Is it profitable business tableware handmade. How to open a tableware store: features, profitability. Our online store is not a standard store. This is a catalog store

Trading is one of the most demanded sources of income. If you are attracted to starting your own business, consider opening a china shop. Draw up and carefully work out a business plan for a kitchenware store, and the result will not be long in coming. Try to open a store and it will become your reliable and constant source of income.

Why is it profitable to trade tableware today?

Firstly, people have always had, have and will have the desire to stand out from the crowd. Each hostess is always happy to surprise her guests and loved ones by serving both festive and everyday tables. The Soviet deficit played an important role in the dishware business - a time when people had a desire to be different, but this was impossible for one simple reason: everyone ate and drank from the same cups and plates, because there were no others at that time. Therefore, these days it is very valuable for people to have something beautiful and unusual in their home. This also applies to dishes.

Secondly, social factors have a significant impact on the sale of tableware. Luxurious sets are a must-have for a wedding or housewarming party. The more people buy houses and apartments, the more the demand for tableware for the arrangement of new housing increases.

Thirdly, the constant change in fashion trends always entails a demand for tableware. Now in stores you can find plates not only round, but also oval, square and even triangular in shape, with different colors. The constantly expanding assortment is another guarantee of successful trade.

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The success of your business will depend on drawing up a business plan.

A well-written business plan will help open a store and will become the key to success and future profits.

Therefore, take a responsible approach to this issue and use the advice of specialists who will analyze your business plan and check the correctness of the calculations.

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Manufacturers and suppliers

First you need to decide on the brands of manufacturers that will be presented for sale. According to the price range, manufacturers are divided into classes:

  • low - Turkey, China;
  • medium - Poland, Belarus;
  • high - France, Czech Republic, Italy.

Having studied in detail the assortment of various brands, proceed to the selection of future suppliers. Consider their terms and prices. For suppliers a very important criterion is the fulfillment of the conditions by the customer. In order for your further cooperation to be profitable and successful for both parties, familiarize yourself with the terms of payment and delivery of products in advance, highlight all the pros and cons for yourself.

The next step is to define the audience of buyers. It depends on which point you want to open: mono- or multi-brand. For beginners, it is better to focus on the second option, since it is more flexible. Without a certain experience and skills in the kitchenware trade, it is rather difficult to represent only one company at the initial stages.

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Premises: location, area, interior

To open a china shop, you need to choose the right location. It is important that the outlet is located in densely populated and walkable areas. The best option would be to locate a china shop in a large shopping center.This arrangement ensures a constant flow of visitors. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with nearby competitors, as well as evaluate their pricing policy in relation to the goods they are selling. The rental price of the premises will fluctuate depending on the location, the availability of parking lots and the convenience of access roads.

When choosing a room, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet. For organizing a small store, the minimum area will be 60 sq. m. The footage depends on the number of zones and the range of products. Dishes are selected according to their intended purpose and are divided into zones, for example, festive dishes into one zone, everyday dishes into another.

An important step is decorating the store's interior. This will also determine the cost of purchasing equipment (cash register, showcases, shelves, racks, etc.), information about which must be entered into the business plan. If you work with manufacturers directly, they can provide trade equipment for their products. In branded racks, dishes will look more impressive. The downside is that foreign manufacturers cooperate exclusively on prepayment, but in cases when it comes to amounts of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is possible to get a discount of up to 10%.

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Recruiting and advertising

Personnel selection must be taken seriously. Salespersons can be the key to both trading success and failure. Therefore, it is necessary to train personnel before opening a store in the characteristics of products and sales technologies. Enough six salespeople who will work in three shifts. It is recommended to hire charming and attractive women who love to cook and set the table themselves. If sellers like the product they are selling, then they will be able to competently communicate the benefits of the product and convince the buyer to buy.

To attract future customers, you need to create an effective advertising campaign. Use the following advertising methods:

  • own website;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • advertising in local media;
  • placing advertisements in local food magazines and newspapers;
  • product placement on television (dishes are provided for use in culinary programs).

The customer loyalty system is one of the main competitive advantages of any store. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system of discounts, as well as conduct promotions with sweepstakes and prizes. Your task is to retain your customer base, and to make visitors who will be in the store for the first time your regular customers.

Customers willingly visit dish shops, and the success of the enterprise depends on your ability to form an assortment and find a convenient place for a retail outlet. What points should be considered when opening a store.

Most women love to buy kitchenware. We can say that they visit dishware stores with almost the same pleasure as cosmetic ones. In the foreseeable past, the assortment of china shops upset and discouraged - sets, slightly different in pattern, but the same in shape.

Cups with wretched flowers. Plates with a bleak border. During the Soviet era, a red tea set with white polka dots was the object of desire of many housewives during the Soviet Union.

And if you managed to get pots and boxes for bulk products of the same color, you could be proud of yourself. If utensils inherited from great-grandmothers were accidentally kept in the house: elegant porcelain cups, a soup tureen that did not even allow the thought of borscht, or a teapot, which children were strictly forbidden to touch, suspicions crept in that the dishes should look somehow different.

Today, fortunately, in stores the choice is much richer and respect for the dishes is gradually reviving. We are happy to buy dishes not because the cup is broken, but to drink from something, and not in order to install the service in the sideboard for beauty. Cookware has become a very popular item and is in fairly good demand. We consider opening a dishware store to be a good business idea with significant financial investments and good prospects.

Today, a huge variety of dishes of all shapes, colors and sizes are produced. Buyers are on all the most incredible and strange tableware delights and on very laconic household items intended for ascetics. A lot of tableware is traditionally bought as a gift for weddings, anniversaries, housewarming and other similar occasions. Too many people simply cannot pass by a vending cup or coffee pot, salad bowl or bowl for sweets.

And yet, for all the seeming simplicity of selling tableware, you need to know some rules and follow them if you want your business to develop successfully.

The location of the dishware store and premises

You can arrange a separate store or department in a shopping center. According to experienced businessmen, it is better to choose a location among other shops or retail outlets. Then your store will be guaranteed a constant influx of customers. Experience suggests that customers rarely come to a china shop on purpose, but they very often go along the way to buy groceries, and once they enter, they rarely leave the store empty-handed.

It is also believed that the dishware store will be popular in a residential area where there are many new settlers and people are much more likely to think about arranging their homes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe store depends on your financial capabilities and plans. Areas of 50-60 sq. m is enough, but you can settle down to 150-200 sq. m. In any case, when placing dishes, the principle of zoning must be observed:

  • Tableware
  • Cooking utensils
  • Gift sets of dishes, etc.

Purchase of goods

Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a kitchenware business with a multi-brand store. Foreign suppliers, if we establish direct delivery with them, provide the store with commercial equipment with professional lighting, which will significantly save money.

However, foreign manufacturers work, as a rule, on a prepaid basis. If the amount of purchases reaches tens of thousands of dollars, you can count on discounts of 7-10%. At the start, the purchase of goods will require about $ 100,000. Further, the purchase costs will dictate the turnover.


When starting a dishware business, it is difficult to choose an assortment that will be profitable. It can be argued that white dishes are a safe bet. It is versatile and suitable for any interior, serving and dishes. Transparent dishes are also democratic and versatile, and therefore are in steady demand. It's better not to rush with catchy and bold design solutions until you decide on the preferences of buyers.

The most favorite material is porcelain. This material has excellent thermal conductivity, is hygienic and looks aesthetically pleasing. It is not uncommon for large companies to buy lots of white porcelain cups to put their logo on them and use as gifts and for advertising.

Introduce cookware made using new technologies into the assortment. Such novelties do not appear very often and are always in demand. Pay special attention to the environmental friendliness of dishes, buyers now attach great importance to this quality when choosing. This is especially true for middle-class buyers.

Staff recruitment

Friendly and product-savvy salespeople are a must for a successful business. Sellers should understand not only the dishes, but also the technology of cooking and serving, in order to convince the buyer of the need for this or that serving item.

Therefore, we can recommend middle-aged women as sellers who give the impression of experienced housewives who know a lot about dishes and cooking. Customer confidence is very important. The seller's salary is about $ 300-400 (the seller simultaneously acts as a consultant and a cashier).

Financial investments

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurship and documents (5,000-15,000 rubles);
  • Premises rental (15,000-30,000 rubles);
  • Salary of sellers (20,000-40,000 rubles);
  • Purchase of goods (100,000-250,000 rubles);
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery (40,000-80,000 rubles);
  • Advertising (5,000-10,000 rubles);
  • Other costs (10,000-20,000 rubles).

To start a business, you need 200,000-450,000 rubles. The income of the store, depending on the prices in the region and the chosen location, will amount to 80,000-140,000 rubles. Net profit - 35,000-90,000 rubles. The business will pay off in 5-8 months.

Encyclopedic information: a tableware store is a point of sale where you can buy pots, plates, glasses, other items for serving or cooking, as well as various kitchen accessories.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of dishes of different sizes, shapes, colors and purposes. The demand for this category of goods seems to be stable, but not everyone is lucky in this business. Why? Read our article and find out if a cookware store is profitable and how to avoid the most common mistakes in the initial stages.

Step by step to the income-generating cookware store

Step one:preparing legal and material base

For the sale of tableware, the same documents are required as for the organization of other types of retail sale:

Registration certificate (legal entity or individual entrepreneur);

Certificate of registration and assignment of an individual taxpayer number (TIN);

Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision and Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;

Cash register permit.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting with a small store or department in a large shopping center. Choose a place where there is an "anchor" - outlets with themed goods, such as kitchen textiles, household appliances and more. Remember: utensils are usually purchased in conjunction with other purchases. You can also settle down near the gift shop, since many buyers consider kitchen utensils to be a good present and buy them on the occasion of certain holidays.

How to choose a seat? Not a bad option - in a large shopping center with good transport accessibility. You can also open a china shop in a residential area. If the premises can be rented, then it is better to purchase commercial equipment - so you can easily expand trade in another place, if necessary.

Step two:choose a strategy

Experts recommend to novice businessmen not to sell dishes of the same brand, but to have products from different manufacturers in stock. In this case, you should select the price category in advance. For example, focus on selling inexpensive tableware from China, Russia and Ukraine, or form an assortment based on more expensive European brands.

Before you open your tableware store, also decide which products you will sell. This can be kitchen utensils for food preparation, exquisite crystal, practical plastic and much more.

Step three:we form an assortment, recruit staff

There are several ways of assortment formation. First, you can offer customers a product that is fundamentally new for your region. For example, no one nearby sells bamboo or ceramic crockery. Focus on this, and the audience's attention will be provided. If there are no free trading niches or you do not want to take risks, take a closer look at your competitors. What category of goods is in the highest demand? Focus on it, too, offering, for example, a more pleasant price or a wider choice.

Remember that your store's reputation is the key to its prosperity. If the buyer likes you, he will tell three friends or relatives about it, if not - ten. This is why the selection of suppliers should be approached with great care. Try to negotiate contracts with manufacturers. Firstly, you will get a good price offer, and secondly, it is easier to control the delivery schedule and quality.

Important: Each type of product should have its own zone: a zone for gift sets, an area for dishes for cooking and an area for dishes for serving. A third of the income per year comes from each of these product groups.

According to experienced businessmen, it is best to hire a middle-aged woman to replace the seller. At a subconscious level, buyers associate it with an experienced hostess who can give useful advice on choosing dishes.

Where can I get the money?

When calculating how much it costs to open a tableware store, take into account the costs of renting premises, purchasing commercial equipment, and forming an assortment. At the initial stage, rather large investments will be required, since bulk purchases of tableware from suppliers are coming. Want to save money? Sign contracts during exhibitions - large manufacturers offer good discounts during this period.

Credit is the most common form of attracting start-up capital. When choosing a loan program, keep in mind that crockery trade is a stable business that brings year-round income. The profitability is high enough if the trade margin is 25-30%.

Underwater rocks

Poor cookware and poor service can threaten your reputation. Failure can befall you even if you choose the wrong assortment. For example, start selling luxury crystal in a middle-class residential area. Besides, there is a lot of competition in this niche. Loyalty programs will help you stand out from the competition. Remember, people love discounts and promotions.

Summing up

A tableware store is a fairly stable business with an average level of profitability. With the right approach to the formation of the assortment and the organization of the trade process, you will provide your outlet with the interest of buyers. It's easier to start with a small multi-brand store.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Crockery belongs to the necessary elements of everyday life, so the demand for it is always quite high and constant. In general, these products have several categories of goods, therefore, they distinguish dishes that are elite and almost belong to works of art and dishes intended for everyday use, which are practical and low in price. An entrepreneur who wants to go into trade can start his own business in the field of selling tableware, while he will have access to various formats of working with consumers and organizing his business. What type of entrepreneurship can be attributed to quite promising, but to a greater extent guaranteeing the entrepreneur a stable and constant income in the case of a competent organization of his business.

In any big city, you can find a huge number of crockery stores that offer customers just products from various categories; at the same time, the level of competition in most cases is quite high, regardless of the category of which tableware it was decided to trade. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully study the market situation and competitors' offers in order to develop your own strategy and business tactics; for this, it may be advisable to conduct a full-fledged marketing research to study the market situation in order to find out the demand for all categories of goods and occupy a niche in which there is a lack of supply or insufficient customer satisfaction with the purchased product. In general, with a competent organization and a well-thought-out business plan, one can expect that the risks will be minimized as much as possible, and the entrepreneur will be able to take his place in the market, successfully countering the actions of competitors. As already noted, several formats of work are available to him. If we take into account a retail dishware store, it can work not only with individuals, but also engage in wholesale sales in small quantities with other entrepreneurs.

To start working, you need to register as a business entity, in this case, you can register simply as an individual entrepreneur, because it does not require large financial costs, and will also reduce the time and effort for registration. If there is a need to register a legal entity or it is planned to work with other enterprises and organizations, then it is more expedient to register a limited liability company, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves a transfer to the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating income as taxes. No special permits for the retail trade of tableware are required, so an entrepreneur can start his activity immediately after registering with the tax authorities. The activity itself falls within the definition of (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other retail trade services in specialized stores.

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In many ways, the determining factor for the success of such an undertaking is the choice of the location of your store. A dishware shop usually brings the highest income in crowded places, that is, first of all, you need to consider the possibility of renting premises in the central districts of the city, but it may be advisable to open a dishware shop even in a residential area. It should be noted that although the demand for cookware is constant and stable, it is still not too large when compared with the demand for other types of products, it is also very important to correctly determine your target audience and their capabilities. In an elite quarter, a china shop can be profitable, where only fairly expensive dishes are sold; in the center, it is best to open a store targeted at a fairly wide range of consumers. The disadvantage of the sleeping area can be considered a decrease in the level of sales after a certain amount of time, when all the residents of the surrounding houses buy the goods they need, and the store will not be able to offer anything new, and they will no longer be interested in such products. However, players in this market point out that a seemingly ideal place for placement in a china shop ultimately leads to a small number of consumers, and at the same time, a seemingly unfortunate location allows them to sell products in huge quantities.

When an entrepreneur decides on a place, he needs to accurately calculate the size of the premises; At first, it is best to open a relatively small store with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 50 square meters, in this case it will be possible to determine the needs of customers and subsequently form your product range more accurately. If you open a large store right away, you will need a lot of money to fill it with products, but the level of sales will be minimal, which means that significant funds will be frozen and withdrawn from circulation. Depending on the chosen target audience, the assortment of its products is formed, and already at this stage it can be understood that this will largely determine the future format of work.

Ready ideas for your business

This is due to the following feature of trade in this type of product. Currently, a fairly large number of crockery shops work with local suppliers, who for the most part are intermediaries in a fairly long chain between the manufacturer and the buyer, that is, most of the crockery stores buy goods from small wholesalers, who, in turn, take them from large wholesalers. who also do not always cooperate directly with the manufacturer. The fact is that elite and expensive dishes can be bought only in other countries; in Russia, manufacturers usually produce a relatively cheap product aimed at inexperienced buyers. For example, you can point to crystal glassware; in this case, Bohemian glass is generally recognized as a quality product, which is produced only in the Czech Republic. To be able to trade Czech crystal at competitive prices, an entrepreneur needs to contact the manufacturer directly. Bohemian glass for the most part belongs to the elite types of tableware, in connection with which, if wealthy people are oriented, they will have to contact manufacturers or at least large wholesalers in other countries.

Sooner or later, an entrepreneur realizes that receiving a product at a relatively low price, he can sell it in his local market for the benefit of himself not only to individuals, but also to small wholesalers. However, it should be noted that it will take a lot of effort, time and money to establish cooperation with foreign manufacturers. This applies not only to Czech glass, but also to elite porcelain and many other types of products. An exception can be called Chinese manufacturers who produce a cheap product, because cooperation with them is often much more profitable, even taking into account transport and customs costs, than cooperation with Russian manufacturers. Depending on the size of the premises and the planned sales volume, the initial purchase amount of the first batch is determined. For a small store, this amount rarely exceeds half a million rubles, but if you open a store with a large assortment and in the assortment of which a large number of manufacturers are represented, you need to allocate at least one million rubles, and sometimes this amount is even several times more.

The entrepreneur also needs to decide from the very beginning how many manufacturers of products will be represented in his store. You can conclude an agreement with a major supplier-manufacturer for the sale of only his goods, in this case it will be possible to count on quite favorable terms of cooperation, advertising support and even help in opening a store. If the manufacturer supplies all possible types of tableware, including also related products, then such an undertaking can be quite profitable, because the consumer can always find exactly what he needs specifically. If the supplier cannot offer all types of tableware, but produces, for example, only sets, mugs and cups, then the entrepreneur is forced to look for other suppliers of other types of products. An average china shop offers its customers goods from 5-6 different manufacturers, in this case a sufficient assortment is formed, which allows them to have a stable level of sales.

Multi-brand stores in general are a much more promising endeavor, because they always have the opportunity to enter into contracts with other suppliers or even significantly change the range of products supplied. However, if we consider the opening of a small store, then it is more expedient to establish work with only 2-3 different manufacturers in order to understand the needs of customers. In most cases, working with resellers turns out to be too unprofitable, because their markup can reach 100 percent, it is best to spend all the time and, possibly, some additional funds to go directly to the manufacturer.

You should also worry about running an advertising campaign for your outlet. When opening a china shop, special promotions, the provision of significant discounts on the opening day or gift certificates can justify itself. Information about the store should be placed in the box in the media, including thematic portals on the Internet, if possible, you should create your own website, which will provide detailed information about the company, opportunities for cooperation with it (especially important when working with wholesale buyers), as well as a complete product catalog with prices. Further, you can arrange the work in such a way that the consumer receives the goods only after the application on the site; Opening an online store allows you to significantly reduce the cost of storing products, and, in general, adds convenience when shopping, and therefore increases customer satisfaction with the service.

When developing your company, you need to think about opening your own special points of delivery of goods in various districts of the city, because in this case it will be possible to reach a fairly wide audience of consumers. The point of issue of goods can be not only your own store or a specially created outpost, but also ware shops of other companies with which cooperation has been established. But this option should be considered only if there is no opportunity to open your additional stores. This type of business cannot be called easy, because there are a huge number of factors that significantly affect the success of an undertaking, and an entrepreneur must therefore constantly develop the business and look for new ways to sell their products.

Summing up, we can say that the important competitive advantages are the content of your online store and online sales, a convenient network of points of issue and sale, a lower price than competitors, which is possible in the case of direct cooperation with the manufacturer, good location and advertising, thanks to which the largest number of consumers will learn about the store, the system of discounts and cooperation with small wholesale buyers, as well as the courteous treatment of sellers with customers, extensive consultations on issues and good quality service.

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As the level of well-being increases, we begin to think more and more about the objects of everyday life around us. Take utensils, for example. If earlier we paid attention to what we eat, now we are often interested - from what.

Plates, pots, jugs, sets, glasses - the assortment is so great that a good housewife gets new dishes quite regularly. Manufacturers are constantly updating their model lines, and sellers skillfully lay out new items on easy-to-view racks, tempting consumers to make new purchases.

Conceptual moments of the dishware business

Before deciding to start a business, make a detailed analysis of the tableware market, study the assortment presented, price range, level of competition. If the final conclusions are in your favor, feel free to move to the heights of the dishware business.

You can start with cheap Chinese and Turkish products. But since the main consumer audience belongs to the middle-income class, it will not be a big risk to look at the range of average prices represented by domestic and Eastern European goods.

As for the shape, color, material, trust the opinion of experienced sellers. They advise putting an initial emphasis on traditional white dishes, in which any cooked dish looks great. White color is in good harmony with different colors of tablecloths, napkins, furniture. There will not be much contrast when using transparent dishes.

From the material, give preference to aesthetic and practical porcelain. Among its advantages, we note high environmental friendliness, excellent thermal conductivity and great consumer interest. Also, white dishes are relevant from the point of view of advertising. Pay attention to how many initially white cups, saucers, and plates are transformed with the help of drawings and inscriptions into gift items. And how often the applied logos of companies transform snow-white dishes into corporate ones.

By the way, gift and serving utensils, along with utensils for cooking, provide the main income of the china shop.

It is better to buy goods directly from manufacturers - first domestic ones, and then, when you “get on your feet”, switch to high-quality imports. Look for foreign partners at international exhibitions. Cooperation with them assumes work on prepayment, but with large volumes a discount of up to 10% is possible. For the first wholesale purchase, plan an amount of up to $ 80-100 thousand.

Whatever the product - beautiful, affordable, fashionable - you should not expect big sales if the store is located in an inconspicuous place on the outskirts of the city. The mass consumer loves to go to supermarkets located, most often, in densely populated and central areas. In such places, try to rent an area for a future store.

For a small shop, 60m² is enough, for a larger one, designed for several thematic zones, you will need up to 150-200 m². With a monthly cost of 1m² of about 200 euros, you can "estimate" how much you will need for rent.

The next "sore spot" for many entrepreneurs is qualified personnel. In search of sellers for a china shop, we recommend not chasing slender long-legged girls, but focusing on middle-aged women who know a lot about tableware and are able to convey the benefits of kitchen accessories to buyers in an understandable form. Statistics show that this type of seller is most trusted by the average buyer of tableware. Based on the work in 2 shifts of 3 consultants, plan an expense item with the salary of each seller in the region of $ 300-400.

And one more criterion that influences the final result of any business is advertising. For a "dish" entrepreneur, an effective and profitable way to promote goods and promote the store itself is the so-called product placement. Nowadays there are many cooking programs and other programs that use dishes in the transfer process. By concluding a serving contract, you either earn real money or get effective advertising that increases sales.


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