How to open a takeaway coffee shop from scratch. About how I opened a coffee shop in a business center

Experts say that coffee consumption is growing every year. At the same time, the culture of drinking this drink is growing. Increasingly, people are turning to brewed grains prepared in a variety of ways. All this suggests that the idea of ​​opening your own mini-coffee shop is a profitable business. Let's look at the question of how to open a coffee shop from scratch, is it really worth the trouble?

Official registration procedure

First of all, a coffee shop business plan must provide for registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the tax office. The last option is the easiest to arrange, and the second is suitable for a business with several owners. The next paper stage of bringing the idea to life is obtaining all the necessary permits. The SES monitors and once a year inspects all public catering establishments, which include mini-coffee shops. The list of requirements is in SanPiN Among them, special requirements are put forward for:

  • organization of production control;
  • personnel hygiene;
  • regular control of rodents and insects;
  • reception, transportation, storage of raw materials;
  • serving drinks;
  • arrangement and maintenance of premises;
  • working conditions;
  • placement;
  • organization of water supply, sewerage;
  • inventory, containers, dishes, equipment, etc.

If a mini-coffee shop is being built from scratch, you need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate and the authorities responsible for territorial property management. If the premises are rented, the fire department's report must already be issued by the landlord.

Choosing a territory for a coffee shop

Where exactly to start a coffee business? From searching for suitable premises. Of course, it should be located in a public place. The markup on drinks at coffee shops is much higher than in other catering establishments, so the issue of profitability depends on the volume of visitors. A great idea is to open a mini-coffee shop near a train station, metro station, at the intersection of busy streets, near a university, a shopping center or right in it. In residential areas, financial costs for rent will be lower, but there will be few visitors. Please note that even a mini-format establishment must be located no closer than 50 meters from public and residential buildings, have a separate service entrance, bathroom, staff rooms, and storage of raw materials. In fact, the entire area should be divided into two zones - working and for visitors.

Each of them is planned so that the employees of the mini-coffee shop do not have to collide with other employees and visitors while working, so that the paths of their movement are optimized as much as possible. In the area for visitors, in addition to tables, you need to place a bar counter and display cases if you plan to sell baked goods for coffee. If it is possible to open a small coffee shop in a residential building, the refurbishment of the premises should begin with soundproofing. All rooms must be isolated from one another; the basement walls are treated with non-flammable materials. For an establishment with 50 seats, it is enough to allocate 100 sq.m. for the visitor area, and for a working area - 15.

The next stage in solving the question of how to open a coffee shop is to develop the interior of the premises. There are no clear-cut advice here; everyone embodies their own ideas. But it is important that the atmosphere of the establishment attracts guests. Make sure that the dishes are simple and convenient. Tables and chairs should be small models, also extremely comfortable for sitting. All design ideas should be done in soft, discreet colors. You can install lamps on the tables to create a cozy atmosphere in the evening.

Coffee shop equipment

It is best to get yourself an Italian model. Such machines are durable, produce a consistently high-quality drink, and are easy to maintain. The advantage is that some suppliers of raw materials, along with beans, offer to buy or rent a certain model of coffee machine that best reveals the properties of a given variety. From a financial point of view, such an offer is very profitable. In addition to a coffee machine, equipment for a coffee shop involves the purchase of a coffee grinder and airtight containers in which the beans will be stored.

Please note that if the establishment offers several types of coffee, each of them needs its own coffee grinder. In addition, the calculations need to include the cost of furniture: bar counter, hangers, cash register, waiter's sideboard, kitchen utensils, interior items. To make coffee tasty, you need to use purified water, so water filters should also be included in your financial expenses. Not to mention installing all communications and heating.

Personnel selection

For the establishment to function properly, you need to select suitable staff. A small establishment can get by with two baristas, a cleaner and an accountant. The larger the establishment, the more staff will be needed. A medium-sized establishment needs to hire an administrator and a security guard. If you plan to expand the offer of products for coffee and light snacks, you also need to hire a cook. All personnel are required to have health certificates, be polite and competent. For example, waiters must be familiar with the characteristics of coffee varieties and the preparation of drinks from them.

Calculation of cost and profitability

The main expense in opening a coffee shop will be to buy suitable equipment.

Financial calculations of minimum equipment costs:

  • refrigerator – 1 thousand dollars;
  • coffee machine – 5 thousand dollars;
  • mixer – $250;
  • water filter $300;
  • coffee grinder – $300;
  • washing – $400

In total, in the question of how much it costs to open a coffee shop, you should focus on an amount of at least 50 thousand dollars. The payback for such an establishment in a city with an average population will be approximately two years. But the profitability of such an idea is quite large - at least 40%.

In order for a coffee shop to become famous and make a profit, it is worth taking care of advertising. The best idea is a bright and catchy sign, flyers and discount coupons. Advertising on TV, radio and billboards are unjustified and costly ideas, because the main visitors are passers-by who want to stop in for a moment and take a break.

Non-standard assortment ideas will help increase the profitability of an establishment. For example, you can offer a separate children's menu or drinks. In the end, you can create a separate children's area where parents can leave their children while they relax at the table. A good idea would be to organize children's parties.

You can download a detailed business plan for opening a coffee shop at

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world today. Of course, he did not bypass Russia. If we compare it with tea, it is more common and has a high demand. There are a huge number of varieties of this drink, but most people prefer Arabica. To get black coffee, you need to roast green beans. This is what makes it unique in taste and color. Due to the fact that the drink is so popular, different ideas for development arose. coffee business. In this article we will look at the process opening a “coffee to go” point .

About opening a “coffee to go” point

Today, it’s rare that a city doesn’t have a coffee shop. Such establishments are very common. They are part of the service sector.

If we take only Moscow, then every year it grows coffee consumption. Every day Muscovites spend approximately thirty thousand dollars to buy this tonic drink. According to experts, this number will only grow every year. It is noticed that coffee displaces all other drinks, for example, juice and even tea.

Territory for the “Coffee to Go” project

I would like to note that coffee points there is a big advantage over an ordinary coffee shop, where you can enjoy coffee, but only in the establishment. As for the coffee point, there is an opportunity to pick up coffee to go . In fact, there are a lot of people who like coffee, but not everyone is ready to waste their time sitting in a coffee shop.

There are people who prefer to drink coffee elsewhere. For example, at home. Some people like to enjoy the taste of coffee in the park, while others drink it on the way to work. This is why many people take it with them. The business plan must include fundamental points. First of all, this is a place for an establishment. You still need to register and collect all the necessary permits. It is important to find suppliers of raw materials and purchase the necessary equipment. Be sure to calculate all major costs.

Organizing a business should begin with choosing a territory. You should stop in the busier parts of the city. If possible, it is better to base yourself in a shopping center. A large store is also suitable for this.

An example is the Coffee House cafe. They placed all their establishments in places where a lot of people gather. good the location for the coffee shop will be an airport or bus station. It can also be located next to an educational institution. In fact, the choice of location should be taken very seriously, as it means a lot for the business, since it should affect the stability and number of clients, and as a result, profit.

Children's cafe as a business

If you want to create a children's cafe, then the conditions remain the same. But the emphasis here should be on the entertainment program. As for the menu, it must be special. If you want to get regular customers and good recommendations for your establishment, you should come up with very interesting entertainment for children.

When developing a business plan, you need to correctly calculate the throughput. Be sure to take into account every nuance. The cafe should be planned so that there are five square meters for each person.

At the time of buying furniture You need to choose a nursery so that it is comfortable, practical and light. It would be nice if, in addition to everything else, she was attractive. If you don’t know how to decorate a cafe and what furnishings to choose, you can turn to a competent designer for help. He can turn your cafe into a fabulous corner.

To arrange a children's cafe will have to spend six hundred thousand to a million rubles. The establishment will be able to pay for itself in six to twelve months. If you did everything right, chose the right place, created competent advertising, you can expect to receive good income.

Collection of documents and registration

« Coffee to go» must be registered. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, you should contact the tax office. It is better to choose the first option, since this way you will save time and money.

Before open an establishment, you must invite the sanitary and epidemiological service to obtain a conclusion. There are certain standards that a catering establishment must comply with. They put forward certain requirements for placement, for how sewerage and water supply are organized, and in what conditions they work in the room. It is important how the room is arranged and maintained, how it is equipped. There are certain requirements for containers and utensils, as well as for equipment. Need to talk about the requirements to food products and raw materials, to their transportation. It is important how measures to combat rodents and insects are carried out. There are also requirements for personal hygiene of personnel and how production control is organized. In fact, you can see all the standards in Sanpin.

If you are building a building from scratch, you cannot do without a permit issued by the fire inspectorate. But if you rent a room, then you don’t need to worry about this. But you should understand that every year you will have to deal with inspections from the fire department. You will also be visited by the SES authorities.


Before you start drawing up a business plan, you need to perform an analysis equipment market. You should also study the rest of the technical material that will be needed for the establishment. It is better to buy professional equipment. This especially applies to. The best are considered Italian made models. Their cost is higher than conventional cars, however, there is no need to save on this. If you choose professional, high-quality equipment, it will serve faithfully for many years. And purchasing it is quite simple.

You can turn to companies that supply raw materials for you for help. This refers to coffee. They will be able to help you purchase the equipment you need. You will definitely need a coffee maker and containers where you will pour the drink. They must be sealed. You will need a mug in which you can take your coffee with you. It is presented in the form of a special glass. It is able to keep warm for a long time even in the cold. It is very convenient to drink from it. When an establishment is famous, it buys containers with its logo engraved on it.

You will definitely have to buy refrigeration equipment to store dairy products and confectionery products. You also can’t do without furniture, a display case and a cash register. Since you need to use only purified water to prepare the drink, you need to get filters.


It is imperative to select workers for the establishment. You will need one or two people. It is clear that for a large establishment the staff will also be large. You'll also have to hire administrator with waitresses. If necessary, you can hire a security guard and a cleaning lady. But every employee must have a medical record, and they must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If you want to have a wide range of coffee products, you can set up your own confectionery production. To do this, you will have to get one or two assistants. All workers must have an education.

It is important that the staff is polite and treats customers correctly. After all, this is directly related to the success of your establishment. Therefore, you can even arrange training courses. Waiters must know their job. Moreover, they are required to know the entire range and understand the difference between types of coffee.


I would like to write that the premises must have several rooms. One will be intended for the manager, the other will be used to store raw materials, and the third will house the staff. The room should also have a bathroom with a shower. It is very important cafe layout. The floor of the establishment should be used for production needs. The remaining part should be equipped with tables where visitors will be seated.

Since your establishment has the main focus of preparing a drink, as well as providing a ready-made order, the convenience may be minimal. It is better to use simple utensils. You can hang small lamps on the walls. They can also be placed on tables. If possible, provide musical accompaniment. It is better to buy small furniture, then the space will not be cluttered.

Financial component of business

It is clear that a business plan cannot exist without financial calculations. The coffee shop's expenses are aimed largely at purchase of equipment. According to experts, such a business should pay for itself in a year or two. As for profitability, it is very high, ranging from forty to sixty percent. To open a coffee shop, you will have to invest fifty thousand dollars. It is clear that organizing a small establishment will require a smaller amount.


Advertising is very important when you are going to open a coffee shop. The most effective is signboard outside. You can also order a rental of the video on TV, or advertising on the radio is also suitable. But this may not give the desired effect, since the bulk of visitors will be those who live or work nearby.

You can also lure clients by organizing various promotions and small discounts. You can offer cards to regular customers. When you open an establishment, the one plus one promotion is effective. For example, when you buy one glass of coffee, the second one comes as a gift. You can organize the distribution of leaflets that will contain all the information about the establishment. This way you can also get customers.


If we take into account all of the above, then opening a coffee shop is not an easy matter. It is important to have serious initial capital and organizational skills. It is very important to choose the right location for your establishment. Usually “Coffee to go” is organized in places with large crowds of people. These are usually business areas.

It is very smart to locate a coffee shop near a shopping center. And in order to build a reputation and withstand competition, you need to make high-quality products, have a wide range and affordable prices.

Review of five ready-made business models for selling takeaway coffee.


Coffee to go is an attractive offer to cheer up with a delicious drink not immediately, but a little later, in the office or on the road. Or sit with him on a bench in a shopping center. The essence of the business is to sell drinks to go.

To assess business prospects, just look at the numbers. Thus, the Bodriy Den microcoffee chain started in 2012 with a starting capital of 100 thousand rubles. When working in this format, the profitability of coffee is 25-35%. Today, in 2015, you will have to invest more, but the investment amounts are minimal compared to other types of business - on average, 200 thousand rubles are spent on opening a store. The revenue of one kiosk can reach 350 thousand rubles. per month.

The main condition for successful work is that you need to open in a busy place, preferably near a transport intersection, central areas or business district. This is especially true for limited-stock outlets that specialize in coffee. But this is a product of impulsive demand; no one will specifically look for it. You can also organize a place in a shopping center - it will also have its own clientele. Baked goods, cakes, chocolate, as well as impulse products (chewing gum, etc.) will help increase your check.

The easiest way to open a coffee shop offering takeaway coffee is as a franchise. In this case, the franchisee receives support, optional equipment), as well as the opportunity to sell products under a well-known brand. Franchise conditions, as well as work options, may be different.

Takeaway coffee in video format

It is better to learn detailed information about the coffee business from an entrepreneur, owner of coffee shops:

Franchise #1 - Federal chain of coffee bars Coffee Woods

The federal chain of coffee bars Coffee Woods offer a completely transparent strategy for running a franchise business, which will help you earn from 250 thousand rubles from the second month of operation.

At the beginning of September 2016, the network was represented by 57 points opened by 34 partners. Coffee Woods coffee shops have added their own twist to the franchising business: partners do not pay monthly fees, and a full-fledged advertising campaign is carried out at the start, which is completely free for franchisees. The assortment includes 32 types of coffee and soft drinks.

As for the numbers, they are as follows:

  • Lump sum payment - 175 thousand rubles;
  • Initial investment (counter, rental premises, coffee equipment, bar equipment) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising company - free;
  • Royalties are not provided.

The amount of initial investment may vary depending on the wishes of the partner: the desire to open a coffee shop in a large shopping and entertainment center or in a small premises in a residential area of ​​the city. These and other parameters will change the amount of rent for the premises, the number of employees, equipment, and inventory. Coffee Woods has a special analytical department that calculates the amount of initial investment depending on the wishes of the partner.

What franchisees receive:

  • Support at each stage of founding and establishing a business;
  • Basic package of marketing materials;
  • Coffee equipment for rent;
  • Assistance in concluding contracts with suppliers;
  • Package of training materials;
  • Technological maps;
  • Team travel to any city to open a coffee shop;
  • Consultations 24 hours 7 days a week;
  • Projected revenue from 10 thousand rubles per day.

Franchise #2 - microcoffee shop “Beautiful Day”

“Bodriy Den” is a chain of microcoffee shops. One catering point occupies no more than 4 square meters. meters and specializes in selling coffee. The menu may also include baked goods. The format is good for business and shopping centers, but the location must be chosen according to the audience.

The main consumers are modern young people, students, young families, visitors of notaries and lawyers, clients of fitness centers. These are students, office employees, entrepreneurs. Prosperity is also important; not all categories of citizens can afford to buy coffee from 150 rubles. per glass. The highest conversion is observed in business centers consistently 5 days a week; competition here is low. In shopping centers it’s the other way around - the main revenue is on weekends, there’s a lot of competition, you need to stand out from the rest.

The main thing for the micro-coffee shop format is a good location. Moreover, it is not the trafficability of the entire shopping center that is important, but the specific area where the counter will be located. The more people who see the sign, the more appropriate it will be. Also a good place would be a point in car sales centers; there are microcoffee shops at ski resorts. It’s better to “catch” people at the entrance to the building, because... no one will specifically look for where to buy coffee, especially if the person came on business. Therefore, it is important that the stand is visible.

The cost of renting a meter of area can be from 2 to 50 thousand rubles. depending on the city and building. In this case, work will require from 1.5 to 4 meters - you can install different types of racks. Franchise providers promise a profitability of 20-40% with a turnover of 100-400 thousand rubles.

Features of the coffee-to-go franchise “Cheerful Day”:

  • entrance fee - 100 or 490 thousand rubles. depending on the package;
  • royalty - no;
  • investments - 80-120 thousand rubles. when purchasing a minimum package for a stand and consumables, the coffee machine is included in the full package;
  • payback - 6 months;
  • The coffee shop's monthly revenue is 150,000 rubles.

To place the rack you will need a 220 V socket; running water is not necessary.

The main things for work are supplied by the franchisor, this is a stand (optional), branded cups, mixtures (consumables are purchased for a fee). Sugar, milk, and baked goods are purchased at local markets.

To open, you can use an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the optimal taxation system is UTII, if not available, the simplified tax system is 6%. A cloud-based CRM-ERP system is used for management; the fee for it is 2-2.5% at the start, and is subsequently calculated based on turnover. A cash register is not used, a receipt printer with a netbook is used. Also at the initial stage, uniforms for staff are purchased. 1-2 baristas are enough to work, depending on the place and time of work. One person is enough in the business center, because... The main flow takes place during working hours.

What equipment is needed to get started:

  • rack;
  • information board with menu;
  • coffee machine and coffee grinder;
  • cash register (netbook, receipt printer, cash drawer);
  • bar refrigerator;
  • pump and mixer for autonomous water supply.

Additional expenses - loyalty cards, staff uniforms, badges, coin box, operating hours sign, pitcher, tamper, knock box. Consumables - coffee, sugar, cream, milk, branded cups, thermal mugs, lids, napkins, syrups, disposable plates and spoons.

Franchise #3 - chain of fast food restaurants "Uncle Doner"

Takeaway coffee is also offered by the Uncle Doner fast food restaurant chain, and you can open an establishment as a franchise. However, in addition to coffee itself, the restaurant menu includes main dishes (specialty in flatbread with various fillings, burgers, manti, French fries, samsa).

This is a place where you can not only cheer up with a delicious drink, but also have a snack. Such restaurants can be located in food courts in shopping centers, they can be opened on the street, near bus stops, at train stations and bus stations. Due to low prices (coffee costs 55-70 rubles) and the presence of dishes on the menu for a quick snack, clients with below-average incomes also turn to them.

These establishments also sell drinks to-go; the format of these establishments is more understandable to most. Simply put, this is the same shawarma, only in a more civilized form. The founders took a product known to most, improved it, created symbols and corporate identity, and built pleasant pavilions. Visitors are people who happen to be nearby and want to grab a bite to eat. No one will specifically go to Uncle Dörner, so it is important to locate the cafe close to the flow of people. But in this case there are more placement options, since advertising in the form of signs, stands, and promoters will also work. If few people will specifically go for coffee alone, then the drink as part of a full meal has a much better chance, especially since in the establishment you can sit down and take a break from the road.

Franchise features:

  • entrance fee - 500 thousand rubles;
  • royalty - 3% of turnover;
  • payback of the project - 6-18 months;
  • return on sales is 17-19%.

In addition to paying the entrance fee, you will also have to spend money on the construction of a pavilion (renting space in the shopping center), as well as equipment (coffee machines, distribution line, display case, menu, etc.).

Franchise #4 - Coffee Like

Coffee Like also offers drinks to go. They work according to the same system as “Beautiful Day”, but in addition to traditional coffee they also add seasonal offerings to the menu. In summer, cooling drinks are better served - fruit cocktails, mojitos. The classic version includes coffee (different varieties and volumes) and tea.

The establishment is a coffee bar and can be located in shopping and business centers, as well as in other places, for example, in entertainment centers. A place is rented and a stand is installed. Buyers are mainly young people, students, office workers, entrepreneurs, and other visitors. The establishment should be located in a passable place, preferably on the incoming flow (into the building or onto the floor).

There is an option to put up a separate stand on the street and sell coffee without a waiting room. This format is best used in recreational areas (popular city parks, squares, skating rinks), as well as in the central part of cities, especially megacities. The initial costs are minimal - for a stand and equipment for making coffee (coffee machine and coffee grinder). Raw materials are purchased locally, the accounting system is in the cloud.

Franchise features:

  • entrance fee - 300 thousand rubles;
  • royalty - no;
  • investments - 450-700 thousand rubles;
  • return on investment - 3 months.

Franchise #5 - GO!coffee

The GO!coffee takeaway coffee franchise allows you to enter the business with minimal investment. The concept of the placement is similar to the takeaway coffee brand “Bodriy Den”. Coffee sales locations are located in shopping and business centers, cinemas, entertainment venues, universities, and office buildings. The workplace is located behind the counter. You can also open a pavilion on the street; the drink is in demand at public events and on busy streets. You can locate yourself next to a fast food kiosk that cannot offer customers real bean coffee.

The main difference from the “Bold Day” franchise is that the location can be selected after the conclusion of the contract, i.e. the presence of a potentially attractive point is not a prerequisite.

Possible work formats:

  • a coffee shop with a separate entrance (a full-fledged establishment where people come to have a snack and relax, coffee to go is an additional service);
  • an island in a shopping center (only open for takeaway);
  • shopping pavilion (open for takeaway, can also accommodate several people inside);
  • mobile coffee shop (working mainly at large events, as well as on-site service).

The company does not provide racks; it only develops drawings according to which the franchisee manufactures them. Therefore, the care of the place lies entirely with him. You will also need a coffee grinder and coffee machine to open it. They are present in the maximum package. The franchisee purchases all branded consumables from the franchisor, and products from local suppliers. The menu may contain related products - baked goods, sweets, chewing gum.

Franchise features:

  • entrance fee - 100, 140 or 220 thousand rubles. depending on the package;
  • investments - 150 thousand rubles.


Thus, a business selling takeaway coffee may well exist, but one cannot expect much profit from it. But it will not require unaffordable investments either. A good start option for those who want to understand whether they can work with catering. Despite the limited range of services offered, such points give a very clear idea of ​​​​working with food products and serving visitors. In the future, you can develop by increasing the number of coffee shops or expanding the range, as well as changing the format itself (for example, opening a cafe).

In this material:

Anyone can start their own business as an individual entrepreneur and open a small coffee shop from scratch. At first glance, this task seems difficult, because it has a lot of nuances that need to be understood. But if you sort everything out, draw up a business plan and decide where to start, then organizing your own business will not take much time. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer and entrepreneur who owns a cafeteria or restaurant.

Where to start creating a business?

In the traditional sense, a coffee shop is a cozy small establishment where you can enjoy delicious desserts, aromatic coffee or other drinks. Today you can often find coffee shops that, in addition to drinks, offer various dishes. It is recommended for a new entrepreneur to start with coffee and desserts, and over time it will be possible to add additional items to the menu, such as sandwiches or salads.

Before opening a small coffee shop from scratch, you need to competently draw up a business plan in order to calculate expenses, potential profits and the period during which it will pay off.

Next, the entrepreneur will have to perform a number of works to organize the business:

  • choose the right area of ​​the city where the establishment will be located;
  • find a suitable premises;
  • arrange a comfortable interior in a coffee shop;
  • purchase equipment and utensils;
  • create a menu;
  • find suppliers;
  • hire qualified workers.

While the search for real estate is underway, you should simultaneously take care of paperwork. First of all, the future owner of the establishment must register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. You can find out the list of required documents from the tax service. To open a coffee shop, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to obtain a license for alcohol, then it is better to give preference to an LLC, besides, in this case there may be several owners of the establishment.

When registering a coffee shop, you need to decide on the form of taxation, there are only 2 of them:

  1. UTII is a single tax on temporary income. This form is unprofitable for small businesses, because... it requires a lot of expenses.
  2. STS is a simplified taxation system. This option will be more profitable, because... you will need to pay a single amount. In addition, reporting and accounting will be simplified.

Property and its location

The key to the success of a coffee shop is its correctly chosen location. Quiet residential areas of the city and courtyards are completely unprofitable for business. It is recommended to choose busy streets, market squares and shopping centers. Locations located near railway and bus stations, educational institutions and airports will be quite advantageous. In addition to location, it is important to pay attention to the property's rent and utility costs. Since you plan to open a small coffee shop, you can look for premises up to 100 square meters. m, but if the establishment, in addition to desserts and hot drinks, will serve various dishes, then its area must be at least 125 square meters. m. To save on rent, you can organize a mini-coffee shop for takeaway.

The selected premises must comply with the requirements of the fire department and SES, therefore, when preparing documents, you need to invite these services to carry out inspections and obtain permits. It is important to note that before inspections, the future coffee shop should be renovated, proper sanitary conditions should be created, and equipment should be installed in accordance with fire safety standards. It is always necessary to maintain order and avoid violations, because... An unscheduled inspection may take place at any time.

Purchase of furniture, dishes and equipment

For a small establishment, you don’t need to buy sofas and large tables; round or square tables and comfortable chairs would be more appropriate. To place outerwear, it is recommended to purchase floor hangers and place them between the tables. It is imperative to install a bar counter and display cases for desserts.

The dishes in the establishment should be the same, in addition, it would be nice to order a corporate logo printed on cups and saucers to emphasize solidity. Since the coffee shop serves different drinks, there should be a special cup for each of them.

The purchase of equipment will be quite expensive, because... For a new establishment you will have to buy everything at once:

  • coffee grinder;
  • coffee machine;
  • 2-3 refrigerators;
  • cash machine;
  • water filter;
  • mixer;
  • baking cabinet.

Additional equipment can be purchased as needed.

Working staff

It is important to carefully select people to work in food service. They must not only be qualified, but also polite, because employees are the face of the establishment. For a small cafeteria, 2 bartenders, 4 waiters and 2 cleaners will be enough. It is not necessary to hire an accountant on a permanent basis; you can periodically resort to his services, for example, once a month. Once hired, all employees must undergo training to learn the menu, improve their coffee making skills and interact with customers.

To summarize, you should calculate the profitability of opening a coffee shop. The initial investment in the business will be 1-2 million rubles, depending on the scale of the establishment, the level of rent, the cost of equipment, furniture, etc. With proper organization of work, you can serve 100-150 guests daily, with a monthly income reaching 700 000 rub. If we take into account the costs of paying wages, purchasing coffee and food, the establishment will fully pay for itself in just 2 years, and will continue to generate greater profits in the future.

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Investments: Investments 1,200,000 - 1,750,000 ₽

The concept coffee shop People like U was founded in 2017 by a couple of young, but very ambitious and creative entrepreneurs. The culture of coffee consumption, and the coffee market as a whole, is growing inexorably, but it’s no secret that in addition to the unconditional quality of the product offered, there is a philosophy behind any great brand. When creating our brand, we wanted to be radically different from everyone else...

Investments: Investments 670,000 - 1,400,000 ₽

The LLC UK "ICE BOX" company appeared in Tolyatti in 2015 and began its activities with a delivery service for natural homemade ice cream. The main advantage of the brand is its 100% natural composition, which excludes the presence of any dyes, flavors, industrial pastes, vegetable fats and E-components. IceBox ice cream is made exclusively from fresh farm cream and milk, natural berries, fruits, nuts,…

Investments: Investments 1,300,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

A NEW AND READY BUSINESS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT FIELD - THE “ROBOT GOALKEEPER” ATTRACTION. Many people learned what a Robot Goalkeeper is during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Even the President himself took a penalty kick against him, and reports were in all the media. Now you can buy our system and organize a profitable entertainment business. Install the “Robot Goalkeeper” attraction in places...

Investments: Investments 3,500,000 - 10,000,000 ₽

The network was founded by the Korean company Relay International Co. ltd. – developer and first manufacturer of frozen yogurts in the world. The first Red Mango opened in Seoul in 2003, two years before Pinkberry and several years before other frozen yogurt chains were founded. Red Mango is the winner of many awards recognizing the quality...

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The PAPA GRILL chain has been operating for more than 5 years. In 1 year on the franchise market, we opened 75 retail outlets in 3 countries around the world. For us, business is not just about making money. A unique atmosphere of comfort, only fresh, high-quality products and care for each guest are the 3 main principles in our work. We produce most of the ingredients ourselves...

Investments: Investments 5,000,000 - 5,500,000 ₽

We are a federal chain of drive-thru coffee shops, Drive Through format (similar to Mak-auto). This format is actively gaining popularity in Russia, because people have to become more mobile. In short, we prepare delicious and healthy food at the price of fast food. Availability, mobility, tasty and fresh food - this is the key to the success of our company. We spent years developing the menu, but...

Investments: Investments 700,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

"Coffee Smile" is a federal chain of coffee bars in the "Coffee to go" format. A leader in sales at the regional level and a high rate of development in other regions of Russia. The federal chain "Coffee Smile" was founded in 2014 in the city of Syktyvkar. Today the network consists of 22 coffee bars, and includes partners in 15 cities of Russia under the franchising system. Business in the format…

According to marketing research, the level of coffee consumption in Russia is growing every year. According to the forecast of Euromonitor International, in 2018 Russians will drink 45% fresh coffee, 55% instant coffee, and the market volume will be 131,000 tons of coffee. A culture of coffee consumption has emerged; many people prefer to drink coffee outside the home.

However, most people do not have enough time to stop by specialized coffee shops, and the cost of a cup of coffee will not be affordable for everyone. In such market conditions, the “coffee to go” business has emerged, allowing people to enjoy their favorite drink in a short time and for little money.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The coffee-to-go business is actually a retail outlet whose main service is the preparation of natural coffee in a plastic cup. Thanks to this serving, the client gets the opportunity to drink coffee on the go, on the way to school/work/home.

Today this type of business is very popular and is presented in several formats:

  • Coffee stalls. They are located near bus stops, metro stations, and universities.
  • A counter in a shopping center or business center. Due to the high traffic volume, one shopping center can even house several similar retail outlets.

The assortment of the outlet should be quite diverse: from simple espresso to specialty drinks with syrups and toppings. As a rule, the product line includes several coffee hits - these are the first choice of the buyer, as well as seasonal drinks - coffee with additives, tea, non-alcoholic cocktails. The experience of some retail outlets shows that 90% of revenue comes from “classic” drinks: espresso, Americano, cappuccino, latte.

In addition, many kiosks additionally offer the client some snacks. Sandwiches, donuts, muffins, cookies - all this is ordered separately, since the outlet does not have permission to prepare food.

There are two ways to open this type of business: by franchise or independently. On average, the cost of a franchise ranges from 150,000 to 500,000, depending on the chosen franchisor company.

The cost of a franchise usually includes a ready-made design layout of the stand, a brand book, established business promotion schemes, uninterrupted supplies of basic ingredients, consultations on organizing a business and maintaining a customer accounting system, technological maps and unique drink recipes, professional training at existing retail outlets. Of course, the list of services provided may vary depending on the company and the chosen franchise package. In addition to these investments, the franchisee will have to spend money on business registration, commercial equipment, repairs, operating costs for the first month of operation and working capital.

However, you can reduce the cost of purchasing a franchise if you take the time to find the necessary information for each stage of starting a business. This approach will take more time and effort, but will save a decent amount of money.

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience of the “coffee to go” project are students and working people who are in a hurry and do not want to waste time waiting for an order in a standard coffee shop. The age category ranges from 17 to 35 years. Moreover, the largest share of revenue comes from purchases by students (17–25 years old).

The company's competitors for selling coffee to go are the same retail outlets. Moreover, there are cases when coffee kiosks open too close to each other and operate at a loss until one of the competitors closes. Therefore, it is important that there are no other coffee stalls along the intended route of the target customer. The fact is that those who want to buy “coffee to go”, as a rule, do not constantly come to a certain retail outlet. The purchase of a glass of coffee is often impulse, caused by the basic convenience of the kiosk location.

Kiosks compete with each other on the following parameters, each of which can be an advantage for your own business:

  • Price. As a rule, the price of standard drinks differs by a maximum of 10-15 rubles. For a working client, this amount is not significant. However, students try to save on everything. Therefore, regular monitoring of the market and maintaining the price “a little lower” will allow you to attract a significant part of the student audience.
  • Coffee quality. The modern consumer is very selective about the taste of coffee. Therefore, you should not skimp on the quality of coffee beans. After all, if you fail to meet the consumer’s expectations just once, he won’t come back again.
  • Convenient location. This is the main criterion by which the client chooses where exactly to buy coffee. The retail outlet should be located in a crowded area, focusing on the site’s traffic indicators.
  • Service. Every person wants to return again to where he was well served. The barista must be friendly and friendly, and also be able to fulfill the wishes of even the most demanding client.
  • Assortment of drinks. By adding seasonal drinks to your range, you get additional customers. For example, clients who are passionate about maintaining their figure prefer coffee with skim milk. You can also “dilute” the assortment by offering hot and cold cocktails, several types of regular and fruit tea.
  • Assortment of snacks. If you don’t have anything to snack on, some customers will go to a competitor so as not to waste time buying snacks elsewhere.
  • Current promotions. Carry out promotions that will “stick” the client to your point. For example, when you buy 5 glasses of coffee, the sixth is given as a gift.

Project strengths

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • The price is lower than competitors;
  • Wide range of: tea, coffee, soft drinks;
  • Promotions: “Sixth glass as a gift”, prize drawing among active clients;
  • Fresh bakery;
  • Location: high traffic in the shopping center;
  • Supply of high quality coffee beans;
  • Sociable and friendly staff.
  • Lack of freshly prepared snacks;
  • Unknown brand;
  • Personnel turnover.

Opportunities and prospects

External threats

  • Possibility of opening a network of retail outlets around the city, expanding brand awareness.
  • Opening of competitors near the outlet;
  • Rapid rise in prices for ingredients;
  • Customer dissatisfaction with the quality of coffee.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

At the first stage, to service one point, you will only need to hire two baristas. One barista works per shift. His responsibilities include preparing the order, serving and paying the customer.

An applicant for a barista position undergoes training that lasts 3 full days. The training consists of sections:

  • How to prepare classic coffee drinks;
  • How to prepare signature drinks, combine ingredients;
  • How to work with a CRM system;
  • Sales script training.

After completing the training, an exam is taken. To pass it, you need to work at a retail outlet for one day under the supervision of a manager. The order fulfillment time, customer reviews about the taste of the drink, strict adherence to the sales script, correct calculation and work with the cash register are taken into account.

A barista must not only be polite. His task is to serve the client in the minimum amount of time. At the same time, it is important to be able to hear what exactly the client wants and accurately fulfill his wishes.

Since this work is often considered temporary, in order to avoid staff turnover, you need to think through a competent system of employee motivation. Typically, baristas are paid hourly. The average cost is 100 rubles/hour. The shift lasts 12 hours. If a retail outlet is opened in a shopping/business center, the opening hours coincide with the opening hours of the center: from 10.00 to 22.00.

To control the work of the barista, you should draw up a checklist that includes the basic requirements for the work: readiness of the workplace and equipment, compliance with the standards for preparing and serving the drink, as well as customer service. For each of these items, the manager draws up a list of precise criteria and arranges checks once a month with the help of a secret shopper.

If the barista receives a positive rating for each criterion, then he is entitled to a bonus of 5% of revenue.

A detailed calculation of the premium part of the payroll and insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan


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