too risky, too extended in time, without any guarantees, often a loss-making project, from the point of view of common sense, business logic and elementary benefits are absolutely unprofitable.

To become real parents, it is not enough to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Usually, any decent fairy tale ends with a wedding, and after it life just begins, with all its problems, trials and difficult tasks. The child, on the other hand, complicates it many times over.

Only sleepless nights and teething are flowers compared to the surprises of adolescence.

The desire to look like adults motivates young guys to try alcohol and drugs. Parents should be attentive, sensitively sniffing and looking into the eyes of a teenager returning home late at night, without humiliating his human dignity or provoking a righteous protest. Without arranging a search, you need to be aware of what is happening to the grown-up, but still not responsible for their actions, child.

What does a smoking pipette look like?

Parents who usually react to cigarettes may not pay attention to harmless, homemade toy made from a medical pipette. It is adapted for smoking tobacco, dope, sage, wormwood, nettle, chamomile, parsley, dill, hops, which can be bought at the pharmacy. When using it, there is practically no smoke, but the smell is present, and if necessary, the pipette can be discreetly discarded.

"Craftsmen" contrive to melt the plastic tip of the pharmacy pipette cover with a lighter, squeezing a glass pipette into it with the narrow side. This kind of mouthpiece protects the lips from burns when smoking. So that the grass does not wake up, carefully insert into the pipette, pushing as deeply as possible, the stretched and doubled spring, which is taken out of the lighter. A lot of grass does not fit, but visibility and external surroundings are created, by the way, glass from heating usually does not burst.

A smoking pipette has become widespread as a device for using smoking mixtures, which have become very popular, especially among young people and adolescents.

Therefore, parents should be attentive to the presence of their child not only cigarettes, but also such specific items as a pipette for smoking.

Harm from smoking mixtures

Smoking blends contain either natural herbal ingredients that have narcotic properties, or can be treated with chemicals. Harm is caused by both, but the latter is more severe. Doctors identify the following dangers of smoking mixtures:

  • Local reactions that arise from the direct irritating effect of smoke: mucous membranes suffer. Regular smoking causes chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract - laryngitis,. There is a high probability of the appearance of malignant tumors in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, bronchi.
  • Central reactions. They are dangerous by themselves during exposure to smoking mixtures - a person can lose control over his consciousness, actions, behavior. But the great evil is the gradual accumulation of harmful effects, which leads to irreversible destructive processes in the central nervous system, affecting attention, memory, mental activity and mental state.
  • Toxic reactions manifested in nausea, vomiting, palpitations, high, seizures, loss of consciousness (and up to).

External signs of a stoned person

Smoking grass is accompanied by a cough, because the smoke burns and irritates the mucous membranes, and after a while the taste and dryness in the mouth remains, which is not eliminated even by abundant fluid intake.

A teenager who has smoked can be identified by external signs: impaired coordination of movements, noticeable inhibition in thinking and speech, characteristic freezing in one position with complete silence.

The consequences of smoking are usually manifested by a decrease in muscle tone and a decline in general condition with problems concentrating, pendulum mood swings from unexplained delight to deep apathy. General degradation is at first little noticeable, but an overdose is easy to determine by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, paleness and loss of consciousness, up to death.

The tradition of inhaling smoke from burning plants has centuries-old roots, but ancient sorcerers and shamans did this solely to introduce themselves into a state of altered consciousness during rituals. Only specially selected, trained and prepared people performed these actions, knowing what they were going for and what price would have to be paid. We and our children do not need this at all, it is harmful and dangerous.


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