Does advertising in contact work. Advertising campaign "VKontakte" from A to Z. Special offers in games from VKontakte

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In the article "" we examined a number of options for attracting interested visitors (buyers) to our resource.

It is clear that without this any project becomes meaningless, so everyone is trying to use these available funds to the maximum. We have already started talking in detail about, as well as about. In fact, these are great tools that, with the right approach, can provide you with a good start.

But to complete the picture, it will still be necessary to use social networks. They often open up completely new horizons and allow you to reach the audience interested in your products, which cannot be reached by traditional means. We have already started talking about and. However, the largest and most popular in RuNet remained not covered by our attention.

What is VK targeting?

Many people mistakenly consider the audience of the social network Vkontakte to be poorly convertible, because there, allegedly, mostly. Actually, yes, in Vkontatka there is indeed a higher percentage of shkoloty than in Facebook, because there are many free goodies. But this does not mean at all that there is no solvent audience - it just is more diffuse than in such social networks as Facebook, Google Plus or Linkedin.

However, the advertising targeting methods available in VKontakte (setting only for the audience you need) and the relatively recent retargeting easily allow you to weed out non-target network users for your offer. Let me explain a little about retargeting. It, in fact, makes it possible to show ads in Contact to users already familiar to you, whom you upload to your advertising account using the list of Email addresses, either phones, or ID, or by collecting information about them on your website by installing a special code ...

After the appearance of retargeting in the settings of the Vkontakte ad account, many even stopped using regular targeting. Moreover, how and where you collected a list of these Emails, phones or IDs is not important, but looking ahead I will say that for this purpose you can use scripts, online services and even applications for Contact. Everything works great, and you don't even need to. Below I will give examples of the use of retargeting, which will maximize the conversion of traffic from Contact and reduce the cost of an advertising campaign.

Actually, for those who do not know, blocks with targeted ads are shown in the left column on the Contact pages (usually an ad consists of a title and an image, and in some cases a description may also be added to them):

Below them there is a button "All ads", by clicking on which you can view the entire range of advertising topics that are offered to you. In theory, all of them should correspond to your interests and aspirations, but in practice this is not always the case. In this and subsequent articles, we will just be engaged in minimizing the display of our ads to uninterested users, as well as making them as interesting to them as possible in order to increase their click-through rate (CTR).

CTR (the ratio of the number of views to the number of clicks multiplied by one hundred percent) in targeted advertising, just like in contextual advertising, is used to measure the effectiveness of ads, and the higher it is, the less you will pay per click. Though, on Vkontakte, you can choose between two types of payment:

  1. For clicks
  2. For impressions

To understand which payment method will be the most profitable for you, you need to conduct experiments (test an advertising campaign with a modest budget - at least 100 rubles), by the way, in ninety percent of cases it will be more profitable to use the payment option "for impressions", and only when trying to reach a huge based on audience size, pay per click may be preferable. Below we will talk about this in more detail.

The "Per impressions" option will give you a lot of traffic for relatively small amounts, but with the proper skill. It is quite difficult to achieve a low cost per click in the "For clicks" option (you need a good page of ads), and it will be difficult to get a large number of clicks with this approach. Therefore, it is easier and, in most cases, cheaper to use the Vkontakte advertising option when paying "For impressions".

Let's quickly go over how to get yourself an advertising account on Vkontakte (by default, it is not active for you) and start creating an ad. Well, along the way, let's talk about what you should pay special attention to, and what you don't have to bother with, because it does not greatly affect the success of an advertising campaign. So, at the bottom of any Contact page you will find a button "Advertising" ... By clicking on it, you will be taken to the page for choosing which tool you want to use:

Here, by the way, the second sentence "Advertising posts in communities" is interesting. The fact is that Vkontakte could always be used for advertising purposes in two ways: either set up targeting in your official ad account, or look for popular public pages that are suitable for you by topic and invite their owners to publish your ad post. In the latter case, the Contact remained, as it were, out of business, so they muddied such a thing (in fact, an exchange for posting records in publics).

But we'll talk about it later, because today we are only interested in targeted advertising and retargeting in particular. Therefore, we click on the button "Targeted ads"... In the window that opens, you will be briefly introduced to the features of the target, after which you will only have to click on the "Create ad" button. A form will open with a lot of different fields (we'll talk about them a little later).

You can fill them in at random for now to create a test ad. Together with it, and your Vkontakte advertising account... After that, the "Advertising" tab will appear in your left menu, by which you can quickly enter this very account.

What is the difference between targeting advertising on Vkontakte?

We will come back to creating an ad, but for now I want to explain to you, how is targeted advertising different? from media or contextual advertising, as well as what its trick is.

  1. In the case of using media ads (banners, etc.), you pay for displaying your ad to an audience, which may include your target users. The percentage of them, as a rule, will be very different from a hundred (very similar to not very strong hit of television advertising in the audience). In this regard, targeting is much more selective. By fine-tuning, you can ensure that you pay only for the users you need (targeted and motivated, who are potentially interested in your offer).
  2. In the case of using contextual advertising, it is linked to search queries entered by the user in the search bar (advertising in the search results), or linking to his recent interests (again, determined by previously entered queries) or to the content of the page on which the ad is displayed (advertising on sites partners). Targeted advertising is tied to data that the system (in our case, Vkontakte) knows about the user - his geographic location, socio-demographic position, interests, and much more.

But this is not the main thing. The main the difference between contextual advertising and targeted advertising lies in the degree of readiness of a potential customer to purchase - is he ready to buy initially or you should also encourage him to do so.

  1. In contextual advertising, there are mainly so-called “warm clients”. They go to the search, already having a goal to buy something (even if not on the first site they come across, but in general), enter their request, conduct research on quality and prices, after which they get from advertising to your site and become your customers ...
  2. (they came to Vkontakte in no way to buy, but to communicate), i.e. we serve ads to users with the aim of arousing their interest. Then they need to be "warmed up".
    1. For this purpose, they are used in the case of goods that are not very expensive (when it is quite easy for a visitor to make a purchase decision). Such sales can be compared to trade in transport, when passengers decide on a quick purchase of only not very expensive goods. With regard to Contact, spontaneous purchases include everything that costs less than a couple of thousand rubles (clothes can be somewhat out of this price category).
    2. Or you can direct potential customers to the Contact () communities, in the case of expensive or complex products (services), when people need time to think. In the second case, you "process" visitors in the community, making "cold" customers "warm". These are so-called "long purchases" (expensive goods, complex services, events, etc.) that require reflection. It is in the community that you explain to him the importance of your proposal, its features, uniqueness, dignity, so that he is convinced of the need this purchase. It will not be difficult for him to join the community (if this topic is somehow interesting to him), after which he will begin to receive your newsletter. It is possible that the process of “warming” (maturation) of users may take weeks or even months, but with the proper approach, everything will work out.

Where to send clients from ads - to the site or to the community?

Let's fix it again - when to send a user from Vkontakte advertising to an external site, and when to the community?

  1. If the advertised product costs less than 2,000 rubles. In this case, it makes sense to lead the client to the landing page (or one-page)
  2. If there is enough information on the landing page itself to persuade the client to buy (read about)
  3. If the user does not need to pay - games, promotional sites, etc.
  1. If you have a large online store or a well-known brand. In this case, your need, most likely, will not be limited to one purchase - you need constant sales. In the community, you post interesting content, which you dilute with selling posts about new products, offers or promotions. It will be much more convenient, far-sighted and more practical.
  2. If you have a local business (for example, a restaurant, fitness club or cafe). A person joins a community where you can communicate with him, find out his opinion about your service, read his reviews and try to take them into account. Well, of course, with a good community, this client can become a permanent one for you.
  3. If you sell complex or expensive products or services. In this case, with the help of the community, you will be able to explain to the user why this product is worth so much money, why it is good and what is its advantage over competitors.

Who is targeting (advertising in VKontakte) suitable for?

  1. If you have an offer suitable for a wide range of users (consumer goods). Things that are interesting to many. The wider your potential target audience is, the better it will go on social media.
  2. If you have your own thematic community on Vkontakte, then targeting can serve as a very good way to attract users and subscribers to it.
  3. If you have an online store, then it is quite possible to successfully build sales through social networks. Vkontakte will give you new customers, new sales and additional profit compared to all other ways to attract customers.
  4. Games and mobile apps work well with targeting, because it is very easy to set up ad serving to those who have mobile devices or those who play on social networks.
  5. Cafes, restaurants, fitness, clubs and other local businesses almost always have their representation in social networks, and attracting visitors from there using targeting would be a completely logical continuation of cooperation.
  6. If you want to attract users to some events, concerts, parties and other events that are aimed at a wide audience, then Vkontakte is perfect for you.
  7. Also in social networks, you can perfectly advertise various information products, seminars, conferences, coaching, etc. things.
  8. To summarize, we can say that Vkontakte advertising works well for a customer-oriented business (not business for business).

For whom is Vkontakte advertising not suitable?

There are a number of service sectors and businesses that are sufficient expensive and not very effective to promote using targeting in VK (context might be preferable in this case). Basically, the problem lies in the difficulty of selecting the right audience, although with the advent of retargeting (in subsequent articles we will talk about it in great detail) this problem in some cases has become quite solvable. The second problem is that most of the time people on social media are not interested in these topics.

    It is very difficult to promote Vkontakte (perhaps, with the exception of internet marketing). Those. targeting is not suitable for B2B outside the Internet (sales of building materials, video surveillance systems, office supplies and everything else that is configured to work with a business that is not related to the Internet).

    Firstly, it is difficult to target the suppliers for the right business by targeting, and even if you hit the right network user, it is not a fact that he will want to change the supplier he already has. Secondly, suppliers are people too, and they go to Contact to take a break from work, and not continue to do it. If he needs your service, he will go to Yandex or Google and find everything there. Internet marketers actually work on social networks, so landing pages, etc. Vkontakte things can be successfully advertised.

  1. Go hard complex highly specialized services (data protection, alarm systems, etc.), which are incomprehensible to most Vkontakte users. It will be quite difficult to find a target audience who will be interested in this. The more complex the service, the more difficult it is to find an audience on a social network. Although, again, with the advent of retargeting, it has become possible to select an audience for highly specialized offers, some difficulties still remain.
  2. Difficult to promote with targeting medical services, because there are a lot of nuances for each of their types, associated primarily with the passage of moderation (you need to collect and send information about your activities and in every possible way to coordinate this kind of announcement). In addition, the cost of attracting a client can be higher than in the context, which is not good. Secondly, again, it is difficult to target (highlight) the target audience, although you can focus on some thematic medical communities. But again, the users of these communities are already hooked on the services of the medical center that this community has created and supports. There must be a good reason for users to change landmarks (for example, if your offer has a significantly lower price). Services in cosmetology medicine (plastic, etc.) are slightly better promoted, because it is more interesting to the people.
  3. Quite often, a target audience tries to promote the property, but this is far from always effective, because it is incredibly difficult to find a buyer for an apartment with the help of targeted advertising on Vkontakte. You will need to reach a huge audience to get a chance for at least one sale. Moreover, nothing but tuning for megalopolises and the able-bodied age can be done especially. A more promising method for selling real estate would be to create a thematic community or conduct seminars (for example, about mortgages, or how to buy an apartment), but it will take a lot of work and will add work to you. The situation is better with the delivery and rental of apartments through targeting.

The above facts in no way imply the merits of any of the above advertising methods, they simply illustrate their significant differences. The social network Vkontakte, by virtue of its specificity, aggregates a huge layer of knowledge about users who are registered and communicate with it. It is thanks to this that it is possible, with the proper skill, only for those network users who, a priori, will be interested in it. Well, with the advent of the possibility of using retargeting, the accuracy of targeting the user has become even higher.

  1. Vkontakte sells well goods and services worth up to five to six thousand rubles. Anything that is more expensive can be tried, but the likelihood of effective sales to the audience of this social network is already decreasing.
  2. In addition, it should be said that it is best to sell consumer goods here. With the advent of retargeting, advertising of highly specialized offers has also become quite possible and effective, but it's still easier to sell consumer goods.
  3. If a product, service or brand has a community of fans on Vkontakte, then this will be a great help, because targeting by groups works best.
  4. As a rule, it is better to direct the flow of visitors attracted from targeted advertising to an external site (or your site) than to a group or public in the social network itself. But again, you need to experiment.
  5. Prices for Vkontakte advertising are slightly higher than in Vkontakte, but on the other hand, here very quickly (with the right approach) you can get a decent flow of interested visitors, which will result in dozens of orders of inexpensive goods per day. There is an example when the owner of an online store spends two hundred thousand rubles a month on targeted advertising and is very pleased with the margin extracted from this business.

Moderation of ads and the main parameters of an advertising campaign

In addition, you should know that (for example, alcohol, tobacco and other nasty things). Well, everything else that is prohibited by Russian law. Actually, all your ads will be moderated and forbidden topics will not be missed, but if you are contracting for someone to attract traffic from Vkontakte, then check out

Hello! If you decide to set up targeted advertising on Vkontakte, then a lot of questions immediately arise. How much money do you need to start an advertising campaign? Which settings should I choose and which ones to ignore, given my individual project? How do I find images? What is the best image format? What is CTR and what is CPM, what is the difference and what to choose? What is retargeting and how to use it? In order to save you from unnecessary fuss, we will consider all these issues and not only in this article.

Skeptics will say, “I've tried! Targeted ads don't work! I spent a lot of money. " Dear comrades, the violin will not play in the hands of a hippo! Tried it - it didn't work, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Means somewhere wrong. Thousands of companies on Vkontakte use this tool and get clients every day. It just takes a little patience and skill.

In the meantime, I will give this infographic:

I also want to warn people who are just trying online advertising. First of all, I recommend you such an advertising channel as, you should first work in that direction. Targeted advertising is more "long traffic" and in some niches it can still compete with contextual advertising in the rate of conversion of a visitor to a buyer. But in most cases it is better to start with contextual advertising, and only then connect targeted advertising. And using a combination of contextual advertising + targeting Vkontakte will help to significantly increase efficiency. I will talk about this in the next article, because now it will be difficult to talk about all the subtleties, but I will give you some guidelines. So, let's begin.

To make it easier to navigate, let's conditionally divide the whole process into 2 stages. Namely:

  1. Training: basic terms, preparation for testing ads, creating an advertising office.
  2. Setting: Let's go through the main targeting settings, ad formats, test images and headlines, and choose a strategy for impressions or clicks.

Preparation and terms

A bit of theory and numbers:

CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions, measured as a percentage. For example, from 1000 impressions, you received 20 clicks. 20/1000 * 100 \u003d 2%. This indicator is important to consider when choosing an ad format for impressions. In per-click advertising, it is not that important because it does not affect the cost per click.

СPC - cost per transition. It is important to always take into account, otherwise you can go into the negative.

We create an advertising account

Open the "Settings" in the left menu and look for the "Advertising" link below.

Click on the "Targeted ad" button. Create ad. The first step is to create an ad, not an office. I propose to simply create an ad now, without setting any settings, just so that you have an ad account.

Cooking pictures

There are two options to choose from. The first is to look for pictures yourself on all the resources available to you (from photo banks, to a banal search for pictures in a search engine), and then prepare pictures in Photoshop. Or you can use this mega-convenient service, for a start the free version will be enough. I will not dwell on the service now, if you want to figure it out, it is intuitive.

Testing images and titles

To customize your campaign more effectively, it is important to test images and headlines. For the test, we need to prepare. The test runs as follows.

  • We select at least 5 images. We test five pictures with the same title.
  • And we come up with at least 5 headings. We test five titles with the same picture.
  • After you test which images and headings were the most clickable, we combine the most clickable title and the most clickable image. This way we get the most effective ad.

Ideally, you need to test at least 15 pictures and 15 headlines. But for understanding the first time, five is enough.

Setting up

To date, there are 5 options for the ad format for the site and group.

  • image and text. They are used mainly when you need to clearly explain what it is about in the announcement;
  • great image. This format is good in that it attracts attention much better than the previous one. But there is a significant disadvantage - the limitation on symbols, only 25. You can also write text on the image, which significantly expands the capabilities of this option;
  • Exclusive format. In this case, your ad will be broadcast to the user in a single copy, without competitors. The downside is that it is twice as expensive;
  • Community promotion. This format is only suitable for communities; you cannot advertise the site using it. The key difference is that a user can join your community without following a link. There will be a button "Join" right in the ad;
  • Finally, a special format! If your target audience is over 100 thousand, I recommend trying it! It is broadcast not in the left column, like other formats, but in the user's news feed, which significantly increases the CTR. This option also only works for communities.

Choosing the subject of your ad

You can skip this step in principle, but it is useful to choose a topic and subsection. When the topic and subsection are set, moderation is faster.

Choosing the geography of our target audience

In this block, you can select the cities you want to advertise to, districts, metro stations and even the streets of your city. This is necessary if you have a local business, such as a cafe. In this case, you need to tune in to a narrow circle of people who do not need to travel across half of the city to you. Here you can also cut out irrelevant ads. For example, you are selling some rare commodity after purchasing it in China. In this case, it will be very useful to cut off large cities, since they already have a very good choice, and they may well buy the same product with delivery in their city, and even often cheaper. To do this, you need to select in the column “excluding” the cities that you want to exclude from your advertising campaign.

Setting up demographics

With gender and age, everything is clear. But there are very interesting settings in this block, such as birthday. We can tick the birthday box. And write in the ad, for example: "In honor of the birthday, a 10% discount." These ads increase click-through rates because we personalize them. By choosing marital status, you can also improve the relevance of your RK. For example, it makes no sense to advertise a dating site to family people. Well, at least often)


Well, finally we got there :) In my opinion, this is the most important and useful block in traditional targeting. Therefore, let's talk about it in as much detail as possible. So let's go.

Categories of interests

The Vkontatke algorithm constantly counts the engagement of each particular user in certain categories of posts. For example, if a person constantly likes, comments, views a specific topic, for example, goods and services. With the help of this setting, we will just be able to age our advertising to this segment of users! Great really ?! :)


We can tune in to a segment of the audience that is in the groups of our competitors! That is, in fact, take customers away from competitors. Well, that's not all! A person who is a member of communities of interest can also be our potential client (for example, people who are in business communities are potential clients for the b2b services industry). But here you need to carefully select the communities for which you are tuning.

App and website targeting

By targeting certain applications, you can also achieve good results in certain cases. For example, advertising a toy, you can target people who are already playing similar games.

An exception

You can, for example, exclude people who are already your subscribers.


I do not use this block because there was no need. Perhaps it will be useful for you.


If you check this box, the ads will be broadcast to people who tag their photos in different places. This increases the chances of finding a more solvent audience.

The next block "Education and work"

By tuning in to the profession, you can also additionally tune in to the audience who will be interested in your product or service. For example, people who studied for a high-paying specialty in one of the elite universities are much more likely to have a high income than elementary school teachers. The same applies to people holding a certain position or working in a certain company.

Extra options

  • Retargeting groups. This setting is worthy of a separate article. In short, you can collect a separate user base to which your ad will be broadcast. This can be done either with the help of certain software, or by pre-installing the retargeting code on your website.
  • With the exception of. We can also exclude people on whom we do not want to show our ads. For example, people who are already subscribed to our community.
  • Devices. If we choose here the owners of Apple technology or owners of smartphones, then we can even more accurately tune in to the solvent audience.

I usually ignore the rest of the settings in this block, simply because I haven’t come across such advertising campaigns yet.

Setting price and location

For impressions or for clicks?

We need to choose the price per impressions and per clicks. When properly configured, ads for impressions are often more effective than ads for clicks. But there are exceptions, for example, if your audience is over 500 thousand, it makes sense to test ads for clicks. I recommend choosing advertising platforms only on Vkontakte.

Transition cost.

The main mistake of beginners is that they leave the price that Vkontakte offers. That is why many consider Vkontakte advertising to be unreasonably expensive. In fact, you need to follow a simple formula: divide the proposed amount (clickthrough or per 1000 impressions) by about 10 or so. That is, if the price for 1000 impressions Vkontakte recommends 12 rubles, you can set 1.2 rubles. and if the impressions are unscrewed normally (at least 1 impression per second), then we leave it as it is. If not, we set the price a little higher, and so on until the impressions are unscrewed normally.

Click "Create ad", and then launch the ad for moderation.

Best regards, Vladimir Kondratenko

Hello friends! In this post I will tell you how to create effective advertisements for Vkontakte contextual advertising. I have mentioned this tool more than once in my articles, so it's time to talk about the principle of working with it.

You are probably used to hearing that only search engines have contextual advertising, but recently social networks have also acquired such a function, which, by the way, shows itself well. Vkontakte contextual advertising allows you to promote both external sites and groups, meetings, publics. The coolest thing about this tool is targeting. The customization is very flexible, you can customize the display to the exact street, interests and even browsers. Also, with such a large audience (80,000,000 people per day), the advertising price is relatively low, and you can start a campaign with an amount of 100 rubles. Here's what the ad units look like on the contact's own pages:

Agree, it looks more like teasers than context. And the picture plays an important role here. Also a significant plus is that you can pay for ads both for impressions and for clicks. By the way, it turns out much more profitable for impressions, I'll explain why later.

Disadvantages of contact context in a small number of characters in the title (you know, it is very difficult to hook a person using only 25 characters). I also consider the moderation of images too strict (sometimes it is very difficult to push the desired image, which will surely bring more clicks). But in general, everything is pretty good, and it definitely makes sense to work in this direction. Okay, enough theory, let's start creating an advertising campaign.

We create an advertising campaign. Determine the payment, compose advertising headlines and images

We pass to the targeted advertising page and click “create ad”:

On the next page you will see the settings for the new ad, the first step is to select the type of payment:

Pay per click - You pay for every real click of a person. By choosing this type of payment, you can add a title of 25 characters, a description of 60 characters and a picture of 90x65 pixels to your ad:

Pay for impressions - everything is much more interesting here. Payment is made for every 1000 impressions, and the ad can be shown several times to the same user. In this case, everything depends on your imagination, creativity, as well as correctly configured targeting. My experience of working with contact ads has shown that when paying for impressions, you can get more clicks for a lower price. However, in any case, I advise you to test 2 campaigns - with impressions and clicks. By choosing this type of payment, you can add a header of 25 characters to your ad, as well as a picture with a size of 90x120 pixels:

Promoting communities for referrals - such a function appeared recently, and to be honest, I did not use it. This payment method is intended for advertising groups, meetings, publics and applications. You pay for each unique user transition. When choosing this type of payment, you can add a header of 25 characters and a picture of 90x90 pixels to your ad:

So, I choose pay per impression, but the tips below can be used for all types of ads. Our main task now is to create a headline combined with a picture that will attract the attention of users and encourage them to click.

Let me remind you that the title should be 25 characters long, which means that we need to briefly convince the person to click on the ad. The simplest technique is a call to action. Let's say we are advertising an online game about dragons, then the title can be made like this: “Fight the dragon!”, “Crush the dragon!”, “Defeat the dragon!”. I hope you get the point.

You can also use titles such as “Best Game of 2013!”, “It's Better than Skyrim!”, “Coolest Game of 2013!” etc. In general, you are limited only by your imagination.

Next, you need to choose a picture that will attract people. Since we are advertising a game about dragons, you can take pictures from the game Skyrim (who does not know, can google this topic) or just pick up a beautiful picture with a dragon. It is desirable to give preference to light pictures. So, here's what I got:

After we have compiled the title and selected the picture, it's time to move on to the most important part of the advertising campaign - targeting setting. Before doing this, do not forget to select the type of advertisement (site, group, application):

Setting up targeting for Vkontakte advertising

Correct setting of targeting (indication of the target audience) is the key to the success of the entire advertising campaign, so this matter should be taken very seriously. To begin with, I would like to show with examples how advertising budgets are poured into a pipe due to an incorrectly selected target audience. Here are a few ads that are running on my page:

The page is real, it contains only real data, real place of residence, and now we will look at the main problems of these two ads (they all come with pay-per-clicks).

The first ad - photographer Mikhail Bolotov, wedding photos, family photo sessions, southern Russia. The group is being advertised. The laugh is that I live in Ukraine, and not in Russia, and I am also 17 years old and it’s still a bit early for me to get married ... Plus, I think the title of the ad is very strange - “photographer Mikhail Bolotov”, never about this I heard…

The second announcement - Apartment renovation in Moscow and the region. An external site is being advertised. Again - I'm a 17-year-old boy, why the hell did the renovation of an apartment surrender to me, and even in Moscow (I live in Ukraine) ?! When I go to the site, I find that it is built on the Ucoz engine in a slanting, crooked style, just to be alive ...

Those. we see that ads are shown to the wrong audience, which means that the money is wasted.

Now let's go directly to setting up targeting. As an example, we will advertise the online game "Dragons". On the page with ad settings, we find the "geography" section:

Here we select the country and cities in which we want to broadcast ads. For the game "Dragons" I choose the country Russia. I leave the field "cities and regions" empty, since it does not matter to me from which city the registration will be carried out.

I choose the male gender, because I think that games are mainly a male hobby. Age is also an important parameter. Here you need to start from what exactly you will advertise. For example, if a commercial offer is being advertised, then you need to understand that you should not expect much from an audience under 18, as it is insolvent. If entertainment is advertised (as in our case), then the audience up to 18-20 years old is more suitable here, since mainly young people like to have fun. In our case, I put the age from 12 to 20 years, since the online game is advertised. The fields "birthday" and "marital status" are not so important.

The next columns that I would like to draw attention to are interests, groups, applications and sites:

First you need to probe your audience as much as possible by interests. To advertise the game, I put the interests of the game, online games, dragons (since we advertise the game of the same name), Skyrim (since this game is associated with dragons) and for the experiment I prescribed the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon". For your advertisements, you also try to probe the audience as much as possible. For example, if Seo services are advertised, then website promotion, blogging, website development, seo, etc. can be crammed into your interests. I hope you get the point.

Next are the columns “categories of groups” and “communities”, with the help of which you can attract additional audience from groups and publics of the contact. Just select groups similar in subject matter to your offer. It's the same with sites and applications, for our game I chose the following applications:

If you are going to advertise the recruitment of employees (for example, in Moscow), then the section “extended geography” may be useful to you, where you can specify districts, metro stations or a street.

I also advise you to look into the "advanced settings" tab and select the most popular browsers there:

Here I advise leaving Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. We filter out telephones and Internet explorer, because no one sitting on the phone will click on your ad, and in my opinion, the Internet explorer is used only by those who have recently acquired a computer and understand absolutely nothing about it.

The last step is to set the cost per click or 1000 impressions, it can be reduced to 30% of the recommended:

I also advise you to check the box next to "limit" to 100 impressions per person. "

Where is VK advertising placed.

To see what the different ad formats look like, just open your page.

  • Teasers.

On the left of the users' pages there are teaser blocks for VK targeting, three in one impression

  • Blocks in the news feed.

In the feed, your post is diluted with news posts of users in a ratio of 1/25, and does not differ in any way from them, except for a note that this is an advertising post. Such posts consist of text of any length and, if desired, pictures.

  • VK groups.

In VKontakte communities, you can buy advertising space and post posts of different formats - both text with pictures and video clips. Here the message is also marked with a footnote and this is the only way to distinguish it from the entries of the members or the administration of the group. This is how it looks in the group feed.

  • How targeted advertising on VKontakte works.

I will not describe how to set up a campaign with targeting in VK, you can see it in the article on the site, now we will analyze the appearance of the ads, and how they are being promoted.

Blocks of targeted advertising on VKontakte can be created either with a small or with a large picture (you can see its dimensions in the screenshot). In the first case, a title of 33 characters and a description of 70 characters are written under the image, in the second only the title.

Moderators carefully monitor the spelling, the presence of unnecessary exclamation marks and information content of the texts, and often return the ad for revision. So be careful.

How is the campaign spun off?

When setting up payment for 1000 impressions, a limit is set for showing an ad unit to 1 user, the minimum number is 100. That is, more than 100 times one person will not see it.

This is important, because the click-through rate (CTR) depends on the ratio of clicks to impressions and the success of the compiled teaser block is assessed, and if one user is constantly spinning an ad, this indicator will be small and not correspond to the true position.

Payment for impressions is configured in the case when the target audience is narrowed using targeting filters and does not have a very large reach. If you do not represent a portrait of the target audience for your offer, you do not know how to segment it and the reach for display is large, it makes sense to set up pay per clicks.

In the first case, the amounts will be deducted from your account as the impressions are based on the rate you set, in the second - as the clicks are made, and also based on the set rate.

VK ads in the block on the left are regularly rotated, that is, yours will not be shown constantly, but in turn.

  • Advertising in the news feed.

Here the ads look like any other message, this is the so-called. Initially, this format implies the promotion of posts from your community, but you can make a new post directly from the advertising account, but on behalf of the group administrator.

The difference is that you can write text without limiting characters, insert pictures and videos. How to set up such a campaign, see the article on the site.

Your post moves down the feed as new entries are added and will hang there for a long time, but hardly anyone will be looking for it at the bottom, so choose the time most visited by the target audience to post them.

In groups and publics, there are no restrictions on the format of an advertising post, if it has not been set by the administrator, which you can find out from him.

You will also agree on the time of posting and learn about the rules of promotion. Usually it looks like this: after publication, the post is at the very top of the community news for one hour, and then crawls down during the day as new posts appear or other similar proposals are posted. At the end of the day, the message is removed from the feed.

But this is not a rule, in some groups the administrators arrange a different schedule for showing, and sometimes the post remains in the feed for an indefinite period.

Recently, at consultations, I am increasingly asked about targeted advertising on Vkontakte.

Ok, let's take a detailed algorithm today using a live example and see how it works. I will say right away - if you read my article diagonally, having casually skimmed your eyes, nothing will work. You need to go through the points and when setting up your VKONTAKTE ad, check with each step.

Stage one: what goods and services can be promoted with targeted advertising on Vkontakte?

1) At a cost of no more than $ 150 - this is a proven price limit. Is your product more expensive? Until you try, you won't know, but from experience, what is more expensive than the specified price is much more difficult and converts worse.

2) Targeted advertising can ONLY sell consumer goods or services. If the product, service, brand being sold has fan groups, communities, VKONTAKTE publics, it makes sense to try. If there are no obvious adherents, you don't need to try to advertise. Currency control workshops and metal fittings definitely WON'T WORK (this was discussed recently).

Stage two: what should you remember when creating an advertising campaign for VKONTAKTE?

1) The key to the success of targeted advertising is the correct choice of the target audience. You must know your consumer by sight! There are no trifles in determining the target audience! If you miss the definition of one point, you can drain the budget. For example, if the main consumers of your product are in the age group from 30 to 40 years old, and you decide to expand the range by ten years from 20 to 40 ("what if it shoots?") - consider that the effectiveness of your ad has already decreased three times. Since users from 20 to 30 years old on Vkontakte are three times more than from 30 to 40, they will see your ad more often, and there will be no sense (conversions) from these views.

2) Set limits on spending. I don't really like the fact that VKONTAKTE cannot make a schedule of impressions, like contextual advertising, but you can and should limit the budget by all available means.

3) Remember the timing of impressions. It is almost useless to advertise something at night or early in the morning. Shows will be. Perhaps there will even be clicks. There will be no conversion only.

4) Test every ad. A test is a display of a fresh ad with a very small limit. 100 rubles for a new ad is enough to understand whether it works or not.

A little about the personal method of assessing the effectiveness of targeted ads in VK. com

We drain 100 rubles of the budget, look at the CTR of the ad:

  • if higher than 0.2% is a good ad
  • if within 0.1-0.2% - requires revision (changing the title or description)
  • everything below 0.1% - add to cart

Stage three: fine-tuning of targeted VKontakte advertising.

I'll tell you on a personal example of an active VKontakte advertising campaign. I advertise seasonal children's clothing - jackets, suits, overalls. The campaign leads to one CPA offer. This is a relatively inexpensive product, it is in seasonal demand, plus I have a one-year-old son and the concerns of the target audience in the person of his mother, I know very well 🙂.

a)Standard start setting

b) Uploading a picture, coming up with a title and text

Several nuances:

  • A headline is always a call to action!
  • Description text - reveals the whole essence of your proposal
  • A picture is 80% of the technical success of each specific ad (as in a teaser ad). Better to spend an extra 10 minutes looking for a picture with a wow-effect than to waste your budget.

c)Targeting settings

In this case, about geography, demography and marital status, I know exactly what needs to be indicated, because some are known from personal experience, some are directly indicated on the offer page of the online store.

Attention: if, for example, you can define for your product that half of the customers are from Omsk and Novosibirsk, and the other half are from other cities of the Russian Federation, then indicate only these two cities and no more.

Here the principle of concentration is clearly valid, which also works for all other targeting parameters (age, gender, marital status, interests, etc.). Your task is to collect the cream of your target audience and shoot into the top ten, and not hope that maybe a sixty-year-old man from Kukuevsk will come in and buy a winter jacket for his grandson as a gift. Will not go! Will not have time! Your budget will end much earlier ...

Think, think and think! What communities might the mothers to whom we sell winter jackets can be, by what keywords can they be found in the search on Vkontakte communities.

Search example:

I emphasize once again: you need to go through all the targeting points, think about each and each "lick". In this ad, I have not configured things like Apps & Sites, Worldview, Education, etc. these items are not needed here. But, in each specific case, the setting can be different: it is advisable to offer good cameras to photographers, an information product on esotericism - to people with higher education, and new phones - to students and high school students. There are no trifles in this matter.

e) Audience and rates

The minimum audience for a targeted ad test is 20,000 or more. If the target audience is less - this is bad, because ads will be shown to the same people more times, which will lead to a drop in CTR. More is great, the main thing is to try as little as possible to capture non-target users.

In the example I gave, the declaration turned out like this:

An audience of over 50,000 is normal.

About the recommended price: the screenshot shows the recommended price when setting “per impressions”, that is, it is recommended to set this price for 1000 impressions. I usually set it around the middle of the recommended range. On the net you can find a lot of advice that setting up for impressions is unprofessional and wrong, and the price can be set much lower than the recommended one ... who to believe is your business. I would not trust anyone (including the author of this article :)), but tested and verified everything on my own experience. Personally, I work for impressions and place bids on targeted VKontakte ads in this way, because:

1) A bad ad will not gain a CTR, either for clicks or impressions. If the CTR is low, you need to work on the image, headline, text, targeting conditions, but the payment method has nothing to do with it.

2) Setting up the payment method "for impressions" allows you to get really targeted visitors from VKONTAKTA much cheaper than with ANY other type of advertising. I have small statistics on various offers and believe it or not, it is impossible to get a normal "live" transition on average 3-4 rubles in a commodity subject with fierce competition anywhere else.

3) If you try to save money and set the price below the recommended one, the CTR of even a very good ad will start to fall very quickly. Who doesn't know what is CTR -. As a result, there will be no savings, and a good ad can be easily lost.

The last nuance of the setting:don't forget to check the "limit to 100 impressions per person" checkbox. If the user does not click after 100 views, it is logical that he will not click after 1000, apparently he is simply not interested in your ad.

Stage four: Save the ad, click "run"and it goes to moderation. VKONTAKTE moderation is usually very prompt, from several minutes to a couple of hours.

After that, the screenings will begin. After the test of 100 rubles of the budget, we evaluate the ads and leave to work, only those that exceeded the CTR 0.2%

If everything is done correctly, in the VKONTAKTA statistics in a few hours you can see the following figures:

And in the sales statistics a few hours later, these are:

100% in retail is quite a normal result.

That's it for today :).

If you registered using my referral link, started working and tested ads for at least $ 100, but something doesn't work out for you, you can knock on my mail [email protected] and I will try to tell you for free (if it is in my competence).

For all other cases, the terms of consultation are described on the page


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