Branding. The role of PR in brand promotion. Corporate identity of an organization in the context of a PR specialist's activities Corporate identity refers to advertising and PR

Faculty of Trade and Economics
Department of Marketing Communications

Course work in the discipline "PR" on the topic:
"Corporate identity as a PR tool"



Elements of corporate identity have been used in the practice of a market economy since ancient times. These elements were primitive at first. Thus, the most skilled artisans marked their products with a personal (brand) mark. Customers aware of the high professional reputation of these artisans were eager to purchase products bearing these marks.
Form style - is a set of techniques (graphic, color, plastic, acoustic, video) that ensure the unity of all the company's products and promotional events; improve memorability and perception by buyers, partners, independent observers not only of the company's products, but of all its activities. Form style should be memorable and easily recognizable.
The corporate identity contributes to the formation of a favorable image of the company and is designed to enhance the efficiency of its advertising contacts with consumers, contribute to the growth of the company's reputation and prominence in the market, to inspire the trust of partners.
Development and use of your own corporate identity is becoming an increasingly popular attribute of the development strategy of an increasing number of russian companies... This is due to their heightened concern for their corporate image, on which sustained and long-term commercial success largely depends.
One of the key links in building the company's image is the corporate identity, which in the broadest sense implies the use of uniform principles for the design of color combinations and methods for all forms of advertising, documentation, product packaging, office decoration, employee clothing and other components related to the company.
The study of corporate identity in the context of a PR specialist is necessary for the correct creation of a corporate identity and use in any commercial structure.
The purpose of the study is to study the components of creating and promoting a corporate identity as a PR tool, to consider the effectiveness of a corporate identity on the example of the OAS enterprise.
    get acquainted with the essence and content of PR-activities at the enterprise OGUP "Regional Pharmacy Warehouse";
    consider the elements of corporate identity as a component of PR;
    to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe stages of preparation and conduct of PR-campaigns;
    master the basic methods of assessing the effectiveness of PR-activities.
The object of the research is the OAS enterprise, the subject of the research is the components of the corporate identity of the enterprise as a PR tool.
When writing a term paper to assess the effectiveness of the components of the corporate identity, the following were used: research method - a survey, research methods: questionnaires and interviews.
Course work consists of two sections, introduction, conclusion, bibliography and applications. In the introduction, the goals, objectives, object and subject of research are formed, and its structure is described. The first section is devoted to the analysis of the components of corporate identity and contains three subsections. The second section contains an analysis of corporate identity as a PR tool of the enterprise OGUP "Regional pharmacy warehouse". This section describes the characteristics of the enterprise and the conducted research on the effectiveness of corporate identity. The Conclusion contains the main findings on term paper... Appendices contain tables, figures that were analyzed when writing this work.


1.1 Elements of corporate identity
A trademark is a registered in the established order pictorial, verbal, volumetric, sound designations or their combinations, which are used by the owner of the trademark to identify their goods. The exclusive right of the owner to use the trademark is ensured by legal protection from the state. A trademark is a legal concept and is applied only in the legal field. Everything related to a trademark (registration, application, use, protection, sale and purchase, etc.) is determined by law, and violation of these provisions entails liability. This designation serves to individualize goods, work performed or services provided by legal entities or individuals.
Trademark (other names used: service mark, company logo; English trade mark) is the centerpiece of the corporate identity. It is not entirely correct to define a trade mark as a "trade mark".
The main functions of the trademark:
    facilitate the perception of differences or create differences;
    give names to products;
    facilitate the identification of goods;
    make it easier to remember the goods;
    indicate the origin of the goods;
    provide information about the product;
    stimulate the desire to buy;
    symbolize a guarantee.
Trademarks are distinguished by their plurality and diversity.
There are five main types of trademarks:
    The word mark is characterized by better memorability. It can be registered both in the standard spelling and in the original graphic design (logo). A word mark is the most common type of trademark. Approximately 80% of all registered trademarks are of this type. The value of the brand name is so great that a whole branding area is engaged in the development of the name of the product, called semonemics (Semon - sign and nemeon - to assign). Another name for this process is naming.
    A fine trademark is an original drawing, the emblem of the company. For example, the characteristic curved line as a trademark of Nike sports equipment; a stylized boat inscribed in an oval - AvtoVAZ, etc.
    Volumetric - a mark registered in a three-dimensional dimension, for example, a specific shape of a Coca-Cola bottle, perfume bottles are also provided with legal protection.
    In the recent past, the sound trademark was characteristic of radio stations and television companies (for example, the opening bar of the music to the song "Moscow Nights is a trademark of the Mayak radio station"). Recently given view trademark is increasingly used in the advertising practice of firms operating in other areas of business. For example, original musical phrases can be used in corporate advertising. Thus, the corporate video clip of instant coffee "Nescafe" by Nestle ("Take a New Day!") Contains two registered sound trademarks: the main musical phrase and the rhythmic tapping of a spoon against a cup.
    Combined trademarks are a combination of the above types of trademarks, for example, a combination of a logo and a three-dimensional sculptural group "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" by V. Mukhina, a trademark of the Mosfilm film studio.
Analyzing the above definitions of a trademark, we can conclude that a trademark is any specific product or service that has its own name (regardless of whether it is legally registered as a trademark or not). In the perception of the consumer, it acquires a certain meaning. Being a sign that defines a product and a sign in which the image of a product is encoded, the brand unites the product and its image into one whole. That is, it is a "piggy bank" of information about the properties of the product. The image of the product is formed from this information in the mind of the consumer. A little-known trade mark serves only as a name for a product and tells the consumer almost nothing about its properties.
A logo is the original outline or abbreviated name of a company, a product group produced by a given company, or one specific product manufactured by it. Typically, a logo consists of 4-7 letters. Approximately four out of five trademarks are registered in the form of a logo. The logo is a form of trademark and may not contain additional pictorial elements (as in the case of Panasonic).
The logo should: be easy to remember, be easily recognizable, be scalable, be able to be placed on various media (booklet, diary, pen, T-shirt, etc.), be uniform.
Logos can be conditionally divided into two types: informative logos and abstract logos. An informative logo is a logo that reflects the specifics of the company's activities. It can be illustrative (illustrating the activities of the company), graphical (reflecting the specifics of the business through graphic images), or text (text describing the activities of the company). Informative logos include "ZiPPO", with its wick and flame, and "Harley-Davidson" with its "mechanical" writing. An abstract logo is a logo that only denotes a company, but does not carry a sufficient semantic and informative load. Examples of such logos are the Davidoff and NOKIA logos.
Brand block is a traditional, often used combination of several elements of corporate identity, for example, it can include a brand name or logo, company name, postage, bank details, a list of goods and services, an advertising symbol of the company, a slogan. The corporate block is convenient to use as a component in the design of a business card, business letterhead, and on product packaging. The corporate block, most often, is a pictorial trademark and logo, for example, the adidas inscription under the corporate cut triangle - the corporate block of the Adidas company, the KLM logo with a stylized crown above the letters - the corporate block of the KLM airline Royal Dutch Airlines ". The company block may also contain the full official name of the company, its postal and bank details (for example, on letterhead). Sometimes a brand block includes a brand slogan.
The trademark and the logo can be exactly the same, the logo can be an integral part of the trademark. A logo can fully assume the functions of a trademark (while a trademark in the form of a wordless picture cannot be called a logo).
The corporate hero is an important part of the formed image of the company. The communicator, as it were, personifies himself, developing a permanent, stable image of his representative. Very often the corporate hero is endowed with some traits that the communicator seeks to incorporate into his image. The corporate hero can represent a fantasy-ideal consumer, such as the Marlboro cowboy and the adventurer in the Camel commercial. The smoker is expected to identify with these heroes. Along with quite successful examples of the development of a corporate hero, or at least logical ones, one can recall the failure of IBM in choosing a corporate hero - the Pink Panther from the popular animated series. Now it is difficult to establish what the specialists of this corporation were guided by when making such a decision. However, by the time the error was found out, the rights to use the image of the Pink Panther had already been bought out from the Warner Brothers studio, numerous advertising media with this corporate hero had been replicated: T-shirts, baseball caps, mats for computer mice, etc. Naturally, the losses of a communicator as a result of such a mistake of professionals were estimated at many millions. The corporate hero is part of the corporate mythology. Its purpose is to evoke sympathy. The corporate character should clearly represent the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe product. The constant communicator, unlike the corporate hero, is a real person. This is a specific person who is chosen by the firm as an intermediary in its communication with the addressee. The definitions of this concept are more common as "the face of the company", "brand image", "the icon of the company". Sometimes the firm uses the visual appeal of the intermediary. Attractiveness is not the only criterion, however. In some cases, the communicator can be attracted by the professional qualities of a person, his competence. Then his features are projected onto the image of the owner of the corporate identity.
The image is a very visual and capacious form of information presentation. A person easily operates with visual images. It is characteristic that, on average, color accounts for about 80% of the information contained in the image. Emotional perception of color is closely related to biological processes in the human body. Colors of different wavelengths have different effects on the nervous system. Warmer colors (red, orange) have a longer wavelength, so more effort is required from the human eye and brain to process it. The associated increase in metabolism causes the body to feel elevated. Shorter wavelength colors (blue, green, purple) require less energy to process, which has a calming effect. The psychological characteristics of color are closely related to a person's cultural experience. For example, in Christian culture, black is associated with death and mourning. The main task of a designer when developing a corporate identity is to choose a color combination that best suits the goals and ideology of the company. The same applies to fonts that will participate in the design of corporate identity elements and subsequent promotional materials... The concepts and sentiments conveyed by type have different effects on different groups people. The task of the designer is to evoke the maximum response from target audience customer using forms of a certain font. Corporate colors are colors used by a company in the style of its presentation documents and creating a color scheme for its visual image. Each color pulls a trail of possible associations with it. Therefore, the use of corporate colors is a powerful psychological means of organizing consumer perception, thinking and behavior. Choosing a color is important for more than just getting attention. It is a way in which you can control the emotions of the consumer, create a favorable image of a product or service, and generate a desire to purchase it. An essential psychological role is played by the constancy of the color accompaniment of a given product or service. This allows the consumer to easily remember the trade mark he likes and distinguish it from others. When choosing a color, it is advisable not only to take into account the specifics of a product or service, but also to focus, as far as possible, on the color preferences of target consumer groups. So, for example, women are more impressed by soft, delicate tones and color combinations. Men are attracted to sharper and more contrasting colors.
The corporate color is the most important element of the corporate identity. Color makes the elements of the corporate identity more attractive, more memorable, and allows to have a strong emotional impact. For some types of products and services, specific colors are firmly entrenched, for example, the concept of "aviation" is associated with silver, crop production and products of its processing - with green. The most famous examples of the use of corporate colors are "Beeline" - a combination of black and yellow; Euroset is a bright yellow color.
A corporate color can also be legally protected if the trademark is properly registered in that color. However, it should be taken into account that if a trademark is in a color, then only in this color will it be protected. If a trademark is registered in black and white, it is protected when reproduced in any color.
A corporate set of fonts can emphasize various features of the brand's image and contribute to the formation of a corporate identity. The typeface can be perceived as “masculine” or “feminine”, “light” or “heavy”, “elegant” or “rude”, “businesslike”, etc. The task of the corporate identity developers is to find "their" font that would fit into the brand image. There are many types of fonts, which are conventionally divided into large groups: Latin, chopped, oblique, ornamented, and others. Font groups include a wide variety of typefaces that differ in style, width, weight, etc. Fonts can imitate Old Church Slavonic, Greek, cuneiform, hieroglyphic writing, handwriting, children's handwriting, etc. ...
Thus, the following requirements for corporate font: it must be easy to read, it must correspond to the psychological intent and the target audience, it must correspond to the specifics of the company's activities. As with the corporate color, the consumer gets used to the corporate font. Therefore, it should not be changed.
Additional elements:
    corporate slogan (motto);
    a corporate website that matches the style;
    branded stylish packaging;
    letterhead, envelope;
    business card design;
    layout scheme;
    various advertising, souvenir products, etc.
After analyzing the definitions of the elements of corporate identity, we can conclude that the corporate identity is a visual information complex that includes a logo, font, color, slogan and other elements with which a company emphasizes its uniqueness. The corporate identity is used as a tool for market promotion, competition and attracting buyers' attention.
1.2 Main functions of corporate identity
According to the definition of Dobrobabenko NS, “corporate style is a set of techniques that provide a single image for all products of the company and events; improving the perception and memorability of the consumer not only of the company's products, but of all its activities; as well as allowing them to oppose their products and activities to the products and activities of competitors. "
Among the main functions of the corporate identity are:
    Identification. The corporate identity allows the consumer without special efforts find out the desired product (company, service) by some external signs.
    Confidence. If the consumer is once convinced of the quality of the products (services), then this trust will largely extend to all other products of the company. Moreover, the presence of a corporate identity inspires trust in itself.
    Advertising. The presence of a corporate identity significantly increases the effectiveness of advertising. In addition, all objects containing elements of the company's corporate identity are themselves advertising.
It can be concluded that the purpose of the corporate identity is to consolidate in the minds of customers positive emotions associated with assessing the quality of products, their impeccability, high level of service and to provide the company's products and the company itself with special recognition. Thus, the presence of a corporate identity indirectly guarantees the high quality of goods and services, since it testifies to the confidence of its owner in the positive impression he makes on the consumer.
A corporate identity provides an organization with the following benefits by performing the following functions:
    increasing the corporate spirit, the unity of employees and creating a sense of belonging to the common cause, fosters corporate patriotism;
    a positive impact on the aesthetic level, appearance of goods and premises of the company;
    helping the consumer to navigate the flow of advertising information, quickly and accurately find the right company;
    indicates to the consumer that the firm is taking responsibility for the goods produced;
    indicates to the society the stability and long-term work of the company;
    cuts advertising and PR costs while enhancing its impact and building a strong brand.
Summarizing all the advantages that the use of corporate identity gives, we can call it one of the main means of forming a favorable image of the company. Thus, corporate identity in an enterprise is of great importance and, along with other important components of marketing, constitutes a separate area of \u200b\u200bactivity in the field of sales promotion and marketing.
1.3 Corporate identity as a PR tool
Today, hundreds of design and advertising agencies are successfully dealing with the development of corporate identity. However, it is important not only to develop, but also to correctly convey the corporate identity to society, to ensure its consolidation in the minds of the company's target audience, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
In the broadest sense, the communication tools for promoting the corporate identity of a company can include the following initiatives: conducting presentations and press conferences, distributing press releases and press kits, direct mailing, producing videos and commercials, implementing PR and advertising campaigns, producing printing and company souvenirs, holding special events, participating in exhibitions, etc. - that is, all that, without which it is difficult to imagine the promotion of the company itself. The corporate identity is an integral part of the company's image, which means that the development of a communication campaign to promote the corporate identity of the organization should be carried out taking into account the entire strategy of forming the company's image.
There are two typical situations when organizations use a corporate identity. The first and most common is corporate identity as an integral part of the company's image during its creation. The second is company renaming or rebranding. This also includes adding new values \u200b\u200bto the company's existing brand.
The beginning of the company's work is the most crucial time, because during this period its image is laid. Clients and partners will judge the company by the quality of paperwork, design of logos, website and advertising brochures, clothing of employees, so you should not skimp on the quality of developing a corporate identity and tools for its implementation. The second important point, which is also worth paying attention to immediately, is ensuring strict and constant observance of the corporate identity by all employees of the company. The decision this issue internal orders, seminars for staff, as well as mandatory briefing on this matter for all new employees can help.
There are situations when clients of a company place on their website or in an advertising brochure a homemade logo that imitates the corporate identity of a partner company. Such situations must be monitored and immediately suppressed, as this can negatively affect the company's reputation. In this case, it is necessary to place a message in the advertising booklet and on the company's website that the brand symbols are patented and can be used only with the consent of the relevant structures of the company (public relations department of the organization).
Standard corporate identity implementation activities include the following:
    distribution of the order on compliance with the corporate identity;
    conducting internal seminars on corporate identity;
    corporate office design;
    making clothes in the corporate style for employees employed in production or in the company's stores;
    design of door plates and company signs in the corporate style;
    applying corporate identity elements to the company's products;
    production of souvenirs with elements of the company's corporate identity;
    production of advertising and printing products with elements of the company's corporate identity;
    outdoor advertising with elements of the company's corporate identity;
    advertising in the media with elements of the company's corporate identity;
    website with elements of the company's corporate identity;
    use of corporate identity when participating in conferences and exhibitions, holding special events.
It follows that the concept of corporate identity is closely related to the concept of image, since corporate identity is a shell that is filled with specific content, with the help of which a certain attitude towards a company, goods, services is formed. Corporate identity in combination with Public Relations events create the concept of the company's image.
Having analyzed the elements and functions of the corporate identity, the following conclusion can be drawn from the first chapter: corporate identity is a unity of constant visual and textual elements that identify belonging to a particular company and distinguish it from competitors. A set of color, graphic, and verbal elements provides visual and semantic unity of goods and services, all information coming from the company, its internal and external design. The corporate identity is the basis of the company's communication policy. Each company strives to individualize itself, show itself as something new in the market and attract the attention of customers, investors and new consumers. The corporate identity contributes to the achievement of these goals. Ideas about the company are formed on the basis of visual sensations, which record information about the interior and exterior of the office, sales and showrooms, the appearance of the staff, and the corporate identity of the organization. The corporate identity and PR are thus closely interconnected, as they work for one goal - to form public opinion.


2.1 Enterprise characteristics
The Gubernskiy Pharmacy Warehouse was founded in 1919. It was a relatively small enterprise. The pharmacy service received its development with the founding in 1923 of the trading company of the Provincial Trade in Medical Property (Gubmedtorg), and in 1924 - the Chelyabinsk branch of the Uralmedtorg Joint Stock Company. Uralmedtorg united 7 pharmacies, pharmacy stores, a provincial pharmacy warehouse and a pharmaceutical plant.
In 1938, a reorganization was carried out, the Central Pharmacy Warehouse was formed with an independent balance and with direct subordination to the regional department of the GAPU (Main Pharmacy Department).
In 1992, the Regional Pharmacy Warehouse was renamed into the State Enterprise "Regional Pharmacy Warehouse", registered by the Decree of the Head of Administration of the Sovetsky District of the city of Chelyabinsk dated December 29, 1992, No. 2259.

Today, hundreds of design and advertising agencies are successfully dealing with the development of corporate identity. However, it is important not only to develop, but also to correctly convey the corporate identity to society, to ensure its consolidation in the minds of the company's target audience, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. And here you can't do without good PR.

In the broadest sense, the communication tools for promoting the corporate identity of a company can include the following initiatives: conducting presentations and press conferences, distributing press releases and press kits, direct mailing, producing videos and commercials, implementing PR and advertising campaigns, producing printing and company souvenirs, holding special events, participating in exhibitions, etc. - that is, all that, without which it is difficult to imagine the promotion of the company itself. It is not surprising, because the corporate identity is an integral part of the company's image, which means that the development of a communication campaign to promote the corporate identity of the organization should be carried out taking into account the entire strategy of forming the company's image.

It should be noted that in all cases, the corporate identity ideally performs the following main functions:

1) Identifies the company among other market participants and competitors. 2) Forms a positive image of the company. 3) Helps to find a consumer, forms his positive attitude towards the company and products. 4) Indicates to society the stability, durability, work of the company. 5) Increases the loyalty of company employees, forms new thinking, brings corporate culture, spirit and philosophy. 6) Reduces advertising and PR costs, contributes to building a strong brand.

The beginning of the company's work is the most crucial time, because during this period its image is laid. The corporate identity, as an integral part of the company's image, naturally penetrates wherever it is present. By the quality of paperwork, the politeness of the receptionists, the design of logos, website and brochures, the clothes of employees, clients and partners will judge your company. Therefore, it is not recommended to save on the quality of corporate identity development and the means for its implementation, postponing good design and its efficient use until better times. The consumer will not wait. Your company will incur indirect losses if competitors have a more attractive corporate identity. The avaricious pays twice - correcting the mistakes of youth will then cost much more when you have to spend money on the development and presentation of new branding. The second important point, which is also worth paying attention to immediately, is ensuring strict and constant observance of the corporate identity by all employees of the company. Internal orders, seminars for staff, as well as mandatory instruction in this regard for all new employees can help in solving this issue.

Do not forget about business partners and third parties in the broadest sense of the word. It is not uncommon for clients of a company, fulfilling their good intentions, to place on their website or in an advertising brochure a homemade logo that imitates the corporate identity of the partner company. Such situations must be monitored and immediately suppressed, as corporate identity “discord” negatively affects the company's reputation. It will not be superfluous to place a message in the advertising brochure and on the company's website that the brand symbols are patented and can be used only with the consent of the relevant structures of the company (as a rule, these are the public relations departments of the organization).

At first glance, the problems included in the title of the chapter concern only designers and advertisers, i.e. those professionals who design and manufacture the basic components of the corporate identity, and then manufacture and place them on various media.

However, if we consider what has been said above about the planning of the corporate context and the corporate communication system, we will have to admit that they determine the content of the corporate identity. This does not mean at all that a PR specialist - the creator of a corporate concept - also needs to become a designer; it is just that he must understand well the essence and sequence of the operations that make up the corporate identity and be their constant “ideologists” and controller. The meaning of this control is not reduced to managing the designer's hand, but to not giving the corporate identity to the dominant mercy of the tastes of one or several, even the most talented people.

Now - the basic concepts, which, of course, are common for PR specialists, and for advertisers, and for designers.

So, form style- it is a collection of graphic, color, audio and video techniques that ensure the unity of everyday work

of which spaces, products and promotional activities of an organization or a project contribute to their recognition, memorization and better perception employees, partners and consumers, allow you to clearly distinguish your corporate image from the image of competitors.

Corporate identity in the narrow sense is a combination of a trademark, colors and principles of graphic design of business papers; broadly - this is the use of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all types of advertising, documentation, as well as the maximum number of elements of the surrounding space that are or may be related to the organization or project.

The corporate identity is intended to act as:

a) means of forming an individual and unique image of the organization;

b) an identification system, a specific marker, an information carrier that allows the consumer to find the goods and services offered on the market;

c) a tool for forming a positive attitude from the consumer both to the organization or the project as a whole, and to individual goods and services.

The corporate identity is the outer shell of the image (the corporate world, the system of total communication), which is determined by its inner content. A figurative comparison of the image and corporate identity will look something like this: corporate identity is when “they are greeted by their clothes”; a complex corporate structure is when "everything should be fine: clothes, face, and thoughts."

It is worth noting that excessive enthusiasm for the corporate identity is no less dangerous than underestimating it, because the process of creating and developing a corporate identity has practically no finite limits either in financial costs, in time or in space. So, starting with the creation of a simple graphic logo on paper, we, more and more fired up, can very quickly come close to the desire to reproduce its laser image on the night clouds. But is it necessary at the moment? Is the "game worth the candle"?


Faculty of Trade and Economics

Department of Marketing Communications

Course work in the discipline "PR" on the topic:

"Corporate identity as a PR tool"






1.1 Elements of corporate identity 5

1.2 Main functions of corporate identity 12

1.3 Corporate identity as a PR tool 14


2.1 Enterprise characteristics 16

2.2 Analysis of the corporate identity of OSUE "OAS" 20

2.3 Analysis of the effectiveness of the corporate identity of OSUE "OAS" 22



Appendix 1 30

Appendix 2 31


Elements of corporate identity have been used in the practice of a market economy since ancient times. These elements were primitive at first. Thus, the most skilled artisans marked their products with a personal (brand) mark. Customers aware of the high professional reputation of these artisans were eager to purchase products bearing these marks.

The corporate identity is a set of techniques (graphic, color, plastic, acoustic, video) that ensure the unity of all the company's products and advertising events; improve memorability and perception by buyers, partners, independent observers not only of the company's products, but of all its activities. The corporate identity should be memorable and easily recognizable.

The corporate identity contributes to the formation of a favorable image of the company and is intended to enhance the effectiveness of its advertising contacts with consumers, to promote the growth of the company's reputation and popularity in the market, and to inspire the trust of partners.

The development and use of your own corporate identity is becoming an increasingly popular attribute of the development strategy of an increasing number of Russian companies. This is due to their heightened concern for their corporate image, on which sustained and long-term commercial success largely depends.

One of the key links in building the company's image is the corporate identity, which in a broad sense implies the use of uniform principles for the design of color combinations and methods for all forms of advertising, documentation, product packaging, office decoration, employee clothing and other components related to the company.

The study of corporate identity in the context of a PR specialist is necessary for the correct creation of a corporate identity and use in any commercial structure.

The purpose of the study is to study the components of creating and promoting a corporate identity as a PR tool, to consider the effectiveness of a corporate identity on the example of the OAS enterprise.

    get acquainted with the essence and content of PR-activities at the enterprise OGUP "Regional Pharmacy Warehouse";

    consider the elements of corporate identity as a component of PR;

    to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe stages of preparation and conduct of PR-campaigns;

    master the basic methods of assessing the effectiveness of PR-activities.

The object of the research is the OAS enterprise, the subject of the research is the components of the corporate identity of the enterprise as a PR tool.

When writing a term paper to assess the effectiveness of the components of the corporate identity, the following were used: research method - a survey, research methods: questionnaires and interviews.

Course work consists of two sections, introduction, conclusion, bibliography and applications. In the introduction, the goals, objectives, object and subject of research are formed, and its structure is described. The first section is devoted to the analysis of the corporate identity components and contains three subsections. The second section contains an analysis of the corporate identity as a PR tool of the OGUP Regional Pharmacy Warehouse. This section describes the characteristics of the enterprise and the conducted research on the effectiveness of corporate identity. The conclusion contains the main conclusions of the course work. Appendices contain tables, figures that were analyzed when writing this work.


1.1 Elements of corporate identity

A trademark is a registered in the established order pictorial, verbal, volumetric, sound designations or their combinations, which are used by the owner of the trademark to identify their goods. The exclusive right of the owner to use the trademark is ensured by legal protection from the state. A trademark is a legal concept and is applied only in the legal field. Everything related to a trademark (registration, application, use, protection, sale and purchase, etc.) is determined by law, and violation of these provisions entails liability. This designation serves to individualize goods, work performed or services provided by legal entities or individuals.

The trade mark (other names used: service mark, trade mark; English trade mark) is the central element of the corporate identity. It is not entirely correct to define a trade mark as a "trade mark".

The main functions of the trademark:

    facilitate the perception of differences or create differences;

    give names to products;

    facilitate the identification of goods;

    make it easier to remember the goods;

    indicate the origin of the goods;

    provide information about the product;

    stimulate the desire to buy;

    symbolize a guarantee.

Trademarks are distinguished by their plurality and diversity.

There are five main types of trademarks:

    The word mark is characterized by better memorability. It can be registered both in the standard spelling and in the original graphic design (logo). A word mark is the most common type of trademark. Approximately 80% of all registered trademarks are of this type. The value of the brand name is so great that a whole branding area is engaged in the development of the name of the product, called semonemics (Semon - sign and nemeon - to assign). Another name for this process is naming.

    The pictorial trademark is an original drawing, the emblem of the company. For example, the characteristic curved line as a trademark of Nike sports equipment; a stylized boat inscribed in an oval - AvtoVAZ, etc.

    Volumetric - a mark registered in a three-dimensional dimension, for example, a specific shape of a Coca-Cola bottle, perfume bottles are also provided with legal protection.

    In the recent past, the sound trademark was characteristic of radio stations and television companies (for example, the opening bar of the music to the song "Moscow Nights is a trademark of the Mayak radio station"). Recently, this type of trademark is increasingly used in the advertising practice of firms operating in other areas of business. For example, original musical phrases can be used in corporate advertising. For example, the corporate video clip of instant coffee "Nescafe" by Nestle ("Sip New Day!") Contains two registered sound trademarks: the main musical phrase and the rhythmic tapping of a spoon against a cup.

    Combined trademarks are a combination of the above types of trademarks, for example, a combination of a logo and a three-dimensional sculptural group "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" by V. Mukhina, a trademark of the Mosfilm film studio.

Analyzing the above definitions of the trademark, we can conclude that trademark Is any specific product or service that has its own name (regardless of whether it is legally registered as a trademark or not). In the perception of the consumer, it acquires a certain meaning. Being a sign that defines a product and a sign in which the image of the product is encoded, the brand unites the product and its image into one whole. That is, it is a "piggy bank" of information about the properties of the product. The image of the product is formed from this information in the mind of the consumer. A little-known trade mark serves only as a name for a product and tells the consumer almost nothing about its properties.

A logo is the original outline or abbreviated name of a company, a product group produced by a given company, or one specific product manufactured by it. Typically, a logo consists of 4-7 letters. Approximately four out of five trademarks are registered in the form of a logo. The logo is a form of trademark and may not contain additional pictorial elements (as in the case of Panasonic).

The logo should: be easy to remember, be easily recognizable, be scalable, be able to be placed on various media (booklet, diary, pen, T-shirt, etc.), be uniform.

Logos can be conditionally divided into two types: informative logos and abstract logos. An informative logo is a logo that reflects the specifics of the company's activities. It can be illustrative (illustrating the activities of the company), graphic (reflecting the specifics of the business through graphic images), or text (text describing the activities of the company). Informative logos include "ZiPPO", with its wick and flame, and "Harley-Davidson" with its "mechanical" writing. An abstract logo is a logo that only denotes a company, but does not carry a sufficient semantic and informative load. Examples of such logos are the Davidoff and NOKIA logos.

A brand block is a traditional, often used combination of several elements of a corporate identity, for example, it may include a brand name or logo, company name, postal, bank details, a list of goods and services, an advertising symbol of a company, a slogan. The corporate block is convenient to use as a component in the design of a business card, business letterhead, and on product packaging. The corporate block is most often a pictorial trademark and logo, for example, the adidas lettering under the branded dissected triangle - the Adidas corporate block, the KLM logo with a stylized crown over the letters - the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines corporate block. The company block may also contain the full official name of the company, its postal and bank details (for example, on letterhead). Sometimes a brand block includes a brand slogan.

The trademark and the logo can be exactly the same, the logo can be an integral part of the trademark. A logo can fully assume the functions of a trademark (while a trademark in the form of a wordless picture cannot be called a logo).

The corporate hero is an important part of the formed image of the company. The communicator personifies himself, as it were, developing a permanent, stable image of his representative. Very often the corporate hero is endowed with some traits that the communicator seeks to incorporate into his image. A corporate hero can represent a fantasy-ideal consumer, such as the Marlboro cowboy and the adventurer in the Camel commercial. The smoker is supposed to identify with these heroes. Along with quite successful examples of the development of a corporate hero, or at least logical ones, one can recall the failure of IBM in choosing a corporate hero - the Pink Panther from the popular animated series. Now it is already difficult to establish what the specialists of this corporation were guided by when making such a decision. However, by the time the error was found out, the rights to use the image of the Pink Panther had already been bought out from the Warner Brothers studio, numerous advertising media with this corporate hero had been replicated: T-shirts, baseball caps, mats for computer mice, etc. Naturally, the losses of a communicator as a result of such a mistake of professionals were estimated at many millions. The corporate hero is part of the corporate mythology. Its purpose is to evoke sympathy. The corporate character should clearly represent the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe product. The constant communicator, unlike the corporate hero, is a real person. This is a specific person who is chosen by the firm as an intermediary in its communication with the addressee. The definitions of this concept are more common as "the face of the company", "brand image", "the icon of the company". Sometimes the firm uses the visual appeal of the intermediary. Attractiveness is not the only criterion, however. In some cases, the communicator can be attracted by the professional qualities of a person, his competence. Then his features are projected onto the image of the owner of the corporate identity.

Terms: branding, brand, PR, brand promotion
Content: Branding and role PR in brand promotion. Brand promotion strategy using PR programs. Efficiency PR for branding. Branding design studio ANTARGO.
Branding in launch and promotion strategies brand on the market uses a variety of means, one of which is PR.

PR (Public Relations - public relations) - planned long-term events aimed at creating and maintaining goodwill relations between the brand and consumers, the press, the public.

Using PR in branding Is a powerful tool for managing brand reputation and public opinion, helping to promote the brand and strengthen its position in the market.

Branding and PR: Promotion Strategy

In the strategy of promoting a brand using PR, the following stages can be distinguished:

1. Analysis and problem statement, definition of brand competitors.

2. Development of a PR-events program.

3. Implementation of a PR program, interaction with the media.

4. PR action is slower and more gradual than, for example, advertising, which acts instantly. Therefore, you need to start a PR program a certain amount of time before the start of a branding campaign. This stage is also referred to as "build up".

5. Attracting positive associates who can help build a friendly perception of the new brand.

6. Since a PR campaign begins before a brand appears on the market, feedback can help improve products before they enter the market. On the contrary, for advertising company it is no longer possible to make product improvements, as this entails high costs and negatively affects the brand image.

7. Analysis and evaluation of the results of the PR-program.

8. The final stagefollowing the end of the PR program, this is the launch of the brand to the market. Here important role an advertising campaign begins to play. This stage is called "smooth start".

In marketing, such a strategy for promoting a brand using PR is called the RACE system (Research - research, Action - action, Communication - communication, Evaluation - evaluation).

Branding and PR: efficiency

In the practice of branding, PR is now used everywhere, being a key marketing tool in brand promotion. PR agencies are used by companies on a par with advertising agencies as a permanent and effective part of the marketing team.

The approach to the brand's PR program must be competent and professional, since even a minor mistake in PR quickly gains resonance in the public, and it is much easier to ruin a reputation than to improve it.

Branding, brand promotion, PR and advertising campaign development, you can order in Creative design studio ANTARGO.


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