Tale to the proverb boasting punishes itself. A children's story about a braggart kitten. Questions about the fairy tale "The Boastful Mosquito"

In one yard there lived a kitten who really liked to scare the birds. Pigeons and sparrows will only sit on the ground to peck at the bread crumbs, and the kitten is right there! Runs up to them. Birds, of course, are frightened and scatter in all directions. And the kitten is happy. He says: “Look how terrible I am! Everyone is afraid of me!” For this, he was nicknamed the braggart kitten in the yard.

True, this kitten was not evil and was not going to offend the birds. He just really wanted everyone around to consider him mature and strong.

But all the same, pigeons and sparrows were afraid of this braggart kitten. Doesn't it matter what he thinks? Maybe accidentally hit them with a paw. Therefore, they tried to quickly peck at the crumbs, until the kitten noticed them.

Once a kitten, as always, hid near the fence and watched for birds. As soon as a few doves landed on the ground, he rushed in their direction like a bullet and meowed his favorite words: “Afraid, huh? It's me - the strongest cat in the yard! Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog appeared next to the kitten. It was a long red dachshund, not yet grown up, but no longer small. How the dachshund barked at the kitten! Out of fear, the kitten climbed a tree - as high as it could. And the pigeons sit on the fence and grin: “What are you, a braggart kitten, running away from a dachshund? Why didn't you tell her that you are the strongest here?

A kitten is sitting on a tree and shaking with fear. Of course, it's easy to show off in front of the birds. Because they can't give up. And what a toothy dog!

And the dachshund says to the kitten from below: “Hey, kitten, are you scared? I just came to say hello. I'm new here, now I'll live with Sasha from the fifth apartment. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, I'm not afraid of you," the kitten replied in a voice trembling with fear. But he did not dare to climb down from the tree. Then he thought that, probably, the birds, too, were unpleasant when he frightened them.

“Come on, get down already - we will get to know each other,” says the dachshund. “Maybe we can make friends with you. I see that you are chasing birds from idleness.

The kitten was confused. He had never had friends before. Though apprehensively, he climbed down from the tree. On that day, a kitten made friends with a dachshund dog. Since then, they often played together, and the kitten stopped scaring the birds. First, he didn't have time for it now. Secondly, he realized that it was foolish to boast that helpless birds were afraid of him. Now he tried to show his best character traits - kindness, courage, quick wit, and he made many new friends.

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To write any creative work, you need to know some rules.

How to write creative work

In any creative work, you must follow the following rules:

  • create a plot plan;
  • highlight the plot, climax and conclusion;
  • use means of artistic expression;
  • think about the characters of the main characters.

The story of the saying "Boasting punishes itself"

Hare lived in the forest. And he loved to brag. He used to climb onto a stump, and how can we tell how strong and brave he is! And his paws are powerful, stronger than those of the Bear himself, and his eyesight is better than that of the Eagle, and the fur is more beautiful than that of the Fox, and he runs faster than anyone in the forest.

Other animals did not listen to the hare, but he really liked to bully. Squirrels jump on the branches, collect nuts, and the hare shouts to them: “Hey, redheads! Why are you jumping so slowly? I can jump higher than you. See, squirrels, what paws I have! You never dreamed of such!” And the squirrels giggle and know that they collect nuts for themselves.

The wise old Raven once heard about the brave Hare. Came to look at such a brave man. And all the forest dwellers immediately ran to the Raven and how can we ask him: “Teach the braggart, the wise Raven, does not give anyone peace in the forest.”

Raven agreed, and flew to the stump on which the Hare sat and boasted.

Oh Raven, hello! - says the Hare, - look what a beautiful white coat I have, not like your black feathers. And how weak are your paws! Not like mine!

And you, Hare, are you brave and strong? Well, if that's really the case, then go to the hunting snares and put your paw into the trap. With your strong paws you will get out, and everyone in the forest will immediately recognize you as the bravest Hare.

The hare snorted and went to the hunting snares, and put his paw into the trap. He jerks his paw, but the trap does not let go. The whole day the hare tried to get out, but nothing came of it.

Why don't you, Hare, break the snare with your strong paws?

Raven flew off the branch, and pecked the rope of the trap. The Hare got out and cowardly galloped into the thicket.

Boasting punishes itself, - said the wise Raven.

And the Hare never boasted again.

There are enough boastful people in our lives. Why does a person boast? To prove your superiority. Another will buzz all ears: “I am so good, and for a long time, since the time of Tsar Pea ...” And here is a fairy tale for you on the topic of “boasting”.

Fairy tale "The Boastful Mosquito"
(to the proverb “Boasting punishes itself”)
Author of the tale: Iris Revue

Once upon a time there was a boastful mosquito. He boasted to everyone in the forest:

I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of any obstacles, I will overcome any obstacle. I am nimble, dodgy, agile. Who can scare me? Nobody! I'll run away from anyone. What can scare me? Yes, nothing, I will make my way through any obstacle.

Animals and birds listened to him, some in their hearts agreed with him, some did not.

But one day, the chief forest forecaster Finch warned that a strong storm was approaching, and all forest dwellers needed to worry about their safety in advance. The finch flew over the forest and made a warning sound: "Ting-ting-ting."

Someone hid in his hole, someone climbed into the reeds. Insects climbed under the bark of nearby trees. And only Komar ignored the warning and continued to boast:

- What is a storm? It's just a strong wind. And I'm not afraid of the wind. We race with him.

No sooner had the boastful Mosquito finished his last words than a powerful wave picked him up and carried him to the forest river.

“Ay, ah-ah,” cried the Mosquito, “save me, help me!”

But there was no one to save. Everyone sat in secluded places. Finally, the Mosquito hit a tree and flew down. How long he lay on the ground, no one knows. But in the morning the voice of the boastful Mosquito was not heard.

“Our Mosquito is gone, that’s what boasting leads to,” the forest dwellers reasoned.

“Boasting punishes itself,” observed the wise Owl.

And Mosquito, who received severe bruises, silently sat under a tree. I didn't want to brag anymore. And it's unlikely that you ever want to...

Questions about the fairy tale "The Boastful Mosquito"

What boastful words did Komar speak?

Who warned Mosquito about the impending danger?

Why didn't Mosquito heed the warning words?

What difficult situation did Mosquito get into?

Has anyone been able to help Komaru?

How did the story with Mosquito end?


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