Functions of the learning process education development education presentation. Presentation on the topic "essence, structure and functions of the learning process". e) laboratory work

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vocational education in the Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlov Pedagogical College"

Forms of organization of training

Completed by a student of the 2nd "A" group:

  • Pasevin Valeria

  • Concept Form of organization of training;
  • Empirical classification of forms of organization of learning;
  • Theoretical classification of basic forms of organization of education;
  • Specific forms of organization of training;
  • Bibliography.

Form of organization of training It is a way to streamline the interaction of participants in training. In didactics, such classifications are distinguished forms of organization of training: 1. 2. Theoretical classification of basic forms of organization of learning 3. Specific forms of organization of training

Empirical classification of forms of organization of learning

The classification is empirical in nature, since it is based on a quantitative characteristic: if general class work is carried out, that is, the act of learning is carried out in relation to the entire educational team (class), then this frontal forms; if the class is divided into relatively autonomous parts (groups), then group ones; and if each student of the class works separately, independently of the others, then individual.

There are usually three groups of forms of education:



the teacher communicates with all students; students are given one or more didactic tasks; students are involved in the team, share the overall success or failure.


This is a form of organizing student activities in which small groups of about three or five students are created in the classroom for joint academic work.


This is a form of work in the lesson, which assumes that each student receives a task for independent completion, specially selected for him in accordance with his preparation and learning opportunities.

  • Link
  • Cooperative-group
  • Differentiated group


  • Individualized
  • Individual-group

Group form of education

Frontal form of education

Individual form of education

Theoretical classification of basic forms of organization of learning

The theoretical classification of the basic forms of organization of learning is based on possible structures of human interaction .

The list of these structures is limited to the following situations: mediated communication, communication in a pair and communication in a group.

In turn, a group can have two different structures interactions of its participants: “one speaks, does - the rest listen, observe” and “each one communicates with each in turn”.

  • individually mediated form organization of learning - corresponds to mediated communication;
  • steam room - corresponds to the interaction in a separate pair;
  • group - corresponds to communication in the group;
  • collective - corresponds to the interaction in the group.

Specific forms of organization with students in the learning process

The learning process is realized only through specific

form of its organization. Among the specific forms of organizing work with students in the learning process are: lesson and extracurricular .



a) lesson

1) regular:

b) lecture

2) episodic:

a) homework

c) seminar

a) essays

b) extracurricular activities or group, individual

d) workshop

e) laboratory work

c) mugs

b) thematic conferences

c) evenings on the subject

d) work with popular science literature

f) offset

d) olympiads

e) television programs

g) exam

f) additional classes

  • Dyachenko V.K. New didactics. M.: public education, 2001.
  • Dyachenko V.K. Organizational structure educational process and its development. Moscow: Pedagogy 1989.
  • Litvinskaya I. G. On the question of the forms of organization of training // collective way teaching: scientific method. magazine.
  • Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies: Tutorial/ ed. S. A. Smirnova. 2nd ed. M.: Academy, 1999.
  • Pedagogy: Textbook / ed. P. I. Pidkasistogo. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.
  • Cheredov I. M. Forms of study work in high school. M .: Education, 1988.

Interaction Training necessarily involves the interaction of the teacher and students. The subject and object of training Not just the impact of the teacher on the student, but their interaction!!! Interaction can take place both in direct and indirect form. The learning process is not a mechanical sum of teaching and learning, it is a qualitatively new, holistic phenomenon.

Communication in the learning process. The unity of cognition and teaching Communication in the learning process affects: the motivation of learning, the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, the creation of favorable psychological conditions Teacher characteristics that contribute to successful communication: Evaluated Endurance in Difficult Situations

The role of the influence of the environment in the learning process. Personal development is influenced by the environment, the media, work, sports, play and leisure activities. It is necessary to purposefully apply efforts to create environment baby!!!

Content of training Determined by: curriculum, state curricula, textbooks on the subject. The content of individual lessons is specified by the teacher, taking into account: the tasks set, the specifics of the industrial and social environment of the school, the level of preparedness, and the interests of students.

Operational-activity component The operational-activity component reflects the procedural essence of learning. It is in the activities of teachers and students, in their interaction that flows over time, that the task of appropriating the wide social experience of mankind by schoolchildren is realized. The operational-activity component is implemented through certain methods, means and forms of organization of teaching and learning

Control and adjustment component The control and adjustment component involves the control of the teacher and the self-control of the trainees. Control is carried out with the help of tests, surveys, tests and exams. Self-control includes self-examination of students who independently check the degree of assimilation of the studied material. Control and self-control ensure the functioning of feedback in the educational process. The teacher receives information about the degree of difficulties, about the quality of the learning process. Feedback causes the need for correction, regulation of the educational process, changes in methods, forms and teaching aids The regulation of the process is carried out not only by the teacher, but also by the students themselves (self-regulation of their actions, work on mistakes, repetition of questions that cause difficulties).

Evaluative and effective component The evaluative and effective component of training involves: assessment by teachers and self-assessment by students of the results achieved in the learning process, establishing their compliance with the set educational tasks, identifying the causes of shortcomings, designing new tasks that also take into account the need to fill the identified gaps in knowledge and skills .

The relationship of learning components The purpose of learning determines its content. The purpose and content of training require certain methods, means and forms of stimulation and organization of training. In the course of training, ongoing monitoring and regulation of the process is necessary. Finally, all components of the learning process in their totality provide a certain result.

The teacher is a creator, he creates a lesson as a work pedagogical excellence, creates it for children and together with children. The lesson should have its own face, originality, which is provided by the individual style of the teacher and the personal originality of the students. But besides creative uniqueness, mastery in the lesson, the literacy of the teacher should also be visible: - the importance of what factors determine the meaning and essence of the lesson; - the ability to plan, conduct and analyze the lesson.

A lesson is a living cell of the educational process. All the most important and most important thing for the students takes place in the classroom.



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2014 Lesson as the main form of organization of the educational process

The purpose of the seminar: To bring into the system knowledge on the theory of the lesson (structure, goal-setting)

“The lesson is a mirror of the general and pedagogical culture of the teacher, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his outlook, erudition” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A lesson is a form of organizing training with a group of students of the same age, permanent composition, a lesson on a fixed schedule and with a single training program for all. This form presents all the components of the educational process. A lesson is a form of organizing the activities of a permanent staff of teachers and students in a certain period of time, systematically used to solve the problems of teaching, developing and educating students.

Only in the lesson you can see: -what is the relationship between the teacher and the student; - deeply or superficially he knows his subject; -who is he: a primitive informer or organizer of the process of teaching children; -does it provide solid knowledge, skills and abilities;

General requirements for the lesson: DIDACTIC, EDUCATIONAL, ORGANIZATIONAL.

Lesson components: Organizational - the organization of students throughout the lesson, the readiness of the student for the lesson, order and discipline. Target - setting learning goals for students, both for the entire lesson, and for its individual stages. Motivational - determining the significance of the material being studied both in this topic and in the entire course.

Lesson components: Communicative - the level of communication between the teacher and the group of students. Content - selection of material for study, consolidation, repetition, independent work, etc. Technological - the choice of forms, methods and teaching methods that are optimal for a given type of lesson, for a given topic, for a given team, etc. Control-evaluative - the use of the assessment of the student's activities in the lesson to stimulate his activity and the development of cognitive interest. Analytical - summing up the results of the lesson, analyzing the activities of students in the lesson, analyzing the results of their own activities in organizing the lesson.

The organization of a lesson is possible only if certain rules are observed: First, the definition of the goals and objectives of the lesson; The second is to clarify the type of lesson; Third - clarifying the type of lesson; Fourth - the choice of teaching methods and techniques; Fifth - the definition of the structure of the lesson.

Aims and objectives of the lesson In the purposes and objectives, it is necessary to design the activities of the teacher and students. The goal is a programmed result that should be obtained at the end of the lesson (a model of the desired future). Only when the student realizes the meaning of the educational task and accepts it as personally significant for him, his activity will become motivated and purposeful. Goals should be sufficiently tense, achievable, conscious students, promising and flexible, that is, responsive to changing conditions and opportunities to achieve them. The objectives of the lesson should be as specific as possible, so that when summing up the lesson, we can reasonably answer the question "Did the lesson achieve its goal?".

Lesson Goals and Objectives Objectives are steps to achieve a goal. The objectives of the lesson include: organization of interaction; mastering knowledge, skills, abilities; development of abilities, experience in creative activity, communication, etc. The objectives of the lesson must be formulated in such a way that it can be seen through which the goals of the lesson were achieved. Tasks are set FOR STUDENTS in a language they understand (what students should do in the lesson)

A learning task is a goal that a student sets for himself. What? What for?

Teaching goals Set based on the TOPIC and the type of lesson (to study the topic, repeat, summarize ....), include mastering the system of knowledge, practical skills and abilities for setting learning goals and objectives, it is recommended to use verbs that indicate an action with a certain result: “ select, name, define, illustrate, write, enumerate, perform, systematize...

Learning objectives example: history lesson on the topic " Reforms of Peter I". The teacher set goals: 1. Explain to students that the reforms of Peter I led to the strengthening of royal power. 2. Reveal the progressive nature of Peter's reforms. 3. Form value judgments based on a generalization of events and phenomena of a certain historical period. The teacher set these goals for himself, and not for the students. TASKS are set for students, based on the goals: 1. Select the state reforms carried out by Peter I 2. Group the customs, highlighting those that existed before Peter I and introduced by him. 3. Indicate at least 6 signs characterizing the reforms of Peter I.

Educational goals Every lesson should have an educational goal. THE LESSON SHOULD EDUCATE. V. goals contribute to: fostering a positive attitude to knowledge, to the learning process; the formation of ideas, attitudes, beliefs, personality traits, assessment, self-esteem and independence; acquiring experience of adequate behavior in any society. Educational work in the classroom should be planned very carefully. The formulation of educational goals should also be specific. The following formulations can be used when setting an educational goal: arouse interest, arouse curiosity, arouse interest in independent problem solving, encourage students to be active, express their attitude ... instill, strengthen ... skills;

Educational goals Formation of moral qualities: Demanding on oneself Pride Conscientiousness Responsibility Self-esteem Honesty Modesty Self-respect Perseverance Accuracy Feelings of duty Responsibility Diligence Empathy Feelings of pride in what has been achieved Patriotic feelings

Educational goals Formation of moral qualities: Formation of humane relations to "other people": Partnerships Kindness Delicacy Politeness Modesty Discipline Responsibility Honesty

Developing goals A developing goal should also be set in the lesson. Developing goals contribute to: the formation of general educational and special skills; improvement of mental operations; development of the emotional sphere, monologue speech of students, question-answer form, dialogue, communicative culture; the implementation of self-control and self-esteem, and in general - the formation and development of the individual. For example: to learn to compare, to learn to highlight the main thing, to learn to build analogues, to develop an eye, to develop analytical skills, to develop the ability to navigate the terrain.

Developmental goals Development of thinking: Learn to analyze Learn to highlight the main thing Learn to compare Learn to build analogies Learn to generalize and systematize Learn to prove and refute Learn to define and explain concepts Learn to pose and solve problems

All lessons can be divided into groups: - Lesson familiarization of students with new material; -Lesson consolidation of knowledge; -Generalized lessons -Lesson to test knowledge, skills.

Familiarization lesson This is a lesson, the content of which is new, unknown to the students, the material that includes a relatively wide range of issues and requires considerable time to study it. The structure of the introduction lesson: Repetition of the previous material; Explanation by the teacher of new material; Checking understanding and primary consolidation of knowledge; Homework assignment. Introduction lesson forms: Lecture, excursion, conversation, laboratory work, conference, traditional lesson

Consolidation lesson The main content of the work in this lesson is the secondary comprehension of previously acquired knowledge in order to strengthen them. Consolidation lesson structure: Checking homework; Performing oral exercises; Performing written exercises; Checking the execution of tasks; Homework assignment. Consolidation lesson forms: Seminar, workshop, consultation, laboratory work, conference, lesson of key tasks, work in pairs of constant and mixed type

Generalization lesson: The most significant questions from the previously studied material are systematized and reproduced, existing gaps in the knowledge of students are filled in and the most important ideas of the course being studied are revealed. Such lessons are held at the end of the study of individual topics, sections and training courses generally. Their mandatory elements are the introduction and conclusion of the teacher. Forms of generalization lessons: Story, brief messages, reading individual places from a textbook or a conversation between a teacher and students.

Lesson for testing knowledge, skills and abilities: Allows the teacher to identify the level of training of students in a particular area, to establish shortcomings in mastering the material, help to outline ways for further work. Control lessons require the student to apply all his knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic. Verification can be carried out both orally and in writing. Forms of lessons for checking ZUN: Independent work, lesson-test, test, interviews, quizzes, games, etc.

Forms of organization of the educational process: Lecture is the most difficult type of lesson even for an experienced teacher. The lecture form of training gives a positive effect in those cases when: The volume of theoretical material is large, and there are not enough tasks for it; Most of the material is auxiliary in nature and is not required for mastering by all students; The previously studied is not enough to organize learning in an active mode, i.e. the topic for students is almost new; An introductory or overview story by the teacher on a major topic of the course is required.

Seminar Most often used to consider additional material, the reproduction of which is not required for each student, but individual conclusions and facts are very useful and even necessary. In preparation for the seminar, students acquire the skills of conducting scientific research and its design, learn to defend their beliefs, and review the speeches of their comrades. The seminar combines the form of conversation and discussion of students in order to deepen and improve knowledge

Consultation The purpose of its implementation is to teach the student to think about the problem, to understand what difficulties arise when getting acquainted with a particular topic; and to resolve these difficulties, to formulate questions to which he would like to receive an answer. At the very beginning of the consultation, you can help the trainees to formulate questions. For each consultation, students can be invited to prepare cards with questions and tasks.

Lesson - test The test is a special stage in the control, the purpose of which is to check whether the students have reached the level of compulsory training. The reports are divided into current and thematic ones. Current ones are carried out systematically in the course of studying the topic and cover small semantic portions. Thematic are arranged at the end of the study of the topic. Tests are: Open - this is when students provide lists of required questions Closed - tests without providing lists of required questions. Systematic control of students' knowledge is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education.

Thank you for your attention prepared by Shulyateva P.N. 2014

For example, the skills of reading and writing, the rational organization of independent cognitive activity, the ability to work with textbooks, reference books, bibliographic apparatus, etc.

educational function learning lies in the fact that in the process of learning, students develop views, a scientific worldview, an understanding of the laws of nature, society and thinking, moral and aesthetic ideas, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, to comply with the laws adopted in it. In the process of learning, the needs of the individual, the motives of activity, social behavior, values ​​and value orientations.

The content of education has the potential for upbringing first of all. All academic subjects have one or another educational potential.

The humanities and socio-economic disciplines have great potential for shaping personal qualities trainees.



The content of the disciplines of the natural science cycle contributes to the formation of a worldview, a unified picture of the world in the minds of students, and the development of views on life and activity on this basis.

The educational impact in the learning process is also exerted by the nature of communication between the teacher and the student, students among themselves, the psychological climate in the team.

There are different styles of communication between the participants in the pedagogical process: authoritarian, democratic, liberal. Modern pedagogy believes that the optimal one is democratic, which combines a humane, respectful attitude of the teacher towards students, providing them with a certain independence, involving them in the organization of the learning process.

Education always educates, but not automatically and sometimes not in the right direction, therefore, the implementation of the educational function of education requires the organization of the educational process, the selection of its content, the choice of forms and methods, to proceed from the correctly understood tasks of education.

Simultaneously with the educational and upbringing functions, the learning process implements anddeveloping function. In the process of learning, in addition to the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, their development takes place.



Moreover, it is carried out in all directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational area. "Learning leads to development" - asserts one of the important laws of psychology, formulated by L.S. Vygotsky. It is promoted both by the content of education, the methods and forms of teaching used, and the active, diverse, conscious activity of students.

Although properly delivered training always develops, however, this function is more successfully implemented in the presence of a special orientation. In theory and practice, special learning technologies have been developed that pursue precisely the goals of personality development.

A significant contribution to the creation of a system of developmental education was made by domestic scientists P.A. Galperin,

V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin and others.



I.Ya.Galperin and N.F.Talyzina developed the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions. L.V. Zankov substantiated a set of principles for the development of thinking in the learning process: an increase specific gravity theoretical material, learning at a fast pace and at a high level of difficulty, ensuring that students are aware of their learning activities. A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov developed the foundations of problem-based learning. I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin proposed a system of developing teaching methods, V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin - the concept of meaningful generalization in education, G.I. Shchukina - ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students. D.Kabalevsky, I.Volkov developed a methodological system that contributes to the development of the emotional sphere, richness of feelings, experiences from the perception of nature and art, surrounding people.

In addition to educational, upbringing and developing, some scientists also distinguish motivating and organizing functions of learning. The learning process must be built in such a way that it encourages students to further educational and cognitive actions, organizes them to learn new things.

It is indisputable that all the functions of the learning process are interdependent and are implemented in all its didactic components.


Methodological foundations


There are various methodological approaches to explaining the essence of learning. Of the foreign concepts, the most common, revealing the mechanisms of learning, are behavioral and pragmatic theories.

behavioral theory has become widespread in the teaching practice of the United States and many European countries. Its adherents consider all the phenomena of mental life as a set of behavioral acts. They identify the psyche of man and animals, reduce all complex life activity to the formula "stimulus - reaction". From their point of view, the learning process is the art of managing stimuli in order to cause or prevent certain reactions, and the learning process is a set of reactions to stimuli and stimulating situations.



The development of consciousness is identified with the formation of students' reactions, i.e. they see learning as developing the ability to respond in a certain way to certain situations, and not as developing the ability to act or think.

Thus, the conscious activity of a person in the learning process is explained not by mental, but by physiological processes. Conscious actions of students are replaced by purely reflex ones. Behaviorists see the difference between a person and highly organized animals in that he can be influenced by secondary, verbal, stimuli, which also arise.




Unlike the behaviorists pragmatists reduce learning only to the expansion personal experience student, so that he adapts as best as possible to the existing social order. Education can only contribute to the manifestation of the possibilities inherent in a person from birth. Therefore, its goal is to teach the child to live. And this means adapting to the environment, satisfying personal interests and needs without focusing on the social environment, based on a subjectively understood benefit.

In accordance with these views, pragmatists argue that learning is a purely individual process. They do not consider it necessary to form systematic knowledge, skills, and therefore deny the scientific substantiation of curricula and programs. Pragmatists belittle the importance of the teacher in the learning process, assigning him the role of an assistant, a consultant.



For them, the main mechanism and, accordingly, the method of obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities is "learning through doing", i.e. implementation of practical tasks, exercises.

In addition to behaviorism and pragmatism, there are other theories of learning. Some of them reject both the physiological and psychological foundations of the educational process, reducing it only to the reactions taking place in the soul of the student. The mechanism for obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities, whether they or not

how they do not explain, or reduce it to intuition, insight, discretion, etc. This direction has existentialism and neo-Thomism, which belittle the role of education, subordinate intellectual development to the education of the senses. The explanation of such a position is based on the assertion that it is possible to know only individual facts, but without their awareness, without taking into account the interconnection of regularities.

There are other approaches to explaining the learning mechanism.



At present, most scientists share the view that theoretical and methodological

the basis of education is materialistic

theory of knowledge (epistemology) , according to which real world is objective and exists outside of human consciousness, it is knowable. Cognition is a reflection of reality in consciousness, an active mental and emotional activity, the result of which is knowledge, generalizations in the form of theories, laws, scientific concepts.

The dialectical path of cognition of truth, objective reality goes from living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice.



In the process of living contemplation, i.e. through sensations, perception, active study of objective reality, certain ideas about certain phenomena and objects arise. These representations form the basis for generalizations. Abstract thinking allows you to establish common signs cognizable phenomena, assimilate concepts, judgments, conclusions, establish essential, necessary, stable connections between phenomena, i.e. deduce certain laws and regularities.

All these provisions of epistemology are directly related to educational knowledge. Teaching is always connected with knowledge. The task of education is to make the laws of nature, the development of society and the mental processes of a person become

the knowledge of the students.


Mordovian State University them. N. P. Ogaryova

Faculty: mathematical

Speciality: maths

Leading functions and structure of the learning process

Completed by: student of group 301,

Rizaev S. N.

Checked: candidate ped. Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Batyaeva T. A.

Saransk 2001

1. Introduction……………………………………………………….3

2. Functions of the learning process……………………………………4

3. The structure of the learning process………………………………..11

4. Conclusion……………………………………………….……18

5. List of references……………………………………………………………19


The concept of "learning process" refers to the initial in pedagogical science, its definition is complex and contradictory. For many years in pedagogy it has been defined as a two-way process - the process of teaching and learning.

In the writings of ancient and medieval thinkers, the concepts of "learning", "learning process" are understood mainly as teaching. At the beginning of our century, the concept of learning began to include two components that make up this process - teaching and learning. Teaching is understood as the activity of teachers in organizing the assimilation of educational material, and teaching is understood as the activity of students in assimilation of the knowledge offered to them. Somewhat later, the concept of teaching reflected both the managerial activity of the teacher in the formation of students' ways of cognitive activity, and the joint activity of the teacher and students.

This paper discusses such concepts as the leading functions of the learning process and the structure of the learning process. The first question reveals the meaning of the following functions of the learning process:




Career guidance.

The second question tells about the structure of the learning process, which includes the following elements:

Learning as a process;

The purpose of training;

Mechanisms of learning cognition;

The teacher as the defining beginning of the learning process and others.

Functions of the learning process.

Education as a social phenomenon is a purposeful, organized, systematic transfer of experience to the older and assimilation by the younger generation of experience. public relations, social consciousness, culture of productive work, knowledge of active transformation and environmental protection. It ensures the continuity of generations, the full functioning of society and the appropriate level of development of the individual. This is its objective purpose in society.

Learning consists of two inextricably linked phenomena: adult teaching and educational labor activity called the teaching of children. Teaching is a special activity of adults aimed at transferring the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to children and educating them in the learning process. Teaching is a specially organized, active independent cognitive, labor and aesthetic activity of children, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, developing mental processes and abilities.

The social, pedagogical, psychological essence of education is most fully and vividly manifested in its practically expedient functions. Among them, the most important is educational function. The main meaning of the educational function is to equip students with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities and its use in practice.

Scientific knowledge includes facts, concepts, laws, patterns, theories, a generalized picture of the world. In accordance with the educational function, they must become the property of the individual, enter the structure of her experience. The most complete implementation of this function should ensure the completeness, systematicity and awareness of knowledge, their strength and effectiveness. This requires such an organization of the learning process that the content of the subject, reflecting the relevant area of ​​scientific knowledge, does not drop out elements that are important for understanding the basic ideas and significant cause-and-effect relationships, so that in common system knowledge did not form unfilled voids. Knowledge must be ordered in a special way, acquiring ever greater harmony and logical subordination, so that new knowledge flows from previously learned knowledge and paves the way for mastering the next one.

The end result of the implementation of the educational function is the effectiveness of knowledge, expressed in the conscious operation of them, in the ability to mobilize previous knowledge to obtain new ones, as well as the formation of the most important both special (in the subject) and general educational skills and abilities.

Skill as a skillful action is directed by a clearly perceived goal, and a skill, that is, an automated action, is based on a system of established connections. Skills are formed as a result of exercises that vary the conditions of educational activity and provide for its gradual complication. To develop skills, repeated exercises in the same conditions are necessary.

The implementation of the educational function is inextricably linked with the formation of skills in working with a book, reference literature, bibliographic apparatus, organization of independent work, note-taking, etc.

educational function. The educative nature of education is a clearly manifested pattern that operates immutably in any era and in any conditions. The educational function organically follows from the very content, forms and methods of teaching, but at the same time it is also carried out through a special organization of communication between the teacher and students. Objectively, training cannot but bring up certain views, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits. The formation of personality is generally impossible without the assimilation of a system of moral and other concepts, norms and requirements.

Education always educates, but not automatically and not always in the right direction. Therefore, the implementation of the educational function requires, when organizing a school subject, selecting content, choosing forms and methods, to proceed from the correctly understood tasks of education at one stage or another of the development of society. The most important aspect of the implementation of the educational function of learning is the formation of motives for learning activities that initially determine its success.

Developmental function. Just as the educative function, the developing nature of learning objectively follows from the very nature of this social process. Properly delivered education always develops, however, the developmental function is carried out more effectively with a special focus on the interaction of teachers and students for the comprehensive development of the individual. This special focus of education on the development of the student's personality has been consolidated in the term "developmental education". In the context of traditional approaches to the organization of learning, the implementation of the developmental function, as a rule, comes down to the development of speech and thinking, since it is the development of verbal processes that most clearly expresses general development student. However, this understanding of the direction of learning, which narrows the developing function, loses sight of the fact that both speech and the thinking associated with it develop more efficiently with the corresponding development of the sensory, emotional-volitional, motor and motivational-need spheres of the personality. Thus, the developmental nature of education implies an orientation towards the development of the personality as an integral mental system.

Since the 1960s, pedagogical science has been developing various approaches to the construction of developmental education. L. V. Zankov substantiated a set of principles for the development of thinking in the learning process: an increase in the proportion of theoretical material; learning at a fast pace and at a high level of difficulty; providing students with awareness of the learning process. A. M. Matyushkin, M. I. Makhmutov and others developed the foundations of problem-based learning. I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin proposed a system of developing teaching methods; V. V. Davydov and D. B. Elkonin developed the concept of meaningful generalization in teaching; I. Ya. Golperin, N. F. Talyzin and others substantiated the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions. The unifying idea of ​​the leading scientific research and pedagogical practice of developmental education is the idea of ​​the need to significantly expand the sphere of developmental influence of education. The full-fledged intellectual, social and moral development of the individual is the result of the educational and upbringing functions implemented in unity.

Acquired actual sound and career guidance function learning. A general education school lays the foundations for career guidance work with children in terms of identifying and developing inclinations, abilities, interests, talents, and inclinations. For these purposes, special schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, differentiation of education, classes and groups of in-depth study of individual subjects are organized. A well-placed combination of education and productive labor plays a significant role in this matter. Special vocational guidance work is carried out with high school students in special vocational guidance rooms and at enterprises. In the process of teaching and productive work, acquiring specific knowledge and skills in the field of a particular profession, emphasizing personal interest in certain general educational knowledge, the student gets the opportunity to navigate and choose a profession, directly transfer to the sphere of production or continue education in higher education.

All the main functions of learning, expressing its deep essence, are closely interconnected and interact with each other. Knowledge is the basis of the worldview, professional interests, material for mental development and the formation of spiritual needs; spiritual needs stimulate the expansion of knowledge and career guidance; mental development facilitates the process of mastering knowledge; emotional-volitional and effective-practical development acts as a strong incentive for educational, socially useful, productive work.

The functions of the learning process include the functions of its constituent parts.

The functions of the forms of education are complex and diverse. Among them, in the first place teaching and educational. The form of learning is designed and used to create best conditions for the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children, the formation of their worldview, the development of talents, practical abilities. Educational the function is ensured by the consistent introduction of schoolchildren with the help of a system of forms of education into various types of activities. As a result, all spiritual and physical forces are actively involved in the work: intellectual, emotional-volitional, effective-practical. Organizational the function of teaching is that the need to match the volume and quality of the content of education to the age capabilities of children requires the teacher to have a clear organizational and methodological instrumentation of the presentation of material, a strict selection of aids. Psychological the function of the forms of education is to develop in students a certain activity biorhythm, the habit of working at the same time. Habitual time and familiar conditions of training give rise in children to a mental state of emancipation, freedom, optimal tension of spiritual forces. The meaningful form of training sessions in conjunction with active methods performs developing function. It is especially effectively implemented when a variety of forms is used in the study of a topic in the educational process.

Forms of organization of the educational process provide collective and individual activities of children, performing integrating-differentiating function. The educational process is basically a process of collective cognitive activity. Children learn together, exchange information in practical matters, learn mutual understanding and mutual assistance. At the same time, learning is a process of developing the capabilities of the individual. Therefore, each form of collective training should have the ability to individualize the activities of schoolchildren, provide work on advanced programs for some and pull up to the average mandatory level of others. systematizing and structuring the functions of organizational forms of learning are that they require a breakdown of all educational material into parts and topics, its structuring and systematization both in general and for each lesson.

In relation to each other, the forms of learning are able to perform integrating and coordinating functions. In order to improve the efficiency of assimilation of material by children, on the basis of any form of education, components of other forms can be combined and used. When studying whole topic one form, for example, a lesson, can play the role of the main, basic, leading in relation to others - seminars that provide additional material. Finally, stimulating the function of the form of organization of training sessions manifests itself with the greatest force when it corresponds to the characteristics of the age of children, the specifics of the development of their psyche and body. Thus, the lecture form, with its monotony, is capable of suppressing any cognitive activity in younger students. Meanwhile, as a lesson - the dramatization of the story, which includes imagination, speech, thinking, the body as a whole, stimulates their vigorous activity.

The functions of teaching methods provide teaching and educational interaction between the teacher and students. Their essence and originality is as follows. The direct function of teaching methods is to transfer and organize the assimilation of knowledge by children, the formation of their worldview. Based on the knowledge of the method, they provide the development of students' skills and abilities, fixing them in the child's nervous system as neuropsychic formations. Such a direct function of teaching methods is to ensure the development of the child's human strengths: intellectual abilities, giftedness, voice, vision, smell, hearing, physical strength, sensory, emotional, spiritual needs, volitional spheres. The implementation of these two functions in unity ensures learning, ideological and moral education and neuropsychic development of the child. The indirect functions of learning consist in developing in schoolchildren the inclinations and foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor - the foundation for the implementation of lifelong education, for developing in them the desire for self-education. The educational function of teaching methods is aimed at developing cognitive and creative activity in children. The effectiveness of the process of education and upbringing largely depends on how quickly and successfully the child turns from an object of didactic influences into a subject of cognitive activity. Setting in motion all the essential forces of schoolchildren with the help of teaching methods arouses their interest in the content and problems of educational activity, ensures success in the education of cognitive activity.

Thus, teaching methods as a set of techniques and methods of teaching interaction between a teacher and students are rooted in a variety of methods of human search for truth and cognitive communication. They are scientifically and pedagogically transformed on the basis of the general requirements and are the most important mechanism for the implementation of the learning process, thanks to the implementation of their pedagogical functions.

The structure of the learning process.

Learning as a process is a purposeful, organized with the help of special methods and various forms of active learning interaction between teachers and students.

The learning process has a clear structure. Its leading element is goal. In addition to the general and main goal - to transfer to children a body of knowledge, skills and abilities, to develop the mental strength of students - the teacher constantly sets himself private tasks to ensure the deep assimilation of a specific amount of knowledge, skills and abilities by schoolchildren. The psychological and pedagogical significance of the goal lies in the fact that it organizes and mobilizes the creative forces of the teacher, helps to select and choose the most effective content, methods and forms of work. In the educational process, the goal "works" most intensively when it is well imagined not only by the teacher, but also by children. Explaining the goals of education to children is a powerful stimulus for their cognitive activity.

The structural element of the educational process, around which the pedagogical action unfolds, the interaction of its participants, is content social experience assimilated by children. The content reveals the most important pedagogical contradiction: between the huge reserves of socio-historical information and the need to select only the basics from it for the purpose of teaching knowledge. In order to become an element of the educational process, scientific information must be pedagogically processed, selected from the point of view of its relevance for life in given socio-historical conditions, the development of the child's essential forces, and taking into account the possibilities for its development by children of different ages. This contradiction is overcome by pedagogical science, which experimentally determines the quantity, quality and degree of difficulty of the information necessary for schoolchildren, the possibility of its assimilation and use by each child. The content of the educational process as a system can have a different structure of presentation. Structural elements are individual knowledge or its elements that can “link” with each other in various ways. The most common at present are linear, concentric, spiral and mixed content presentation structures.

At linear structure separate parts of the educational material form a continuous sequence of closely interconnected links that are worked out during schooling, as a rule, only once.

The concentric structure suggests a return to the knowledge being studied. The same question is repeated several times, and its content is gradually expanded, enriched with new information.

characteristic feature The spiral structure of the presentation is that students, without losing sight of the original problem, gradually expand and deepen the circle of knowledge related to it.

Mixed structure - a combination of linear, concentric and spiral structures.

The central figure, the system-forming beginning of the learning process is teacher- the carrier of the content of education and upbringing, the organizer of all cognitive activity of children. His personality combines objective and subjective pedagogical values. In the learning process, the whole structure of the moral and aesthetic attitude of the teacher to life plays a huge role. The teacher sets in motion all the internal and external mechanisms of the learning process: he transfers knowledge, organizes and stimulates the cognitive activity of children, arouses interest and forms their need for knowledge.

The main participant, the most active self-developing subject of the educational process is himself child, student. He is the very object and subject of pedagogical knowledge, for the sake of which the learning process is created. In the process of cognition, the most complex process of reflecting reality takes place in the mind of the child with the help of a variety of scientifically based teaching methods. Activities and communication act as mechanisms for mastering reality by children.

The process of learning, mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities by the child is divided into inextricably dialectically interconnected stages of cognition. First stage - perception-assimilation. On the basis of perception, comprehension is carried out, which provides understanding and assimilation of the material. The second stage absorbs the results of the initial assimilation in a generalized form and creates the basis for deepening knowledge. It is characterized as assimilation-reproduction. Perception, assimilation and primary reproduction of educational material create an opportunity for the implementation of the third stage of cognition - creative practical application of knowledge. The cognitive process achieves completeness and efficiency when it not only enriches children with knowledge, skills and abilities, but also ensures their development, social activity, real participation in social practice.

In the learning process, the child is not only an object of influence, but also a subject of knowledge. In cognitive activity, he is driven by a natural contradiction between his desire for active participation in life, for adulthood, and the lack of life experience, knowledge, skills, and skills necessary for this. The incentives for the cognitive activity of schoolchildren are associated primarily with the possibility of removing the contradiction at the expense of the education received.

An important element of the educational process is student team as an object of the teacher's teaching influence and the subject of cognition. The process of collective cognition is carried out in stages. In essence, it is adequate to the process of individual cognition. But on pedagogical organization, forms and methods of work, collective cognition follows its own special logic. Of particular pedagogical importance is collective mutual learning, during which the teaching and learning students deepen their knowledge. The teacher is inspired by the role of the leader, and the student strives to change the situation and gets satisfaction by asserting himself in the team.

The driving forces, incentives for collective cognition for children are the attractiveness of collective communication, learning interaction; and increased emotionality of collective perception; and contradictions, differences of opinion arising in this process. The common educational goal encourages students to overcome all difficulties and inconsistencies, unite in the pursuit of a common positive result.

An essential element of the structure cognitive process are teaching methods. They are ways of teaching interaction between teacher and students. The nature of the learning process largely depends on the individuality of the teacher and students. In pedagogical practice, a huge role is played not so much by the potential effectiveness of the teaching methods themselves, but by the individual methodological system of the teacher, the established system of his interaction with children.

Teaching methods, the methodological system of the teacher are ways of working not only for the teacher, but also, at the same time, for the students. Any method is active only when it unites both sides in active interaction, contributes to the transformation of the teacher's methodological system into methods of students' cognitive activity. This requires students to be aware of each method of work, its strengths and weaknesses, mastering the skills and abilities of educational work. The group of teaching methods in their essence correspond to the main stages of educational knowledge. These are methods that provide the primary perception of educational material, methods aimed at mastering knowledge, methods of practical activity and creative application of knowledge, methods of feedback, diagnostics, testing the assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren and correcting the learning process.

The learning process is unthinkable without such an element as organizational forms . The form of education is a limited in time and organizational in space cognitive joint activity of teachers and students. The leading form of education is the lesson. The accompanying forms are diverse: laboratory and practical classes, a seminar, a lecture, individual and group training, a circle. Each form acquires a specific structure, specific features and characteristics, depending on the content of the educational work and the age of the students. The form of teaching in pedagogical practice often comes into conflict with the content. A variety of educational material, depending on its features, requires flexible, mobile forms of organization of knowledge.

An organic element of the structure of the learning process is independent extracurricular(home, library, circle) Work students on the assimilation of compulsory and freely received information, on self-education. This is one of the forms of education that has acquired great independent significance today. Its function is not to compensate for shortcomings in the work of the teacher, whose task is to ensure good quality acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by students. Self-study is necessary as a decisive means of consolidating skills and abilities, intensive development of mental strength, and moral self-affirmation. In modern conditions, it is necessary to switch children from the mechanical repetition of textbook paragraphs to independent search additional information, its conscious revision and critical evaluation. As forms and methods of independent extracurricular activities, the following are used: doing homework, independent work in the library, taking notes, keeping diaries, exchanging information (conversation) with friends. Independent extracurricular work of schoolchildren contributes to the resolution of contradictions between the limited content of school education, the conservatism of its forms and dynamic flow free information, mobile forms of its transmission and assimilation.

An important place in the structure of the learning process is occupied by such an element of knowledge as practical use knowledge, skills and abilities in productive, socially useful labor. in public life. We are talking not only about practical exercises, but above all about the real, socially significant work of schoolchildren in the field of production, which requires special attention to the polytechnical orientation of knowledge. This element of the process synthesizes in itself all the others, makes it possible to check the quality of learning outcomes by life social practice. With the help of social practice, the resolution of the contradiction between school and life, between the content, forms, teaching methods and the requirements of society, economy, culture, scientific and technological progress is achieved. This element of the process of cognition is the system-forming link that unites and connects learning and life in a limited way. Thanks to him, the developing child's personality passes from the world of childhood to the state of adulthood, from school to life.

The final element of the structure of the learning process is pedagogical diagnostics. It is provided by a set of special methods, methods and techniques aimed at identifying the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, at obtaining feedback on the effectiveness of their learning interaction with students. Diagnostics allows the teacher to make adjustments to the educational process: change the forms of education, introduce new methods, promptly pull up those who are lagging behind and provide opportunities for those who are successful to move forward. Among the diagnostic methods are individual and frontal oral survey, various independent written works. , practical tasks of a reproducing and creative nature . Timely and correct pedagogical diagnostics exclude formalism in the teacher's work, help him, together with the children, more accurately determine their abilities and talents, and make a choice in differentiated teaching.

The structure of the learning process.


One of the two main processes that make up a holistic pedagogical process is the learning process (learning process).

Modern didactics emphasizes that the tasks of the educational process cannot be reduced only to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Education has a complex effect on personality, despite the fact that the educational function is most specific to this process. Note that the boundaries between education, upbringing and development in their narrow sense are very relative and some aspects of them intersect.

All functions of learning cannot be imagined as parallel, non-crossing lines in the flow of influences of the learning process. All of them are in complex intertwining relationships: one precedes the other, is its cause, the other is its consequence, but at the same time a condition for the activation of the root cause.

The main functions of learning are implemented in practice, firstly, by a set of lesson tasks, including the tasks of education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren; secondly, such content of the activity of the teacher and schoolchildren, which would ensure the implementation of all three types of tasks, taking into account the fact that at each stage of the lesson some of them will be solved to a greater or lesser extent; thirdly, the unity of these functions is carried out by a combination of various methods, forms and means of education; fourthly, in the process of control and self-control over the course of training and in the analysis of its results, the progress of all functions is simultaneously assessed, and not just one of them.

Similarly to the functions, the elements of the educational process should be considered in a regular relationship. The purpose of training determines its content. The purpose and content of training require certain methods, means and forms of stimulation and organization of training. In the course of training, ongoing monitoring and regulation of the process is necessary. Finally, all components of the learning process in their totality provide a certain result.

Depending on the specifics of the learning tasks, the abilities of students, the level of their attitude to learning, certain components of the process will be applied to a greater or lesser extent, and sometimes even absent altogether. Thus, it is necessary to be creative in designing the learning process, not to allow a template, regardless of specific situation, their applications.


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