Qualification characteristic of a welder of the 2nd category. Qualification characteristics. What should I know


As in every profession, the profession of a 2nd grade welder or any other has its pros and cons. The advantages of this specialty include prestige and high demand among employers. Newbie welders who have recently graduated from an educational institution do not have to look for work for a long time.

Welders who do not yet have work experience are most often hired by housing and communal companies or private organizations. After a certain time of constant work, "fouling" experience and skills, after raising qualifications or a category, the welder can go to work in industry or construction.

The disadvantages of the specialty are difficult working conditions, work in all weather conditions in open places, in the strong influence of ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation from welding on the welder's eyes, as well as a large emission of gases when working with welding.

What should a grade 2 welder be able to do?

Welders, like all working professions, have their own qualification categories (1-6), showing the level of proficiency in welding equipment and professionalism in performing work. The 2nd grade of a welder is also considered an initial (student), like the first, but with a more responsible approach to duties and greater confidence in the welding work performed.

A 2nd class welder should be able to:

  • Perform manual electrode and plasma welding works to weld the lightest and most primitive metal parts and systems in the lower, vertical position of the weld.
  • To make the surfacing of elementary uncomplicated units.
  • Preheat workpieces and products before starting welding.
  • Carry out tacking of workpieces, products and metal structures in all spatial positions of the weld.

Also, a 2nd grade welder must know:

  • The mechanism of operation of electric welding equipment for electrode welding with alternating and direct current.
  • How to properly maintain electric welding machines.
  • The sequence of material preparation for welded work.
  • Various chopping options.
  • Basic characteristics of the used electrodes, processed material and alloys.
  • Purpose and circumstances of use of the used measuring devices.
  • Where do defects come from during work and how to prevent them?
  • Basic knowledge of inert gas welding.

In simpler terms, a Level 2 welder should be able to cut any metal using a variety of hand torches from any power source, from electricity to kerosene.

Of course, he must have the skills to weld various metal products with any manual welding. A welder of the 2nd category must be able to lead the weld not only in a straight line, but also curvilinearly, and be able to do all this, both in the lower vertical position and in other spatial positions.

After welding and cutting, the 2nd class welder is obliged to clean the seams. Also, at this level, a specialist should already understand the drawings and be able to properly prepare gas cylinders for work. And this is a far from complete list of the necessary knowledge and skills that a level 2 welder must have.

Welder's salary of the 2nd category

As you already know, each category of a welder has its own wages. The higher the rank, the higher the payment. The 2nd category of the welder, like the first, is not common. Basically, the first two categories are considered student and they are assigned, in most cases, to welders - trainees studying in specialized educational institutions or a person who graduated from training courses for the specialty of a welder and passed certification for this particular category. There are even cases when a 3-grade welder is lowered to grade 2 due to the inconsistency of his work with this category.

Most welders try to get higher and generally accepted grades as soon as possible, such as the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, since they are more in demand in production and industry, and the salary is higher.

Speaking of salary. A 2nd class welder earns relatively little, if not little. Like the first-rate, the second-rate salary can be piecework or at a rate. But in either case, such a welder currently earns, depending on the region and place of work, an average of 12-15 thousand rubles.

Of course, it is not worth stopping at this, because the specialty of a welder is multidisciplinary, and there is room for improvement in it. There would be a desire, and everything else will be. The welder of the second level earns little, then you need to increase your rank. To do this, it is worth taking courses to improve the qualifications of welders, where you can not only enrich your knowledge, but also raise your professionalism and hone your skills. Plus, a new category will be added to this, which will allow you to earn more.

§ 55. Electric welder of manual welding (2nd category)

Description of works

  • Tacking of parts, products and structures in all spatial positions of the weld.
  • Manual arc and plasma welding of simple parts in the lower and vertical position of the weld seam, cladding of simple parts.
  • Preparation of products and units for welding and cleaning of seams after welding.
  • Protecting the back of the weld during gas-shielded welding.
  • Heating of products and parts before welding.
  • Reading simple drawings.

Must know:

  • device and principle of operation of electric welding machines and apparatus for arc welding in the conditions of using alternating and direct current;
  • methods and basic techniques of tacking;
  • forms of section of welds;
  • device of cylinders;
  • colors, paints and rules for handling them;
  • rules for welding in shielded gas and rules for ensuring protection during welding;
  • rules for servicing electric welding machines;
  • types of welded joints and seams;
  • rules for preparing the edges of products for welding;
  • types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings;
  • basic properties of the applied electrodes and welded metal and alloys;
  • purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation;
  • causes of defects in welding and methods of their prevention;
  • device of torches for welding with a non-consumable electrode in a shielded gas.

Work examples

  • 1. Tanks of transformers - welding of walls for automatic welding.
  • 2. Cradle beams, bolster and bolster beams of all-metal cars and cars of power plants - welding of reinforcing squares, guide and centering rings.
  • 3. Rolling beams - welding of points and gripping wheels along the markings.
  • 4. Strikers, shabots of steam hammers - fusing.
  • 5. Diaphragms of platform frames and metal gondola cars and window frames of passenger cars - welding.
  • 6. Baby chair frames, stools, greenhouses - welding.
  • 7. Covers for fencing and other lightly loaded units of agricultural machines - welding.
  • 8. Header brackets, brake control rollers - welding.
  • 9. Dump truck subframe brackets - welding.
  • 10. Spring pads and pads - welding.
  • 11. Steel flasks - welding.
  • 12. Frames of transformer tanks - welding.
  • 13. Frames of bed mattresses, shell and rhombic nets - welding.
  • 14. Cutters are simple - fusion of high-speed cutting and hard alloy.
  • 15. Steel and iron small castings - fusion of shells in untreated places.

Electric arc welding:

  • 1. Lugs, bushings, glasses - tack.
  • 2. Structures not subject to testing - welding of the set on the bench and in the lower position.
  • 3. Plates, posts, squares, corners, frames, simple flanges of metal with a thickness of over 3 mm - tack.
  • 4. Platforms and ladders - beads fusion (corrugation).
  • 5. Racks, boxes, shields, frames made of squares and strips - potholders.
  • 6. T-nodes and cleaning of foundations for auxiliary mechanisms - welding.
  • 7. Set to light partitions and partitions in the lower position - welding at the pre-assembly area.
  • 8. Details of equipment fastening, insulation, technological ends, combs, temporary strips, lugs - welding to structures made of carbon and low-alloy steels.

Gas-shielded welding:

  • 1. Welded joints of critical structures - protection of the welded seam during the welding process.

§ 56. Electric welder of manual welding (3rd category)

Description of works

  • Manual arc and plasma welding of medium complexity of parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steels and simple parts of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys in all spatial positions of the weld, except for the ceiling one.
  • Manual arc oxygen cutting, planing of parts of medium complexity from low carbon, alloy, special steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals in various positions.
  • Welding of worn out simple tools, parts made of carbon and structural steels.

Must know:

  • device of used electric welding machines and welding chambers;
  • requirements for the weld and surfaces after oxyfuel cutting (planing);
  • properties and value of electrodes coatings;
  • main types of control of welded seams;
  • methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades;
  • reasons for the occurrence of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products and measures to prevent them.

Work examples

  • 1. Beater and cutting drums, front and rear axles of a tractor trailer, drawbar and frame of a combine and a header, augers and a header, a rake and a reel - welding.
  • 2. Sidewalls, transition platforms, footboards, railroad car skin - welding.
  • 3. Raid buoys and barrels, artillery boards and pontoons - welding.
  • 4. Shafts of electrical machines - necks fusion.
  • 5. Details of the body frame of freight cars - welding.
  • 6. Details of the rocker mechanism - fusion holes.
  • 7. Frameworks for panels and control panels - welding.
  • 8. Support rollers - welding.
  • 9. Keel blocks - welding.
  • 10. Assembled casings, heating boilers - welding.
  • 11. Brake shoes for trucks, casings, rear axle half-shafts - welding.
  • 12. Structures, assemblies, details of gun mounts - welding.
  • 13. Enclosures for electrical explosive equipment - welding.
  • 14. Hoisting cranes - fusing of slopes.
  • 15. Bodies of car dealerships - welding.
  • 16. Locomotive frames - welding of conductors, flooring sheets, parts.
  • 17. Cutters shaped and simple stamps - welding and surfacing of high-speed cutting and hard alloy.
  • 18. Machine beds of small dimensions - welding.
  • 19. Racks, bunker grates, transition platforms, stairs, railings, flooring, boiler sheathing - welding.
  • 20. Smoke pipes up to 30 m high and ventilation pipes made of carbon steel sheet - welding.
  • 21. Connected smoke tubes in boilers and steam superheater tubes - welding.
  • 22. Heated pipes - fusion of collars.
  • 23. Non-pressure water pipelines (except for main ones) - welding.
  • 24. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and district heating - welding in stationary conditions.
  • 25. Gears - cladding of teeth.

Electric arc welding:

  • 1. Expansion tanks - welding, welding of pipes.
  • 2. Tanks, pipelines, vessels, containers made of carbon and low-alloy steels under water loading - welding.
  • 3. Buoys, road barrels, artillery boards and pontoons - welding.
  • 4. Rollers, bushings - fusion in the lower position.
  • 5. Shafts and beds of electric motors - welding shells and cracks.
  • 6. Light barriers - welding on the slipway between themselves and to internal structures.
  • 7. Bushings on the front panels of the main switchboards - welding to the conductor.
  • 8. Doors, manhole covers are permeable - welding.
  • 9. Doors are permeable, manhole covers are welded.
  • 10. Switchboard parts: caps, substitutes, grooves, hinges, barrels, stands, welts, studs - welding to the body, frame or cover.
  • 11. Parts of ship machinery - welding of sheet edges and other parts during assembly work.
  • 12. Details of assemblies, foundations of small metal thickness of 3 mm and higher from carbon steel - welding.
  • 13. Diffusers of expansion joints of gas turbine plants, fundamental frames - tacking of parts.
  • 14. Chimneys and chimneys of main and auxiliary boilers - welding of vertical and horizontal seams, welding of stiffeners.
  • 15. Straight and angled gutters for laying cables - welding along the remote control route.
  • 16. Round blanks for stamps - welding.
  • 17. Locks: wing locks, adjustable locks, lever locks, latch locks - welding of butt and lap joints.
  • 18. Sewing during installation of equipment - welding in the lower position.
  • 19. Lightweight portholes - welding.
  • 20. Water chambers, covers of compensators, frames, power units - welding.
  • 21. Cameras for shot blasting machines, armor protection for shot blasting machines - welding.
  • 22. Frames, brackets, beams and instrument frames of simple design - welding.
  • 23. Frame and casing of auxiliary water-tube utilization boilers and air heaters - welding.
  • 24. Frames, beds and other equipment for the assembly of large units - welding into volumetric units.
  • 25. Pockets for photocircuits, pencil cases, spare fuses, fuses - welding in power distribution devices.
  • 26. Body welded structures made of carbon and low-alloy steels - air-arc planing in all spatial positions (removal of temporary elements, melting of defective sections of welded seams, cutting edges).
  • 27. Fastening the ballast - welding on the slipway.
  • 28. Covers of sealed boxes - welding of shells, grooves.
  • 29. Frames and door cladding of power distribution devices - welding.
  • 30. Frameworks of change houses, beds - welding into volumetric units.
  • 31. Rollers of an electric bridge crane - fusion.
  • 32. Keel blocks and cages for the slipway - welding.
  • 33. Structures of the main body made of steels AK and YuZ - electrically fastened (removable) along the assembly joints.
  • 34. Enclosures, gutters, panels, pallets made of carbon and low-alloy steels with a metal thickness over 2 mm - welding.
  • 35. High pressure turbine casings - tack.
  • 36. Bodies, frames of mobile diesel power plants, frames, levers, squares - welding.
  • 37. Fastening of special coatings: pins, staples, combs - welding.
  • 38. Spacer rings, counterweights, spacer beams - welding to OK with technological non-measuring.
  • 39. Waterproof covers - welding under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (1 -15 kgf / sq. Cm).
  • 40. Coamings of covers, doors, hatches, necks, grilles - welding.
  • 41. Folding sheets, fairings, ship devices - welding in the shop.
  • 42. Light hatch - welding of the body and welding of covers.
  • 43. Superstructures - kit welding, welding and welding to decks.
  • 44. Superstructures - kit welding, welding and welding to decks in the lower and vertical positions.
  • 45. Saturation of the locksmith building - welding.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bOuter body - welding of technological terminations that are not subject to control.
  • 47. Uncomplicated body structures - electric air gouging (root surfacing and removal of temporary fasteners).
  • 48. Insulation battens on sides and bulkheads - welding on the slipway and afloat.
  • 49. Batten - welding in the overhead position.
  • 50. Butts and lifting products up to 5 tons - welding of the pre-assembly area.
  • 51. Sheathing of frames, front panels - welding to structures.
  • 52. Platform fencing, handrail fan-shaped fences (storm handrails, handrails to ladders) - welding to structures.
  • 53. Supports, cover plates for switchboards - welding.
  • 54. Floor pipes - welding.
  • 55. Hangers of pipes, cables, fixings of electrical appliances, clamps made of carbon and low-alloy steels - welding.
  • 56. Support stands, pedestals, beams without cutting edges - welding.
  • 57. Special devices for filling cable boxes - welding the sleeve to the shaft.
  • 58. Bulkheads are light, baffles - welding of stiffeners in the lower position.
  • 59. Low carbon steel rudder blade - welding.
  • 60. Transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, deck baffles - welding of nodes, panels at joints and grooves in the lower position at the preliminary assembly site.
  • 61. Planks, knits, brackets, stands, hangers of pipes, cables, fastening of electrical appliances - welding on the slipway.
  • 62. Protectors - welding.
  • 63. Instrument frames and frameworks of complex configuration - welding.
  • 64. Spacer beams, rings, crosses - welding to the main body.
  • 65. Lattices of tubes with a diameter of 10 to 15 mm - welding.
  • 66. Rollers, hubs, couplings - welding and fusion of teeth.
  • 67. Rudders - welding of the flat part of the feathers.
  • 68. Gas cutting tables, boxes for transportation of parts and charge - welding.
  • 69. Staples-trawls, walkways, platforms, bulwarks, numbers, letters - welding on the slipway.
  • 70. Brackets, fasteners for bags, pincers, panels - welding.
  • 71. Gas cutting tables, boxes for transportation of parts and couplings - welding.
  • 72. Document storage racks - welding.
  • 73. Walls of sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm and above - welding in the lower and vertical position.
  • 74. Ladders vertical and inclined (steel), gangway - welding.
  • 75. Galley chimney pipes - welding.
  • 76. Pipes of ship ventilation from carbon and low-alloy steels with a thickness exceeding 2 mm - welding.
  • 77. Air-guiding device, water-tube boilers air heaters - welding.
  • 78. Linear, loading device, winches, views - welding.
  • 79. Ventilation flanges - welding.
  • 80. Foundations made of carbon and low-alloy steels: for auxiliary mechanisms, cylinders, boat and mooring devices, equipment fastenings - welding.
  • 81. Shanks of stuffing boxes, punches, stamps - welding to metal structures.
  • 82. Cylinders, nozzles, nozzles that do not require leak tests - welding of longitudinal and circumferential seams.
  • 83. Cabinets and safes with locks - welding.
  • 84. Frames made of carbon and low alloy steels - welding and welding to the skin at the pre-assembly area.
  • 85. Stamps of medium complexity with pressure up to 400 tons - welding.
  • 86. Anchors, stern posts, stems - welding defects.

Gas-shielded welding:

  • 1. Bosses, bottoms, crosses, partitions, strips, ribs, glasses, elbows, flanges, fittings in assembled welded assemblies made of aluminum, copper and other alloys - tack.
  • 2. The baffles are light, the platforms are made of alloys - welding to each other and welding on the slipway to the internal structures.
  • 3. Sleeves on a support made of copper and copper-nickel alloys - welding of bosses, branches.
  • 4. Details of insulation of water-tube boilers - welding.
  • 5. Parts from aluminum alloys, metal thickness over 3 mm - tack.
  • 6. Parts of the frame made of aluminum alloys 6 mm thick - welding.
  • 7. Details for fastening furniture and non-ferrous alloy products - welding.
  • 8. Products working under pressure - protection of the seam during the welding process.
  • 9. Products made of aluminum alloys with a metal thickness of over 3 mm (casings, gutters, panels, screens, pallets, boxes, cases, covers, frames, brackets, various units) - welding.
  • 10. Brass products with metal thickness up to 1.5 mm - welding for chrome plating.
  • 11. Frames, brackets, frames from shaped metal, from alloys - welding.
  • 12. Covers on the route of steam heating and electric cables from non-ferrous alloys - welding.
  • 13. Boxes with dimensions 300х300х100 mm - tacking and welding.
  • 14. Metal furniture - welding.
  • 15. Set in sections made of aluminum alloys - tack during installation.
  • 16. Castings from non-ferrous alloys, simple structures - welding of shells and cracks.
  • 17. Non-ferrous castings - welding of defects.
  • 18. Strips, cassettes, bridges, hangers, shanks and other alloy saturation - welding.
  • 19. Suspensions, foundations for electrical equipment - welding at the pre-assembly site.
  • 20. Simple parts from titanium and its alloys - welding.
  • 21. Tanks made of alloys that do not require hydrotesting for impermeability - welding.
  • 22. Tanks that do not require hydrotesting for impermeability - welding.
  • 23. Line devices (racks, rails, plating, grounding hooks) made of non-ferrous alloys - welding.
  • 24. Main foundations, frames, deckhouses, tanks - protection of the welded seam during welding.
  • 25. Studs, staples made of alloys - welding to ship structures.

§ 57. Electric welder for manual welding (4th grade)

Description of works

  • Manual arc and plasma welding of medium complexity of parts of apparatus, units, structures and pipelines made of structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys and complex parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steel in all spatial positions of the weld.
  • Manual oxygen cutting (planing) of complex parts made of high-carbon, special steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals, welding of cast iron structures.
  • Fusion of heated cylinders and pipes, defects of machine parts, mechanisms and structures.
  • Welding complex parts, assemblies and complex tools.
  • Reading drawings of complex welded steel structures.

Must know:

  • device of various electric welding equipment;
  • features of welding and arc cutting on alternating and direct current;
  • technology of welding products in chambers with a controlled atmosphere;
  • fundamentals of electrical engineering within the scope of the work performed;
  • methods for testing welded seams;
  • types of defects in welded seams and methods for their prevention and elimination;
  • principles of selection of the welding mode by devices;
  • brands and types of electrodes;
  • mechanical properties of welded metals.

Work examples

  • 1. Apparatus, vessels, containers made of carbon steel, operating without pressure - welding.
  • 2. Reinforcement of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures - welding.
  • 3. Tanks of transformers - welding of branch pipes, welding of boxes for terminals, boxes of coolers, current installations and tank lids.
  • 4. Rudder stocks, propeller shaft brackets - fusion.
  • 5. Boiler burner sets and bodies - welding.
  • 6. Cast iron parts - welding, cladding with and without heating.
  • 7. Chambers of impellers of hydraulic turbines - welding and deposition.
  • 8. Frameworks of industrial furnaces and boilers DKVR - welding.
  • 9. Motor crankcases - welding.
  • 10. Gas exhaust manifolds and pipes - welding and welding.
  • 11. Regulating rings for hydraulic turbines - welding and cladding.
  • 12. Housings and axles of the header drive wheels - welding.
  • 13. Compressor casings, low and high pressure cylinders of air compressors - fusion cracks.
  • 14. Rotor casings up to 3500 mm diameter - welding.
  • 15. Turbine stop valve bodies up to 25,000 kW - welding.
  • 16. Fasteners and supports for pipelines - welding.
  • 17. Brackets and pivots of the locomotive bogie - welding.
  • 18. Sheets of great thickness (armor) - welding.
  • 19. Masts, drilling and operational towers - welding in workshop conditions.
  • 20. Struts, half-shafts of aircraft landing gear - welding.
  • 21. Foundation slabs for large electrical machines - welding.
  • 22. Dust, gas and air pipelines, fuel return units and electrostatic precipitators - welding.
  • 23. Frames of transformers - welding.
  • 24. Bed frames - welding in a rotary conductor in all spatial positions, except for the ceiling one.
  • 25. Tanks for petroleum products with a capacity of less than 1000 cubic meters - welding.
  • 26. Rails and prefabricated crosses - ends fusion.
  • 27. Stators of air-cooled turbine generators - welding.
  • 28. Crusher beds - welding.
  • 29. Bases and bodies of electric machines are welded and cast - welding.
  • 30. Beds of large-sized cast iron machines - welding.
  • 31. Beds of working stands of rolling mills - surfacing.
  • 32. Pipelines of external and internal networks of water supply and district heating - welding during installation.
  • 33. Pipelines of external and internal low pressure gas supply networks - welding in stationary conditions.
  • 34. Technological pipelines (V category) - welding.
  • 35. Complex cutters and stamps - welding and surfacing of high-speed cutting and hard alloy.
  • 36. Half-timbered houses, connections, lanterns, girders, monorails - welding.
  • 37. Cylinders of the block of cars - fusion of shells.
  • 38. Automobile tanks - welding.

Electric arc welding:

  • 1. Fittings, pipelines, branches, flanges, fittings, cylinders, tanks, tanks made of carbon steels operating under a pressure of 1.5 to 4.0 MPa (from 15 to 40 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 2. Beams and traverses of trolleys of cranes and mechanisms - welding.
  • 3. Bosses, flanges, welds, fittings of high pressure compressor cylinders - welding.
  • 4. Cylinders, tanks, reservoirs, tanks, separators, filters, evaporators made of carbon steel - welding under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 5. Reflective tanks made of mild steel with a thickness of 1.0 to 1.5 mm - welding in the lower position.
  • 6. Banquets, mine hulls, winch hulls, winch gearbox housings, deck glasses - welding under pressure from 0.1 to 1.0 MPa (from 1 to 10 kgf / sq. Cm) in the lower position.
  • 7. Block-sections - welding of baffles, saturation to the body.
  • 8. Waterline rolls - fusion over the hull.
  • 9. Medium-sized crank shafts - welding and cladding of worn parts.
  • 10. Propellers, blades, hubs of normal accuracy class of all sizes and designs - air-arc planing of all surfaces.
  • 11. Baffles, bulkheads and deckhouses - welding and welding in various spatial positions.
  • 12. Gas exhaust, air distributors, ventilation pipes in the superstructure - welding.
  • 13. Mufflers for high pressure expansion joints, steel, metal 1.5 mm thick and up to 100 mm in diameter - welding.
  • 14. Doors, manhole covers are water and gas tight - welding.
  • 15. Bottom, side, upper and lower decks, platforms, volumetric extremity sections, transverse and longitudinal bulkheads - welding of the joints on the slipway.
  • 16. Details of locksmithing equipment for the main body and the main tank shells - welding.
  • 17. Shelf details - welding to inter-compartment transverse bulkheads.
  • 18. Doors, shields, squares, sheets, bushings with metal thickness from 1.4 to 1.6 mm - welding.
  • 19. Parts of complex configuration, designed for work under dynamic and vibration loads, material thickness from 10 to 16 mm - welding.
  • 20. MSCh products - anticorrosive deposition of steels of the AK type on the surface for machining.
  • 21. Covers, gutters, panels, pallets from carbon and low-alloy steels up to 2 mm thick, from alloy steel over 2 mm thick - welding.
  • 22. Cable boxes - welding under pressure testing from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq. Cm) with nodal assembly.
  • 23. Covers, gutters, panels, pallets from carbon and low-alloy steels up to 2 mm thick, from alloy steel over 2 mm thick - welding.
  • 24. Ducts of ship ventilation - welding to bulkheads on the slipway.
  • 25. Anchor hooks - welding.
  • 26. Covers, gutters, panels, trays made of alloy steel up to 2 mm thick - welding.
  • 27. Ventilation valves - welding.
  • 28. Cargo hold coamings - set welding together.
  • 29. Hull structures made of carbon, low-alloy and high-alloy steels - air arc gouging in hard-to-reach places (root smelting, removal of temporary elements, smelting of defective areas).
  • 30. Structures of a ship-carrying train - welding.
  • 31. Hull of a surface ship: outer deck plating - welding of joints and grooves on the slipway in all positions.
  • 32. Hulls of heavy windows - welding and welding into the ship's hull.
  • 33. Hull structures and assemblies, up to 20% of welded seams of which are subjected to ultrasonic or gamma-graphical control - welding.
  • 34. Brackets, edges, screens made of sheet and profile metal up to 2 mm thick - welding.
  • 35. Covers and bearing housings made of castings - welded for tightness test.
  • 36. Removable sheets of carbon and low alloy steels - welding.
  • 37. Marks of recess, cargo welding - welding to the ship's hull.
  • 38. Masts, cargo booms, cargo columns - welding of assembly joints and downhole plates on the slipway.
  • 39. Signal masts - welding during assembly.
  • 40. Steel structures of ships - welding of defective areas of seams during testing on the slipway and afloat in all positions.
  • 41. Inter-compartment transverse bulkheads - welding.
  • 42. Locksmith-hull saturation - welding on transverse and longitudinal bulkheads of the superstructure.
  • 43. A set of longitudinal and transverse bottom, side and deck (design) sections of structural steels - welding to each other and welding to the outer skin and deck flooring on the pre-stack assembly.
  • 44. Set with grooves, joints and grooves of bulkheads made of steel - assembly and welding at the pre-assembly area.
  • 45. A set of bottom sections with a height of 0.8 to 1.5 m - welding in the bow end, to the bottom deck and welding to each other.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bSuperstructures, deckhouses made of alloy steels - welding and welding to the main body.
  • 47. Double bottom decks - welding of joints and grooves on the slipway.
  • 48. Saturation of cargo masts, booms (heads, foundations, control platforms with railings) - welding to structures.
  • 49. Butts for transportation of sections with a carrying capacity of up to 20 t - welding and welding to sections.
  • 50. Butts with a carrying capacity of over 20 tons - welding and welding.
  • 51. Steel rudder blade - welding of the flat part.
  • 52. Transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, outer walls of superstructures - welding of joints and grooves of panels in all positions on the slipway.
  • 53. Reinforcements for foundations, thrust barriers, side keels, outer walls of tanks, outer walls of a chimney - welding on a slipway.
  • 54. Other tanks - welding of seams with grooving and structural lack of penetration on a sectional assembly.
  • 55. Rails of workshop electric carts - welding.
  • 56. Joints and grooves of the aft end planking, brackets and stabilizers - welding.
  • 57. Joints of wall sheets, roofs and a set of internal tanks - welding and welding to the skin, bulkheads and to each other.
  • 58. Assembly joints of reinforced concrete vaults - welding.
  • 59. Tambour, sluice, bathrooms - welding and welding.
  • 60. Pipes of ship ventilation from carbon and low-alloy steels up to 2 mm thick - welding and welding of flanges to them.
  • 61. Carbon steel pipelines operating under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq. Cm) with a pipe wall thickness over 2 mm - welding.
  • 62. Pipelines - welding of joints on backing rings with quality control of seams by X-ray.
  • 63. Pipelines - welding of joints with pressurization with quality control of the joints by X-ray.
  • 64. Devices for anchor, towing, launching and mooring, supports of the drill - welding.
  • 65. Flanges, branch pipes, fittings, welds, nozzles, nipples - welding to the pipeline under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 66. Foundations from alloy steel for auxiliary mechanisms, cylinders, boat and mooring devices - welding.
  • 67. Frames - welding of joints during heat treatment at the HFC installation.
  • 68. Dies for presses with a pressure of over 400 tons - welding.

Gas shielded welding:

  • 1. Reinforcement made of tin bronze under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq.cm) - fusion of exposed defects in castings after machining.
  • 2. Fittings, casting, parts from aluminum-magnesium alloys - welding, welding of defects.
  • 3. Fans - welding discs with brushed aluminum alloys.
  • 4. View from non-ferrous alloys - welding.
  • 5. Flame tube heads, aluminum alloy flame tube - welding.
  • 6. Gas exhaust, mufflers made of stainless steel, copper-nickel alloys - welding.
  • 7. Silencers of high pressure compressors made of aluminum alloys with a metal thickness of 2 to 3 mm - welding.
  • 8. Details of saturation of the body made of aluminum alloys - welding in the overhead position.
  • 9. Parts and assemblies made of aluminum-magnesium alloys of medium complexity, operating under pressure from 0.1 to 1.0 MPa (from 1 to 10 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 10. Parts and assemblies of electrical distribution devices made of aluminum alloys: hermetic boxes, shells, squares, hinges - hinges, cans, brackets, stands, frames, collars, welds, glands, grooves - welding to the body and welding.
  • 11. Hull structures after hydraulic tests - tacking, welding, correction of seam defects; binding of temporary fasteners.
  • 12. Rings of branch pipes of sections made of nonferrous alloys under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / cm2) - welding.
  • 13. Structures from aluminum, titanium and non-ferrous alloys - welding of holes, tacking in vertical and overhead positions.
  • 14. Impellers, flanges, covers of electrical appliances made of aluminum alloys - welding of cracks, binding of broken parts.
  • 15. Alloy constructions - tack in all spatial positions.
  • 16. Structures made of aluminum and titanium alloys - straightening by applying idle rollers.
  • 17. Composite structures (steel - aluminum alloy) - welding using bimetallic inserts.
  • 18. Masts from aluminum alloys - welding of joints and grooves of the mast barrel and welding of components.
  • 19. Superstructures, deckhouses made of aluminum alloys - welding of volumetric units, set joints at intersections.
  • 20. Castings with a wall thickness of up to 10 mm - welding of shells, cracks under pressure testing of 0.1 to 1.0 MPa (from 1 to 10 kgf / cm 2).
  • 21. Castings from aluminum alloys - welding of defects.
  • 22. Castings with wall thickness over 10 mm, operating under pressure over 1.0 MPa (10 kgf / sq. Cm) - welding of defects.
  • 23. Pistons of hydraulic cylinders and other products (anchor hooks, winch oil seals) - welding with copper alloys.
  • 24. Frames, sash made of non-ferrous metal - welding of incoming parts.
  • 25. Tee joints - with full penetration of the outer sheathing sheet from aluminum alloys.
  • 26. Joints of pipes, not working under pressure, from aluminum and non-ferrous alloys - welding of rotary joints.
  • 27. Vertical and inclined ladders made of aluminum alloys - welding.
  • 28. Units of reinforcement made of non-ferrous metals - welding of parts, welding of parts under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 29. Flanges, rollers, bodies, boxes, covers, blocks - cladding and welding with bronze, alloys, corrosion-resistant steels.
  • 30. Foundations for mechanisms and devices - editing.
  • 31. Seams after automatic gas-shielded welding - fillets and finishing rollers.
  • 32. Studs made of alloys - welding.
  • 33. Copper bus duct with a metal thickness of 12 mm - welding with metal preheating.

§ 58. Electric welder for manual welding (5th grade)

Description of works

  • Manual arc and plasma welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions.
  • Manual arc oxygen cutting (planing) of complex parts from high-carbon, alloyed and special steels and cast iron.
  • Fusion of defects of various machine parts, mechanisms and structures.
  • Fusion of complex parts and assemblies.

Must know:

  • electrical circuits and designs of various types of welding machines;
  • technological properties of metals to be welded, metal deposited with electrodes of various grades and castings subjected to planing;
  • technology for welding critical products in controlled atmosphere chambers;
  • selection of the technological sequence of seams and welding modes;
  • methods of control and testing of critical welds;
  • rules for reading drawings of complex welded spatial metal structures.

Work examples

  • 1. Apparatus and vessels made of carbon steels, working under pressure, and of alloy steels, operating without pressure - welding.
  • 2. Armature of open-hearth furnaces - welding during the repair of existing equipment.
  • 3. Armature of load-bearing and critical reinforced concrete structures: foundations, columns, floors, etc. - welding.
  • 4. Tanks of unique powerful transformers - welding, including welding of lifting hooks, jack brackets, stainless steel plates operating under dynamic loads.
  • 5. Center beams, buffer, pivot beams, locomotive and carriage bogies frames, car body trusses - welding.
  • 6. Beams and traverses of crane trolleys and balancers - welding.
  • 7. Span girders of bridge cranes with lifting capacity less than 30 tons - welding.
  • 8. Drums of boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  • 9. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal (air heaters, scubbers, blast furnace casings, separators, reactors, blast furnace flues, etc.) - welding.
  • 10. Diesel engine blocks and water collectors - welding.
  • 11. Large crank shafts - welding.
  • 12. Gas holders and tanks for petroleum products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters and more - welding in stationary conditions.
  • 13. Gas and oil product pipelines - welding on a rack.
  • 14. Machine parts and mechanisms (blast furnace charging devices, propellers, turbine blades, rolling mill rolls, etc.) - for melting with special, hard, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials.
  • 15. Forged, stamped and cast parts of machines, mechanisms and structures (propellers, turbine blades, cylinder blocks of parts, etc.) - fusion of defects.
  • 16. Caissons for open-hearth furnaces operating at high temperatures - welding.
  • 17. Columns, bunkers, trusses and trusses, beams, overpasses, etc. - welding.
  • 18. Structures of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission line poles - welding in stationary conditions.
  • 19. Head bodies, traverses, bases and other complex assemblies of presses and hammers - welding.
  • 20. Rotor casings with a diameter over 3500 mm - welding.
  • 21. Turbine stop valve bodies with power over 25,000 kW - welding.
  • 22. Housings for cutting, loading machines, coal combines and mine electric locomotives - welding.
  • 23. Covers, stators and liners of blades and hydraulic turbines - welding.
  • 24. Masts, drilling and operational towers - welding during installation.
  • 25. Bases made of high-alloyed drill pipes for drilling rigs and three-diesel drives - welding.
  • 26. Foundation slabs for a walking excavator unit - welding.
  • 27. Frames and assemblies of cars and diesel engines - welding.
  • 28. Pivot frames and under-diesel locomotives - welding.
  • 29. Tanks for petroleum products with a capacity of 1000 to 5000 cubic meters. - welding on installation.
  • 30. Rods for cold rolling mills, pipes and tube drawing mills - welding of individual elements.
  • 31. Joints of outlets of reinforcement of elements of load-bearing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures - welding.
  • 32. Tube elements of steam boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.
  • 33. Pipelines of external and internal low pressure gas supply networks - welding during installation.
  • 34. Pipelines of external and internal gas supply networks of medium and high pressure - welding in stationary conditions.
  • 35. Technological pipelines of III and IV categories (groups), steam and water pipelines of III and IV categories - welding.
  • 36. Units of sub-engine frames and cylinders of shock absorbers of aircraft landing gear - welding.
  • 37. Tires, belts, compensators for them from non-ferrous metals - welding.

Electric arc welding:

  • 1. Fittings, pipelines, branches, flanges, fittings, cylinders, tanks, tanks made of corrosion-resistant steels operating under pressure from 1.5 to 4 MPa (from 15 to 40 kgf / cm2) - welding.
  • 2. Stems, stems - welding of joints and welding of the outer skin.
  • 3. Intermediate shafts, rowing and stern tube - welding.
  • 4. Propellers - welding of steel, cast or forged blades.
  • 5. Propellers, hub blades of medium, high and special class of accuracy of all sizes and designs - air-arc planing of all surfaces of the propeller, blades and hubs.
  • 6. Vertical keels and impermeable stringers - butt welding.
  • 7. Gas-tight steel decks - welding and welding to the main body.
  • 8. Details of locksmiths saturation for the main body and the main cistern lining - welding.
  • 9. Shelf details - welding to the main body and to the end transverse bulkheads.
  • 10. Steel parts - air arc gouging (root smelting and removal of temporary fasteners).
  • 11. Parts operating under vibration loads - section welding.
  • 12. Hulls of ships made of carbon and low-alloy steels - welding of joints and grooves of the outer skin in all spatial positions.
  • 13. Boat hulls (repair) - welding.
  • 14. Brackets, mortars and fillets of propeller shafts - welding, joint welding, welding to the body.
  • 15. Stabilizing columns, braces, tubular and box-shaped braces of floating drilling rigs - welding during installation afloat.
  • 16. Structures made of low-magnetic steel with metal thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm, planned steels - welding.
  • 17. Marine pump bodies, nozzle segments with milling blades, marine steering gears (cylinders, plungers, valve boxes) - welding.
  • 18. Brackets, mortars, propeller fillets - welding and welding on ships of the type.
  • 19. Alloy steel hatch coamings - welded to the hull skin (supervised by a technologist).
  • 20. Structures from steel YuZ - welding of joints and grooves.
  • 21. End and inter-compartment bulkheads - welded to the main body.
  • 22. Stern and bow extremities in confined spaces in workshop conditions - welding of the set between themselves and to the planking of the extremities.
  • 23. Set with cutting edges, joints and grooves of bulkheads made of steel - assembly and welding at the pre-assembly area.
  • 24. Anchor hawse niches - welding to the outer skin on the slipway.
  • 25. Butts, traverses, beams of overhead traveling cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 30 t - welding and welding.
  • 26. Sheathing and set of OP, superstructure of fairings and ends of the NK - welding to OK.
  • 27. Supporting parts of the foundations for opening the shields - welding to each other and welding to the structures of the bow end.
  • 28. Sheathing and a set of stabilizers - welding to mortars.
  • 29. Main tanks - welding and tacking them to the main body.
  • 30. Sheathing of the outer casing made of steel - welding of assembly joints.
  • 31. Decks and platforms - welding of joints and grooves in the overhead position on the slipway.
  • 32. Weldings, welds made of alloy steels, container glasses - welding on the slipway.
  • 33. Cloths and sets of bulkheads and tanks located inside the OC and unequal to it - welding.
  • 34. Spacer platform blades - welding to bulkheads.
  • 35. Transverse and longitudinal brackets of stabilizers - welding to each other.
  • 36. Foundation frames for high pressure compressors - welding.
  • 37. Joints and grooves of the outer skin of the technological structures of the ship's hull - welding on the jig assembly.
  • 38. Sections of the aft and main extremities at the pre-assembly area and slipway - welding of joints and grooves.
  • 39. Welding and a set of impermeable bulkheads and stringers, stabilizers, rudders, nozzles, nacelles - welding on site.
  • 40. The joints and grooves of the shells of the main body - welding.
  • 41. Joints and grooves of the outer skin made of steels of the AK and YuZ type, stringers, vertical keel, frames - seam welding in all spatial positions with a through wire.
  • 42. Pipelines made of low-alloyed and corrosion-resistant steels, operating under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / sq.cm) with a pipe wall thickness of more than 2 mm - welding.
  • 43. Foundations for main mechanisms, reinforcement of inter-compartment bulkheads, internal tanks - welding.
  • 44. foundations for sliding devices - welding to base plates, platforms and impulse tank.
  • 45. Shafts, other deckhouses, coamings of entrance and loading hatches - welding to the main body.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bFrames - butt welding and welding to the main body.
  • 47. Shafts, other felling - welding of joints and grooves.
  • 48. Stamps - hardfacing.
  • 49. Stamps of complex configuration, plates, rods, tips, spindles - hard-facing edges.

Gas-shielded welding:

  • 1. Heat exchangers and other coils made of light and non-ferrous alloys, as well as tanks, reservoirs and vessels made of aluminum alloys under hydraulic pressure from 1.5 to 4.0 MPa (from 15 to 40 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 2. Alloy fittings, pipelines and fittings made of aluminum alloys - welding of flanges, fittings, nozzles, nipples.
  • 3. Fittings for bellows expansion joints made of corrosion-resistant steels and titanium alloys - welded with 100% gamma grating.
  • 4. Blocks, frames, boxes, covers, panels made of non-ferrous metal - welding under pressure test from 0.1 to 1.0 MPa (from 1 to 10 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 5. Propellers made of non-ferrous alloys - welding, welding of cracks, welding of attachments.
  • 6. Doors and assemblies with metal thickness up to 1.5 mm from homogeneous and dissimilar aluminum alloys - welding.
  • 7. Parts of a complex configuration made of dissimilar aluminum alloys and corrosion-resistant steels with a wall thickness of up to 2 mm - welding.
  • 8. Housings, fairings made of alloys - welding under pressure test up to 4.0 MPa (40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 9. Compensators and other critical components of water-tube boilers made of alloys - welding.
  • 10. Housings made of corrosion-resistant steels operating under pressure from 1.5 to 4.0 MPa (from 15 to 40 kgf / cm 2) - welding.
  • 11. Alloy superstructures - welding to the hull.
  • 12. Saturation of the hull and end bulkheads made of alloys - welding.
  • 13. Pipelines made of copper-nickel and aluminum alloys operating under pressure from 0.1 to 1.5 MPa (from 1 to 15 kgf / cm2) - welding.
  • 14. Pipes from copper, copper-nickel, aluminum alloys, from corrosion-resistant steels and alloys - welding of joints, welding of flanges, nozzles, fittings, welded-ons under pressure from 1.5 to 4.0 MPa (from 15 to 40 kgf / sq. cm).
  • 15. Stern tube pipes, propeller shafts, hermetically sealed covers - fusion with non-ferrous alloys and corrosion-resistant steels.
  • 16. Units of aggregates made of alloys with a metal thickness of 0.3 mm - welding.

§ 59. Electric welder of manual welding (6th grade)

Description of works

  • Manual arc and plasma welding of complex devices, assemblies, structures and pipelines from various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
  • Manual arc and gas-electric welding of complex building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration.
  • Welding of experimental structures from metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as from titanium and titanium alloys.
  • Welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Must know:

  • the design of the serviced equipment;
  • varieties of titanium alloys, their welding and mechanical properties;
  • types of corrosion and factors causing it;
  • methods of special testing of products to be welded and the purpose of each of them;
  • diagrams of evacuation systems of chambers with a controlled atmosphere;
  • main types of heat treatment of welded joints;
  • fundamentals of metallography of welded seams.

Work examples

  • 1. Beams of working platforms of open-hearth workshops, structures of bunker and unloading racks of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for heavy duty cranes, booms of walking excavators - welding.
  • 2. Span girders of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and above - welding.
  • 3. Drums of boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.
  • 4. Gas holders and tanks for petroleum products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters and more - welding during installation.
  • 5. Main gas and oil product pipelines - welding during installation.
  • 6. Vacuum and cryogenic tanks, caps, spheres and pipelines - welding.
  • 7. Tanks and coatings spherical and teardrop-shaped - welding.
  • 8. Locks of drill pipes and couplings - double seam welding.
  • 9. Working wheels of gas turbine compressors, steam turbines, powerful blowers - welding of blades and blades.
  • 10. Columns of ammonia synthesis - welding.
  • 11. Structures of radio masts, TV towers and power transmission line poles - welding during installation.
  • 12. Boxes of steam turbines - welding and fusion of shells.
  • 13. Stator casings of large turbine generators with hydrogen and hydrogen-water cooling - welding.
  • 14. Housings of heavy diesel engines and presses - welding.
  • 15. Marine steam boilers - welding of bottoms, welding of critical units with one-sided butt seam.
  • 16. Structures made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys - welding.
  • 17. Paws and scraps of drill bits, drill steam conductors - welding.
  • 18. Oil and gas pipelines - welding to close gaps.
  • 19. Piping of oil and gas wells and wells of circumferential waterflooding - welding.
  • 20. Tanks and structures made of two-layer steel and other bimetals - welding.
  • 21. Reinforcement rods of reinforced concrete structures in split forms - bath welding.
  • 22. Spans of metal and reinforced concrete bridges - welding.
  • 23. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm.) - welding.
  • 24. Pressure pipelines; spiral chambers and impeller chambers of hydroelectric power plants - welding.
  • 25. Pipelines of external gas supply networks of medium, high pressure - welding during installation.
  • 26. Technological pipelines of I and II categories (groups), steam and water pipelines of I and II categories - welding.

Electric arc welding:

  • 1. Heat exchangers and other vessels made of special steels under test pressure over 20.0 MPa (over 200 kgf / cm 2) - welding.
  • 2. Brackets PC - welding to the skin.
  • 3. Alloy steel necks - sealed seam welding under pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 4. Doors and collars of entrance hatches with bulkhead sheet - welding.
  • 5. Buffer tanks for air pressure of 40.0 MPa (400 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 6. Plugs for hydraulic testing of the unit - welding.
  • 7. Collectors, chambers, pipes, cylinders, tanks, tanks made of carbon and low-alloy steels under pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 8. Cable boxes - welding under pressure test over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 9. Bodies of flap and pipes TA - welding to the main body, item 21.
  • 10. Tank bodies for special purposes (bottom sheets, transverse bulkheads, roof) - welding.
  • 11. Support columns of floating drilling rigs - welding during installation.
  • 12. Structures made of high-strength special steels - welding of assembly joints OK in vertical and overhead positions.
  • 13. Hull structures and assemblies, 100% of welded seams of which are subjected to ultrasonic or gamma-graphic inspection - welding.
  • 14. Sheets of removable housings made of high-strength steels - welding after hydraulic tests.
  • 15. Interbody crossings, coaming platforms, TA pipes and stern tubes - welding and straightening.
  • 16. Mortars, necks, fillets, chairs, glasses and others - welding and welding.
  • 17. Butts, traverses, beams of overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of over 30 tons - welding.
  • 18. Sheathing OK, PR - welding of joints and grooves.
  • 19. Sheathing of external strong tanks and enclosures - welding and welding.
  • 20. Sheathing and frames of rescue devices, as well as coamings welded into them, rod devices - welding and welding.
  • 21. Sheathing and frames of containers - welding.
  • 22. Sheathing of internal strong tanks, recesses, partitions and sheets of impermeable bulkheads (stringers) - welding to each other and welding.
  • 23. Other capsules, chambers, nacelles, etc., operating at full outboard pressure - welding.
  • 24. Shelf sheets and a set of end strong bulkheads - welding and welding.
  • 25. Cloths and a set of interbody ties OK and equal-strength structures - welding and welding to OK.
  • 26. Sheets and sets of spacer platforms and impermeable bulkheads - welding and welding.
  • 27. Walls and stiffeners of the PTU frame, foundations of the main mechanisms - welding and welding.
  • 28. Removable sheets and fittings of the main body, item 21 - welding.
  • 29. The ends of a set of end bulkheads, external and internal tanks - welding to the shell of the OK and PC.
  • 30. Pipelines of the main and auxiliary steam - welding of fittings and offshoots under pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 31. Boiler pipes under test pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm), non-rotatable joints under strong pressure over 2.5 MPa (over 25 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 32. Pipelines - welding in hard-to-reach places with quality control of seams by X-ray.
  • 33. High-pressure pipelines with a working pressure of 40.0 MPa (400 kgf / sq.cm) and higher on floating drilling rigs - welding.
  • 34. Bimetallic pipes under pressure over 20.0 MPa (over 200 kgf / sq.cm) - straightening of flanges and welding.
  • 35. Welded seams - welding in hard-to-reach places using a mirror.

Gas-shielded welding:

  • 1. Heat exchangers made of aluminum and copper alloys under hydraulic pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 2. Armature made of tin bronze and siliceous brass - welding of defects under pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 3. Cylinders made of titanium alloys and corrosion-resistant steels under pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / cm 2) - welding.
  • 4. Portholes made of special alloys and steels under pressure over 20.0 MPa (over 200 kgf / cm2) - preliminary welding and welding into the body.
  • 5. Caps, shells, housings, covers, pipes made of non-ferrous metals - welding under pressure testing over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 6. Structures made of alloys and corrosion-resistant steels operating under pressure over 20.0 MPa (over 200 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 7. Special structures made of corrosion-resistant steels with a thickness of up to 2 mm, subjected to X-ray gammagraphy, hydro- and pneumatic tests under pressure over 5.0 MPa (over 50 kgf / sq.cm) - welding.
  • 8. Containers, housings made of corrosion-resistant steels - welding under pressure test over 5.0 MPa (over 50 kgf / sq.cm).
  • 9. Nozzles made of corrosion-resistant steels - welding of fixed joints.
  • 10. Pipe joints made of copper-nickel, copper, aluminum, titanium alloys, corrosion-resistant steels in systems with a pressure over 4.0 MPa (over 40 kgf / cm 2) - welding, welding of reinforcement.
  • 11. Joints of assembly bodies made of special steels and alloys - welding in hard-to-reach places.
  • 12. Pipelines made of corrosion-resistant steels under pressure over 5.0 MPa (over 50 kgf / sq.cm) - welding in hard-to-reach places using a mirror.
  • 13. Copper water desalination plants - welding under a pressure of 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / sq. Cm).


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of an electric and gas welder of the 2nd category [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A person with secondary vocational education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of an electric and gas welder of the 2nd category.

1.4. Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.6. In practice, the 2nd category electric and gas welder should be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • occupational health and safety rules, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.6. Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category should know:

  • installation of serviced electric welding and plasma cutting machines, gas welding equipment, automatic machines, semi-automatic machines and a plasmatron;
  • requirements for the weld and surfaces after air planing;
  • methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades;
  • properties and value of electrodes coatings;
  • the structure of the weld;
  • methods of testing them and types of control;
  • rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and welding;
  • rules for selecting a metal heating mode depending on the metal grade and its thickness;
  • causes of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products and measures to prevent them;
  • basic technological methods of welding and surfacing of parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys;
  • mode of cutting and gas consumption in oxygen and gas-electric cutting.

1.7. Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks for their intended purpose;
  • observance of performing and labor discipline;
  • observance of labor safety measures, maintenance of order, implementation of fire safety rules at the assigned work site (workplace).

1.8. During the temporary absence of the 2nd category electric and gas welder, his duties are assigned to [the name of the position of the deputy].

2. Functional responsibilities

Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Manual arc, plasma, gas welding, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys and of medium complexity of parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steel in all seam positions, except for the ceiling one.

2.2. Oxygen plasma straight and curved cutting in various positions of metals, simple and medium complexity of parts made of carbon and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys by hand marking on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines in all positions of the weld.

2.3. Manual oxyfuel cutting and cutting with gas-cutting and kerosene-cutting machines to the specified dimensions with the release of non-ferrous metal waste and with the preservation or cutting of machine units and parts.

2.4. Manual air arc planing of simple and medium complexity parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions.

2.5. Surfacing of cavities and cracks in parts, assemblies and castings of medium complexity.

2.6. Pre-heating and concurrent heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode. Reading drawings of varying complexity of parts, assemblies and structures.

In case of official necessity, an electric and gas welder of the 2nd category can be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

Electric and gas welder of the 2nd category has the right:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for the management's consideration.

3.3. Inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.

3.5. To involve specialists of all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.8. To pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

3.4. Improve your qualifications.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The electric and gas welder of the 2nd category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of his labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of an electric and gas welder of the 2nd category is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The attestation commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of an electric and gas welder of the 2nd category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The operating mode of the 2nd category electric and gas welder is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the electric and gas welder of the 2nd category is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Acquainted with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

§ 45. Electric and gas welder 2nd category

Attention! This qualification characteristic was excluded by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 9, 2018 N 215

Description of works. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting of light and heavy steel scrap with gasoline and kerosene machines. Manual arc, plasma, gas, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steel. Oxygen and plasma straight and curved cutting in the lower and vertical position of the weld by metal, as well as simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon steels by hand marking, on portable stationary and plasma cutting machines. Tacking of parts, products, structures in all spatial positions. Preparation of products, units and joints for welding. Cleaning of seams after welding and cutting. Protection of the back side of the weld during welding in shielded gases. Surfacing of simple parts. Elimination of cavities and cracks in simple parts, assemblies, castings. Heating of structures and parts during straightening. Reading simple drawings. Preparation of gas cylinders for work. Maintenance of portable gas generators.
Must know: device and principle of operation of serviced electric welding machines and apparatus for arc welding of alternating and direct current, gas-welding and gas-cutting equipment, gas generators, electric welding machines and semiautomatic devices, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; rules for the use of used burners, reducers, cylinders; methods and basic techniques of tacking; forms of cutting a seam for welding; rules for ensuring protection when welding in shielded gas; types of welded joints and types of seams; rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; basic properties of electrodes, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids used in welding; allowable residual gas pressure in cylinders; purpose and brands of fluxes used in welding; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; causes of defects during welding and methods of their prevention; gas flame characteristics; scrap dimensions according to the state standard.
Work examples
1. Tanks of transformers - supply of walls for automatic welding.
2. Cradle beams, sprung and bolster beams of all-metal cars and electric section cars - welding of reinforcing squares, guide and centering rings.
3. Railing shoes - cutting on the ship.
4. Rolling beams - welding of points, capturing strips along the marking.
5. Strikers and templates of steam hammers - fusing.
6. Axle-box, columnar and center bolts - fusion of working places.
7. Details of the frame of the side awning - tacking and welding.
8. Parts of metal containers - hot straightening.
9. Diaphragms of platform frames and metal gondola cars - ribs welding.
10. Foals - welding.
11. Rivets - head cutting.
12. Frames and details of brake platforms for freight cars and window frames for passenger cars - welding.
13. Covers and fences, lightly loaded units of agricultural machines - welding.
14. Casings of oil pumps and car filters - surfacing of shells in castings.
15. Header brackets, brake control rollers - welding.
16. Brackets for attaching the muffler to the vehicle frame - cracking.
17. Brackets for fastening mining equipment - welding.
18. Dump truck subframe brackets - welding.
19. Undercar lighting gutter covers - welding.
20. Corner sheets of inner and outer tram sheathing - welding of cuts.
21. Steel scrap for charge - cutting.
22. Spring pads and pads - welding.
23. Small flasks - welding of lugs.
24. Small-sized steel flasks - lug welding.
25. Steel and small iron castings - elimination of cavities in untreated places by melting.
26. Pallets for machine tools - welding.
27. Profits and annuals on steel castings up to 300 mm thick - cutting.
28. Transformer tank frames - welding.
29. Frames of bed mattresses, shell and rhombic nets - welding.
30. Receiving pipes - fusing of safety nets.
31. Car wing amplifiers - welding.
32. Hydraulic clamps for dump trucks - welding.
33. Foundations are irrelevant, small units made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels - semi-automatic welding on a rack.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts (Federal Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use


2nd category
Should be able to:
1. To carry out manual arc and plasma welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steel in the lower, vertical position of the weld.
2. Surfacing of simple irrelevant parts.
3. Heat up parts and products before welding.
4. Carry out tacking of parts and products and structures in all spatial positions of the weld.
Must know:
1. The principle of operation of electric welding machines and apparatus for AC and DC arc welding.
2. Rules for the maintenance of electric welding machines.
3. The procedure for preparing the edges of products for welding.
4. Types of cutting.
5. Basic properties of the applied electrodes, welded material and alloys.
6. Purpose and conditions for the use of instrumentation.
7. Causes of welding defects and ways to prevent them.
8. General information about welding in shielded gas.
9. Arrangement of gas-shielded non-consumable electrode torches.

3rd rank
Should be able to:
1. To carry out manual arc and plasma welding of parts, assemblies and structures of medium complexity from carbon steels and simple parts of their structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys in all spatial positions of the weld, except for the ceiling.
2. To produce manual arc oxygen cutting, planing of parts of medium complexity from low-carbon, alloy, special steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals in various positions.
3. To make surfacing of worn out simple tools, parts from carbon and structural steels.
4. Comply with labor safety requirements.
Must know:
1. The device of the used electric welding machines and welding machines.
2. Requirements for the weld and surfaces after oxyfuel cutting (planing).
3. Properties and value of electrode coatings.
4. The main types of control of welded seams.
5. Methods for selecting grades of electrodes depending on the grades of steel.
6. Causes of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products, measures to prevent them.
7. Rules for the organization of work at your workplace.


3rd rank
Should be able to:
1. To produce manual arc, plasma, gas, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as medium complexity of parts in all positions of the seam, except for the ceiling one.
2. Perform oxygen plasma straight and curved cutting of metal, simple and medium complexity of parts made of carbon and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys by manual marking on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines in all positions of the weld.
3. To carry out manual oxyfuel cutting and cutting with gas-cutting and kerosene-cutting devices to the specified dimensions with the release of non-ferrous metal waste and preserving or cutting out units and parts of machines.
4. To produce manual air arc planing of simple and medium complexity parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions.
5. To carry out surfacing of cavities and cracks in parts, assemblies and ebbs of medium complexity.
6. Perform preliminary and concurrent heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode.
Must know:
1. The device of serviced electric welding and plasma cutting machines, gas welding equipment, automatic machines, semiautomatic machines, as well as a plasmatron.
2. Requirement for weld and surface after air planing.
3. Methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades.
4. Properties and value of electrodes coatings.
5. The structure of the weld.
6. Rules for the preparation of parts and assemblies for welding and welding.
7. The rules for selecting the heating mode of the metal depending on its grade and thickness.
8. Causes of internal stresses and deformation in the welded products, measures to prevent them.
9. Basic technological methods of welding and surfacing of parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, cutting mode and gas consumption in oxygen and gas-electric cutting.

4th grade
Characteristics of works:
Manual arc and gas welding of medium complexity of parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines from structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys and complex parts of assemblies, structures and pipelines from carbon steels in all spatial positions of the weld.
Manual oxygen plasma and gas straight-line and figured cutting with gas-cutting and kerosene-cutting machines on portable, stationary and plasma-cutting machines in various positions of complex parts made of various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys according to the marking. Oxygen cutting of parts made of high-chromium and chromium-nickel steels and cast iron. Oxygen cutting of ship objects afloat. Automatic and mechanized welding of medium complexity and complex devices, assemblies, pipeline structures from various articles, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
Manual electric arc air planing of complex and critical parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Welding of cast iron structures. Surfacing of defects of complex parts of machines, mechanisms, structures and castings for machining and test pressure. Hot straightening of complex and critical structures. Reading drawings of complex welded steel structures.
Must know:
The device of various electric welding and gas-cutting equipment, automatic and semi-automatic machines, features of welding and electric arc planing on alternating and direct current; basic laws of electrical engineering within the work performed; types of defects in welded seams and methods for their prevention and elimination; basic information about the weldability of metals; mechanical properties of weldability of metals; principles of selection of the welding mode by devices; brands and types of electrodes; general information on the methods of obtaining and storing the most common gases: acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, propane-butane, used in gas welding; alloy steel flame cutting process.

Gas welder

2nd category
Characteristics of works: gas welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures of their carbon steels in the lower and vertical positions of the weld. Surfacing of simple irrelevant parts. Elimination of cavities and cracks by surfacing in simple tides. Heating of structures and parts during straightening.
Should know: the principles of operation of serviced gas welding machines, gas generators, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; types of welded joints and seams; preparation of product edges for welding; types of sections and designation of welds in drawings; basic properties of gases and liquids used in welding; allowable residual gas pressure in cylinders; purpose and brands of fluxes used in welding; causes of welding defects; characteristic of a gas flame.

3rd rank
Characteristics of works: gas welding of medium complexity of units, parts and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels and simple parts made of non-ferrous metals and alloys in all spatial positions of the weld, except for ceiling positions. Elimination of cavities and cracks in parts and nodes of medium complexity by hardfacing. Hard-facing of simple parts. Pre-heating and concurrent heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode.
Should know: the device of the serviced and gas-welding equipment; the structure of welds and methods of testing them; basic properties of the metals being welded; rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and surfacing; rules for choosing the heating mode for metals depending on its thickness grade; causes of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products and measures to prevent them; basic technological methods of welding and surfacing of parts made of steel, non-ferrous metals and cast iron.


2nd category
Characteristics of works: automatic and mechanized welding of simple units, parts and structures of carbon and structural steels. Maintenance of installations for automatic electroslag welding and automatic machines of special designs when welding structures under the guidance of a highly qualified electric welder. Tacking of parts, products, structures in all spatial positions by semiautomatic devices. Preparation of metal for welding. Surfacing of defects in parts and castings. Cleaning of parts and products for automatic and mechanized welding. Installation of parts and products in fixtures. Refueling with electrode wire. Reading simple drawings.
Should know: the principle of operation of the used electric welding machines and semiautomatic devices; basic information about the applied power supplies; types of welded joints and seams; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; rules for preparing metal for welding; the main properties of the used electrode wire, fluxes, shielding gas and welded metals and alloys; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; general information about automatic and mechanized welding; causes of metal deformation during welding and methods of its prevention.

3rd rank
Characteristics of works: automatic and mechanized welding using a plasmatron in all spatial positions of the weld of medium complexity of devices, units, parts, structures and pipelines made of carbon and structural steels. Surfacing of simple and medium complexity parts and assemblies. Automatic microplasma welding. Maintenance of installations for automatic electroslag welding and automatic machines for welding structures.
Should know: the device used welding machines, semiautomatic devices, plasma torches and power sources; properties and purpose of welding materials; main types of control of welded seams; selection of welding materials; causes of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products and measures to prevent them; establishment of welding modes according to the specified parameters.

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