Toy rental as a business. Renting baby products is a great idea for small businesses. Whether to take an office

Children's toys can not only bite with sharp edges into bare feet, but also bring a stable income. In this article, we will tell you how the largest toy rental in the capital began its work, how much effort and money it took, and also what misconceptions and difficulties await a novice businessman in this area. Read the interview with Marina Spiryakina, the owner of the Vishenka rental network. Read and memorize - this is the quintessence of experience and real practice.

How did you come up with the idea to create a rental car "Cherry"? What do you consider the starting point?

Already in the sixth month of pregnancy, I was thinking about creating a business on maternity leave, and not drowning in cereals and diapers. On New Year went to friends in Ivanovo and were surprised at the huge toys in a small apartment. It turned out rolling. Friends talked about the lease, and when I returned to Moscow, I created groups on social networks and started inviting mothers. Interestingly, the owner of the Ivanovo rental has become my client in Moscow, and we are very friendly with her - the world is so small!

There is a chasm between the idea and the implementation. Tell us about the first steps. How did you define a niche, promote it, look for suppliers?

Building a business is like raising a child. There are sleepless nights, tears, and screams. And then first small, and later big joys. I tried to create business plans, looked at competitors, but since the field was just developing, I relied more on intuition. I looked at the demand, acted by trial and error. At first I copied the assortment from other rentals, but after two months I decided that I had my own way.

I always try to please the client. It was difficult at first, but I got used to it:

  • answered calls around the clock, even when you want to sleep or you put your baby to bed;
  • worked as a courier, delivered goods, showed how to turn everything on / off;
  • dragged boxes and swings;
  • but it's scary to think about washing and quartzing - something was constantly drying in the bathroom.

But for me it is important that the client is confident in the purity of the goods, so that it is convenient for him to call at any time and receive a service, so that it is convenient to get to the center at any time and rent it. The most difficult thing was to work in this mode for the first six months. I gave out the goods from home, and the whole one-room apartment was lined with car seats, play centers and all sorts of toys, and we maneuvered between them.

Whoever our client is, we value and respect him.

We are always happy to help, advise on the assortment, answer any questions. We are sincerely happy if the thing came in handy, liked it, helped out. The only thing we ask our clients about is to take good care of the rented things. After all, then she will go to another mother or baby.

I immediately decided for myself that I would give out toys seven days a week, as late as possible, and without collateral. Children are born every day, they do not know holidays and weekends, but many car rentals close early, and people can go home from work even at 12 at night. A pledge is extra money that can be spent on a child and you don't want to give it away, even if only temporarily.

What were the investments? If it's not a secret, did you quickly turn into a plus?

On mothers' forums they constantly write "take those toys that you got from your child - and now the mini-rental is ready." I had the opposite situation, at first everything was bought for rental, and after the birth of my son, everything was tested on him. There were practically no investments - only my monthly maternity payments. I immediately tried to ensure that the rental provided itself. After six months of work, I saw that the profit, albeit small, but stable, and I decided to rent an office - and more solid, and the goods have where to put. The first year we worked at zero, but I got invaluable experience and hired the first employee.

For the first two years, we only used social media, word of mouth and free sites for posting. The first client came from a neighboring house - walking with a huge belly, I was posting advertisements in my area. Now we are already trying Yandex.Direct, placement in various media, we are filming television.

It is important for any entrepreneur to understand who he works for. Who is your target audience? Describe it. What does she like? What does he believe in? What are her character traitsthat can be recognized from afar?

At first, I saw only mummies among the clients who want to save money and at the same time get a high-quality large-sized toy. Gradually, another audience was defined:

  1. Parents who are tired for a couple of months from a newborn baby and do not understand what to do, how to relax their back and entertain the baby.
  2. There are traveling couples who have enough childish goodness, but for a short time they need a hipseat, a railway playpen or a super compact stroller for a trip.
  3. Also grandparents, to whom relatives come from other cities or from abroad. They need baby products for a week or two, and they understand perfectly well that next year the baby will grow up and the highchair or crib will no longer be needed.

You probably hear objections often. Do people have doubts about renting? What is the most common explanation?

I call rental a social business because we help people more than we make money from it. In Russia, this service was forgotten, but in soviet times rented strollers, TVs, washing machines, and everyone was happy! People are very surprised to hear about children's goods rental: "And what, and that is?"

Therefore, the complexity of business is that it is necessary to form a sphere, create rental culture car seats, strollers and toys. Monetization is low, since toys are expensive and rent is very cheap. In our rental, the cost of renting a toy or a car seat is comparable to renting in Anapa or Arkhangelsk, but spending on rent, salaries, couriers, etc. much higher.

What product is in the greatest demand for you? Are there any "seasonal" products?

All products can be called seasonal. Even things for newborns, which seem to be born all the time, have a season or, as we call it "waves". This is a trend that exists in our box office. For example, we have five electric swings a week, which nobody needs for a week or two, but then a "wave" came, and they were not even enough for everyone! Strollers and car seats are mostly bought in the summer, while the demand for toys grows in winter. We can even track: good weather - everyone is running after strollers, bad - give a toy to entertain the child.

A child can damage or break an expensive toy. How do you protect things?

Oddly enough, but parents break toys more often. This is because we keep toys from famous brands. They are of very high quality, and you need to try to break something in them. In extreme cases, you can lose. But broken handles on strollers, lost car seat parts are not uncommon. The attitude towards rental things is negligent, but we always discuss with clients and go to the world. We forgive minor mischief, but the rental has not yet experienced major losses.

How do you work with the consumer? Is there a system of discounts, bonuses, promotions?

Quite recently, it was calculated that almost all of our clients are regulars. People love stability - if they once took the goods and everything was fine with them, they will not look for another rental. If a client takes things from us for the second time - automatically a 10% discount, the more often - the more bonuses. 15-50% discounts, free shipping, and more. We love regular customers. In addition, we have a club card, thanks to which our clients can get discounts on children's products, beauty services and even delicious cakes.

Another stereotype: “A toy is a personal item. Hygiene after all. " Do you have to prove that the rental is safe? If so, how do you ensure the toys are clean?

Very rarely, a mother who is afraid to take a toy after someone will turn to rent. Basically, these are people who trust us, although there were cases when strollers were smelled and toys were checked with a luminometer (hygiene monitoring device). Regular customers know that the goods are brought to us from cleaning. In addition, quartz lamps are everywhere at the point of issue, and this calms people down.

How do you choose suppliers? Does the product you are renting belong to you?

There are goods that we buy used - but these are isolated cases and only in perfect condition. Basically, we buy new things for rental. Even taking into account the fact that the item came from the store shelf, its lifespan is 1 year, maximum 2 years - either the product comes in a "non-rental" form, or some important parts are lost. All our goods are the property of the "Vishenka" rental, other online platforms are engaged in sublease and promotion of rental ideas. For example Next2U.

How not to miscalculate with prices? Imagine the agony of a budding entrepreneur. What percentage of the item's value should be the rental price? Is there a formula?

In the beginning, I focused on competitors. I do not accept dumping - this is bad competition, and, unlike many rentals, I also have to pay employees' salaries seven days a week and rent for several rooms. The formula is simple - in a year the thing should pay for itself, recoup the costs (rent, cleaning, depreciation, downtime, salary) and bring a profit of at least 10%, otherwise it makes no sense to have such a thing at the box office. This formula does not apply to all products, but it works.

Many entrepreneurs start with glowing eyes and rub their hands - now I’ll make money! But in fact, it turns out that he did not calculate how much cleaning will cost after each client, storage, purchase of spare parts, the time when the thing does not give up, but simply takes up space and much more. Therefore, there are so many beginners who do not think about and close the rental after six months, a year, or even several years of work.

You offer franchise partnerships in different cities. Tell us more about what it takes to become your partner?

You need to fill out a partner's questionnaire, have initial capital and a desire to work. The cost of the franchise is much lower than the market one, and the advantages from experience, knowledge, a working website, name, etc. - are immeasurable.

"Cherry" rental franchisees receive:

  • site in the top 10 in search engines;
  • consulting, information and marketing support at every stage of work;
  • unique experience we have accumulated in large and small cities of Russia;
  • centralized procurement, minimizing costs, increasing income;
  • as well as the help of designers, programmers, accountants, lawyers and specialists in children's goods.

What cities do you work in? Are there city priorities or plans?

We work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the nearest Moscow region: Chekhov, Serpukhov, Podolsk. There is no goal to sell as many franchises as possible - we want to see adequate, loving people among our partners. While we are selling franchises in a quiet mode, we are honing the experience of managing and maintaining the first franchisee partners, but now the results are impressive. Their joy and gratitude is the best payment, because it is so important not to disappoint a business partner, but to serve as support and support for him. Our mission is to create a network of unique services that help parents to comfortably raise, care for, educate and travel with their kids.

The standard question is: why you? Where do you surpass your competitors?

I will illustrate the answer with a real case. The client called today at 9 am, and at 10 am he was already at one of the pick-up points, selected goods and ordered delivery for today. “You are the only rental that really works! I called at two more - some have no delivery at all, others have a large deposit and half of my list is not available. " It was a young grandfather who needed a car seat, a highchair and a crib for a visiting baby. No days off, no deposit, reasonable prices, friendly staff, the largest assortment in Moscow - all this is about our "Vishenka" rental.

For two years now I regular customer and a rental fan - I know for sure that this service is necessary and important. Like any resident of the capital, my apartment is a springboard for guests from all over the country. But I am not afraid of families with any number of children. We arrange children's party or you just want a new toy - please, everything that is not in the armor and while you can freely take it for a week.

The world has proved to us that the rental does not exist in vain and everything that is written about it is the purest truth. We take a dry pool for exactly 3 days, once every 3-4 months, from a train and cars of delight for a maximum of 2 weeks, and from electric swings and play centers it has long grown, although he loved them so much! His joy does not have time to cool down - he forgets about toys for some time and opens them again, as if it were a freshly bought item in a store. Well, rental is practical. Before buying a car seat, Mir traveled on all models from our rental and found the most comfortable one for himself, in which he traveled perfectly from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back.

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Three children - it would seem that this is a job in itself. But the heroic Siberian mother of many children Svetlana Saprykina also works in a serious IT company, and she also has small business, as they say, for the soul - the company for the rental of children's toys "It's time to play!". With this project, she is helped not only by her husband, but also by the children - they test toys. Svetlana Saprykina told the website about how to create a business with a baby in her arms and combine family, employment and her own business.

“I always had thoughts about my business”

I started working as a student, in my third year as an office manager advertising company, then to the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Novosibirsk. Motivation - to make money: I always wanted to have my own money, and not only the money given by my parents. I wrote theses and term papers for classmates for money. I studied very well, knew a lot and could provide such services. This allowed me to further develop in my specialty and earn money.

I come from the city of Bolotnoye, Novosibirsk region. Mum - medical worker, now retired. Dad was an entrepreneur, a grocery dealer, and a shopkeeper. But dad died early. It turns out that I picked up his entrepreneurial baton.

I have always had thoughts about my business. I discussed ideas with my parents. At the same time, I always wanted some kind of soulfulness from the business, so that my business would bring me pleasure, that I would like to do it. But I didn’t want a little thing. And there was no resource and experience to organize something worthwhile. Therefore, after graduating from college, I went to a hired job.

At Dolphin, a medical technology company now bought by an international pharmaceutical corporation, I was responsible for marketing and advertising. Development of a strategy, planning and promotion of advertising, filming in Moscow, promotion in pharmacies, the work of pharmaceutical representatives - all this was on me. In 2015, during my decree, I was offered a job in the 2GIS franchisee network. And I always wanted to work for this company. I coordinated everything with my family and went to work. Half a day in the office, half a day at home I worked. I didn't tear myself away from the child too much. And when I had to go on a business trip to Tyumen, I took my daughter Valeria with me, who was eight months old.

"Why wasn't this in my childhood?"

And here we are in Tyumen, in a rented apartment. A highchair was needed. I was told that it could be rented. And when I found a company where I could take this chair, I saw that they provide services for renting toys. It was a discovery for me. Looked at the assortment. There were cool educational toys, I didn't even know about many of them and had never seen them in stores.

I delved deeper into the topic, learned about the leading toy manufacturers - these are about a dozen American and European manufacturers, global brands, such as Fisher-Price, VTech, Little Tikes and others, they make very cool educational toys.

For example, large development centers for the development of fine and gross motor skills. There is a large tower with balls, there are about 20 melodies in it, great acoustics, it works as a music center, encourages a child to get up, put balls in certain places, dance, learn music. This is a cool toy that will interest a child for a month or two. It really stimulates development, and I observe this in my children.

The railway, on which the train itself travels, transports animals, and at the same time also teaches the alphabet, shapes, colors. Kitchens, supermarkets, car tracks ... Various role-playing toys: workshop, kitchen, with a bunch of small parts made of very high quality plastic, non-toxic, durable. There are a huge number of such toys that we cannot even imagine! When I saw it, I thought - why was it not in my childhood ?!

Of our toys, play centers for babies are very popular among mothers with children from 6 to 9 months. They are interesting, cool, but if you buy it yourself, it costs 20 thousand rubles, even used - 10-15 thousand. And this is for a child for three months, and then he begins to try to walk, and this play center immediately becomes uninteresting to him. Even wealthy parents will not buy such toys for their children. It takes up a lot of space, you can sell it only at least three times cheaper. Therefore, stores do not carry such toys - there is no demand. On russian market such toys have never appeared.

"It was both joyful and scary"

The idea to create a rental of children's toys hooked me and from the point of view of business - this is an unusual service, in Novosibirsk there was no such thing, and as a mother I wanted to give my child all the best. While I was in Tyumen, I talked to the owner of the business, and she told me which categories of goods are in the greatest demand.

By October 2015, we are ripe. Together with her husband Artyom, we decided that to begin with, we would invest in the free 200 thousand rubles. For this amount we made our first purchase, one and a half dozen items - walkers, jumpers, electric swings, sun loungers, arenas, scales, electric cars, slides, trampolines. On average, the price of toys from our first purchase was 5-7 thousand rubles.

We decided to promote through social networks - VKontakte and Instagram. On October 8, 2015, the first announcements were posted - and on the same day they received a request for a walker. We went to take them with my husband. We were very happy - the process has started! And at the same time - we washed these walkers, packed them, took them away, spent so much time on one client ... We immediately figured that if there were a lot of orders, we would not be able to handle it ourselves.

It was both joyful and scary. What if we can't? After all, everyone has a serious job that brings in income much higher than was implied from the rental. When orders came, the first week, the first month it took a lot of time and effort, we thought that we would not be able to run both the business and the main work in parallel. In general, there were doubts. But we didn’t quit. They didn't give up a month, the second, the third ...

The first year we worked together with my husband. I collected orders during the day, and Artyom delivered them in the evenings after work. Novosibirsk is a huge city, from six to seven in the evening and at least until ten in the evening it delivered orders.

Every day, no days off, no free evenings at all. He is the boss in his office, and in our business he is the driver. From time to time he rebelled, saying: "Why is all this, hard, a lot of costs, little return." But we got over it. We liked to see satisfied parents, children, happy that they were brought a toy, it motivated. We were charged with this energy, it helped us to develop.

The money is not that big here. But you bring joy to the house. You are like Santa Claus every day, and this warms up first of all. This business brings tremendous emotional returns. That is why I still do this.

"There is perspective and demand"

In 2015, we determined the prices for the rental of toys, focusing on the experience of Tyumen, our calculation of payback and the reaction of potential customers. On the one hand, we understood that a toy must pay off before it becomes unusable. On the other hand, the service is new for Novosibirsk, people reacted ambiguously. We put on an electric swing for 400 rubles a week, we didn't take them, and a week later we reduced the price to 250 rubles. We had to expand the audience, so that they were taken at least just for the sake of interest, and told to friends.

In the first three months, it became clear that there is a prospect and demand, and that this should be developed. It is clear that our potential clients are all families with children in Novosibirsk, and these are thousands of people. But at the same time, when at a certain moment it seemed to us that we could do nothing, and people themselves would come thanks to word of mouth, this quickly turned into a decrease in the flow. That is, you have to constantly do something to promote, look for new places, a new audience, and then it will bring new customers. But this, I think, is everywhere. Now you just have to calm down, and they immediately forget about you.

We have marketing plan... IN our group "VKontakte" now there are more than 3 thousand people. We carry out promotions, discounts. We participate in events where there are many parents with children, we distribute flyers and leaflets.

There is a seasonality in our business: fewer calls in summer, more in winter. On average - from two to ten calls per day. At least sixty a month.

On average, the rental period is two weeks. The child has time to play enough during this time, it is not necessary to take away the toy with tears. He is not attached to a large toy the way he is attached to some teddy bear or doll. If, very rarely, the child has not played enough, then the rental of the toy can be extended. But, as a rule, parents take another instead of one toy, so that the child is generally satisfied.

After rental, we disinfect each toy: we remove visible dirt, we wash fabric parts with hypoallergenic powder, plastic parts with my soapy solution or hypoallergenic child care product. Then we treat the toy with a steam generator, disinfect it with an antibacterial solution, and finally put it under a quartz lamp. And only after that we pack. When there is an epidemic of colds in the city, toys are processed according to an enhanced program.

We sign a contract with clients that stipulates the responsibility of the tenant. Toys are toys, but business is business. The toy can be broken, damaged, the electronic part can be flooded with something. There have been cases where clients have paid compensation. There were no hopeless breakdowns in two years, but toys had to be repaired. If even after the repair the toy does not look good, we remove it from the assortment and sell it cheaply.

"Our kids love our business"

First hired worker, a courier, appeared with us a year later, in the fall of 2016. Now, in addition to the courier, we have an administrator and a specialist for processing toys.

We only recently moved to an office, and so for almost two years the whole business was at our home. This was not a problem - some toys were brought in, others were taken away, it did not take up much space. But our children were very happy. They love our business. Although they have already learned everything inside and out, when there is an opportunity to bring a free toy home, the children always play with pleasure. They know which button to press, what chips are in each toy. Now we have transported the toys to the office, and my three-year-old daughter Valeria asks there, for her to go to the office is a joy: to look at the toys, what's new.

I myself am still torn when I see a new toy. Until now, I first collect it myself, play enough with the children as it should, and then I give it to work ...

Toys are divided into categories depending on the age of the children, we develop each category, update the assortment. Each category has its own "pyramid of popularity", its own hits. An absolute hit - Little Tikes playhouse for children from 8 months to 2.5 years old. There are real windows, a door, a music panel, it can be expanded, or you can assemble it like a house. By itself, it costs 12 thousand rubles, and we have 450 rubles per week of rental.

Now prices are in "It's time to play!" are such. Tolokar train (training steam locomotive) - 300 rubles per week, 400 rubles for two weeks, 600 rubles for four weeks. Game center "Zoo" Bright Stars - 500 rubles per week, 700 rubles for two weeks, 950 rubles for four weeks. Elephant slide and swing - 700 rubles per week, 1000 rubles for two weeks, 1500 rubles for four weeks. Smoby Tefal Studio kitchen - 400 rubles per week, 600 rubles for two weeks, 800 rubles for four weeks. One of the most expensive toys - a children's sports complex with a slide, rings, a net, a swing - will cost 1,300 rubles for two weeks, 1,800 rubles for four weeks.

We now have about 200 different toys. We are still investing in business, until now the assortment is expanding every week by several items.

We live off the salaries we get at our main jobs, and we invest in everything that we earn at the box office. We are constantly looking at what else to buy. We know which toy is better to buy in terms of demand and payback. We order most of the toys in America. Air delivery is fast, but more expensive. By water - cheaper, but two months. Customs clearance is all in Moscow. Sometimes there are questions, additional documents are required. But I personally haven’t had to travel yet. All toys go to work immediately upon arrival.

Based on my experience, I can say that toy rental as a business is perfect for mothers with small children, pregnant women, housewives. I have three children: the eldest daughter Alena, middle Valeria (with whom we were together in Tyumen), the youngest son Maxim, he is now nine months old. When they ask me how pregnancy and the birth of a son were combined with business, I answer: "Great!" As an administrator, I managed everything. If you have someone to deliver toys and to whom to handle them, then everything is successfully combined.

  • With an initial investment of 200-250 thousand rubles, rental with a good range of toys and high-quality marketing and promotion can earn about 30 thousand rubles a month.
After us, several toy rentals appeared in Novosibirsk, but this is from the category of home business: they have an assortment of two dozen toys, and they are not ready to invest a lot of money in development. And now we are issuing our service "It's time to play!" as a franchise - we develop documentation, determine the cost, I think everything will be ready by December.

The career of an entrepreneur on Maria Popova, a mother of three children, almost fell out of the sky: for family reasons, her friend Galina had to leave Moscow. In the capital, Galina still has a business - rental of children's toys, which Maria has been successfully developing for a year.

"I seem to have adopted another child"

Maria immediately makes a reservation - the innovative idea of \u200b\u200brenting toys belongs to her friend Galina Voronina, who brought her from Tomsk in 2012. “I practically adopted a child, because for Gali this business was a child. She started from scratch - with 20 toys and three clients. "

However, life turned out in such a way that Galina had to return to native city with two children - her husband died of cancer.

“Initially, Galina had the idea that she would take all the toys to Tomsk in order to rent them there too. I needed to buy the entire assortment, which I began to do with her help. - recalls Maria. - We were looking for rare toys on Avito - something that can no longer be found in stores, because it has been discontinued, but at the same time it was in demand at its box office. They also ordered through Ebay, from her suppliers with whom she works. "

Maria's total investments in business amounted to 800 thousand rubles. “500 thousand rubles were spent on the purchase of toys,” comments Maria, “then it turned out that Gali’s husband died, she didn’t open the rental shop - she had another idea. And Galina's toys also stayed with me. We later sold some part. As a result, if we are talking about the amount that I gave, it is 800 thousand. "

"Children's" money - for children's business

Decision to open own business was not easy to accept. On the one hand, Maria argues, being an entrepreneur is the dream of most residents of the capital. Working around the clock for an “uncle” in an intense rhythm is so exhausting that over time the idea of \u200b\u200b“working for oneself” turns into an American dream.

“I am an economist by education, a bank worker,” says Maria. - Five years before that I worked in a bank - this was my very first job. And then my child was born. With him we became clients of the rental, made friends with Galya. " Then Maria immediately had twins. It was not possible to leave for work from the decree. In addition, I realized that working in a bank is not what I would like to get out of life. “I understood that I had the following options: either I go to work as a cashier in the nearest store to be closer to the children, or at McDonald's, or I sit further on my husband’s neck, which is also not very possible with three children.”

Maria had only a week to think about opening a business. “It was hard for me to make up my mind, because I needed to invest money.

At that time, Maria had savings, which consisted of "children's" money. “I am a mother of three children. There was money for the first child, then for two more. They accumulated, and we had the idea to invest them in a subsequent mortgage or somewhere else. Still, 500 thousand. But it was decided to invest in the business because it worked. It was clear that Galya is her own person, she is my friend and is unlikely to just “push” her business. ”

A friend helped Mary to decide, who said that in order to understand whether it is yours or never again in your life to associate yourself with entrepreneurship, you need to try. “Now this is our business,” sums up Maria.

The business is really “ours”. Mary's husband is directly involved in his development. On it - repairing toys, "on weekends he comes to solder and tighten." In addition, thanks to the spouse, it is possible to implement the second pickup point. "He works on the other side of Moscow, and in our contacts we indicate that pickup is possible from the place where he works."

"I had to flounder somehow"

Despite the fact that Maria had a well-oiled and working business idea and a popular product in her hands, she had to develop toy rental from scratch. “In this business,” explains Maria, “when there is a gap for a couple of months, it drowns everything out. I had to work out everything anew, then I had to develop my skills. Initially, Galya promised me support, but could not give it, and I found myself in the state of a child thrown out of the boat, who is taught to swim. And I had to flounder. "

“Initially we invested a lot. However, at the end of the year, my investment probably paid off. " There are more clients, but there are some nuances in this issue. “Since the moment I have been in this business, the client base has hardly grown, because while I hesitated, several more rentals opened in Moscow. And the clients were distributed geographically. "

However, compared to other rentals, Mary's rentals have a clear competitive advantage - the widest assortment in Moscow.

Today Mary's rental offers more than 300 unique toys for children from 0 to 5 years old. The rental price starts from 200 rubles. per week and 500 rubles. per month for one toy.

The rental of toys is promoted on the social network Vkontakte, and will soon appear on Instagram. The rental site is under revision. “There are also leaflets that are distributed throughout the district,” says Maria. - We pin great hopes on delivery. Previously, there was only self-pickup, which stopped potential customers. "

“There is seasonality in this business,” Maria explains. - I have slides, swings, large complexes that people take to their dachas in the summer. We raise prices for them a little in the summer, because using them in the country increases depreciation. Starting in September, people come to buy ordinary toys that they play at home. "

Today, according to Maria, in the "good" months the net profit from the rental is 60 thousand rubles, in the "bad" - 30 thousand rubles.

How emotions saved from McDonald's

Life experience has shown that in Maria's business, the main thing is customer focus. “I had a moment when the landlord behaved ugly. I moved into the premises, and a month later they drove me out of there, because another tenant was found. I had to organize the move again.

I stood with lowered hands and thought: “I’ll sell everything to hell, tired, I’ll go to work at McDonald’s and I won’t think about anything.” And then a girl comes in, returns the order to me - she organized her son's birthday - enthusiastic, tells how great and cool it was. And I understand that for the sake of these emotions you need to work. When you bring joy to people, it's great. When you understand that thanks to you children can play all this ”.

Intelligent consumption theory

Maria believes that the main problem of the business is that people do not know that toy rentals exist in principle. In addition, all consumers are divided into two categories - the first is ready to use used toys.

“These people calmly wear out things after someone, finish playing with toys,” says Maria. But there is also a second category. People who relate to her are deeply convinced that children should wear only new clothes and shoes, play only with new toys. “I myself am from the first category,” notes the owner of the rental. - This, which is finally coming into fashion. Because it makes no sense to litter both the house and the nearby garbage dumps with broken toys. In addition, Maria is sure that it is better to rent a toy for a child that costs 5-7 thousand rubles, than to buy a cheap analogue that will break down in a week.

“If we talk about bias, cleanliness, etc., then we provide everything,” says Maria. - Every toy that comes in is washed, washed, treated with special solutions used in operating rooms, and quartzed. We are for cleanliness! "

Toys "live" for a long time

When renting a thing, there is a risk of getting it back broken. However, Maria's solution to this problem is debugged.

“When a person comes to me, we draw up a contract with him, in which the estimated value of this toy is spelled out. This estimated value changes downward over time. There are different types breakdowns. When I see that the toy is broken due to the fact that it is old (somewhere the contact has moved away, the button is out of order), then I don't take anything from the client for that. If I see that it has been filled with juice, or, for example, the bottom of the trampoline is torn out entirely, then the clients pay the estimated value specified in the contract. There are times when the toy needs repair or some part is lost - here we amicably agree. There were times when people behaved inappropriately, but these are the risks that you take in any business. For every hundred normal people, there will be one abnormal, you need to be ready for this. "

The toys that are really loved by the rental customers surprise with their durability.

“We have one table,” says Maria, “which has long been discontinued, it was bought on ebay already used. He is 7-8 years old, but amazing. Both children and parents love him, he blows air, very funny. The term is not so much due to the quality of the toy as to how it will be used. Almost all toys in the box office are more than a year old, some - 2-3.

"Let everything go as it goes"

Maria does not seek to actively expand her business today. The hostess is satisfied with the current stage of development. “When everything was just beginning, my husband and I dreamed that now we will open the network, here we will have five points, here five more, and so on. However, when you run into the fact that it takes exactly a year to find a normal sane courier for adequate money, and to work in the network you will need to find many adequate people, and also not very expensive premises. Everything is complicated, and specifically I am not capable of it. Maybe when I have more free time and experience, it will turn into a network. "

Maria believes that the network is not a cost-effective idea. In her opinion, those same 5-6 rentals in Moscow completely calmly embraced her and so far there is enough for everyone.

“I am used to living by this saying: 'If you want to do well, do it yourself.' Therefore, I do not see the development of business geographically. I won't be able to work at three points at the same time, but to find sane conscientious people - a big problem... However, we develop from within and work with the loyalty of our customers. Now we are introducing bonus card programs, i.e. people rent toys and receive bonus points for this on a virtual card. "

Lyudmila Bulavkina, co-founder of the rental service:

Our service appeared in the middle of 2014 and at first half consisted of offers for renting children's goods. Two years later, we also see toys and baby products as the second most popular both in the catalog of offers and in the number of orders.

The situation is similar throughout the country: baby products are a popular segment for temporary use, exchange and rental.

The cost of children's goods is growing every year, families are focused on having more than one child, and while waiting for the second, they are not ready to part with strollers - playpens forever.

During the break between children, renting things out is the best way not to litter the house and make money on the property. Some of our users seriously abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bselling a bored car seat, and preferred to rent it, since the profit is greater, and the thing does not lose its usefulness and returns to the family.

A long-awaited joyful event happened in the family - a baby appeared. However, the birth of a new person is always accompanied by expensive expenses. The kid needs - a stroller, playpen, crib, clothes and toys and a lot of useful and necessary things! With this you can work and earn and will tell you how to do it.

It will take a lot of money to purchase all the things a child needs. However, the baby grows "by leaps and bounds," and he will not need many of the things acquired by caring parents in a few months. What to do?!

Considering the fact that many young parents cannot always purchase all the necessary goods at once, a somewhat forgotten service - the rental of goods - is becoming increasingly important.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba new line of business lies in the rental of various children's goods. The interesting thing is that this business can be started practically from scratch. If, for example, you are a neat young mom and you have quite a lot of children's things, children's furniture or toys in good condition, it is very profitable for you to rent them out.

Toy rental as a business

So, starting your business with only the things of your own child at your disposal, you can gradually expand the range of goods and services. Having collected additional funds, you can offer in the future to young parents already 2, 5, and then 10 baby carriages.

The same conditions apply when renting walkers, car seats, baby cots, playpens. As you develop your business successfully, you will continually increase the number of rental items available.

A special place in the business of children's clothes for rent is occupied by children's toys.

Toy rental

Young mothers know well that babies get tired of even the most expensive toys quickly enough. Therefore, it is very important and rational not to spend money on expensive toys, but to rent them for a child, then replace them with others. Practice shows that it is much more interesting and effective!

For a start, you can buy a small number of toys: musical toys, a small trampoline, an electric car, a tent with a tunnel, etc. their kids.

Toy rental business for children

Of course, not everything will turn out the way you want. We'll have to declare ourselves through social networks, and through advertisements in local newspapers. It is wise to order flyers or business cards from your local print shop. You can distribute them in mailboxes, in children's development centers, where there are many young mothers.

Then you can already intuitively feel what will be in demand and what should not be purchased. Working from home, a young mother does not work at all, she always remains a "full-fledged" mother!

In the future, you can order toys monthly in Europe and America, in China. It is more profitable to expand the assortment of toys at the request of parents. Agree, it's so nice - having time to do everything, to remain the most popular, successful and happy!

Is the toy business profitable?

This idea is very good, but is it profitable for an entrepreneur? After all, the toys offered for rent are expensive (about 3 thousand rubles). Their cost pays off, perhaps, not earlier than in six months, and only then they bring income. However, in practice, the payback period for toys is much less than six months.

Many parents take a toy for a couple of weeks, then come for a new toy. It is beneficial if the entrepreneur mom works from home. She can serve clients almost always - on weekends, holidays, in the evening.

Toys are stored in one of the rooms, most of them are kept by clients. All toys must be disinfected without fail. After the return of each of them, the toy is washed or washed, additionally it is quartzed with an ordinary quartz lamp.

Toy rental documentary

First of all, you should register your IP in tax office and work calmly.

Since rental is not a sale of goods, in Russian legislation it is included in the category of services to the population. The activities of an individual entrepreneur engaged in the rental of toys are checked only by the tax office.

In addition, for the correct accounting of toys, customers are issued a contract, an act of delivery and acceptance of the toy. Instead cashier's check a strict reporting form is offered.

The approximate payback period for the toy rental business is about one and a half years. An interesting fact is that this type of business is just beginning to gain momentum. By developing this project today, you have every chance to acquire a stable client base. When there are many competitors, you will have a whole army of young parents who will gladly recommend you to their friends and acquaintances!

Happy toy rental business!


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